Good + Clean | Beauty
Good + Clean
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25.01.2022 Thanks for the review Adair! Point taken, hehe - will be looking to send to NZ next! "The BEST! I've tried quite a number of natural deodorants over the last couple of years, and since discovering I react to sodium bicarbonate my options have become more limited. This product is by far and away the best I've tried. Easy application, lovely scent, effective odour control, and it lasts well too. I'm a very happy customer except that I can't get it in NZ and have to wait to purchase it when I or someone I know is coming to Oz. The fact that I will go to such trouble to obtain it is testimony to how excellent it is!"
24.01.2022 The Pilbara region in Western Australia is home to some of the oldest surface rocks in the world, some more than 3 billion years old. Although the temperatures are hot and the landscape is unforgiving, the region is home to an estimated 4000 plants and animal species. The regular discovery of new species in the Pilbara suggests that there is still a lot we don’t know about the region’s plants and animals. For example, 12 new Acacia species were described in 2008, two new geck...o species discovered in 2012, and the number of species of stygofauna has increased from about 40 species known in 2002 to over 350 species in 2012, with experts estimating that this might only be half of the total number that are actually present. Conservationists are hard at work in this region, and in 2014 a study by the CSIRO and WA Parks and Wildlife Service looked at 17 different conservation strategies, as well the cost of each strategy and how likely it is that it would work. This study was one of the first of it’s kind and sets a framework for conservation specialists around the country for effective investment of the (unfortunately) limited resources that conservation projects have to work with. That’s some amazing work by amazing people.
23.01.2022 Me listening for the postman and crossing my paws he gets here soon! I’m hoping our packaging arrives today or Monday! Then we’ll get straight to it and be busy getting your orders ready and filling orders for our lovely stockists. Just a little disclaimer to say - this might not be the end of our low stock woes. We have several orders of packaging on the way and according to the tracking there is only one box that’s almost here - after 8 weeks of waiting this isn’t going to last long so if you’re needing to stock up I’d definitely recommend doing so now! The website is still able to take orders, which will be fulfilled early next week.
23.01.2022 Goodbye 2020. Hello 2021! Happy New Year to all of you lovely friends. Here’s to a good times ahead - cheers to love, nature, equality and renewable energy. Pic via @tasmania.
22.01.2022 Happy Earth Day friends. It’s a sad one and a hard one. Mama Earth might be taking a big breath right now whilst our demands on her have dropped so much, but it’s at such an expense that it’s impossible not to feel sad and despondent. Let’s hope and wish that we can work our way through this together and emerge from the other side with a sense of what’s truly important. I read a passage today that said I hope that through our experience of this pandemic, we will learn that i...t is far better to pre-empt a global problem when we see it on the horizon than have to deal with it when it engulfs us, and it’s hard not to agree. Look after yourselves, sending lots of love and hoping you’re all staying safe and well. @australiangeographic A stunning angophora is the only splash of colour on a misty Sydney morning, says Deb Alcock myaustralianativejourney of her pic captured in Garigal National Park, New South Wales. Thanks for sharing your pic with us Deb!
22.01.2022 Head to Instagram and find this post to enter! Making the shift towards plant-based eating is one major way to reduce our impact on the planet, but we also love discovering new eco-friendly products! To celebrate making more sustainable choices in 2020, we’ve teamed up with our favourite eco-friendly brands for a Sustainable Giveaway. What you’ll win:... Two @goodandclean_ native deodorant sets with four deodorants each Two weeks worth of @livesoulara meals (7 meals delivered weekly for 2 weeks) A @cedarandstonebotanicals natural skincare package including a facial oil, toner, foaming cleanser, mist, and facial scrub A @boodyecowear bamboo underwear pack with a $150 gift card, men’s boxers, and a bamboo crop bra An @enjo_australia eco-friendly chemical-free cleaning kit featuring a laundry bag, kitchen mini, all-purpose cloth, and kitchen miracle. See more
21.01.2022 For anyone who might be wondering - Good + Clean is still operating as usual, so your deodorant will still be delivered. I am now working alone making, labelling and packing orders (so essentially isolated) and dropping your parcels in a post box rather than having a courier pick up or visiting the post office to avoid any unnecessary contact. Luckily due to the nature of the business we can make it work without putting anyone at any extra risk. Currently we’re running a few ...days behind as postage for tins and bulk jars has been delayed, and glycerin is hard to come by with everyone buying it for sanitiser. Luckily the palm free glycerin was the one left in stock (probably because it’s a little more pricey)! In the grand scheme of things very small problems - and I’m very grateful we can still continue operating at this time, not everyone is so lucky. Stay safe everyone, keep washing your hands and keep on keeping your distance. We can get through this together, even though we’re physically apart.
21.01.2022 Too cute for words! Happy Friday friends.
17.01.2022 That’s what buddies are for. Any rescued young orphaned joey is being buddied up with other joeys of same age to reduce the human imprint whilst in care and i...t is a good way to learn how to be a wombat (a kangaroo, a possum etc.) in preparation for survival after release. When you find a young joey in deceased mum’s pouch please don’t attempt to raise it by itself; contact your local wildlife group where the joey will be raised by trained and experienced carers. We are authorised to rehabilitate wildlife through Wildlife Rescue South Coast Inc. #checkthepouch #babyanimals #wombat #wombatjoey #australianwildlife #southernhighlands
14.01.2022 TBT the first batch made in our new space! Ok it’s a pretty recent throwback, we’ve been in our new and bigger space in Burleigh for about 3 weeks now. It’s definitely a game changer, so much more room to spread out and really get going - exciting and a little bit scary at the same time! I think my favourite part is the great natural light - good for the soul!
14.01.2022 Just some jars, waiting for some friends like you (to reduce, reuse + refill) at @albanyecohouse.
13.01.2022 I would never have thought that the impending arrival of some empty steel tins could make me emotional, but here we are. After 8 weeks of waiting some of our packaging has finally arrived into Australia and will soon be in our hot little hands, ready to fill and send out to you guys. In all likelihood there will be further delays in the coming months as postage from the US is still not reliable, however as soon as these tins arrive we’ll be busy getting your orders out to you and to our stockists so that you can stock up again. Thanks so much for your patience during this time - everyone who’s been waiting will be getting an extra goody or two in their parcels!
11.01.2022 #oddlysatisfying
10.01.2022 It’s #plasticfreejuly, and the easiest (and a pretty fun) place to start your plastic minimising journey is by taking a visit to your local bulk foods store. There you’ll find flours, grains, herbs + spices, nuts, chocolate (important) and usually a whole bunch of cleaning and personal care products all without the crazy amounts of plastic that we see at regular supermarkets. Even better, a lot of these stores are locally owned (and there’s even quite a few not for profit, meaning your hard earned dollars are being spent supporting your local community rather than big corporations. We are lucky enough to be stocked by some great stores that have plastic free beauty products, check out our ‘stockists’ page and tick the ‘bulk jars’ box to find if there’s one near you. This image is one of our lovely stockists @thestorehousefremantle.
09.01.2022 @emilia_lauty with her Good + Clean deo doing it’s job after an intense dance class! Thanks so much for sharing Emilia.
09.01.2022 Back in June you all voted for which three conservation projects we would donate to, and you voted for 1/3 of the funds to go to @wilderness_aus for their campaign ‘Keep Big Oil our of our Oceans’. Since you voted for it, I thought you’d like an update! If you hadn’t already heard, there’s a big reason to celebrate, with all oil companies now abandoning plans to drill for oil in the Great Australian Bight. Although it might not be quite as famous as the Great Barrier... Reef, the Great Australian Bight is a unique natural resource home to a huge diversity of flora and fauna. Just one example of it’s importance is as a globally significant nursery for whales, meaning that its preservation is important not only for Australia, but also for the world. Photo from @wilderness_aus. See more
09.01.2022 Quick update for those waiting on any orders. I’ve just found out from my supplier that the tins I’ve been waiting on for the last few weeks have been located (had a bit of a mix up with tracking numbers) - and they’re currently in New York. As we all know New York is having a pretty rough go of things at the moment, so I’m not sure how long they will take to pass through (if you’re wondering why they’re in New York, we source the tins from the US rather than China, we found ...them to be the best quality and they‘re also made from recycled steel). If you do have an outstanding order and would like to cancel and instead order from one of our stockists, please send an email through to [email protected] and I’ll be happy to sort that out for you and point you in the direction of a stockist that’s has stock and best suits your needs / location. Stay safe and well. xx
08.01.2022 Hand poured creamy goodness.
07.01.2022 Thanks to Nerida for the lovely review! I love it when reviews like this pop up in my emails. Check out the reviews on our website - we use Yotpo, a third party app that verifies buyers before publishing their reviews, so you can be sure that they're from real customers.
05.01.2022 Little reminders we‘re all probably needing right now from @alleywaydesigns.
04.01.2022 I almost can’t believe we missed World Wildlife Day yesterday! Please accept this happy echidna as repentance. This is the short-beaked echidna, one of four echidna species in the world but the only echidna species that lives in Australia. Along with the Platypus, they are the only egg-laying mammals in the world. Thankfully this species is not endangered, and is quite common throughout Australia, especially outside of cities - and this little bud is certainly happy about that! Thanks so much for capturing this special picture @sophtopus
01.01.2022 Here’s a little Monday happiness for you - captured by @mayo_fisho. Well, that’s not something you see every day! says Andrew Mayo. I recently had the pleasure of encountering a swimming echidna in a northern NSW estuary while searching for a few flathead. The cute little fella was happily paddling around above the yabby beds, blowing bubbles and using his leathery snout as a snorkel. It was fascinating, utterly bizarre and super special to see! @australiangeographic