GO2 Health in Everton Park | Acupuncturist
GO2 Health
Locality: Everton Park
Phone: +61 7 3355 5540
Address: 455 South Pine Road 4053 Everton Park, QLD, Australia
Website: http://www.go2health.com.au/
Likes: 1815
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25.01.2022 GO2 Health will be closed on the designated public holidays over the festive season. We wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas and look forward to taking care of you in the new year. If you require medical assistance during this period, please contact the Home Doctor Service on 13 74 25. This service is bulk billed. #merrychristmas #festiveseasonopeninghours # go2health #2021isgoingtobebetter #staysafe
25.01.2022 Wellness is a commitment to self ... are you committed? #takecareofyou #wellness #healthmatters #go2health #goodmedicine #selfcare #committedtoself
24.01.2022 You're invited! GO2 Health is proud to invite you to the New Clinic Open Day of our new centre in Everton Park, Queensland. Saturday 2nd January, 2021 from 11am - 3pm... Please join us for a tour of the new centre, meet our team, and learn more about our service delivery models of medical, allied and alternative medicines. We look forward to welcoming you to your New Home of Health!
22.01.2022 Please Share Widely! With the continued expansion of the medical arm of the business, GO2 Health is again in search of another exceptional nurse to join our team. The role will be to assist our Coordinated Veteran Care Coordinator, attend GP Management Plans and treatment room care. The position is a permanent part time role with the option to increase to full time from November 2020, when we move to our new state of the art purpose built facility. The successful applicant... will possess: * A current Practicing Certificate of Registration with APHRA Registered Nurse * A Minimum of two years experience as a Practice Nurse in General Practice * Experience with care planning * Experience with Best Practice software. * Current CPR Certificate * Professional Indemnity Insurance Cover * A high level of professionalism, autonomy, emotional intelligence and tenacity * Ability to work independently and in a team environment * Excellent verbal and written communication skills * Excellent prioritisation and organisational skills * Demonstrated commitment to ongoing professional development * Possession of a current QLD drivers licence Only People with previous experience in General Practice and associated requirements will be contacted for an interview. For further details please contact [email protected] #go2health #nursing #practicenurse #awesomeplacetowork #bepartoftheteam #nursesrule # #whatwouldwedowithoutnurses #angels #nurseknowhow #primaryhealthcare #gpnurses #nurse
22.01.2022 A massive thank you to Tammy and Shaun from My Little Flower Shoppe for our spectacular congratulatory flowers! They are truly magnificent! @my_little_flower_shoppe #mylittleflowershoppe #go2health #spectacularflowers #howspecial #spoilt #wow #thebestfloristinbrissy
22.01.2022 So WOW, WOW, WOW! This is a clinic like no other, prepare to be amazed! #veterancare #becauseyouareworthit #medicinedoneright #somethingelse #Go2Health #goodmedicine #lookingafteryou #gottabepartofthis. Growth Australia Ellivo Architects
21.01.2022 GO2 kindly requests that you wear a mask to your next appointment as per the recommendations of the Chief Medical Officer to reduce the risk of community transmission of COVID 19
21.01.2022 Do you suffer with chronic pain? QPains Pain Fellow, Dr Ramsey Jabbour is now consulting from GO2 Heath. Dr Jabbour will review your pain management protocol to ensure you are functioning at optimal levels. Please call our friendly reception team on 3355 5540 for further details and to secure your appointment. #pain #chronicpain #veterans #veteranshealth #painmanagment #painteam #go2health #healthmatters
20.01.2022 GO2 Health is thrilled to welcome Leanne Slater, a highly experienced pelvic health and musculoskeletal physiotherapist to the GO2 team. She has completed training in womens health, pelvic floor rehabilitation, incontinence (bladder and bowel) pelvic pain ( endometriosis vulvovaginal and anal pain, pain with sex and genital pain) pelvic organ prolapse, pregnancy and post natal concerns, childrens continence and pre and post prostatectomy care. If you are experiencing any of the pre mentioned conditions, please contact our friendly reception team on 3355 5540 to organise a pelvic health appointment with Leanne.
20.01.2022 Have you tried acupuncture? Jacinta or Rod would be happy to take care of you. Please call our friendly reception team on 3355 5540 to secure your appointment today. #acupuncture #acupuncturist #chinesemedicine #giveitago #complementarymedicine #veteranhealth #womenshealth #menshealth #wellness #healthmatters #nothingtolose
19.01.2022 Please Share Widely: GO2 Health is seeking a committed and enthusiastic experienced psychologist to join our team of integrated practitioners in a permanent full time or part time capacity. Experience or an interest in Military Health would be highly advantageous Essential criteria: Full registration with the PsyBA, 3 years minimum Eligibility for Medicare provider registration PII ... Experience with DVA, Better Access, EAP, and WorkCover Experience in Military Health, PTSD and chronic pain Trauma-based psychotherapy skills Schema therapy and EMDR training and experience highly desirable Approachable, professional presentation and demeanor Must be collaborative and willing to work in an integrated environment Strong commitment to ethical standards and ongoing professional development We offer: Flexible hours, including Saturdays Mixed delivery with Telehealth options available Full administration, marketing and management support A practice which is fully immersed within the Defence Community An experienced multimodality team of medical through to allied and complementary medicine A Holistic team care approach to treatment is standard in our practice. Please send your CV to [email protected] with subject: Psychologist position. #psychology #psychologist #go2health #ptsd #emdr #veterancare #care See more
19.01.2022 To all the nurses everywhere doing such awesome work, we see you, we acknowledge you and thank you for all that you do! Take care everyone!
19.01.2022 If you are not OK, please reach out. #mentalhealthmatters #ruok #itsoktonotbeok #takecareofeachother #veteranhealth #veteransmatter #veterans
19.01.2022 GO2 Health is offering a great opportunity for you to see a final year Phsyiotherapy student for 45 minutes of treatment for the amazing price of just $20.00. These appointments available between 6 April - 7 May 2021 and will sell out fast! Please call our friendly reception team for details today. #physiotherapy #studentphysios #greatdeal #treatment #awesomedeal #helpingthemhelpingyou #go2health #physiotreatment #goodbyeachesandpains #wontlastlong #sellingoutquickly
18.01.2022 Today marks the commencement of Womens Health Week. When was the last time you checked in with your GP for a check up. It is so easy to get busy doing life, that sometimes there does not seem to be time for health. Womens Health week is the ideal time to make time. GO2 Health has three GPs with an interest in womens health. Please call our friendly reception team today on 3355 5540 to book in your check up today. #womenshealthweek #womenshealth #maketimeforhealth #women #health #veteransfamilies #veteranhealth #femalecare #healthmatters #haveyouhadyourcheckupthisyear #lookingafteryou
17.01.2022 Today is Vietnam Veterans Day, we remember all those who served, those who did not return and those that left a part of themselves there. We honour you and thank you for your service. #vietnamveteransday #vietnamveterans #thankyouforyourservice #lestweforget #go2health #veterans #wehonouryou
17.01.2022 As a result of the Chief Health Medical Officers recommendations, GO2 Health asks that if you have a face mask, please wear it to your next appointment. The aim of this is to reduce the risk of community transmission of COVID as a result of the Youth detention centre cluster. We thank you in advance for your continued cooperation and support regarding this matter #covid #facemasks #masks #go2health #healthmatters #weareallinthistogether #crazytimeswelivein #veterans #veteranhealthmatters
17.01.2022 The light hearted look at dos and donts of face masks ... #covidsafe #facemasks #weirdtimeswelivein
16.01.2022 Hippocrates was a wise man #foodismedicine #goodnutrition #healthmatters #fruitandvegetables #healthychoices #dietetics #lifestylechoices #goodhealth #healthmatters #becauseyourhealthmatters #goodfood #veterancare #veteranhealth #nutrition #nutritionmatters
16.01.2022 Our naughty little elf getting up to mischief in the clinic #elfontheshelf #naughtyelf #go2health #christmasnonsense #alittlebitoffun #wereallydohaveworktodo
14.01.2022 Please support Cafe 214, they will take care of all your coffee needs, situated on the South Pine Road Entry of the clinic!
14.01.2022 The GO2 Team continues to grow and we are excited to expand our nursing contingent with the addition of Georgia. It is fitting that we shed light on the expanding roles of our nursing team during "Nursing in the Community Week". Georgia will be assisting with the CVC Program and all other aspects of general practice nursing. Please make her feel very welcome. #nursesrule #whatwouldwedowithoutnurses #angels #nurseknowhow #primaryhealthcare #nursing #gpnurses #nurse #primaryhealthcarenurse #go2health #respect #gpnursing #ourteamisgrowing
13.01.2022 Our good friends at Ritual HQ are running this awesome 7 Day Group fit Trial. Please contact Chantal to redeem this offer!
12.01.2022 Following the Queensland government lock down announcement, please be aware that GO2 Health remains open to provide your health care needs as an essential service. If you are unwell, please notify reception to reschedule your appointment, get tested and stay home and isolate from other household members until you receive a negative result. For all other patients, please be advised that you will be required to wear a mask whilst you are in the clinic, use the provided hand sanitiser on entry and exit and maintain appropriate social distancing.
12.01.2022 As the weather heats up, please remember to stay hydrated. Try to avoid soft drinks, and energy drinks in preference to good old fashioned water. #go2health #stayhydrated #goodhealth #heatingup #staywelll #dontoverheat #selfcarereminder #selfcare #healthmatters #takingcareofyou
12.01.2022 What could you do to improve your immunity? In these uncertain times, we all have a responsibility for our own health, to do all that we can to look after ourselves. What will you do for you? Stay safe and well everyone. #immunity #dowhatwecan #goodmedicine #healthyliving #veterans #veterancare #healthmatters #staywell #eatwell #sleep #exercise #handhygiene # reducedalcohol #smokingcessation #takecareofyou #go2health #wehaveyourback
12.01.2022 4 years ago, Dr Kieran McCarthy was invited with Dr Miriam Dwyer from the #gallipoliresearchfoundation to speak on PTSD and continue the journey to support our veterans. #ptsd #voiceofaveteran Voice Of A Veteran #veteranshealth... #VeteransLivesMatter See more
11.01.2022 Some of the team mixing it up a bit, a little bit of corporate on top, a little bit of casual down lower! Showing their personality and keeping it interesting on a half free dress day! Go team!
10.01.2022 How Awesome is it to have Cafe Two14 situated at the South Pine Road Entrance of GO2 Health for all your Coffee needs! Please support Ben and enjoy the best coffee around whilst you waiting for you appointment! @cafetwo14 ben_mcc_61xy Please share widely! #cafe214 #go2health #coffee #greatcoffee #solucky #goodhealthcareandgoodcoffee #veterancare #wehaveitall
10.01.2022 What could you do today to improve your well-being this womens health week? #womenshealthweek #womenshealth #healthandwellbeing #livewell #womenshealthmatters #maketimeforyou #pickonething #improvedliving
10.01.2022 Happy Friday! #fridayfeels #theweekendisnear #anewday #go2health #itsagoodday
10.01.2022 So things are starting to come together. How exciting! #go2health #stateoftheartclinic #excitingtimes #movingsoon #newhome
10.01.2022 GO2 Health would like you to join with us in welcoming Gina Van Ulzen to our team. Gina is an Exercise Physiologist and will be working full time at GO2. She is passionate about treating people suffering with musculoskeletal conditions and has significant Pilates experience. Please call our friendly reception team on 3355 5540 to make your appointment with Gina today. #exercisephysiology #exerciseforlife #go2team #clinicalpilates #pilates #reformer #reformerpilates #physicalhealth #wellbeing #selfcare #go2health #injuryrecovery #movement #teamcare #benefitsofexercise #movewell
10.01.2022 Today is R U OK? Day which also falls in Womens Health week. With so many people struggling at the moment, GO2 is urging everyone to check in with the people in their life by asking R U OK? Please log onto www.ruok.org.au to learn what to say. #ruok #mentalhealth #weareallinthistogether #checkinwithyourpeople #mentalhealthmatters #askthequestions #checkinwithyourmate #alllivesmatter
09.01.2022 GO2 Health is operating as an essential service during the Brisbane lockdown. As per the Qld Health directive, the use of masks outside your home is mandatory. The GO2 Health team have strong COVID safe procedures in place and are ready to take care of you in our brand new state of the art clinic. Parking under the building - turn into carpark from Woolworths Road. #weareopen #covidsafeprocedures #essentialservice #stateoftheartclinic #takingcareofyou #brisbanelockdown #
09.01.2022 GO2 is expanding and preparing for our move to our brand new purpose built state of the art clinic in January 2021. We are growing our team and have numerous positions available. GO2 is an awesome place to work so if you are interested in joining our team, or you know someone that is, please visit our website at www.go2health.com.au for further details or email the Business Manager at [email protected]. #wearehiring #go2health #awesomeplacetowork #fantasticteam #physios #physiotherapists #psychologist #mentalhealth #nursesrule #nurses #generalpracticenurses #awesomeadmin #gp #doctors #generalpractice
08.01.2022 The lovely Kate and Emily modelling surgical masks. You will be seeing a lot more of them in the clinic over the coming weeks. In response to the Chief Medical Officers recommendations, your GP, Nurses, Physios, EPs, massage therapists, Acupuncturist, and psychologist will be wearing a surgical mask to reduce the risk of COVID community transmission as a result of the detention centre cluster. If you own a mask, please wear it to your appointments. ... We thank you for your continued support and cooperation in relation to this matter. #thesecrazytimes #covid #facemasks #go2health #veterans #healthmatters #theystilllookgreat #gottadowhateegittado
08.01.2022 GO2 Healths growth is ongoing and we continue to provide more offerings for our patients. In order for us to continue to maintain our high standards of care our team is rapidly expanding. There are quite a few new faces around, these three lovely ladies are a few of them!. Please join us in welcoming Lauren, Charlise and Maia to our admin team. #go2health #awesomeadminteam #smilesallround #makethemwelcome #whatagreatteam #awesomeadmin
08.01.2022 Keep going ... #go2health #youvegotthis #youcandoit #wearehereforyou #motivation
08.01.2022 Needing some self care? GO2 has a few Available appointments for Acupuncture, Physiotherapy and Counselling tomorrow. Call our friendly reception team to secure your appointment before they all book out!
07.01.2022 Australian nurses, and the immense contribution they make to the health of our nation, are being recognised this week as Nursing in the Community Week kicks off. GO2 Health is fortunate to have six exceptional nurses on our team. We celebrate them and the immense contribution they make to the health and well-being of our community. #nursesrule #whatwouldwedowithoutnurses #angels #nurseknowhow #primaryhealthcare #nursing #gpnurses #nurse #primaryhealthcarenurses #primaryhealthcarenursing #gplandnursing #weloveournurses #nursinginthecommunityweek
07.01.2022 GO2 Health wishes to advise that we will be closed over the Easter period and will reopen at 7am on Tuesday 6 April. If you require medical assistance during this time, please contact the Home Doctor Sevice on 13SICK. We would like to take this opportunity to wish all a happy and safe Easter. #easteropeninghours #openinghours #go2heath #staysafe #happyeaster
07.01.2022 It is your choice!
06.01.2022 Pregnant, post partum, pelvic surgery, bladder and bowel concerns? GO2 Health now has two Pelvic health physios - Leanne Slater and Emily Field. Call reception today on 3355 5540 to book an appointment with these ladies to discuss your concerns. #womenshealth #pelvichealthphysio #pelvicfloor #pelvicfloorphysio #pelvichealth #postnatalphysiocare #postnatalphysio #bladderissues #bladderleak #physio #pelvicfloorhealth #pregnancy
06.01.2022 Are you ex-army personnel who have deployed on operations and transitioned in the past five years? If so please consider taking part in this research program with Clinical Psychologist Megan Fry. https://youtu.be/4so8i3QINgs
06.01.2022 That naughty elf....
06.01.2022 GO2 Health is delighted to introduce a new Acupuncturist to our team - Welcome Caitlin Armit! Caitlin is an experienced Acupuncturist with a special interest in the treatment of pain relief, stress management and sleep disorders. She incorporates a variety of Chinese Medicine techniques with her treatments and is also an experienced Remedial Massage Therapist. Please call our reception team on 3355 5540 to book an appointment with Caitlin on Wednesdays, Fridays, and alternate Saturdays. #go2health #acupuncture #acupuncturebrisbane #chinesemedicine #tuina #go2team #selfcare #naturalhealth #evidencebasedmedicine #cupping #tcm #painpaingoaway #peacefulsleep #yinandyang #alliedhealth #cliniclife #moveyourqi
05.01.2022 What change will you make today? #selfcare #change #mylife #stepintherightdirection #becauseiamworthit
03.01.2022 Please Share Widely: GO2 Health is seeking an enthusiastic Physiotherapist to join the team in our multi-modality health care clinic in Everton Park QLD. We service private patients, DVA, work cover and care plan patients with manual and exercise-based therapy, including clinical reformer Pilates and hydro. Experienced and New Graduate Physiotherapists may apply. The successful applicant requires: Full Registration with AHPRA Eligibility for registration w...ith Medicare Current Professional Indemnity Insurance Private practice musculoskeletal and reformer Pilates/hydro experience advantageous Availability to work on Saturdays An enthusiastic and energetic approach and willingness to engage in team based care We Offer: Full-time employment A supportive and friendly team Environment A brand new, purpose built, state of the art clinic (opening December 2020) A holistic Team Care approach to health care inter-referring your patients to other modalities within the clinic is a normal practice in the GO2 Health world. The opportunity for you and your patients to access the services of a large team of motivated and goal focused, like minded Allied Health Therapists and GPs all under the one roof. CPD Opportunities Please contact HoD Kate Boucher on (07) 3355 5540 if you have any questions. Please also forward a copy of your Curriculum Vitae along with your contact details to [email protected] #physiotherapy #phsyio #positionsvacant #awesometeam #go2health #collaborativecare #pilates #pilatesreformer #hydro #hysrotherapy #veterancare #whatagreatplacetowork
03.01.2022 To all our valued patients, we urge you all to take note of the number of appointments you have currently booked, and ensure that you are vigilant with rebooking these. Your regular appointment time slot can not guaranteed without a booking. Our admin team is amazing! But even they are not able to keep track of every patients appointments. To avoid the disappointment of not be able to see your regular therapist at your regular time, please ensure that you continue to boo...k your appointments well in advance. Our therapists are exceptional and as a result they are busy and do book out. Please do not take your frustrations out on our Administration team. #takingcareofyou #awesomeadminteam #exceptionaltherapists #go2health #respect #doingourbestforyou
01.01.2022 Are you excited? We are!!!! The clinic is looking fabulous. We can't wait to move into our new home #go2health #comingtogethernow #stateoftheartclinic #prettyspectacular #veteranhealthwithadifference #veteranhealth #wehaveitall #healthcarehub
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