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23.01.2022 State Control Centre Update on Victorian Fires - 31 Dec 2019
19.01.2022 A few people have asked what is the best way to help the bushfire crisis that Victoria is currently in. This is the official bushfire appeal. We are being told the single best thing someone can do that wants to donate is to donate cash. Cheers
18.01.2022 A link to the ACCC website is found here - SCAMS AFTER YOUR DONATIONS
14.01.2022 TOP PRIORITY FOR IMMEDIATE BROADCAST Severe Thunderstorm Warning for DAMAGING, LOCALLY DESTRUCTIVE WINDS... For people in Central, East Gippsland, North Central and parts of Mallee, South West, Northern Country, West and South Gippsland and Wimmera Forecast Districts. Issued at 2:43 pm Monday, 30 December 2019. FIRE INITIATED THUNDERSTORMS OVER GIPPSLAND DRIVING ERRATIC GUSTY CONDITIONS Weather Situation: East Gippsland: Severe thunderstorms are likely to produce damaging, locally destructive winds in the warning area over the next several hours. Locations which may be affected include Dargo, Bairnsdale, Orbost, Buchan, Mallacoota and Bonang. Central Areas: Severe thunderstorms are likely to produce damaging winds in the warning area over the next several hours. Locations which may be affected include Bendigo, Seymour, Maryborough, Ballarat, Geelong, Melbourne, Bacchus Marsh, Morwell, Traralgon and Moe. The State Emergency Service advises that people should: * Check that loose items such as outdoor settings, umbrellas and trampolines are safely secured and move vehicles under cover or away from trees. * Stay indoors and away from windows. * If outdoors, move to a safe place indoors. Stay away from trees, drains, gutters, creeks and waterways. * If driving conditions are dangerous, safely pull over away from trees, drains, low-lying areas and floodwater. Avoid travel if possible. * Stay safe by avoiding dangerous hazards, such as floodwater, mud, debris, damaged roads and fallen trees. * Stay away from fallen powerlines always assume they are live. * Stay informed monitor weather warnings, forecasts and river levels at the Bureau of Meteorology website, and warnings through VicEmergency. The next warning is due to be issued by 5:45 pm. If severe thunderstorms develop in the Melbourne Area, a more detailed Severe Thunderstorm Warning will be issued to people in this area. Warnings are also available through TV and Radio broadcasts, the Bureau's website at or call 1300 659 210. The Bureau and State Emergency Service would appreciate warnings being broadcast regularly.
13.01.2022 stay safe today everyone
12.01.2022 FIRE, FIRE, FIRE. Burn permits are now being issued to farmers for the burning of stubble so they can prepare ground for future cropping. While this will cause ...lots of smoke in a small area it will die down quickly as the stubble burns quickly. When these burns are lit there is a large amount of smoke due to the type of material being burned and this smoke will be visible for many miles . For our sake, the C.F.A. volunteers, so we don't not send the tankers out to a false alarm or stubble burn, can you be sure that the fire you see is not a stubble burn before you phone 000 to report a fire. Many Thanks, Jim Robinson Glendaruel fire brigade Captain. ph 0418132821
09.01.2022 Please be safe everyone
08.01.2022 Please share this. This needs t o reach everyone. This is as serious as it gets guys. Do not mess around. Don't be in a place of high fire danger. Leave early is the only option. Please pass this on to friends, neighbours and anyone you can think of. Stay safe.
07.01.2022 Everyone please take care. There is currently a thunder storm moving across our area and has started a some fires near Burrumbeet. Please keep an eye on the Vic... Emergency app and listen to local radio and please heed any advice and warnings issued. This page is not monitored so please utilise the Vic Emergency app and ABC local radio station for any advice and warnings. See more
05.01.2022 BE PREPARED THIS WEEKEND IN DAYLESFORD AND HEPBURN SPRINGS Ahead of a warm and busy holiday weekend in Daylesford and Hepburn Springs, the CFA has warned for lo...cals and residents to make sure they have a plan in case of a bushfire. "That area has been assessed as an extreme bushfire-risk area," said Neville Collins, Commander with the CFA Incident Control Centre. "People just do need to be mindful if they're going into locations, that they need to plan and be prepared." Because we’ve had a number of deployments recently to Gippsland and Wangaratta, you may not have a CFA or Forest Fire Management Victoria crew, appliance or truck to protect your property on days of extreme fire behaviour." If you're not sure what to do if a bushfire threatens, visit our website for advice:
04.01.2022 Although data states that 2/3 of Black Saturday fatalities died while sheltering in or near their house, research by bushfire scientists revealed that they did ...not die BECAUSE they were sheltering. They died because they did not know how to shelter safely. SO WHEN THE BUSHFIRE EMERGENCY MESSAGE IS It I s too Late to Leave, You Should Take Shelter and Stay Indoors - WHAT SHOULD YOU ACTUALLY DO? IF YOU CANNOT SHELTER IN A BUILDING * Shelter behind a wall; beside a large fire resistant tree (that has no flammable undergrowth); in nor beside a car; in a dam (if no vegetation is near either), in a ditch, (cover yourself with earth or blanket); crouch beneath a blankets (must be PURE WOOL and DRY) on bare ground or an already burnt area. - Dry pure wool has the quality of extinguishing sparks and embers. IF YOU CAN SHELTER IN A BUILDING Before you go inside: * Shut off gas and electricity at the mains. * Put pets inside: dogs on leash, cats in covered cages. * Take in outdoor furniture, doormats, hanging baskets, plastic pot plants. When you are inside: * Make sure all doors and windows are securely shut. * Turn off air conditioners; cover their internal vents. * If windows are unshuttered, cover with blankets (must be PURE WOOL), heavy quality quilts, foil or wet towels. *Move flammable furniture away from windows. * Close internal doors to limit fire spread if embers enter and ignite inside. * Put on protective clothing and nose mask and drink often. * Keep blankets (must be PURE WOOL and DRY) handy. * Cool off when possible. * Watch the conditions outside if possible through a small window or peephole. Do not open a door or window to look outside. * When you are sure flaring shrubs have blackened, it’s safe to go out again. (Burning tree trunks do not generally emit killing radiant heat.) PASSIVE SHELTERERS * DO NOT SHELTER IN AN INNER ROOM. Not in the hallway. Not in the bath. If you shelter in ANY kind of inner room no matter how many doors it has you could be trapped. Embers may have ignited sub-floor or wall cavities or rafters in the ceiling space,. Flaming walls or ceiling could collapse on you. Toxic fumes from smouldering furnishings, synthetic furniture or wall linings could overcome you. * STAY BY A DOOR THAT EXITS TO OUTSIDE in protective clothing and with blankets (must be PURE WOOL and DRY). * It is vital for passive shelterers to exit as soon as the potentially killing radiant heat from fames has died down. ACTIVE SHELTERERS * Take hose, sprayers and ladder inside with you. * Fill bath & troughs with water, immerse towels, roll up and place at door gaps and window ledges. Plug keyholes with play dough, blue-tack or soap. * Fill containers (e.g. garden sprayers) with water; put these, with dippers, mops etc, in each room. * Watch for invading embers. Particularly in the ceiling space, through windows, gaps under doors. Spray or hit with wet mop any sparks, embers or smouldering furnishings. * If any ignition cannot be extinguished, close the door of that room. * Maintain easy access to an exit door. * Never go outside during a flame front to douse an outside ignition. EXITING * Exit with great care, preferably from a door that is sheltered from the wind. * Wear protective clothing & nose cover, cover yourself with your blanket (must be PURE WOOL and DRY), crouch, lower your eyelids and open the door gradually. The quintessential bushfire survival resource is a HEAVY DUTY DRY PURE WOOL BLANKET. Covered with such a blanket and with a flask of water people have survived the most catastrophic conditions. Extracted from my Essential Bushfire Safety Tips (CSIRO 2012), (If you can't afford to buy - most libraries have it.) See more
03.01.2022 Widespread rainfall is expected for the east coast of the country, including the firegrounds, starting tomorrow and lasting into the weekend.
03.01.2022 Many people have downloaded the Vic Emergency app which is great as people need to stay informed. However, this is also starting to cause problems. The Vic emer...gency app releases incident detaild as our CFA volunteers are paged. This means that people are being notified of an incident at about the same time we are. Recent incidents have attracted a lot of sightseers in their cars, on motorbikes or even on foot to see where the incident is and what is going on. We have had people try and stop CFA volunteers to find out what is going on whilst they are on their way and during incidents. Recently we had cars blocking the roads for trucks trying to get to the incident. Others even followed the trucks to see where they were going. We encourage as many people as possible to use the VicEmergency app to keep them informed, but please be aware that using the information to go and see what is going on can affect the CFA in performing our duty as quickly and efficiently as possible. There is the potential danger for an accident to happen when community vehicles get in the way of emergency vehicles.
03.01.2022 Bit of a laugh for your Wednesday!
03.01.2022 Tomorrow, Wed, 22 Jan 2020 has been declared a day of Total Fire Ban in the Mallee, Wimmera, South West, Northern Country, North Central and Central (includes M...elbourne and Geelong) district(s) of Victoria. No fires can be lit or be allowed to remain alight in the open air from 12:01 AM on Wed, 22 Jan 2020 until 11:59 PM Wed, 22 Jan 2020.
02.01.2022 Tomorrow Friday 31 January has been declared as a day of Total Fire Ban in the following areas in Victoria. Mallee Wimmera South West... Northern Country North Central Central (including Melbourne) No fires can be lit in the open air between 00:01 on 31/01/2020 and 23:59 on 31/01/2020 Find out more at
02.01.2022 Please everyone share this. Please Check the Vic Emergency website or app for the most up to date information. Please do not travel into fire affected areas.
02.01.2022 PLEASE! Due to the fire risk, we ask you this New Years Eve to put the fireworks away. We do not need any more fire in our landscape! We cannot make it any clearer, this New Years Eve - NO FIREWORKS!!