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Glen Dhu Little Athletics Club in Launceston, Tasmania | Sport team

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Glen Dhu Little Athletics Club

Locality: Launceston, Tasmania

Phone: +61 407 056 128

Address: St Leonards 7250 Launceston, TAS, Australia


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25.01.2022 Congrats Blaise Fitzallen on selection for ALACs, another of our unlucky athletes to miss out on an amazing experience.

25.01.2022 Check out our VC Charli Ross. Its such a shame she and our other athletes were unable to compete at this years ALACs. Keep striving to achieve your goals

25.01.2022 Good news guys all items are now ready to be viewed on our online shop. The polo shirt is for training and to wear to our meets when its too hot for the hoodie, not to compete in. Our athletes and our parents will look amazing in them. Click on the below link to view our online shop.

25.01.2022 Thanks to all our marvellous volunteers that make our club the great club that it is

25.01.2022 As the upcoming season is fast approaching we still need to fill a couple of committee positions. If we are unable to have these roles filled then we risk not ...being able to run the season. 1, Social Media Person 2, Canteen Manager 3, Records & Ranking (shared role) 4, VP (2nd person) Position descriptions are available by messaging our page or by email [email protected] We encourage everyone to get involved so we can provide our children with the best season possible.

24.01.2022 Online shop will be closing midnight tonight. Dont miss out.

24.01.2022 CENTRE CHAMPIONSHIP REQUIREMENTS The executive of SLLAC understand the challenges faced by many of our athletes as a result of our COVID-reduced season. Many of... you have missed meets in the early part of the season because of a conflict with other sports and, despite our best efforts, we know the calendar of events has proven a challenge with State meets scheduled the day after twilight meets at our track. As a result, if you can foresee any issue with regards to your child meeting the centre bylaw requirement for championship participation of 25 events and 2 x competed for each event, we ask you to provide a written request for an exemption, via email to the executive, for consideration by the executive at least two weeks prior to the Centre Championships (being COB 29th of January 2021). The athlete performance summaries are available on our website for you to review your child’s current eligibility. Each case for exemption from the rules rule CO10 of the SLLAC By-laws will be assessed individually. Consideration will only be given to those athletes who have made a genuine effort to achieve eligibility and proof of this will need to be provided. See more

24.01.2022 Entry details, start times & course maps for this weekends State Cross Country Championships are available on the Little Athletics Tasmania website (link below).... If you believe you have registered but are not showing on the list, please contact the Little Athletics Tasmania Office at [email protected] as soon as possible IMPORTANT NOTES: * No event will start before 11am. * Events may commence earlier than the estimated times above (not before 11am) but no event will start more than 30 minutes before the times listed above unless all registered athletes are present. * Registration desk for check in will be open from 10:15am. Athletes are required to check in at the registration desk at least 30 minutes prior to their race. * We will walk the course at 10:40am for anyone wanting to ensure they know which way they are going. Marshalls will be on the course to guide athletes as well. * There will be printed copies of the course maps available for viewing on the day. * Under 6 and Under 7 events are non-championship events and all participants will get a Certificate of participation. * Top 3 in each age group/gender (from Under 8 up) will receive medals and all others will receive ribbons. * Athletes are to compete in their Little Athletics Centre or Club uniforms (obviously name badges will have last years age groups on them).*

24.01.2022 Dear South Launceston Little Athletics Centre families, Apologies for the long post, but for those that didnt receive the email, this is the letter sent to fam...ilies over the weekend. I would like to introduce myself as the new President of SLLAC. I am looking forward to meeting those of you who I am yet to meet and working collaboratively with each of you as we strive to provide the best and most inclusive athletics experience for every child. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the outgoing committee members and thank the new committee - VP Mel Wilcox, Secretary Nico Bird and Treasurer Kate Tucker for their work to date. We are all committed to ensuing that we can complete a season of Little Athletics in 2020/21 given the situation with COVID-19 and have been working hard behind the scenes to prepare as well as possible. At this stage, and subject to final ratification from Northern Tasmanian Athletics, we intend to begin the season on October 10 at 8.30am and will complete a 15-meet season. The full roster will be released as soon as possible. However, the pandemic has and will continue to provide extra hurdles for us to safely compete - it will require each and everyone of us to be patient, take extra responsibility, communicate effectively and work together to get the best outcomes. With that in mind, there are two serious matters I would like to address. The first is parent assistance and a reminder that everyone volunteers their time to deliver each meet. We currently have a number of positions that remain vacant on the SLLAC committee. Two in particular are paramount to SLLAC continuing to run as a professional and financially sustainable centre. The canteen in particular provides a large percentage of our annual income and without it we wont be able to invest in new equipment or celebrate the achievements of our children with medals as we simply wont be able to afford it. Our records and rankings official is also an important role if you want your child to continue receiving race times, field event results and details of PBs etc. We face the very real prospect of having to increase our centre fees or add a family charge to registrations if we cant fill these roles internally and need to outsource help. With that in mind, I am asking for volunteers to put their hand up to take on the following roles ( perhaps consider teaming up with a friend or club mate to complete the role together!): - 1 x Vice President - Records and Rankings - Canteen Manager - Publicity Officer - First Aid Officer - COVID Safety Officer There will also be a requirement for more people to become chief officials and learn how to help in areas such as starting and timing. I am available by phone on 0409861838 if anyone wants to discuss this further. The second matter relates to COVID-19. Despite our efforts, we have been unsuccessful in increasing the allowable number of people on the site beyond 500 at anyone time. This means we will need to officially count every entry and exit for every meet until regulations are eased further. Based on last years large registration numbers and to ensure we can comply with present government regulations, the following decisions have been taken by the executive. 1: Only two adults will be allowed per family. We strongly encourage non-competing siblings (except babies) to not attend. 2: If the 500-person capacity is reached, access will be denied. However, if there are athletes wishing to compete who are outside the gates, we will make an announcement asking non-essential adults to exit and make way for competitors and we ask for your assistance and understanding with this matter. 3: We will not be accepting visiting athletes from other centres this season. 4: We will not be accepting new athlete registrations or transfers of competitors from other centres this season. 5: Only siblings of existing athletes or those who completed Tiny Tots at our centre last season will be allowed to register in under 6. There will be no new Tiny Tot registrations unless they are a sibling of an existing athlete or completed Tiny Tots last season. 6: Athletes returning to the centre after an absence, for example an injury, will be registered at the discretion of the executive. 7: The centre reserves the right to reopen registrations based on numbers registered and paid for at the start of the season. 8: There will be on-site changes to allow for social distancing. - The grand stand will have a limited capacity and seating areas will be marked. - The ticket tent will be upstairs in the grand stand. - We will designate seperate marshalling areas for each event. - We have applied for a grant to be able to provide extra implements to allow for better hygiene procedures and we will also provide sanitisation stations around the facility. As you can see, there will be challenges and while we have done our best, there will no doubt be issues to deal with along the journey. These changes will mean that voluntary parent assistance for track and field official roles and duty crews will be even more crucial to ensure a timely meet. Any constructive feedback and offers of assistance is welcomed. Despite these challenges, I am confident we will all work together in the interests of all of our children and their enjoyment of Little Athletics. Kind Regards, Rachel.

23.01.2022 Just a friendly reminder to all parents. SLLAC AGM Tuesday May 12th 6:30pm via Zoom. All positions on executive and committee need to be filled so we can get season 2020/21 organised and ready to go. If interested I can send you Zoom meeting information. Let me know in comments.

23.01.2022 What a fantastic weekend from our athletes who competed at the State Championships. Your sportsmanship and commitment to your events was fantastic to witness. If you are able to, please add photos in the comments below of your children competing or spending time with their fellow competitors. We love to share their successes.

22.01.2022 Registrations are now open for the U12/U13 Coaching Camp to be held at Camp Banksia 10th - 14th January 2021 . Places are limited with numbers capped at 72 (36... boys and 36 girls). The camp generally sells out quickly so if you wish to book your place please do so sooner rather than later. The camp fee of $350.00 will be invoiced once your online booking is complete. A deposit of $200.00 is required by the end of October to secure your booking, with the balance payable by the 30th November 2020. Those parents wishing to attend as either Coaches or Hut Parents can also nominate using the link below. For further information please contact the Little Athletics Tasmania office at [email protected] Link to register

22.01.2022 We as a club and as a centre, are in need for more officials in season 2020/21. Get a head start and gradually work through these. Im sure we all have extra time up our sleeves at the moment.

21.01.2022 And that is all folks. Merry Christmas

20.01.2022 Heres an amazing competition from our sponsor. Get around it team

20.01.2022 SAVE THE DATE Little Athletics Tasmania will be holding a State Cross Country Championships on Saturday 19th September at the Campbell Town Football Ground, s...tarting at 11am. Championship events will available for athletes in the U8 - U16 age groups (born 2005-2013) who were registered with a Centre for the 2019-2020 season. *Age groups for events are as at the 31st December 2020. Free non-Championship events will be offered for athletes who will be registering in the U6 & U7 age groups this coming season. Further information including registration details will be posted later in the week.

19.01.2022 SLLAC ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING and CENTRE/CLUB MAY GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING - TUESDAY 12 MAY 2020 from 6:30pm It is expected that we will need to use Zoom to hos...t these meetings. Please email or PM if you would like to attend and need an access code. All executive positions will become vacant and need to be filled for the centre to continue providing a great sporting environment for our little athletes. Please consider how you may be able to contribute during our next season. Anyone seeking further information or wishing to nominate themselves or another person can contact Mel Wilcox on 0418 348919

19.01.2022 The venue map for this weekend's State Championships is below. Start times; Saturday - the first events will be marshalled at 8:45 am Sunday - the first events... will be marshalled at 8:15 am Thanks to our sponsor Coles, there will be a tent set up opposite the canteen on Saturday with fresh fruit and giveaways.

18.01.2022 Thanks to Nigel from Youngtown for putting together our training program for us

18.01.2022 Season 2020/21 registration is now open.

18.01.2022 Trophy and medals for collection - message for collection tomorrow night at Newstead or collection can be organised at the state championships. Message our page for collection details. Trophy - Lucas Sullivan Medals - ... Henry fox Millie geale Lucas Sullivan Logan titley Lachie gleeson Nash langfield Elsie Miller Charlotte gleeson Cole langfield Macie Sheehan Eli Patmore Ava Robinson Opal Patmore Ben meader Maisie Miller Frankie millgate Charlie millgate Jade muller Hugo Sullivan See more

18.01.2022 The team at SLLAC are hard at work behind the scenes getting ready for season 2020/21. Lets also get ahead of the game. If youre not an official already now is the time to step up. Follow the link, do the online course and then receive expert mentoring on the job.

17.01.2022 Lots of relevance, please help our centre be strong. Sorry to steal your post SHLAC, but you have saved me a lot of time in preparing this.

16.01.2022 All positions up for grabs. Please think very hard about helping out. Without positions being filled the season may not be able to go ahead

15.01.2022 REMINDER - Entries for the Southern All State close TONIGHT at 6:00 pm. The Southern All State will be held at the Domain Athletics Centre on Saturday 21st Nove...mber. Entry is FREE and open to all U6-U15 registered athletes. Follow the link below to register.

15.01.2022 Congratulations Wade. Very well deserved

15.01.2022 If you have sold your raffle tickets could you please return your books. If you are struggling to sell them please bring your books back as we have people that can sell them for you. Looks like a great day for athletics

14.01.2022 Just another of our wonderful athletes. Congratulations

14.01.2022 The Event Listings and Officials for Saturday and Sunday for our State Individual Championships this weekend are now available on the Little Athletics Tasmania (link below). Please note that the event order is subject to change but the following guarantees are in place: Saturday no event from Event 67 onwards (start of 400m Finals) will be called any earlier than 12noon unless we are certain that all athletes are present. Sunday no event from Event 63 onwards (start of 200m Heats) will be called any earlier than 11am unless we are certain that all athletes are present. If you have been rostered on for a duty (Field, Track or Admin), please ensure the following: That you will be present for your duty. That you are comfortable doing the duty assigned to you. If rostered as a Chief Official, that you have been rostered onto an event that your child(ren) is/are not competing in. If you need to make any changes to your assigned duty, it would be appreciated if you could arrange a swap with someone else or through your Centre and then advise me of the change. If you can’t arrange a swap from within your Centre or you would like clarification of what your duty entails, then please contact Brett Johnstone on 0408 127 386 or at [email protected]. If anyone has any teenagers attending that aren’t competing and would be willing to help out as an Admin Runner on Saturday (taking copies of results from admin to presentation area and finals lists from admin to start marshals) then please let us know. Please advise of any requested changes prior to 9am Friday morning as we will be printing final paperwork then. Contact Brett Johnstone if you have any questions at [email protected]

14.01.2022 Get in quick if you want to go

13.01.2022 Following on from our AGM in May we are pleased to announce the volunteers who have filled the following executive and committee roles for SLLAC: President - Ra...chel Williams Vice Presidents - Mel Wilcox and Kerri Kleinig Treasurer - Kate Tucker Secretary - Nico Bird Education Officer - Jayne Praciak Competitions Officer - Shaun Smith Arena Manager - Paul Stone Technical Requirements Officer - Matthew Gamble Registrar - Holly Kelly Northern Tas Aths Board Reps - Rachel Williams and Mel Wilcox Public Officer - Kate Tucker Member Protection Info Officer - Sarah French A BIG thank you to all of our outgoing committee members. The following positions are vacant and will need filling before season start: Publicity Officer (website updates, results posting, social media) Records and Ranking (preparing athlete lists prior to the meet, entering results during the meet, finalising results ready for publication, reporting - can be a shared role) Programming Officer (event program, order of events, delegation of club duties) Tiny tots coordinator ( best suited to a current tiny tot parent, running 3 x events each meet) Canteen Manager (purchasing, preparing, managing) Please message if you are interested and have any questions about the above vacant positions

13.01.2022 Don’t forget your.....

13.01.2022 ENTRIES ARE OPEN for the Little Athletics Tasmania State Cross Country Championships, which will be held on Saturday 19th September at the Campbell Town Footbal...l Ground, starting at 11am. Championship events are available for athletes in the U8 - U16 age groups (born 2005-2013) who were registered with a Centre for the 2019-2020 season. Free non-Championship events will be offered for athletes who will be registering in the U6 & U7 age groups this coming season. The entry fee is just $10.00, entries close at 11:00 pm on Thursday 10th September 2020. To register go to *Age groups for events are as at the 31st December 2020.

12.01.2022 Little Athletics Tasmania are calling for applications for the voluntary position of Camp Convenor for the U12-U13 Coaching Camp to be held at Camp Banksia in J...anuary 2021. The position description and application form can be found on the LATas website (link below). For further information please contact the LATas Office at [email protected] or call 1300 888 713.. Applications close on Friday 3rd July 2020.

12.01.2022 Just a reminder you have until Sunday 16th August to get your orders in for our first batch of uniforms. They will be delivered in time for the commencement of season 2020/21. Dont miss out.

12.01.2022 Could we all please fill in this form ASAP so we can get our issues sorted with duties before the meet on Friday 20th November.

12.01.2022 Final chance to order your gear, our online shop will close 16th August. Get in quick to be ready for the start of the season.

12.01.2022 Program 3. 14/11/20 @ SLLAC. Part 1

12.01.2022 Our online shop is all set to go. Well sort of, currently at last look the Racer Back Singlet and Polo Shirt are missing from the list. These will be added ASAP. Anyway click on the link provided and go check out our new fantastic gear. This shopping window will close on 16th August to allow for delivery before the season begins. Any questions please dont hesitate to ask.

09.01.2022 More party pics

09.01.2022 Little Athletics Tasmania VIRTUAL CROSS COUNTRY kicks off this weekend! LATas will be offering a free, fun series of virtual Cross Country events where athletes... can compete against athletes from all Centres across Tasmania. Simply download the Bolt for Gold app (available for android and apple), register your name for the Little Athletics Tasmania event and head out this weekend to run the distance appropriate for your age group (the age group you were registered for last season). Athletes will be placed automatically once times are uploaded. U6 500m U7/U8 1km U9/U10 1.5km U11/U12 2km U13/U14/U15 3km Athletes do not need a smart watch to participate runs can be recorded using the app on your phone. Info about the Bolt for Gold app can be found on the Bolt for Gold website or on the Bolt for Gold Youtube channel Jack Bolt for Gold

09.01.2022 Congratulations Bianca

08.01.2022 Another of our great athletes. Well done Tahlia

08.01.2022 GDLA Under 6's

08.01.2022 LITTLE ATHLETICS TASMANIA is seeking nominations from interested and suitably qualified individuals to fill six (6) Director positions that will become availab...le at the AGM (Annual General Meeting), on the 15th August 2020. The LATas Board is made up of six elected Directors and up to two Appointed Directors. In accordance with the rotation outlined in the Constitution, two of the elected positions will be up for re-election at the 2021 AGM, two at the 2022 AGM and the final two at the 2023 AGM. The Little Athletics Tasmania Board has overall responsibility for the governance of the organisation and its strategic development and growth. To ensure that the Board has the right balance of skills to effectively lead the organisation into the future, Little Athletics Tasmania is seeking nominations from individuals with a range of qualifications, skills and experience. It is also desirable for the Board to encompass diversity in aspects such as gender, age, background and perspective. Nomination forms can be downloaded from the LATas website by clicking on the link below. Nominations are to be received by the LATas Office no later than 5:00pm on Wednesday 15th July 2020. For further details please contact the LATas Office at [email protected] or on 1300 888 713

07.01.2022 Hi all - we would love to see your photos from the recent State Primary Athletics event if your child competed! We hope it was great to be back at St Leonard’s again!

06.01.2022 ENTRIES for the Coles North West All State are now open The North West All State is on Saturday 12th December at the Penguin Athletics Track, Penguin, 10...:00 am start. The free event is open to all U6 - U15 LATas registered athletes. To enter go to

04.01.2022 Big congratulations to our very own Hunter Fitzallen on breaking the U10G Shot Put record. Well done

04.01.2022 The 2021 Australian Little Athletics Championships will be held at Lakeside Stadium in Melbourne on the 23rd-24th April. Congratulations to our management team ...selected for the event. Kay Knee and Susan McLeod will be the team Managers, with Anna Davie, Roger Hosie, Paul Mommers and Win Vaessen appointed as team Coaches. Nominations for the state team are now open. A team of up to 40 U13 athletes (up to 20 each boys/girls) and 6 U15 athletes (up to 3 each boys/girls) will be selected for the event. Nominations can be completed online by following the link below.

04.01.2022 Anna Davie and Mel Wilcox met back in 1980 when they joined the South Launceston Centre in the U6 age group. Fast forward 40 years and both Anna and Mel are st...ill at the South Launceston Centre, now with their children competing. We caught up with Anna and Mel recently to talk about their journey through Little Athletics and what brought them back to the sport with their own children. Little Athletics, making friends for life.

03.01.2022 Duties for Saturday 28th November. Big shout out to Katrina Case for putting her hand up for one of our extra centre duties. Also Brent Wilcox and Steve Case for doing set up. Still require more help on set up, please let us know. Also please remember to bring back your remaining raffle books as this is drawn next week.

03.01.2022 Coles Little Athletics Australia has developed the following framework to support state and territory Member Associations for the reopening of local centre/club... facilities for training and competition. It provides a guide for how athletics activity should resume in a cautious and considered way because our priority is maintaining public health and minimising the risk of community transmission. We all play a role in helping to slow the spread of COVID-19. To view the full framework - Little Athletics ACT Little Athletics NSW Little Athletics-Queensland Little Athletics South Australia Little Athletics Tasmania Little Athletics Victoria Little Athletics WA Athletics Northern Territory

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