Golden Square Kindergarten in Bendigo, Victoria | School
Golden Square Kindergarten
Locality: Bendigo, Victoria
Phone: +61 3 5443 7668
Address: 45 Panton St 3555 Bendigo, VIC, Australia
Likes: 981
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25.01.2022 Don't forget tonight we are open from 6-6.30pm for a twilight tour of our Centre!
24.01.2022 VOTE FOR US! Please vote for the childrens arkwork in collaboration with Bonnie and Vicki our educators and their representation of Bunjil in the NAIDOC Virtual Art Competition. Get in quick voting closes soon! Following the link below to vote! We are asking all our GSK families to share with all their family & friends!
24.01.2022 ACT NOW!! We have a limited amount of places left for Short Day kindergarten next year in 2021, and a waiting list for Long Day kindergarten. See our website for more details
24.01.2022 If anyone in the Karen community has concerns or questions about changes to Coronavirus restrictions, testing or what close contact means, please visit our Coro...navirus Refugee Resource Hub anytime by using this link or call our Coronavirus Telephone Hotline on 5406 1254 between 1.30pm and 4pm Monday to Thursday to talk with one of our Karen speaking staff. I #BCHS #thereforyou #WithRefugees #StopTheSpread #InThisTogether #BendigoTogether #BeActive #COVID19 #HealthyAtHome #Multicultural AMES Australia Victorian Multicultural Commission Victorian Department of Health & Human Services KR Castlemaine Hazeldenes Chicken Farm Bendigo Karen Youth Network Karen Culture and Social support foundation Inc. Loddon Campaspe Multicultural Services Nhill Learning Centre Htoo Moo Plaw (Bendigo) Bendigo Neighbourhood Hub City of Greater Bendigo Believe in Bendigo Sports Focus
24.01.2022 Why look who came to visit the little kids and big kids at kinder today, Zach looks pretty happy to be at work today Zachory Lahn
23.01.2022 A must share!! One of our current children Miles won the Golden Square Kinder Cup on the horse he made named 'FIRE' this year. When he took his horse home to show his cousin Zack, turns out he won the Golden Square Kinder cup 14 years ago, and got his horse out of the cupboard!!! Zack and Miles compared victory stories. Zack won riding his horse Sunny! What a find 14 years later!
22.01.2022 The Kangaroo would like to share their video to say thankyou to everyone who helped them and were their super heros over the Covid19 times.
21.01.2022 TONIGHT! Join us at 6pm tonight via Facebook live on our page for a Q&A with our Director Carol OBree. Ask you questions below or live to Carol on the video feed. See you then!
20.01.2022 Dont forget today is R U k Day? Remember to check on family and friends in this strange and for some of us difficult time
20.01.2022 What a great idea! We will plant some at kinder!
20.01.2022 Congratulations Sam on your Emerging Leader Award! For those of you in the GS Kinder Community Sam is one of our Community Portfolio members of our Committee of Management and we are lucky to have him as part of our Team!
20.01.2022 A must share ...laugh out loud moment GSK families!!! Each year the staff act out Goldilocks and the 3 bears story for the children. We will share all the videos from each group on our online portfolio system. But.... in the Wombat group this year we had a wardrobe malfunction that was super funny at the end of the show! Hope it puts a smile on your face .... the children Carol, Danielle, Jenny, Vicki and Bonnie could not hold back their laughter
19.01.2022 Kinder will remain open next week at this stage, please keep an eye on our Facebook page and your emails for further updates.
19.01.2022 In this current climate we feel that teaching affirmations is important. Affirmations teach you new and positive ways of thinking. They can help you believe in yourself, feel happy and help you to feel better when you are facing challenging times. Here are some of the Wombat Groups affirmations to make you smile today.
19.01.2022 Enrolment Packs are out! If you have enrolled your child for 2021 we have sent out your enrolment packs to fill in. We have also added a link to our website under enrolment you can download Medical Actions Plans, if your child requires these for Asthma, Allergies or Anaphylaxis. If you havent yet received a pack please give the kindergarten a call on 54437668. We still have limited places if you have not enrolled in 4 year old kindergarten for 2021. Go to our website and enrol today.
19.01.2022 Thanks Vicki we’re looking forward to exploring this art further at kinder! @maryquant_official @bendigoartgallery @life of a kindergarten teacher
19.01.2022 Dont forget in these challenging COVID-19 times to check in with your kids...R U k?
18.01.2022 RECONCILIATION WEEK 2020 In this together The Childrens Acknowledgement of Country #InThisTogether #NRW2020
18.01.2022 ROSALIND PARK TO TRANSFORM IN WINTER A night show involving holograms, laser lights, mists and sounds will transform Bendigo's Rosalind Park this winter. The free event will run during the school holidays from June 26 to July 17.
18.01.2022 As we return to stage 3 restrictions, its important for victim survivors of family and domestic violence to know they can leave if they are unsafe. The Depart...ment of Health and Human Services website states you can leave: if there is family violence, or violence by another person in the home, and you are at risk. If you are stopped by police, tell them you are feeling unsafe at home and they will help you. If you have any questions about how to stay safe, access support or support someone experiencing abuse, you can find some answers, here: CNV can be contacted on free call 1800 884 292. The 24-hour statewide safe steps Family Violence Response Centre crisis response line is 1800 015 188. In an emergency, call 000. You are not alone
17.01.2022 2021 Families don't forget to join us tonight via Zoom for our AGM and Information Evening. You can register from 6.30pm for a 7pm start. See you all then!
17.01.2022 Enrol now for 2021 - 4 Year Old Kindergarten! We currently have a limited amount of Short Day spaces left for 2021. Kangaroos - Mon, Thur, Fri 8-12pm (One day until 3pm) Possums - Mon, Thur, Fri 12.30-5.30 Go to our website for more information. Download an enrolment form today and email or drop it into our centre.
17.01.2022 We are all booked in for Chris and his Wild Action Zoo this Term, we are very excited to have his animals back for a visit!!! Our 4 year old Kindergarten commences next week. We still have a limited amount of places left in our Long day kindergarten group which runs from 7.30am to 6pm Tuesdays and Wednesdays. If you are interested in knowing more about our program please visit our website, or give us a call to come in and take a tour 54437668. Wild Action See more
16.01.2022 ACT NOW!! We have a limited amount of places left for Long and Short Day kindergarten next year in 2021. See our website for more details
16.01.2022 Today the children helped sort the staff’s donation to a local charity called ‘Share the Dignity’. Sharing the dignity is a charity to make Xmas special for someone living in crisis by donating an adult, teen, or mum and bub bag full of essential items for their well-being. Dropping off to the drop off point of Bunnings Epsom.
15.01.2022 Have a question about our program or enrolments for 2021 and beyond? Then join us this Thursday night 28 May from 6pm right here via Facebook live for our live 2021 Q&A session! Our director Carol OBree will answer your questions live right here on our page. Post your questions in the comments below for Thursday night, or ask them to Carol live.... Allocations for 2021 are currently being made - so now is the chance to ask your questions, and get set for 2021. To enrol for 2021 and beyond: Visit our new website to find out about our programs and sessions, and download enrolment info: or Give us a call on (03) 5443 7668 to discuss enrolment options further. *Please note, our kinder is closed for tours due to the current COVID-19 crisis #GSKinder #BendigoKinders #Bendigoeducation #Bendigo #explorebendigo
15.01.2022 #BREAKING From 11:59pm tonight all of Victoria will move to stage four restrictions until 11:59pm on Wednesday. - There will be only 4 reasons permitted to leav...e your home: shopping for necessary goods/services, caregiving, essential work or permitted education, exercise is allowed for 2 hours per day with your household members or intimate partner or with 1 other person not from your household. - You must stay within 5km of your home other than for permitted work or necessary shopping - Masks must be worn everywhere other than in your home - Private gatherings not permitted - Public gatherings not permitted - If you can work from home you must do so - Schools will close, but will still be available for vulnerable children or those of essential workers - Childcare centres will remain open - Higher education is closed, remote learning only - Places of worship are closed except for broadcasting purposes - Religious gatherings and ceremonies are not permitted - Funerals will be limited to 10 people, plus those necessary to conduct the service - Weddings are not permitted except on compassionate grounds Also not open during this period: - Hairdressing or beauty salons, real estate auctions and inspections - Indoor sporting and recreation facilities - Outdoor sporting and community sport - Swimming pools of all kinds - Community facilities such as libraries - Non essential retail - Hospitality will move to take away service only More on what this means for you and your family tonight on WIN News at 6pm. #WINNews6pm
15.01.2022 LONG AND SHORT DAY KINDER POSITIONS We currently have a limited amount of Long and Short Day Kindergarten positions available for 2021. If you havent enrolled in kindergarten yet please do so asap. Long day kinder is Tue/Wed 7.30-6pm Short day kinder is Mon/Thur/Fri -Kangaroo 8am-12pm (And one day until 3pm)... -Possums 12.30pm-5.30pm See more
14.01.2022 We are open! All children are able to attend kinder in Regional Victoria. We ask that you please check your mobile phones for a message from us and reply yes or no for your childs attendance to kinder for the next 6 weeks. We are currently organizing our staffing. Thankyou GSK
14.01.2022 This week the Possum group helped Alysa celebrate Onam. She made a story about this celebration and her culture it to share with our Community at GSK.
14.01.2022 PARENT TESTIMONIALS Why did you decide to send your child to Golden Square Kindergarten?
13.01.2022 HAVE YOU ENROLLED FOR KINDERGARTEN IN 2021? We have a limited amount of places left for Short Day kindergarten and Long Day next year in 2021. See our website f...or more details or call us on 54437668. ATTENTION!! Kindergarten program is FREE in 2021. Long Day Kindergarten before and after care costs apply. Contact us for further information. #earlychildhoodeducation #kindergarten See more
13.01.2022 Wombat group staff had such a fun day celebrating Book Week with our group today!!! Never too old for a little dressing up!!!!
13.01.2022 Art Display! Keep an eye out at the front door again this week for some art on display. Because we have been unable to have our art gallery this year we are going to be putting each groups art on display at various times. Tomorrow the Wombats have their clay city going out. They have been making the Greater City of Bendigo over several weeks! (See next post for video)
12.01.2022 The creative process captured of the The Greater City of Bendigo- Wombat Group.
12.01.2022 They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them.
11.01.2022 ATTENTION PARENTS/GUARDIANS SEEKING LONG DAY KINDERGARTEN IN 2021 We currently have positions available in our Long Day Kindergarten Group. Long day sessions include before and after care, meaning children can attend from 7.30AM6.00PM. Our long days are Tuesday and Wednesday. If you are looking for a change from child care to an independent kindergarten for your child prior to school, or you’re working or studying and a long kinder day suits you, please visit our website or give us a call on 54437668.
11.01.2022 Welcome back to Kinder for Term 3! This term the children have come back to space. We are currently learning about the Solar System in our Kinder program. We hope everyone has a great term.
10.01.2022 From all the Educators at GSK- R U k?
09.01.2022 ENROLL NOW - LIMITED VACANCIES FOR 2021 We have limited vacancies for 2021 in our Short Day and Long Day programs, applications can be submitted using our enrollment forms online. Please take a virtual tour of our centre on the link below. Dont miss out!
09.01.2022 YOUR HELP IS NEEDED! Please help support an organisation that is vital to the beating heart of our Community in Golden Square the Golden Square Swimming Pool, to keep its gates open. Celebrating 100 years since the pool was built by the Golden Square Community, its a vital community asset for our families here at Golden Square Kindergarten! This Community hub is not only a pool, its somewhere families of all ages can go to listen to music, take health classes, volunteer or ...just catch up with mates. We are asking all our families to please click on the survey link below and help keep our local pool open! ******The pool is strongly advocating for Option 1 out of the Master Plan options, as this retains the pool and sees all stakeholders receive upgrades. Thankyou for your support! #GoldenSquareSwimmingPool
08.01.2022 We have a twilight tour tomorrow night if you are looking for 3 and 4 year old kinder in 2022 and would like to view our learning spaces!
08.01.2022 DID YOU WANT TO BE A POSSUM? Our enrolments for 2022 are filling fast!! We have Possums, Kangaroos and Wombat spots for 4 year old kindergarten. We are now taking enrolments for 3 year old kindergarten as well. DONT MISS OUT!! We are looking for ideas for a name for our 3 year old kinder groups? Please post any name suggestions you might have in the comments section below!... See our website for more details on: Or drop in and visit us today! (Photo credit to Pygmy Possum Wild Action Zoo)
07.01.2022 Thankyou to all the volunteers who helped with the first Bunnings BBQ Saturday since Covid19. A big thankyou to our 2020 families and 2021 families who donated food, supplies and money towards our fundraising on the day. We are happy to say we raised $1, 660 to go towards our new children’s toilet renovations at kinder. #bunningswarehouse #bunningskangarooflat
07.01.2022 Dont forget to chase those shadows!!! And remember after the rain has cleared there is always a rainbow to be found
07.01.2022 Kinder photos have been taken this week to commemorate what crazy year its been at kinder!!!
07.01.2022 The Possum Group made their own Super Hero video to thank all the parents and essential workers over this time. We think you are all super heros!!
07.01.2022 Arhhhhh me hearties thats a wrap for the end of this term at the end of today! Have a safe and happy holiday families and we will see you all again in two weeks time!
07.01.2022 Might be an event some parents might like to attend at the new Library in Kangaroo Flat.
06.01.2022 Hello, and welcome to Golden Square Kindergarten! Because we cant have in-person tours due to COVID-19, we thought wed bring a virtual one to you, right here! Have a look inside and outside our centre in our new video, and see the spaces children spend time whilst part of our program.... Enrolments are now open for 2021 - and you can enrol directly with us. First allocations for next year have already been released. To enrol: Visit our new website to find out about our programs and sessions, and download enrolment info: or Give us a call on (03) 5443 7668 to discuss enrolment options further. *Please note, our kinder is closed for tours due to the current COVID-19 crisis #GSKinder #BendigoKinders #Bendigoeducation #Bendigo #explorebendigo Music //
05.01.2022 A special thankyou to Bunnings Kangaroo Flat for donating us a BBQ to go towards our kindergarten Christmas Raffle! Some more pics from our Bunnings BBQ Saturday! #bunningswarehouse #bunningskangarooflat
04.01.2022 Time to recognise some of the wonderful early learning childhood services that have been working very hard on improving the health and wellbeing of children, fa...milies, staff and educators through the FREE Achievement Program. We've been supporting these early childhood services to make change and the results they've achieved in the past four months deserves recognition and praise: Journey Early Learning Bendigo South has achieved Sun Protection benchmark Jenny's ELC Epsom has achieved Healthy Eating & Oral Health benchmark Aspire Early Education & Kindergarten Bendigo has achieved Mental Health and Wellbeing benchmark Bendigo Pre-School is new to the Achievement Program and has already achieved the Sun Protection benchmark. Golden Square Kindergarten has achieved the Tobacco, Alcohol and Other Drug Benchmark Shine Bright EYM has achieved the Sun Protection benchmark and the Healthy Eating and Oral Health benchmark. Shine Bright EYM is new to the program and has already achieved the Sun Protection benchmark. Our Health Promotion worker Siobhan is proud of what's been achieved and excited to see what these early learning centres can do in the future as they tick off more health and wellbeing benchmarks. Why don't you join the FREE Achievement Program and let Siobhan help your early learning centre or school create a new healthier lifestyle for all. Just email [email protected] to get started! I #BCHS #ThereForYou #earlylearning #health #wellbeing #children #family City of Greater Bendigo Connect Greater Bendigo Cancer Council Victoria VicHealth Healthy Heart of Victoria BENDIGO Shine Bright EYM
04.01.2022 Finding rainbows...
02.01.2022 When people ask me why Ive fought for 2,754 days - and why Ill never give up, this is why Thank you to the incredible Daniel Soncin for telling our story. Wonderful to work with.
02.01.2022 We are proud to put a blue ribbon on our fence this arvo - how the Golden Square Pool was saved several years ago, keep the conversation going. Jump on board the local campaign to Save our local Swimming Pool by putting a blue ribbon on your fence today! Friends of Golden Square Pool Golden Square Pool
02.01.2022 Dear Parents and Caregivers The changes in the school term that happened over the past few weeks do not apply to us, we are back to kinder as per normal this week. The lockdown and Covid19 restrictions are for Melbourne and Mitchell Shire only. We are running all our groups as per normal as of today. Look forward to seeing everyone back this week!
01.01.2022 We need more votes! Please share our Competition entry with family and friends to get our votes up!!!
01.01.2022 ARE YOU LOOKING FOR WORK IN EARLY CHILDHOOD? We are currently looking for Early Childhood Trained Educators to join our Relief Staff Team at Golden Square Kinde...rgarten. We are looking for Educators with a passion for Early Childhood that hold a Certificate III in Children’s Services, Diploma in Children Services or Bachelor of Early Learning/Bachelor of Education Early Childhood Teaching. Our kinder is open 5 days a week and we have a busy educator rotation. If you would like to join our Relief Staff Team please drop your resume into kinder between 9-6pm Mon-Fri and ask for the ‘teacher in charge’ on the day for a chat. We are located at 45 Panton Street Golden Square. See more
01.01.2022 Dont forget tonight at 6pm we have a live Q&A on facebook to answer any questions you may have for 2021 enrolments. Please type in your questions below before tonights session if you wish. See you then!
01.01.2022 We still have 2021 positions available for 4 Year Old Kinder! Limited positions in Long Day Kinder, Short Days are filling fast as well. Take a tour of our kinder below. See our website for more details, or give us a call today, dont miss out! 5443778.
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