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GM Radio Rob


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to load big map

25.01.2022 Once again, I grapple with that perennial question: When should you roll the dice?

25.01.2022 A friend suggested I do a podcast about how tabletop roleplaying games are a great way to help people make themselves better. How have they helped YOU? Who else is talking about this?... #rpg #ttrpg #podcast

25.01.2022 Whipped this up last night and wanted to get it posted sooner rather than later. Here's hoping it helps relieve some anxiety and tension in these tough times. With thanks and apologies to the fine crew behind the Alien: Isolation video game.

24.01.2022 Worrying about getting it right takes you right out of the fun of the moment. #rpg #ttrpg #alien

18.01.2022 I take a look back at twelve months of (semi-) consistent gaming.

16.01.2022 A resource to make the lives of Game Mothers of ALIEN: The Roleplaying Game easier in this time of social isolation! Fria Ligan Roll20 #rpg #ttrpg #gm

15.01.2022 If I’m to get moving on some Big, Unrealistc Goals, I’d better have some idea of what to do next. What are my January - March 2020 priorities? #amblogging #organising #goals

15.01.2022 If I want to encourage character from my players, I'd better start showing it myself. Here are the NPCs in my next scene and how the players will meet them. #ttrpg #rpg #starwars #gm #amblogging

13.01.2022 I'm compiling as many of the RPG summaries and resources I've come up with over the years on a brand new page on the GM Radio Rob web site! Up so far: - Alien: The Roleplaying Game (Year Zero Engine) - Atomic Robo: The Roleplaying Game (FATE)... - Deathwatch (Warhammer 4,000 Roleplay) - Tales from the Loop (Year Zero Engine) Looking at: - Spirit of the Century (FATE) - Star Trek Adventures (2d20) - Starfinder (d20)

11.01.2022 What sort of ideas do the star system and job generators in the ALIEN core rulebook generate?

11.01.2022 I think it's worth doing a quick post-mortem of my attempt to get some Star Wars RPG action going today. First off, it was a spur of the moment, last minute thing; drumming interest up on Facebook alone was unlikely to generate enough people both available and interested. Second, while I let the folks at the venue know I was coming, I didn't do any active marketing while I was there, i.e.:... - Check with the staff whether it was okay for me to approach folks about playing. - Approach folks about playing. Instead, I set my kit out a little after 12:30PM in what I hoped would be an attractive manner and hoped (a) the 1-2 folks who'd replied saying they'd see if they could make it turned up and (b) the folks in the bar might see the kit set out and express curiosity / interest to me. Of course, neither happened, and at 3PM I packed up and headed home. I still had a nice burger and chips with a Corona chaser. Lessons I think I learned: - Only commit to something last minute if I'm going to commit All The Way, i.e. put myself out there and attempt to drum interest up directly. - Make sure I discuss any potential concerns with the staff. - Do something with enough advance notice that the venue can help drum interest up.

10.01.2022 If I have to see that look in her eyes when I look at myself in the mirror for the rest of my life... well, maybe, with your help, no one else will have to. A concept to help drive a campaign of ALIEN: The Roleplaying Game #ttrpg #rpg #alien

10.01.2022 I had great fun chatting with Del of That Beardy Gamer Podcast about the tabletop roleplaying hobby and how it can be applied in interesting ways! Please go watch!

09.01.2022 The crew of the Bin Chicken have had a thrilling adventure so far, and my players know where they want to go next; what do I give them when they get there? #rpg #ttrpg #starwars #amblogging

07.01.2022 Hi folks! No new blog post this week. Will be back on schedule next Saturday AM, Aus! In the meantime, check this awesome artwork that I'm featuring in the next post out!

05.01.2022 How do I boil the vastness of Star Trek to prospective players of Star Trek Adventures in an entertaining, intriguing and compelling way? How do I set the expectations for the sorts of characters they’re going to be playing if they've never experience Star Trek before?

05.01.2022 Someone asked what my superpowers are. I replied: - Good speaking voice - Confidence addressing a group of people (as long as I'm confident in / authentic about my material)... I realised that's my biggest struggle as a GM: the confidence to adapt to my players.

04.01.2022 Sometimes the smallest decisions lead to big consequences. There's no greater way to practice this than a tabletop roleplaying game. #rpg #ttrpg #rifts #savageworlds #amblogging

04.01.2022 After Saturday's session of the Torment and Legacy module, I get the feeling I'm going to be reverse-engineering the player characters to work out what's going on. There were tons of discrepancies between the PDF module and the Roll20 one...

02.01.2022 I decided to go live with my RPG post a bit early to make room for a year-in-review post this weekend! There's a lot of complexity on an RPG character sheet. How can we keep the character of a character in mind as much as its game statistics?

01.01.2022 If you only roll the dice to either get in your game world's face or stop it getting in yours, where does that leave "roll to know something"?

01.01.2022 A look back and forward at 2019 and 2020. #blog #amblogging #amwriting

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