Gold Coast Youth Centre inc in Gold Coast, Queensland | Community organisation
Gold Coast Youth Centre inc
Locality: Gold Coast, Queensland
Phone: +61 406 260 404
Address: 6 Lawson Street, Southport 4215 Gold Coast, QLD, Australia
Likes: 443
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25.01.2022 Sermon of Uthman on Guidance before Death It is reported that Uthmn b. Affn Allh be pleased with him once addressed the people in a sermon. He praised Allh, then said: O people! Fear Allh and obey Him, for piety is a valuable prize. Verily the most intelligent person is he who takes account of himself and works for what comes after death, and acquires through the light (guidance) of Allh a light for the darkness of the grave.... The servant of Allh should fear lest Allh the Mighty and Sublime resurrects him blind though he used to see. A few comprehensive words can be enough for a wise man, whereas the deaf (who does not listen to guidance) is being called from afar. And know that whoever Allh the Mighty and Sublime is with has nothing to fear; but whoever Allh the Mighty and Sublime is against, then in whom can he hope after Allh?! Ab Bakr Al-Daynr, Al-Mujlasah wa Jawhir Al-Ilm 4:116,117.
25.01.2022 Currently Going through; The Etiquette of the Seeker of Knowledge, by Shaikh Bakr Abu Zaid rahimahullah. Everyone is welcome.
25.01.2022 Pay for your Udhiya/Qurban at GCYC. 100% Donation Policy, animals and the meat distribution is in Africa, Namibia and Tanzania this year. For those going on Hajj we Ask the Creator to accept it from you and may all of your duas be accepted, please remember to make a dua for us in Australia.... <3
23.01.2022 Feeling Better... :)
22.01.2022 Great Reward for a little effort... such are the Bounties of our Lord... Messenger of Allah () said: "Qul Huwa Allahu Ahad is equal to a third of the Qur'an." ( ) ... See more
22.01.2022 Eid Mubarak to all the Muslims. May all of your ibadah and sacrifices be accepted, we ask Allah to grant everyone a safe and happy Eid. Stay Safe!!!... GCYC
18.01.2022 Three Exhorters It is reported that Abd Al-Azz b. Ab Rawwd Allh have mercy on him said to a man: Whoever does not take exhortation [and is not effected] by three things, will not be exhorted by anything: Islm, the Qurn and old age (graying).... Ibn Ab Al-Duny, Al-Umr Wa Al-Shayb #40
18.01.2022 WONDERFUL NEWS!! ALLAHU AKBAR!! Alhamdulillah, we will be resuming our services from the 7th of August. We look forward to seeing everybody once again, in sha Allah.... Sh Abu Naser will be doing another reminder this coming Friday, which may be the last one for a while. If we do get enough messages and enough Muslims asking for more weekly reminders, we are sure the Shaikh would grant us more of his time. PLEASE DO NOT FORGET TO FAST ON THURSDAY, THURSDAY IF ARAFAT, FASTING ONE DAY EQUIVALENT TO, TWO YEARS WORTH OF DEEDS!!! GCYC
17.01.2022 Unprecedented White Supremacist Terror, We say to Him we belong and to Him is our return. The only true good is the good of the hereafter. May Allaah raise them up as shuhada.... [al-Albn’s Silsilah al-Adth al-aah No. 1102] ‘Abdullah Ibn ‘Amr ( ) said, Once we were around Allah’s messenger ( ) when someone mentioned tribulations. The prophet ( ) then said: (It will be) when you see people being unconcerned about their promises and their trustworthiness declines, and they (the people and tribulations) are like thisand he interlocked his fingers. One of the adth narrators then stood and asked him, What should I do at that time, may Allah ransom you with my life. He ( ) answered: Remain in your house, preserve your tongue, take only what you know, leave what you are unsure about, be concerned only with your own affairs, and leave the affairs of the common people. [al-Albn’s Silsilah al-Adth al-aah No. 205] #WHITESUPREMACY #NEWZEALANDISUS #WEARENEWZEALAND
15.01.2022 Three People to Stay Away From It is reported that Al b. Ab lib Allh be pleased with him said: Do not be with the sinner (fjir), for he will beautify to you the things he does, and he will want you to be like him; and he will beautify to you the worst of his practices; and his entrance upon you and leaving from your company will cause ignominy and discredit [of you].... And do not accompany the fool (amaq), for he will exhaust himself [to help you] but will not benefit you, and he may want to benefit you but end up harming you; his silence is better than his speaking, his distance is better than his closeness, and him dying is better than him living. And do not accompany the liar, for life will not benefit you with him, he will tell others what you say, and tell you what others say; and if you speak the truth, it will not be believed. Ab Bakr Al-Daynr, Al-Mujlasah wa Jawhir AlIlm no. 1379.
14.01.2022 Feeling Back at Home :)
12.01.2022 May This Blessed Month bring happiness & togetherness in to your homes, may your family ties be restored may you and your loved ones find peace and happiness. May your worship of The One & Only Allaah be a means to a place in Jannah, most importantly May Allaah accept your prayers and fasting, may you exit the month full of imaan and sin free. From The GCYC Team. Allahumma Ameen.
12.01.2022 Fast for 13hrs and get two years worth of sins forgiven... what a deal Allah gives to his slaves.
10.01.2022 EID AL-ADHA IN THE CITY 2018
10.01.2022 Peace be upon all that read this. If you are looking to pay for your Qurban/Udhiya we have an excellent relationship with people in various countries that will slaughter and deliver to the needy in your name. We will be making the final payments and transactions, on Wednesday, the 29th of July, 5pm Is the Cut Off Time.... We ask Allah to accept the ibadah and sacrifice of all His sincere slaves. For more info you are welcome to check out our website.
08.01.2022 Umar and the Black Stone Al-Bukhr reports that Umar Allh be pleased with him came to the Black Stone (performing awf, circumambulation), kissed it, and said, I know that you are a stone, you do not cause benefit or harm; and if it were not that I had seen Allh’s Messenger peace and blessings of Allh be upon him kiss you, I would never have kissed you. Al-Bukhr, Al-a, Chapter on what has been said about the Black Stone.... Points to note The illustrious Companion and Caliph Umar reminded us in this narration of the pure belief that benefit and harm are not caused by created objects and thus should not be sought from them. Only Allh has control over these things. We are reminded that acts of worship are taken from Allh’s Messenger, and a person is not supposed to make up his own way of worship, he must follow the manner of worship that the Prophet taught and practiced. We also learn that once an action is confirmed in the Sunnah, the believer submits and complies and practices it because it is confirmed that Allh’s Messenger did it, even if we don’t know the wisdom behind it. This narration is also an example of how a responsible person tries to clarify and do away with any misunderstandings that people may have about matters of faith. The people had recently left their unbelief and polytheism, so Umar wanted to make it clear that kissing the Black Stone is by no means done as an act of devotion to it, as people used to do with their stone idols. Adapted from Ibn ajr, Fat Al-Br, and other adth commentaries.
07.01.2022 Welcome back this Friday onwards. Adhan for Jumuah Khutbah starts at 1:10pm.... May Allah grant you all a long life full of good deeds.
07.01.2022 May Allah accept good deeds from us and from you, and may He make your Eid full of joy and certainty, blessings and faith. GCYC ... .
06.01.2022 Umar b. Abd Al-Aziz on the Way of the Believers Ibn Shihb reports: ‘Umar b. ‘Abd Al-‘Azz Allah have mercy on him, said, The Messenger of Allh Allh’s peace and blessings be upon him and the authorities (leaders of the Muslims, the Caliphs ) after him set certain ways and practices. To follow those ways is to believe in Allh’s Book and to complete [ones] obedience of Him, and to be strong upon the religion of Allh. It is not for anyone to alter those ways or change... them for something else, and it is not for anyone to consider the views and opinions of those who contradict them. Whoever follows what [the Prophet and his Caliphs] laid down will be guided, whoever seeks enlightenment through it will be enlightened. But whoever contradicts those ways and follows a way other than the way of the Believers, Allh the Mighty and Majestic will leave him in the path he has chosen and land him in Jahannam (Hell); and what an evil destination that is.' Al-Llak`, Shar Ul I’tiqd Ahl Al-Sunnah 1:94. Notes In this statement, Caliph ‘Umar b. ‘Abd Al-Azz affirms a number of important points related to the creed and methodology of Ahl Al-Sunnah wa Al-Jam’ah orthodox Islam: The path of guidance, the Sunnah, is what was laid down by the Prophet, as understood and implemented by the Rightly Guided Caliphs and Companions. For a person to truly believe in the Quran, and to be guided, he must adhere to this Sunnah and to it alone. A Muslim is not allowed to innovate in the religion or exchange any part of it for foreign beliefs and ideologies. True enlightenment and insight lies in adhering to this way. A Muslim is not supposed to be interested in and expose himself to the views and opinions of people who go against the Sunnah and way of the Salaf. Going against this way is to follow ‘a way other than the way of the Believers’ and take a path to Hell; a reference to Al-Quran 4:115 where this principle is evidenced. This narration is recorded with variant wordings in numerous other sources. In a version recorded on the authority of Muttarrif b. ‘Abdillh by Al-Q Ab Ya’l (d458H) in Ibl Al-Ta’wl 1:52, it is stated that when those who ‘deflected the narrations speaking of the ift’ (divine attributes of Allh) were mentioned in the presence of Imm Mlik, he would quote this saying of Caliph ‘Umar b. ‘Abd Al-‘Azz. In yet another report of this statement, the heretics being referred to are described as ‘the deviants in the religion.’
04.01.2022 Beyond Words It is reported that ‘Al b. Ab Tlib Allh be pleased with him said: Mention what you will of the greatness of Allh, but Allh is greater than anything you say. And mention what you will of the Fire, but it is more severe than anything you say. And mention what you will of Paradise, but it is better than anything you say.... Ab Bakr Al-Daynr, Al-Mujlasah wa Jawhir Al-‘Ilm article 853.
03.01.2022 Jumuah Iqamah at GCYCinc, Surfers Paradise, Ahlan Wa Sahlan
02.01.2022 As'Salamu Alaykum, QUICK ANNOUNCEMENT!! For the brothers and sisters coming to GCYC for the Jumuah prayer every Friday in sha Allah. While this COVID virus is lurking around we have taken some extra precautions. ... Please bring your own prayer mat if possible, we do have mats but you may be more comfortable with your own. Also, please enter the building through the main door as we are doing temperature checks at the door, for your own safety and the safety of others. The centre is sompletely sanitized and everyone has plenty of space. If you need a parking ticket please message us, or pick one up tomorrow, the tickets are valid all year, for GCYC members. If you are at all unwell, please stay at home and get better, the prayer is not encumbent on you. Jazakum Allahu Khairan May Allah bless you all with long lives full of good deeds. We look forward to seeing you every Friday @ 1:10pm Sharp for the Adhan for the Jumuah Khutbah, in sha Allah. GCYC
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