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Kylie K in Gold Coast, Queensland | Fitness trainer

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Kylie K

Locality: Gold Coast, Queensland

Phone: +61 424 566 446

Address: Market Square, Varsity Parade, Varsity Lakes 4226 Gold Coast, QLD, Australia


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25.01.2022 This is my serious face. I’m so chuffed! Today after 4 weeks of training every day. After having 4 months off any training and a torn meniscus and bakers cyst. I just smashed my 1 min 20 sec rower PB!! 403m I finally cracked the 400 meter mark! It’s only taken me 4 years . GO ME!! ... Don’t let society tell you that injury or age will slow you down. Listen to your body, do what feels right. Not what your told by others.

24.01.2022 Holiday workout. No excuses not to train with the 12RND Train app & 12RND equipment pack. We had to stop a couple of rounds in because the kids were playing Croquet and Chase wacked Brody in the nose with the mallet

24.01.2022 I don’t know how but this week I did 393m on the rower in 1:20, then backed it up on the next round by a 2nd row 389 for 1:20. My PB is 399! .. Gotta love muscle memory! 4 months off with no training and I’ve been back 4 weeks and I can achieve what I’m achieving. .. I’m a happy girl!

22.01.2022 Simple Protein smoothie .. A go to in our house for a healthy quick breakfast. Kids love it too and they don’t even know how good it is for them .. Oats, True Vegan protein, frozen berries, banana, chia seeds, LSA & True Greens powder. @ Gold Coast, Queensland

22.01.2022 Goodness Bowl I just made the kids this as a smoothie and I decided I’d have it too. Swapped the oats for GF corn flakes and topped with coconut flakes & pepitas. Smoothie bowl has - blueberries, @trueprotein Vanilla vegan protein, @trueprotein Vitamin C, @trueprotein Greens powder & water.

22.01.2022 H i l l W o r k o u t Save this for later. Get your sweat on with this quick leg burner. I love to find a hill or stairs while I’m out walking to add to my workout. Do 1-3 rounds depending on how much time you have.

22.01.2022 H a l l o w e e n 2020 Im coming down off that sugar high. Anyone else feel the same? Dry mouth and fuzzy teeth? I love everything sweet but I hate that when I eat refined sugar I really struggle to stop. ... Today is a new day! My day to reset and step away from the sweet treats . A CC this arvo doesn’t count! #balance #halloween

20.01.2022 When I feel like a little .. Add a little less water to your smoothie and top with Freedom corn flakes & berries

20.01.2022 Hubby’s 10 minute dinner ................................................ If I knew buying a Webber would get him cooking way more I would have definitely done it earlier He cooks so much on it. Your typical BBQ food, homemade pizzas, roast meat, veggies & salmon. Everything tastes so much better on the barbie!... What do you cook on yours? ........................................ Buckwheat pasta tossed through pesto & kaleslaw, 160g steak, corn & broccolini See more

17.01.2022 The weekend that was. .. Back to work today! That was a great little recharge long weekend. I must admit I’m pretty dehydrated!

17.01.2022 Tastes great straight out of the bowl. But, tastes even better once chilled. ....... I wanted to make a protein treat for the week ahead. I just used up what I had in the cupboard. ....... Base ~ 70g almonds, 50g dates, 20g pepitas, 30g rice flakes, 5g coconut oil, 30g rice puffs.... Top ~ 200g dates, 20g cashew spread, 20g peanut butter, 40g chocolate vegan protein. Top with Roasted coconut. See more

16.01.2022 Why do you workout?

15.01.2022 E L Y L Ys .. What you eat is what fuels your body. Want to feel good? -Eat good! ..... Eat whole foods - non processed foods. fruits, vegetables, free range eggs, nuts, seeds, non-cured meats and greek/natural yoghurts. .. Try to eat organic where possible - avoid nasty chemicals on and in your foods. .. Eat grass-fed beef, free range organic chicken and wild caught fish .. Try and eat a rainbow of colours daily .. Eat good fats! .. Cook at home as often as possible - so many huge benefits here. It’s cheaper than eating out so you’ll save money. You know EXACTLY what’s going into your food and hence into your body. Eat fermented foods - as often as you can. Sauerkraut, kimchi, pickled carrot, onion and beetroot et cetera. Fermented foods contain healthy bacteria that improve your gut health. .. Drink lots of water. My recommendation is 2-3L depending on your size, activity levels and the temperature. If you sweat more, drink more. .. #eatwellfeelwell #foodisfuel #eattherainbow

15.01.2022 Fun hike with the besties!

13.01.2022 BBQ DINNER .. We love our Webber! Tonight on the menu was Salmon, greens & quinoa. Quick & easy after footy training. .. Quinoa is pre-made in the packet, salmon we seasoned with - lite soy, lite sweet chilli & sugar free maple syrup & the broccolini & zucchini are seasoned with chilli Himalayan salt & pepper & both grilled on the Webber

13.01.2022 Burgers on the menu tonight . I love a 10 minute dinner. This is a go to when I’m home late from work.... Low GI Coles bread, cream cheese, Coles Natures kitchen Smokey (meat free) burger patty, kaleslaw, sriracha Yum!!

12.01.2022 Yummy yummy get in my tummy! ____________________________________ 10 minute dinners are my go to! Basmati rice Kaleslaw Broccolini Zucchini Turkey mince. Seasoned in Tamari, garlic, ginger & turmeric.

12.01.2022 S u n d a y My day to recharge for the week ahead. My Sunday ritual is a 2hr walk around Burleigh catching the sunrise, cloudy, rain or sunshine I’m there. .. What do you commit to do, for you?

12.01.2022 Dinner & lunch .. The easiest way to have lunch sorted for the next day is to cook extra for dinner. .. You’ve probably heard it a million times but I swear by it.... By failing to prepare you are preparing to fail! This is how I keep on track. See more

11.01.2022 , . .. For a while there I lost focus, I lost my direction and I didn’t feel like me. ______________________________________ But.... IM BACK! Resetting some goals and I’m excited.

08.01.2022 Long weekend = slowing down and enjoying life.

07.01.2022 WEEK TWO .. I’m feeling good!! Crazy how eating well can make you feel like a rockstar. Getting back to my basics and what I know. Cutting out the crap but not restricting ... .. Smiles while dying on RND 12 today. .. See more

07.01.2022 And that’s a wrap! 5 days of adventure, family, food, swimming, sun & rain. I wasn’t ready to come home!

07.01.2022 We all enjoyed these even before they went into the fridge. You know they’re a hit when the kids want more. Don’t forget to save this so you can look back on it later. .. I did a little throwing ingredients in (as I do) but the recipe went something like this-... 2 c dates, 3/4c mixed nuts, 1/2C coconut, 3 scoops of chocolate protein powder, tsp vanilla, 2 tbs rice malt syrup, 2tbs coconut oil. Blend everything together and roll into small balls, you can coat in more coconut then place in the fridge to set. This made 20 for us. Enjoy @ Gold Coast, Queensland See more

06.01.2022 Very wise words

04.01.2022 16 minute workout family workout. No excuses, everyone can find 16 minutes. We are doing this this afternoon with the kids. Get them off their device’s for a few minutes An easy way to keep everyone in the house active with a simple fun workout.

02.01.2022 IK TO KT T .. This is perfect for any night where you dont have time to prep or cook your food. .. Cook buckwheat pasta according to packet (it cooks so fast)... while pasta cooks heat olive oil in a pan and cook vegetables Cook chicken in air fryer or even easier use a roasted chicken, shred it up Mix cooked pasta, cooked vege, cooked chicken in a pan with Pesto sauce @ Gold Coast, Queensland See more

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