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Global Hemp Movement
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25.01.2022 B E A U T Y //. B O D Y Non comedogenic, it’s that simple. #beauty #body #hair #hemp #hempseedoil #healthylifestyle #nourish #noncomedogenic #omega3 #omegaoils #plump #skincare #haircare #skincareroutine
25.01.2022 Last orders for hemp products before our Easter Closure -
25.01.2022 Need a Monday pick me up? Then check out this delicious Black Forest Hemp Protein Smoothie
25.01.2022 5 most frequently asked questions about CBD -
24.01.2022 April is Adenomyosis Awareness Month. What is Adenomyosis? Adenomyosis is a condition in which the inner lining of the uterus (the endometrium) breaks through the muscle wall of the uterus (the myometrium). This causes bleeding, pain and swelling of the uterus... One in 10 women have adenomyosis Doesn’t just affect women in childbearing years, can affect women of all ages The only cure is a hysterectomy I have only recently been diagnosed after spending a lot of time in hospital with excessive pain and for me, bleeding. It wasn’t the Dr’s who found it, nor the nurses, the gynaecologist also didn’t mention it after operating on me, but the wonderful ultrasound technician at the Mater saw it. While she was scanning me she said, honey has anyone told you that you have Adenomyosis? For me the below helps me manage my symptoms; During my period I take Tranexamic acid to minimise the bleeding (not everyone had heavy bleeding) For pain in my legs I use a hot water bottle and h balm H Balm rubbed around my belly and back like a belt Cannabis - CBD and I am prescribed a pain relieving T20 and T18 Burning essential oils - this helps relax the mind which in turn helps my body Using an App called Pathways which teaches different ways to manage pain and to help your brain perceive pain differently. For anyone out there who may have these symptoms, keep asking questions. Keep pushing the medical staff until you get answers. Amazing resources on Adeno @qendoau @endocannasisters DM us with your go to for pain relief and management for Adeno. x #adenomyosisawareness #adenomyosis #uterus #myometrium #pain
21.01.2022 The benefits of Hemp Seed Oil and CBD Oil -
20.01.2022 Hemp seed oil v's other popular edible oils -
20.01.2022 W A N D E R L U S T // H A W A I I It's Wednesday where team GHM travel to a destination at lunchtime using our minds to transport us there... The kids picked Oahu to travel to this week. We would love to be walking down this road in isolation breathing in the fresh air and looking at these beautiful peaks just because. We can't wait to travel again. ... Where is the first destination on your list when you are ready to travel again? tell us #wanderlust #wanderlustwednesday #travel #relax #clouds #trees #green #mountains #meditation #mist #health #mentalhealth #meditation See more
19.01.2022 Hemp and Sex - World Sexual Health Day - Friday 4th September
19.01.2022 P A I N - F U C K R I G H T O F F - D O U B L E T I M E Angry, anxious, apoplectic even. Hormones, together with my uterus make some days, fucking hard to get off the couch. I'm angry. Angry at me, why can't my brain just switch off. In my 20's I pushed hard through pain..In my 40's it seems to be ruling me. After a weekend going around and around in circles I have accepted (at least for today) that I can't change it. So what can I do?... Medication - I made some suppositories using RSO and CBD oil - (recipe to come!) these helped my pain yesterday when I was unable to take anything stronger. The plant medicine working where it needed to, by using a suppository it kept it close to the source, and for me taking it this way, not feeling any psychoactive response. Meditation - Netflix now has Headspace! Instead of watching TV I plonked myself in front of Headspace and listened intently (meditation is proven to help alleviate pain) Talking - You know who you are. My framily.(friend who are family!) Thank you for listening. H balm - Rubbed in all weekend. Added a hot water bottle (we don't have a microwave!) and about 10 hot showers! Thinking about everyone today who is in pain. Let me know below what you do to help you on these difficult days. #adenomyosis #pain #uterus #fuckoff #hemp #cbd #rso
18.01.2022 5 most frequently asked questions about CBD -
17.01.2022 F F F //A N X I E T Y / / A question we get a lot here at ghm is does CBD help anxiety? Research is still limited on humans, but early reports have shown to alleviate symptoms such as racing heart, nausea and the sweats. ... It's also important to have a toolkit in place to help to manage anxiety. Part of my tool kit (and a simple one to access) is an icy cold shower. A cold shower or sticking your head under a cold tap can initiate the mammalian diving reflex, which enables this enables our bodies to concentrate on breathing and reset. Meditation and yoga, walks and talking to a mate also help. During this time of extra stress not watching the news has made a huge difference to our mental health. We have limited ourselves to once a day for 15 mins We hope you are keeping well at home #cannabidiol #cbd #hempseedextract #100mg #fitness #health #mind #anxiety #antianxiety #600mg #2000mg #broacspectrum #decarb #raw #mentalhealth See more
17.01.2022 W E S T S Y N D R O M E // L U L U L O V E This is Luella (Lulu) whom we have had the pleasure of getting to know through Instagram (our little family cheered like it was a Basketball Final when her hair fit into a ponytail this week!) Luella has a very rare type of epilepsy called West Syndrome. At her worst she could have up to 200+ spasms a day, her seizures becoming so bad doctors were preparing to remove half of her brain. ... Erin and David, Lulu’s Mum and Dad, did their own research before committing to surgery. They wanted to try Cannabidiol (CBD). When they put Luella on a strain of Cannabidiol high in CBDA (a precursor to CBD found in RAW oil that is not heat treated) Life poured back into her. Pure, uninhibited joy flourishing through my home and my family Erin told the Daily Mail in August this year. What is West Syndrome? West Syndrome or Infantile spasms are a very specific type of seizure with a characteristic age onset. Symptoms usually occur in the first year of life, typically between 4-8 months. West Syndrome/IS is characterized by epileptic spasms, developmental problems, and a specific brain wave pattern on electroencephalography (EEG) testing called hypsarrhythmia. The seizures often look like a sudden bending forward of the body with stiffening of the arms and legs lasting for 1-2 seconds; some children arch their backs as they extend their arms and legs. Spasms tend to occur upon awakening and often occur in multiple clusters and hundreds of seizures per day. There is currently no cure for West Syndrome, the only treatment is to reduce symptoms. On Luella’s Instagram page Erin lovingly put it, there is so much more to share about our journey and the challenges that have come with it, and no doubt we will endure. But for a while I want to focus on the beautiful memories we are making as a family. To revel in the happiness we are finding through CBD oil. An options doctors warned me off. Yet her improvement is categorically undeniable. Our neuro recently saying - who I this girl - astounded at her development. But hey, what do I know. My maternal intuition accounts for nothing right. Im no doctor The strength and dedication from this little family doing everything they can to help their daughter while still reaching out and helping other families going through the same thing is nothing short of inspiring. How can you help? Share Lulu’s story so that people can identify infantile spasms. Go to your GP and ask about CBD. Disclaimer: none of this story should be deemed or taken as medical advice. For more information on CBD and infantile spasms please see your GP or Neurologist. Sources: Erin and David #ISAW #infantilespasms #colic #reflux #startle #CBD #CBDA #epilepsy #westsyndrome #spasms #infant #RAWCBD
16.01.2022 CBD and Driving -
16.01.2022 What is the endocannabinoid system? -
16.01.2022 CBD for your pets -
16.01.2022 Always love the feedback we get from our customers! Have you checkout our range of Hemp beauty/body products? Click here to see more:
15.01.2022 S E Q U E S T E R // For every tonne of hemp produced, 1.63 tonnes of carbon is removed from the air (which makes hemp a much more effective sequester of C02 than trees). Grow a crop in 90 days, then build a house. It will continue to trap carbon and get stronger for 100 years or more!... Peace Alexander x #hemp #hempcrete #cannabis #hemppaper #hempplastic #environment #sequester #carbon #carbondioxide #carbonemissions #environment #globalwarming #evolve #hempbuild #cleanair
15.01.2022 Hemp Podcast with FAB -
14.01.2022 #blackoutday2020 #everybodyalways
13.01.2022 Imagine there was plant that was packed full of easy to digest protein and ESSENTIAL fatty acids omega 3, 6 & 9 in just the perfect ratio for your body's optimum health. Well such a plant exist and it's called Hemp!
12.01.2022 M y r t l e M a g i c / / We use Lemon Myrtle essential oil in our creams and scrubs, our focus is hemp and also bringing you natural ingredients where possible. Lemon Myrtle can have a sedative effect that can help with relaxation and calming the mind in times of anxiety and stress. Use our scrub and cream before bed as the delicious lemony scent may help with getting a restful nights sleep.... K #lemonmyrtle #natural #fragrance #vegan #plantsoverpills #hemp #hempseedoil #tuesday #wellness #healthylifestyle #scrubs #beauty #hempisforeverybody #sleep #cwn #relaxing
11.01.2022 D R Y W I N T E R S K I N / H E M P B O D Y L O T I O N Our Hemp Body Lotion is pretty bloody good. It sinks deep into your skin, supplying hydration with no greasy residue. It’s infused with the heady, exotic scent of jasmine, rose geranium and sandalwood. Ylang ylang, sandalwood, and colloidal silver help to fight surface bacteria, while rose geranium and jojoba oil may fade blemishes and reduce signs of ageing. #beautysecret #cannabisbeauty #hemp #maryjane #skin #beautyroutine #body #hempisforeverybody #beauty #natural #organic #body #skin #health #cream #products #sustainable #vegan #healthy #wellness
11.01.2022 TGA public submissions for CBD down scheduling- deadline 22 May -
09.01.2022 Hi everyone, I now have an intro video for GHM, please share and let me know what you think :)
09.01.2022 Need us this weekend? -
06.01.2022 Hemp and Sex - World Sexual Health Day -
06.01.2022 What is hemp? -
05.01.2022 is there anything that cannabis can’t do? I mean you can eat it, you can wear it, you can put it in your car as fuel, you can build houses out of it, and you can heal yourself with it as a powerful medicine. I love this plant too!!
03.01.2022 N I G H T B E A U T Y // A quick hemp face scrub followed by hemp face cream (both with lemon myrtle) then to get some terpenes burning and off to the land of nod. Scrub... hemp seed oil meadowfoam apricot oil volcanic pumice lemon myrtle essential oil Face cream hemp seed oil rose water argan oil jojoba oil chamomile #nightime #chamomile #hemp #hempseedoil #naturalbeauty #natural #beauty #beautyroutine #hempbeauty #noncomedogenic #bathroom #sleep #relax
02.01.2022 Hemp seed oil vs other edible oils -
02.01.2022 This month, researchers from the University of Nebraska and the Texas Biomedical Research Institute are recommending more research into how cannabis-derived CBD might help treat dangerous lung inflammation from the novel coronavirus...
02.01.2022 We can't advertise hemp, will you help us by leaving a google review? -
01.01.2022 S U M M E R S K I N // We love this time of the year, dresses, shorts and short sleeves. To rock this look your skin needs hydration Our body lotion sinks into your skin as hemp is noncomedogenic so it doesn't sit on top of your skin. ... Flower Power is infused with jasmine, rose geranium and sandalwood. #bodylotion #hemp # #beauty #health #skin #healthy #plantbased #jasmine #rosegeranium #sandalwood #bathroom #shorts #hydration