Golfer's Edge in Surrey Hills, Victoria | Fitness trainer
Golfer's Edge
Locality: Surrey Hills, Victoria
Phone: +61 419 537 596
Address: 617 Canterbury Road 3127 Surrey Hills, VIC, Australia
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25.01.2022 Case Study: Breaking 80 Back Pain FREE Greg came to Golfer's Edge feeling FRUSTRATED. Mainly because the game he loved as a youngster, was now, in his late 30s, giving him BACK PAIN.... But also because he couldn't quite get back to the handicap he'd played too in his early 20s. When we first met Greg described needing to improve his FLEXIBILITY & CORE STRENGTH. And he was spot on. You see, Greg was already exercising fairly vigorously. He just wasn't tackling the GOLF SPECIFIC ISSUES that were going to improve his BACK PAIN & reduce his HANDICAP. So we took Greg through our full Golf Specific Evaluation Process. To pin-point EXACTLY what needed improving. Some of these 'big rocks' for Greg were: *** Tight hamstrings and correspondingly weak GLUTES Lack of stability and coordination in tilting his PELVIS CORE weakness in anti-extension movements Ankle dorsiflexion restriction that was impacting his ability to maintain POSTURE in his downswing (Early Extension is a huge cause of lower back PAIN) S Posture at setup that was over-loading his lower back (another back PAIN cause) *** Once we established the way forward, Greg got to work. 5 mobility sessions and 3 workouts per week. The #result? No back pain whatsoever either during or post-round ... And his handicap? See for yourself - I got this from Greg last week ... "...Played Growling Frog this morning - had 75 including 35 on the back nine!!!..." "...Feeling good! Thanks heaps Andrew!..." Not bad Greg! READ More HERE:
25.01.2022 Multi Plane CORE Strength For YOU the golfer, planks and crunches aren't enough... Why?... Because they only do 1/3 of the job. They only work the CORE in what's called the 'sagittal plane' or 'from to back'. What do golfer's need? Stability and strength in all 3 planes of motion - front to back (sagittal), side to side (frontal) and rotational (transverse). You HAVE to move and stabilise in all three planes of motion in order to perform a great golf swing. So it make complete sense to train your CORE in all three of these planes... Especially if you want to prevent INJURY and hit the ball FURTHER and STRAIGHTER. Check the video below for a series of CORE exercises aimed at challenging a golfer in all three planes... -- Half kneeling Pallof Press -- Half Kneeling Overhead Pallof Press -- Half kneeling Sagittal Plane Pallof Press Enjoy!
24.01.2022 W E D N E S D A Y F O O D R U L Z If you are in 'Weight-Loss Mode' then you need to forget 'Willpower'. You need to STOP blaming your 'lack of self-control' for over-eating.... Because the truth is... Brain signals drive what, how, and when we eat. And once that brain of yours decides it NEEDS you to don something, you have very little control over the situation. But there is hope. If you’re eating too much, and can't get ay weight-loss traction, here’s how to take back control... In this article, you'll learn: how our brains dictate so many of our food choices; how these physiological forces can lead to weight gain; and what we can do to take the power back. Enjoy!
24.01.2022 Golf Fit Case Study: CK's B-Grade Win "...Finished 3rd overall on a count back. So close. First in B-Grade though!..." "...72% Fairways, 7 Greens in Reg & 35 Putts..."... After a tough Monthly Medal Day at a tricky, notoriously windy Melbourne Golf Course ... These are the texts I love to get. And CK did it by racking up the equivalent of 39 Stableford points! So what's behind CK's win? I'd have to say the key for CK is having balance between Flexibility, Strength & Power in his programming. As well as a focus on regular Screening & Assessment. Not to mention, prioritisation of weaknesses. --- You see, CK is a very smart, very analytical golfer. He has great connection to his body. And he loves thinking through bio-mechanics. Analysing how different movements in the gym will impact his golf swing. Even learning how his body works in the gym, and then applying it on course. But here's the KEY : Like many males in their thirties & forties who sit down for a job, CK gets TIGHT Flexibility is a CRITICAL piece of the puzzle. Over the last 4-5 months of intense training, by putting our heads together, through some trial and a little error ... We've been able to craft a very specific, very indivualised program that is doing all of the following things at the same time: --- 1. FLEXIBILITY - hip flexors, quads, lower back & lats are the big rocks here for CK. When he's struggling on the golf course he has a tendency to 'stand up' and lose posture so a large chunk of our flexibility work is aimed at his ability to Overhead Deep Squat and Toe Touch. ... 2. STRENGTH - while we have some strength work in the current program, all of it has a focus on helping CK separate his upper body from his lower body. CK's core is our biggest focus here and its paying off big time. So we're not just trying to make him strong, we are trying to make him a stronger golfer . ... 3. POWER - just like CK's strength work, his power component is just as much about body control and stabilisation as it is about pure power. ... There you have it. The opposite of an 'out of the box', non-indivudlaised golf fitness program. Screening & assessment. Specificity and individualisation in program design. Thats what all golfers deserve. And thats what they get at Golfer's Edge --- Read more HERE:
24.01.2022 R E S O L U T I O N S It's that time of year again folks. The time of year when rebranded Weight Watchers & new and improved Light'n'Easy started marketing at you HARD.... When every man, his wife, their kids and their dog realise they need to eat BETTER and exercise MORE. If you've been bitten by that bug, good on you! Let's make this one stick though, OK? So... If you made a health and fitness RESOLUTION for 2021... But... You are still waiting for that magic wave of MOTIVATION to kick you into health and fitness mode ... Unfortunately, you may still be waiting when December rolls around. "...Conventional wisdom holds that MOTIVATION leads to action..." But ... "...what about when MOTIVATION dwindles or when you simply aren’t feeling MOTIVATED at all?.." Give up on your goals? No way! This stuff is too important for that! In the words of ultra-endurance athlete and self-improvement guru Rich Roll, Mood follows action. If I’m down or in a rut, I force myself to move my body, even if only a little bit, says Roll Don't think. Just do. Force yourself to move. Build those HABITS. This helps shift my perspective and reset my operating systemand more often than not, the sun starts shining again. Create the habit, despite MOTIVATION levels. "...A consistent practice may take some motivation to get going, but over time the equation is reversed..." "...Dedicating yourself to the practice, no matter how you feel, is what builds motivation..." Love it.
23.01.2022 Two Kids at the Zoo [Easy Strength BLOG POST] "...You see, in the mind of many people ... "...(Some 'Trainers' included.)... "...You need to be working at your absolute LIMIT in the gym to progress & improve. "...This idea in itself can create FEAR and RESISTANCE to even starting a fitness program. "...But it can also be a gateway to injury. "...Push yourself to failure and your ability to control any movement suffers big time. "...Stability of joints goes out the window. "...'Quality' drops off. Read MORE HERE:
23.01.2022 5 MYTHS About Golf Fitness If you're still putting off getting started on that Golf Fitness Program, you may have fallen victim to believing one of the following 5 Golf Fitness MYTHS ... None of them are TRUE.... But they can be an impediment to getting started! 1 -- I'm too old for this! 2 -- Weight training will make me too stiff for golf! 3 --Weighted Clubs to warm up before a round 4 -- Static stretching is the 'best' or 'only' way to warm-up up pre-round 5 -- I have to mimic the golf swing in the gym to get 'golf fit' Read more HERE:
22.01.2022 'Casting': 2 Body-Related Causes This swing fault is one of the most common causes of loss of POWER and excessive SPIN on the golf ball. Not good when you're trying to bomb it out there past your mates!... We know it as 'Casting' ... But what is it exactly, and what's behind it BODY-wise? 'Casting' is defined as as an 'early release' of the golf club during the downswing. In other words, it's a move where the player 'loses' the angle they've set between the club and their lead arm. In skilled, powerful players, this angle often gets narrower as they start the downswing. This 'loads' the club. But for those players who 'cast', this angle gets wider quickly from the top and this stored source of power is lost. Maybe your coach has mentioned the words 'Casting' or 'early release' to you in a lesson? Or maybe you've caught yourself with this issue on camera? Either way, if it's something you're trying to fix, you better check out how your BODY is part of the problem... --- 2 Body-Related Causes of 'Casting' / 'Early Release' - 1. A LACK OF LOWER BODY CONTRIBUTION -- This will cause the upper body to 'over work' and thus throw the club from the top. Poor lower body movement in the golf swing can be due to: -- limited hip mobility -- ankle restrictions -- inability to separate the lower body from the upper body -- weakness in the main core musculature (glutes and abs) - 2. WRIST LIMITATIONS -- Any limitations in the wrists (or wrist injury) can also prevent the club from setting and releasing properly. Without strong 'extension' in the trail wrist, it is difficult to maintain a good wrist 'set' during the downswing. - There you have it! Fix these things and you are well on you way to eliminating your 'Cast' move and that ball striking inconsistency... Not to mention improving your club head speed! ----- Read More HERE:
21.01.2022 Why Chase Speed & Distance? In the wake of Bryson DeChambeau's convincing win at the US Open, this article seems pretty appropriate... Speed matters.... Longer is better. But what if we just trying to get our handicap down a bit? Well... Here's renowned bio-mechanist Dr Sasho McKenzie spelling it out for all us amateur players: --- "...There’s a very clear relationship between handicap and clubhead speed. High handicap players tend to NOT swing the club fast. --- Alright, pretty conclusive... But what if you start hitting it more off line trying to hit it further? According to the statistics guys, no issue apparently... --- "...As a 15 handicapper, for every 3 yards you gain off the tee, you can be 2 yards LESS accurate [and still be better off]. "...So if you gain 3 more yards off the tee and are only 1 yard more crooked, you’re going to shoot better scores. "...This stat comes from [strokes gained wizard] Mark’s son Chris Broadie who works at Ping. ---
21.01.2022 Hip Slide: 3 Body-Related Causes The Hip Slide is the unpleasant cousin of the Hip Sway we talked about a couple of weeks back. It happens on the downswing...... And if you're not careful it'll rob you of speed quicker than you can say 'stable lower body'. But what is it exactly, and what's behind it BODY-wise? A hip 'Slide' is defined as any excessive lower body lateral movement towards the target during your downswing. Think left hip sliding waaaaay past the ball towards the target during the downswing (for a right handed player). This swing fault makes it very extremely difficult to 'stabilise' your lower body during the downswing, Which will eventually rob power and speed from the upper body through impact. Why? Well, your upper body needs a 'stable lower body' to accelerate around during the downswing. Once the lower body starts its forward shift into the downswing its job is to transfer energy to the upper body and stabilize the extreme rotary forces that are created in the upper body, arms, and club. The result??? If there is no stable lower body platform to rotate around, players will lose power and try to develop speed in an inefficient sequence. Power loss. Frustration. Maybe your coach has mentioned the word 'Slide' to you in a lesson? Or maybe you've caught yourself with this issue on camera? Either way, if it's something you're trying to fix, you better check out how your BODY is part of the problem... --- 3 Body-Related Causes of the 'Lateral Hip Slide' In order to properly 'coil' around your left hip (for right handed golfers) during the downswing several 'physical characteristics' must be present... Here are the Big 3: - 1. Left hip internal rotation mobility (for a right hander) is paramount for full rotation into the left hip without any lateral sway. If the body is unable to rotate around the left hip due to joint or muscular restrictions than lateral movements will dominate the pattern. - 2. Secondly, the ability to separate your upper body from your lower body allows the lower body to laterally stabilise while rotating your shoulders through a full finish. Limited separation is usually caused by reduced spinal mobility and shortened lat flexibility - 3. The ability to laterally stabilize your lead leg during the downswing is directly proportional to the strength and stability of your gluteal musculature (your butt). When it comes to lower body lateral stabilisation the 'glute medius' is the king. This muscle helps prevent the lead hip from elevating and shifting lateral during an aggressive downswing rotation. - Fix these things and you are well on you way to eliminating your Slide and your frustrating inconsistency... Not to mention improving your club head speed! ----- Read More HERE: -----
21.01.2022 Wednesday Wisdom ...The only way to keep your health is to eat what you DON'T want, drink what you DON'T like, and do what you’d rather NOT... -- Mark Twain... His point? Getting fit and healthy isn't EASY. It requires some tough choices. Vegetables probably don't taste as good as chips. Mineral water isn't as much fun or as tasty as beer. Getting up at 6am to get to get that workout done in mid-winter isn't quite like sleeping for another hour or so in your cosy bed. But as Mr Twain said, if you want to keep your health, often its about doing what you DON'T necessarily want to... But... Find your 'WHY'... For example, Golf improvement, staying healthy for your kids, etc... And you'll find those choices easier to make.
20.01.2022 WRIST Mobility Test Your Own... Are your WRISTS flexible enough to play great golf, pain-free??? It's a question you've probably never asked yourself.... But if you've ever experienced any type of wrist PAIN... Had trouble 'setting' the club with your wrists the way your coach wants you to... Or you sit at a desk and type a lot... It's time to check those wrists! A lack of MOBILITY here cold be responsible for: Not being able to square the face at impact Lack of power / speed (Just ask Jon Rahm) Pain in the wrist or elbow Other 'compensation' moves in the golf swing that lead to inconsistency and frustration Ready for the screen? Check your Wrist FLEXION Mobility here: And check your Wrist EXTENSION Mobility here:
20.01.2022 Ultra-Simple Pre-Round Warm-Up Looking for a quick exercise you can use to safely warm your body up pre-round? Look no further than The Lunge, Reach & Twist.... This super-simple, super-quick stretch sequence can be used pre-workout or pre-round and is perfect if you're short on time... --- HOW TO: Step forward into a lunge with your left leg Try to 'tuck' your pelvis underneath you PART 1: Stretch your right up straight into the air PART 2: Put your right hand on your left knee and twist to the left, opening your left arm out straight Thats it! Hold each position for 5-10 secs and repeat 3-5 times per side. --- WHO? This stretch is particularly good for those that sit in a chair 8-10 hours a day or after a long drive to the golf course, both of which can have those hip flexors feeling pretty short and tight. Remember: short, tight hip flexors mean your GLUTES can't fire properly and neither can your CORE. Not good! --- Give it a go!
18.01.2022 Check Your Own Hamstring Mobility Are you a golfer who struggles with lower back PAIN...? Or a tendency to 'stand up' or 'lose posture' during your swing...? ... If the answer is YES, you NEED to check this... Long story short, the issue may be with your BODY, not your SWING. Let's get straight to the point: If you CAN'T touch your toes with straight knees... Because your hamstrings are stiff as boards... You are going to have an extremely hard time maintaining a forward flexed posture during a golf swing. So, you stand up. Extend Early. And your consistency suffers... Not to mention the fact that tight hamstrings put your lower back in a less than optimal position. Primed for some PAIN. So what is this test exactly? --- The Toe Touch Test is a great test for overall mobility in the lower back and hamstrings --- Keen to give it a go? Try the test HERE: -----
18.01.2022 Throwback Weight-Loss Case-Study How to lose weight without starving yourself ... In our first session together, GS and I set some pretty exciting goals.... One of them just happened to be a weight-loss goal. (Amongst other more specific game-improvement goals.) GS explained some of his previous weight-loss attempts. What he struggles with. What sorts of things trigger him to put weight on. And what has worked in the past to take it off. Then we went through a few average 'food-days' for GS. And found a pot of gold. You see, GS had developed a couple of habits over a long period of time that were making getting & staying leaner extremely difficult. --- 1. THE FIRST HABIT In a world where we are all told we eat too much and don't move enough, this may shock you... GS wasn't eating ENOUGH through the day. He'd barely touch anything for breakfast or for lunch. Imagine what his body was thinking!? ""Is there no food around out there!?"" Then he'd get home after work, so hungry that he'd eat whatever was in the fridge or pantry. Healthy or not. And it was slowly destroying his metabolism. His capacity to deal with carbohydrates efficiently. Triggering his body to STORE whatever it got, because it wasn't sure when it's next meal would arrive. Without enough of the right fuel in his body, It also made training and practicing extremely tough. And despite the fact that GS was training pretty hard, nothing was happening to his body. No results. A lot of frustration. --- 1A. THE FIRST HABIT FIX - Meal Regularity to Stoke the Metabolic Fire Dead easy. GS and I designed a few simple breakfasts and lunches that he would enjoy. Talked through some healthy snacks. GS put it straight into action. The result? It took 10 days or so but the weight started to fall off. Even faster that I thought it would actually. --- 2. THE SECOND HABIT In his job, GS has extremely easy access to unlimited coffee and was making the most of it. Let's just say the supply of the black-stuff was pretty constant and GS was drinking it long into the afternoon. And then again after dinner. GS felt like it wasn't affecting his sleep. But it definitely was. --- 2A. THE SECOND HABIT FIX - Coffee Curfew As you've heard me harp on about before, broken or sub-standard sleep affects the regulation of your appetite hormones. Changes the way you metabolise food. And can drive strong cravings. For sugar in particular. All terrible things for WEIGHT-LOSS. So we just set a coffee-curfew of 12noon. GS implemented it and stuck to it. And is now feeling significantly better and sleeping like a baby! --- Simple changes, big results. What are those RESULTS? His metabolism is righting itself. He is CRUSHING IT in the gym with his extra energy. And he's 7 or 8 kilos down on his starting weight now. Well done GS! ---
17.01.2022 P O W E R F U L G L U T E S As golfers, WHY do we need active, strong GLUTES? Number 1, the gluteal muscle group is vital in helping the golfer to maintain LOWER BODY stability throughout the swing. ... The GLUTES are also a key player in helping to maintain CORE stability throughout the swing. It is this one muscle group that helps to blend the lower body movement into the upper body movements, via the central portion of the body (the CORE). Effortless POWER requires those GLUTE muscles to be activated and strong. Because of the GLUTES critical importance in achieving a repeatable and consistent swing the Titleist Performance Institute have dubbed the GLUTES as the King of the Golf Swing. Join Dave Phillips, co-founder of the Titleist Performance Institute, as he shows us how to activate the GLUTES before you play golf or workout and then how to train them to be stronger and a lot more functional.
16.01.2022 Rotational Mobility Test Your Own... Think you are lacking shoulder TURN? Find out with this ultra-simple 'Seated Trunk Rotation Test'... What are we testing here exactly?... The ''Seated Trunk Rotation Test' is designed to check exactly how much ROTATIONAL MOBILITY is present in the spine. Put simply, this means how far can you twist your spine? From a club head speed point of view, the further the better. And a grat, supple pivot can also produce excellent, consistent ball striking results. But there is one last thing to consider... Many golfers lack true 'thoracic spine rotation'. This means they don't rotate their mid and upper back very well, or very far. The result? Overuse of the LOWER BACK. And some serious negative forces going through that poor lumbar spine. Not o mention, some possible over use of the shoulder joint to compensate for limited mid and upper back mobility. Sore shoulder? Almost definitely. Check if ROTATIONAL MOBILITY in your spine is an issue for you HERE:
15.01.2022 Success Stories: MOBILITY = Distance When we think about gaining DISTANCE, we think lifting weights, getting STRONG, throwing med balls, jumping, and getting more POWERFUL... But what about boring old MOBILITY???... You see, when you're trying to shoot a rubber band across the classroom, the further back you pull it the faster it 'snaps' back and the FURTHER it flies. This is MOBILITY in your golf swing. The bigger the turn, the more you can coil, the faster the club will will traveling when it hits the ball. (The fancy term is the 'Stretch Shorten Cycle'.) So I wasn't that surprised to get this SMS from my client MJ: Before you read it, know that: MJ doesn't have any weights, nor does he have access to a gym MJ has mad significant nutritional changes as part of our Program The vast majority of his Exercise Program is mobility work based on the TPI Screen we did with him. Here is the message... --- Hi Andrew, thought I’d report some good news. I played nine holes at Point Lonsdale yesterday with a mate who is off 3. Very competitive golfer. The course is under redevelopment but is shaping up nicely. I played well and hit some solid drives. My mate Simon is 6’ 3 and has always hit it a mile. On a couple of hole where we both hit good drives, I had him by at least 10 meters. I instinctively walked up to the shorter ball and he said no, that’s mine. His comment at the end: If I’m hitting the ball that far when I’m 63, I’ll be pretty happy. Of course, he did declare he was carrying a few issues with back, hip and tennis elbow. I did mention that I’d been doing a stretching program which got a raised eyebrow. That’s a win for the old boy. --- Nice work MJ!
13.01.2022 F I T N E S S F R I D A Y Do you suffer from shoulder, elbow, neck or wrist pain that is related to golf? You are not alone.... Statistics show that the shoulder is the third most common injury in golfers... Immobility and instability in the shoulder girdle can also place added stress on the surrounding joints, which include the cervical spine (neck), thoracic-spine (mid-upper back), elbow joint and wrists. Not to mention the fact that shoulder mobility & stability restrictions will result in the following swing characteristics: The 'Flying Elbow' in the backswing The 'Chicken Wing' at or post-impact Both these characteristics left unchecked have the ability to affect ball-striking CONSISTENCY as well as increasing the chance of INJURY. Learn some corrections HERE:
13.01.2022 Testimonial Thursday: Ryan's PAIN Journey Not every client at Golfer's Edge wants to blast it 290. Well, it's not top priority for everyone let's say.... When PAIN stops you doing the things you love, the it from me, life can get pretty dark. --- Here's Ryan: "...After doing regular boxing and kickboxing when I was in my 20’s I injured both of my achilles. Despite seeing multiple physios and sports doctors I never actually recovered properly from the injuries. "...The injuries left me severely restricted in what i could do exercise-wise which was really annoying! High impact sports were out of the question, running was out and I could not even walk 18 holes of golf without being in pain for days after. You can sense Ryan's frustration! One of the key things from Ryan's story was that his previous experiences with sports medicine professionals appeared to focus on the spot that HURT... Rather than dressing the root cause of the problem. This of course gave him short term relief but nothing lasted. He'd end up back in the same place. Only a little more frustrated... --- Back to Ryan: "...I always completed all the work prescribed by the doctors and physios but it would just help my achilles in the short term and did not fix the actual root cause of the problem. "...The doctors and physios had often mentioned that I had no movement in my hips and that caused my ankles and calves to take all the impact from activities which led to injuries. I just didn’t know how to fix this which was extremely frustrating! "...For a long time I just dealt with the pain thinking that I could build up my running and walking over time but this was not the case. --- Then, Ryan decided to take a slightly different path... "...I decided to see Andrew at Golfer’s Edge after reading reviews and learning a bit more about what he did. I was still sceptical as I had tried so many physios and sports doctors already. "...The idea I had was that I would go see him and he would complete some detailed testing to see how much movement I had in my body currently. The programs Andrew devised would then help me work on the areas where I was lacking mobility & strength. --- How'd that all work out?? Pretty well actually!! Back to Ryan: "...The program has helped me immensely! Not only when I play golf and other sports, but also just day to day! "...I can run now and have to stop because I am tired rather than being in PAIN. And this is up to 45 minutes at a time! "...I can box once gain without having to worry about any pain at all! "...With regards to my golf game, with the extra hip mobility that I have, I have stopped coming over the top and now have a natural draw swing path as I can attack the ball at the correct angle. "...This has given me more of a consistent swing which is just a bonus in addition to playing pain free. Awesome work Ryan! Just glad we could help. Read more HERE:
13.01.2022 F I T N E S S | F R I D A Y - Grip Strength A full TPI Golf Fitness Evaluation will include a measurement pf GRIP STRENGTH on a hand Dynamometer. Why?... A LOT of reasons, actually! Studies have demonstrated grip strength has a strong correlation to swing speed (Read: grip strength has a high correlation to smashing it out there past your mates...) Reduced grip strength has been shown to lead to failure in executing fine skills and motor patterns. Not good when chipping and putting, huh1? There has also been a lot of research showing the correlation between a person’s grip strength and their full body strength capacity. So,people with a strong grip are generally stronger throughout their entire body. And finally, grip strength is a powerful predictor of disability, morbidity and mortality... So if you plan to be on the golf course for a long time to come it’s something worth improving! How I hear you ask? Here are the 'Top 5 Grip-Strength-Developing' exercises: 1 -- Deadlift With A Double Overhand Grip 2 -- Using Thick Grips with Barbells / Pull Ups / Dumbbells 3 -- Kettlebell Bottoms-Up Presses 4 -- Towel Grip Rows And Pull-Ups 5 -- Heavy A$$ Carries Read the whole article HERE:
13.01.2022 Power Gainz: Should YOU Be Olympic Lifting? As golfers we all want to hit it further... And the gym is a great place to gain the mobility, stability, strength and POWER which allows us to do just that... ... Bomb it out there past your mates! Historically POWER in the gym = Olympic Lifting. The Barbell Clean & Jerk. The Barbell Snatch. Full on moves both technically and physically! And with the rise of Cross-Fit... The Barbell Clean and Jerk and the Barbell Snatch are becoming more popular among 'weekend warriors'. But if you're over 40 and sit at a desk all week... The RISK of the traditional Olympic Lifts may outweigh the BENEFITS. Think sore, injured wrists, shoulders, necks or lower backs... Not cool when Saturday Comp rolls around. So, if you're wondering whether you should be doing Olympic lifts as a way of bolstering POWER and overall fitness... Here's some great advice (and alternatives) from strength-and-conditioning expert Mike Boyle... Rather than the traditional Barbell lifts to develop that full body vertical thrust, triple extension POWER, try these: Dumbbell Variations such as the Dumbell Snatch Explosive Med Ball Back Toss Explosive Med Ball Squat to Vertical Throw Good ol' Box Jumps
12.01.2022 8 Awesome Shoulder Exercises for Golfers How important are strong, healthy, mobile shoulders when it comes to playing great golf? Consider this:... Training the back and shoulders for both MOBILITY and STABILITY allows you to: Adequately rotate in your backswing and downswing; Create an explosive stretch-shortening cycle (a.k.a. The X-Factor Stretch); Generate increased clubhead speed; Use effective shoulder and arm movements through impact to help control the club head (along with the forearms and hands). Pretty cool. So, how to do it? Try these 8 exercises (in order of difficulty): --- 1. Scapula Wall Slides Facing The Wall 2. Scapula Wall Slides Back To Wall 3. Mini-Band Wall Walks 4. Mini-Band Arm Raises 5. Half-Kneeling Landmine Overhead Press 6. Bent Over Row With Barbell 7. Reverse Flyes 8. Plank Mini-Band Walks --- Check out the videos HERE:
12.01.2022 Sleep Tip #9 According to recent research, regular EXERCISE can help normalise our circadian rhythms. Circadian rhythms are physical, mental, and behavioural changes that follow a daily 'cycle'. ... Sleeping at night and being awake during the day is an example of a 'light-related' circadian rhythm. Our own internal 'Biological Clocks' produce circadian rhythms and regulate their timing. External environmental cues, including light/dark cycles, food intake, stress, and EXERCISE, provide important information for adjusting and normalising clock phases. Regular EXERCISE has also been found to tone down the sympathetic nervous system (i.e. reduce STRESS symptoms), and regulate endocrine (hormonal system) function. But TIMING is everything to reap the SLEEP benefits of regular EXERCISE... You'll need to save the intense exercise for the morning or during the day if possible. A weights, cardio or intense interval workout done in the evening can rev us up and make it tougher to get to sleep. Get exercising people!
11.01.2022 T U R N T H O S E H I P S This may just be the most IMPORTANT 'golf fitness' move for you to master... It affects: swing path, swing plane, speed & power and consistency.... All from one move? Not bad! No doubt you've seen the 'Pelvic Rotation Test' we use at Golfer's Edge to analyse hip rotation & 'separation' of the lower body n the downswing. This super-important test checks a golfer's ability to rotate the PELVIS independently from the SHOULDERS & TORSO. This is a critical skill for properly sequencing the downswing and generating good SEPARATION between the upper and lower body. If you battle with: -- an out-to-in swing path -- an upper body dominated downswing -- a big SLICE this is a must-check test for you... But if you fail it, what then? Today Ben Shear comes to us from Golf & Body NYC with a fantastic corrective exercise to have you activating that CORE and separating those hips from the torso like a Tour Pro... Enjoy!
10.01.2022 Golf Fitness Friday Wondering what the heck to do with those suspension straps, TRX or rings that are hanging in your gym? Or, maybe you've bought yourself some to beef up your home Iso-Workout... ... Pushing and Pulling using a suspension strap system has the added benefit of forcing you to activate the CORE and GLUTE musculature, which may not happen in many traditional exercises. Plus, they make a great tool for learning how to SQUAT properly. Check out the vid for all the details:
09.01.2022 F R E E - G O L F - F I T N E S S - e B O O K Download your FREE Golf Fitness eBook: "The 3 Best Exercises to Build Your 300 Metre Drive" HERE: In this FREE eBook, you will learn: * How to perform the 3 BEST exercises to add DISTANCE off the tee * How to train your core muscles to create more POWER in your golf swing * How to easily improve your posture and stability for more CONSISTENCY and LOWER SCORES. *** If you or someone you know could benefit from this article, comment below with I’m in, then send them here. It’s FREE.
08.01.2022 Can't Fix That Slice? Check THIS Have you been battling away, trying 'tip' after 'tip' but still unable to fix that nasty SLICE ...? The old left to right banana ball is both distance and confidence sapping...... But the true fix, could come from your PELVIS. If you've been battling that slice for years now, you NEED to check this... Long story short, the issue may be with your BODY, not your SWING. Let's get straight to the point: If you CAN'T move your PELVIS independently of your upper body... Because your lats or hips are super tight... Or your CORE isn't doing it's job... You are going to have an extremely hard time starting the downswing in the correct 'SEQUENCE'. Hips - Torso - Arms - Club Instead, you throw your ARMS at the ball, trying to generate POWER... Come 'Over-The-Top'... And your big SLICE appears... So what is the test exactly? --- The Pelvic Rotation Test checks the player’s ability to rotate the lower body independently from the upper body --- This is a super important skill for properly 'sequencing' the downswing... And generating good 'separation' between the upper and lower body for some Jon-Rahm-like POWER. Keen to give it a go? Try the test HERE: -----
07.01.2022 V E G G I E S To some, a dirty word. To others, veggies are the cornerstone of healthy eating.... But, if you are on a mission to get fit and healthy so you can beat your mates on-course, veggies are where its at! There simply is no 'healthier' group of foods. Whether Paleo or vegan, fasting or feed-often, Mediterranean or New Nordic, almost all health-conscious diets agree on one thing: You should eat your VEGETABLES. But here at Golfer's Edge we realise that people have different taste preferences. For a variety of different reasons. From genes to cildhood to current habits. Yep, even what your mother ate when you were in the womb can affect your taste preferences now! But no diet is complete without getting in that 'rainbow' of veggies. The great news? Despite past experiences (and unique taste preferences) almost anyone can learn to love their 5-a-day with this easy 3-step formula. It creates flavour combos that balance out bitterness and taste delicious. 1 - Challenge Yourself 2 - Complement the Vegetable with another Flavour 3 - Cushion that Combo with Sweetness or Fat (yes, bacon) 4 - Pick your Cooking Method Boom. You're eating veggies!
07.01.2022 Fitness Friday: Rory Rory's transformation over the years has been IMMENSE. First, his 'WHY':... "...The reason that I decided to get healthier and get in the gym was that I had a herniated l4 l5 disc in my back and I had some bone edema in the vertebrae "...The doctor basically said to me if you let that go on any longer that could turn into a stress fracture and that could put you out for a long time. Scary stuff! "...It was more out of necessity than anything else so just to get stronger, build up a bit of robustness in my body. "...Honestly make myself a little LESS flexible and a little stiffer. Not the problem most of us have, but a problem nonetheless! "...I had so much movement in my hips and the lower part of my spine that there was not enough stability around there to protect the joints and the discs and the vertebrae and it was basically out of NECESSITY to do that and to get stronger and prevent injury. "Since then I haven’t had really any back issues." Pretty big WHY! Something had to be done to ensure he could play and practice pain & injury-free. ---- The transformation? From THIS: "...Before I started in the gym I couldn't stand on 1 leg for more than 10 secs..." "...Couldn't hold a plank for more than 30 secs..." "...I wasn't really big into the gym..." "...My posture was terrible when I started..." "...Everything has to start somewhere..." --- To THIS: "...So I started from the beginning trying to get my body in the best shape possible for what I do, which is play golf..." "...I have no ambitions to squat 500 pounds ... but I do enough that I'm strong enough to control the golf club the whole way through my swing ..." "...For me it's a necessity, it's what I need to do to go out onto the golf course and perform to the best of my ability..." Amen Rory.
05.01.2022 Justin Rose's Nutrition Tips How important is what you EAT when it comes to shooting lower scores? The answer: very!... Not getting enough of the right calories and nutrients can impair even the most conditioned golfer. Think, losing steam late in your round, impaired decision making, slowed club head speed and lost of coordination. Not cool. So it's nice to know that getting the right balance of energy and nutrients for YOU will help you to perform your best during that Saturday comp round. Justin Rose knows this. So today we let Justin help you take your diet, health and performance to the next level with his SUPER-SIMPLE nutrition tips: --- 1 -- Eat clean 80% of the time - trying to eat perfectly 95-100% of the time can become a STRESS and a BURDEN, especially when you're on the road. If 4 out of 5 meals are clean you're in good shape. (NOTE: Justin tightens up this 80/20 rule even more heading into the Masters at Augusta where he can really suffer from pollen allergies - he takes gluten out and goes on a 'Low-Histamine' and an 'Anti-Inflammatory' diet.) --- 2 -- Good solid supplementation program on the road: High quality multi-vitamin Fish Oil Probiotic --- 3 -- On-course, blood sugar is key and Rose eats a lot! Keeping blood sugar stable helps mental focus and physical performance. e.g. add nuts (fat & protein) along with that banana to help manage the blood sugar spike from the banana.
05.01.2022 F I T N E S S F R I D A Y Lower back PAIN after golf? You may be creating too much 'ARCH' in your lower back at address.... TPI have coined this 'S-posture'. "...This 'excessive inwards curvature' in the lower back or 'S-posture' puts abnormally high stress on the muscles in the lower back and causes the abdominal muscles to relax..." Relaxed abs when you're trying to bomb it 280? Not cool... Or good for that lower back! "...This deactivation of the core muscles can cause a 'Reverse Spine Angle' during the backswing. "...This in turn puts the lower body out of position on the downswing and will affect the sequence of motion in the golf swing..." Overly arched lower back. Relaxed abdominals. Reverse Spine Angle. Bad 'sequence' on the downswing. Not good. To say the least. Especially when you're just trying to play PAIN-free...let alone reduce your handicap!? --- But lets dig a little deeper ... For some players who set up this way it's simply they've taken that 'athletic, stick your butt out' set-up posture to the EXTREME and they stick their tailbone out too much. This is easy to correct with some awareness drills and use of a mirror. But for others the problem is more ingrained. And it's cause is usually the HIP FLEXORS. For those of you who sit for 8-10 hours each day, your HIP FLEXORS are locked in a shortened position for that entire time. Simply due to their attachment points, tight HIP FLEXORS will pull you into 'excessive lower back curvature', or 'S-posture'. This HIP FLEXOR tightness, over time, inhibits the muscles on the opposite side of the body. You guessed it, the GLUTES! (The King of the Golf Swing, remember.) Vladimir Janda was the first to observe this pattern, and he called it the 'Lower Crossed Syndrome'. In a nutshell, it's a combination of tight HIP FLEXORS and a tight LOWER BACK, paired with weak LOWER ABDOMINALS and weak GLUTES. Due to the various muscles actions, this combination leads to an 'excessive arching of your lower back' or 'S-posture'. Think it's worth trying to fix? Absolutely! This is how TPI summarise it: "...This is a very DANGEROUS combination of muscle imbalances [for a golfer] due to the excessive stress that it places on the STRUCTURES of the lower back..." A ticking time bomb if you will... Read more HERE:
03.01.2022 Sleep Tip #8 Aim to get at LEAST seven hours sleep per night. Most people need between 7 and 9 hours of sleep per night. ... 7 should be your baseline. Your absolute minimum. If you know you have to wake at 5:15 to get ready for work, then you should be in bed by 9:30 and asleep by 10. Getting in bed at 10:15 doesn’t count. Also, factor in 'transition time'. Don’t stop what you’re doing at 9:29 and expect to be snoring by 9:30. Start moving in the direction of bed by 9:00. Yes, we know. There’s this whole movement, started by time-starved Silicon Valley executives, where folks try to hack their sleep and get away with much less. And, sure, it can work for a while... But every piece of credible research demonstrates that you pay a big health, fitness and indeed productivity price for consistently getting less than 7 to 9 hours.
03.01.2022 JT on Fitness ...I wasn't always someone who loved working out ...But now, it’s a major part of my life. ... "...It's important for my body to feel how it needs to feel to play the best I can. "...It's something I take very seriously. I probably put on a good 15-20lbs last year. --- "...Thomas and his trainer prioritised core and mobility work to strengthen the stabilising muscles in his abdomen, back, hips, and glutes." And how does he start each session? Glute activation of course! "...Thomas also begins every routine with some GLUTE activation by loading his hips to make sure those muscles are firing. Thomas: ...If they don’t, that kind of misaligns everything else and you can feel it, he says. Indeed! --- Back to JT: ...We’ll always work on something core-related and we do a lot of split-stance [work], ...We rarely do something that's working only one aspect. ...All I can do is get myself as prepared as possible, and try to play the best I can, Thomas says. ...With training, it’s really just making sure you’re being functional and not overdoing it. --- Read more and check out JT's workouts here:
03.01.2022 'Chicken Winging': 3 Body-Related Causes This characteristic reduces POWER, adds LOFT to the club face and puts excessive SPIN on the golf ball. Not good when you're trying pepper the pin with those controlled iron shots!... We know it as 'Chicken Winging' ... But what is it exactly, and what's behind it BODY-wise? 'Chicken Winging' is a term used to describe a BENT lead arm / elbow and 'cupped' lead wrist through impact. The lead arm resembles the wing of a chicken, hence the name. Normally, the lead arm is EXTENDED through impact to create as much WIDTH as possible. Why? Width through impact is a key factor in generating club head SPEED. Maybe your coach has mentioned the words 'Chicken Winging' or 'bent lead elbow' to you in a lesson? Or maybe you've caught yourself with this issue on camera? Either way, if it's something you're trying to fix, you better check out how your BODY is part of the problem... --- 2 Body-Related Causes of 'Chicken Winging' - 1. LEAD SHOULDER MOBILITY -- Loss of external rotation in the lead shoulder can cause Chicken Winging. External rotation is required for the lead arm to release and rotate normally through impact. - 2. LOWER BODY SEPARATION / SEQUENCE -- When the lower body does not initiate the sequence on the downswing, the swing path can become steep or 'Over-the-Top'. Any steepening of the swing plane on the downswing can also lead to Chicken Winging through impact, which is often an attempt to keep the face open. - 2. LOWER BODY WEAKNESS -- While 'Chicken Winging' is an excessive breakdown of the UPPER BODY through impact, it is usually the LOWER BODY that causes it. Whenever the LOWER BODY does not generate efficient speed or does not transfer that speed to the UPPER BODY, the arms and hands will try to make up for that loss in power. Many times, power and strength deficits in the LOWER BODY will lead to 'Chicken Winging'. - There you have it! Fix these things and you are well on you way to eliminating your 'Chicken Winging' move and that ball striking inconsistency... Not to mention improving your club head speed! ----- Read More HERE:
02.01.2022 Throwback Testimonial: CONFIDENCE "...I was always very aware of the extra weight I was carrying..." "...I’d always be worried about going for a swim or to the beach as I never felt comfortable taking my top off..." ... "...There was always a lack of confidence..." ------ We talk a lot about finding your 'WHY' to motivate action with exercise and nutrition. And this is a PERFECT example. It helps that Mark is a particularly honest guy. And we got to his WHY pretty quickly. ------ "...I'd always struggled with weight loss, although not super heavy, I always struggled to lose a few kilos even whilst being fairly active..." ------ The solution? Some SIMPLE nutrition changes... Increase the protein. Take out some of the 'filler' foods. ------ "...Andrew spoke to me at length about diet..." ------ RESULTS? You could say that! I'll let Mark tell you ... ------ "...I’ve lost 14 kilos, 15 cm off my waist, taken 5 shots off my handicap and broken 80 twice!..." ------ The best part though: ------ "...I feel much more confident in myself..." "...I have been able to go and purchase a whole new wardrobe of clothes that I never believed I could possibly wear..." Great job Mark! Read more HERE:
02.01.2022 Wednesday Wisdom ...Health is like money, we never have a true idea of its value until we lose it... --Josh Billings... *** There has never been a better time to start putting something aside into that 'health & fitness savings account'... Try one of these... - Start a daily 30-60 min brisk walking ritual - Buy a great drink bottle and get your hydration right - Start planning out your meals around protein & vegetables - Get a personalised, at-home resistance training program - Start getting to bed by 10pm *** Stop spending and start saving. Your health & fitness that is!
02.01.2022 S T R E S S T I P # 2 To lead a healthy, productive, fulfilling life you must learn to manage your 'Allostatic' or Total Stress Load. It's all good KNOW this, but how do we actually DO it?... Here are some activities you can do immediately to boost your body’s happy chemicals, activate your 'rest and digest' nervous system, and start building your stress resilience: a relaxing walk (especially outside); being out in nature; getting moderate sunshine; listening to relaxing music; mindfulness practice and meditation; massage; deep breathing; laughing; snuggling a loved one or pet; yoga, gentle mobility, and/or slow stretching exercises; gentle swimming or water immersion (such as a hot tub); relaxing in a sauna; having sex (seriously); physical, non-competitive play; moderate, occasional drinking 1-2 drinks for men, and 1 for women enjoyed slowly and mindfully; drinking green tea. --- In other words, think of de-stressing as purposefully, actively CHASING relaxation. Now, get to it!
02.01.2022 Time Savers: Stretching Between Sets Let's face it: 98% of us do not STRETCH enough. But, if you're a golfer looking to improve...... Gaining strength and power while ALSO making improvements in FLEXIBILITY is the holy grail of Golf Fitness programs. And it'll pay off big time on-course With that in mind, check out Mike Boyle's recommendations for STRETCHING between sets in the gym to maximise: TIME Movement QUALITY FLEXIBILITY INJURY prevention Not bad! --- Here's a 'Tri-Set' sequence to consider: 1 Split Squat x 10 reps Left & Right - Let breathing return to normal 2 Push Up x 10 - Let breathing return to normal 3 A stretch to improve the Split Squat e.g. half kneeling hip flexor stretch x 20 secs Left & Right Enjoy!
01.01.2022 Training Tips: Easy GLUTE Activation Repeat after me: "The GLUTES are the king of the golf swing". So how do we make sure those GLUTES are doing their job during your workout....?... That they're turned up to full VOLUME...? Why not try slotting in some 'Pre-Workout Glute Activation'? The 'Cook Hip Lift' offers a great method of getting those GLUTES engaged with some opposite side HIP FLEXOR activation. (This exercise mimics the way we walk and run - your gait pattern). Try 5 x 5 sec holds each side and ALWAYS ensure your drive through the heel of the working side by lifting those toes up. Glutes on!
01.01.2022 Why Rory McIlroy Lifts Weights (...and you should too!) A while back you might remember Brandel Chamblee fired a few shots at some of the guys on tour who lift weights. Rory came under particularly heavy fire...... As Brandel linked lifting weights to being more injury prone. If you understand anything about the body, you'll know the truth is quite the opposite! Getting stronger and building muscle both PREVENT injury! Check out today's video with Dr Greg Rose from TPI who explains in some depth exactly why Rory started, and continues to lift weights... --- The KEY Takeaways: When Rory was young he was able to generate incredible speed relative to his size (small frame) He did this by accelerating EXTREMELY fast and this created a lot of power (force) and distance Rory used to separate his upper body from his lower body by 66 degrees! Thats 20 degrees higher than the PGA Tour Average! That is a LOT of 'Torque'. Rory also accelerated his pelvis at 720 degrees per second. The average on tour is 550! Rory suffered some lower back issues when he was 19 including a lumbar disc bulge and was told he needed to 'do something' or his career would be extremely short-lived Physics tells us (Force = Mass x Acceleration) that the more 'Mass' you have the less you have to 'Accelerate' to produce the same Force So, a smart way of preserving the body, and the career, is to add some 'Mass' to the frame so the player doesn't have to 'Accelerate' so hard to produce the same Force (distance) Look at at him now!
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