GCARS in Gold Coast, Queensland | Non-profit organisation
Locality: Gold Coast, Queensland
Address: 85 Harper Street, Molendinar 4214 Gold Coast, QLD, Australia
Website: http://www.gcars.com.au
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23.01.2022 A big thanks to all the GCARS members that were at the club today, helping with the tree removal and antenna repairs. All up 17 people called in today, not all at the same time. Special thanks to Kent VK4KPN, Ralf VK4FMGC, Aidan VK4APM, Grant VK2GEL, John VK4EJR, Jamie VK4XD, Greg VK4ZN, Rod VK4ED, and Gab VK4GAB. Take Note: All HF antennas at the club are currently not working (not connected). Some repairs are being done through this coming week & we hope to be back online next Saturday.
23.01.2022 Come on down to Bunnings Southport for there very tasty snags fresh off the BBQ.
23.01.2022 All Members please be aware of Update from WIA. With the ongoing and upcoming weather conditions later this week, this situation could continue. BUSHFIRE EMERGENCY 31 December 2019 through 1 January 2020... Date : 31 / 12 / 2019 Author : Greg Kelly VK2GPK - WIA President The WIA has received advice that there are major outages of telecommunications in areas impacted by the bushfires either currently or expected to occur overnight. The scope and range of these impacts is unknown at this stage. The WIA kindly asks Radio Amateurs to monitor the EMCOM HF frequencies ( as per IARU-R3 EMCOM bandplan on the WIA or IARU-R3 website) whenever feasible over the next 24 to 48 hours. VHF and UHF Repeaters should also be monitored wherever possible. Amateurs seeking to establish emergency communication should use these EMCOMM frequencies in the first instance, or repeaters if available. Radio Amateurs who are volunteers for WICEN, CREST, etc should keep themselves updated from the respective websites of these organisations. Emergency Communication is one of the three main reasons Radio Amateurs have access to RF Spectrum. Please assist if and when you can. IARU Region III has adopted the following frequencies as recommended emergency centre of activity frequencies: 3.600 7.110 14.300 18.160 21.360 MHz. "Centre of Activity" frequencies are not spot frequencies or net frequencies. They are recommended as starting points for emergency traffic which may extend 5 kHz above or below the designated centre frequency.
22.01.2022 Reminder - tonight (Monday Aug 24th) just after 7:30pm, 6 Brisbane school students asking questions with an astronaut on the International Space Station. The audio will be broadcast on the SE Qld Amateur Radio wide area network (147.225 MHz on the Gold Coast). The Q&A shouldn't take too long, and immediately afterwards, Peter VK4BT will be taking callbacks. The callback list will be passed onto NASA. Let's make a good response with the callbacks ... from Mark VK4DMH.
22.01.2022 GCARS Hamfest coming together this morning. Tables filling with plenty of quality items all at bargain prices. Doors open at 8:30am
21.01.2022 Thanks to all the GCARS members that helped at today’s Bunnings Sausage Sizzle. The weather was fine all day and we had a late but steady flow of customers. Paul VK4PY, Ralf VK4FMGC, Aidan VK4APM, Jeremy VK4AIR, Norm VK4YXL, Andy VK4FADB, Andy’s wife Heather, and myself Mark VK4DMH. Today we were able to provide an EFTPOS capability, which helped customers that either preferred being cashless, or just didn’t have cash on hand.
20.01.2022 A most interesting web site for all those that wish to read the technical details on Australia's involvement with Apollo 11. How the CSIRO, OTC, PMG, AWA & Channel 9 Sydney, all worked together with a few months notice to set up for live TV pictures from the moon. Interesting also that the lunar module transmitted back to earth a mix of TV images, voice comms & telemetery, all on the one microwave frequency of 2.2825 GHz https://www.honeysucklecreek.net/Apollo_11/index.html
19.01.2022 A very wet GCARS crew this morning at the Southport Bunnings Sausage Sizzle, raising money for the club. If you’re in the area come on down and say hello & grab a bite to eat. The store is at 510 Olsen Ave Molendinar, between Smith St and Southport-Nerang Rd
18.01.2022 Hi everyone, This may be a bit late as submissions to ACMA were due today, regarding AR use of the 5351.55366.5 kHz band. If you wish to comment, and there is no time deadline just a date, then your submission may still be accepted by tonight. Read the advice and consider the template on the WIA link below. https://www.wia.org.au/newseven//2020/20200514-1/index.php... https://www.acma.gov.au//possible-use-53515-53665-khz-band
17.01.2022 GCARS setup for John Moyle contest. Sitting up on Mt Tamborine at 540 metres ASL. Operating on 20 & 40 metres, and 146.5 MHz.
17.01.2022 It was been quite a while and it looks like it has slipped through the cracks. Hence the Gold Coast Amateur Radio Society would like to thank all the Amateurs that took on the VI4GAMES call sign during the 2018 period. To assist with the QSO, GCARS sent out over 700 QSL cards. As well those that called into the VI4GAMES call sign when it was active. Once again thanks without your support we would not have reached over 700 QSOs.
17.01.2022 Some photos from today’s GCARS Hamfest. Many thanks to all the club members who helped with the event, and thanks also to everyone that dropped by.
17.01.2022 VK4RGC 146.700 Repeater is currently off line. GCARS apologises for the inconvenience. The GCARS Repeaters at Wongawallan are operational. ... 3rd November 2019.
16.01.2022 A YouTube video will be uploaded soon on a presentation last night at Bayside & Districts Amateur Radio Society ... military radio communications in Brisbane during WW2. I’ve been trying unsuccessfully to get this presentation at GCARS, so had to settle with videoing for our members.
12.01.2022 The Qld / NSW border is scheduled to reopen to all other Australian States & Territories (except Victoria) this Friday (July 10th). GCARS will have Amateur Radio operators down at various border crossing for this Friday's 8am Net, reporting on activity at the check points and traffic delays. So far we have operators for 3 of the Coolangatta border crossings, Mt Lindsay Hwy (sth of Beaudesert), New England Hwy (btw Stanthorpe & Tenterfield), Cunningham Hwy (Goondiwindi), Albury/Wondonga (Vic/NSW), and Mt Gambier (Vic/Sth Aust). If anyone else wishes to be involved, at other border crossing and as backup operators, let us know ASAP. Mark VK4DMH
11.01.2022 Thanks to all the GCARS members that showed up yesterday for the 1st day of reopening. It was a small gathering with only 8 people in total, signs on display reminding of Social Distancing and a max number of people, & hand sanitizer by the door. We will continue to open each Saturday (1:30pm), but remain closed for now on Weds night.
11.01.2022 The Qld government have just announced that as of Saturday Aug 29th, all of the Gold Coast will be back on a maximum gathering of 10 people. So therefore the GCARS club is limited to 10 people total on the grounds and building. This notice has also been emailed out to all members. Regards... Mark VK4DMH See more
11.01.2022 The GCARS building will remained closed until this COVID-19 Pandemic is over. The club will not be open today (Saturday March 28th). A email has been sent to all members explaining the situation.
11.01.2022 Thanks again to all the members (and new members) that called into GCARS yesterday for the 2nd day of reopening under COVID-19 restrictions. We were allowed 20 people inside the club but kept the number down to 17 due to the 4 sq metres per person requirement. Everyone maintained their Social Distance, hand sanitizer was used by all, and the visitors book filled in. Next Saturday we will open a little earlier while we undertake some repairs on antennas on the tower. We’ll also put a Sausage Sizzle BBQ on for everyone attending, a gold coin for each Sausage, soft drinks at $1:50 and free coffee. If there are more that 17 or 20 people attending, that’s ok as long as the additional people out outside in the yard. Hope to see you all there this Saturday.
11.01.2022 Ralf VK4FMGC / 4MGC and myself (Mark VK4DMH) commissioned a Channel 4 UHF CB Repeater today up on Springbrook. This is the first of two Citizen Band repeaters that GCARS holds licences for, an ongoing project that we (GCARS) undertook at the request of the City of Gold Coast council's Diaster Management Dept. My initial tests so far show excellent radio coverage at Molendinar, Ashmore, Labrador. Tonight after my return roadtrip from Brisbane, I was able to access this repeater on the M1 just north of Dreamworld (Coomera). The challenge now is too get all the construction site and roadwork crews off Channel 34. Right now as I'm writing this, I'm listening to traffic controllers talking on simplex Ch 34 (via the repeater) up on Exit 57 (Oxenford).
09.01.2022 Reminder that GCARS is open again today (Saturday) from 1:30pm. I believe we are allowed up to 17 people in the main room, maybe 20 people depending on how you interpret the COVID-19 rules. I hope to see most of you there. Mark VK4DMH
09.01.2022 Want something for half price?? GCARS membership is currently at ProRata from July to December for 2019 Membership. Full Membership is normally $50 but is currently $25 and so on. Please Note: this is for the rest of the calendar year of 2019. To see how you can join up visit - http://www.gcars.com.au/membership
09.01.2022 Reminder that the funeral for Daphne Ayres (known to us as VK4IA) will take place today (Wednesday Nov 4th), 11:30am at Allambe Gardens (Nerang-Broadbeach Rd Nerang). There are a limited number of people allowed in the chapel, but I believe at this time there will be plenty of seats available. The funeral service will be streamed on the internet for those that wish to participate but are unable to attend. Here’s the link (I hope will work ok) to tomorrow’s service - https://...urldefense.com//www.oneroomstr/view/authorise.php You can test this link beforehand to view the booking for Daphne. If you have a problem with the link, send me an email at [email protected] and I will then forward you the form that contains the invitation link. I will be attending the service to represent GCARS, and I would hope that others that knew Daphne will also attend. Feel free to forward this invite onto any other Amateur Radio ops, past & present, that knew Daphne. For those that are not aware, Daphne & her husband Ken were early members of GCARS, and the driving force for the GCARS club building being built. Regards Mark Hanrahan VK4DMH
09.01.2022 VK4RGC 146.700MHz Repeater is OffLine But we are Currently using VK4RGX 147.225 MHz +600KHz off set (Springbrook) ... 91.5 Tone (Part of the Wide Area Network) WAN Thanks to VK4QF 13th December 2019.
06.01.2022 The Gold Coast Hamfest 2019 is coming have you booked your table yet - 16th November 2019 http://www.gcars.com.au/hamfest-1
06.01.2022 GCARS display at the recent Nerang Men's Sheds Shedders Big Brunch Expo (Thurs Oct 24).
06.01.2022 Another great day at GCARS yesterday, with more continuing work done on the beam antennas atop the large tower (tower lowered while we worked of course). HF Multiband beam now fully operational, 6m beam just needing some fine SWR tuning, & long wire fan dipole now raised. The short tower was also lowered for an integrity inspection, plus checking antennas / cables. The 6m beacon antenna .. well it’s now in pieces, pending a decision on repairs or replacement. Many thanks to ...all those that attended GCARS yesterday, a total of 16 members throughout the day. Special thanks to Ralf VK4FMGC, Grant VK2GEL, Andy VK4FADB, Jeremy VK4AIR, Rod VK4ED, who all along with myself got involved in the repairs and inspections. For everyone else that called by, your presence was appreciated, even your advice and suggestions. Great also to have Kaye VK4VKS call in & tackle some kitchen cleaning, and provide well appreciated snacks and round of coffees for all. See more
06.01.2022 From the WIA, summarised with the changes - https://www.wia.org.au/newseve//2019/20190928-1/index.php
06.01.2022 As 2019 is almost at a end GCARS would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
05.01.2022 GCARS receives QSL cards on behalf of Club Members these are then forwarded onto the said Member.
04.01.2022 GCARS would like to thank you for turning up to the Hamfest. We are also seeking feedback on how it was for you. You can leave a comment here, send us a message or email. [email protected]
04.01.2022 Reopening of GCARS building next Saturday (May 30th), following the COVID-19 isolation order. We’ll stay closed on Wednesday nights for now due to winter season coming on (which was also decided on at our last club meeting). With the restrictions being eased in 3 stages, I believe we can open GCARS to a limited number of people, at this time being a maximum of 10. Next month on June 12th, Qld will ease to Stage 2 restrictions. I have been in contact with Qld Health and read a... lot of their online guidelines, and at this time there is nothing to say we should not reopen. The only requirements I can see is that we use common sense, & follow the Health Departments guidelines. - appropriate signs be placed at doorways. - everyone maintains a 1.5m distance. - we follow the 1 person per 4 sq metre rule. - everyone attending washes their hands (on entry & exit). - common surfaces be regularly wiped clean (kitchen, radio room etc). - everyone signs the log book each day they attend. - anyone that has any flu symptoms must stay away from GCARS. - anyone that has vulnerable health concerns should stay away from GCARS for the time being (your call). I will ask that if you use the radios at the club, you use the disinfectant wipes provided to clean the controls both before & after using the radios. I’ll endeavour to find some wipes & other sanitizer products this week in the stores, and place them around the club before Saturday. Stay healthy everyone & looking forward to seeing you back at the club. Regards Mark VK4DMH
04.01.2022 GCARS trailer and masts now set up on Mt Tamborine for the John Moyle contest. Four of us here so far, hoping to operate for 24 hr. Come and say hello, or stay for a while and operate some radios. I have a list of frequencies soon, just sorting out some interference issues.
03.01.2022 The 2020 GCARS AGM (delayed due to COVID-19) was held last Saturday (Aug 22nd) at the club, and for the first time we had members connect to the meeting via Zoom (video conferencing). The elected Executive and Committee for 2020-2021 are - President - Mark VK4DMH Secretary - Gab VK4GAB... Treasurer - Paul VK4PY Committee - Aidan VK4APM, John VK4BJT, Ralf VK4FMGC, and Jamie VK4XD Full details on the AGM will be sent out soon to all GCARS members in the AGM Minutes. Attached are images of the Zoom screen and a shot of the room with the Zoom screen being projected onto the wall,
01.01.2022 Thanks to all the Amareur Radio Operators that took part last Friday in the GCARS Net for Australian Borders COVID-19 closures / check points. We had people at 4 of the Gold Coast border check points, one at the GC airport, and other AR Ops at Beaudesert, Wallangarra, Goondiwindi, Albury / Wodonga (Vic-NSW), and Mt Gambier (Vic-SA). Thanks to Reg VK2MNM for running the Net, Ralf VK4FMGC, Roger VK2LRB, Mike KH6GOZ, Dave VK4AO, Neil VK2GAN, Neil VK4HNS, Jeremy VK4AIR, Erwin VK3ERW, and Peter VK5BE. There was one technical issue for the morning where we ran out of ports for the EchoLink. We tried to have extra ports available but that didn’t eventuate.
01.01.2022 An interesting proposal by AR NSW which will have a direct relationship to our DMR on the Gold Coast
01.01.2022 Feeling like a sausage n bread come on down.
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