Gold Gully Farm | Personal blog
Gold Gully Farm
Phone: +61 455 380 310
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25.01.2022 Behold! My first parsnip! It wasn't all thay easy to pull out and I had no idea they have gotten sooooo big. My first thought was how tough they are going to be but this one was put in a veggie soup and it tasted great! It came in at 755 grams :)
25.01.2022 Electric fences need power and if you're using solar then your battery needs a box! You can buy a plastic one from a far away land oooooor you can make one :) This little fella os from scrap timber and tin I had laying around. Yes the fence does give a good zap! I've been reminded a few times as well, some say its good for you...
24.01.2022 The Lichen is loving the little bit of rain we've been getting, there hasn't been enough to stop some of the big trees from dying but enough to green up all the little things and germinate all the grass seeds. Ive got blackberry in my creek line dying so thats a good indication how dry its been! The little spring in the middle of the property is still around, it's not doing much but for there to still be surface water after this dry summer is a good indication there will always be water in that spot! It's a shame everyone is locked away, Nannup is amazing this time of year!
24.01.2022 I need to add a smidgen more room so this is what Im doing. #diy #homerestoration #homerenovation #cottage #cottagelife #offgrid #selfsufficient #building #selfisolate #covid19 #cabin #cabinlife #farmlife #organicliving #timber
24.01.2022 I've been trying to figure out the best way to propagate lemon myrtle. Ive had a few work that were dipped in honey and put straight into moist ground but it is hard work to keep them going. Ive decided to try them in water and kept in a sheltered spot by the window, I mamaged to do one this way so fingers crossed the kitchen window is the secret :)
23.01.2022 I've got so many off cuts from the cottage restoration and it seems like such a waste to simply burn (although come the middle of winter it is quite lovely to have a warm cottage) so I made a bird house for wrens this morning. It helps to re-use waste and also replaces the nesting spots that are lost as blackberry is removed along the creek.
23.01.2022 So many different types of fungi come out in winter, if it's not a field mushroom then I would never eat them but I do wonder just how many are edible on the property. I'll stick these ones in the do not eat list but they sure are pretty!
23.01.2022 The first artichoke heart Ive grown! Now just got to figure out how to prepare it... Im assuming it's just pickling... Then I can put it on pizzas :)
23.01.2022 My little seedlings are starting to go well. These ones are kale, broccoli and beetroot. Whats everyone else planting at the moment? I've seen lots of garlic being planted but always thought that should be planted on the shortest day of the year and harvested on the longest. I guess planting garlic now allows the leaves to develop more ahead of the bulb, possibly helping develop the bulb later in the season? That sounds about right... @phil_dudman_gardening would that be right? @ Nannup, Western Australia
22.01.2022 I have a habit of leaving things in the ground a little too long. These are Paris Market carrots and I was going to cook them up but also left them on the bench for too long... The donkeys and horses ended up getting them and seemed to like them a lot. Luckily I still have plenty in the ground... that have been there way too long!
21.01.2022 Sometimes I have very vivid dreams where an old farmer givings me tips on growing things. It's always advice relevent to the season... the other night he was telling me to plant tomatoes, the time before that it was picking the flowers off the newly planted pomegranates, to improve root growth before summer. Always the same old man... That sort of thing happens a lot here... I hope he knows I appreciate the advice.
20.01.2022 If you're not in Nannup, you're crazy! It's such a wonderful day :)
19.01.2022 It's that type of cold where when you get one spot of you warm, it only makes you realise how cold all the other parts of you are! My poor fingers trying to type this message while I sit in the tractor! Once the heater warms up Ill be in a little glass bubble of comfort :)
19.01.2022 Joe is such a wonderful horse. He's the mama hen of the herd :)
18.01.2022 Steve was taken by something the other day. I raised him from a chick about three years ago and he has been a magnificent rooster. Always looking after the ladies, finding food for them, warning them of danger and now sacrificing himself for the others. To all the new chook owners out there, a good rooster will purposely get taken to protect the flock, it's the last act that proves he was a good one. When I found the pile of feathers, I felt him thank me for a good life and say 'what a perfect way to go, protecting the ladies'. I guess there are a lot of people that would think a man getting upset over a roosters death is a strange thing, I see it as a sign that I'm on the right path.
18.01.2022 Who likes a good scratch? Tully likes them :) Andrea found his sweet spot the other day and now he follows you around the paddock, nudging you for a constant suppy of scratches, if you dont quite get the spot, he'll move until you get it... I love them also so might try that tactic with Andrea... #cottagelife #cabin #cabinlife #justanotherdayinwa #westernaustralia #equine #permaculture #sustainableliving #horses #horse #organicliving #homesteading #farmlife #nannup #perthisok #australiassouthwest #southernforestsandvalleys #sustainable
16.01.2022 I had a bird watcher come over once and in an hour they spotted 14 types of birds around the cottage, not including the ducks and chooks :) I woke up this morning thinking how Im surrounded by animals here, its lovely! @ Nannup, Western Australia
16.01.2022 This is Joe, he arrived the other day and has settled in with Tully and the three donkeys wonderfully. He's a bit over 16 hands so quite a tall horses. Having horses and donkeys is quite a step up from the chickens and ducks! Archie hasn't met them yet... it will be an interesting walk with him when that morning comes!
15.01.2022 I was wanting the parsnips to go to seed, partly so I had good seeds and partly because I like some of each crop to experience the full cycle of life but they just sat there for a year... They had the chance to spread their genetics but now they'll become soup. You just can't help some veggies.
14.01.2022 The artichoke has flowered, it's about as big as my head! So a big flower but average compared to heads...
14.01.2022 I was on a cottage and paddock restoration roll when just like a classic episode of Grand Designs it started raining, I could hear Kevin saying 'and then it rained'... It's wonderful! I've been a little lazy with my posts (sorry gramdma) but busy with building so have lots to show!
14.01.2022 I've got a good sized cabbage coming along. I'm torn between letting it grow to see how big it gets or picking it now before it gets past its best before date... whenever that may be! Im such a risk taker!
14.01.2022 I built a bird apartment complex smack bang in the veggie patch so they spend even more time keeping the bugs at bay :) All made from scrap timber. Possibly a little excessive but if you can't be excessive with a bird house then what can you be excessive with!? @ Nannup, Western Australia
13.01.2022 The duck family is down from 8 to 5... Ducky Duck and Duck Duck might be looking after eggs but as each day passes the prognosis isnt looking flash. I found another dead male a few days ago that didnt have any signs of anything wrong with him, except for the fact he was dead... which is a little worse than a sniffly beak... Archie has also been a little off and had a few scrapes from a fight with possibly a fox, Archie does think he is a dog so maybe he feels bad he didnt pro...tect the ducks? It's a nice story so Im running with it. There has also been a large hawk around. Ahhh Spring! When everything is trying to feed babies... with the ducks and chooks... P.s. the dead duck got burried by the creek, I was about to bury him in the garden but after digging a hole at night in the rain, I sensed he didnt like the spot, so I walked around until we found a spot that seemed nice... It would have been an odd scene to watch. #ducks #offgrid #nature #nannup
13.01.2022 Morning donkey walks :)
12.01.2022 It's parsnip madness at the moment! They take a while to grow and the seeds you buy don't always have the best germination rate but once you eat them it's worth the effort. I hear the trick is to use super fresh seeds so Ill be letting one of the parsnips go to seed and replanting straight away... Lets see how that goes!
11.01.2022 The winter oranges that grow here are a little small and a little tart but full of immune boosting goodness just when you need it the most :)
11.01.2022 Soooooo... The past month has been a little busy because my girlfriend moved in and we had to get a paddock ready for her three donkeys and horse, plus we have another horse arriving on the weekend! The three donkeys are called Alfie, Amor and Astro and the horse is called Tully. It's been a long time goal to have paddocks with grazers on it. I am now a full blown donkey and horse nut!
11.01.2022 Ive got these interesting lemon orange things, it looks like they have grown from seed and they pull apart like a mandarin... It's growing next to a very old orange tree and you can get lemon/orange crosses but to mix it with a mandarin seems like a fluke. How to combine orange, lemon and mandarin into one name... A 'Lorangin' perhaps? They taste like a sweet lemon :)
11.01.2022 I've had these pumpkins sitting around for a while, it's time to bring them inside and put them in the oven!
11.01.2022 More cute things! We had a great run with eggs for a while and then the hen decided enough was enough, stopped laying and sat on two eggs. Yesterday this little one and another chick appeared :)
08.01.2022 Ive ordered another 200 lemon myrtle plants for spring :) Water is the thing that holds me back with what I can grow but I got another 50,000lt in tank storage a few months back so hopefully I'll have enough for summer... It's all about water!
08.01.2022 Some surprise ducklings came along :) Chickens may be cute but ducklings are a whole other level of cute!
08.01.2022 Andrea found another donkey :) She had been looking for a fourth donkey for two years, so when she saw a post about him, our lazy Sunday morning quickly turned into a 12 hour round trip to pick him up. He wants to be called Rupert, so Rupert it is! I've given him the nickname 'Mr Chocolate Fantastic' and he's a squishy ball of awesomeness :) @ Nannup, Western Australia
07.01.2022 Straight from the garden and into the sauce for a lasagna :)
06.01.2022 I needed some drink coasters so went outside, found a fallen branch and cut a few slices off. They turned out pretty good! @ Nannup, Western Australia
05.01.2022 Don't freak out! Im not clearing the bush! I'm just getting rid of the old Bluegum plantation :) Bluegums aren't native to the area and lower the water table a lot, which does things like stop the little creeks from flowing in summer. The area on the farm that they are was once paddocks, cleared by hand over a couple of years, this dozer will be doing it in a couple of days! Its so nice to think there will be paddocks once more, the creek will have water for longer and the surrounding bush wont find it so hard in summer.
05.01.2022 When's asparagus season? I didnt think it was now but my little plants just keep going! I bought them from a discount bin about a year and a half ago and I can't remember a time when they weren't popping little heads up to say hello.
05.01.2022 If all I did for the rest of my life was build bird houses out of rescued timber, I'd be a happy chappy! I don't know what it is but it makes me feel soooooo content. I think I might start selling them... how much do you think they are worth? (Grandma, you get them for free)
04.01.2022 It's taken a while but I've finally done the sunroom!
04.01.2022 I spent a few days showing a film crew around Nannup. One of the side benefits is getting a pro like @dk_still take a sneaky photo of you. I find posting photos of myself a bit ego-ish, which is why you all get so many pictures if cabbages and animals... but this pic is well and truly worthy of a post. Oh they were making a music vid for @endoffashionofficial, it's going to look great! Ok, back to cabbage photos :)
03.01.2022 This is what moss looks like if you zoom right into it... I now feel bad about walking around!
02.01.2022 We have definitely made it into fire and hot coffee mornings! It felt like summer was never going to come to an end, now everything is green, the creek is flowing and all the internal roads are turning into mud. To be so affected by the seasons is wonderful. I sometimes think of the people who never spend a work day outside, how an office is the same in winter as it is in summer, the aircon always on the same temperature... I much prefer the mud, the winter fires and hot coffee!
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