Good Life Beef | Farm
Good Life Beef
Phone: +61 488 194 289
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22.01.2022 When you’ve eaten too much but you’re still majestic af... . Still taking orders for last minute Christmas gift vouchers. Beef delivered February. #buyfromthebush . .... . #cow #ethicalbeef #happycow #jersey #majestic #aussiebeef #thankafarmer #goodlifebeef #nehighcountry See more
17.01.2022 E T H I C S What do ethics mean to you? When you look to support *ethical* businesses, what are they doing different? Where does right and wrong come in to farming? Such massive questions for a Friday evening.... but super important and something I’ve been thinking about lately with life and business.... All this year we’ve been carving out a definition of what we want @goodlifebeef to stand for. Treating our customers like we would our friends. Treating our animals like we would our family. Being mindful about food waste and our footprint on our world. More than that we want to give something back. That’s why in a couple of weeks from now we will be planting some #trees, one for every animal we own. Super excited to be living our dream and to be that little bit more #ethical Order now for December delivery at our website (#linkinbio) . . . #australianfarmers #buyfromthebush #buyfromthebushthischristmas #buyfromabushbusiness #shoplocal #ethicalbusiness #farmingaustralia #farmlife #thankafarmerforyournextmeal #goodlifebeef
17.01.2022 With all the clouds around lately, sunsets have just been dreamy This week at the Wednesday afternoon Bello market @Bellingen farmersproducers I’ll have Good Life Beef sausages, mince, beef cheeks and schnitzel steaks, perfect for crumb-at-home deliciousness! Nearly sold out, this will be the last time we have beef to sell until our next batch of orders are available in April. See you then! Lucy . . .... #goodlifebeef #ethicalbeef #local #wollomombi #happycows #beef #sunset #farmsunset #ilovebelloshire #bellingenfarmersandproducersmarket See more
15.01.2022 Get in now to order your BBQ-loving, steak-tasting, grill-grabbing special someone their dream gift - a voucher for 10kg of Good Life Beef! Message Lucy today to place your order! . . @goodlifebeef .... . #ethicalbeef #aussiebeef #buyfromthebush #beef #bbqlover #giftvoucherforchristmas #christmasgiftideas #christmas #aussiechristmas #christmas2019 See more
11.01.2022 Have you been digging around for the right Christmas gift for someone special? Maybe some #goodlifebeef should be on the menu and at the same time shop guilt free #buyfromthebush . We’re taking pre-orders now for delivery of our 10kg and 20kg beef boxes to you or your voucher holder in mid-Feb! At $19.25/kg that’s supermarket prices but twice as tasty . Plus I’ll give you a pretty voucher to pop in someone’s stocking in the meantime, #homemade by me! PS. He never got the tur...tle! . . @goodlifebeef . #aussiebeef #farmraisedbeef #ethicalbeef #jrtlovers #jackrussellterrier #bbq #beef #angusbeef #thankafarmerforyournextmeal See more
11.01.2022 Come and say hi!
09.01.2022 It’s just so nice to have green grass and see our cows with full tummies! We are almost as happy as they are We are currently in the planning stages for our next beef delivery on May 9th and 10th. We have had our sales severely affected by the cancellation of many markets and festivals over the next few months @seasonsne @taste.tamworth I don’t know what these next months will bring, but maybe this is an opportunity for you to take advantage of our home delivery service an...d stock up on some delicious, ethically-produced beef! I am also excited to learn more about marketing and management of our business from @theearthessco and their #10kvillagegrant What a help to our business this would be in these trying times. To join a village of supportive women with small businesses all around Australia means we can really band together. . . . #ethicalbeef #ethical #farmlife #cow #happycow #farmer #farmersmarket #nehighcountry #tasty #coronavirus #homedelivery
08.01.2022 Pasture-raising beef is not as easy as it sounds. We’ve just finished planting 40 acres to a mix of high performance annual and perennial grasses, legumes, brassicas and herbs. The variety and quality of this pasture translates to healthy animals who develop strong immune systems, grow like weeds and taste divine. As the old saying goes: you are what you eat! This is true for human and animals alike! We hope you can taste the complex and delicious flavours in our beef next you try some Next orders delivered last week of April, selling out very quickly so get in now! . . . #pastureraisedbeef #pastureraised #pasture #pasturedbeef #ethicalbeef #nehighcountry #foodbowl #northernnsw #locallyproduced #thankafarmerforyournextmeal #view #farmland #beef #ethicallyproduced #goodlifebeef
07.01.2022 So excited to be attending this BANGER of a festival this coming Saturday! Come say hi to me at the Good Life Beef market stall where I’ll have mince, sausages and some other beef goodies for sale. Then let’s boogie on the dance floor until the wee hours. See you there!
06.01.2022 So excited to get our online shop up and running built by yours truly and ready to take your orders for delivery next week. Last orders in by Sunday night at the latest please! REMEMBER our beef is 100% grass fed and packaged completely plastic free! Delivery dates:... Bellingen, Urunga, Coffs and Woolgoolga - Thursday Oct 15 Armidale and surrounds - Saturday Oct 17 Sydney, Brisbane, Gold Coast and everywhere in between - Mon/Tues Oct 19/20 I’ve been very slack lately so we have lots of boxes left to sell! Get in touch, we’re looking forward to hearing from you. . . . @buyfromthebush @groundedpackaging #ethicalbeef #ethical #beef #plasticfreeliving #plasticfree #beefitswhatsfordinner #grassfedbeef #paddocktoplate #nosetotail #beefproducer #farmer #farmersmarket #buyfromthebush #thankafarmerforyournextmeal #dorrigo #goodlifebeef
06.01.2022 Fresh from the farm and delivered by the farmer straight to your doorstep! Ethically produced beef from Armidale NSW. DM or message Lucy to place your order and support your farmers #buyfromthebush . . . #farmfresh #farmfreshbeef #beefisbest #steak #beef #aussiefarmersdoitbetter #rural #happycows #paddocktoplate #goodlife #goodlifebeef
04.01.2022 Want to cut down on plastic waste but all meat is wrapped in plastic? @goodlifebeef want to introduce 100% plastic free, fully compostable packaging with their ethically produced beef. Beef on a kickass environmental mission, with the highest animal welfare standards to boot. If you want to make one small change and do a little right by the world as well as supporting ethical farmers, check out our website to order for our next delivery, link in bio. And remember we deliver f...ree all along the east coast and NSW inland. You can also meet Lucy in person at the Wednesday afternoon market tomorrow in Bellingen @ilovebelloshire @bellingenfarmersproducers . . . Thanks @groundedpackaging for the home-compostable packaging options. . #plasticfreejuly #plasticfreejuly2020 #plasticfree #noplastic #ethical #ethicalbeef #ethicalfarming #groundedpackaging #beef #delicious #deliciousfood #goodlifebeef #thankafarmerforyournextmeal #supportlocal #farmersmarket
04.01.2022 These girls are off to the calving paddock and boy do they know the way! It’s quite a walk for these girls to go from their previous paddock to their new one but other than a couple of patches of lush green grass they just couldn’t go past without a nibble, they could’ve shown themselves in! If you’re keen to support your local food economy by purchasing some ethically grown beef packaged in fully-compostable packaging then look no further! @goodlifebeef delivering next week.... Get in touch, we still have a few boxes left! . . . #ethicalbeef #locallygrown #ethicalfood #localfoodeconomy #paddocktoplate #happycows #taste #delicious #goodlifebeef #goodlife #farmlife #farmfolk See more
04.01.2022 Yes girls! Calm down! These are some of our older cows, preggers and due to have babies in June/July. They are looking really good going in to winter as the temperatures start to get below 0 overnight, plenty of fat for insulation and getting their thick winter coats going! Salt blocks and licks are so important for our animals’ welfare. Through different growth stages and seasons, different nutrients and vitamins become more or less available in our pastures. Additionally, e...lements like Selenium are super important to keeping these girls muscle fibres flexing so giving birth is that much easier for them in a month’s time. As you can see, I hadn’t been to see them with their salt block for over 3 days and they were ravenous! Last orders for our end of June delivery close in a few weeks! Get in with a few friends, stock up on great beef you know has been loved and raised ethically. . . . #ethical #beef #ethicalbeef #beefwithlove #pastureraised #freerangebeef #ausag #nehighcountry #northerntablelands #paddocktoplate #nosetotail #happyfarmer #happycows #goodlife #goodlifebeef
03.01.2022 Let’s talk about soil! Our soils are directly related to the welfare of our cows. Why? Because soils carry all the nutrition that passes in to the cow and on to your plate! The main business of all farmers is to grow plants, but some farmers use animals to convert plants in to meat or dairy - nothing more natural than that! It makes sense that for every kg of food the animal uses to grow or maintain itself, a certain amount of nutrient is taken from the soil in to the growing... animal. Specific nutrients have specific roles in human and animal health alike. We recently tested the soil in our paddocks to see if we need to add or decrease anything, to improve health, nutrition and welfare for our animals. The results are in and along with replacing nutrients we remove when we eat one of our cows we will also need to add a few: specifically Phosphorus, Sulfur, Manganese and Boron. Both plants and animals require these to grow and all are super important in soil to having a healthy ecosystem . . . #healthyfood #healthy #healthysoil #soilhealth #krasnozem #dorrigoplateauproduce #nehighcountry #ethicalfood #ethicalbeef #ethicalfarming #happycows #goodlifebeef
02.01.2022 I’ve been getting creative in the kitchen with the whole range of Good Life Beef cuts lately, but sometimes simple is best! Italian meatballs with @goodlifebeef mince and @bellingenpasta Tomato Sugo mmmmm. All the herbs, garlic and greens (and the beef of course) we grew ourselves! It’s easy to eat healthy and local at the same time. See you at the Wednesday Bellingen Farmer’s Market this Wednesday and next! I’ll have some beautiful cuts of beef to sell for the first time, fr...esh from our paddock to your plate! Bon appetit! . . . #fresh #local #meatballs #italian #beef #ethicalbeef #nehighcountry #taste #delicious #simpleisbest #ruralaustralia #thankafarmerforyournextmeal See more
02.01.2022 Dinner last night: Good Life Beef Devilled Sausages with homegrown greens and mash yum yum Come see us at Bello markets this Wednesday or the gorgeous Armidale Farmer’s Markets at Saumarez this Sunday where we will be selling steaks, sausages, mince and other tasty beef straight off our farm at Wollomombi. See you there! . .... . #devilledsausages #ethical #homegrown #tasty #foodporn #fresh #nehighcountry #farmersmarket #happycows #delicious #goodlifebeef See more
02.01.2022 Good morning from us to you! It’s so relaxing to just sit and spend time hanging with our boys before diving into a big week of deliveries next week. Still a few boxes available if you’re keen to stock up. Remember our next delivery isn’t until August! . . . #happycows #ethicalfood #pastureraised #ethicalbeef #paddocktoplate #taste #delicious #homechef #relaxinnature #goodlifebeef