Gillian Maddigan Psychosomatic Body Language | Coach
Gillian Maddigan Psychosomatic Body Language
Phone: +61 416 179 128
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25.01.2022 This is me! 25 years of experience is why I can get to root of an issue, challenge and get specific with speed and accuracy in an assessment, which is also reflected in the investment that I charge. 1. If you want assessment fast and accurate as a start of change DM me. 2. Training and Coaching while self implementing is the second step.... 3.Coaching and Mentoring during integration into the wider experience honing your skills from experience. 4. Group upskilling for other perspective and growth. See more
25.01.2022 Live this and love it
24.01.2022 Today we are exploring structure movement colour design with planning, patience and flow through beads- glass wood stone plastic, wire, thread and tools #shemadeitherself #creativeflow #creativeembodimentretreat #artlife #connection #communication #psychosomatics
23.01.2022 This is inspiration from determination and a beautiful human
22.01.2022 The BEM Collective is Live on Friday Night! 7:07pm AEST Joanne Omer, Bianca Moeschinger and I~The BEM Collective have moved out of the Affairs of the Heart and into Commun-I-cate How do we commune?... What do I speak and is it what I really want to say? When do we eat our words or spit them out? See more
22.01.2022 Many need to practice smiling, not just with their mouth but allow their smile to travel. Travel up their face through their cheeks into their eyes. Igniting their heart radiating their joy and pleasure in connection #lovelifefully #sharelove #smilewithlife #
22.01.2022 This is my friend @biancamoeschinger she made a statement today, when we caught up, that rang so true my heart sang No matter where you sit on the fence, wearing a mask is an act of love, not only to you but to another. It is an act of humanity showing that you care for another... This is my act of love to you... "This is my act of love to you" Inspired by how much love I am feeling in Melbourne from all the people who are wearing masks.. I have not felt this kind of love for a very long time if not ever. These masks we wear are a symbol of our love for humanity, they are selfish and selfless. They are not forever, but for now they are important.. even if that reason is only a show of support and togetherness. #weareallinthistogether #anactoflove #wearthemask
22.01.2022 Stereotyping people with throw away phrases developed in the growing years? Many are still viewing the world around them through the lens of the conditioning and experiences of others from childhood. Non verbal assessment of ‘this equals that’. Like Christmas equals gifts, Summer equals sunshine but that is a child’s view. ... Developing your own lens allows the many facets of the world around to become evident. Allowing possibilities to become realities. A woman in a bikini in a newspaper is not advertising she is up for ’it’! More likely she is confident and comfortable in the skin she is in. Man with muscles on display shirt off is not showing off his strength and power he maybe just gagging for ‘it’ So many possibilities beneath the surface of our conditioned lenses if we are will to experience the world from other people’s point of view.!
21.01.2022 Things that filled my cup this weekend to tackle some tasks I have been avoiding for a couple weeks, this week. Date night at the rugby with Hubbie (lost my voice with the amount of encouragement and cheering and got little head cold as I forgot my jumper, ‘twas worth it my team won!). Repotting and mulching in my garden and the heat has started to dry out my pots... Drawing using black paper and gel pens struggled a little with the flow so I experimented, while watching the Tour de France mountain stage Catching up with an old friend after the markets and making her brunch. We chatted and exchanged recipes and herbs from my garden. Love these kinds of friends don’t see each other for ages, catch-up up like it was yesterday and we are good with whatever catchup happens in the future #nopromises How do you fill your cup to tackle tasks you have been avoiding or don’t want to do?
20.01.2022 So excited to be interviewed by Tanya, she knows how to asks the curly questions from her experience as a investigative reporter in the ‘old days’.
20.01.2022 Worth a reshare again this year
20.01.2022 On Tuesday I will be sharing tips in how to identify your child's unique way of listening, processing and understanding what they hear and how they hear what you are saying. Join us for a fun, interactive and insightful 90 minutes. Bring your headshots of your kids and I show you how your child listens or ignores you and why.
20.01.2022 They are muscle they need stimulation and exercise to work with flow and ease. Use it or lose it! Make your smile work and the secondary benefits as engagement and release of your own private in house(in your own body)feel good drugs
20.01.2022 Life is a bed of roses beautiful things, delightful colours and thorns and dying things. Last week we were full of personal insight yet agreements were fine threads, as Joanne Omer, Bianca Moeschinger and experience the world through our own veils which colour our individual view of the world.
19.01.2022 Body in crontrolled flow! This is flexibility in expressed with power and inner strength.
17.01.2022 My fascination of faces has infested my art out let. I belong to a group that set a creative challenge this was set in May-isolation. This took so long to complete because of all different hairstyles I tried not to repeat. ... It is called Isolation~Alone, Lonely, Oblivious. Left: We can be alone in isolation and at peace with the world. Centre: In isolation loneliness can consume us. Right: In a crowd we can be in an isolated world and unaware, at times, how our energy infiltrates others. Pen and water colours pencil on paper.
17.01.2022 Ever watched someone on video... on stage even on TV, and got a funny feeling in your gut? Something that’s just not right, but you can’t quite put your finger on it? Perhaps, you even did a little social media stalking, clicked a few profile photos, and then quickly clicked away? ... And dare I say it, perhaps someone has even done that to YOU? Yep, I went there. But don’t worry, we’re going to fix it on Wednesday (03/24) at 1:30 pm PDT. Hey guys, it's Tanya Targett Camacho here, I'm an award-winning reporter and former investigative news journalist turned video, speaking, and media strategist. And I’m unleashing the big guns this week Australia’s #1 Psychosomatic Body Language Expert, Gillian Maddigan who is going to talk Digital Body Language: How to Build Trust, Connection & Engagement On Video & Online with Nonverbal Communication Secrets. Gillian has decoded over 12,000 faces, 11,000 bodies, and 20,000 tattoos to reveal personality traits, hidden skills, subconscious habits, redundant patterns, and innate talents. She’s fixed gunslingers, birding, and chin creepers to help aspiring speakers, coaches, and authors make that one-tenth-of-a-second first impression positive, powerful, and impactful, on their book covers, business cards, and profile photos; as well as on video and on stage. And now she’s going LIVE to help us all! Wondering what your profile photo says about you? Join us LIVE and ask Gillian directly! It’s all happening right here, on Gillian's Facebook Page: Gillian Maddigan Psychosomatic Body Language, 1:30 pm PDT on Wednesday (03/24). Be sure to join us LIVE!!!
17.01.2022 One of my amazing clients Beautiful such strength, grace and emotional interpretation of the song love it
16.01.2022 Interesting can you guess what mine is?
16.01.2022 Wake up and choose your partner to be in your life every morning, from desire & pleasure rather than need. If you can’t choose them, invest & work on your relationship & yourself until there is change #relationships #couples #communication
15.01.2022 Looking forward to being part of the global community of Psychosomatic Face Readers event. Book in for a face reading.
15.01.2022 Are you wear someone else’s dreams, memories and were they paid a fair price for their nurturing of those luscious locks? In the last part of the video you can see the honouring during the cutting process.
14.01.2022 Body language speaks louder than words
13.01.2022 This was the start and this week we completed out 50th episode
13.01.2022 So excited to be one of the speakers for the first online Inner Peace Retreat with Kristine Drummond, Erin Ashley and Mona Hecke on Sunday! Love sharing with motivated women ready to change and become the mistresses of their lives. Thank you Kristine for invitation
12.01.2022 Without the pressure of challenges who would you be?
11.01.2022 Every week we turn up to connect, engage and share our insights no matter where we are. This is episode 43 I think. This week I am back in Melbourne for the Emotional Anatomy series which Bianca Nicolle has put together with few practitioners of Bodywork and Psychosomatic Therapy, sharing their experience, tips and understanding from their lense. This week I am sharing my experience from the last 25 years.... Well tonight I am on Phillip Island being with my family before the weekend immersion join us for our delve and dive into the family and how it works differently for each of us. Zoom link to join us live or you can head to
10.01.2022 Saturday weekly catchup is almost here join Bianca Moeschinger, Joanne Omer and me for this weeks experiences and insights as we allow ourselves wallow and be triggered by Misconceptions Knowledge and Awareness for the week. We discuss what we have learned or are still gain knowledge about ourselves and those around us family, partners, colleagues, friends and social situations
09.01.2022 Keep solutions simple
09.01.2022 Get high on your own built in drug sources
09.01.2022 Tattoo incorporations rather than coverups the image placement and time all speak about a person’s history
08.01.2022 What are you doing with the shitty things in life? Allowing it to infect the good bits or putting it aside for later when reaction can be turned into action. #livingorsurviving #loveorhate #stagnantion or #flow #bodycommunication #psychsomatics
08.01.2022 Collaboration with others stimulate creative juices and I am excited to be part of the delivery for this Emotional Fitness Retreat with Cynthia Morton Peter O'Neill on the beautiful Noosa North Shore in September.
04.01.2022 This is a great image to remember
03.01.2022 #selfassessment is vital in catching the early signs of chanhe good and bad. I have notice when my gut is unhappy the rest of my body and mind lag and get fuzzy around the edges. What things have you noticed when gut is off...
03.01.2022 Hey my Melbourne friends we are looking for volunteers
02.01.2022 A perfect example of mixed messages. Every part of this image is making a statement out loud but the body posture is not backing up the message Not really out and proud not really owning the look and statement Lift that head and chest look the world in the eye not glare/cringe at it from beneath your brows. #bodylanguage #bodylanguageexpert
01.01.2022 Celebration time Come on! Tonight thebemcollective celebrates the 50th episode! COME JOIN US IT IS FREE! 8:08pm AEST...
01.01.2022 FREE! Weekly Saturday Discussions with @thebemcollective @joanneomer @biancamoeschinger and me at 10:10am AEST This week we rise into the first week of The Affairs of the Heart Series. To register for the Zoom link ... If you want to explore previous recordings head to our YouTube channel... #communication #heartfelt #lovelife #psychosomatics #manifestation #affairsoftheheart