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23.01.2022 ** Breaking news ** The Deregulation Bill has just been approved. The Senate has just passed the Migration Amendment (Regulation of Migration Agents) Bill 2019, Schedule 1 of which is informally known as the "Deregulation Bill".... Generally speaking, Schedule 1 of the new legislation abolishes the dual regulation of lawyers who practice as Registered Migration Agents, with the result that lawyers will no longer be regulated by OMARA, but only by their law societies. What happens next? 1 - The new legislation must receive the Royal Assent 2 - Schedule 1 of the new legislation commences on a single day to be fixed by Proclamation. However, if Schedule 1 does not commence within the period of 9 months beginning on the day of the Royal Assent, it commences on the day after the end of that period.

19.01.2022 GSL is committed to providing you with the most recent developments in both the Migration and Business law spaces!

19.01.2022 UPDATE ON COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL TENANCIES Prime Minister Scott Morrison and the National Cabinet agreed to consider advice from Treasurers for a short term, temporary freeze on eviction for non-payment of rent for commercial and residential tenancies. The measures are designed to prevent landlords from evicting tenants if they are unable to meet their commitments due to financial distress as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.... Tenants and landlords are encouraged to agree on rent relief or temporary amendments to the lease. This would mean the reduction or waiver of rental payment for a defined period for impacted tenants. Landlords and tenants not significantly affected by coronavirus are expected to honour their lease and rental agreements. Prime Minister said communication between landlords, tenants and banks was key, with all parties needing to work cooperatively. Cost-sharing or deferral of losses between landlords and tenants will be expected to be assisted by Commonwealth, state and territory governments, local governments and bank. It is yet to be know how financial distress or a tenant's ability to meet their commitments will be defined. #commercial #residental #leasing #covid19 #noevictions

18.01.2022 GSL takes this opportunity to reiterate its unyielding stance against all forms of injustice and oppression including and not limited to the #blacklivesmatter cause and all other causes that require the voice of the oppressed and the innocent to be heard.

17.01.2022 GSL appreciates the feedback for Guner Hussein

16.01.2022 Gocmenlik rehberimiz Guner Hussein'den cikan yeni yazisi Avustralya Postasi gazetesinde

16.01.2022 Happy Easter to all those celebrating. Faith is a source of resolve. No matter which faith you follow, let it be a time to reflect.

14.01.2022 Ramadan Kareem! Ramazan ayiniz mubarek olsun!

14.01.2022 TEMP VISA HOLDERS & GOVERNMENT SUPPORT In a nutshell: 1. If you are on a student or training visa, there is no government support available. If you are working in essential services such as a supermarket, you may extend your working hours.... 2. TSS 482, 457, Temporary activity, Short Stay activity and International Relations visa holders are not eligible for government assistance. However, you can contact your consulate for support. You are allowed to access up to $10,000 from their superannuation this financial year. 3. Visitor visa holders have no financial support. You are not allowed to work. You can contact their consulate, or contact International Organisation for Migration or Homeward Return Program for support. 4. Partner visa holders may be eligible to apply for Centrelink straight away and do not have to wait. You may also be eligible for Medicare, this includes if youve applied for a combined spouse visa 309/100 or 820/801. 5. Subclass 300 Prospective Marriage visa holders are not eligible for Medicare or other government supports mentioned above. 6. Business Visa holders are ineligible for any government support. 7. Regional skilled visa holders may be eligible for some Centrelink payments and medicare. Graduate and old Regional skilled are not eligible. 8. Some Parent visa holders holders may be eligible for the recently announced support packages and Medicare. - Contributory parent visa (subclass 143) - Contributory Parent (Temporary) visa (subclass 173) - Contributory Aged Parent visa- Temporary (subclass 884) - Aged Parent visa (subclass 804) - Parent visa (subclass 103) - Sponsored Parent 870 Visa (not eligible) 9. Refugess and Humanitarian Visa holders may apply for financial support if they are holder of following visas: - subclass 060 Bridging visa F - subclass 070 Bridging (Removal Pending) - subclass 449 Humanitarian Stay - subclass 785 Temporary Protection - subclass 786 Temporary (Humanitarian Concern) - subclass 790 Safe Haven Enterprise visa (SHEV) 10. New Zealand Citizen - Subclass 444 holders - If you are a Subclass 444 holder and you arrived in Australia after 26 February 2001, you may be eligible to apply for financial support that the Government introduced to help people affected by COVID-19. To be eligible, you must have lived in Australia for at least 10 years. 444 visa holders have access to JobSeeker payments for six months. If you came to Australia before 26 February 2001 you need to be an eligible New Zealand citizen.

12.01.2022 Great result for clients who applied for the COVID 19 event Temporary Work 408 visa as they could not return back to their country of origin due to travel restrictions.

10.01.2022 COVID 19'u çevreleyen çeitli vize türlerine ilikin açklama nihayet Göçmenlik Bakan Vekili Alan Tudge tarafndan yaplan bir medya bülteniyle geldi. Duyurular, Avustralya'ya giremeyen vizelere ödenen paralarn yan sra sonraki bavurular için ücret muafiyetleri ile ilgilidir. Prospective Marriage (Muhtemel Evlilik) 300 vizesi sahipleri... Prospective Evlilik vizesi sahiplerine bir Avustralya vatanda veya daimi ikamet eden biriyle evlenmeleri için Avustralya'ya gitmeleri için dokuz ay süre tanr. Ucret iadeleri, COVID-19 ile ilgili seyahat kstlamalar nedeniyle vizeleri sona ermeden Avustralya'ya giremeyen Prospective Evlilik vizesi sahipleri için geçerli olacaktr. Geri ödemeler, bu vize sahiplerinin Avustralya'ya seyahat etmek için baka bir vize bavurusunda bulunabilmelerini ve seyahat kstlamalar kalktnda düünlerini yapabilmelerini salayacaktr. Zaten süresi dolmu vizeler için, herhangi bir yeni bavuruya öncelik verilecektir. Vizeleri halen geçerli olan Muhtemel Evlilik vizesi sahipleri için vize uzatmalar salanacaktr. Ziyaretçi Yurtdnda bulunan ve vizeleri Mart 2020 ile Aralk 2021 arasnda sona eren veya sona erecek olan ziyaretçi vizesi sahipleri, yeni bir vize için bavurduklarnda feragat etmeye hak kazanacaklar. Geçici vasfl içiler Seyahat kstlamalar nedeniyle, Avustralya'ya ilk girilerini yapmam veya COVID-19 nedeniyle evlerine dönmü ve tekrar bavurmak isteyebilecek birçok Geçici Beceri Eksiklii ve Geçici Çalma (Vasfl) vizesi sahibi vardr. Yerel igücünde bulunmayan kritik becerilere erimeye çalan yerel iletmeleri desteklemek için, Hükümet, etkilenen geçici iveren tarafndan desteklenen vasfl göçmenlerin müteakip bavurularnda VAC'den feragat etmeyi teklif edecektir. Çalan Tatil Yapclar Avustralya'ya gelemeyen veya COVID-19 nedeniyle Avustralya'dan erken ayrlmak zorunda kalan Çalma Tatili vizelerine sahip srt çantal gezginler, Avustralya'ya dönmeye karar verdiklerinde de feragat almaya hak kazanacaklar. Working Holiday Maker vizesi için ya snrn atklar için geri dönemeyenler para iadesi talep edebilecekler. Duyuruyu uradan okuyabilirsiniz:

09.01.2022 Our heart goes out to all those affected and pray for those left behind for a speedy recovery.

09.01.2022 Clarification on a number visa types affected by COVID 19 has finally arrived through a media release by Acting Minister for Immigration Alan Tudge. The announcements are in relation to what will happen with the moneys paid towards visas who were not able to enter Australia as well as fee waivers for any subsequent applications. Prospective Marriage visa holders... The Prospective Marriage visa provides holders with nine months to travel to Australia to marry an Australian citizen or permanent resident. VAC refunds will be available for Prospective Marriage visa holders who have been unable to enter Australia before their visa expired, due to COVID-19 related travel restrictions. Refunds will ensure these visa holders are able to apply for another visa to travel to Australia and hold their wedding once travel restrictions are lifted. For those visas that have already expired, any new application will be prioritised. Visa extensions will be available for Prospective Marriage visa holders whose visas are still valid. Visitors Visitor visa holders who are overseas and whose visas expired or will expire between March 2020 and December 2021 will be eligible for a waiver when they apply for a new visa. Temporary skilled workers Due to travel restrictions there are many Temporary Skill Shortage and Temporary Work (Skilled) visa holders who have not made their initial entry to Australia, or have returned home due to COVID-19 and may wish to apply again. To support local businesses that seek to access critical skills not available in the local labour workforce, the Government will offer a waiver of the VAC for subsequent applications by affected temporary employer sponsored skilled migrants. Working Holiday Makers Backpackers on Working Holiday Maker visas who have been unable to come to Australia or who had to leave Australia early due to COVID-19 will also be eligible for a waiver, when they decide to return to Australia. Those who are unable to return because they have passed the age limit for a Working Holiday Maker visa will be able to claim a refund. You can read from the announcement here:

09.01.2022 Eid Mubarak for those who are celebrating from our family to yours. Bizim aileden sizin ailenize bayraminiz kutlu olsun. Hayirlara vesile olmasini dileriz.

07.01.2022 Who is currently allowed to travel to Australia? Currently, all Australian citizens, permanent residents or their immediate family members or guardians can enter the country. While there are no restrictions on citizens and residents, immediate family members or guardians intending to travel have to request an exemption.... Canberra-based migration lawyer Ben Watt says the basis to apply for special permission under this category is not the visa status of the applicant, but its their relationship with an Australian citizen or permanent resident that may make them eligible.

05.01.2022 Spare 3 minutes of your time to listen to Erol Soyturk and Guner Hussein on the topic of working remotely + a remote workforce - why it is a gem in disguise. Erol Soyturk Brand's Erol Soyturk admits that he for one has always believed in working in physical places to be able to be economically sustainable. However, he admits that he really overlooked working from home - and under appreciated the value of it.... Now, a virtual team is definitely on the cards for him and feels very excited to take it on board soon. Erol Soyturk is principal strategist at Erol Soyturk Brand, a dynamic young marketing agency in #Melbourne. Global Strategic Law's Guner Hussein has worked with him for many years now which have all been very rewarding in friendship and knowledge .

05.01.2022 Last week for a early release of super money for temporary residents.

04.01.2022 Are you currently in Australia and your visa is about to expire? Are you not able to travel back to your home country during the COVID 19 pandemic due to border closures and lack of available flights? Please contact us for a free 30 minute consultation.... #migration #covid19 #onshore #visaservices

04.01.2022 Avukatimiz Guner Hussein COVID 19 surecindeki vize gelismeleri hakkinda asagidaki makalede kaleme aliyor.

04.01.2022 At Footscray market on Sunshine Road this morning assisting Ummu Gozleme with the selling of gozlemes with proceeds being donated to needy refugees.

03.01.2022 Avustralyadaki multeci vizeye nasil basvurulur hakkinda GSL'in Guner Hussein'in twitlerini burda bulabilirsiniz:

03.01.2022 It is important as lawyers that we step out of the daily grind of the economic mill, from time to time, and step up to become advocates for positive change in our justice system!

01.01.2022 The advantages of reducing your overheads - how can you increase cash flow and invest it into staff and customers? With remote work becoming the norm, one can take advantage of the Profit Service Chain theory to increase your business' profitability. You can read more information about the Profit Service Chain theory here: Watch now featuring Erol Soyturk - a Melbourne marketing and brand specialist who interviewed Guner Hussein from Global Strategic Law

01.01.2022 Eid Mubarak from the GSL team to you and your family!

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