Go Job Search Mentor | Consulting agency
Go Job Search Mentor
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25.01.2022 A degree does not guarantee you a job, it qualifies you to apply. Look at your classmates as your competition in the job market, remember there are 100s more across other universitys as well. Australias unemployment has jumped to the highest level in more than 10 years, following a surprise fall in jobs growth. The jobless rate rose to a seasonally adjusted 6.4 per cent from 6 per cent in June, its highest point since August 2002. I am currently taking on five new clients so be quick!! Dont be the one to walk away from that interview with your head down, let me walk you straight to your new desk. email me; [email protected]
24.01.2022 Good Morning all, last week I posted a few good questions to ask while being interviewed, There are also some things that you should not say during a job interview, regardless of how much you would like to share your opinion with the interviewer. Because there are so many candidates for just about every job opening, saying the wrong thing just makes it easier for the hiring manager to reject you as a candidate. Here are some answers that candidates have said to me in the pa...st, which has lead me to scrub them of the list immediately. 1) Dont ask about Salary until the end of the interview. 2) Dont speak negatively of your past employer. 3) Do not say you are wanting the recruiters position in the future. 4)Do not flirt with the interviewer. Always be interactive, wait for your recruiter to finish there questions before you answer, most of all enjoy the process.
24.01.2022 Well being is not just your physical health, Its also about your mental health. There are many factors that give us good mental health, good friends, stable relationships, hobbies and WORKING! They say the emotions job seekers experience, while normal in context, can spiral into paralyzing depression. Mental health experts say negative, self-defeating thoughts take over peoples minds and govern their behavior. People can suffer from eating disorders, over sleep and become i...nactive. When depression sets in, conducting a job search and crawling out of unemployment grows even harder. For example, a job provides not just money but purpose, goals, friendships and sense of belonging and structure. If youve put an extreme amount of time and effort into your job search and have not had any results or feedback this can be demoralizing and debilitating to your well being.. This does not mean you are not employable, it just means you do not know the recruitment process. Contact Me, this is my expertise and I am here to assist you. Email;[email protected] or inbox me. A discussion never hurt anyone, so get off of the couch and check in with me. See more
24.01.2022 Celebrating 100 likes.. Thank you all for your support. This is a great milestone and Validation that many of you are needing help with the Job Search Process... I have enjoyed assisting you with your inbox messages and emails and I look forward to meeting you in one of my workshops... Keep sharing the knowledge and Thank you all so much.
24.01.2022 Its important when you are invited along for a interview to remember you are also interviewing them as well, you need to know if it is an organisation you want to be a part of. Be interactive, so here are some questions you might find helpful. 1. Whats the company culture and performance values? 2. What are the staff retention rates in the organisation? - this is how long people have stayed at the company, if staff have been in the organisation for a long time find out how m...any new people have joined the organisation and what is the attrition rate. This will tell you if the company culture is " CLICKY" or a easy environment to settle into. 3. What does a day in the position look like? 4. Is overtime expected or possible. 5. Also ask about management style. Happy Hunting! See more
24.01.2022 How is everyone going with their Job Search? Anyone started a new Job recently?
23.01.2022 Are you in a happy place at work? How do your staff feel about working with your organisation? Are you there for the money? Are they there for the money? #change #lovingwork #findingwork ... Be the best boss/ person you can be... Climbing the corporate ladder.. See more
23.01.2022 About me; Natalie is a professional in building strong relationships bound by purpose and respect. Natalies drive for success is coupled with a motivation to enable the success of others. Her ability to dissolve social paradigms to reach the core ideals and motivators of others has proven a hugely valuable, unique asset to growing organisations and its people. Natalie took up the confronting role of Stream 4 Employment Consultant in the Employment Industry in 2007. She achie...ved rapid success through coaching and encouraging employment candidates of their worthiness; creating higher engagement, attendance and sustainability. Her results had her quickly promoted to Regional Employment Broker within the industry. From 2011, Natalie was engaged buy, an Executive Management Consulting firm to fill the role of recruitment and new business development for the start up. Recruitment involved the selection of Change Managers, project managers suited to corporate clients using innovative profile matching, EQ analysis, cognitive assessments and interviewing techniques. Now Natalie is following her passion to help people succeed in their job searching efforts, sharing her skills and knowledge to assist you or your loved ones get the job you want. To register your interest and receive Information on our Go Job Search Trainer Coaching and Mentoring sessions email; [email protected]
22.01.2022 Conflict is difficult for a lot of people to deal with and resolving it can be confronting. Here are some tips that may help you to have that difficult conversation. Its easy to get wrapped up in what you need and your frustration. If the situation has gone on for a while youll have anger so you could respond with anger. This is not effective, its reactive. Take a step back. Try and see the situation from the other partys perspective, once you have a clearer picture of th...e overall situation set up a meeting on neutral ground, ask questions such as "how can I help to resolve this" listen to what they have to say and try not to interrupt with your own views, this is a conversation which means listening and speaking. By focusing on the other persons needs, you can avoid unproductive emotions and find ways to support colleagues, as well as ease your own stress. While this may be the last thing you want to do in that moment, its a much more effective way of getting the conflict resolved. If you are finding the information on my page helpful please like and share... Thank you Have a wonderful day. Stay positive and never give up.
22.01.2022 #Tips for starting new employment. Settling in to a new workplace can be a daunting experience at the best of times. It is even more difficult when you are in new country where you are not familiar with the culture. Australians have a very strong work ethic. Hard work is respected, and expected. This can sometimes be a problem for migrants who come from countries where the workplace is more relaxed.... Most modern Australian companies value talent and hard work above the amount of time you have been working for them. This means that talented people can usually advance very quickly. Here are some tips on etiquette in the Australian workplace: Always arrive on time at your workplace and for meetings. Lateness is frowned upon in Australia. Always shake hands when meeting someone for the first time at work: male and female. Respect your boss but relate to them as an equal. The management structure of most companies in Australia is flatter than in many other countries i.e. the hierarchy is not as strictly defined. Likewise, speak to everyone in your workplace as an equal, not just your boss. Taking an interest in the people working below you is a sign of an effective manager. Dont judge people on their race, gender, sexuality, or religion. This kind of discrimination could get you in trouble. Jokes about race, gender, sexuality, or religion are not acceptable and could cause offence. Exchange business cards with people you meet at external meetings. If you are not given a business card, dont worry. This isnt a sign of disrespect. Always address someone by his or her first name. For example, if you meet John Smith, you would call him John rather than Mr Smith.
22.01.2022 I have been privileged to be a sounding board to many people over years, not just their battle with finding a job but finding themselves within their situations, Many of the stories have amazed and terrified me, I could never imagine living in a country where your family have been slaughtered, or jumping on a boat to cross a savage ocean were your chances of loosing your own life and the life of your children is 70%, and then if you do make it, your going to be locked up for ...5 years, and if you are lucky, youll be accepted into a country that your credentials mean nothing, the many years you have studied to become something all of a sudden means nothing.... This is courage, I have also been privileged enough to work at the other end of that scale, were credentials mean everything and all your hard work has given you the best in life and then a company makes you redundant, your mortgage is over one million dollars you have 3 to four kids in private schools and you have no on going income! your wife is shopping up a storm and YOU want that job but your CV is messy, your desperate in the interview and can not think clear... This is all courage, we have to be courageous, we have to stand tall and say this is who I am, I am in a situation where I need help.... I will help you support you and do everything to the best of my abilities to get you working, but you have to ask.... [email protected] Strength is in your words, what you are willing to share... See more
19.01.2022 BUILD YOUR SELF ESTEEM TODAY. Looking for work can be grueling, It also can give your self esteem a good knock. Heres a few tips to make you feel better and give you the confidence to start applying for work again. 1. Make an effort to look good every day, Dress sharp ... 2. Write a list of the great things about you and read it out loud to yourself in the mirror. 3. Brisk 30 minute walk every day. 4. Focus on the things you are grateful for, not the things you want, this tends to become a blocker. Spend a week doing these things and see how you feel at the end of it. Train your brain, to feel good about who you are!
19.01.2022 GO JOB SEARCH TRAINER WORKSHOPS; run for 3 hours cost $50.00 per person. Are you at your wits end with looking for work and wondering what the next steps in your job search should be? Go Job search trainer can help you assess your needs. Assessment During the first hour we go through the GROW strategy (GOALS REALITY OPTIONS WAY FORWARD), your needs will be thoroughly assessed and youll know what direction you are heading in and how to go about it. The GROW Module will p...rovide you with strategies to address the barriers that prevent you from doing an effective job search. It becomes a key document that you can use to keep track of how well you are doing. Workshops The GO workshop focuses on informing you (The Candidate) of the recruiters expectation of all their applicants, from the minute they receive your resume, right through to interview techniques. We answer your critical questions that you need to answer before moving on to your job search. Knowledge is power. Learning the importance of a readable resume, and word match What is the expectation from the recruiters perspective Your elevator pitch Role plays / assessment centre Work place etiquette Who is Eligible? Everyone is eligible to attend, if youre a high school leaver, a graduate, a mother who has been out of the work force, someone who has been made redundant or just migrated to Australia. Learnings Learn how to be competitive in the marketplace through a wide variety of helpful resources and techniques. Email; [email protected]
18.01.2022 What is your barrier to finding employment?
17.01.2022 Not having income isnt a good place for anyone to be in, therefore you can stop participating in life, as you may feel you do not have the cash to do the things youd like to do. Living life does not mean you have to have money. Enjoy the simple things in life. Clean up your living space, change things around, this will give you a fresh new feeling in your living environment. Come out of your room and talk to family members, or say hello to a neighbour, there are people eve...rywhere to engage you in conversation. A hello and a smile to people lifts your spirit and theirs. The garden is also a great place to spend time, even if it is just weeding it. Maybe find a little spot where you can plant some Vegies. Read a book out doors, or use your phone to take some pics of things that may interest you, then spruce them up, pop a caption on them, upload onto face book and give your friends a laugh. These simple and free activities will lift your spirits. Have a wonderful weekend.. Play and enjoy yourself.
16.01.2022 FEAR! Is it holding you back? Fear of rejection? fear of failing? In my experience working with unemployed people, building rapport and trust with them, I found that the biggest obstacle for them getting off the couch or out of their rooms to find work, was FEAR! They had never even identified this within themselves, which was the problem. Its easy to Identify a tangible fear such as heights or spiders yet an emotional fear is all together different. Identifying the problem ...before you can solve it, is the first step. I am here to help you overcome your fear of looking for work, but you have to want to get off the couch, I can not do that for you. I can get you the job you want or coach you through end to end Job Searching process, yet you have to help yourself before I can help you. Join my workshops or hire me as your employment Broker... Dont sit there another minute and allow your FEARS to control the way you live. Email Me and lets talk about it and break through it. [email protected] See more
16.01.2022 Good Morning all, Id like to talk about being Vulnerable, the benefits of it, most people feel to be vulnerable is a weakness, Yet I feel its a strength, a tool to help you be successful, especially in your job searching. What makes you vulnerable makes you beautiful. ~Brene Brown Vulnerability may not be something that makes you feel comfortable. Its no wonder. In order to be vulnerable, you have to not only know who you are but be comfortable with you. Thats the thin...g about vulnerability that no one tells you about. Being vulnerable is not showing your mask of happy, friendly secure you. Its about revealing the hidden secrets about your personality, I bet you have never said to a work colleague, hey I am scared I cant reach my KPIs or to a friend I am one insecure person, I am afraid life isnt going to turn out the way I want. We all have our Masks, what we show people and how we want them to see us. Here is something I want you to know, NO-ONE is perfect, we all have fears, we all have things we do not want to share through fear of judgement. If you dont be vulnerable you can not be helped. Let me tell you a quick story about a man, that was refereed to my back in my Job services days, This man was from Iran, Consultants had placed him into many jobs, hed just leave the positions, have no respect for the hard work our consultants had put in to place him. I was asked to meet with him. I sat with this man,on first impression he was extremely rude, well educated in his own country, no respect for anyone and hated being in our system. Once we started talking and he began to trust me he opened up, his story was mind boggling, the things he had seen and suffered. He was an alcoholic, he had never told anyone this for fear of judgement, what he did not realise was, holding onto this secret was destroying him, getting his benefits cut and causing him more trauma than he needed to endure. Once he opened up and told me, I could refer him to the right people, get him off the caseload till he was work ready. He came back to me 3 months later, we placed him into full time employment and he thanked me for allowing him to talk. I told him to remember to be Vulnerable is to be strong and respect yourself. Work on you, like who you are stop judging yourself for the past, open up ask for help. A better life is around the corner. [email protected]
15.01.2022 Okay Guys and Gals the long weekends are done and dusted and its time to get serious once again about finding employment!!!! Heres some helpful hints. Hard to get motivated again? Turn off all distractions. Set your Phone for a 15 minute time slot. In those 15 minutes concentrate solely on your job search. Chances are youll be in the swing of it after 15 minutes and can continue long after your alarm sounds! For every 30 minutes of Job Searching you complete take 15 mins b...reak. HEY, we all deserve a break! List your companies that youd like to work for. Allocate specific time slots to edit your resume for each company or position advertised. For example if its a company that does not have a advertised position, youll need a introduction letter, if its a advertised position youll need to edit your resume to word match... Youll be surprised how much gets done and that will boost your motivation. Remember Good things come to those who help themselves.. Either contact me, or get going and action my helpful hints ;-) [email protected] See more
13.01.2022 Quiz time# Get your pens out to write down your answers or write them in the comments. I will be posting answers and explanations Friday Morning. Q.7) You are trying to calm down a colleague who has worked herself into a fury because the driver of another car has cut dangerously close in front of her. What do you do? A. Tell her to forget about it shes OK now and it is no big deal.... B. Put on one of her favorite tapes and try to distract her. C. Join her in criticizing the other driver. D. Tell her about a time something like this happened to you, and how angry you felt, until you saw the other driver was on the way to the hospital. See more
13.01.2022 How do you feel about your customers? How do they make you feel? Do you understand the importance of customers as a worker? As a customer yourself, how was your experience?
13.01.2022 International students and trained international Professionals are struggling to gain local work experience due to lack of knowledge of the Australian labour market, poor understanding of the job application process and weak communication skills With the growing importance being placed on work experience, English language and our Australian business culture, international graduates and Professional immigrants require further opportunities to develop Skills of the Australian Business culture and Application process in order to improve their chances of success in the labour market. Go Job Search Trainer, is running Coaching and Mentoring coarse through-out July. To register your interest and receive information on the coarses Please email: [email protected]
12.01.2022 http://100happydays.com/
10.01.2022 Good Morning everyone, Id like to talk a bit more about transferable skills, explain what they are and how they can be utilized in other industrys. Transferable skills, unlike job-specific skills, are those skills you use in nearly every job. The communication skills you develop and perfect on one job are transferable to another job where communication is equally important. Your excellent organizational skills probably make you a better-than-average project manager. Transfe...rable skills are used across different fields, as well. Identifying transferable skills can be a challenge. Often, there is no formal training in transferable skills. The skills are integrated into your work day and rarely stand out as obviously as other types of skills that are easier to quantify. Transferable skills are a significant part of the value you bring to an employer, so it is important to identify and describe them. For Instance, If you have had your own little business, transferable skills would be, Client relations, book keeping, business development, marketing.... All of these skills can be used in organisations. Take time out to write a list of all your skills. Seek positions that are asking for these skills. I hope this has been helpful. Happy hunting and feel free to contact me for assistance. [email protected] See more
09.01.2022 A funny for you all, to get you in the spirit of APRIL FOOLS. Reaching the end of a job interview, the Human Resources Officer asks a young engineer fresh out of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "And what starting salary are you looking for?" The engineer replies, "In the region of $125,000 a year, depending on the benefits package." The interviewer inquires, "Well, what would you say to a package of five weeks vacation, 14 paid holidays, full medical and dental, company matching retirement fund to 50% of salary, and a company car leased every two years, say, a red Corvette?" The engineer sits up straight and says, "Wow! Are you kidding?" The interviewer replies, "Yeah, but you started it.
08.01.2022 Emotional Intelligence QUIZ Answers. Q1) Explanation 1. The turbulent airplane Anything but D that answer reflects a lack of awareness of your habitual responses under stress. Actively acknowledging your stress and finding ways to calm yourself (i.e. engage in a book or read the emergency card) are healthier responses. A: 10 Points Continue to read your book or magazine, or watch the movie, trying to pay little attention to the turbulence....Continue reading
08.01.2022 TRANSFERABLE SKILLS. These skills can be utilized in any industry. 1. Communication Skills 6. Learning Skills 2. Teamwork Skills 7. Computer Skills... 3. Time Management Skills 8. Listening Skills 4. Problem-Solving Skills 9. Creativity Skills 5. Organization Skills 10. Leadership Skills. See more
07.01.2022 #Quiz Time Q.3) You are a customer service representative and have just gotten an extremely angry client on the phone. What do you do? A. Hang-up. It doesnt pay to take abuse from anyone.... B. Listen to the client and rephrase what you gather he is feeling. C. Explain to the client that he is being unfair, that you are only trying to do your job, and you would appreciate it if he wouldnt get in the way of this. D. Tell the client you understand how frustrating this must be for him, and offer a specific thing you can do to help him get his problem resolved. Q.4) You are a college student who had hoped to get an A in a course that was important for your future career aspirations. You have just found out you got a Con the midterm. What do you do? A. Sketch out a specific plan for ways to improve your grade and resolve to follow through. B. Decide you do not have what it takes to make it in that career. C. Tell yourself it really doesnt matter how much you do in the course, concentrate instead on other classes where your grades are higher. D. Go see the professor and try to talk her into giving you a better grade.
07.01.2022 The 2014 Budget is out and for anyone on Newstart allowance. You now have 7 months to get yourself employed. Anyone Under 25 will get the less generous Youth Allowance (less 100 per f/N), the under 30s who join the jobless queue will have to wait six months before they get government support and then only if you participate in the Work for the Dole scheme for 25 hours a week. If you are still unemployed six months later, benefits will again stop for six months in an effor...t to encourage young Australians not to rely on handouts. The changes will kick in from January 2015. If you think its difficult now to get employment it will be more so in the near future.. Chances are your resume is your down fall to get your interview.... $120.00 to get your resume revamped to get the job interview you want. Secure yourself a job before panic strikes! Contact [email protected]
07.01.2022 QUIZ TIME# Q.8) A discussion between you and your partner has escalated into a shouting match. You are both upset and in the heat of the argument, start making personal attacks which neither of you really mean. What is the best thing to do?... A. Agree to take a 20-minute break before continuing the discussion. B. Go silent, regardless of what your partner says. C. Say you are sorry, and ask your partner to apologize too. D. Stop for a moment, collect your thoughts, then restate your side of the case as precisely as possible. Q.9) You have been given the task of managing a team that has been unable to come up with a creative solution to a work problem. What is the first thing that you do? A. Draw up an agenda, call a meeting and allot a specific period of time to discuss each item. B. Organize an off-site meeting aimed specifically at encouraging the team to get to know each other better. C. Begin by asking each person individually for ideas about how to solve the problem. D. Start out with a brainstorming session, encouraging each person to say whatever comes to mind, no matter how wild.
07.01.2022 Quiz time.. Hope your keeping track of your answers on Friday I will be posting the points and explanations to each answer. You are a manager in an organization that is trying to encourage respect for racial and ethnic diversity. You overhear someone telling a racist joke. What do you do?... A. Ignore it the best way to deal with these things is not to react. B. Call the person into your office and explain that their behavior is inappropriate and is grounds for disciplinary action if repeated. C. Speak up on the spot, saying that such jokes are inappropriate and will not be tolerated in your organization. D. Suggest to the person telling the joke he go through a diversity training program. Q.6) You are an insurance salesman calling on prospective clients. You have left the last 15 clients empty-handed. What do you do? A. Call it a day and go home early to miss rush-hour traffic. B. Try something new in the next call, and keep plugging away. C. List your strengths and weaknesses to identify what may be undermining your ability to sell D. Sharpen up your resume.
06.01.2022 I would like to welcome all the new followers to Go Job Search Trainer, We have had over a hundred people Join us in the last couple of days, which has taken us to over 200 likes in a couple of weeks it is fantastic!!! Research shows that hearing from and sharing with others with similar experiences can be very helpful. Go Job search Trainer provides the following: Show you that you are not alone, and lots of other people are struggling to find employment.... Develop new skills in relation to Job Searching Give practical skills and advice such as tips on applying for positions, coaching and employment Brokering provide new strategies and knowledge on the end to end Job searching process. Strengthen motivation to stick with your goals. Once again I thank you all for being such an important part of the Go search Trainer Growth and development, with sharing this page with your family and friends.
04.01.2022 New research shows that the vast majority of employers (88%) are looking for a cultural fit over skills in their next hire as more and more companies focus on attrition rates. These are the most common traits employers are looking at Professionalism, High Energy and confidence. These are the top three traits employers are looking for, as they can be evaluated by the recruiting officer within 30 seconds of the interview. A manager or recruiter will be able to tell if you pos...ses these qualities just buy the these simple things. The way you dress How comfortable you are while waiting to be called How you shake hands So remember this when interviewing, Dress Professional, shake everyones hand with a firm grip, Do your homework on the organisation... Contact;[email protected] Happy Hunting!
04.01.2022 Great article to read, take a few minutes to peruse this mans analogy on life and its obstacles. http://www.linkedin.com//20140128025633-36792-this-surfing
03.01.2022 TO CELEBRATE OUR 100 LIKES ITS QUIZ TIME; Emotional Intelligence is this weeks Quiz. Write your answer in the comments section or keep track of them privately, there will be 10 questions in this quiz over the coming week I will be posting all Answers on FRIDAY MORNING. Lets have some fun ;-) 2 questions today Q.1) You are on an airplane that suddenly hits extremely bad turbulence and begins rocking from side to side. What do you do? A. Continue to read your book or magazin...e, or watch the movie, trying to pay little attention to the turbulence. B. Become vigilant for an emergency, carefully monitoring the stewardesses and reading the emergency instructions card. C. A little of both A and B. D. Not sure never noticed. Q.2) You are in a meeting when a colleague takes credit for work that you have done. What do you do? A. Immediately and publicly confront the colleague over the ownership of your work. B. After the meeting, take the colleague aside and tell her that you would appreciate in the future that she credits you when speaking about your work. C. Nothing, its not a good idea to embarrass colleagues in public. D. After the colleague speaks, publicly thank her for referencing your work and give the group more specific detail about what you were trying to accomplish
03.01.2022 When I worked in the job Services Industry, I had a lot of woman come in that had been stay at home mothers for many years, their relationship had broken down and all of a sudden not only did they find themselves surviving as a single parent, they had to go back to work as a requirement of the government to receive any benefits for at least 15 hours a week EXTREMELY DAUNTING SCENARIO for them. So here are a few tips for people returning to the workforce. You must change the ...mentality of am just a MUM, whos going to want me Being a parent gives us lots of skills we may not of had before having children, these skills can be utilised in the work force. Such as Conflict resolution, time Management, Budget planning, Decision making all of these skills are recognized in the workforce. Asses what you want to do, you may not want to return to the industry that you once worked, we all change over the years. Start talking to friends and friends of friends about what there job involves, look at job descriptions on the internet, search to find out what fits with your lifestyle now. Remember you can also up skill, the government recognizes this as well and a lot of the time they can fund it. Be brave, Be positive and before you actively start looking, know what you want and the skills and knowledge you need to have to get it. I am here to help so shoot me through a email. Contact [email protected] See more
02.01.2022 Come on Guys time for some action! Do you want a job? You could be working by this time next month. I guarantee to find you suitable employment within 30 days for $200.00 or your money back. ... Send me through your resume and I will contact you for a quick chat, send you our contract that guarantees your money back, and off we GO! March straight into your next Job! Make sure you share the news with your family and friends! Email [email protected]
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