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Petra Lane

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24.01.2022 Today I am missing the profound joy of the Andes and the incredible beauty of the Andean people. Preparing to send our Peruvian family much-needed cash - they are getting steamrolled by COVID, their tourist sector has been hit extremely hard. Deep prayers that every family receives what they need until we are through this... If you would like to send funds with me I know they would be so grateful - please do be in touch by DM

23.01.2022 Love my new clinic room!! #sohappy Lots of magic to happen here Sessions available for - Somatic trauma therapy - Feminine embodiment including deep relaxation & pleasure coaching ... - Relationship support - Psychosomatic bodywork therapy - Empowerment / Freedom coaching - Personalised shamanic ceremonies I’ve been trained in trauma therapy by one of Australia’s top 5 in somatic integration; I’ve been in the inner wellness space for 25 years - my work is the real deal. Grounded, outcome-based, scientifically backed, deeply supportive. Clinic is at Red Hill. I’d love to meet you here

22.01.2022 Good morning from Manly... Something fresh & beautiful to light up your morning. Sydney is stunning!!

22.01.2022 12.45pm global meditation & prayer spot landed #love

21.01.2022 The transformative power of travelling with a group of loving humans in a land of powerful medicine is like nothing else. Enlivened, enlightened and joyful... we are Ayllu, we are community, we are global family.

21.01.2022 I just shared a warm 6 sec hug & a chat about shining our lights with Elizabeth Gilbert. My heart is booming. I would turn for this woman.

20.01.2022 REMINDER FOR THE MUMS AND DADS AT HOME WITH THEIR KIDS ATM Make sure you are getting your needs met at this time Without you feeling strong & rested, the whole system falls apart...Continue reading

20.01.2022 This year I’ve mainly been working on Peru 2020 & workshops, which I’ll share more about soon. I’ve also started writing a book that is putting fire in my heart More updates to come on Intimacy nights, ceremony and Peru’s incredible pathway in October

19.01.2022 In these uncertain & unstable times we’re all feeling a little wobbly. There’s a lot of advice about staying safe & keeping our immunity strong but one of the worst things for our nervous / immune systems is, of course, stress. Try to reduce anxiety & stress by balancing the news with positive input and watching. Good books, uplifting film & tv, excellent podcasts. Here are some of my recommendations:... Elizabeth Gilbert: Big Magic for inspiration Erling Kagge: Philosophies for Polar Explorers for a beautiful look at the simple & integral things in life Glennon Doyle: Untamed for liberation Nicole Krauss: The History of Love for beautiful fiction Michaela Boehm: The Wild Woman’s Way for feminine connection Sarah Wilson: First, We Make The Beast Beautiful for understanding anxiety Christopher Vogler: The Writer’s Journey - writing inspiration with Joseph Campbell’s The Hero’s Journey Peter Levine: In An Unspoken Voice - gaining freedom through the trauma response Daniel Siegel MD: The Whole Brain Child for emotionally rounded kids Afterlife might be the most beautiful bit of TV I’ve seen Tim Ferris’s podcast for lengthy, in depth, riveting chat GABA the podcast for unlocking inner magic P.S. Support your local booksellers who will be happy to pop your stack in the post. One of my faves in Brisbane is Riverbend Books. Such a sucker for fresh smelling books - their classic selection is excellent Share your faves! Bring on the book & podcast porn

19.01.2022 Today I am getting PERU 2020 up & running & joyfully re-connecting with Apu Salkantay, chief mountain (Apu) of unconditional love. I can't wait to revisit his pristine waters. Swimming in that glacial water with these women was one of the highlights of my life! The dates for our 2020 Peru pilgrimage are 12 - 28th Oct. SAVE THE DATE!!


14.01.2022 Big love to Mama Lane today. Ted & Mum got married 4 days after finding out that Ted has brain cancer... today is her bday - she visited him in palliative care while I made a vegan strawberry n banana cake loaf that was a total fail. We tried to pan fry it when she got home bc it was oozing wet strawberry gooeyness... ended up being delicious. Thank gawd. How gorgeous are they!? So grateful to be here for her in these tender times

09.01.2022 AUTUMN EQUINOX is a particularly auspicious time to sit in deep ceremony in connection with Pachamama, working with transformational shamanic process to transform limitations & what no longer serves. Expanding & breathing into the truth of our most ALIVE, POWERFUL & INTEGRATED selves. In this deep 5-hour dive, we work with feminine-dark & masculine-light polarities through embodiment process, ritual, meditation, quantum manifestation & partner exploration, all designed to sup...port the transformation of limiting energies & patterns... making space for the natural states of aliveness, pleasure & bliss that are our birthright. We work with somatic techniques designed to change the DNA strands so that empowerment & freedom naturally arise. As well as deep dance, neural re-wiring & transformational shamanic process, as it is these practices that have been (scientifically) proven to create change. We will unite with the Elixir of the Gods plant medicine CACAO - to heal, transform and connect to our true nature - our blissful essence. Cacao offers creative solutions to challenges & change, and shows us a clear way forward as we powerfully navigate ourselves as the creative, heart-based masters we are. IT’S TIME TO SHINE! OUR EVENING TOGETHER INCLUDES: - Flower essence: grounding ritual - Andean shamanic Cacao Ceremony (including somatic therapy to unwind & connect): full Ceremonial dose - Heart-focused meditation - Embodiment processes: to transmute paradigms that no longer serve - FIRE RITUAL: to lovingly anchor intention & release the old - Ecstatic, deep, transformational dance: with a set by DJ R.I.A RHYTHMS - Quantum leaping: Powerfully landing our intentions & dreams by physically mapping the new into our quantum field .. utilising embodiment, writing & shamanic manifestation process - Sacred condor feather: clearing / healing - Community: partner exploration & connection - Sound Healing with DANIEL FOOTE (The harp, the gong, the didge - the works! This man is a master!) - Delicious vegan dhal/soup dinner to enjoy together DATE: March 21st 5pm - 10pm TICKETS:

08.01.2022 We have begun! And the picture says it all. Receiving the delights & blessings of Cusco for the past 4 days in Ceremony, walking through the hills, connecting deeply with ourselves and our teachers, we are in a state of heart-wide-open constantly. This City is so charming with its cobblestone streets, friendly & loving people, and medicine for the soul. We are in #heaven #cusco #weloveyou #medicina #21daysofbeauty #soulfood #peru #transformation #bliss

08.01.2022 Our society has a misconception that pleasure is only related to sex & sensuality. As a result we are missing a key opportunity to experience deep joy in our day to day lives. Often women come in for 1:1 work exhausted, demotivated, unenthusiastic. They will put this down to not being ‘on it’ enough or ‘avoidant’; or any other reason that ends up being self-critical and flagellating. After only a little time it’s obvious that this underlying depletion is actually the body...’s intelligence asking for deep rest. And a need for way more pleasure. They’ll look at me aghast when I give them the ‘permission’ to take space & time in their busy lives, to cultivate pleasure & beauty for themselves... to ‘fill up’ again. Then their relief kicks in and oftentimes, so do the tears. Our hyper-masculine culture is driving us forward ALL THE TIME. The relentless need to achieve, be productive, look after the kids, post on the socials, be ‘better’, go faster, earn money (& even in the spiritual culture to GROW - I can’t tell you how many women sigh with relief to have a break from self-development books) - it’s all making women feel dry, disconnected & unhappy. This push energy is not our natural state. Our natural state is in creating s p a c e to feel, move, touch & breathe... we’re wired to ‘gather’ after all, and connect. When we take time to dance, read fiction books, take walks just because it’s beautiful or feels good, or lay in the hammock... when we move our experience in our body... or lay by the pool, touch our body in slow devotion or eat a particularly special & delicious meal... all these practices slow us down, regulate our nervous system, stabilise our hormones & help us reconnect to the natural pleasure that is running through our body. In short, they bring us home. From this natural state of relaxation and enrichment - enthusiasm naturally returns. Energy flows & we feel more alive. We are able to give from a more full place, rather than giving from an inner system that is only-just-coping. I know this because I used to be one of those women who strived forward at the expense of my own pleasure. Now - I walk slowly to the supermarket, feeling my body sensations & my heart. I feel the sway of my hips as I walk. I luxuriate in bed at key moments in the week. Plus a multitude of other pleasurefull & restful experiences. These days I don’t like that faux ‘alive’ feeling of rush ... that was actually just a heightened nervous system on overload. If any of this rings true for you, you are invited to take this post as the permission to give yourself deep rest and deep pleasure. You’ll love it. As do I.

07.01.2022 Numbers in Aust have increased by 600 today and with a total of (reported) 1700 cases, we are now set to follow the countries who have been hit hard. I know 3 people who have the virus - they were released from the cruise ship in Sydney a couple days ago without being tested. They travelled home to the Sunshine Coast. They have now tested positive and are in hospital being monitored every 4 hours. We know that the number of cases being released is not an accurate representa...tion of the reality because: - the virus has a 2 week incubation period - they were only testing people arriving from o/s who had symptoms (and not even then!! ) - ppl who don’t have symptoms can be carriers - symptoms can be atypical, meaning you might have symptoms that aren’t typical of COVID-19 ... but you’re carrying the virus What is clear is that we’re at the tipping point. OUR INDIVIDUAL BEHAVIOUR NOW WILL DETERMINE HOW BAD THIS GETS We need to take social responsibility seriously and stay at home, NOW. To protect everyone - it’s not just the elderly and immunocompromised - young ppl have died o/s, and we need to seriously protect the health care workers. Our health care system is going to be fked if we don’t step up now. I’m not a scientist but I’ve been doing my research and watching it unfold overseas closely - it’s clear from the numbers - we need to LEARN FROM THEIR EXPERIENCE so our country doesn’t get overwhelmed. Clearly the Govt is trying to protect the economy but our health and immunity as a collective is THE most important - and will ultimately protect our economy. This is about all of us - we ARE in this together and we need to respond as such, as though we care for everyone. Stay at home, wear masks and gloves when you shop, eat healthy & take supplements. Taiwan’s Govt gave everyone masks right from the beginning and in an island of 23 million - they’ve had VERY low numbers. Don’t see friends; we don’t have an accurate idea of how many people are carrying the virus. One report said we need to assume we are all carrying it and behave accordingly. This is not about fear - it’s about preparedness, realism and careful behaviour. It’s

06.01.2022 Soothing & inspiring my heart ... Right now there are Tibetan Buddhist monks in a temple in the Himalayas endlessly reciting mantras for the cessation of your suffering and for the flourishing of your happiness. Someone you haven't met yet is already dreaming of adoring you.... Someone is writing a book that you will read in the next two years that will change how you look at life. Nuns in the Alps are in endless vigil, praying for the Holy Spirit to alight the hearts of all of God's children. A farmer is looking at his organic crops and whispering, "nourish them." Someone wants to kiss you, to hold you, to make tea for you. Someone is willing to lend you money, wants to know what your favorite food is, and treat you to a movie. Someone in your orbit has something immensely valuable to give you for free. Something is being invented this year that will change how your generation lives, communicates, heals and passes on. The next great song is being rehearsed. Thousands of people are in yoga classes right now intentionally sending light out from their heart chakras and wrapping it around the earth. Millions of children are assuming that everything is amazing and will always be that way. Someone is in profound pain, and a few months from now, they'll be thriving like never before. From where they are, they just can't see it. Someone who is craving to be partnered, to be acknowledged, to arrive, will get precisely what they want and even more. And because that gift will be so fantastical in its reach and sweetness, it will quite magically alter their memory of angst longing and render it all "So worth the wait." Someone has recently cracked open their joyous, genuine nature because they did the hard work of hauling years of oppression off of their psyche this luminous juju is floating in the ether, and is accessible to you. Someone just this second wished for world peace, in earnest. Some civil servant is making sure that you get your mail, and your garbage is picked up, that the trains are running on time, and that you are generally safe. Someone is dedicating their days to protecting your civil liberties and clean drinking water. Someone is regaining their sanity. Someone is coming back from the dead. Someone is genuinely forgiving the seemingly unforgivable. Someone is curing the incurable. You. Me. Some. One. Now. ~ Danielle LaPorte, The Manifesto of Encouragement

05.01.2022 That time your daughter asks you to make TikTok videos with you at the park, and you think you’re being such a cool Mum, until you actually see the video & realise you’re the worlds biggest dag #dreamsdashed

04.01.2022 We’re in a marathon, not a sprint. Decency is most important.

02.01.2022 I was reflecting today on the underlying subtle energies behind tiredness. Obviously, sometimes tiredness is a result of not enough sleep, or too much GO energy. Sometimes it’s a result of not doing enough stuff that lights us up! And - tiredness can also reflect something we are resisting inside.... Whenever we are blocking energy by resisting energy - it will create stagnation Resulting in tiredness a lack of energy. If you’re feeling tired these days, I gently ask what are you resisting? As I was pondering this today, I remembered feeling very resistant earlier this year to holding Ceremony. The resistance was big. But I went ahead. AND HAD THE BIGGEST BREAKTHROUGH OUT. Anytime we are resistant, it’s a signal that growth, evolution & breakthrough is lurking waiting just around the corner. We just have to get out of our own way. So, this is a call to action. If you’ve been feeling tired or resistant, join us in Ceremony in Brisbane tomorrow night. It is guaranteed to help. The forces that join us in ceremony, and the processes we embody throughout the evening, always support CLARITY & FREEDOM to arise. It’s all for you. Take it, beautiful. Link is in the bio. Love, Petra

02.01.2022 Autumn Equinox self-ceremony Today we dance in gratitude for all that has been & all that is to come, cultivating an internal sense of balance. Every Equinox offers us this balance frequency with equal hours day-night, yin-yang, & so it is the perfect time to align also, our balance within. Ancestors would gather on MABON to give thanks for the harvest of summer (all that has been) & celebrate the turning toward the cold dark nights of winter (all that is to come); they wou...ld dance, sing, eat together. In our modern day context we are often alone & yet still it is a beautiful time to follow in the steps of our ancestors, to integrate the past; to focus on what we would like to cultivate; & to give gratitude for the blessings in our lives. When we do this, we naturally connect with our loving, alive & balanced true nature A sweet ritual for Equinox: - Spend 15 minutes in prayer giving thanks for the bounty of the year so far. Including the challenges, because often they hold more jewels than the ease. Include people you love, your animals, clients, work, challenges, nature - go though them all. It’s amazing how much there is to be grateful for once we get going. - Blow your gratitude into a flower or rock and bury it in the earth, giving thanks to Mama Earth for her support, and to God too if you feel this energy. - Dance it up! Embody your thanks, your challenges, your love, let the energy flow, let it all out. Get the system moving - Write a few points down, things that you would like to cultivate for the months ahead - Then - dance in your prayers! By making it alive now we signal to our biology & the universe/God what we are ready for, collapsing time & space, creating now in the quantum field. - Gently closing off holding your heart, with thanks & gratitude for this beautiful life. I have a few playlists on my Spotify account that would be perfect for a flow like this that you may enjoy. With love, and Happy Autumn Equinox! Amazing photo capture at Lake Titicaca by Dorothy Maria

02.01.2022 Sending you the yummiest of yummy vibes today & every damn day!! And if you’re alone this holiday season, or like me & unable to be with your family, sending you extra special lovin’ & a playful slap on yo butt. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE

02.01.2022 Started on the morning celery juice movement 3 weeks ago - eyes are getting clearer. Brain less foggy. Can feel this is just the start. I was diagnosed with Epstein-Barr virus 18 mths ago and since then have been getting sick a lot. Earlier this year (after getting sick a g a i n) I started a protocol to help my immune system get on track. Vegan diet (am literally only eating fruit & veges), plus the celery juice & heavy metal detox smoothie in the AM. And supplements. I’m f...eeling sooo much clearer. I’ve always eaten well but had no idea gluten / animal products were having such a sludge effect on my system - I’m less reactive, more emotionally balanced, sleeping deeper (although still needing a lot of it). Am in general feeling so much more ME. I also started a white-light visualisation into body / touching body with the intention to heal / meditations on health - depending on mood & feels. It’s all helping dramatically. Some days are a bit crap as the old stuff leaves the body but mostly there’s this deep underlying feeling of clarity & lightness. The protocol is based on Anthony Williams’ work who is radical in changing what I thought was true - no need for proteins etc - and of course all approaches to health and diet have their place - no one is better than another, it’s dependant on the individual need & style - but this is really working for me so felt to share. I’ve got a naturopath who specialises in Anthony’s work - if you want her deets PM me and I’ll pass them on

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