Glebe Road Uniting Church | Church
Glebe Road Uniting Church
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25.01.2022 It's great to welcome back Rev Peter Arnett this morning as he begins the Advent series on 'Peace on Earth'. Sunday 29 Nov 2020 10:15am Contemporary Service
24.01.2022 The King is Coming! We had a great time in Kid’s Church today! a voice of one calling in the wilderness,... ‘Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him.’ Mark 1:3 See more
24.01.2022 If you can’t join us in person this morning, you can watch Rev. Peter’s Good Friday message at the link below
24.01.2022 Join us right here for the 10;15am Contemporary Service.
23.01.2022 Join us here right now for the 8:15am Traditional Service.
23.01.2022 Were excited for worship this Sunday! Services will be live streamed at 8:15am and 10:15am. If youre joining us in person, remember to social distance And of course, if youre sick or in the vulnerable health category, stay home and enjoy the live stream
23.01.2022 A word for Wednesday from Rev Peter Arnett The commencement of each letter to the seven churches contains a word of affirmation, followed by a word of correction, or warning. To the church at Thyatira, John writes these words of commendation for the love, faith, service and perseverance demonstrated by Gods people, as well the recognition that they are growing in these areas, achieving more for the Kingdom of God than ever before. However, there is a pervasive element of... idolatory and sexual immorality that is evident within the Christian community. John refers to this as the spirit of Jezebel. Jezebel became the Queen of Israel when she married King Ahab and her exploits are detailed in 1 Kings chapters 16, 18.19 & 21 in which she leads the nation to worship Baal and has the prophets of Yahweh killed. In the western world we are prone to the temptations of idolatory and sexual immorality. The lure of material possessions, fame, wealth and power, are a seductive influence over many people, including those of us who profess a genuine faith in Jesus Christ. Sexuality is an alluring thread woven through the tapestry of contemporary society. Sexuality is utilised in advertising, prominent in movies, television programs and popular music. The lines between human sexuality and pornography have become blurred in our culture and are a great temptation for many people to objectify other human beings for their own sexual gratification. Let us encourage and inspire one another to grow in love, faith, service, and the perseverance to pursue holiness. Reading: Revelation 2:18-29 #dailydevotional #bible
23.01.2022 Important News There wont be in-person worship at Glebe Road this Sunday. Out of an abundance of caution were going to share in worship only via live stream for both the 8:15 and 10:15 services. While we wait to see what happens with recent COVID-19 cases in our area, were hopeful that we might be able to gather together again the following week (6 September). That will be confirmed next week. ... In this time of waiting, please continue to uphold each other in prayer and give thanks for Gods great faithfulness.
23.01.2022 A Word for Wednesday from Rev Peter Arnett Do you remember falling in love? Perhaps the memories and feelings are recent, or they may seem a reality from a long time ago. The fervour of new love can be a powerful, dynamic, creative, energising and inspiring force. A part of the revelation the Apostle, John, received from the Lord was a prophetic message to each of the seven churches of Asia. The first was to the Church at Ephesus in which the Lord affirms the persever...ance, hard work, endurance, and intolerance of wicked behaviour, that the Ephesians have consistently demonstrated. This is a word of strong affirmation. However, it appears the Ephesian Church had lost its passion and deep love for the Lord. The people had forsaken their first love which was for Christ. While they continued to do good work it appeared to be generated by a sense of obligation, or habit, rather than a heart-felt commitment to Christ. Its time for a heart check-up. Is your love for Christ still motivating all that you do in life? If not, what changes do you need to make to rekindle that love from an ember to a flame? If its helpful, ask someone you trust to assist you with this. Seek their encouragement, inspiration, or their willingness to hold you accountable. Just do it! Reading: Revelation 2:1-7 #dailydevotional #bible
21.01.2022 Christ is Risen! If you can’t join us in person this morning, click the link below for Easter Sunday online
21.01.2022 Don’t forget to return your Red Bags tomorrow! Did you find some fun & exciting things to put in your bag this year?
20.01.2022 Join us for our 10:15am Contemporary Service as we hear the first of a 3 part series on the book of Ephesians by Greg Seymour. We also welcome Mardi Lumsden from Uniting World as she introduces the ‘Everything in Common’ Christmas Appeal.
20.01.2022 10:15am Contemporary Service. Even though we cant meet together this morning, we are Livestreaming the service here right now.
20.01.2022 Look at those bags!! Thank you to everyone who generously packed a Red Bag for the Wesley Mission Christmas appeal Uniting Church Queensland
20.01.2022 Kids church is online. Join us this week to learn about loving your neighbour and building bridges. This link will take you to all the fun & creativity!
19.01.2022 Can you believe how close we are to Christmas?! The Advent season begins this Sunday. Join us at 8:15am and 10:15am as we start the count down to Christmas #Advent #PeaceOnEarth
18.01.2022 Join us here now for the 10:15am Contemporary Service
18.01.2022 A word for Wednesday from Rev Peter Arnett The second church to whom John is instructed to write a message is that of Smyrna. Smyrna is the only one of the seven cities still in existence. Its modern name is Izmir, on the eastern shore of the Aegean Sea. Izmir is the third most populous city in modern day Turkey. The church at Smyrna faced severe persecution. The saints were rich spiritually but they suffered tribulation and were poor. Poverty and persecution tend to go t...ogether. Many times persecuted people are unable to get a job or otherwise engage in normal economic activities. The persecution was severe enough that some even faced death. Christ exhorts the saints not to be afraid. The Spirit tells them that those who overcome will receive a crown of life. At times the faith of the saints must stand severe tests, but God is always with them to sustain them in desperate hours. At the conclusion of this letter the Spirit reminds all the churches that there is something worse than physical death. There is a "second death," a final separation forever from Gods plan, Gods promises, Gods love, Gods mercy, and Gods grace. This is further explained in Revelation 20:11-15. All who trust in Christ need not fear death. Reading: Revelation 2:8-11 #dailydevotional #bible
18.01.2022 Kids church is online. Join us this week to learn about forgiving others. This link will take you to all the fun & creativity!
16.01.2022 Due to current COVID-19 restrictions there will be no worship services at Uniting Churches in Ipswich this Sunday. Over the weekend we’ll post a link here to an online service that we can all share in. Please continue to pray for those who are sick, the health professionals who are working to keep everyone safe, and the leaders who are making decisions for our community.
16.01.2022 This Christmas at Glebe Road we’re again supporting international mission partners through the UnitingWorld Everything in Common project As you start to think ahead towards Christmas, consider a gift that fights poverty and builds hope
16.01.2022 We would love to see you back in the house to worship our great God together. If you can't join us, thanks for watching. Sun Nov 22 2020.
14.01.2022 Enjoy this beautiful Christmas medley
14.01.2022 Join us for worship tomorrow as we reflect on our response to the resurrection that we celebrated at Easter. For service times and other information visit
14.01.2022 Join us here now for the 8:15am Traditional Service.
14.01.2022 GREAT NEWS! Were gathering in-person for worship this Sunday! Were excited to be coming together again this weekend for both the 8:15am and 10:15am services after a few weeks away due to COVID-19. And well still be live streaming right here on Facebook as well. So if youre in the vulnerable health category, or feeling unwell (or youre just enjoying Sunday mornings on the couch ) make sure you tune in online. ... Uniting Church Queensland
13.01.2022 Join us here for our 10:15am Contemporary Service ...
13.01.2022 The Red Bag Appeal kicks off at Glebe Road this Sunday. If you’re able to fill a bag of Christmas groceries for a family doing it tough this year please collect one and return it by Sunday 22 November This is a great opportunity for us to bless the community at Christmas.
12.01.2022 Even though we cant meet in person again this week, join us right here, right now for the 10:15am Contemporary Service.
12.01.2022 IMPORTANT UPDATE Out of an abundance of caution, we will NOT be gathering in person for worship tomorrow at Glebe Road UCA. This decision has been made in response to the recent confirmed cases of COVID-19 today. Please do not come to the church building tomorrow morning. ... The live stream of the 8:15am and 10:15am services will still go ahead so tune in online! As a church, we continue to pray for the health and wellbeing of our community and the world. And we give thanks to God for the frontline health workers and all they continue to do.
11.01.2022 Sunday services are still on both in person and also right here via live stream at 8:15am and 10:15am A reminder to those attending service please take all safety precautions as outlined by Queensland Health when attending services: maintain 1.5m social distance wash and sanitise your hands... please stay home if you are sick or have been tested for COVID 19 if you are a vulnerable person please stay safe and stay at home See more
11.01.2022 Listen to the Kid’s Talk about how to Be Prepared!!
11.01.2022 Thought for the week from Rev. Peter Arnett Last Friday, 23rd July 2020, was to be the date of the Tokyo Olympics Opening Ceremony. Arrhhhgggg COVID-19! The hours of training and the precision of preparation in facilitating each athlete to attain their peak performance on their specific days of competition. Everything now postponed for twelve months. Everything, that is, except the training the training continues. The writer of Hebrews speaks of over...coming setbacks and distractions in order for each of us to run the race of life unencumbered. The race we are engaged in is our life span from birth to death. Blessed are those of us participating in the marathon. May we run with perseverance and purpose. Our race is not a hampsters wheel, but a journey of faith and discovery. It is the pursuit of spiritual maturity and the personal development of Christ-likeness. We may feel alone at times during this race. However, there is a heavenly stadium of supporters who are cheering us on. This is the great crowd of witnesses, those who have faithfully run their race, and are urging us towards the finish line. But the one who is our inspiration and purpose, the one for whom we run is Jesus Christ. Reading Hebrews 12:1-3 #bible #devotion
10.01.2022 It's great to be able to meet at church again. If you can't meet with us, join us right here, right now for the 10:15am Contemporary Service.
09.01.2022 8th Nov 2020. It's great to be able to meet at church again. If you can't meet with us, join us right here, right now for the 8:15am Traditional Service
08.01.2022 Kids church is online. This link will take you to all the fun & creativity!
08.01.2022 MERRY CHIRSTMAS!!! It's great to be able to meet at church again. If you can't meet with us, join us right here, right now for the 2020 Christmas Service.
08.01.2022 Kids church is online. Listen and learn how God protected Moses! This link will take you to all the fun & creativity!
07.01.2022 Important News There wont be in-person worship at Glebe Road this Sunday or the following Sunday. Out of an abundance of caution were going to share in worship via live stream only for both the 8:15 and 10:15 services on both the 6th and 13th September.... We are hopeful that we might be able to gather together again on the 20th September however this will be dependant on COVID-19 cases in our area. In this time of waiting, please continue to uphold each other in prayer and give thanks for Gods great faithfulness.
07.01.2022 Lest we forget.
06.01.2022 It's great to be able to meet at church and worship together. Today - Part 2 of Ephesians with Greg Seymour. If you can't meet with us, join us right here, right now for the 10:15am Contemporary Service.
06.01.2022 Words for Wednesday from Rev Peter Arnett In a poem written by A. N. Wilder a wounded stranger wanders outside a beautiful place of joy and celebration. This gentle, homeless pilgrim hears the music within and knows he cannot enter, but he holds no bitterness toward those who are gathered there. We are left to identify the stranger, but there is no denying that the poems imagery evokes the message of Christ to Laodicea. The people of the church at Laodicea are told of a do...or about which they must make a choice: to open, or not to open. These words have often been romanticised in popular religious art, in pictures of Jesus "knocking at the hearts door." What is wrong is that Jesus is standing outside the door, excluded from the banquet like the homeless stranger in Amos Wilders poem. The poignant plea, though directed first to the church at Laodicea, is strategically placed near the end of the series of messages as Christs last appeal to any congregation that has shut him out. The beautiful "invitation" is at the same time a severe indictment of a church that is self-sufficient, complacent and only nominally Christian. This challenging message is applicable not only to each congregation, but to each person. Let us open the door and invite Christ into our lives afresh today, and every day. Reading: Revelation 3:14-23 #dailydevotional #bible
05.01.2022 A message from Rev Peter Arnett I am delighted to share the good news with you that, in response to the Premier's announcement this morning regarding the end of the lock-down at midday, we will be gathering for our Good Friday and Easter Sunday services as planned: 8am Good Friday 9am Easter Sunday... Please note masks will need to be worn, social distancing maintained, and good hand hygiene practiced. The sign in and sign out processes will continue as usual. The Tenebrae Service will be available online this evening on our Facebook Page. This service will include the sacrament of Holy Communion, so I encourage you to prepare your elements in advance. A pre-recorded version of our Good Friday and Easter Sunday services will also be available online for those who may feel uncomfortable attending face-to-face worship in the current circumstances. I pray that you may experience the deep peace and love of our Saviour this weekend. Thanks and Blessings, Pete. #GoodFriday #EasterSunday Uniting Church Queensland
05.01.2022 Just a reminder that worship tomorrow will be live stream only, rather than in-person at Glebe Rd Tune in right here at 8:15am and 10:15am Uniting Church Queensland
05.01.2022 Join us here for the 8:15am Traditional service
05.01.2022 A word for Wednesday from Rev Peter Arnett Philadelphia was founded about 150 B.C. by King Attallus of Pergamum, whose nickname was Philadelphus, which means "lover of a brother." This man was noted for the admiration and love he had for his brother, Eumenes, and he named this city in honour of him. The city was destroyed by an earthquake in 17 A. D., along with Sardis and other cities in that locality. Most of the others recovered rather quickly from the disaster, but the ...after-shocks continued in Philadelphia for quite a number of years, with the result that the people had to flee the city repeatedly. This church in Philadelphia is unique among the seven churches because it is the only church the Lord registers no complaint against. This is the church that delights Christ! However, the Lord recognises that this church has little strength, more accurately translated as "I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut because you have a little power and have kept my word and not denied my name." This is a church that has experienced some movement (power) of the Holy Spirit and been faithful in keeping Gods word. Therefore, the Lord will ensure that the doors of opportunity for mission and service will remain open. So powerfully open that no human, nor evil influence, will be able to thwart it, or shut it. This is a word of encouragement for us to remain faithful. We may not be strong but, because of our faithfulness, God will provide open doors of opportunity for us to reach others with his love. Reading: Revelation 3:7-13 #dailydevotional #bible
05.01.2022 Due to the current lock down in Greater Brisbane the Glebe Rd UCA church office is currently closed and all activities and groups scheduled to take place at the church on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, have been cancelled. The Tenebrae Service, planned for 7pm Thursday evening, will be pre-recorded and available to watch online via the Church Website or Facebook page. Another update will be provided on Thursday with details regarding our Friday and Sunday Easter Services. H...owever, pre-recorded versions of both services will be available to watch online for those who may prefer to avoid gatherings, even if the lock-down has officially concluded by then. Please continue to pray for our community, health staff, frontline workers, and our leaders as we navigate this time together.
04.01.2022 Yesterday we kicked off our latest series on the 5 Practices of Fruitful Congregations. Starting this week, new life groups are meeting Tuesdays at 12:30pm and Wednesdays at 7pm at the church as part of this study series. If you’re not yet part of a life group, come along!
03.01.2022 Thought for the week from Rev. Peter Arnett This brief sentence points to an element of life within the church at Pergamum that is detestable to God. While there remains a great deal of obscurity around who the Nicolaitans were, it is clear that their theology and practices were contrary to the Gospel of Christ. Those who followed Balaam, back in the book of Numbers, used Midianite women to seduce the men of Israel and lead them to worship other gods. Similarly, another e...xample was King Solomon when his wives from pagan religions led him astray in the worship of false gods. The mention of Balaam and the Nicolaitans together indicates a similarity in modus operandi. Therefore, it is presumed that the Pergamum Christians, immersed in the Roman culture of that city, were subjected to the temptation of sexual immorality, and idolatory, through the cultic worship practices of the of Nicolaitans. This points to the risks we all face in our contemporary society, that we would be led astray by cultural norms and practices that are counter to our Christian faith. Be alert little sheep to the wolf that prowls unseen. Reading Revelation 2:12-17 #bible #devotion
02.01.2022 Today at the 10:15am Contemporary Service Rev Peter Arnett is continuing with the second message in his Advent series - 'Peace on Earth'.
02.01.2022 Kids church is online. Listen and learn how never giving up and faith can bring about great things! This link will take you to all the fun & creativity!
02.01.2022 Join us here now for the 10:15am contemporary service
02.01.2022 Even though we cant meet together we are livestreaming here right now. 8:15am Traditional Service
02.01.2022 A word for Wednesday from Rev Peter Arnett The slumbering church is one that rests on its past achievements. It has become complacent and stuck in the routine of doing things the way they have always been done. Complacency is a powerful enemy that may gain a stranglehold on a church. It lulls the members into a satisfaction with the way things are. When confronted with the warning to Wake up! and to strengthen the remaining life that still exists, the complacent churchs ...last words of protest will be Weve never done it that way before! COVID-19 has been, and continues to be, a devastating crisis for millions of people around the world. The tragic loss of human life, the suffering from serious illness, and the financial chaos it has wreaked upon personal lives and economies of nations, has made 2020 a year of turmoil, fear, isolation and despair. However, from the perspective of a slumbering church it may just be the wake-up call that reinvigorates, strengthens and revitalises, those parts that are dying into shoots of new life. This pandemic has been a generational disruptor to life as usual. May this be just one faint glimmer of hope, amidst the gloom of human misery, that the church may find fresh and creative ways to express the light of Gods love for the world? Let us be the church that is inspired and enlivened to continue the good work that the Lord has begun. Reading: Revelation 3:1-6 #dailydevotional #bible
02.01.2022 Even though we cant meet in person again this week, join us right here, right now for the 8:15am Traditional Service.
01.01.2022 Even though we cant meet in person again this week, join us right here right now for the 8:15am Traditional Service.
01.01.2022 Join us this Sunday for the first week of our new series Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations. We’ll be diving into what it means to demonstrate radical hospitality this week Uniting Church Queensland
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