Giulia Jones MLA | Politician
Giulia Jones MLA
Phone: 0448734942
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24.01.2022 Let’s keep our nature parks for the generations to come. Only a Canberra Liberals Government will Save Coolo Park. There is a better way, vote Liberal!
24.01.2022 New, lenient targets not the answer for ailing ED... Under the ACT Labor-Greens Government, Canberra patients continue to wait longer than anywhere else in the country for emergency hospital treatment. Now, the government has flagged a shift to new and more lenient waiting time targets. Under the proposed new targets, ED will aim to discharge 80 percent of patients within four hours, an easing from the current target of 90 percent.... Presently, the ACT is only discharging 57 percent of patients within this timeframe. Admission targets are also proposed to be eased, with the a new target of just 60 percent of patients admitted within four hours and 90 percent of patients admitted within eight hours. However, in January, the Minister for Health said her goal was to have 70 percent of ED patients seen within four hours by October this year. Moving the goal posts and changing definitions to be more lenient is a distraction from the actual changes that are needed to the health system. The onus is on the Minister to explain to the community exactly how this will achieve better and more timely outcomes for patients. The ACT has for too long been the worst performer of any state or territory when it comes to ED waiting times. Even under these revised targets, the Labor-Greens Government has little chance of success. Rather than wishful thinking and more lenient targets, the government needs to address the underlying issue of underperformance of our hospital system in the face of Canberra’s growing and ageing population.
23.01.2022 Lower taxes. Better services.
23.01.2022 After migrating to Australia at the age of seven, Elizabeth Lee MLA reflects on her first Australia Day and what it means to her. Later today, Elizabeth and I will be celebrating Australia Day at several events organised by some of our multicultural communities. Spending the day with our new Australians; our Australians who have come from near and far to call Australia home is very special
23.01.2022 The Canberra Liberals will lower cost pressures on Canberra businesses to help them recover from COVID.
23.01.2022 It's an honour to be elected Deputy Leader of the Canberra Liberals alongside our new Leader Elizabeth Lee MLA - Liberal Member for Kurrajong! This is an exciting and historic moment for the Liberal party, having a woman-woman leadership. The Canberra Liberals will continue to hold the government to account, and we will do that with passion and dignity.... I would like to thank all of my colleagues, especially Alistair Coe MLA and Nicole Lawder MLA for their tireless contribution and dedication to our team.
23.01.2022 On top of the Canberra Liberals’ plan to halve waiting times and turbocharge our way through 70,000 surgeries over the next term of government, we will also deliver 30,000 outpatient specialist services. This will mean that children will no longer have to wait four years for an initial appointment with a health specialist.
22.01.2022 For lower taxes and better services, vote for Giulia Jones, Jeremy Hanson and the Murrumbidgee Liberal team. Canberra Liberals Jeremy Hanson Amardeep Singh - Liberal for Murrumbidgee Ed Cocks - your local liberal Sarah Suine - Liberal for Murrumbidgee
21.01.2022 The Canberra Liberals will hire an additional 200 nurses for our health system. We'll also create more pathways for nurses to attain permanent employment, providing greater job security and certainty.
21.01.2022 Today marks 100 days since the ACT election. In this time we've learnt that expansions of the Canberra Hospital have been further delayed by years, and that the ACT is running out of hospital beds. If the first 100 days are anything to go by, the next four years are going to leave many Canberrans behind.
21.01.2022 Only the Canberra Liberals will get on with the job of delivering an enhanced and expanded surgical centre to future-proof the Canberra Hospital.
18.01.2022 The Canberra Liberals will HALVE hospital waiting times.
17.01.2022 The Canberra Liberals will support our frontline police and emergency services workers. 130 more police officers 100 more firefighters New police station and new fire & ambulance station for Molonglo & Weston Creek
17.01.2022 A Canberra Liberals Government will reform the way we recognise and manage mental injury in our frontline workforces by implementing presumptive legislation. This legislative reform will shift the burden from frontline workers to prove their injury, instead operating on the presumption that their injury occurred at or because of their stressful, dangerous and at times traumatic work. Our frontline workers should not have to battle the system to get the care they need. ... With the right legislative framework, we can provide the mental health care that our respected frontline workers deserve.
17.01.2022 I'm committed to making Canberra the best place to live, work and raise a family, so that everyone can get ahead.
16.01.2022 For lower taxes and better services, vote Liberal.
15.01.2022 Thank you to all the frontline health, emergency services and community workers who are working hard so hard over this holiday season. You are the heroes of 2020!
15.01.2022 The Canberra Liberals are committed to delivering a state-of-the-art hydrotherapy pool in Canberra’s south! John James Foundation MS Australia Arthritis ACT Vicki Dunne MLA Jeremy Hanson
15.01.2022 Attention all Weston Creek and Molonglo Valley friends! Please fill out this survey to have your thoughts heard on the main road of Weston Creek’s Cooleman Court Shopping area, Brierly Street! We know it well, Trennery Square, the back wall of the Woolworths, Duncan’s liquor shop, the florist and the many take away and restaurants... what improvements would you like to see? ...
14.01.2022 What a massive day for the Canberra Liberals. Elizabeth Lee MLA - Liberal Member for Kurrajong and Giulia Jones MLA are already doing the hard work to set us up for this term and lead us to 2024.
13.01.2022 Save Coolo Park. Jeremy Hanson and I are committed to keeping this park for the generations to come.
12.01.2022 On this #WorldPharmacistDay thank your local pharmacists who have done so much for us this year! Thank you Capital Chemist Mawson for inviting me to celebrate with you
11.01.2022 The Canberra Liberals will build a police station in Molonglo Valley and hire an additional 130 frontline officers
11.01.2022 Our endoscopy wait list is over 7000 people, some have waited years and years already, the wait can be deadly... the government has agreed to my request to come into the assembly in September and tell us all how they will get this list under control.
11.01.2022 Labor and the Greens have a track record of failing to deliver the critical health infrastructure our growing city needs. The long-promised expansion to the Women’s and Children’s Hospital at the Canberra Hospital appears to be further delayed. This is in addition to the massive delays we are seeing to the surgical centre at TCH which was originally promised in 2016 but the first sod is yet to be turned.... It’s time for Labor and the Greens to stop talking about hospital expansions and start actually delivering them. The amazing men and women in our frontline health services desperately need better infrastructure and equipment.
09.01.2022 Talking about health... will the new building at the canberra hospital help and be delivered this term? I hope so! We need it!
08.01.2022 My motion is about ensuring every friend, neighbour, co-worker is taken seriously, respected and cared for after a sexual assault. It's about Canberrans receiving best practice care.
07.01.2022 Team Murrumbidgee was really assisted by the Young Liberals yesterday!!! What a team of hard workers!!!
07.01.2022 Prince Philip has passed. God rest his soul.
06.01.2022 Moving the goal posts guarantees nothing for Canberrans waiting in ED. Listen to my interview with Leon Delaney of 2CC.
06.01.2022 It is the season of Ramadan for our Muslim Canberrans and as Shadow Minister for Multicultural Affairs I am attending many Iftars, which is when the fasting ends for the day. Fasting is a powerful act of self denial and we can take inspiration from their commitment to the almighty. Mark Parton MLA
04.01.2022 Today on Police Remembrance Day we remember those who have paid the ultimate price and lost their lives in the service of our community.
04.01.2022 Local businesses and tradies will receive a $150 rego cut for each of their business vehicles every year under a Canberra Liberals Government!
03.01.2022 The Canberra Liberals will reduce the cost of living and increase access to healthcare with our plan for more gap-free and extended hour GP clinics.
03.01.2022 For a greener city! Vote 1-5 Liberal SaveCooloPark
03.01.2022 Thank you so much. For all you have done for me and for all Mums
01.01.2022 Celebrating New Year with the Sri Lankan Buddhist community in Canberra who warmly welcomed my family today. Culture is what binds us <3