Golash Russians in Gosnells, Western Australia, Australia | Pet service
Golash Russians
Locality: Gosnells, Western Australia, Australia
Phone: 0419 993 765
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25.01.2022 Cats exist in three states: solid, liquid, LOAF.
23.01.2022 Spending some time in the garden this weekend? Did you know some flowers can be harmful for your cat? Lilies are the most toxic and should be avoided at all cos...ts but check our Cat-friendly flowers postcard for other plants that may be in your garden and find out whats hot and whats not for our feline friends See more
23.01.2022 It's a cat's life! Puumba & Valinka chillin' near the fireplace
23.01.2022 this was my dearest friend Lucy's Mouse - if anyone is interested, please contact Impound Feline Rescue via the original post
23.01.2022 The first show with my new cat club - Cats United on the 24/2 - it is being held in Fremantle - see details - should be a fun day for all. Come along and see the new setup.
23.01.2022 Love this photo
22.01.2022 These are just the most common toxins for cats but there are many more. The more we know...the safer we can keep our furry family members. Education is also love.
22.01.2022 Our range of Premium Portable Cat Enclosures are NOW ON SALE! All of our Enclosures also comes with FREE Shipping, FREE Cat Hammock and a FREE Shade Sail! 3.6m... was $699 - NOW $529! Save $170! 1.8m was $449 - NOW $369! Save $80! 1.2m was $339 - NOW $259! Save $80! To get started, head to our website: www.catnets.com.au Afterpay & ZipPay is also available meaning you can Buy Now, Pay Later! Offers end 28/1/19 11.59pm.
21.01.2022 Please click on the original post for contact details
19.01.2022 . . . Credits: www.instagram.com/owl__kitty & OwlKitty
19.01.2022 Today was one of the SADDEST days of my 13yrs as a vet. A 10week old kitten was diagnosed with end stage renal failure (kidney failure), caused by exposure to ...Lillies from a bouquet of flowers his owner got. Sadly the little kitten did not make it . PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE... Tell all your pet owner friends, families, colleagues etc about Lillies and cats! Key points: -ALL parts of the plant are toxic to cats -To stand a chance of surviving cats must be taken to the vet immediately if you suspect your cat has eaten any part of a lily plant - Mortality is high if treatment is not initiated within 18hrs of exposure -Symptoms can start within 2-6hrs of eating the plant. These are vomiting, refusing food, lethargy. Kidney failure can start 24-72hrs later If you have cats, especially indoor cats, our advice would be to avoid having any Lillies at home. If you or anyone you know have any questions about this please contact your vet, or you are welcome to message, email or call me at the practice on 01372 746510(uk). Lenesa http://icatcare.org/sit/default/files/PDF/lilies-nurses.pdf
19.01.2022 Believe it or not, our cats learn quite a few things from us...
18.01.2022 Being a mother for the first time so hard
15.01.2022 Not a Golash, but still a gorgeous boy looking for a furever home
12.01.2022 born 23/2/2014 Sire: Golash Csar Tchaikavsky (Avatar) Dam: Twili Pepper Potts
11.01.2022 These 3 gorgeous babies were born 8 July (Saber & Sputnik)
08.01.2022 Its the holiday season...please use caution if bringing home or buying a plant for a home with cats!
07.01.2022 To my beautiful Lucy, It is today two years since you left this world gone into another realm. Missing you heaps my beautiful, my adopted sister and a friend ...that can never be replaced. I know part of you is still attached to all of us who were privileged enough to know you, love you and share your life with all of us. This photo was taken in 2012 of Lucy and Nick at Elenas christening what a lovely day happier times with our dear Lucy. Nick, sharing this wonderful memory with you today. With all our love my darling xxxx
06.01.2022 Has the Christmas tree survived your cat?!
05.01.2022 Basta stupidaggini! No, non è grasso! È solo il PRIMORDIAL POUCH! Il termine tecnico per questo lembo di pelle, che spesso si sente come un palloncino d'ac...qua mezzo pieno, è il " marsupio primordiale" e si può anche osservare questa caratteristica su alcuni grandi felini come leoni e tigri. Questa parte di pelle o imbottitura al ventre fornisce protezione e isolamento extra al tuo gatto durante le lotte, quando un gatto tira calci con le zampe posteriori potrebbe causare una grave lesione addominale. Infatti, i gatti hanno una pelle in eccesso che copre tutto il corpo che li aiuta a contorcersi fuori dalla presa di altri predatori. Un'altra funzione di questo risvolto addominale è quella di permettere al gatto la libertà di movimento e allungarsi completamente estendendo le zampe posteriori. Si è anche scoperto che negli antenati selvaggi dei nostri gatti, questo spazio abbia permesso allo stomaco di allungarsi per tenere del cibo extra quando necessario. In alcuni soggetti è più evidente, in altri meno. Ma molte persone non informate sui felidi, continuano a dire e pensare che "il mio gatto ha la pancetta". Non è affatto così.
03.01.2022 OH NO Is your Christmas tree still standing?
03.01.2022 Wishing everyone a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thank you for everyone who has supported me at Golash Russians over the years. Keep your very precious fur babies safe, loved and very spoilt - they deserve it. Keep safe all - see you next year, love Mel xxx