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24.01.2022 - The fasted state or postabsorptive is when you haven’t eaten in a prolonged period of time usually when waking of a morning the body is in a fasted state. - It is true that fasted training increases fat oxidation however this doesn’t translate to increased body fat loss. fat oxidation is the body using stored fat as a energy when it breaks down fats into fatty acids. ... - You can train in a fasted state but at the end of the day if you have eaten at a calorie surplus you still won’t lose weight and the fasted training has no benefit. - The research conducted by Schoenfeld et al., (2014) put 20 young females into one of two groups: fasted and non-fasted. Both groups were in a 500 calorie deficit and performed 1 hour of steady state cardio 3x a week for 4 weeks. Both groups lost weight and reduced body fat % but no significant difference between the two groups. - At the end of the day performing exercise fasted doesn’t influence weight loss or changes in lean and fat mass. If you enjoy eating beforehand or enjoy being fasted when you train it’s up to personal preference - Lastly what influences fat loss is your calorie intake throughout the day, you need to be at a deficit to lose weight - Schoenfeld, B., Aragon, A., Wilborn, C., Krieger, J. and Sonmez, G. (2014). Body composition changes associated with fasted versus non-fasted aerobic exercise. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 11(1). #training #personaltrainer #health See more

24.01.2022 Want to make a change and live a healthier life? Join the AF challenge for a chance to win $5000! Challenge starts 3rd of February so hurry! For more information message me #af8weekchallenge #gym #fitness

24.01.2022 It’s easy to talk yourself out of working out or exercising. We all have our go to excuses. Here are some ways around common excuses to help you get into a good routine! - I Don’t have time - if you can’t find 30 minutes straight in your day to exercise try breaking it down in to 15 or 10 minute blocks where you can exercise throughout the day. I Don’t have access to a gym... - you don’t need a gym to be active and reach your goals. There are plenty of body weight movements you can do or movements that require minimal equipment. Also going for a run/walk helps as well. I’m too stressed - exercise actually helps reduce stress levels as endorphins are released during exercise resulting in reduce stress levels. It’s great for mental health! I have too much work - this is similar to not having enough time, if you make an effort to find time through out your day to exercise it is easy to find little 10 minute blocks to do some body weight squats and push ups. Also it helps break up that workload you have and have a break from work. I’m a parent - Finding a workout buddy will really help, make a time each week to go to the gym with them after you’ve dropped the kids off for school. If you have young ones even purchasing a jog stroller will allow you to go for a run while the little one sleeps. Also, trade off workout times with your partner. Allowing one to go to the gym while the other one watches the kids and then swap the next time. - What is you’re go to excuse? And do these strategies help? Let me know in the comments below See more

22.01.2022 Hi Facebook fam! Are you a busy person who has neglected your health? I help busy people lose stubborn body fat without spending hours in the gym. ... My 4 week kickstart program is now 50% off! Jump on board for just $100 (50% off). This program will kickstart your Heath goals, leaving you feel more energised, confident and improved sleep quality. You’ll receive an individualised training program, nutrition plan, weekly coaching calls, morning/night routine guide, 24/7 support and access to private Facebook group. Now this is great value for $100 and will help keep you accountable over the Christmas period! Dm me now to get started or comment below Kickstart and I’ll be in touch with you.

22.01.2022 Foam Rolling A study suggested (MacDonald et al., 2014) that foam rolling reduces muscle soreness and increases range of motion (ROM). - In the study one group performed 20 minutes of foam rolling at the end of each session while the other group did not. -... The results showed improved voluntary muscle activation in terms of the vertical jump while also reducing soreness and improving ROM - Foam rolling is a great tool to recover quicker from training sessions so you aren’t missing out on the next session and you can continue being consistent with your training! - MacDonald, G., Button, D., Drinkwater, E. and Behm, D. (2014). Foam Rolling as a Recovery Tool after an Intense Bout of Physical Activity. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 46(1), pp.131-142. #recoverytraining #personaltrainer #healthandfitness See more

21.01.2022 CLIENT TESTIMONIAL - My online client Sarah smashed it during her 6 week home workout program! Losing 2kg and cm’s in measurements is a great result! She is a great example of being a busy mum while also being able to implement a healthy lifestyle The 6 week program was amazing! Glen personalised the program to me based on my fitness level and the equipment I had available at home. I am a busy working mum with 2 young kids and usually found it difficult to find the time to... go to the gym. This program was perfect for me to workout at home, especially during COVID times. I lost 2kg's and many cm's off my body. I feel great and I'm ready for the next 6 weeks leading up to Christmas! Thanks Glen for all your support throughout my 6 weeks! My 4 week kickstart program will help you build habits that lead to long term fat loss success! This program will help you on your way to losing 10kg within 90 days. Don’t hesitate and wait around for it to happen! Start doing something about it, take ownership and make the change. Jump on board and message me directly start your journey. - Glen #clienttestimonials #4weekkickstart #personaltrainer #ownyourhealth #fatloss

21.01.2022 Wanting to start running or improve your running during lockdown? This program is tailored to you based on your fitness level (beginner, intermediate or advanced). Go from the coach to running 6km or improve your times and reach a personal best! ... This 6 week running program is $19.99. Don’t miss out on achieving your goals! #running #health #fitness #personaltraining

20.01.2022 How to get the most out of your training while staying injury free - People tend to think when they are starting out that you need to do 10-12 exercises each session. We always get told that volume is so important when it comes to strength training. However, doing this will not allow you to put the required amount of effort in for each exercise. - All that is needed is 4-5 exercises for lower body sessions and 5-6 exercises when training the upper body. Train LESS, but train them better - Also when planning your sessions don’t put too much emphasis on barbell exercises. These place too much strain on your joints while trying to lift heavy when doing squats, deadlifts and bench press. 1-2 barbell exercises each session will be ample as they should only take up roughly 10% of your total training volume for the week. - Another factor into your planning is to make sure your rest periods are appropriate for your goals of the training session. Performance work of 1-6 reps require 90-180 seconds rest. Functional hypertrophy work of 7-15 reps require 45-90 seconds rest. Muscular endurance work of 15+ reps require 30-45 seconds rest. - When going for PRs this can lead you susceptible to injury. It’s important not to go for a PR just because you feel you can. Especially a 5-10kg personal best, try a personal best of 2kg as this allows for save progression without putting yourself at risk of injury. - Lastly, these tips are here to help you get strong and healthy while making you more resilient to injury . Try implementing these into your programming to help you reach your goals! See more

19.01.2022 6 Week Home Workout Program -$19.99 With everybody in Victoria going back into lockdown it’s important to keep up your well being! This includes exercising which is important in keeping us healthy. This 6 week program will be tailored to your fitness level (beginner right through to advanced) and the equipment that you have at your disposal at home. This will help you stay in shape or increase your fitness level depending on your goals! ... Included is 24/7 support from me and nutrition advice to help you through the 6 weeks with any questions you may have. If you’re wanting to make the most of this second lockdown please PM me and start this journey to your best self! #6weekprogram #homeworkout #bodyweight #weights

17.01.2022 Checklists are a great way to prepare for the week ahead giving you a list of things you want to achieve or have ready for the upcoming week. - If you have meals planned out you will be less likely to rely on more convenient meals which are more than likely have very little nutritional value. - Following a training plan is important, it lets you know when you are training, when your rest days are and following a program will allow for consistent training when in the gym or w...orking out from home. - Getting enough sleep is very important. Without adequate sleep your body will struggle to recover from your training and you won’t be maximising your efforts in the gym. Sleep allows for the body to rebuild muscle tissue that is damaged during training resulting in adaptations of stronger and larger muscles. - If you have an office job or one where there isn’t much physical movement throughout the day it’s important to try and take note to stand up every hour for a couple of minutes. This will help with moving more throughout the day and help combat bad posture from hunching over a screen all day. - Try and check these off this week and see if it helps with reaching your goals! Save this post to look back on it throughout the week! #checklist #personaltrainer #health See more

17.01.2022 Compound Exercises These are the best exercises that give you more bang for your buck! A compound exercise is one that involves more than one muscle and muscle group. While also involving more than one joint. Examples are Squats, Deadlift, Bench Press etc. - They provide functional fitness that simulates real life activities. You’re able to go through a wider range of motion which increases flexibility and decrease risk of injury in athletes who play sport. -... An example is the Squat. This is a multi joint exercise through the hips (flexion), knees (flexion) and ankle (plantarflexion). The squat is a great builder of strength through developing the core which involves the back, glutes, quadriceps and hamstrings. It’s a great exercise for athletes to prevent injury while providing a big hormone boost causing secretion of testosterone and human growth hormone (HGH). Lastly, it is effective for treating lower back pain as it allows for improvement in flexibility. #compoundexercises #injuryprevention #squat

17.01.2022 Strawberries are a good source of vitamin C, manganese, folate and potassium. They also slow down carb digestion which results in lower spikes in blood sugar following carb heavy meals. This means they have a place in diabetes management. - A study in animals found it can inhibit Timor formation in oral cancer. In clinical studies suggest that they play a role in decreasing Timor formation in liver cancer cells. The reason for their cancer-protective effects could be due to... them being rich in antioxidants. - In regards to heart disease a study (Basu, Rhone and Lyons, 2010) has shown benefits for those with established risk factors. The results showed that strawberries increase HDL (good) cholesterol, lowered blood pressure, and improved the blood platelet function in middle-aged people with risk factors. - With strawberries being high in antioxidants this helps decrease oxidative stress, stops inflammation and decreases levels of fat in the blood. - Thus, with that being said, a cup of a day will go a long way to improving your overall health. An easy way to incorporate this into your diet is to add it to yoghurt or oats in the morning - Basu, A., Rhone, M. and Lyons, T. (2010). Berries: emerging impact on cardiovascular health. Nutrition Reviews, 68(3), pp.168-177. See more

14.01.2022 I thought I’d would be a good time to share my own fitness journey! Back in 2012 when I was 17 I decided I’d had enough of feeling self conscious about my body. My weight throughout my teenage years slowly kept increasing until I hit 96kg on the scale. - My increase in weight was a result of poor eating habits, as I was a very active kid who played a heap of different sports. This goes to prove that you can’t out train a poor diet! - When I decided to start living a lifestyle it was extremely hard at first, constantly craving food. After the first couple of weeks the cravings started to slowly go away and I was starting to see some results. I also started to read Men's Health Australia to learn as much as I could about training and diet. In 20 weeks I lost 21kg and got down to 75kg. I was so proud of myself and was really happy with being at a healthy weight. From then on I’ve slowly built some muscle into my frame and now I’m at 82kg. - My current condition isn’t the leanest I’ve been, as I’ve been enjoying life and not worrying about counting my macros and calories and yes some days I do still feel insecure (especially my body’s liking to store fat around my hips ) but I just remind myself that everyone no matter who they are have some kind of insecurity about the way they look and that’s fine it’s about accepting them and learning to love yourself. #transformation #fitnessjourney #fatloss See more

11.01.2022 The Torso Press is a great exercise to help strengthen the shoulder girdle. - This is an area of improvement for me as I’m still trying to regain strength in my shoulder post my reconstruction surgery 2 years ago. - This exercise targets the pectorals, serratus anterior and rotator cuff. This exercise will also help those with scapular dyskinesis or winged shoulder blades.... - Give this exercise a go if you have a weak shoulder girdle or scapular dyskinesis! See more

11.01.2022 I’m still taking requests for my 6 week home workout program for only $19.99! It will be tailored to your fitness goals and level, as well as the equipment you have available during this lockdown. Message me if you’re interested. #workoutprogram #fitness #lockdown

10.01.2022 Struggling to stick to a diet? We’ve all been there. - When people ask others how to lose weight, they will get vague old school answers. - Cut out all sugar.... - Don’t have carbs after 6pm. - None of these answers are of value to those who need help with losing weight and most involve restricting ourselves from foods that we like, which is unrealistic to be able to stick to. If you love eating chocolate at night time but are told to cut out all sugar, after a week or two you’ll be miserable and will then think f*ck it!. Resulting in overindulge in ample amounts of chocolate leaving yourself feeling guilty. - Here are some fundamentals you MUST do to maintain any diet (healthy habit, healthy eating regime): Develop a good reason WHY you want to stick to a particular way of eating. Have a simple PLAN you can easily stick to. Have a STRUCTURE in place for your day and week. - Finding a reason why isn’t as simple as I want to lose weight because I want to look better. There is nothing wrong with this reason though when you’re 4 weeks into your diet and come home from a hard day’s work starving you won’t have much motivation to stick to your plan. - It’s okay to start with your appearance but writing more reasons such as ‘my pants aren’t fitting like they use to’, ‘I’m embarrassed for my partner to see me naked’, ‘I’m sick of feeling bloated and unmotivated’, ‘I want to be fit enough to play sport again’. Asking yourself ‘why?’ multiple times will help you form a list of reasons. - When it comes down to the best way to lose fat, it’s simply; you have to be in a calorie deficit. Meaning you take in less energy than your body burns every day. - The Keto diet helps you remain in a calorie deficit and you will find it easy to stick to, if you are strict with this for an extended period of time you can put yourself at risk of becoming a pre-diabetic. It all comes down to personal preference and what works for you. Just be sure to research the pros and cons of each diet. Remember that there will be side effects and reasons why some diets aren’t recommended for long periods of time. - Personally, I prefer a balanced diet consisting of whole foods See more

10.01.2022 The Trap Bar Deadlift - This exercise is a great alternative to a conventional barbell deadlift. This is much easier for beginners to perform and to learn hip hinge mechanics. It also puts less strain on the back as the bar isn’t in front of the individual. For beginners being able to perform the Trap Bar Deadlift they will be able to increase muscle growth and strength in their legs . - Athletes of all kinds of sports will also benefit from this exercise due to its ap...plications to jumping and athletic stances. - How to perform the Trap Bar Deadlift: - Set feet shoulder width apart Bum out, back straight, shoulder blades back and chest up Put tension through the bar and legs to prepare for lifting Apply force through the ground with your legs and feet allowing you to stand. Squeeze glutes at the top. - Perform 4 sets of 5 reps to develop strength. swipe left and save for later and share with your friends! - Let me know if you find this easier on your back compared to the barbell deadlift! See more

10.01.2022 For those who are just beginning their fitness journey you would’ve asked yourself how many days a week should I be training? - There will be all of these people on the internet who will tell you they train 5-6 days a week on either a split of push/pull/legs, upper body/lower body or chest/back/legs/shoulders/arms. They will also tell you this is the best and only way to train. - There is nothing wrong with these training routines, they are common for a reason and that’s beca...use they are good body building splits for experienced gym goers. But when you are a beginner training like that isn’t realistic. Most people when starting out are usually not very confident going to the gym let alone going 5-6 times a week and then doing an advanced body building program. - I suggest for a beginner to train 2-3 times per week doing full body workouts learning how to do functional movement patterns well. And if you can only get to the gym once or twice each week that doesn’t mean you can’t work out from home with minimal or no equipment throughout the week as well to get your 2-3 sessions in. - A program involving a variation of a squat, push up, and pull up (most likely a regression of these) and then adding a few supplementary exercises to go with them is optimal for beginners. The work out only has to go for 30 minutes unlike those who say they do 60-90 minute sessions which don’t necessarily provide anymore benefit from a 30 minute workout. - Lastly, one thing to take note of is if you find your fitness level is quite low which is normal for a beginner even just moving more each day like going for a walk, taking the stairs and getting up and down off a chair for a few minutes at home will help start your fitness journey and you can slowly build up to more resistance type training. #fitnessbeginner #personaltrainer #health See more

09.01.2022 HOW MY CLIENTS WENT FROM OVERWEIGHT AND FUSTRATED TO FEELING ALIVE AND FIT WHILE STILL EATING THE FOODS THEY LOVE. Are you frustrated with your lack of weight loss after trying many times to lose that 5-10kg of stubborn body fat? My clients have been there feeling lost and frustrated at their lack of progress, but through my coaching which helped them with their food choices they’ve broken through that barrier.... If you focus all your attention on these THREE key areas and not pay attention to the other BS that is sprouted in the fitness industry you will see results. 1. ADD WHOLEFOODS TO YOUR DIET I like to add foods to clients diets instead of taking foods away from them. Taking certain foods away leaves the client feeling restricted and they mentally want and crave what they can’t have. Instead add wholefoods to your diet, as much as you can as these leave you feeling fuller for longer. This means you won’t feel like eating that ice cream at night when you’re sitting on the couch watching Netflix. However, if you plan on having a little treat 2-3 times a week make sure it is in moderation. 2. TRAIN CONSISTENTLY To lose weight and increase your fitness level you will need to train consistently each week. I’d recommend training at least 3 times per week which will force your body to adapt to the stimulus you are putting it through. Make sure you are progressively overloading when the exercises are getting a little easy. You can do this by increasing the weight, reps or sets. 3. SLEEP QUALITY Sleep is so often overlooked when it comes to fat loss. It is so important for you to recover well in between sessions and it is during this time when you sleep your body changes to adapt to the training. To ensure you are getting quality sleep put together a night time routine before bed. This could be reflecting on your day with journaling, meditate to wind down and to prepare the body to sleep and also having some screen free time before sleeping. This will make a huge difference to your quality of sleep. Hope you find this useful #fatloss #weightloss #personaltrainer #focus

05.01.2022 Hi Facebook fam! Are you a busy person and have you been neglecting your health? I help busy people lose stubborn body fat without spending hours in the gym. ... My 4 week kickstart program will help you kickstart your health goals and will leave you feeling more energised, confident and improve your quality of sleep. You’ll receive an individualised training program, nutrition guide, weekly coaching calls, morning/night time routine guide, 24/7 support and access to a private Facebook group. If you’re wanting to take action on your goals DM me now and we can get started or comment below ‘kickstart’ and I’ll be in touch with you.

03.01.2022 Do you suffer from shoulder subluxation or know someone who does? - Shoulder subluxation is when the shoulder partially dislocates. It can become a chronic issue especially among athletes who participate in sports. - The T and Y shoulder raises are a great exercise to help strengthen the rotator cuff at different angles.... - Save this post and give it a go! 3 sets of 10 reps each! Let me know in the comments if it helps with your shoulder stability See more

03.01.2022 You can sit back and hope other people will make things happen for you but in reality it’s down to you and what you’re willing to do to become the person you want to be #motivationalquotes #personaltrainer #health

02.01.2022 How to exercise with a busy schedule. Many people find it hard to exercise and find time in their daily schedule. Due to this their health takes a beating. What can you do? Here are my favourite tips and strategies to moving more whilst being able to crush your day as a parent, business owner or hard worker. 1. GET UP EARLIER - waking up a little earlier automatically gives you more time in the day. You'll likely become more productive, have a better morning routine and easil...y implement exercise in the morning before breakfast, leaving you more focused on your tasks during the day. A great read on smashing your mornings to elevate your life is 'The 5am Club' by Robin Sharma. 2. RUN TO WORK - If you're within running distance to work then why not pound the pavement and get a great conditioning workout? Have a change of clothes at your workplace ready to go. 3. BREAK UP YOUR WORKOUTS - If your schedule hasn't got a free 30 minute block in it to workout try breaking it up into 10 minute blocks. Got 10 minutes before a meeting or while dinner is cooking? Try keeping some minimal workout equipment handy and fit in a couple sets of body weight squats paired with some dumbbell presses. 4. WORKOUT DURING YOUR LUNCH BREAK - This is a great way to decompress from a busy morning at work to clear the mind. Bonus, you're getting your daily workout in while recharging that brain of yours to finish the day strong! Make sure to make time to eat afterwards to aid recovery. 5. PARTICIPATE IN PLAYTIME WITH THE KIDS - If you have young children paytime is a great way to increase your activity level throughout the day. Also who wouldn't want to spend some more quality time with their kids and run around playing games? Bonding with your kids can be great for your mental health after a big day at work. Use some or all of these tips to increase your daily activity levels while incorporating more whole foods to achieve a healthier body! Don't let your busy schedule stop you. If you need guidance on how you can achieve your fitness goals or lose that stubborn body fat while being busy I'm happy to help and only a message away!

01.01.2022 Living a healthy lifestyle can seem like a hard goal to reach for some people. - I like to think of it as building habits that allow you to live a healthier lifestyle. Once the behaviours become habits it then becomes second nature. - I’ve listed the aspects that I think are most important when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle. These can be different for each individual depending on what you value most.... - Tell me in the comments what you would add or remove from this! #balancelifestyle #infographicsdesign #habit #whataboutyou #healthylifestyle See more

01.01.2022 CLIENT TESTIMONIAL - I’m so proud of Rachael’s progress she has made during her program! She’s lost 10kg and has never felt better while leading a busy life of a single mum of four! My 6 week program has hands down been life changing. I always thought working out meant hours spent in a gym. This just wasn't an option for me living at least 35km from my nearest gym and on top of that being a single parent to 4 busy kids. To say I was time poor and putting my health last is a...n understatement. Then I signed up for the 6 week program. The program was perfect for me because I was limited on time. I look forward to my workouts now. I have lost 10kg since starting the program and lost cms from all over my body. Not only have I seen physical changes but I have noticed it has been helping my mental health. I'm so happy with my results and I'm super excited to take on my next program with Glen. - Rachael If you want to take ownership of your health and lose stubborn body fat while learning how to build the habits needed to keep it off jump on board for my 4 week kickstart program! Message me directly if you want to make a change to your life! Talk soon - Glen

01.01.2022 Do you have a history of hamstring injuries or know someone that does? - Hamstring injuries are very common in field sports and track and field athletes. This is usually from accelerating or deceleration. They can also tear or strain when they are loaded eccentrically. - The elevated hamstring bridge is a great exercise to improve hamstring strength. Increasing your strength in the hamstrings reduces your risk of injury.... - To perform the elevated hamstring bridge you will need to place your feet on a bench. Then to raise your body and hips towards the roof you will need to apply force through your heels. You should feel your hamstrings contract as you push through your heels. - Try doing 3 sets of 8-12 reps for next time you’re in the gym or at home! Make sure to share this with your friends! #hamstringrehabilitation #hamstringstrength #injuryprevention See more

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