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Golden Heart Temple
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24.01.2022 18th December. Sun/Earth in alignment with Galactic Center. The Diamond Light of the Great Central Sun fuses with the Golden Light of the Sun. The Two Suns shin...e brightly in the Heavens. Light Codes are pouring down as we move towards the 12.21 Solstice alignment. This is powerful everyone. You may feel dizzy and stay grounded and drink lots of water to stay hydrated. You may feel that everything is surreal and brighter and more intense. As though you are in another dimension. Because indeed you are! Feel the Love and the Peace and the Joy that is streaming to Earth now. Now. This moment! Celebrate! Love to everyone! Image by Rosa-Maria Marquez. Thank you.
12.01.2022 3/3 Portal and Divine Feminine Grace : 3rd March Today is the 3rd of March, the 3/3 Portal. Following on the Virgo Full Moon, the 3/3 portal is all about the en...ergy of the Goddess and the Divine Feminine. It is the energy of the Goddess in Nature and Abundance through Nature, perhaps a fitting energy for this time as the seasons begin to change. This powerful Feminine energy made me think how we are all healing the Divine Feminine within. As the Age of Pisces unfolded two thousand years ago, bringing the Seeds of the Christ Light to Earth, the Divine Feminine was lost and replaced with a distorted and artificial masculine energy that suppressed and enslaved the feminine. So many generations of women have suffered under this, and so many are healing wounds so that they can return to their true power as women. And so that men can own their inner Divine Feminine without feeling disempowered. Now is the time to reconnect with the flow of Blessings and Abundance that comes to us when we reconnect with Nature and with the Great Mother and with the true Christ Light. We need to remember where we originated, in the Garden of Nature, as children of the Divine Mother. When we connect to her we discover that she is the source of All Abundance. When we lose that connection, we fall into a feeling of lack and scarcity and fear. When we reconnect we feel that Abundance is part of Who we Are, not something outside of us that we need to search for. Have a Blessed 3/3 everyone! PS. Goddess image by Ishtara Rose.
09.01.2022 RESTORATION OF THE WHITE HEART 2021 CATHAR REALIGNMENT THIS WEEK We are still immersed in these beautiful FULL MOON energies and as we emerge from them we enter... into OSTARA which is about new light, and wow, the new light is zapping the earth and I am called to bring it in ever deeper now. There has been a great planetary alignment and healing restoration for the CATHARS this last week, and the prophecy will continue to align over 21 and beyond so alot more to come there (contact me if you wish to join the cathar light work, calling roses - priestesses - druids - wise people - white magicians - seekers of ancient lineages ... who have been connected to restoration of cathars and the opening of middle earth infra and extra terrestrial gateways). This CATHAR REALIGNMENT THIS WEEK has happened for MANY in multiple ways for all of us. In my own life it has happened within the ceremonial work with those who came forward for last weeks ceremony (available on replay pm me) and also from the ripples of that, because each person present has taken the light out out out in new ways. I am absolutely 100% committed to restoring this light in all ways possible. And for me, this also included this full moon having the honour to work in restoring Templar - Cathar energies in an unexpected way over 2 days in an ancient sacred site with a special brother & powerful magician. Profound work has taken place and the ripples will be huge, and are happening right now. Now I invite you all to hold this image. The image that the CHAIN HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM THE DEER'S NECK. And the WHITE HART (heart) is RESTORED AND FREE. This is important. Visualise this now. 2021 prophecy aligning. LOVE LOVE LOVE to all xxxxxx
05.01.2022 Step forward and join the 144000 truthkeepers... it is not too late, if you feel the call it is because you have already chosen... those who choose are the chos...en ones. It is not a number but a vibration which holds the frequency signature of divine truth and divine sovereignty. It is time to save your self and raise above any fear and deceit and step into your sacred heart sanctum and listen to the undistorted truth, not what is projected to you from the outside, but own the truth that is inherent in your heart. You need no one to govern you or "enslave you" and tell you what is right or wrong, and neither do you need anyone to save you. You are the christed ONE and need to obey no one but the ONE. You are accountable to no one, but the Almighty ONE. Get naked drop the mask and stand tall as the truth keeper you came here to be. Any soul knows deep within their heart of their christed essence, their divine soul mighty I AM. But do you listen.... or is it more comfortable to let others decide for you, to follow a written script and story... and avoid asking questions. That indeed is a choice that many are facing right now. You can resurrect and rise from any "ignorance" or from any denial with the blink of the eye by transcending the attachment or need to trust in the narrative external authorities are presenting to you thru external events, programming, infiltrations, distortions or story by turning within and listen. Even if you have previously been living in denial, it is not too late to open yourself up to a new reality, to open to what your heart knows to be true, however scary it might be to have your world turned upside down. You can try to push it aside for so and so long... it is like a snow ball that is getting bigger and bigger and the more and the longer you resist, the more painful it will be, when it eventually catches up with you an roll you over when you will be forced to face a new reality, but if you trust your heart and surrender you will find solace and all the support you need to face whatever it is you were scared of seeing and accepting as reality.. as truth. BEing present with what IS. BEing present and available to divine truth, which is inherent in you, which is inherent in all things independently of the external story, whether it be the collective narrative or your personal story, will set you FREE from all fear and from all mind controle. Jeshua when telling the crippled one to get up and walk, he referred to us rising above the story. Thru this resurrection of our limited mindset we can step into sovereignty and rise above any limitations any story, that our mind has adapted and given power to. Wasn´t that what beloved Jeshua demonstrated when raising Lazarus from the dead... Yee shall do greater things. Yee shall perform miracles. Miracles is nothing else than natural law and what starts to happen, when we are in alignment with and match our frequency with the natural flow and law and alchemy of creation. Everything is energy, everything is consciousness, when we become conscious players and co-creators, we become alchemical tools, instruments of divine will moving, blending, shaping consciousness into realities in vibrational match to our divine intent. We start to write our own story independently on what is going on on the external, though we are still part of that reality timeline, we can transcend it vibrationally. In other words being in this timeline where Covid exists and is defined as a life threatening decease, it will be true to those that believe and feed that story. To those who don´t it will cause no harm. Bottomline all is a soul choice consciously or unconsciously. Those that are unwilling to see truth and give their power to a programmed narrative, will be supporting that and as you have seen a lot of people especially lately are defending the collective narrative aggressively to avoid to step into their sovereignty. And yet others have fallen into stasis.. a state of apathy and loosing trust in the divine plan. The choice is made and serves whatever plan and lessons the soul has set up for the individual to grow and evolve from. Thus we cannot or should not judge anyone´s path or choices, but be in 0-point neutrality with no attachments to their story, otherwise we get drawn into their story and the collective narrative. This of course is a challenge when we are dealing with parents, partners or those dear to our hearts. But it will serve no one to try to awaken another or aim to force them to see things your way. You can offer intel, offer a different perspective, but if it is not received openheartedly do not waste more energy as it will only meet resistance and will impact your own vibration and draw you into their story. Instead focus on cleansing and removing any limiting beliefs or programming, that are being projected to you to keep you disempowered by fear. Be diligent in keeping your vibration high as an observer of the narrative, but not in it. Be discerning of what you give your energy to. Keep heart centered, remind yourself, you determine what is real or not by what you feed and give your energy to. That is the hallmark of divine sovereignty and demonstrates true mastery. As you have achieved that, next level above sovereignty is pure transcendence, the alchemization into pure consciousness, transpersonal exsistence beyond the attachments of I, where you merge with the monadic essence oversoul, which is 12th dimensional existence beyond any (preconditioned) story. If you feel called to step up and reclaim your god given inheritance of divine abundance as a sovereign living soul, join us on the 12th of February in the powerful flip-over portal of 12:02:20:21 in the surge of the new moon of new beginnings, of a new consciousness and new story to reinstore divine order with the support of our beloved Arcturian galactic family of light in a global group mass clearing and dna activation, where we will join forces as one heart, one people to reclaim and declare our sovereignty and divine inheritance of prosperity and abundance and reverse the inverted collective narrative. Read all details in the event description and sign up here: Grace and the Arcturians
03.01.2022 So we are through the 12/12 Portal! Take a deep breath! Prepare for the Total Solar Eclipse tomorrow. This will be an intense moment, with the New Moon in Sagit...tarius and the Sun moving towards alignment with the Galactic Center/Great Central Sun. The Eclipse will pass over Antarctica and Chile/Argentina. The New Solar Codes will be transmitted from South to North almost instantly like a flash of brilliant light. It will be a powerful day. Be prepared. Breathe. Stay in your Heart and do not be pulled into drama. Be the Light of the World. Love to everyone! <3 See more