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Gippsland Pantry in Woodside, Victoria | Gift shop

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Gippsland Pantry

Locality: Woodside, Victoria


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25.01.2022 Just an update, due to COVID-19 postage is taking that little bit longer. Therefor we have decide to close orders on the 26th of August to ensure all the Dads get their Hampers in time for Fathers Day. #ordernow #dontmissout #fathersday #hampers #dontforgetdad #supportlocal #exploreshoptastelocal

25.01.2022 Pure Australian Honey from Dumbalk Blue Tree Honey Farm Thank you Bees #honey #pure #bees #lovenature #dumbalk #exploreshoptastelocal

25.01.2022 Authentic Italian Lasagna & and other handmade goodies from My Italy Your Greece available to order on Monday in the Local Pantry(delivery only) #lasagna #authentic #italy #greece #taralgon #order #monday #soulfood #exploreshoptastelocal

24.01.2022 As the Christmas countdown starts, we welcome Lala Soy Candles. Hansel & Gretel’s house will feature in our Limited Edition Christmas Hampers coming soon. #welcome #candles #gingerbread #christmas #hampers #comingsoon #gippsland #exploreshoptastelocal

23.01.2022 Orders close TOMORROW for shipping. Dont miss out! #ordernow #fathersday #hampers #dad #beer #wine #chocolate #soap #pickles #sauce #garlic #hazelnuts #marmalade #whisky #spoildad #exploreshoptastelocal

23.01.2022 Orders close tonight 8pm for all Mother’s Day Hampers. Postage available for orders outside of the local delivery area. #ordersclosing #mothersday #gippsland #gifthampers #pamper #freelocaldelivery #lastday #explore #shop #taste #local #makers #creators #gippslandfoodandwine #exploreshoptastelocal

23.01.2022 Orders now OPEN for Pies, Lasagna & other goodies handmade @my_italy_your_greece Head over to our Website in the Local Pantry for delivery Friday to Yarram & Surrounds #pies #organic #slowcooked #lasagna #pasititsio #baklava #italy #greece #delivery #exploreshoptastelocal

22.01.2022 Available to order Monday. Little Red Bucket Delicacies is back with fresh handmade Gnocchi, Pesto, Meatballs & Pizza. Welcome to Gomathys Kitchen providing us a new taste sensation with authentic Curries & Samosa. For delivery to Yarram & Surrounds. #gnocchi #pesto #meatballs #pizza #metung #curry #rice #samosa #wonthaggi #localdelivery #exploreshoptastelocal

21.01.2022 What a perfect opportunity to Explore, Shop & Taste Gippsland. Head to Yarram tomorrow, we will be at Ship Inn Motel to help you finish your Christmas shopping & tempt you with Gippsland goodies. Grab a Coffee & Donut Gippy Coffee & why not explore Yarram and the visual delight that is #heescotownyarram #explore #shop #taste #gippsland #popupshop #hampers #gifts #wine #cheese #christmas #smallbusiness #art #heescotownyarram #2020 #gippslandpantry #exploreshoptastelocal

20.01.2022 Oh, what a night! Firstly, Thank you all, for your love of Pies (there was happy dancing last night) still a few left, be quick. Secondly, Thank you for your strength in numbers in helping us report the Scammers who cloned our Facebook page yesterday to take advantage of our wonderful customers. Not on our watch #thankyou #pies #loveyourwork #scammerssuck #strengthinnumbers #exploreshoptastelocal

19.01.2022 Gift Cards now available online Perfect when you dont know what to buy for a gift, let them choose. #giftcard #thankyou #getwellsoon #happybirthday #thinkingofyou #fathersday #exploreshoptastelocal

19.01.2022 Welcome to @phillipislandchocolatefactory Chocolate goodies coming your way. #phillipisland #australianmade #gippslandgoodies #chocolate #spoilyourself #newarrival #exploreshoptastelocal

18.01.2022 We will be in Fish Creek & Meeniyan on Thursday. Why not take advantage of FREE Delivery. Last minute Fathers Day Gift? #free #delivery #meeniyan #fishcreek #fathersday #hampers #exploreshoptastelocal

18.01.2022 This Christmas support Farmers, Makers, Growers & Creators. When you purchase a Gippsland Gift Hamper you support lots of small Gippsland business’s. Let’s keep it local. Shop Local & Buy Australian made. Explore, Shop, Taste Local #christmas #gifts #hampers #sharethelove #gippsland #makers #creators #farmers #growers #shoplocal #buyaustralianmade #nowmorethanever #exploreshoptastelocal

18.01.2022 Head on down to Wildfish Restaurant to spoil Dad this weekend. Experience a taste sensation. Oh, and if you are looking for a last minute gift for Dad they have a few of our Gippsland Gift Hampers. #wildfishrestaurant #portalbert #gippsland #tastesensation #fathersday #dadsiniso #spoildad #exploreshoptastelocal

18.01.2022 We were laughing the other day about how we now happy dance in our lounge room. Keep us dancing... Shop local. Oh, and its not just us dancing its all the other little businesses you support when you buy a Gippsland Gift Hamper. #australianmade #shoplocal #gippsland #smallbusiness #regionalvictoria #showsupport #makethechange #ghosttownshappenwhenyoudontshoplocal #comeonaustralia #exploreshoptastelocal

18.01.2022 You asked, we listened. PIES ARE BACK Available to order on Monday for local delivery only. #gippslandgourmetpies #organic #freerange #getinmybelly #slowcooked #localingredients #pies #ordermonday #exploreshoptastelocal

18.01.2022 It’s been a busy day! Keep the orders coming, Christmas is just around the corner. Send love, Thank Staff, Impress the Boss, Spoil your partner, Let someone know you care. There are so many reasons why to send a Gippsland Gift Hamper. Not to mention all the small businesses you are supporting. Get on board, Spread the love #gippsland #hampers #christmas #smallbusiness #regionalvictoria #dontmissout #corporategifts #spreadthelove #exploreshoptastelocal

17.01.2022 Our Pop Up Cheese Packs are now available online for local delivery. #cheese #wine #beer #quincepaste #crispbread #beetrootrelish #breadbutterpickles #smallgoods #cheddar #bluecheese #celebrate #indulge #picnic #gippsland #exploreshoptastelocal

17.01.2022 This is NOT us. Dont click. Our competition is drawn 13/09/2020. And we spell better than that.

15.01.2022 Hello Rosedale

15.01.2022 Wow, the Christmas orders are flying in! We can’t thank you enough. Corporate & Custom Hampers are now limited & orders may close early. Be quick if you need a bulk order. #christmas #hampers #gifts #corporategifts #customhampers #sellingout #ordernow #bequick #gippslandgoodies #regionalvictoria #supportsmallbusiness #exploreshoptastelocal

14.01.2022 Christmas Update. Our courier is coming tomorrow, get your last orders in, the website has been flat out today! There are still a few goodies left. Be quick, orders close tomorrow 9 am, unless sold out before. We have a few goodies aside for our Yarram Pop up on Saturday if you happen to miss out. #ordernow #christmasiscoming #bequick #lastminutegifts #gippslandgoodies #hampers #exploreshoptastelocal

14.01.2022 Happy Fathers day to all the amazing Dads out there #fathersday #familytime #superdad #welshpoollongjetty

13.01.2022 ORDERS CLOSE TONIGHT FOR LOCAL DELIVERY. Order now or flick us a message. #ordernow #fathersday #delivery #spoildad #tastegippsland #hampers #exploreshoptastelocal

13.01.2022 Check out these lockdown legends. Yum

12.01.2022 Our Limited Edition Christmas Hampers are now available to order. Available while stock lasts. Message to order. #gingerbread #fudge #pudding #cake #honeypops #shortbread #hotchocolate #gippsland #christmas #hampers #exploreshoptastelocal

11.01.2022 Drawn on Monday. Good Luck

10.01.2022 A massive happy birthday to Emma! #birthdaygirl #anotheryearwiser #happybirthdaytoyou

10.01.2022 Amazing fudge made at farmhousefudgeco will be joining our team just in time for Christmas. Welcome#fudge #handmade #phillipisland #christmas #sweettooth #gippslandgoodies #exploreshoptastelocal

10.01.2022 Youve got to be in it to win it

09.01.2022 Some old friends & some new ones arriving this week. Our good friends @my_italy_your_greece are returning which should please everyone not just the gluten intolerant. #welcomeback #welcomeaboard #gippsland #glutenfree #friends #newandold #makersgonnamake #australianmade #workingtogether #regionalvictoria #exploreshoptastelocal

09.01.2022 Welcome back @survivenaturals helping us pamper you all. Welcome aboard @stuckonwoodgippsland New Hamper options available online now. #pamper #natural #skincare #bodyspray #magnesiumsleepbalm #hampers #resinart #wood #coasters #cheeseboards #welcome #gifts #sendlove #gippsland #exploreshoptastelocal

09.01.2022 THANK YOU Del Jardin for inviting us to your store, we had a great day. THANK YOU Smokehouse 81 for filling our bellies with deliciousness. THANK YOU Rosedale for being so welcoming. See you again on 12th December.

08.01.2022 Our friends My Italy Your Greece keep stepping it up.


08.01.2022 Orders for local delivery are open. Free delivery on Friday, to your home or work. Just click Pick Up at checkout & add your address in notes. #free #delivery #friday #ordernow #exploreshoptastelocal

08.01.2022 Welcome back @fishcreekmountofolives Surely what grows in this beautiful part of the world has got to be good for you #fishcreek #oliveoil #coldpressed #saltandpepper #honeymustard #smoked #gippsland #australianmade #exploreshoptastelocal

07.01.2022 Orders are open for free local delivery to YARRAM & Surrounds. Fresh Handmade Gnocchi, Pesto, Meatballs, Pizza. Oh, and new to the Pantry Curry & Samosa. Gluten free and Vegetarian available too. #ordernow #gippslandfood #explore #shop #taste #local #supportlocal #gippslandpantry #glutenfree #vegetarian #italian #indian #thai #exploreshoptastegippsland

07.01.2022 Send Dad a 100% Gippsland Gift Hamper for Fathers Day. #gippsland #gift #hamper #dadsiniso #spoildad #exploreshoptastelocal

06.01.2022 Dont forget to tag 3 friends. Good luck everyone

06.01.2022 Wow, what a busy first week online. Thanks for your patience. Thanks to our loyal & supportive customers for your help, feedback & orders. Welcome to our new followers, we look forward to bringing the taste of Gippsland to your door. Lots more to come, old & new. #thanks #weekone #loyalcustomers #newcustomers #moretocome #exploreshoptastelocal

06.01.2022 Orders for local delivery close on Monday, for Fathers Day. Dont miss out, shop now Free local delivery with Large Fathers Hamper. #spoildad #hamper #wine #beer #gippslandgoodies #shopnow #freelocaldelivery #exploreshoptastelocal

06.01.2022 Thank you Yarram, it was fantastic to see so many of you yesterday. Due to many requests we are popping up again for last minute gifts. See you Wednesday at Ship Inn Motel

05.01.2022 Spoil someone today. Our Hampers are packed full of Gippsland products. Head over to our website to order, and brighten someones day. #gippslandpantry #spoilsomeone #hampers #australianmade #gift #regionalvictorianeedsyourbusiness #exploreshoptastelocal

04.01.2022 Orders for Mother’s Day close Monday at 8pm. Free local delivery available. All other orders will be via postage. Don’t forget our competition to win a Hamper to the value of your purchase. #mothersday #gifthamper #gippsland #freelocaldelivery #supportsmallbusiness #competition #win #spoilmum #exploreshoptastelocal

04.01.2022 Last Pop up for the year! See you all at Ship Inn Motel on Saturday. #pop up shop #yarram #heescotown #christmasgifts #gippslandgoodies #weekendshopping #exploreshoptastelocal

04.01.2022 We Gippsland. We specialise in 100% Gippsland Gift Hampers. Pantry available online Explore, Shop, Taste Local. #exploreshoptastelocal #gippsland #australianmade #gifthampers #welovegippsland

03.01.2022 Just a reminder Custom & Corporate orders close this week. This means if you want something specific in your hampers or you need several hampers, you need to order now. After Friday, you will only be able to order our set Hampers and numbers are limited. Our suppliers are small and very busy and we won’t be able to guarantee we can get your favourites after Friday. So send us a message to ensure your wishes are met. #ordernow #corporategifts #customhampers #gippslandgoodies #christmasiscoming #exploreshoptastelocal

03.01.2022 All the fantastic products in our Hampers are made & created by amazing Gippsland movers & shakers and inspiring go getters. And we love them Get behind them and buy Mum a Gippsland Pantry Gift Hamper today. Let’s share the love #gippsland #makers #creators #moversandshakers #gogetters #sharethelove #gifthampers #exploreshoptastelocal

03.01.2022 Our friends Julie & Trevor from Gentle Goat Olives are opening their new venture tomorrow. This is going to be good!

03.01.2022 Thank you, Happy Birthday, Get Well Soon, Happy Anniversary, Congratulations, Thinking of You, Happy Mother’s Day..... So many reasons to give a Gippsland Gift Hamper. This month if you purchase a Hamper you will go into the draw to win a Hamper of equal value #thankyou #happybirthday #getwellsoon #happyanniversary #congratulations #thinkingofyou #happymothersday #competition #win #gippslandgifthampers #exploreshoptastelocal

03.01.2022 Just a reminder all orders for Christmas close on Friday the 18th. Jump on our website or send us a message to order. #christmas #orders #close #friday #gippsland #gift #hampers

03.01.2022 We will be at Del Jardin & Ship Inn Motel for Christmas Pick Up Pop Ups, order now to avoid disappointment. #christmas #2020 #pickup #popupshop #gippsland #hampers #spoilsomeone #regionalvictoria #exploreshoptastelocal

03.01.2022 Last minute Christmas shopping at Ship-Inn Motel, Yarram tomorrow 3.30-7.30. Last chance to grab some Gippsland Goodies. #lastminutegifts #gippslandgoodies #hampers #pudding #cake #fudge #christmas #shopping #exploreshoptastelocal

03.01.2022 Drawn Tomorrow

03.01.2022 Only 2 left! Our Resin & Oil Hamper has been pretty popular. If you had your eye on one of these for Mum, be quick! Why not really spoil Mum & Add on some Wine, Chocolate, Coffee or a beautiful Soy Candle. #gifthamper #resin #oliveoil #dukkah #breadandbutterpickles #wine #coffee #chocolate #soycandles #gippslandmade #mothersday #exploreshoptastelocal

02.01.2022 Congratulations Kate Eileen Rodgerson You are the winner! Contact us to receive your prize. #winner #hampers #gippslandpantry #exploreshoptastelocal

02.01.2022 Good morning, we are heading to Rosedale & Traralgon on Thursday, place an order and get FREE delivery. #rosedalevic #traralgon #free #delivery #exploreshoptastelocal

02.01.2022 COMPETITION TIME. *Like & follow our page *Share this post (fb) *Tag 3 friends Australia only. Drawn 13.9.2020... Hamper valued at $85 one winner only Head over to our online shop Explore Shop Taste Gippsland. See more

01.01.2022 Congratulations to Vicky at Gippsland Gourmet Pies who now produces award winning pies. We already knew how good they are We have 3 flavours, be quick they won’t last long. #pies #awardwinning #gippsland #butterchicken #venison #slowcookedbeef #bequick #exploreshoptastelocal

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