Gladstone Conservation Council in Gladstone, Queensland | Community
Gladstone Conservation Council
Locality: Gladstone, Queensland
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25.01.2022 Well we know first hand how effective all those conditions are, don’t we? Cheryl.
23.01.2022 Generally, wildlife closer to people in urban areas are more likely to carry antimicrobial-resistant bacteria, because we share our homes, food waste and water with them. For example, our recent research showed 48% of 664 brushtail possums around Sydney and Melbourne tested positive for antibiotic-resistant genes. Cheryl.
22.01.2022 But underlying this narrative are a whole lot of claims experts say come dangerously close to misinformation. [Morrison] is using language very carefully in ways that if you pull it apart it is technically correct but creates a misleading impression, the Grattan Institute’s Tony Wood says. Cheryl.
20.01.2022 Lock up your bonsai {Anna}
20.01.2022 Reductions in water flow as expected due to climate change can lead to a build-up of sediment downstream. In extreme cases, this silting up can cause complete disintegration of river channels, where water flows out across the floodplain. Not all rivers are alike, and the rivers of the Murray-Darling and Lake Eyre basins (covering 1.8 million square kilometres) are particularly diverse. Many of these rivers and wetlands are internationally recognised for their hydrological and ecological importance. Cheryl.
20.01.2022 AYCC has a petition about not putting public money into fossil fuel projects. We think that’s a great idea. Anna
19.01.2022 "We do need to really think hard about our balance of how much water we take out versus how much water is going in." However, he said overall the management of the basin now was much better than it was 30 or 40 years ago. Cheryl.
19.01.2022 I am going to watch it. Cheryl"
18.01.2022 . Some of the most contentious debates involve natural gas. The fuel is less polluting than coal, but an international team of scientists reported last year that planet-warming emissions from gas are rising faster than coal emissions are falling. A recent study in the peer-reviewed journal AGU Advances found that replacing coal with gas might do little good for the climate. Cheryl.
18.01.2022 This may be useful, Cheryl.
17.01.2022 Mr Massy admits he's made powerful enemies of chemical companies that dispute the possible link he draws between using glyphosate on crops and the rise of cancers and auto-immune diseases. Some of his fellow farmers also take exception to his criticisms of conventional farming methods. Cheryl.
14.01.2022 All the while, Jum says his supervisor demanded he keep working, tending the heavy reddish-orange palm oil fruit that has made its way into the supply chains of the planet’s most iconic food and cosmetics companies like Unilever, L’Oreal, Nestle and Procter & Gamble. I am not a free man anymore, he says, his voice cracking. I desperately want to see my mom and dad. I want to go home! An Associated Press investigation found many like Jum in Malaysia and neighboring Indonesia an invisible workforce consisting of millions of laborers from some of the poorest corners of Asia, many of them enduring various forms of exploitation, with the most serious abuses including child labor, outright slavery and allegations of rape. Together, the two countries produce about 85 percent of the world’s estimated $65 billion palm oil supply. Cheryl.
13.01.2022 Private for profit enterprises have no place inside National Parks. National Parks are to preserve our heritage for future generations, and these uses are incompatible with that. They can be sited outside the National Park boundaries with far less impact. {Anna}
12.01.2022 Stay tuned. Cheryl.
12.01.2022 What happens when you are overcome with total despair, I guess you just have to try to dust yourself off and keep going forward. The below article made me feel that way but I am glad I read it. Cheryl.
11.01.2022 We’ve reported it before, but there’s no reason to stop reporting it if they continue to offer up evidence for it: the Morrison government is a clutch of climate denialists eager to reward its major donors in the resources sector as much as it possibly can without incurring political damage. Its Low Emissions Technology Statement and its commitment of $1.9 billion to support it has been crafted with that goal in mind. All the chin-stroking commentary from the Press Gallery about how the government has abandoned coal won’t change that. Cheryl.
11.01.2022 Known for their endurance and accuracy, the birds usually arrive along Victoria's south-east coast to breed within 48 hours of September 22. But last year only half of the 40,000-strong colony at Port Fairy's Griffiths Island turned up. This year the island's bird count remains at zero more than a week after they were expected to arrive. Cheryl.
11.01.2022 Today’s project: Creating a midge mesh screen for our air monitors. This will keep larger insects from building their nests inside, and hopefully keep them working longer. Anna
11.01.2022 I watched this and enjoyed it immensely. Cheryl.
11.01.2022 Words fail me. Cheryl.
10.01.2022 What will it take for the population to act as one? Cheryl.
09.01.2022 The influence of fossil fuel leaders was further enhanced through industry advisory bodies in key international institutions such as the International Energy Agency (IEA). For many years the IEA demonstrated a strong bias toward fossil fuels and underestimated renewable energy, a position which continues to this day, undoubtedly influenced by fossil fuel industry pressure. Industry’s forked tongue Publicly the industry now accepts that climate change is real and caused by ant...hropogenic carbon emissions; every corporate and lobby group website has its commitment to sustainability, and in many cases a climate change plan. However, the urgency for action is yet to be accepted. And in Australia, denial mounts. The recent Gas-Led Recovery and Technological Roadmap announcements of the Morrison government confirm the continued influence of the fossil fuel industry and its lobbyists, with the Prime Minister’s office, the Covid Commission and other advisory groups stacked with fossil fuel representatives. Cheryl. See more
09.01.2022 Instead, scholarship founders Philip and Adele Hughes arranged for Stuart Andrews, the son of the visionary Peter Andrews, the creator of natural sequence farming, to conduct a four-day on-property event in the old woolshed at Dulacca Downs. Cheryl.
09.01.2022 Emmanuel Macron, Angela Merkel, Justin Trudeau, Jacinda Ardern and Boris Johnson are among 64 leaders from five continents warning that humanity is in a state of planetary emergency due to the climate crisis and the rampant destruction of life-sustaining ecosystems. To restore the balance with nature, governments and the European Union have made a 10-point pledge to counteract the damage to systems that underpin human health and wellbeing. Cheryl.
07.01.2022 Hiding environmental reports, using wild fish in the feed, and taking no responsibility for waste from salmon farms are all good reasons to expect more from our salmon producers. Can they continue to do what they’ve done for the last two decades forever? The science seems to suggest not. Cheryl.
07.01.2022 Emergency Information for Gladstone (work in progress, please let us know what we've missed) - Gladstone Regional Council's all-in-one disaster dashboard. It pulls real-time information from other sources so you only need to go to one place. - Regular information updates by emergency services including Auslan interpretation are at - Fires near me: - Radio - ABC Capricornia - 99.1FM - - CQ Flood Update - for quick information about road conditions and flood potential - - 4CC Central Queensland - - 927AM
05.01.2022 Are you surprised? Cheryl.
04.01.2022 Interesting. Cheryl.
04.01.2022 We get valuable help from the EDO all the time and it's ridiculous to describe them as radical greenies. They give advice about legal issues to environmental groups (among other clients), just as Legal Aid gives advice about personal legal matters to people who can't afford legal representation. They provide the only legal opposition to Big Coal and Big Gas, and do it all on a shoestring. These are intensely committed people and we are proud to be associated with them. Anna ...Continue reading
03.01.2022 A good read. Cheryl.
03.01.2022 There is a online rally being organised for Monday 12.30pm in response to the Narrabri gas approval. This is your chance to show your anger and concern prior t...o Tuesday's Federal budget that is also geared towards a COVID gas led recovery. We have just a couple of days to make this as big as possible. You can register for the event to receive the zoom link at: Facebook Event page is at:
02.01.2022 Meanwhile, in Nigeria...
02.01.2022 Mr Gray said the thermal coal industry relies on the development of carbon capture technology, but slow advances in this space, combined with global trends away from thermal coal as an energy source had made these companies a high-risk investment. Cheryl.
01.01.2022 It is easy for those of us who do not have the knowledge to say we need water, build dams, but there are unintended consequences. Cheryl.
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