Gold Coast Little Athletics in Miami, Queensland | Sports club
Gold Coast Little Athletics
Locality: Miami, Queensland
Address: Pizzey Drive 4220 Miami, QLD, Australia
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23.01.2022 Congratulations to all the Athletes that attended Regional Relays on the weekend at Mudgeeraba. We had some great results & PB's with 43 teams going through to State. Great job by Age Managers getting teams to events and for the parents getting children there on the day. Under extremely hot conditions the HJ Officials crew did a fantastic job as with Steve at the finish line, Chris L with timing gates, Chris A & Tom in recording, and of course to our amazing team manager Nico...le, what a rockstar!! Thank You all so much! Again, great results come from correct guidelines which goes to our Coaches Chris, Steve, Joel, Scott alongside some great parent helpers. Boys & Girls we were very proud watching you do your best, supporting and cheering each other, making new friendships but most of all was seeing great sportsmanship and spirit. Thank you to those athletes for jumping in to fill and help form teams. Team Gold Coast #1
22.01.2022 Tonight’s competition is CANCELLED. Due to the rain we’ve had today and the forecast for the next few hours we have called it for tonight. Remember that there is no Christmas party next week so we will not see you again until the 8th January, 2021. We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Stay safe and enjoy the holiday season!!
21.01.2022 To all our members that attended State Championships last weekend. Please read the below post and follow all Queensland government advice following the Brisbane outbreak.
21.01.2022 Holding relay training tomorrow at 5:30pm. This is after our normal club training at 4:30pm. The 5:30pm training is for the 4 x 100m relay ONLY. For this training to be successful FULL TEAM MEMBERS must attend.
18.01.2022 Club championships start next Friday night. Regionals are just around the corner. These events will require officials so, MAKE IT OFFICIAL!... For all members 14+ Basic Grading Online Level 1 . GIVE IT A GO! * Ever wonder why your child was disqualified or disagreed with a ruling !! * Why let the kids have all the fun, Show them you are interested.
17.01.2022 Pack collection days and uniform purchases this weekend! Due to Covid please be patient. You will be lining up outside the clubhouse. No families in clubhouse. Please do not turn up if you have NOT registered online. Your packs will not be ready ! Please remember to bring a photo of your child’s birth certificate (if they are new to our club) Please also bring your completed Duty of Care form found on our website. Trialists please go to the canteen to pay and fill out paperwork.
17.01.2022 As of the posting of this post State Relays is ON. There are a few showers about but the event will go ahead. Take your rain boots with your runners
17.01.2022 So far so good!!
16.01.2022 Presentation day for the 2020/2021 season is 28 March held at our grounds at 2pmPresentation day for the 2020/2021 season is 28 March held at our grounds at 2pm
15.01.2022 Registrations are open !!!
14.01.2022 Reminder!!! Pre-order souvenir State Relay shirts are to close today at 6pm. Please comment below if you wish to pre-order one and we will contact you.Reminder!!! Pre-order souvenir State Relay shirts are to close today at 6pm. Please comment below if you wish to pre-order one and we will contact you.
13.01.2022 This is all the information you need regarding the LAQ Summer Carnival being held in Brisbane on 31 October All nominations are completed online
13.01.2022 Nominations are now open for LAQ Competitions Nordic Sport Regional Championships through your family portal at Competition is held at Tweed Little Athletics on the 5th-7th February, 2021. Nominations close on the 25 Jan 2021 at 09:00AM.... Reminder that athletes must have complete 4 nights competition to nominate for this event. Visit our help area here for more information about the nominations process:
12.01.2022 Wednesday training and Friday night competition continues over the holidaysWednesday training and Friday night competition continues over the holidays
12.01.2022 Tomorrow nights competition is our first Centre Championships. Below is the program with the rules and helpers needed to complete events. Hopefully the rain stays away and we have an awesome first night!!! U6s-U8s run events as normal and do not require officials.
12.01.2022 Parents, today at 4.45pm, whilst children are training, there will be a 45 minute ‘Introduction on how to run an activity’. This week highlighting Race Walking. This is a great opportunity to learn the rules and get out there in the events with your children.Parents, today at 4.45pm, whilst children are training, there will be a 45 minute ‘Introduction on how to run an activity’. This week highlighting Race Walking. This is a great opportunity to learn the rules and get out there in the events with your children.
12.01.2022 Time change for tomorrows photo shoot: Crew Call: 11:30am Individual Photos (Outlined in an email): 12:00pm All Little A's Participants: 12:45pm Approx. Finish: 4pm... ***Don't forget to fill in and bring your photo release form*** See more
11.01.2022 Sorry all, the weather isn't going to allow us to commence back this evening so tonight's competition is cancelled. Hopefully see you all next week.
10.01.2022 A reminder to all that relay training was for the 4 x 100m teams only and this was stipulated both on the FB pages and on Friday nights prior to competition. Furthermore, we needed sequential runners ie. 1-2, 2-3, 3-4, or 1-2-3-4 otherwise the training would be unproductive and not successful.It is disappointing to hear that there have been some negative comments with respect to these requests. On a positive note, we would like to thank those who turned up with their full te...ams and also those others who were able to train when we had either 1-2, 2-3 or even 1-2-3 and 2-3-4. We would also like to thank our highly experienced and qualified coaches who volunteered their valuable time so as these sessions could be held. GOOD LUCK TOMORROW!! Hopefully, the weather will be kind.
10.01.2022 Photo session pre presentation day at 1pm. All state team members who attended State Championships last weekend and club captains to be here for photos in full uniform at that time please. If those athletes from could bring their medals as well that would be great. You can bring spare clothes to change after and don’t forget your smiles.
09.01.2022 What an awesome effort by all who were involved with the State Championships 2021. We were very lucky with the Severe conditions surrounding and approaching right up until the last events; 800m & Hurdles Finals. A huge Congratulations to our young athletes who did their best. There were some truly remarkable performances, PB’s and impressive Sportsmanship noticed alongside new friendships made.... According to our reckoning we won 24 Medals 13 Gold, 7 Silver 4 Bronze We also have four athletes who have been selected in the QLD State Team Congratulations to ALL!!! Thank you to the supportive parents who had their heartbeats cease at times, tears or lost their voices as we belted out the encouraging cheers. And a huge thanks for the dedication, time & commitment of our coaches Chris L, Steve L , Joel O, Scott C, and Leonor, we appreciate and thank you. And of course to our super star Centre Manager and team manager Nicole Hoy. The incredible results stand in front of us, GCLA #1 in the South.
09.01.2022 Club Captain Would your athlete like to apply for Club Captain for the upcoming season ? Please email [email protected] for a form Forms are due by 5pm Tuesday 25 August
08.01.2022 Thank you to all our wonderful families that helped us pack up when the storm hit ! See you all next week
08.01.2022 Our 1st Regional Carnival is approaching South Coast Regional Relays Saturday 14 November Mudgeeraba NOMINATIONS CAN BE SUBMITTED AT THE CLUBHOUSE FROM NEXT FRIDAY. $3.50 per event to be paid when nominating. Please see link below for the events available for each age group. ... Nominations will close at the end of competition night on Friday 30th October. You have 5 Friday nights to get your nominations in and to compete in those running distances to have a time submitted. McDonald’s Regional Relays (U7 U17’s) Regional Relays primarily provide friendly Regional Competition for all athletes in these age groups to compete in teams. Track and field relays are provided for. The track teams comprise of four (4) athletes, and the field teams comprise of the total number of nominated athletes for that age groups’ event. In addition, Regional Relays are a means for qualifying for the McDonald’s State Relay Championships. Eligibility and Progression All LAQ Registered U7 U17’s athletes are eligible to compete. Teams from the U9 U17 age groups that place 1st 3rd will be eligible to progress to the McDonald’s State Relay Championships. Parents may print off this form, complete and bring to the clubhouse. May we have one athlete per sheet so we can monitor age group numbers easily as athletes are nominated.
08.01.2022 STAR IN A LITTLE ATHLETICS NATIONAL CAMPAIGN! Athletes between the ages of 6-13 who love to hurdle, shotput, sprint, jump, throw a javelin or even run long distances, are wanted for this very special event. At this stage the filming will take place from the 8 10th July 2020 however this may change slightly depending on the athletes availability. You also need to be at your best early, because we will be shooting during and just after sunrise on the first two days. If this i...s you, please send in a picture and a few words telling us why you would love to be involved to: [email protected] and [email protected] You must be available for your starring performance, but also for a mock competition being shot on the Gold Coast on the 10th of July (date may shift depending on each athletes availability) All shoot days will be half days. If you are interested, or have any further questions, please email the above to addresses. See more
08.01.2022 If you still have not collected your athletes trophy (see recipient list in a previous post) you can pick up from the clubhouse on Tuesday 5pm - 6pm . Last chance to also drop in raffle tickets . Tuesday 28 July 5-6PM ONLY
07.01.2022 GOLD COAST LITTLE ATHLETICS 2021 AGM Tuesday 11th May 2021 Gold Coast Little Athletics Clubhouse 6:30pm... To all our members planning on returning to our centre in the 2021/2022 season, consider becoming more involved and joining our committee. It is a very rewarding experience for everyone who is willing to put in the effort and become part of a great team. This season we had many members leave offering up a number of positions. These includes: the canteen, nominations officer, and recording. This does not mean you cannot apply for other positions or shadow/ help out in other positions. We welcome ALL help no matter how little. Please consider coming along and becoming apart of this amazing team, learn some new skills, and meet new people. Have a read of the positions below and think about joining. Hopefully, we will see many new faces this year.
07.01.2022 Hi parents, Some of our usual helpers aren’t going to be available to set up for tomorrow nights competition. If you are available, could you please come down early (around 4:30pm) to help with the setting up. We would really appreciate any help. Thank you.
06.01.2022 Christmas Party for the 18/12 is CANCELLED. Tonight will be our final Friday night competition for this half of the year (if the rain holds off - watch this space). Due to many factors we have made this decision, however we will be working on other things come the end of the season.
06.01.2022 A fun little event for us all to enjoy. Let’s be there and cheer them all on for the fun 70m dash of our regions centre managers.
06.01.2022 Our early trophy recipients this morning
06.01.2022 All withdrawals to State relays need to be in writing to the club. This can be done by emailing the club at [email protected]. Please do this as soon as possible should you know if you can not go.All withdrawals to State relays need to be in writing to the club. This can be done by emailing the club at [email protected]. Please do this as soon as possible should you know if you can not go.
05.01.2022 Congratulations Team Gold Coast at State Relay Championships we had 11 Medallying teams. 3 Gold - 14B LJ, 14B HJ & 14G Medley 4 Silver and 4 Bronze. So many PB's and a great experience for many. Thank you to the parents for communications and bringing your children with the weather being a concern for all and having them there on time.... Still can not believe how lucky we were with the rain until the very end; this didn't bother 14B HJ at 7pm in which they still managed conditions and brought home the Gold.. Thank you to those who substituted teams last minute we are very grateful. New friendships were made, great sportsmanship was shown and behaviour was excellent. With lots of action, excitment, cheering and nervous parents thank you Athletes for doing your best in which you have made us all very Proud. See more
04.01.2022 Congratulations to Lucas K on receiving the Club Captains award ! Our club captain Joel O is here presenting our awards! We are here until 5pm , or Sunday 9-11am.
04.01.2022 The updated Blue Book can now be found here A huge thank you to Tiffany for finalising it for us
03.01.2022 Pre-orders are now being taken for the McDonald’s state relay Championships souvenir shirt. Shirts are $29 each and all orders must be processed through your Centre Committee. Orders close Wed 25th November.
03.01.2022 For those who are attending Regional relays this Saturday at Mudgeeraba Little Athletics track your team manager is Nicole Hoy. Please see your Age Group Manager on arrival. If all athletes and families could congregate in or near our club tent area please; As it is a 'relay' event and you need to know where your team mates are. If someone is missing or hasn't arrived please see Nicole. Please be there at 6.45am if your in the 1st events.... Please do not leave messages on Facebook as it will not be monitored. All athletes need to be in full uniform with number on the front, age patch on the L) sleeve and black club shorts. Strictly; No other brand labels or Logo on shorts. Only Black skins may be worn but must be covered with shorts. U/11 and U/12 must have normal shoes ( no spike shoes even with blanks) for Swedish relays but can wear spikes for 4 x 100 and jumps. There will be batons available for warm up preparation. Please be sure they are returned promptly for others. If you have any questions please ask before Saturday. We wish all the athletes the best of luck on Saturday and Gold Coast Little Athletics are proud of you. Please be advised there is a Covid plan in place which we ask of you to abide and follow instructions. A cashless Canteen will be operating and there will be no water dispensers at field events or within Clubs tent. Please also see the Relays event on our Facebook page for event information.
03.01.2022 All athletes must be registered in order to participate on and from Friday 2 October - the trialing period is over. You can register via the link on our website This is the only way to register. All athletes MUST have their number , age label and Coles patch on their uniform. All athletes must be in full uniform. The uniform shop will be open from 5pm - 6pm on Friday. All sizes will be in stock . ... Results can be found here: See more
03.01.2022 With the COVID-19 crisis we have had to arrange our presentation day for the 2019/20 season to become a congratulatory collection time over certain days, where you can come and collect your trophies from the clubhouse. This is sad for us as we love to celebrate all our amazing athletes and their achievements but we congratulate all of you for an amazing season and your achievements! The days and times are: Friday 3/7 - 3pm to 5pm our clubhouse Sunday 5/7 - 9am to 11am our clu...bhouse Tuesday 28/7 - 5pm to 6pm our clubhouse Please don’t forget to bring your raffle tickets when collecting your trophies as last seasons raffle will be drawn on the 28/7 during our committee meeting. This may be live streamed.
02.01.2022 Hello GCLA families: For those with phones not loading the QR code through their camera please download the EVA check in app to log in to Atheltics tonight please Thank you for logging in each time you attend our field and keeping sport open for our children ... In most cases you should not need an app at all. First try open the camera app on your phone and point it at the QR code. If your camera recognises the QR code you should be prompted to ‘open’ in your browser. Android: Using your camera should work for Android phones with version 8 up too. In some cases there is a camera setting that needs to be turned on so check your settings. For older Android phones a we recommend our Android app. You will need to have mobile data turned on or access to WiFi for the page to load. Need links to the apps to share with your team/guests? Apple App - Android App - The apps work well for group check-in scenarios - like a family checking in at a sports club
01.01.2022 Congratulations Aliesha Heap - winner Laurie Baartz award - most improvements in Queensland
01.01.2022 Reminder that the walks day is still on this Sunday. Be mindful of current COVID-19 safety measures, and if you have been to the greater Brisbane area or are feeling ill, please do not attend. Monitor the Ashmore Little Athletics Facebook page for current information to this event.
01.01.2022 Welcome to season 2020/21! Registrations will open Monday 3 August! The link is on our website and will be updated Monday. DO NOT register until Monday. Pack collection day and uniform purchases (EFT only) can be made on Friday 28 August 5-7pm or Sunday 30 August 9-12pm at the clubhouse. We will be following Covid Safe regulations so please be patient. Please do not attend if you are unwell. Trialists are $20 (this is refunded, should the child sign on for the season other...wise non-refundable) for 2 weeks during the month of September. Trialists MUST register at the clubhouse, preferably on the 28 or 30 August but can still sign on throughout September. $20 to be paid via EFT only - no cash (COVID-19 safety). Our first competition night is Friday 4 September at 5:30pm . Our first training is Wednesday 9 September 4:15-5pm. NO pack collections or uniform purchases on training days. Only limited times on competition nights - so please pick up on the 28 or 30 August. Children cannot compete without uniforms and rego numbers. If you are new to our club you will need to show proof of age before competing. Please attach to your registration. All families will also need to print off ( from our website) the Parent Guidelines and Duty of Care form and the Parent Help Sheet. The forms need to be returned when you collect packs. Please bring these forms. Athlete profiles and Improvement sheets are also on our website. Children need to be in full club uniform to compete. If your child is in the Under 15,16 or 17 age groups and would like to nominate for Club Captain please email [email protected] to request a nomination form- forms must be returned to [email protected] before the 23 August.
01.01.2022 All athletes must be registered or registered to trial (new members only) in order to compete on Friday 4 September . All athletes must have a parent or guardian at the track at all times, this will be checked. Please follow instructions from the committee regarding our Covid safe plan. This includes signing in via the red McDonalds tent in the car park . No parents on the track( except in Under 6) unless in a position of help . Our club is completely run by volunteers so please keep this in mind and be patient . See you Friday !
01.01.2022 Competition resumes this Friday night 8/1/2021. There will be a 3000m race walk this Friday before general competition. This is for any Little Athletics registered athlete from U14 and any QA registered athlete. This is however just a club race not a QA event but we welcome anyone from any club and any LAs athletes are welcome to join in with the rest of the nights program. Race starts at 5.10pm.
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