Glenmore Park Anglican Church in Glenmore Park, New South Wales | Anglican Church
Glenmore Park Anglican Church
Locality: Glenmore Park, New South Wales
Phone: 4733 1635
Address: 16 William Howell Drive 2745 Glenmore Park, NSW, Australia
Likes: 1304
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25.01.2022 Join us in praying for all the students starting their HSC exams. We pray that they may have clarity of thought with what they’ve learnt, feel God’s love and peace and presence greatly, and have good health during exams.
24.01.2022 This weeks phone wallpaper is brought to you by Mark chapter 6. Head to our YouTube channel to catch up on the Sunday Service from yesterday, or any of the sermons from our series on the book of Mark.
24.01.2022 We are so excited to still be able to run our annual women’s retreat. It will be a wonderful day for us to spend time encouraging one another, and hearing from the Bible about going ‘God’s way’. If you need to stay at home but want to attend online, still register on the link below.
23.01.2022 Trav Cook - live Powered by Restream
22.01.2022 The gingerbread festival has kicked off this week to help get you into the Christmas mood can you name all 9 movies?? We will post the answers in the comments tomorrow at 8pm!
22.01.2022 On the 8th day of Christmas my true Love (GOD ) gave to me - Peace We often see Peace written around the place at Christmastime. We may even vaguely remember that on the first Christmas, the angels said to the shepherds, Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favour rests (Luke 2:14). But what does that mean for us today when we look around and find conflict? The peace that the Bible talks about is the most important kind of peace: pe...ace between people and God. No matter how strongly we have fought against God, peace is possible! Because of Jesus, complete forgiveness is available to anybody who wants it, and all we have to do is to turn to him and ask. That’s why Jesus is called the Prince of Peace. Why not get to know him this Christmas? John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives.
20.01.2022 Every week is a good week to invite a friend... - to church - to read the Bible with you - to pray - to ask questions about Jesus ... - to tell their story Whichever it is - let’s keep inviting. Because we want ALL people to know Jesus through the gospel, so they will treasure HIM above all else.
19.01.2022 8am BBQ breakfast before church was the best! Thank you to all those who cooked and organsied, and to everyone who came. #churchreimagined
19.01.2022 Happy Father’s Day to our fathers and all those who have been like a father to us. Thank you for your love, compassion, and wisdom. Thank you most of all to our Heavenly Father, who has shown us the greatest love - that through Jesus we can be children of God.
18.01.2022 Don't forget Velocity is ON TONIGHT - 7-9pm. Year 5 - 12 are welcome! See you there!
18.01.2022 GPA Church - Live
18.01.2022 Thank you for joining us at our first gingerbread festival event for 2020. Hope you enjoyed hearing about Jesus, and making your special gingerbread creations. Tag your friends in the pics below, and we hope to see you all at church again this Sunday.
17.01.2022 10 day countdown to our women’s retreat and we are so excited! Don’t forget to register at the link below, and tag your friends that you want to see there.
16.01.2022 Night 2 of our gingerbread festival was just as wonderful! Maris spoke about the Joy we have in Jesus, we made new friends, and decorated many delicious gingerbread creations. Tag your friends, and join us at church on Sunday for more joyful celebrations.
16.01.2022 Women’s retreat 2020
15.01.2022 Hey everyone, we're really sorry that we seem to be having technical difficulties for yet another week! We're working hard on a solution so that we can stream the 10:45am service without the disruptions. Please pray!
15.01.2022 Let's take a moment to pray for ourselves as we start the day! Our prayer today begins with this verse from Romans 15:13. Dear God, Please fill me with joy and peace as I trust in you. Please may I overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.... As I go about my day today, please help me to be wise when making decisions, kind when speaking with other people, and joyful in the knowledge that you love me so much that you gave your Son, Jesus, for me. Amen.
15.01.2022 Let’s throwback to throw back Thursday...and be encouraged by one of the songs we recorded earlier this year. Sing along and praise God with us, the One who saved us. Lift your voices to the One, who is seated on the throne. See Him in the new Jerusalem, ... Praise the One who saved us
14.01.2022 This Sunday is Cafe Church at all 3 services at Glenmore Park - 9am, 10:45am & 5pm and we would love for you to join us as we hear about the Joy that Jesus brings at Christmas! Bring your family and friends, it's going to be a wonderful way to kick off Christmas Celebrations. What does Cafe Church look like? Coffee Van available to purchase food and drinks and they will be delivered to your table. ... We will gather in church, sitting at tables as we chat and as we discover true Joy in Jesus! Looking forward to seeing you there!
14.01.2022 The Women on Wednesday Connect groups had the opportunity to listen to our Minister Chris answer a whole bunch of questions on God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit this morning! This is just one type of connect groups we have running, if you’d like to get connected please contact us, we’d love to hear from you!
13.01.2022 To all the year 12 students out there, congratulations on graduating and finishing your classes at school. You have faced a year unlike any other, and as you keep studying for exams, we hope you can enjoy a moment to look back and see just how much you have grown by persevering through all the challenges you have faced. More importantly we hope you remember not just today, and during exams, but everyday of your life, that loving God and knowing His love for you is THE most ...important thing and is the true and only treasure that lasts for eternity. You are in our prayers as you prepare for your final exams in October.
13.01.2022 On the 12th day of Christmas my true Love (GOD ) gave to me - Jesus This year has been a good reminder of how important relationships are. We miss our family and friends when we are in lockdown. Just like we have felt the pain this year of separation from others, it is painful and sad when we are separated from God. This is why He sent Jesus. Jesus’ birth, life, death, and resurrection not only reveals to us who God is but through Jesus we can be forgiven so that we can be in relationship with God. We can be a part of His family and never again be separated from Him. That is the most important relationship of all, and the reason we have hope and joy this Christmas.
12.01.2022 No matter what you are facing in life, you can take courage and trust in Jesus... because he IS God. Head to our YouTube channel to catch up on yesterday’s service and hear Trav talk from Mark chapter 6. #jesusisgod
12.01.2022 It’s been wonderful for Chris to start preaching in person at our services at Glenmore Park. As we near the end of this season of pre-recorded videos, we’re thankful for those who worked so hard to keep us gathering together as a community around God’s word online. We look forward to you joining us in person as we commence live services on Oct 18th. More details about this coming soon!
12.01.2022 On the 10th day of Christmas my true Love (GOD ) gave to me - hope There are two kinds of hope: the first is hope in things that belong to this world. We could hope to get a great parking spot at the shops, or hope that nobody eats the last mince tart, or even hope that 2021 is easier than 2020. There is no certainty in this kind of hope because we can’t know the future. The second kind of hope is hope in the living God. This is hope that God will keep his promise to end, suffering and pain once and for all and bring his people to be with him forever. Unlike the first kind of hope (hope in things that belong to this world), the second kind of hope (hope in God) is full of certainty because our God does keep his promises. He proved it by sending his son into the world to take our sin upon himself so that we could be forgiven. So while we don’t know the future and can’t predict where the best parking spot might be, we do know what God has promised. Faith in God means that we can hope for the time when God makes all things new with absolute certainty! And this hope is one of the many reasons we love to celebrate Jesus at Christmas! Hebrews 10:23 "Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful."
12.01.2022 SO sorry everyone - we THINK we have an issue with our internet providor and won't be able to livestream for 10:45 this morning. We will work hard to see if we can resolve this for our 5pm service!!!
12.01.2022 THROWBACK THURSDAY! We have been digging through the archives and found a gem! This is one of our ministers, Trav Cook, with Meredith and a very little Lucy on the day of his ordination in 2016 - coming up to five years ago. We are so thankful for Trav, Meredith and the girls (a special hello to Hattie and Winnie who were born after this photo!), for their service to us at Glenmore Park and Mulgoa, their teaching and talents!!
11.01.2022 Throughout the busyness of the year and these unusual times with COVID, is there someone you have lost touch with? It's easy to do! Why not spend a few minutes sending them a quick message or even giving them a call. It could be a really special way to show someone you care about them and a way you both can be encouraged today.
09.01.2022 We have a folder filled with songs we recorded throughout the past few months right here on our Facebook page! You will find it under Church Music in our videos section. Check it out and let us know what you’re listening to this week!
08.01.2022 On the 11th day of Christmas my true Love (GOD ) gave to me - Love Love is often seen as a feeling. We love if we get in return or if a person abides by our rules. We love someone if it is easy to or if it feels good. However love is so much more than a feeling, it’s a choice. Love is sacrifice, it’s selfless, it's patient and kind. A love that as humans it can often be hard to do in our sinfulness.... We may not get it right all the time but thankfully God does. He chose to love us even when we decided to live our lives without him and he gave us the greatest love there ever is in his son Jesus! Jesus was born to die on the cross - and in his life and death he exemplified what it is to love. His love is unconditional, selfless, humble, gracious, generous, kind, patient, and holy. When Jesus suffered on that cross it was for our good, our salvation, and was out of his great love for us. "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16 What a comfort and joy it is to be loved by God no matter the things we do or the mistakes we make. We are all so deeply loved by God.
08.01.2022 Here are some answers to ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ that you too might have about coming to church at the moment. As always, give us a call or send us a msg if you have any other questions or want to chat to staff.
08.01.2022 8am breakfast before church was the best! Thank you to all who cooked and all who came. #churchreimagined
08.01.2022 Hello weekend! It’s so nice to see you. Can’t wait for the best part - Church on Sunday. We are starting our new series of talks from the book of Exodus. #lollipopsnotincluded
07.01.2022 Learning to sign in Auslan, so that we can ‘sing’ together at Women’s retreat. Hallelujah, I live in remembrance.
07.01.2022 Gratitude is a way we can glorify God. It can helps us to see God's goodness, draws us closer to him and can help us be joyful even in the difficult things. Let's encourage one another and share 5 things we can be thankful for today. 'Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.' Psalm 118:1
06.01.2022 Below is a repost from Miles, one of our student ministers, who preached to us yesterday for the last time. We are so thankful to Miles for his encouragement not just as he taught from the Bible but in all the ways he has served here for many years. Yesterday I got to preach my last sermon ever at our Glenmore Park campus! We didn’t do anything different or do an extra-special sermon, we just read and pondered God’s word and challenged each other about how we should respond... to it. The key application was to take the next step in reading and knowing and memorising Scripture so that we won’t forget what God has done for us - and it would be a pretty lame sermon if the preacher wasn’t convinced by it! So here’s my next step. Every morning, the first thing I’ll do is read my Bible and respond in prayer. Before I scroll Facebook or Insta or Reddit, before my coffee or bowl(s) of cereal, whatever is going on, that’s what I’m gunna do. And, I’m gunna get back on the horse with my bible memorisation, starting with 1 Cor 5:7: For Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed. (I need to get back into it with a short, easy one ) Today I finished the book of 1 Thessalonians (it was the first thing I did when I woke up!). I was reminded and encouraged to be sober - to think clearly - as I live my life filled with the future hope of salvation in Jesus. Whatever happens, whatever season of life I’m in, whatever suffering I endure, I belong to the day of God’s salvation through faith in Jesus Keen to hear what your next step is!
06.01.2022 To help us celebrate Jesus this Christmas, Suzi Dellis (a member of our church family) beautifully created and gifted these advent calendars to women at church yesterday. There is a bible verse and prayer for each day to help us know and experience the hope and joy that Jesus brings. We will also be doing different daily advent posts on Instagram and Facebook starting tomorrow, so follow along, share posts and tag friends, so that we can all spread the joy and good news of Jesus this Christmas. #joyofjesus
06.01.2022 As a church, we're all about connecting with God, and connecting with each other. We hope you can join us ON SITE either at Mulgoa (9am) or Glenmore Park (9am, 10:45am, 5pm) on Sunday. Feel free to contact us for prayer requests, to connect with others, and to connect deeper with God. Just head to this link: To download our Kids Activity pack for your child to do whilst you watch our service - head to:
05.01.2022 Thank you to everyone who came to the working bee yesterday. We are particularly excited that the fence around the playground and backyard area is underway.
05.01.2022 On Sunday we heard from the book of Mark that it is not external things that make us sin, rather sin and evil come from our own hearts. It is not something we can fix ourselves - we needed Jesus to die for our sins and for God to give us a new heart. Save this phone wallpaper pic and set it as your lock screen to remember this key verse, and head to our YouTube channel to watch Sundays service or catch up on other weeks.
04.01.2022 Daylight savings sounds so much more fun if you think of it as time travelling. Don’t forget to put your clocks forward on Sunday so you don’t miss out on coming to church. Everyone is welcome! See you on Sunday!
04.01.2022 A very talented artist in our church has been encouraging others with his amazing drawings! What a blessing to be able to share Gods word so creatively! Thank you David!
03.01.2022 Christmas decorations are so special for so many reasons, and pulling them out each Christmas can bring huge amounts of joy as you reflect on the time you got them, or even made them. Do you happen to have a special decoration you bring out each December (or earlier if you’re a keen decorator ) that means something to you? Share a picture of a special decoration you have, and give us a little story about it, we are keen to see your most treasured decoration items!
03.01.2022 We would love you to join us this Christmas to celebrate Jesus! We will be running services at Mulgoa and Glenmore Park on both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. If there are changes to the government restrictions we will post again and send out emails to let you know. Whether it’s in person or online though, Christmas is still worth celebrating, because Jesus is the reason for this season.
02.01.2022 Welcome to the world Lilah Grace Jackson and Marcus Benjamin Beckett!!! A huge Congratulations to Ben, Lauren and big sister Adeline as they welcome Lilah Grace into their family and Pat, Penny and big sister Claire as they adjust to being a family of four! Please join us in praising God for these precious babies and pray that they would grow up knowing Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.
02.01.2022 Only 4 days left to register for our Christmas gingerbread festival! Something different this year- We have cookie packs available for the Saturday events, as well as houses! A set of 5 large cookies with icing only $20. Byo lollies can’t wait to see you there! Book your spot today!... See more
02.01.2022 Today is that last Sunday we use pre-recorded videos for church services. It has been nearly 30 weeks of rethinking, praying, script writing, rehearsals, set design, lighting, filming, and editing. So we want to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who has been involved in making the Sunday services online, the music videos, and Sunday kids online videos. It has been a wonderful blessing to our community.
02.01.2022 Today is your last chance to book tickets to one of our gingerbread events! Sat 5th is already fully booked, but there are still tickets available for the other dates, and we would LOVE for you to join us as we celebrate the joy of Jesus this Christmas. Head to to book tickets for you and your family and friends.
02.01.2022 On the 9th day of Christmas my true Love (GOD ) gave to me - Music Do you have vocal chords that you save just for the shower? How lucky are we that God loves it when we praise him through all kinds of music! Praise the Lord. Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens. ... Praise him for his acts of power; praise him for his surpassing greatness. Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet, praise him with the harp and lyre, praise him with timbrel and dancing, praise him with the strings and pipe, praise him with the clash of cymbals, praise him with resounding cymbals. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Psalms 150:1-6 NIV Imagine a life without music? It has the ability to help us reach the highest heights and get us out of the lowest lows. The bible is full of references of people and angels singing and making a joyful noise to the Lord- (there’s even a whole book of the bible- psalms) Praise God for the gift of music!!! (and that he hears our hearts rather than just our shower voices )
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