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Gnostika Botanika in Ourimbah, New South Wales | Religious organisation

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Gnostika Botanika

Locality: Ourimbah, New South Wales

Phone: +61 491 335 667

Address: 390 Ourimbah Creek Road Ourimbah, NSW, Australia


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25.01.2022 Until we have become perfectly enlightened and our mind has taken on the orderliness and harmony between its parts, like a diamond, we remain in a state of mental disorder. Such disorder leads us to experience incompatibility with others who are also lost in a state of fractured and misaligned thinking. We each have our sense of self that we cling to, this allows us to survive. We protect ourselves from what we see as threats and maintain our state of separation from our true... unity with all things, in God. Our personal self, which in actuality is nonexistent, defines itself using stories and these dictate our behaviours and how we interact with the objects and beings which we come into contact with. When we create stories that are not wholly leading us into service and love for others we produce as the result suffering of various qualities. In truth the only stories we must truly cling to are those which we have felt and experienced directly with our own perception. Many people use stories to transmit emotional and otherwise esoteric knowledge and when these are recognized for what purpose they are intended they lead to greater understanding. However often these stories are taken on face value and the true meanings are lost. It is for this reason that discernment is invaluable in apprehending the world. Many who with improper perception are given such stories get lost in their own misaligned and mistaken understanding and the result can be that they either become cynical towards enlightened beings or otherwise divorce themselves from knowledge which leads to the great awakening. In this sense, tactful methods are used by the right teachers at the right time for each individual. And this produces liberation from reliance on materialism. It is when individuals or groups begin to utilise the power of stories to decieve and control others that the world falls into chaos and again suffering is produced. Only the truth and tactfully used parables told and taught for the glorification of mankind and God can bring healing and freedom from disordered mental constructs. It is as the difference between a lump of coal and a diamond, indeed. One burns in the fire, the other is indestructible. To heal our world we must understand the power of the stories we tell ourselves and others and always have the intention to benefit others and to set them free. In this way God comes into the world and the supreme personality can be revealed and love can blossom eternally. Om.

24.01.2022 Renunciation without compassion is not possible to accomplish. It is only once we recognise the immensity of the suffering of conditioned beings lost in the endless cycles of pleasure seeking, and the result that inevitably follows once that momentary experience passes, that we can develop the motivation to find an end to our own delusional participation in the games of attachment and aversion. We must realise that even the ones that we deeply love will one day pass into mem...ory, and that indeed we ourselves will one day be separated from these bodies that we cherish so much. Given that suffering is a certainty for as long as we desire pleasure and attach ourselves to others, and the affection we receive from them, it is the path of renunciation alone that can bring us to freedom. How though does one maintain their renunciation when it is so easy to slip into the development of attachment to those things which bring us joy? The way is compassion. When we constantly hold onto the remembrance of the great suffering of living beings, in all its manifestations from illness and injury to war and the deaths of family and friends, we have no other aim than to alleviate their pains and therefore to alleviate our own. This remembrance empowers our renunciation and we are given the strength to follow the way to its end. The end of renunciation is to truly see all beings as of equal nature. I am not different to any other. My friends and enemies are all equal. My family is like a stranger to me, and yet a stranger is as my own family. It is when we hold onto pride, or raise one being above others, that our attachment grows and from there our inevitable suffering takes root. When we have truly conquered all forms of pride, all forms of self grasping and attachment to our bodies, all views that one being is greater than another, then we see with equanimity and caring equally for all we are released from the sorrow of coming and going, arriving and passing. All beings share in the wish to be free from suffering, and yet very few know the way beyond it. In suffering is wisdom and it is through overcoming small sufferings that we can attain to small wisdoms. It is once we have overcome the great suffering that pervades reality due to our attachment to forms, that we attain the greatest wisdom and become completely awakened. So it is that through the eyes of compassion that we can overcome the heavy burden of suffering, master renunciation and free ourselves from the cycles of existence, being born and dying again and again, and rest in the undying truth of enlightenment. Om.

22.01.2022 When we search our minds sincerely, what we are sure to discover is that we are filled with inconsistencies, inaccuracies and irrationality. There is no doubt that we experience resistance and struggle when we attempt to start to analyse our minds, at first we sit down and within a moment we are distracted, but what are we searching for and where is the transformation process occurring? Truly, it is the moment of resistance and distraction that is the exact moment we are se...Continue reading

19.01.2022 The mind is a very clever, and yet very dangerous, helper on the path towards recognising itself. Often after we have developed expectations about the world from childhood experiences, to adolescence experiences and then into adulthood, we find it very difficult to change our tendencies toward making predictions of how people are and what will likely happen in the future. It is very difficult also, to identify those memories and events which have caused us to have such expe...Continue reading

17.01.2022 Never forget that healing is about treating causes and not merely reducing symptoms. The lessons we accumulate along the medicine path are the true value in the remedy, and not the apparent state of physical wellness, which belongs often to the demonic as it does the angelic. In all things there is wisdom and humility is the only requisite to its uncovering. May the Holy Spirit bestow on us those things which most rapidly lead us towards wholeness of being. ... May all beings be free from suffering. May all beings be unified with the source of infinite and everlasting love.

16.01.2022 The problem with desire is that it masquerades itself as righteousness. Feigning a purity that infact when in truth revealed is nothing more than the will to gratify the senses. It is easy to pretend that we are devoted to things which reward us, but when the reward fails or hardship must be endured the devotion quickly fades into a mere memory and a new object of worship is chosen to fulfill the need for pleasurable sensations. Rather than seeking such experiences in that... which is born, endures sickness, old age and eventually death, they should be sought through the everlasting and eternally available divine God. Through such means attachment to the illusions that present themselves as individuated entities fades, and the truth that all is mind, all is a mere display brought forth from the heart of the supreme personality, is revealed. What we each seek is infact the repetition of past experiences. It is the joyfulness that has past that we seek again and again. But it can never in fact be achieved, once we recognize that pleasure and pain both come and go, arise and pass on, and we accept this absolute truth, we can begin to live in the present moment inviting pleasure to enjoy us... and aknowledging the pain that teaches us and causes us to grow. We must be open and allow and make ourselves available to life and in this way we can receive its most profound gifts. Om.

16.01.2022 When we work with plant medicines, what we are seeking is not fantastic new ways of understanding the universe. Surely such secrets and ways of seeing do exist and yet, we must overcome the obstacle that stands in our way. This obstacle itself is the primary purpose for our participating in the medicine journey, as it remains with us always, even though we may never have acknowledged it. What we are searching for is the path to purification of our hearts and minds. We are ful...l of delusions and habitual thought patterns that cloud our minds and stop us from being able to see reality as it is. Often we are terrified of seeing ourselves, and this fear ensures that we will never gain access to the deeper realities that exist within us. The beauty of the medicine is in the commitment. Once we have taken the elixir of immortality we cannot run away. The only way that remains for us to escape from seeing our own minds is patience and fortitude. We rely on medicine people to support us in our journey, they have walked the path themselves and they remain without judgement, seeing us for who we truly are and showing us the mercy that we cry out for. The plant medicines are our teachers, they teach us in ways we can never accept from another human being. We see other people as imperfect and full of faults, and so who are they to expose our deepest fears and pain? We are inherently separate from others and breaking down our boundaries makes us vulnerable, we feel exposed and without protection. The plants are free to show us who we are without giving us an object upon which to cast our blames and to defend against. In the end we are never ready to see what we have within us, it is always a process of unexpected growth, however becoming the purest unhindered self in union with the entire universe, perfected and whole, is our ultimate destiny. In the mean time, whether we like it or not, we will suffer and cause suffering, as that is the nature of desire and delusion. We lack trust, in others and in ourselves. We want to hide away. We want to feel pride and believe that we are in control. The truth is we are the children of the great spirit, we are deeply loved and yet we are in desperate need of guidance and the companionship of spiritual friends. We should humbly and with great reverence turn to the plant medicines and mature into the divine lovers that we have always wished to be. The plants are our priests...

12.01.2022 Once we realise the true nature of our existence, as beginningless and endless time... we take upon ourselves the eternal maturity of our true state. Petty need...s and desires are incomparable to the bliss we have experienced in the past and will experience again in the future, so why would we cling to them? Once we are detached from this present mediocre life, we are free to guide other still childlike beings to maturity in knowledge of self without being drawn into the need for reciprocation... we become entirely altruistic, and in that our greatest joy is found. The whole of the buddhas teachings can be summarised as follows... 1. Anything you think is wrong, so feel the fresh breeze of an autumn morning flow through your empty brain bucket. 2. Be nice to each other because nobody likes an arsehole. 3. Try and be very excellent, strive with your whole effort to be the most awesome cunt... everyone loves a sick cunt and gives them blowies on the regular. Om namo buddha. The truth of suffering is as follows. 1. Im going to hurt you. 2. Its because your shit. 3. You dont have to be shit. 4. If your awesome ill stop hurting you. Can u feel the fundamental ignorance? Its everywhere... all over everything... theres so much that we dont know... And yet... mind opens and is full of space... clinging to nothing and comprehending the whole by seeing the dependence between the parts, where does i begin and thou cease to be? the emptiness that gives potency to spontaneously arising phenomenon frees us from karmic entanglements and is the heart of liberation. Thought follows thought in an unending chain of thought... never giving rise to anything that is certain... and so, does anything at all truly exist that can be apprehended by thinking?

10.01.2022 I am not understood by comparison to known things. I am not understood through combinations of known things. I am not understood according to expectations. I am not two, yet i am not one. I am not nothing, yet i am not greater than nothing.... I am found beyond the world, and yet i exist in it completely. I am beyond space, and yet it contains me entirely. A thousand myriads of angels singing with flaming tongues all in perfect harmony, cannot pronounce my names. I am known to those who are lost, and they call out to me, and i hear them. I have been abandoned and yet that is where i enjoyed my folly filled passtimes the most. I am the blessings hidden behind violence. I am the peace and stillness that overcomes the hearts of those terrified. I am waiting, and yet now is my time. I am patient, and yet i will not rest until i am satisfied. I am the one who controls, and yet i have surrendered to you. I am... See more

10.01.2022 It is important to recognise those beings in our lives who provide inspiration and guidance and lead us towards the expression of our highest potential. Often we cannot see who we are from our own side and we need a critical eye to help us to realise our true natures, as they form and change throughout our lives. We should not be afraid of seeing our faults and deciding to heal and become more perfect. Without this motivation to improve we become stagnant in our habituations... and ultimately decay, never fully manifesting the power that we have within us. We all have the inherent nature of the awakened being within us yet often we prefer to retreat into our smallness and into the safety and security of what is familiar to us, choosing consciously or not, to turn a blind eye to those parts of ourselves that require purification. When we find those beings who make us uncomfortable and force us to work harder, to become more aware and to love with more depth, both ourselves and those around us, we should cherish and cling to them like a drowning person clings to a life raft. Although this may seem counterintuitive at the time, often it is through the struggles and the confrontations that we grow the most. The easy road will never lead to the development of the soul and the maturation of its characteristics. We must delve deep into the darkness inside us with the spark of those precious teachers and allow ourselves to be set alight and burn with devotion to the supreme accomplishment. When we are so fortunate to be surrounded by and experience the loving kindness and nurturing of our well-wishers we can rapidly progress on the path to complete enlightenment, freeing ourselves from the defilements of the body and the mind. It is truly our fear and rejection of the lessons of the medicine path that obscure our progress and we become like a traveler who has lost their way. As indeed good medicine is bitter in the beginning and yet its result is sweet and profound, we should liberally apply the teachings and put into practice the guidance of those who so deeply love us. Om.

09.01.2022 The reason it is so hard to develop genuine compassion for others and to transform the mind is due to the fact that it requires us to examine those causes for suffering which we habitually propagate and too often would rather continue in doing so. When we look at many of our strongly held beliefs, our sense of humour, even our diet, we can see that we are very often in favour of the wellbeing of oneself over the wellbeing of others. This natural instinct for justice, and grat...Continue reading

08.01.2022 When we examine the source of our attitudes towards the way things appear to us, whether we experience them as being good, or neutral, or bad, what we actually find is that we are not experiencing the appearances as they truly are. Ràther, what we are habitually doing as we move from moment to moment is projecting identities and labels onto things and then developing reactions to those identities and labels. This can be seen clearly when we find ourselves in a remote place, ...Continue reading

08.01.2022 I see a lot of inspirational quotes about letting go. The idea of letting go is presented as being the essence of freedom and the only way to heal the hurts that we experience through our attachments to people or things. Flowery words are used in an attempt to reprogram the mind towards seeing the personal benefit in releasing those things which seem unattainable, or which may have been the source of some suffering. Suffering itself, is temporary. As everything does, it arise...Continue reading

05.01.2022 The sound of space is ever-present. Take a moment and listen.

05.01.2022 The hardest thing to do is to deny ones natural instincts in order to fulfill the will of God. It is the essence of sacrifice. The desires burn within, leaping and kicking like wild horses. In the knowledge that each one of us is guided in our own way and is largely unaware of the purposes and paths planned for the others... it is like blindly walking through a dark forest. We must trust only that our next step will be planted by our all knowing guide... and that likewise th...ose who journey with us will also be lovingly guided and protected. To have trust and patience with and in God... and in that the other beings are indeed part of a grand destiny that drives all of life forward. We must check our fears and embrace loving kindness... suffer righteously for our faults and pray that we might be forgiven where we have fallen short of the perfection of which we are entirely capable. We must love... trust... and believe that what is meant to be will be. Opening our hearts to Gods voice and allowing it to sooth our worries and grant us peace through grace. Deny the self so that God might be completely free to work through us. We are either blessed or distressed. Only our own small mindedness stands in the way. I choose to be blessed. Om panda.

04.01.2022 Having recognised that all the appearances which we perceive and call real, are in fact assumptions which we have produced as reactions to past experiences, we can see that not only is it possible to change our habitual reactions by changing how we engage with experiences, it is also the only way to come to know reality as it is and to reduce mental suffering. It is good enough to know what reality is, but how do we then utilise this knowledge to actually improve our conditio...n. Managing how we engage with and respond to experiences in the moment they arise, as well as when we later recall them, is the fundamental point at which we can produce positive or negative future reactions. We cannot hope to rely upon something that we have never seen, and in this way the easiest and most instantaneous path is available only to those who practice sincere meditation. In any moment, pleasurable or not, we can remember the ultimate view of reality. This act of seeing with primordially pure awareness eyes is always present and available to us. Having found this viewpoint, no more needs to be done. It is final and complete in itself. Available to a king or a beggar alike. Remaining in this view purifies negative habitual tendencies and they cease to arise, instantly and gradually. The gradual path towards reducing negative habitual tendencies is work that is done in service to others. When we humble ourselves in the service of others, we automatically develop compassion. It is by confronting the negative tendencies as they arise in the heart and mind during our service that we can overcome them and produce positive emotions using other practices. It is this point in our activities when we feel that we are experiencing difficulty emotionally, that we need to remember the view. We need to remember that we are primordially pure and compassionate. Gradually this identity with primordial purity will become empowered. When we surround ourselves with holy objects, we constantly remind ourselves of that primordial purity and the compassion that defines it. When we chant holy names, we constantly remind ourselves of that primordial purity and compassion. When we perform small acts of ethical conduct we remind ourselves of that primordial purity. Gradually the habitual tendencies that we have inherited from our childhood begin to dissolve into the nature of primordial purity. Reactions that would cause mental suffering are reduced and the causes for happiness are cultivated. The end is like the beginning, remember the view and serve others wellbeing.

03.01.2022 What is it about the medicines of the spirit that causes us to revere and respect them? Is it that through them we come to know Love, or is it rather that they hold the power to entirely expose the truth about us, plunge us into shame and leave us fumbling and mad without a single thing to cling to or any idea that can save us? We are often blinded to our true position by the pride we have accumulated, we fail to recognise and honour the helpers who have supported and guided... us, we come to believe that it is we who have saved ourselves, and yet they have given everything upto and including their own lives to remind us of who we are. We are on the path to becoming the divine mind, everything that is not divine will be taken from us until we are purified. It is only by willingly surrendering to who we truly are that suffering fades away and we begin to embrace our destiny. If we are to choose the path, rather than be dragged along it, we must learn the deep respect that is the sacred spirit. We must humble ourselves before the teachers who have come to guide us and offer them the gifts that we have within ourselves to give. We are dreaming the medicine dream, can you hear the song of the ancient ones yet? It is time to grow up child.

03.01.2022 The medicine path is the path of knowing and understanding the poisons, and wisely applying the antidotes. Once we realise that the material, as well as the spiritual worlds, are full of harms and dangerous snares that can entrap us at any moment, we should surely seek the guidance of those who have walked the path before us and who are aware of the faults that we might easily become victim to. The problem that we have is in recognising who it is we should follow and who we s...hould avoid. Truly once we recognise that material and spiritual opulence is temporary and eventually passes away, unable to bring us true lasting freedom from the torments of our lives, we should seek a path that leads us to avoid becoming entangled in these aspects. Such mental poisons as jealousy, greed, anger, lust and delusions all arise from the mistaken need for gratification of material and spiritual desires. It is once we apply the antidote of renunciation that we can overcome these obstacles and free our minds into its original state of purity and health. When we find a being who has attained to happiness and joy in the awareness of their original condition, free from the need and desire for name, fame, possessions, and bodily enjoyment, we should humbly take shelter in their profound wisdom. Surely through their compassion they will grant us a share in their blessings and lead us to the freedom they have attained. Such beings are rare in this world and it is difficult to recognise them, for although they have attained the unsurpassed state of bliss, they may appear as very ordinary. They may indeed have great abundance and prosperity as a product of their own mind manifesting potential, and yet if such should be removed from them they will remain undisturbed. In this world full of interdependent causes and results, it is by coming into contact with such awakened ones that we ourselves are brought into our awakened state. We must, if we are to rescue ourselves from the harms and troubles, cling to our teachers in the hope of understanding the clarity and purity that they are entirely liberated within. The state of non-attachment is the final result of renunciation and in the end we will see no separation between our teachers and ourselves. We can release our clinging to those who ultimately wish for us to be free and we can rest in our own original condition, without faults and beyond the reach of harms and the poisons of our mental conditioning. This final merging of our minds with the fundamental state of reality and our true nature, is the state of perfection of wisdom. It is beyond nihilistic thinking and nothingness and yet it perceives only the displays of its own empty self-nature. It is this profound path, and the one who can guide us, that we all truly seek. For this reason we should not wait to find the perfect teacher and begin the journey towards complete enlightenment.

03.01.2022 We've got a fair few plants that need to be planted... and so much lantana to clear...

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