Gippsland Sleep Angel | Professional service
Gippsland Sleep Angel
Phone: +61 458 631 677
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25.01.2022 Day 3 daylight savings transition How is everyone going? There is 6 nights left until our clocks fall back 1 hour. If you havent already started transitioning its not too late....... Just move your little ones bedtime forward by 20 minutes tonight eg if your bedtime routine is usually 7pm move bed time to 7.20pm. This method will work well for all ages even including primary aged children Thanks always to Kate from sprout photography for the gorgeous image
25.01.2022 This little sleep Angel will be visiting a family in Sydney via face time tonight. Due to recent international travel this family are in isolation, a perfect time to bunker down and practice good sleep habits
24.01.2022 Last week you may remember I spent the evening with a family via Face time. It was a great success and this is a review I received yesterday Our 8month old baby has immediately responded to Nicoles sleep program, and we have seen great improvement in self settling, length of naps and reduction in night wakings.. making for a much more peaceful and sleep filled night for the whole family. We now have an easy to follow routine...we cant believe so much has improved.. in u...nder a week! Nicole has given us the confidence and strategy to approach each sleep, and we know what to do when its not quite going as expected. Our only wish is that we contacted the Sleep Angel sooner! We couldnt recommend Nicole enough! Photo credit: peasinapodphoto
23.01.2022 As you are all aware, little people can be sensitive to even the smallest changes - as anyone whos ever witnessed a toddler meltdown over the wrong cup can attest! The time change of an hour can really mess up their internal body clocks, so taking it slow is the key. DAY 2: ... Today is day 2 of the daylight saving transition program and its not too late to start. We will continue to extend our little peoples bed time out for 20 minutes eg: if their bedtime is usually 7pm you will keep them up until 7.20pm
22.01.2022 DAYLIGHT SAVINGS ENDING Daylight saving will end next Sunday the 5th of April. What this means is that your clocks will fall back one hour. I will be starting my 9 day, daylight savings transition program for you to follow starting from tomorrow. Thursday 26th ... Who will be joining me?
21.01.2022 FYI - I believe that anytime your baby wakes up with a time that starts with a 5 is still the middle of the night! Hands up if you agree?
20.01.2022 If you would like to get a better night (and day) sleep with your little person, I have some time this week to work with you. Please dont hesitate to message or call for some more information about me and my program Nicole: 0458 631 677... Email: [email protected]
20.01.2022 This message The face of one happy baby whos had all her sleeps in her cot and not in my arms!!!!
20.01.2022 REM - rapid eye movement (light sleep) NON REM - non rapid eye movement (deep sleep) These are the 2 sleep cycles that we all sleep in. I explain these in more detail when I visit families I was recently excited to capture little Ellie on video in her light sleep cycle ... During the light sleep state your baby will have irregular breathing patterns. They can have more jerky body movements. Their eyes can open and close making you question whether they are asleep or not (I assure you they are!) They are easily startled and woken during this sleep and its most important to be quiet during this time. They have facial twitches with my favourite being a little smile During the deep sleep state your babies breathing pattern will seem more controlled. They will be still in their body and facial movements. During this sleep they are more difficult to wake
20.01.2022 daylight savings transition-night 7, 8 and 9 There are only 3 nights remaining until daylight savings finishes. If you have been adjusting your little ones bedtimes over the last week or so, this will be the last step. ... So for the next 3 nights you will need to keep your little one up an extra 20 minutes. That is a whole hour extra. eg: if your normal bedtime routine is 7pm it will now be 8pm. Then when the clocks go back on Sunday your bedtime will be back to 7am again (I know its confusing) How is everyone going? Good luck Be Wiser, Kinder, stronger Nicole
19.01.2022 For those of you that are spending more time at home, what a perfect opportunity to tackle any sleep challenges you are facing with your little person I am excited that I am still able to offer support to my families via phone consultations as well as using face time/Skype to visit you. What this means is that you can live anywhere in the world and access this service! For more information about my services... please dont hesitate to contact me: Nicole on 0458 631 677 [email protected] You can also message me through my Face book page. Remember Be: Wiser, Kinder, stronger
18.01.2022 Good morning I have had an enquiry on my fb page this morning from a mum with the initials SM. Unfortunately for some reason I am unable to return a message?? If you can see this message could you message me on my mobile 0458631677 Nicole ... All other messages have been seen and responded to xx
18.01.2022 I have a last minute availability for tonight. This appointment is suitable for a little person from 6 months - 4 years Please contact for more information 0458 631 677 Nicole
18.01.2022 Face time visits cant hide tired cues...This is my cute little baby for tonight The biggest disadvantage is that there are no cuddles from me
18.01.2022 Is your little one having difficulty getting to sleep at night and waking early to start the day? There are several reasons that this could be happening including overtiredness, being cold, hunger, finishing a sleep cycle, too much noise or light creeping in to the room. Its that time of the year when the mornings are getting lighter and with daylight savings starting this weekend you may notice that the early morning light is waking your little person.... If you are noticing that this could be the reason you and your little one is starting the day too early, I recommend using the ergoPouch Window block out blinds. Not only do they look great, they are easy to use, nontoxic, can be reusable which is helpful if you are travelling and they block out 100% of sunlight.
17.01.2022 3 Day/night ANGEL support service Includes: 3 day/night visit from Nicole Mothercraft nurse care and support with feeding, sleeping, bathing, changing, swaddling and more ... As much rest for families as possible Education It has been a challenging few months for a lot of people and families in our community. I have especially been feeling for families who have welcomed a new baby. Whilst it can be the most exciting time in your life, it is a time that support is needed more than ever! During isolation I have witnessed much needed support systems for some new families decrease. So with this in mind I have developed this new service which will help recharge your batteries. If you are interested in any of my programs please dont hesitate to call for a free consultation Remember Be: Wiser,Kinder,Stronger Nicole 0458 631 677 Image credit: sophieleaphotography
17.01.2022 Loved getting this message tonight Well well well guess whos sitting on the touch relaxing by 7.35 because THEIR CHILD IS ASLEEP!!!!!! Insane
16.01.2022 Bed hair dont care! Good morning from me and Elsie
16.01.2022 Good morning How did everyone go today with the clocks going back one hour? Im always complaining that there isnt enough time in the day so I love today, however I do remember my children being small and how exhausting this time of year can be ... Photo credit: Sleeping grace photography
14.01.2022 If you have been considering the Owlet sock to help with peace of mind whilst your little one is is currently reduced to $429.99 including free postage Please call Nicole 0458 631 677
14.01.2022 If you don’t laugh, you’ll cry! Right? Can’t wait to visit this family tonight, at least mums sense of humour is still intact..just
14.01.2022 Good morning from Hudson and I..He is super happy after sleeping in his big boy cot for the first time last night..
13.01.2022 Daylight savings transition 5th April 2020 We have 9 nights before our clocks fall back by 1 hour.... What this means is that if your little one is waking at 7am, when the clocks go back they will then start waking at 6am! If you are wanting to guide your baby to the new transition slowly..tonight is the night! DAY 1: for tonight bring your babys bedtime forward by 20 minutes (if your baby usually goes to bed at 7pm - move it forward to 7.20pm) We will be doing this for 3 days Good luck everyone and let me know how you are going
13.01.2022 I cant seem to get a good photo that depicts how gorgeous this organic cotton blue fabric is. Because I cant seem to buy what I like, I will be calling on Santas little helper (my dad) to help sew the perfect cot blankets that I can share with my beautiful families soon. Let me know if you like the fabrics I have chosen so far?
10.01.2022 Friday morning messages that start the day perfectly Good Morning!! I slept 12 hours straight last night!! Woke once, put my dummy back in and then went back to sleep!! ... probably wouldnt even call it a wake lol. I watched him on the monitor stir and wave his little arm around and just popped it in and off to sleep again! Im so glad we got you in! See more
10.01.2022 Just look at this sleeping beauty Receiving messages like this just makes my heart so full Thank you so much Nicole - you have given my family the gift of sleep. Our 6 month old daughter is sleeping through the night, is falling asleep within 5 minutes of putting her in her cot and is having restful day naps where she wakes up happy. A complete change from what we were dealing with. From waking up 2-3 times a night, co-sleeping, spending 40 minutes (minimum) getting he...r to sleep, only 20 minute day naps and a pretty grumpy Bub when she was awake. We cannot thank you enough for all of the support you have given! See more
09.01.2022 Day 4 daylight savings transition Tonight is the night that we are going to move your sleep time forward an extra 20 minutes. Eg If you have been putting your little one down at 7.20pm it will now be 7.40pm! ... This will be your new bedtime for the next 3 nights. Also dont forget to use the same method for day sleeps. This is one of my favourite photos of me reading to little Charlotte during a home visit a couple of years ago. Maybe read some extra stories to stretch out bed time tonight
09.01.2022 On Sunday the 4th of October our clocks will 'Spring Forward' What this means is..If your little one is waking at 6am they will automatically wake at 7am. usually this is a welcome little sleep in for most families. I have 2 suggestions for you...... Option 1 - On Sunday continue to put your little one to bed at the same time as usual for both day naps and bedtime at night. It may mean lots of distractions for your tired babies and toddlers in the lead up to bedtime as they may be feeling tired and cranky but the adjustment shouldn't take any longer than a couple of days. Option 2 - You can adjust your little ones bedtime by 15 minute increments over the next week eg: If bedtime is 7pm, tonight put your baby to bed at 6.45pm, then 6.30pm,then 6.15pm and finally 6pm then when the clocks move forward on Sunday bedtime will automatically be back to 7pm (does this make sense?) Let Me know if you have any questions and Remember Be: Wiser, Kinder, Stronger Nicole xx
07.01.2022 Seriously..who doesnt love a happy baby image! How gorgeous and clever is Miss E My heart feels full Hey Nicole! Just letting you know E has transitioned Beautifully into her new schedule! We even skipped the cat nap this afternoon! She has been sleeping 1.5-2 hours for her day naps and still sleeping through the night! Thank you again for your guidance. It made me feel a lot more comfortable and confident to adjust her routine to suit her needs better.
07.01.2022 Youre legally required to say oh biiiig stretch! When a baby stretches, regardless of how big or small the stretch is Me Every. Single. Time Quote via
07.01.2022 Special delivery from a very special family What a lovely surprise to come home to tonight thank you @kylie_yeates and @thesimplegesture
07.01.2022 How nice to wake up to this message this morning
05.01.2022 Miss Z (2 years) slept in her room for the first time last night Can you believe this room was hand painted by Miss Zs talented Mum and Aunty. The picture really doesnt do it justice and is just too amazing not to share
05.01.2022 Friday evenings are my most popular evenings for visits. Its a perfect opportunity to practice your new sleep skills over the weekend often when both parents are available to support each other. Due to a rescheduled appointment I have tomorrow evening available. If you would like more information please get in contact Nicole
03.01.2022 Good morning! It has been an early start for me, travelling to Bairnsdale in the beautiful East Gippsland region. I watched the sunrise on my trip which was an amazing way to start my day...stay tuned for baby spam
02.01.2022 I have been following the Owlet brand for many years now. Up until the last couple of years it was unavailable in Australia but trust me when I say I was watching and waiting in anticipation of its arrival. A common concern I hear from parents and of course I felt with my own children is worry. Often your baby will sleep but you can lay awake checking on your baby to continually make sure they are OK. The Owlet sock silently tracks and infants heart rate and oxygen while the...y sleep and notifies parents if something is wrong. The smart sock wraps around your babys foot to track heart rate and oxygen levels using clinically proven pulse oximetry. The base station glows green to let you know everything is OK but will notify with lights and sounds if something appears to be wrong. Using Owlets app, you can recieve notifications and stream real time heart rate oxygen levels on your phone. These can be used from birth to 18months I am excited and proud to be stocking these Owlet smart socks. RRP $479.00 as well as the Owlet Cam $279.00 Whist my website is under construction I welcome enquiries through FB message or you can call or message Nicole 0458631677
02.01.2022 GIVEAWAY Darkness is essential to sleep. The absence of light sends a critical signal to the body that it is time to rest. Light exposure alters the body’s internal sleep clock and for that reason I highly recommend using block out blinds to keep your little persons room nice and dark for lovely sweet dreams The ergo pouch block out blinds are an Australian company and have been so generous in supporting my small business. ... I am going to be giving a set of blinds away to one lucky winner. All you need to do is like and comment why you would love a set of blinds. I will be announcing the winner next Sunday 10th October Good Luck xx
02.01.2022 If you dont laugh, youll cry! Right? Cant wait to visit this family tonight, at least mums sense of humour is still intact..just
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