Glass Finish Boat Repairs Cairns | Vehicle service
Glass Finish Boat Repairs Cairns
Phone: +61 412 275 360
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25.01.2022 The boys at Suzuki Port Douglas fitted this 140hp onto the back of the V17T. It looks like it was always meant to be there This beauty cruises through the water now. No slow chugging for this boat #glassfinishboatrepairs #cairnsboatrepairs #HainesV17T #suzukiportdouglas #topblokes #gavemeahat #thatsthemotorhewants
25.01.2022 This customer brought his boat to us after another boat repairer had a go first . We literally had to tell him that the work that was originally done was crap & we had to pull it all out & start all over again It brought a tear to our eye cause who wants to pay twice to get your boat fixed. Nope that’s correct, noone, so remember if you want it done right & done right the first time , then call the man main for a quote & get your boat glassfinishized. #glassfinishboatrepairs #cairnsboatrepairer #saddayforthecustomer #doitrightthefirsttime #giveusacallfirst #wearebetterthentherest
24.01.2022 Progress Progress Progress That’s what we like to see with our customers boats . Mr Bluey has had its sanding . Now it’s time for a prime & an undercoat. ... We can’t wait to show you the finished color, it’s going to shine like the blue in the sea #glassfinishboatrepairs #cairnsboatrepairs #newpaintjobhappening #blueblueblue
24.01.2022 The main man is up in the sky flying to T.I. (Thursday Island) He’s just there for a quick job but he has enough time to come check your boat out. Give him a call on 0412 275 360 & he’ll see if he can see ya’ll . ... NOTE: All big jobs quoted must be shipped to Cairns to be completed. This will be noted on your quote. #glassfinishboatrepairs #cairnsboatrepairs #flyingtoti #quickjob #seeyouallsoon
19.01.2022 Looks like the main man is thinking about joining the Blue Men Group. Oh Wait! He just sanding the blue Skiboat that he has in the workshop. Mr Bluey is getting a full sand & respray. It will look brand new after the man mains done with it Keep your eyes posted for updates of the after shots . ... We don’t just do repairs, the man main does resprays as well. If your boats looking a bit dull & needs a new lease on life give the main man a call & he can help you out. #glassfinishboatrepairs #cairnsboatrepairs #hesturnedblue #joysofsanding #boatlife #newpaintjobhappening
19.01.2022 The Main Man finally did it... I mean the Wife finally said yes That’s right ladies & gentlemen the man main finally brought a boat . And In true Glass Finish Boat Repairs style he didn’t just buy a working usable boat that he could actually go fishing in, he brought a fixer upperer so that he can Glassfinishize it; because who wouldn’t want a Glassfinishized boat . This bad boy is going to be a beauty once the man main is finished with it so watch this sp...ace for updated photos & videos . #finallybroughtaboat #thewifesaidyes #glassfinishboatrepairs #manmainishappy #glassfinishizeit
19.01.2022 Merry Christmas Everyone! If a new boat was on your wishlist & you got a new boat congratulations! If not, give the main man a call in January to have you boat looked at so he can have it looking brand new for you. ... Reminder - we are closed until Monday 6th Jan 2020 #glassfinishboatrepairs #cairnsboatrepairs #christmaswishlist #newboat #alliwantforxmasisanewboat
18.01.2022 We are rounding out 2019 at the beach fishing with a beer What a year it has been for us at Glass Finish Boat Repairs. We only ever thought opening up shop was a pipe dream & this was the year we actually made it happen. So, Thank you to everyone that has helped us & all of our customers that entrusted us with their boats .... We look forward to an even bigger & better year in 2020. See you next year guys #glassfinishboatrepairs #cairnsboatrepairs #beach&blueskies #finishtheyearfishing #notapipedream #wemadeithappen #byebye2019 #hello2020
17.01.2022 CCA Composite Boards and Fibrefinish are bringing our 2 most popular DIY Sessions to SEQ! Cheesboard and Thermolite Basics sessions are a goer!
16.01.2022 Smurf, Smurf baby. Diddle diddle de de do..... Mr Bluey now renamed Mr Smurf by the Main Man himself has been totally Glassfinishized & looking bluer then ever . We can’t wait to see our customers face when he picks this baby up. He will be the envy of all his mates. ... #glassfinishboatrepairs #cairnsboatrepairs #smurfbabysmurf #blueblueblue #newpaintjob
16.01.2022 We hope everyone had a Happy & Safe Easter Holiday What did everyone get up too? The Main Man went out on the boat ‘Hunting & Gathering’ but he’s back up at the shed today Glassfinishing along.... Give him a call if you would him to come & have a look at your boat this week & get that long awaited fix, fixed. #glassfinishboatrepairs #cairnsboatrepairs #newboatrepairerintown #glassfinishingalong #huntingandgathering
13.01.2022 The main man packed the family up in the car Friday night & headed to Townsville for the night We picked up some goodies while we were there Thanks to FIBREFINISH for the awesome products , we can’t wait to put these beauties on our customers boats ... #glassfinishboatrepairs #cairnsboatrepairs #goodies #fibrefinish #quicktrip #fibrefinishproducts
12.01.2022 It’s O-fish-ally Christmas Time Glass Finish Boat Repairs will be closed for the Christmas Holidays from Tuesday 24 Dec to Sunday 8th January. If you would like your boat looked at before then give the man main a call so he can quote you & get you booked in for the New Year . ... #glassfinishboatrepairs #cairnsboatrepairs #getbookedinnow #callthemanmain #closingforchristmas #christmasclosedates
12.01.2022 What’s everyone up to this fine Fridaynight? The man main is slowing chipping away at fiberglassing steels tanks for a local company. These tanks are massive, they are in 2 pieces atm but once they join them they are a massive 22meters long by 6meters tall. ... #glassfinishboatrepairs #cairnsboatrepairs #cairnsfibreglassing #wedontjustdoboat #whatamassivejob #thesetanksarehuge
11.01.2022 This is our first official photo of this beauty on the water . Our customers words to us where ‘It chops through the Chop ’. We are very excited to see these photos & cant wait for a video of this boat chopping through the water. Every boat is individual so we can’t just give you a ball park figure we literally need to see every boat before we quote it. ... So give the man main a call & get your boat booked in to be quoted. You too can be as happy as this customer is with his Glassfinishized transformation. #customize #GlassFinishize #glassfinishboatrepairs #cairnsboatrepairs #boatofhisdreams #HainesV17T #chopsthroughthechop #bookinnow #getquotedtoday
10.01.2022 The main man is now fully booked out until Christmas Time January is starting to fill up fast tooo If you’d like your boat looked at and booked in for the new year give Benny a call on 0412 275 360. #glassfinishboatrepairs #cairnsboatrepairs #getbookedinnow #beforwearwbookedout #2020isnearling #boatrepairs #cairns
09.01.2022 Give your car some loving too this Christmas Season Go see Pete at Straightline Detailing Cairns to have your car looking brand new
08.01.2022 SUPPORT SUNDAY This Sunday we are supporting all the local small businesses that help us do what we do! A big thanks to @fiberfinish, @smartlinedetailing & @autoconsumables for helping us out! ... You can help out too... Drop a link to your FB or Instagram page below - Jump on the comments below and Like & Share everyone’s page. Let’s work together to be seen! #glassfinishboatrepairs #cairnsboatrepairs #supportasmallbusiness #letsbeseentogether #fibrefinish #straightlineautomotivedetailingcairns
04.01.2022 Lucky the man main is good at jigsaw puzzles cause at one stage we had so many boats we literally had them jigsaw puzzled in with centimeters inbetween them. Boats! Boats & more Boats I don’t think he could have fit anymore in if he tried too. #glassfinishboatrepairs #cairnsboatrepairer #jigsawpuzzle #boats12345 #somanyboats #wheredowefitthemall
03.01.2022 Okay! I know you’ve been waiting on these photos for ages now No need to hold your breath any longer, here they are This beauty is fully glassfinishized the only thing that wasn’t glassfinihized was the outside hull & even that got a spray job . We spent a lot of consultation time with this customer. He knew what he wanted & we helped him create the boat of his dreams ... This beauty is now a sleek V17T, it’s been shipped up to T.I & our customer couldn’t have been more cuffed about its arrival #customize #GlassFinishize #glassfinishboatrepairs #cairnsboatrepairs #boatofhisdreams #HainesV17T
03.01.2022 YES Glass Finish Boat Repairs is still open for Business The Main Man is ready & keen to Glassfinishize your boat . We know we’ve been pretty quiet on the social media front lately but we’ve taken a step back lately to reassess our situation & decide wether or not it’s viable for us to stay open. After all of the customers that have rang us this week for quotes & our current customers , you have all helped us make the decision to stay open ... & to keep glassfinishizing boats for the community. Give the Man Main a call on 0412-275-360 if you want him to swing by & check out your boat , no boat is too big or too small . P.S. Keep a look out for new photos of all the boats we’ve had in & out of the shed. #glassfinishboatrepairs #cairnsboatrepairs #awesomecustomers #yesweareopen #supportlocal #australianowned
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