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GIN Fitness in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Fitness trainer

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GIN Fitness

Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Phone: +61 432 842 197


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18.01.2022 Blood sweat and tears. Thats all it will take to get you to your goals. People forget that there is no quick fix. They can just go gluten free or dairy free or sugar free and get the body and level of fitness they always wanted. They read articles in magazines or on social media written by people who just want to sell copies or sell their site. I read an article about the 5 fitness tools you need. Within the article there was paid links to purchase these products. They were ...all higher market more expensive equipment. In actual fact there are cheaper and better version of these on the market. This just shows that the people and the places that publish these articles are just selling space to the highest bidder. They may not believe that the equipment they have recommended is the best, they are just getting paid a lot to recommend it. Its like activewear, to go to the gym you do not need the new Nike fitness gear or an Adidas drink bottle. Price doesn't mean shit.

17.01.2022 1 day. 24 hours. 1,440 minutes. 86,400 seconds. People often say but how do I fit fitness into my day? In the morning wake up do push ups, do some body weight squats and then have a shower. Simple. Done. Get on with your day. ... If you do that everyday and you currently do nothing you will see massive results. You will see results in your posture, your nutrition, your body weight and how you feel. All these thing will start to shift you in a positive direction just by constant action. If you do 10 squats a day everyday, thats 3,650 a year. If you currently can’t do a push up and all you can do is the eccentric phase or the ‘fall down part’. Keep doing it. It will develop the tension needed in the muscles and eventually you will build enough stability and strength to constantly do push ups. Where people go wrong is they think they have to be able to do clapping push ups from day dot. This is not the case at all. Its about building a long term stable set of stairs and climbing one or two each day. Learn to squat body weight, learn to squat on a box, learn to squat with a bar, learn squat with plates on a bar THEN learn to squat a tonne of weight. It wont happen over night, its a 2 year process. So start at step one. Don’t force your self, don't skip steps. Just be patient and practice.

13.01.2022 Nobody likes to be excluded. I think a lot of people go on these exclusionary diets because of a magazine article they read. This article would have referenced part of a study to show the reader that it has scientific backing. But did you read the whole study? did you look at the focus of the study? ... What I try and drive home to people is think about what is the study about? and why does it matter? Too often people think about what the study says but don't look at what the intent was. If you look at whether viagra makes dick hard, you got to take into account it will only work if you have a dick. If you take the study I read recently about box jumps. It said that they are incredible useful in developing dynamic speed and strength. In developed athletes. The second half of the that is more important then the first half because the benchmark for the starting point of that study was that everyone could squat their body weight on a barbell on their back. Which is a solid constant level of strength. The point is not it will make you faster, it will make you stronger. It was if you are already strong it will make you fast and stronger then you already were.

10.01.2022 Gluten Free is bullshit. Unless you are actually celiac and actually have explosive diarrhoea and vomiting and headaches. Yes a diet with less gluten is good for you. Gluten affects your ability to process food and increase gut inflammation but its not killing you. Its not stabbing you in the face with a knife the way it gets made out to be. ... I personally thing there a bigger issues then gluten to deal with first. Like the amount of carbs you eat, the amount of protein you eat, the amount of exercise you do and the amount of sugar you intake in a day are all way more important then whether you eat gluten or not. Gluten is one of those later stage things. I mean if you are eating more fruits and vegetables and eating more protein you are going to eat less gluten by proxy. Its not something that needs to be worried about or excluded, if you are eating a well balanced diet you don't need to give being gluten free a second thought.

05.01.2022 I need a lot of supplements to eat healthier, thats why I don't do it. False. If you are not doing the basics that they tell you to do like eating 5 vegetables and 2 fruits each day. Do it. If your living on energy drinks and takeaway thats going to do huge things for you. Do the little things first. You do not need supplements or anything extravagant when you start. Just start at the basic 5 food groups, 5 vegetables and 2 fruits each day and eating everything in moderation.... The only contradiction I have to saying you don't need supplements is if you do not eat. If you currently don't eat breakfast before work, having a portion shake on your way out the door is not the worst thing in the world. If you have time to eat breakfast do it. Have bacon and eggs, avocado and mushrooms on toast every morning. But if you wake up 26 minutes before you need to leave the house and have to do 25 minutes worth of getting ready, chucking protein powder, milk and coconut oil in a shaker and shaking it as you walk out the door is more beneficial then having nothing. I personally push people to eat. Eating always out weighs not eating. Even if the only food options are McDonalds. Your body needs fuel, don't deny it or it will stop working.

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