Gone Clucky in Bridgetown, Western Australia | Pet breeder
Gone Clucky
Locality: Bridgetown, Western Australia
Phone: +61 403 951 950
Address: Pls phone for details and appointment 6255 Bridgetown, WA, Australia
Likes: 2363
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24.01.2022 Silky and wyandotte chicks, 1wk old $10ea...Will require heat until 6wks old. Unsexed. Located Bridgetown 0403951950
24.01.2022 Japanese Quail- lots of colours. Hatched 7th Oct - $3ea or 10 for $25 Up to 2wks old. Price then increases with age. They are unsexed and require heat until 3-4wks old. Located Bridgetown 0403951950 Teena
24.01.2022 PIED GUINEA FOWL - I have quite a few guineas available Standard Pearl (grey) Males $25 Females $30... Pearl Pied Males $30 Females $35 Lavender Pied Males $35 Females $40 Photos to come... They are currently free ranging but I am working on catching them, this may take some time for me get them all Located in Bridgetown - can deliver to Bunbury 14th July Contact Teena 0403951950
23.01.2022 All sold pending pick up Bantam Pullets x 7 Asstd colours, starting to lay now. Some are laying blue eggs but I'm not sure which $25ea or $130 for the lot. ... One has me a little confused ...I have seen it crow but it looks nothing like all the roosters I had in this flock, and it definitely looks like a girl to me! I will give her/him away for free with the other 6 pullets. Located in Bridgetown - Can deliver to Bunbury on Tuesday 27th Oct. 0403951950 Teena See more
23.01.2022 Bunbury delivery run will go ahead on Tuesday 14th July See you all then. Orders closing 2pm tomorrow
22.01.2022 BRIDGETOWN to BUNBURY DELIVERY RUN - NEXT WEEK! Tuesday 6th Oct HYLINE PULLETS AT POINT OF LAY - AVAILABLE NOW! Bringing quality feed from SEEBER GRAINS...... Poultry mix, Super Chook, Horse feeds, sheep, cows, alpacas...we have something to feed them all We make most of our own feeds at Seebers and offer fantastic quality and the lowest prices we can. See pics for the complete range we have....let me know what you need Pls note $1 per bag delivery fee PINE SHAVINGS for Nest boxes, floors in chook pens, horse stables, garden beds. Large chaff bags $12ea Balingup - info bay - 10.00 Kirup - info bay - 10.30 Donnybrook - CMP, vacant stockfeeds - 11.00 Boyanup church Carpark opposite bakery - 12.00 Bunbury - Hay park - 1.00pm - entrance closest to Kmart. PLS SEND A PM WITH YOUR ORDER, CONTACT NUMBER and TOWN you'd like to meet me at with your order Teena 0403951950
20.01.2022 Thanks to all the lovely customers I met on my run today...it's nice to meet new people and of course say hi again to my regulars Thanks to my son Brayden for his muscles to do the lifting and company on the rd Also to my wonderful mum Heather, who has been a huge help for me answering messages and talking to customers...I'd be lost without you! Then I have Paul and Mick on the home front helping to put the run together. I've been dealing with a broken back the past fe...w months and really couldn't have kept going if it wasn't for the support I've had, Thank you I hope everyone was happy with their new feathered friends and the feed for them ...You'll all be enjoying plenty of fresh, free range eggs very soon! If anyone would like to be put on my 'Call' list so I can send you reminders before each run, pls let me know...that way you'll never miss a run or have to keep a watch out for my posts on Facebook. My next run will be on the 4th August Pullets are still in short supply and huge demand so get you orders in early if you're wanting some for August See you all next month Teena 0403951950
19.01.2022 Hamburgs available...1 Gold Spangled pair, 1 Silver Spangled pair plus 4 Champagne Hens. Hens are $40ea and Roos are free. All pure breds but roos are not show quality. $220 as a complete flock. Located in Bridgetown, can deliver to Bunbury on my regular runs. 0403951950
18.01.2022 HYLINE PULLETS at Point of lay - 19wks old $25ea or $26 on my delivery runs SUPER CHOOK poultry mix $19 for 20kg... PINE BARK - $10 for large chaff bags Located BRIDGETOWN 0403951950 Teena
18.01.2022 I just want to say THANKYOU so much to all my wonderful customers. I am quite overwhelmed by the lovely messages I've had tonight from you all due to having to cancel the run again. I came home tonight tired, frustrated and quite upset at how my day has gone and I was not looking forward to having to contact everyone with the bad news. Well you have all been so lovely and understanding...I haven't had a single annoyed response or order cancelled! Thankyou thankyou thankyou....you've all reminded me why I do what I do and how much I enjoy doing these runs and meeting new and regular customers ...your messages have really made my day so much better Have a lovely night xxx
17.01.2022 One for the ladies!
16.01.2022 Do you have a mouse problem? Muddy chook pens? Nesting boxes with hay which is feeding the mice? Does your garden need fertilizer and mulch to prepare for summer? ... I can help ALL these problems in one go! I have coarse pine shavings available now!...no chemicals...pure pine It is perfect for inside and out in your chook runs...get your birds up out of the mud...this does not go sloppy! It's also great for your nest boxes instead of hay...it is coarse but not sharp and prickly so nice for those fluffy bums . Best of all, mice don't eat it so less to attract them into your pens...where you have mice...you can get snakes!!! Then once it's time to clean out your pen...spread it all on your gardens for perfect fertilizer and mulching...or compost it ready for later Large chaff bags available...it's freshly bagged so still damp and hence quite heavy at the moment...35-40kg. I expect they'll dry out to be 25-30kg $10ea pick up or $12 on my delivery runs Limited bags available but more coming soon. Bridgetown 0403951950
16.01.2022 Orders are now closed for tomorrow's run...sorry but my truck will be full for this run. Next run is 25th August so I'm happy to put you on the list for then. Hylines will be available again for that run...$26ea approx 16-18wks old
15.01.2022 Asstd chicks now hatching regularly. Breeds available are... Silkies Polish frizzle Cochins... Wyandottes Vorwerks Hamburgs All chicks need heat until 4-6wks old and are unsexed at this age. Available for sale from day olds...from $10ea and price increases with age. Located Bridgetown 0403951950 Teena See more
13.01.2022 POSTPONED UNTIL FRIDAY!!! Pls see latest post on my page for details BRIDGETOWN to BUNBURY DELIVERY RUN - NEXT WEEK! Tuesday 4th August Bringing quality feed from Seeber Grains...no Hylines available for this run but they'll be arriving mid August so let me know if you'd like to order some for me next run on the 25th August ... Poultry mix, Super Chook, Horse feeds, sheep, cows, alpacas...we have something to feed them all We make most of our own feeds at Seeber Grains and offer fantastic quality and the lowest prices we can. See pics for the complete range we have....let me know what you need PLUS $1 per bag delivery fee. Balingup - info bay - 9.00 Kirup - info bay - 9.30 Donnybrook - CMP, vacant stockfeeds - 10.30 Boyanup church Carpark opposite bakery - 11.30 Bunbury - Hay park - 12.30pm - entrance closest to Kmart. Pls send me a contact number and town you'd like to meet me at with your order Teena 0403951950
13.01.2022 ORDERS CLOSING SUNDAY NIGHT! BRIDGETOWN to BUNBURY DELIVERY RUN - NEXT WEEK! Tuesday 25th August HYLINE PULLETS AT POINT OF LAY - AVAILABLE NOW! ... Bringing quality feed from Seeber Grains... Poultry mix, Super Chook, Horse feeds, sheep, cows, alpacas...we have something to feed them all We make most of our own feeds at Seeber Grains and offer fantastic quality and the lowest prices we can. See pics for the complete range we have....let me know what you need PLUS $1 per bag delivery fee. Balingup - info bay - 10.00 Kirup - info bay - 10.30 Donnybrook - CMP, vacant stockfeeds - 11.00 Boyanup church Carpark opposite bakery - 12.00 Bunbury - Hay park - 1.00pm - entrance closest to Kmart. PLS SEND A PM WITH YOUR ORDER, CONTACT NUMBER and TOWN you'd like to meet me at with your order Teena 0403951950
12.01.2022 Orders closing by midday Mon 26th Oct for Bridgetown to Bunbury delivery run. Let me know what you need Teena 0403951950
12.01.2022 BRIDGETOWN TO BUNBURY DELIVERY RUN TOMORROW - 8TH DEC ORDERS CLOSING 8PM TONIGHT! I will be coming through tomorrow earlier than normal due to the hot weather...I do not want the chooks getting stressed in the heat of the day. I will contact everyone that has placed an order to confirm the new pick up time for each town. If you have not heard from me by 5pm, pls get in touch asap.... See you all tomorrow! See more
11.01.2022 Hyline pullets at point of lay - available now! 17/18wks old $25ea pick up or $26ea on my delivery runs. Located in Bridgetown Teena 0403951950
11.01.2022 I hope Betty is found soon PLESSE SHARE
10.01.2022 ORDERS CLOSING SUNDAY NIGHT...13th Sept BRIDGETOWN to BUNBURY DELIVERY RUN - NEXT WEEK! Tuesday 15th Sept HYLINE PULLETS AT POINT OF LAY - AVAILABLE NOW! ... Bringing quality feed from Seeber Grains... Poultry mix, Super Chook, Horse feeds, sheep, cows, alpacas...we have something to feed them all We make most of our own feeds at Seeber Grains and offer fantastic quality and the lowest prices we can. See pics for the complete range we have....let me know what you need PLUS $1 per bag delivery fee. Balingup - info bay - 10.00 Kirup - info bay - 10.30 Donnybrook - CMP, vacant stockfeeds - 11.00 Boyanup church Carpark opposite bakery - 12.00 Bunbury - Hay park - 1.00pm - entrance closest to Kmart. PLS SEND A PM WITH YOUR ORDER, CONTACT NUMBER and TOWN you'd like to meet me at with your order Teena 0403951950
09.01.2022 Bantams...two pullets available...one lays blue eggs but I don't know which! $25ea Asstd bantams roos...all free! White pullet is blind in one eye but does not affect her and both pullets are laying. Located Bridgetown 0403851950 Teena
08.01.2022 Expressions of interest please! Gone Clucky & Seeber Grains will be doing more runs very soon!
07.01.2022 Delivery run postponed!!! I'm very sorry but I have to delay my run due to Covid 19! I have mild flu symptoms today and due to my work place requirements I have had to have a covid test this morning. This now means that I have to self isolate for the next 2-3 days until I get my results, and cleared for this dreaded bug. I will be planning on doing the run on Friday as long as my results are clear like I expect. Times and locations will be the same.... I will post again with confirmation on Thursday. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause but it's out of my control and better to be safe than sorry See more
07.01.2022 Great tips for keeping poultry cool in hot weather
05.01.2022 2 male Princess Parrots $50ea or $80 for both. We're looking for a hen so happy to swap...any colour. Golden Pheasant male $50 ...pic is of dad and son...only the young male is available Located Bridgetown Can deliver to Bunbury on 6th Oct 0422971449
04.01.2022 Well it's safe to say no foxes are getting to this lot of gorgeous babies with these two on guard!
04.01.2022 BRIDGETOWN to BUNBURY DELIVERY RUN - NEXT WEEK! Tuesday 27th Oct HYLINE PULLETS AT POINT OF LAY - AVAILABLE NOW! $26ea on delivery run... $25 pickup from Bridgetown ... CHICKS HATCHING EVERY 2WKS Wyandottes, Cochins, Hamburgs, Silkies, Polish/Frizzles, Vorwerks, Jap Quail Pied Guinea Fowl....LOTS AVAILABLE Bringing quality feed from SEEBER GRAINS... Poultry mix, Super Chook, Horse feeds, sheep, cows, alpacas...we have something to feed them all We make most of our own feeds at Seebers and offer fantastic quality and the lowest prices we can. See pics for the complete range we have....let me know what you need Pls note $1 per bag delivery fee PINE SHAVINGS for Nest boxes, floors in chook pens, horse stables, garden beds. Large chaff bags $12ea Balingup - info bay - 10.00 Kirup - info bay - 10.30 Donnybrook - CMP, vacant stockfeeds - 11.00 Boyanup church Carpark opposite bakery - 12.00 Bunbury - Hay park - 1.00pm - Entrance off Bussel Hwy closest to Kmart. PLS SEND A MESSGAGE WITH WHAT YOU WOULD LIKE, YOUR, CONTACT NUMBER and TOWN you'd like to meet me at with your order - your order is not confirmed until you've had a reply from us...Thankyou Teena 0403951950
04.01.2022 Orders closing 8pm tonight for my delivery run this Tuesday...Chooks, Feed & Pine
03.01.2022 UPDATE - THE RUN WILL GO AHEAD ON TUESDAY - Fingers crossed we don't get too wet BRIDGETOWN to BUNBURY DELIVERY RUN - NEXT WEEK! Tuesday 14th OR Wednesday 15th depending on the weather! I will confirm by Sunday 12th Bringing quality feed from Seeber Grains and also Hyline Pulllets. I have some spare chooks for this run but not many so if you'd like some, let me know quickly! ... Poultry mix, Super Chook, Horse feeds, sheep, cows, alpacas...we have something to feed them all We make some of our own feeds at Seeber Grains and offer fantastic quality and the lowest prices we can. See pics for the complete range we have....let me know what you need PLUS $1 per bag delivery fee. Balingup - info bay - 9.00 Kirup - info bay - 9.30 Donnybrook - CMP, vacant stockfeeds - 10.30 Boyanup church Carpark opposite bakery - 11.30 Bunbury - Hay park - 12.30pm - entrance closest to Kmart. Pls send me a contact number and town you'd like to meet me at with your order Teena 0403951950
02.01.2022 I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and hope everyone stays safe over the holidays. I will be travelling to Bunbury on Xmas Eve and will be bringing chooks along, so if you'd like any in time for Xmas, pls let me know asap. It's going to be a very hot day so I'll be coming quite early so the chooks are all settled in their new homes before it's too hot! Times to be sorted late Wed ... I have a huge amount to choose from... Vorwerks - up to 8wks Hamburgs - up to 8wks Polish - up to 8wks Silkies - up to 5wks Wyandottes - day old to 3wks Cochins - day old to 3wks Hylines - at Point of Lay Asstd $ depending on age Located in Bridgetown - 0403951950
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