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GKR Karate in Cleveland, Queensland | Sports club

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GKR Karate

Locality: Cleveland, Queensland

Phone: +61 450 011 645

Address: Cleveland State School, Queen Street 4163 Cleveland, QLD, Australia


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24.01.2022 Monday Cleveland Kids had a spooky and exciting Halloween class yesterday. The class started with a Zombie shuffle relay involving balloons, parents also got involved, amazing work! Students then participated in a game of survivor, using situational awareness and blocking to keep the zombies away. and SURVIVE! Halfway through, karate relay, Students vs Parents. Parents took the win and the students most certainly will look at gaining victory next time.... To end the lesson, students participated in a game of mummies. Sensei Dan and I hope everyone enjoyed themselves and enjoyed their goodie bags. You guys looked amazing and thank you parents for being involved, an amazing effort from all of you. Have an awesome week, we look forward to seeing full focus next week from all students.

24.01.2022 We had a great night at Cleveland kids class tonight. There were 31 excited and eager karate-ka lined up with a guest appearance from Sensei Andrew. We started with warmups then basics. After the break we broke off. 10th & 9th kyu karate-ka did Kata and basics combos while 8the kyu and above did work on Kata Saifa and cat stance combos.

23.01.2022 Welcome Back Thursday Night Dojo!! What an amazing effort the students showed us tonight after a two week break, smashing out some awesome basics and stance work. The higher belts padded up for some kumite to work on foot movement and sharp reflexes, while the white belts got to work on blocks and strikes to help develop their future karate. I would also like to give a big warm welcome to Te, Kalissie, Monty, Ben, Michael, Paul, Vesper and Oliver for joining Cleveland Dojo ...and for a great first class. We also had the honour of awarding two Gradings tonight for Rob And Ted who have been training very hard. We Sensis hope to see all you karate ka next week for another great class

23.01.2022 What a great class tonight for Cleveland Dojo. Kicking the class off with a kumite combo and following it with a black belt combo sure got everyone sweating. It was good to see the karate ka trying a bit of partner work with our blocks and punches. Remembering to block the punch and push it away. The class also smashed out great kata tonight, showing us their best grade katas. We certainly can’t wait to see them performed on Sunday at the tournament. ... Good luck to all those competing in the Regional Tournament, just remember that if you don’t win you will learn and we will all have fun. Congratulations to Oscar for grading to his orange tip (7th kyu ho) Can’t wait to see you all next week, hopefully some of you will have some bling to bring to class keep training hard

23.01.2022 Cleveland Thursday night class is done and dusted for the year 2020. Sensei’s Jason, Riley, Sam and myself are so proud of all the Karte Ka who have joined the Thursday night dojo this year. You have all worked so hard and put a lot of sweat into your belts and gis. The standard of training that we have watched in the dojo has given us such joy and made our teaching so rewarding. We hade the pleasure of welcoming Kian to the Cleveland dojo family tonight and we also had s...ome big certificates to give out... Most improved male went to Peter Most improved female went to Lilli Students of the Year went to Jason & Jacob We hope to see everyone next year for more awesome training and smiles thank you for helping make this year so great

22.01.2022 Karate Classes start today!! (Monday 4/1/2021).

22.01.2022 Great work tonight Cleveland Thursday night Dojo The level of focus throughout the dojo was incredible tonight. Everyone should be proud of them selves because we did some pretty intense combos and kicks. Basics were smashed out as always and the higher belt worked on advanced blocks and strikes. ... Thank you for joining the Cleveland dojo Aloysius and Congratulations to Simone for grading to her orange tip We hope to see everyone next week for another awesome class

22.01.2022 Wow, what an amazing class of students for Thursday night Dojo. Everyone really put in their best and had fun while trying some advanced strike and block combos which tested the mind as much as the body. The Senseis then told the class a bit about self defence and the practical application of our strike and block combs, all the students seemed quite keen to give it all a go once covid has passed and we can’t wait to teach them. We ended the night with foot work and kumi...te for a bit of fun Big congratulations to all those who graded on Sunday, us Senseis are so proud to be on this journey with you all. Keep training hard and we will see you all next week See more

21.01.2022 Well done Thursday night Dojo, what a fantastic effort in class from all of you karate ka. In last nights class we were assessing those eligible for grading on Sunday and were very proud of the standard that you all put in. We had fun with advanced stances, strikes and blocks that the whole dojo got to try and we were blown away by the lower belt keeping up with the higher belts. ... We also had fun with kicks that Sensei Riley took and combos from Sensei Jason. A big round of applause for Tiara and Oliver for achieving their 9th Kyu gradings and a warm welcome to our newest students Kaidee, Kiara, Molly and Mikayla. We hoped to see you all there next week for our last class of the year

17.01.2022 Great work tonight Cleveland Dojo, the karate ka have done another amazing job with their advanced strikes, blocks and stances. We had lots of fun teaching the students some of the trickier forms in the karate syllabus and everyone had fun while learning. Big congratulations to Kylan and Kiara for grading to their 7th Kyu Ho (orange tip) ... We hope to see you all again next week, keep up the amazing work

16.01.2022 So proud of all the Karte Ka’s that trained tonight, absolutely smashing basics and working on their correct techniques for blocks, strikes and kicks. Thank you everyone for putting in your best efforts tonight, you are all improving and from the focus that was shown, us Sensei’s are very proud to be teaching you all every week. We had two 7th kyu ho grading tonight for Paul and Jacob, both of who have been putting in an amazing effort each week. And I awarded Dalia with ...amazing round kicks. Hope to see you all next week keep training hard.

16.01.2022 An awesome class yesterday at Monday Cleveland kids. To start off yellow tips and below were with Sensei Kaitlyn while Yellow belts above were with Sensei Dan. Yellow tips and below started to breakdown the basics and refine there movements whilst Yellow belts above worked on refining there movements and Kata.... Towards the end, the green belts worked on Safi while Yellow belts worked on 1st and 2nd Kata. Students then participated in a game of Sensei says. Olivia graded to 7th kyu ho orange tip and was awarded best focus, Arjun was awarded most improved and Lachlan was awarded amazing first class. Well done to everyone, we look forward to another awesome class next Monday. Have a wonderful week

15.01.2022 Great News! As of this morning our Premier has officially announced that the lock down for the Greater Brisbane area will end at 6pm tonight with some restricti...ons continuing until January 22nd. This means that our classes will resume on Tuesday 12th January, operating under our COVID Safe Plan that we have had in place since the beginning of lock down! What has changed for all of us now is if we are residents in the council areas of Brisbane, Logan City, Moreton Bay and Redlands we must carry a mask at all times, and they must be worn in any indoor space. Changes in the DOJO 1. You must wear a mask in indoor spaces, except in your home. This means as of Tuesday 12th January until 22nd January, masks must be worn by anyone entering the dojo, including instructors, sempai and all of your students and spectators (Children under 12 years and people affected by a medical condition or disability are exempt) 2. Students will be permitted to remove masks to train (You are not required to wear a face mask when outdoors at a safe distance from other people, in private vehicles or when doing strenuous exercise) 3. Instructors and sempai will wear masks whist teaching until the 22 January at which time we will reassess the situation and advise 4. Stand up bow in only and no kiais! 5. No partner work, bag work / noodles or kumite to be allowed in classes until the 22 January at which time we will reassess the situation and advise 6. We request that if you remain to watch your family members training that you continue to either fill out the COVID tracing forms provided at each class or use the COVID tracing link available in each class 7. Reminder to all students to sanitize hands before and after class (washing hands in a basin is also acceptable) We take this very seriously and we ask all students and parents that if they are displaying any of the symptoms at all, no matter how mild, to get tested immediately and quarantine at home until you receive a negative result. Please do not come to class and risk transmitting the virus further. We will continue to monitor the situation and advise of any changes that may impact us. If you have any questions please feel free to message Sensei Gary or Sensei Lou. Stay safe and well and we will see you in the DOJO!!

15.01.2022 Congratulations to all students who graded yesterday. Everyone smashed it! Here is some photos of our jumping efforts on how excited we were along with a few serious faces. Well done everyone

15.01.2022 Great session last night, showing true commitment by training on the ANZAC Public Holiday at the Cleveland dojo. We went through the basics; great stances, strikes and blocks. We did a follow up practicing our Mae Geri and Mawashi Geri kicks and finished off with kata. Excellent focus. We welcome the Dunne family to Monday Cleveland dojo!

14.01.2022 Cleveland Dojo- following classes are 22/10, sat 24/10, mon 26/10, wed 28/10, thurs 29/10 (due to school using hall). And also on the 31/10 (election). Apologies for any inconvenience.

12.01.2022 Tonight at our Cleveland kids class, we braved the elements and focused on our basics and getting Taigyoku shodan (first Kata) right. Congratulations go to our very own Senpai, Kiel West, who wore his black and white belt with pride tonight. Well done on getting through the STP!

12.01.2022 Welcome back Cleveland Dojo, what a great start back to the year. Regardless of covid, we still had very keen karate ka ready to train and start their 2021 journey. There was plenty of sweat from all those training and it was great to see the effort put into the class. ... We welcomed Saba to the Dojo Family tonight and we hope to see everyone again next week.

09.01.2022 Wow absolutely outstanding! 40 amazing karate students attended Monday Cleveland yesterday. Sensei Dan and I loved seeing so many keen students. ... The class was warmed up and pumped, ready to start the lesson. Yellow and above went with Sensei Dan for advanced movements while white belts worked on basics with Sensei Kaitlyn. Halfway through, yellow and orange belts joined with white belts with Sensei Kaitlyn introducing 1st Kata whilst green belts worked on Safi with Sensei Dan. Moreover, all students then participated in a game of Sensei says. Towards the end, Oliver and Thomas graded to 9th kyu, Narelle graded to 7th kyu. Furthermore, Callum, Dallas, Keddrich and Phylicia were awarded amazing first class. Awesome work everyone Have a great week and we will see you next Monday

07.01.2022 Well done to Thursday night Class, everyone did an amazing job. It was great to have Sensei Dave back again to help out. I’m sure all the students enjoyed the change of pace as well. With the grading coming up on Sunday, tonight’s class was pushed on their basics. Making sure the fine tuning of our blocks and strikes were on point. Everyone smashed out fantastic katas tonight but there was plenty of feed back from the Sensei’s too. ... We congratulate Mikayla tonight for grading to her 9th kyu, yellow tip. Cameron got student of the month tonight and did a fantastic job in class. We also welcome Declan, Chien and Euodia, we hope to see you all again next week. Thank you all for your dedication, we really appreciate it

06.01.2022 Another amazing Thursday night class with 32 students who all trained hard. We were very proud to watch as the karte kas rose to the challenge of Sensei Jason’s warm up and combos. While the higher belts worked on their advanced strikes and stances the white belts did an excellent job at learning first kata. Also it was so good to see Brooke and Deb again in the class. We also welcomed Oscar and Rhys to the dojo, both of who trained awesomely. We hope to see you all agin next week

06.01.2022 Wow! What an AMAZING class Monday was! To begin, there was a total of 28 students eager to get their karate 'on'. During the first half, Sensei Dan took everybody through fast combination drills in long forward stance. Once the class was warm and engaged, ... the class was then divided. Sensei Kaitlyn took the white belts and Sensei Dan with yellow and above. White belts focused on learning and refining their basic techniques and yellow belts and above were being introduced to 'backward leaning stance - blocking shuto'. It is ALWAYS amazing to see everybodys focus and determination towards their improvement each week, thus proving that team Cleveland are CHAMPIONS! Towards the end of class, the students were treated to a fun game with Sensei Kaitlyn, which focused on situational awareness and co-ordintion. During this time we welcomed Phylicia and Keddrich to the team. It certainly looked like a whole lot of fun! The smiles on everybody's face said it all! Luke and Crystal were graded to their 9th KYU - yellow tip! And are well on their way to becoming future black belts! - Their karate is looking outstanding! Lastly, the kids decided to have some fun challenging the senseis to a 1 minute Sumo Stance (....thanks for the gang-up, guys...) Keep up the great work, team! Sensei Kaitlyn and myself are super proud of everyone! We will see you next week!

06.01.2022 Wow, Cleveland Thursday night class rocked the dojo tonight with 34 keen students. The karate kas smashed out basics and combos like professionals and absolutely blew us Senseis away when they blitzed black belt combos. We couldn’t be prouder of the students who attended tonight and gave their all. We welcomed some new faces to the dojo as well, Ariana, Sam, Issac, Isabella and Rangiora. ... We also awarded amazing Sparing to Christiano who didn’t hold back against his opponent no matter what their size. We hope to see you all again next week to help make another awesome class keep training like black belts

05.01.2022 Tonight was one of our best classes for this year, we had 31 students attend and train their hardest through a grading style format. Starting the night off with basic blocks and strikes and moving through with some awesome stances. Kicks were out of this world with the students pushing their karate skills to the max and kata was exceptional. ... We finished the night off with the students pushing their leg mussels with a sumo stance challenge. We also had a very special grading with Ada progressing to 9th Kyu and we welcomed Jacob, Jessica and Tiara to the dojo. Good luck to all those grading on the weekend and we will see you all next week

04.01.2022 An amazing Monday class yesterday. To start off the lesson, all students went through basic strikes and blocks. Halfway through, white belts worked on forward back fist, side back fist and front kick while Yellow above worked on Kata.... To end the lesson, Students all participated in a game. Isabella and Dhiva graded to 7th kyu ho (orange tip) and Cooper graded to 9th kyu (yellow tip). Well done everyone, we are looking forward to another amazing class next Monday. Have a wonderful week

04.01.2022 Hi Cleveland Saturday class. We arrived to find the gates locked (they are supposed to be left open for us). I am contacting the school to ensure this doesn’t happen again. As for today’s class. It is cancelled as we are unable to safely access the hall. Apologies for any inconvenience. - Sensei Gary Luxton.

04.01.2022 To all Region 29 parents and students, We can now confidently confirm classes will resume tonight!! All classes will resume as per our normal timetable and wi...ll run over the Easter long weekend! The following will apply for next two weeks from Midday today until April 15: All spectators in class will need to wear masks it is mandatory when leaving home to have a mask and it is a requirement that they must be worn in all indoor venues. Children under 12 are not required to wear a mask, and this also applies to a person with a medical condition or disability. Students are not required to wear a mask whilst training as we are doing strenuous exercise (Strenuous exercise is exercise in or above the aerobic zone) Stand up bow in No partner drills. No Kumite Sanitiser is to be used before and after breaks and before and after class. Practice social distancing where possible Thank you for your patience during this time! We appreciate and understand the disruption these events cause our classes, we do need to ensure we are strictly adhering to our COVID safe plans to ensure our students, parents and our Instructors remain safe during this time. We look forward to seeing you all back training! Please stay safe and enjoy your Easter break! Kind regards Sensei Gary and Sensei Lou

04.01.2022 Don’t forget this Thursday night we’re back in the Hall, so if something been missing from your Thursday nights lately, come on down for an action packed night of training. Hope to see you all there, Sensei Jason.

04.01.2022 Class cancelled this Wednesday 25/11/2020. Dear students, Cleveland State School requires the hall on this day. Class is cancelled. Apologies for any inconvenience. R29 Instructor Team.

03.01.2022 STATE TEAM OPEN NIGHT POSTPONED Due to an issue out of our control, the State Team Open Night planned for Sunday 11th April at Mansfield will not be able go ahead. We will postpone and it will instead run on our second open date: Sunday 2nd May. As this is late notice, please pass on to anyone else who was intending to come along. Our apologies and look forward to seeing you in May! See more

02.01.2022 Another great night at Cleveland dojo with great karate ka. This week we tried our hand at self defence manoeuvres and had lots of fun learning to put our opponents down, nicely of course. We also had more fun learning our advanced strikes and making sure the technique is correct and finished the night off with kata. Welcome to Adam, Elijah, Malachi and Kianu for joining Thursday night Dojo. ... Congratulations to Denis, Samuel and Isaac for grading to their 7th kyu ho (orange tip) We hope to see you all next week for some more fun karate, have a great weekend everyone

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