Gippsland Motorcyclists Toy Run | Non-profit organisation
Gippsland Motorcyclists Toy Run
Phone: +61 434 618 689
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25.01.2022 Stella and I always look forward to dropping in and supporting businesses that have sponsored our Toy Run. A sunny day at last and so we rode up to Erica for lunch and to thank Jodie at the 1914 Cafe and Bar Erica for their many years of support. They have just recently re-opened and we heartily recommend a visit. Alf
24.01.2022 Our thoughts are with you in Perth. We were saddened to hear the news that there was a fatality and several serious injuries on the Perth Toy Run last Sunday. As riders we all know the risks of being on two wheels and many of us can relate to several near misses in our time while riding. But when we lose a brother or sister of the road, or hear of someone who gets injured, it affects all of us, anywhere in Australia. The fact that it was on a Toy Run makes it all the more gri...evous. Being involved with a Toy Run we get a buzz knowing that we are bonded with every other Toy Run anywhere in Australia, and the world for that matter, through the reason why we do it. Hearing about this incident has made it all the more sadder for us and we send our heartfelt thoughts to all of those affected on the other side of the country. May you all have a safe Christmas. Alf and Stella
24.01.2022 Last year, when Stella's brother Mano and his wife Helena were visiting from WA, they wanted to help with our Toy Run and went out and bought a boot load of toys to donate. This year, on hearing of the dire circumstances many families are facing, they mailed us a $150 gift card to help with our collection of gifts. You two are just so generous and we really appreciate this donation from all the way across the other side of the country. This tells me that we are not alone in this and there are a lot of people who are thinking about us. Thank you so much. Alf
23.01.2022 Thanks Alana and Road Safety, Vic. We enjoyed a pleasant visit from Alana Riess today, who is the Team Leader, Community Grants and Partnerships with Road Safety, Victoria. Alana and RoadSafe have been providing toys directed towards getting kids safely outdoors and mobile and this year she bought lots of scooters, helmets and other road safety equipment for the Toy Run. The items are valued at $450 and will provide much enjoyment to boys and girls on Christmas morning. The v...isit gave her an opportunity to show off her new Ford Ranger Wildtrak, which made me drool all over it. I made the mistake of saying that it was a bloke's truck forgetting that I have 2 daughters and 3 grandaughters who will probably think they're cool as well. Good on you Alana see you and the kids at the Toy Run in a couple of weeks. Alf
23.01.2022 Think positive. Like I said previously - think positive and it will happen. Our thanks go out to Jim Flood and the team at Coates Hire in Morwell for donating the use of a portaloo to be placed at Nefertiti Court on Toy Run day. Jim has been kind to us since the Runs have started at Bobber Dave's a few years ago and we thank him for his generosity. Naturally we will make sure that it remains Covid safe while it's there. Alf
23.01.2022 Best bike award. We have been awarding a Best Bike Award for a few years now and it has always been donated by the Triangle Trophy Centre, Moe. Despite the devastating hit to the business that the Covid lockdown has caused, owner of Triangle Trophy Centre Robert Parry has stepped up and once again provided this very desirable trophy. The trophy will be presented to a bike chosen by Julz from Bobber Dave's and no-one really knows what criteria she uses to make her decision. So I can't give you any clues regarding the amount of tinsel you need to use. Thanks Robert. Here's hoping that 2021 will see you back to normal again and that you have a prosperous future.
20.01.2022 The heart and soul of our Toy Run. For the entire life of our Toy Run it has been my great pleasure to catch up with four incredible ladies. They are Nicky and her Mum Rita and friends Wendie and Mos who deserve the name "Cranbourne Angels". They collect toys and other gifts and food all year and drop them off at the conclusion of the Toy Run and get a real kick out of seeing the impressive arrival of the bikes. Nicky tells me that they have made an even bigger effort to coll...ect as many items as possible in anticipation of the greater need. I really hope that we might be able to have our parade of bikes this year to suitably salute these amazing ladies and the work they do. In any event we will certainly catch up with them somehow. It's hard enough missing out on Farm World, Mothers Day and Fathers Day but missing out on one of Rita's hugs would be unthinkable. Your all the best. Alf See more
19.01.2022 Don't lose sight of why we are doing this. Sometimes doing good is more important than looking good. Well I thought we had a shot at being able to hold an actual Toy Run on 5th December but after listening to the Premier's Road Map yesterday it's looking like it's going to be a challenge. It's not until 23rd November when public gatherings of up to 50 people are allowed and that's only if there are no cases for 14 days prior. Our Toy Run usually involves up to 350 riders and ...lots more spectators at Old Gippstown, so that bombs us out. We have lots to ponder in the next couple of weeks, so stay tuned. One thing is for certain though we are not going to stop gathering toys and so far that is going better than usual. I'm putting the word out to you all that if we don't have an actual Toy Run we will be short on gifts and I don't want that to happen. So please keep our event close to your hearts and look for ways to put some toys together before the 5th December. There is still 3 months to go and that gives us plenty of time to get creative. There will be the Salvos and Vinnies trucks somewhere in the Latrobe Valley so a handover will take place, or you can just call me and we can arrange a pickup. I would be happy to hear your comments and could you please share this post. Alf (0434 618 689)
19.01.2022 Good on you Bunnings, Morwell. Even though I've been doing this for 20 years, I never get tired of pushing 2 trollies around Bunnings, Morwell, behind Barb and Stella as they pile in the great variety of toys and kids stuff that is present in the shop. You'd be amazed at all of the things that are in Bunnings that make great presents at Christmas time. And Barb is just so generous and gave us a lot more than usual with the total reaching more than $700. She is one of the kindest people we know and Bunnings should be so proud of her. Thank you so much. Alf
18.01.2022 Will there be a Toy Run 2020? Now that we have achieved Step 3 of Stage 3 restrictions (I am trying to keep up) there is some hope that we will reach Step 4 by the date of our Toy Run the 5th December. That means that groups of 50 people can congregate outdoors. The final step of Covid Normal means that there are no restrictions and it is business as usual. Looking at the requirements I don't think that we will ever achieve that level. However, if we stay on track for Step 4... we will be able to hold an abridged Toy Run. Stay with me here. Jules from Bobber Dave's and Kevin from Old Gippstown are keen to participate as usual and that is a good start. Here's the plan - we adopt a Covid safe environment at Nefertiti Court by not letting groups be larger than 50. One group at the bottom of the road another at the top and one around on the exit verge. The Harley dealership could hold another 50 and there's bound to be at least one other location close to Nefertiti Court. That makes 5 separate Toy Runs of 250 people - and that should do it. Once we are on the road it doesn't matter because we are spaced out anyway. If we adopt the same route as last year we can still pull over at Willow Grove but need to stay on our bikes only long enough for the tail end to catch up. Once we get to Old Gippstown we need to be careful and try as hard as possible to keep the separate groups of 50 together and away from each other. And of course be Covid safe. At this stage I don't know if it'll be appropriate to serve food and drinks, we'll have to wait and see. The main purpose of this of course is for you to drop off your toys to the Salvos and Vinnies and then depart without too much delay. It's still early days and I'm heartened by the fact that we can get out and (legally) go for a ride again from tomorrow. Alf Pictured are Kevin Reardon and Teagan Brooks from Old Gippstown who are opening the Cafe there from Wednesday 23rd September. The Cafe has also agreed to be a collection point for toys leading up to Toy Run Day. They are open from Wednesday to Sunday from 7am to 3pm.
17.01.2022 Thanks Churchill Lions and HVP Plantations. We are pleased to acknowledge the donation of $200 from The Churchill Lions, who have been continuous sponsors for the past 21 years. The annual phone call from Peter and Bill always gives me a warm and comfy feeling and it's like we have grown old together, particularly since we always talk about our grandkids. HVP Plantations have also jumped back on board with a donation of $250, which they too have been donating for many years. We thank you sincerely for your generous support. Have a tremendous Christmas.
16.01.2022 Toy Run logistics for 5th December. After poring over the Premier's latest round of relaxations of restrictions, coming into effect tomorrow, we seem to be covered by two areas. First, that outdoor gatherings of up to 50 people are permitted and secondly, Community Clubs/groups are allowed 500 outdoors but only in groups of 50. That is telling me that our original plan to release 50 riders at a time from Nefertiti Court is still appropriate. So, as the first 50 gather they wi...ll be allocated a Road Captain and sent on their way, and so on as progressive groups of 50 arrive. Don't worry we'll make sure you have time for an egg and bacon sanga and a cuppa before you go. Once we all get to Old Gippstown there will not be a problem as they will have the "density quotient" (thanks Dan for the new word) to accommodate us all. Neighborhood Watch will still be taking first names and mobile numbers and offering hand sanitiser, and reminding people to observe social distancing requirements relating to the new mask rules. New rules are: no masks required outdoors unless in close contact with others or venturing into Bobber Dave's shop. We will be travelling over the same route as last year, and I will post a map for you later on. A Road Captain will be allocated to each group of 50 and there will be a catch up stop at Willow Grove, but only for the time it takes for the group to reassemble - not 15 minutes as it was last year. When you arrive at Nefertiti Court, which will be available from after 8.30am, your details will be recorded by Neighborhood Watch and you will be asked by the parking marshalls if you want to depart with the next group or are you waiting for friends to arrive so that you can ride together. If you are good to go straight away you will be directed to park up front and, if not, you will be directed to a spot further back. The idea is to make the process as clean as possible to avoid the dangerous situation of people wandering around bikes that are constantly coming and going thereby placing themselves at risk of harm. I am sure we can do this safely as long as you are aware of what is going on. Less than 2 weeks to go and it is shaping up to be one of the best build ups that we have ever had with record amounts of toys gathered. Couple that with the toys we will receive on 5th December and it looks like we will meet the increased demand that is present. Well done everybody, keep your fingers crossed for the weather. Alf I forgot to add - please share this info. Thanks
16.01.2022 Go for a ride. If you haven't noticed, it's not cold anymore and Dan says we don't need an excuse to go out. So what are you waiting for.
16.01.2022 Here's some more good news in a good news week. I have had contact with our two biggest supporters namely Energy Australia, who operate Yallourn Power Station, and Alinta, Loy Yang B Power Station. Both have, once again, declared that they are behind us in our effort to make a lot of kids very happy this Christmas. The combined contribution of these two companys alone make up a quarter of all the toys we gather in the year. This is very heartwarming news and, coupled with the easing of restrictions this week and in the coming weeks, I am getting more confident that there will be a Toy Run in some shape or form. We are still waiting for the Police to get back to us with their take on the subject. Keep staying safe and keep collecting toys. Alf
14.01.2022 In the last 21 years I don't think I have ever been more nervous about the outcome of a Toy Run. We are just waiting for the Premier to give us more details of the potential easing of restrictions this weekend before approaching VicRoads and the Police with our proposals and options for running the event on 5th December. We'll keep you posted with results of that. In the mean time we have had discussions with the Salvation Army and St Vinnies who are telling us that they have... never been more in need of our support. This year has hit them hard, particularly with the Salvos Red Shield Appeal resulting in unprecedented lows in donations received. We are certain that we will be able to put together a lot of toys this year but, if Toy Run day is a non-goer, or is reduced in numbers for a variety of reasons, we may not be able to meet the expected increased demand. Now is the time to start thinking about putting a few toys together, When you're out shopping and happen to be walking past a toy shop keep our cause in mind and pop something into your trolley. I guarantee that when you are sitting down with your family for Christmas dinner it will make it taste so much better knowing that you have brought some cheer to someone's life. If you've got some gifts that you want to pass on give me a call on 0434 618 689 and I will arrange to collect them. Alf
10.01.2022 Well it's going to be a nail biting next 3 months with our 2020 Toy Run scheduled for 5th December. I am maintaining high levels of optimism at this stage and sticking with Plan A. But we still have Plans B, C and D sitting in the wings just in case. But that's not why I'm writing this today. I just had a call from Barb at Bunnings, Morwell, who is keen to support the Toy Run again this year. We're still not sure about running the annual mini festival in the car park at this stage but Bunnings are more than happy to donate the considerable amount of toys as in previous years. It's always good fun rocking up at the shop and walking around behind Barb who is piling gifts into our trolley. Thanks Barb and we wish you all the best after your period of illness and glad to see you back at work. Alf
10.01.2022 Covid Compliance Team. I am delighted to announce that Neighborhood Watch have offered to assist with the running of the Toy Run at Nefertiti Court on 5th December. As part of our Covid Plan we are required to undertake various specific activities in order to meet our legal obligations and therefor I cannot think of a more appropriate group to form our Covid Compliance Team (pretty cool name huh, I made that one up myself). The team will be responsible for recording first and phone numbers, which will take place as you are parked and also to offer hand sanitiser and discreetly remind riders of the requirement to wear masks and maintain suitable social distancing, if needed. You've heard all of this before so it's nothing new. So be prepared to be greeted by Peter, Tom and Cindy, who will be recognisable in their yellow Neighborhood Watch clothing. We thank you for making the time for us and just know that it is all going to go smoothly. Pictured with me are Tom Shanahan, Gayle and Peter Lucas and Cindy Shanahan at the donation of $500 worth of toys last year. They increased that donation to $1000 this year for which we are grateful.
10.01.2022 2021 Toy Run patches have arrived. Yes you heard right. At the conclusion of last year's Toy Run, Eastern Riders members Derek Hewling and Cheryl Harle stepped up and offered to provide funding for the production of a 2021 Toy Run patch. Unfortunately we didn't produce one last year due to Covid uncertainty. Well our supplier has been astonishing and has already completed the order and has shipped them to us, and they look real snazzy. Derek and Cheryl have said that they wa...nt to give them away at no cost on the morning of the Toy Run to the first 180 riders who roll up. So, even though that's 9 months away, put Saturday 4th December into your diaries. Take a peek at the patch below. Thanks again Derek and Cheryl for your generosity and thoughtfulness. The patches cost $372.90, which is our first Toy Run donation for the year. Well done to you both. Alf
10.01.2022 One of our annual visits to K Mart, Traralgon. Stella and I were Joined by fellow Eastern Riders Fons and Cathy for our spend up visit to K Mart, Traralgon. Here we were greeted by Managers Nathan and Kerry who smoothed over our purchase of 13 trollies full of toys and donated 2 trollies full on behalf of the store. You could imagine the confusion at this if we had of just rocked up to the general check-outs. A team of staff were made available to assist us and before you know it we were finished. They even helped us wheel it all down to the car park. Thanks again Kerry, Nathan and staff, it was a pleasure doing business with you. Alf Pictured is Kerry, Nathan, Cathy, Fons myself and Stella.
07.01.2022 Brian and I dropped into Old Gippstown today to see Event co-ordinator Teagan to get an update on how things were shaping up for our arrival there on the 5th December, Toy Run day. We were delighted to see the many toys that were donated by the park and also other generous people. We also caught up with Santa as well and passed on the news that, through the generosity of many local companies and individuals, there will be a great many children who will have a present or two to open on Christmas morning. We are so fortunate to be in a location where people really care about each other. Alf
06.01.2022 A big year for the Riders Evolution SMC. President Albie has just sent me details of the major sponsors who contributed to the impressive collection of toys that were handed over by the club at Old Gippstown this weekend, which totaled $6500. They were: Geoff Goss and the guys from ChemSupplyAustralia, with a donation of 3 mountain bikes.... Darryl Gee from Gee Transport Morwell, donation of 1 bike. Kali Bennet from DKNS Toys and Gifts, for nearly $800 in toys. Kali has made large donations for the past 3 years in a row. The remaining roughly $5300 worth were raised by club members and there families. You are all to be congratulated on a magnificent effort. The way you have taken this cause to your hearts is inspiring to us all. The dust hasn't yet settled on the 2020 Toy Run and you have already started the collection for next year. Your efforts are going to bring so much happiness to so many on Christmas morning. Have a great Christmas, Alf
06.01.2022 The toys have been delivered. During the last few days the Salvos and St Vinnies have been distributing toys and hampers to our neighbors who are struggling to make ends meet this year, and our Toy Run has gone a long way to meeting their needs. As a Toy Run we don't get to see the end result of our efforts but we do get the occasional story which inspires us to keep at it. Here is one from Lt Janine Skinner of the Salvation Army, who joined us at the start of the Run at Trar...algon: "One gentleman I delivered some gifts and a hamper to had in the past years known and seen the motorcycle Toy Run and never imagined he’d be in the position to ask for anything, but this year proved to be very different. He has 5 children ranging between 7 years old and 15 years old of whom he has sole custody. Trying to make ends meet has been a nightmare with less working hours and home teaching. At one point he saw his financial situation suffering. He was so grateful that people are there to help and the Toy Run was part of that. Because he remembered the bikers, he really appreciates what it is all about. There’s one family out of so many in our neighbourhood who will have a Happy Christmas this year." I really admire all of the work the Salvos and St Vinnies do, and I don't think I could do it. But I am incredibly proud to be part of our local motorcycling fraternity for all of the care you have shown during this year's Toy Run. I can assure you that it is greatly appreciated by a lot of people who are going to have a better Christmas because of what you have done. It looks like the first Saturday in December for 2021 will be on the 4th, so that will be the date for next year. Well that's it for 2020. Have a glorious and safe holiday season and especially enjoy Christmas Day. Alf Ps. Could you please share this post. Thanks.
06.01.2022 I love it when I am called to pick up toys donated by generous and caring children. When Carolyne Boothman called and said that her nephews had gathered together a couple of bags of soft toys I was delighted because this was the first of this kind of donation this year. There is nothing more gratifying than seeing youngsters caring about others in this way and it shows to me that the spirit of Christmas is still alive and well and in good hands for the future. Good on you fellas. Pictured with Carolyne are Memphuis (left) and brother Nathaniel Haley from Trafalgar.
06.01.2022 There is going to be a Toy Run on 5th December. I am pleased to announce that RoadSafe and Victoria Police are committed to supporting the running of the Toy Run on 5th December. RoadSafe will be monitoring the route to ensure potholes are repaired and that the road is swept and VicPol are putting on extra staff to get us through the route safely. We have created a Covid Safe plan for the run, which is detailed below, and is nothing that is of a surprise to any of us.... As of 23rd November the Covid roadmap states that groups of up to 50 people will be able to gather. This means that as riders rock up at Nefertiti Court from 9.30am onwards they will be allocated a Road Captain and immediately proceed to Old Gippstown as a group. As another group of 50 riders accumulate the same will occur and so on till they're all gone by 11.00am. Unless restrictions are eased between now and then this is a requirement that needs to be observed. The Covid Plan requires that all participants be recorded with first names and phone numbers taken, that face masks are worn, social distancing is maintained as well as possible and hand sanitiser will be available. Bobber Dave's shop will have the usual restrictions regarding quotas and distancing applied. We have to appoint Covid marshals to ensure this is complied with, so expect this to happen. The Traralgon Lions will be providing their usual cooked breakfast and Lahrra's Coffee Van will be in attendance. A portable loo will also be on site. At Old Gippstown the venue is allowed to have 40 people seated for lunch indoors and another 70 seated outdoors. The rest of the venue is allowed to have groups of 10 people spread around and socially distancing. This too may ease as the weeks draw on. As it stands now people are encouraged to arrive, drop off toys and have a bite to eat before departing within a reasonable time. We can do this and we're determined to make it happen, as well as setting a glowing example of what the Covid Gold Standard of Toy Runs looks like. Well that's all I want to bombard you with at the moment and I am please to finally be able to publish our 2020 Toy Run poster. I'll post lots more about how we will run it and the route etc as time draws nearer. Thanks for you patience and support over the past few months. I would appreciate it if you could share this post. Stay safe, Alf
02.01.2022 Thanks Aussie Broadband. We take off our hats to the employees of Aussie Broadband for their incredible generosity in providing a substantial amount of toys to our Toy Run. When Stephen Lyons, Warehouse Manager, called and said that Aussie Broadband employees were keen to help out we were delighted that this rapidly growing business was getting on board. It was left to Sharon Noonan, Community Impact Officer to handle the motivation and gathering and today we dropped in to co...llect the toys and to say thanks. With Stephen involved, him being a close supporter of the Toy Run, it was always going to be a success. Stella and I were joined by Red Knights members, Brian, Chris, Daniel, Bernie and friend Ian when we dropped into their Morwell Call Centre, while Sharon and Stephen were aided by staff members Jo, Mel and Claire. We tallied up the proceeds later and were blown away by the very high quality of gifts that were presented, which came to an unbelievable $1650 and with the bonus of 40 movie vouchers valued at $700, the grand total rose to $2360. Thanks so much Aussie Broadband, your generosity will be beamed into many joyous homes on Christmas morning, Alf.
02.01.2022 Ok, Ok, with a family full of alpha females, here's one for you.
01.01.2022 Best bike at the Toy Run It was remiss of me not to especially mention the recipient of the Toy Run "Best Bike Award" as nominated by Julz of Bobber Dave's. It was a lucky lady named Melissa from Trafalgar, who has only been riding for a short while. See her picture below while receiving the beautiful trophy donated by Triangle Trophy Centre, Moe. BUT I reckon I saw, what is probably the best looking Harley that I have ever seen, and that belongs to Dave from Bobber Daves shop. Good on you Dave, it is just stunning. Alf
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