Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Noosa in Noosaville, Queensland, Australia | Lutheran Church
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Noosa
Locality: Noosaville, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 7 5455 8645
Address: 115 Eumundi Noosa Rd 4566 Noosaville, QLD, Australia
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25.01.2022 Sunday September 20, 2020 Making Sense of Scripture: What is the Bible? "But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name". John 20:31... Today we begin a new worship series called Making Sense of Scripture. Chances are, we all own a Bible. But do we really know what kind of a book it is? While some view the Bible as a divine reference book and others treat it as a supernatural history or science text book, Lutherans value it as the story of Gods historic and ongoing work in the world, a story that seeks to draw us into its pages today. For Worship@Home resources, please visit:
24.01.2022 In times of disconnect due to #Coronavirus restrictions, it's comforting to know that we are loved. "This is how we know what love is. Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. 1 John 3:16
24.01.2022 All are welcome to join us for our Holy Week and Easter Services 2020.
23.01.2022 Sunday August 9, 2020 Elijah...Hearing the Voice of God Speak "After the earthquake came a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper." 1 Kings 19:12... Elijahs story is really not about Elijah, but about the faithfulness of God through very difficult circumstances. His name actually means Yahweh is God. Elijah is a great prophet who raises the dead, brings fire down from the sky, and ascends into the clouds in a whirlwind. Elijah claims to hear the voice of God speak directly to him. Have you ever heard someone say, God spoke to me and said . Really? Does God speak to us? How does this happen? What are we supposed to listen for? Today, as we worship, were going to learn to listen for the voice of God. Gods voice is not limited to just one form of communication. God speaks in many ways. One-way God speaks to us is through the Word of God. Lets make this our prayer today; that we would be still and quiet long enough to hear God speak. For Worship @ Home resources, please visit
22.01.2022 Sunday June 21, 2020 MOSES: Followers become Leaders Moses replied, I wish that all the LORD'S people were prophets and that the LORD would put his Spirit on them! Numbers 11:29... Moses is one of the first great leaders to emerge in Gods story. Few people have impacted the Judeo-Christian faith more than Moses. His story is rich, and his influence can be found well beyond the boundaries of the Hebrew Scriptures and into the Christian Scriptures. Moses expertly delegates authority, hoping all of Gods people would be prophets, and that Gods Spirit would be active in and through all people. The Spirit of God is active in us, working through us. Moses was right. Today well consider how Gods spirit is active in and through Gods people. For Worship @ Home resources, please visit
21.01.2022 Sunday June 14, 2020 - Mary Magdalene Soon afterward he went on through cities and villages, proclaiming and bringing the good news of the kingdom of God. And the twelve were with him, 2 and also some women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities: Mary, called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out. (Luke 8:1-2) Perhaps no one in the biblical story has been the subject of more rumours, gossip and misinformation and no one more misunderstood than Mary Ma...gdalene. If well stick with the facts, however, well discover a woman who planted seeds of financial support into Jesus ministry, and seeds of the good news of Jesus resurrection into the disciples. Marys life was transformed by personal experiences with Jesus, and because of this she lived in deep gratitude. We can learn much from this woman named Mary Magdalene about how we, too, can be set free from what holds us captive and live transformed and grateful lives. For Worship @ Home resources, please visit
20.01.2022 Easter 6 - Sunday May 17, 2020 For in him we live and move and have our being. Acts 17: 28 Throughout the Scriptures, there are many critical characters in the story of God among us. They are part of the story that was written and continues to unfold. We are part of that story, as well, and we can learn how to live our lives as we learn more about them.... The Apostle Pauls ministry is remarkably productive and unbelievably difficult. Paul stands before a Greek audience and boldly declares that the unknown god they worship can actually be known, and this God is the Lord of heaven and earth. Well read about Paul today, and see what we can learn from his effectiveness at planting seeds of faith in all that he says and does. As followers of Jesus, we are missionaries to all in what we say and do. We want to act on the idea that we are ordinary people equipped by God for extraordinary ministry, which becomes part of the story of God in Gods world. For Worship @ Home resources, please visit
20.01.2022 Sunday May 3 2020 Easter 4 - Good Shepherd Sunday Jesus said, The Good Shepherd, goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice. John 10:4... This Sunday is Good Shepherd Sunday. As Lutheran Christians, we believe that it all begins in the waters of baptism. God initiates a relationship with us, and we live the rest of our lives in this great mystery of faith. Our psalm for today is probably the most familiar of all, and it reminds us that our great Shepherd makes us lie down in green pastures, and leads us beside still waters, and restores our soul. We are like sheep who listen for the voice of the Shepherd, and respond to the call of this Shepherd. Today we will affirm our baptismal promises as we consider what it means to be the future church, and to dedicate ourselves to the things of God. For Worship @ Home resources, please visit:
19.01.2022 Pentecost - Sunday May 31, 2020 Peace be with you. As the father has sent me, so I send you.John 20:21b Imagine the broad range of emotions the disciples must have felt upon hearing their Lord speak these words. Here they are, locked in a room, hiding in fear. They must have been overjoyed to see Jesus again after witnessing his horrific death...and yet, here he was -- telling them that not only was the door unlocked, but they actually had to leave the room! I can only im...agine the fear, joy, apprehension, insecurity, confidence, and then fear all over again. Locks on a door give us some sense of security and privacy. Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, is giving us the key to open the doorway to a new world of ministry. Through the Spirit of God, we are given the power to do what we dont think were able to do; to be about the work of the ministry of Jesus Christ. As a disciple of Christ, these words are for you just as much as they were for those in that room! You are sent into the world as well! Is your door unlocked? Do you feel the peace of Jesus sustaining you? Are you buoyed by your faith? Pray this week that the ministry of those first disciples would encourage and inspire you to not only live out the call to ministry but help to equip others to do so as well. For Worship @ Home resources, please visit
18.01.2022 Sunday, August 30, 2020 Peter...Losing our life to find it. Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it. Matthew 16: 24-25... This beloved friend and disciple of Jesus is regarded as the first pope of the Catholic church. He was put to death at the hand of Emperor Nero. Ironically, our text for today tells us we may need to lose our life to find it. In true human form, Peter often does not understand what Jesus is up to. Even though he is slow to catch on and quickly denies his relationship with Jesus, he becomes a great example of faith for us. As followers of Jesus, we are called to lose our life to find it. For Worship @ Home resources, please visit
17.01.2022 Sunday 26, July 2020 Solomon...Wisdom for living. So God said to Solomon, Since you have asked for this and not for long life or wealth for yourself, nor have asked for the death of your enemies but for discernment in administering justice, I will do what you have asked. I will give you a wise and discerning heart, so that there will never have been anyone like you, nor will there ever be. 1 Kings 3: 11-12... When we pray and we dont get the answers we want when we want them, we think that God isnt listening. But its we who are not listening to God. Listening is not something that comes automatically. It takes time and practice. It takes slowing down and being still. It takes trust to believe that God is there, waiting to reach out to us, just as God reached out to Solomon. When we find it hard to listen, to slow down and be still, we can turn to Jesus, who often went by himself to a quiet place to listen to God. Take a deep breath, and ask God for a listening heart, as Solomon did. Then stop, and listen. For Worship @ Home resources, please visit
17.01.2022 Sunday, September 6 2020 "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. Matthew 28:19-20... Go says God. No, we reply. Im the wrong person, not gifted enough, not old enough, not eloquent enough. Go, says God, and I will be with you. And because we dare to believe those incredible words, and I will be with you we are here today to risk asking our Lord Jesus Christ to send us as He was sent. The mission of the church is to make disciples who make disciples. We Go, Baptise, Teach and Depend. If you are a disciple of Jesus, that is your mission statement and those are your marching orders. God has given every believer, in every one of our churches, a mission to go into the world and share the Good News about Jesus. As we celebrate a special mission emphasis in our worship today, may God encourage us to keep the Great Commandment in our thoughts, prayers, and offerings daily. For Worship@Home resources, please visit
17.01.2022 Sunday October 18, 2020 How Can I Read the Bible with Greater Understanding? We do, however, speak a message of wisdom among the mature, but not the wisdom of this age or of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing. No, we declare God’s wisdom, a mystery that has been hidden and that God destined for our glory before time began. 1 Corinthians 2: 6-7... The gap between reading and understanding the Bible can sometimes feel like a chasm that’s too wide to cross! But just as the right tools can make any job easier, the right interpretive tools can break open the meaning of the Bible in ways that enlighten our mind and feed our soul. While there are certainly skills to be learned, the Holy Spirit is ultimately the One who opens our eyes and our minds to understanding. There are limits to human reason, and the true wisdom of God seen in the cross of Christ comes to us as a gift of God through faith. For Worship@Home Resources, please visit
15.01.2022 Sunday, September 27, 2020 Is the Bible True? Jesus said, If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. John 8: 31-32... As Christians, we affirm that the Bible is true. The question is, how is the Bible true? And what do we mean when we say that the Bible is true? Do we mean that it’s factually accurate, or do we mean something else? As we read the Bible, God speaks and the Spirit leads us to know ourselves and to know Jesus, the Truth. Today we continue our worship series called Making Sense of Scripture. This series is based on the book by the same title by Pastor David Lose. The Bible is the story of God’s love for us. It’s okay to ask questions about it. It’s okay to disagree with one another. We don’t worship a book; we worship Jesus, the Living Word. Today we are looking at the question, Is the Bible True? Let’s enter into this conversation together as we worship today. For Worship@Home resources, please visit
15.01.2022 Palm/Passion Sunday, April 5, 2020 And being found in appearance as a man, he (Jesus) humbled himself by becoming obedient to death even death on a cross! Philippians 2: 8 There are times in our lives when things seem to be unbearable; too heavy to lift, manage or carry. This is Passion week, and as we welome Jesus as our King into Jerusalem, we also hear the story of Jesus trial, betrayal, and crucifixion. As Jesus prays in Gethsemane, it is very clear that this wei...ght is almost unbearable. Once again, Jesus chooses the road less travelled and proclaims the good news of Gods unconditional love and forgiveness by going to the cross. This action reveals the character of God, and the lengths to which God will go to proclaim Gods love for all that is created. No matter how grave your disobedience, no matter how unbearable your situation, no matter how cracked the windshield of your life, Jesus has come to make it right. So dont give up hope. Through his radical obedience, Jesus heals our disobedience. See more
14.01.2022 Sunday, August 30, 2020 Peter...Losing our life to find it. ‘Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it. Matthew 16: 24-25... This beloved friend and disciple of Jesus is regarded as the first pope of the Catholic church. He was put to death at the hand of Emperor Nero. Ironically, our text for today tells us we may need to lose our life to find it. In true human form, Peter often does not understand what Jesus is up to. Even though he is slow to catch on and quickly denies his relationship with Jesus, he becomes a great example of faith for us. As followers of Jesus, we are called to lose our life to find it. For Worship @ Home resources, please visit
14.01.2022 Watch #worship online, by DVD and download sermons for Easter at This will continue into the foreseeable future, even while we are impacted by the #Coronavirus
14.01.2022 Sunday, September 13, 2020 Ezekiel ... Repentance Leads to Reconciliation EZEKIEL 33:7-11 Say to them, As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign LORD, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that they turn from their ways and live. Turn! Turn from your evil ways! Ezekiel 33:11... Today we conclude our worship series called Great People in Gods Story, and we meet a man named Ezekiel, whose name literally means God will strengthen. At 25, hes one of 3,000 Jews exiled to Babylon. His calling is to be a prophet, appointed by God to call the people back to God through repentance. The gift of repentance has the potential to lead to reconciliation as we admit our wrongs and turn around to live into a new direction. For this First Communion Worship Service, we will focus on repentance and respond to the call of Ezekiel. For Worship @ Home resources, please visit
13.01.2022 Sunday August 23, 2020 Abraham and Sarah Look to Abraham, your father, and to Sarah, who gave you birth. When I called him he was only one man, and I blessed him and made him many". Isaiah 51:2 ... Ten generations after Noah and twenty generations after Adam, another great father of faith steps onto the stage of humanity. Abraham and Sarah are sent from their home in Haran to take possession of this new place that God has prepared for them. The promise to them was not only that theyd have children at a very old age, but that their descendants would number beyond their imagination. In their wildest dreams, these two cannot imagine what God would do. As followers of Jesus, we can dream great dreams because God is able to do things beyond anything we can imagine. For Worship @ Home resources, please visit:
13.01.2022 Sunday June 28, 2020 The prophet who prophesies peace will be recognized as one truly sent by the LORD only if his prediction comes true. Jeremiah 10:28 Jeremiah was just 13 years old when God spoke directly to him and, in classic prophet style, he doesnt want to be a prophet. But Jeremiah is used by God to confront Judah and Jerusalem for their worship of idols. They have broken covenant community, and its Jeremiahs job to tell them so. He demonstrates knowledge and wi...sdom that can only come from God. As followers of Jesus, we may be called to give correction when covenant community is broken among us. Like Jeremiah and the people of his time, we are created to live in covenant community. When the covenant is broken, we need to heed the voice of the prophet(s) calling us to repent and return to the Lord. For Worship@Home resources, please visit
13.01.2022 Easter Sunday April 12, 2020 "The angel said to the women, Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said". Matt 28:5-6 And now it begins. What begins? Everyone around Jesus thought this was the end, not the beginning. This is the day of resurrection, Easter morning, and we gather to celebrate this new thing that begins in us and our world. ... Grief, sorrow, and mourning are over. Through his dying on the cross, Christ has triumphed over death and now is alive as the new King who reigns in the Kingdom of God. When we say Amen, we are agreeing together, Yes, yes, it is going to come about just like this. When we say Amen, were agreeing with Gods great Amen, which is the empty cross and the open tomb. This is Easter! This is the pivot point of all human history. Welcome to the resurrection victory of Easter! See more
13.01.2022 Sunday, August 16, 2020 Confirmation Sunday "The Word is near you, on your lips and in your heart... because if you confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord ... and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. No one who believes in him will be put to shame". Romans 10:8a, 9, 11 Today is a special day in the lives of those who have prepared themselves for the Rite of Confirmation. Today they will confess their faith in Jesus Christ and embark upon a special journey in the Church for the remainder of their lives. The Disciples and every Christian throughout the ages, believed in their hearts Jesus was who he said he was the Son of God. They confessed with their lips that Jesus was Lord. They wanted everyone to know God had raised him from the dead and that God could raise them too. In the power of the Holy Spirit they made every moment of their lives count. And God gave them the words, wisdom, healing power, boldness, courage and love to transform the world. That same Holy Spirit from God is available to you. That same living Christ and resurrection power is yours. Pray for the power to confess, believe and live today like it matters. For Worship @ Home resources, please visit:
11.01.2022 Sunday June 7, 2020 - Holy Trinity Sunday God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. Genesis 1:31 Today we continue to meet great people in Gods story. Each week we will explore the faith life of people who have shaped the story of God and continue to shape our story. The story of Adam and Eve is a story set within the story of creation. The pinnacle of this creation is humankind: you and me.... Adam and Eves story is our story. What happens to them in the beautiful garden happens in our lived experience over and over again. We doubt Gods love and goodness. We seek to live on our own terms. Sin breaks us and our relationships. We are in bondage and cannot free ourselves. Thats Adam and Eves story. Thats our story. Like Adam and Eve, our sin, our guilt and shame, cause us to hide ourselves, to hide from God, and to hide from one another. But God in Christ seeks us with love and forgiveness. When Jesus Christ was lifted up on the cross, he was crying out for the whole of this hidden creation: Come out! Let my love, my grace, my forgiveness, free you from your hiding places. Come out! Get found. For Worship@Home resources, please visit
11.01.2022 Maundy Thursday April 9, 2020 A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another." John 13: 34 Israels deliverance from slavery comes full circle as Jesus performs the duty of a slave in washing the feet of his disciples. On the night He was betrayed, Jesus took a towel, washed His disciples feet, and commanded them to do likewise. He also took a cup, gave it to His disciples to drink, and commanded them to remember Him by doing l...ikewise. On this Maundy Thursday (Maundy from the Latin word meaning "command") we remember the commands of Jesus, celebrate His coming to us in the bread and wine of Holy Communion, and be delivered from anything that would prevent us from fully loving one another and caring for each other. See more
11.01.2022 Sunday May 24, 2020 Easter 7 Prayer Matters - John 17:1-11 And now I am no longer in the world, but they are in the world, and I am coming to you. Holy Father, protect them in your name that you have given me, so that they may be one, as we are one. John 17:11 ... Prayer matters, especially to those looking for divine intervention. However, somehow our culture thinks they can only pray inside a church. Somehow, theyve learned that prayer is the last resort at the end of a disaster. Research would show that most people pray, but that our ideas of how prayer works varies greatly. Todays gospel is a text in which Jesus prays. Its amazing to think that when Jesus prayed the high priestly prayer found in John 17, he had you and me in mind! Jesus example of prayer and communion with the Father is found throughout the New Testament. Prayer ushers us into Gods presence that we may be in intimate communion with our Abba Father and that we may be in awe of who God is. As we dwell in Gods presence through prayer, our view of God dramatically changes, and we are able to reflect the greatness of God to the world. Hearing Gods word and praying through scripture is an excellent way to begin a conversation with God. This allows for us to take time to listen and speak. We can learn much about prayer from Jesus example. Prayer matters. For Worship @ Home resources, please visit
11.01.2022 Reformation Sunday, October 25, 2020 MORE GRACE; Less choice Ephesians 1:3-7; John 15: 9-17 "For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight." Ephesians 1:4... When it comes to our relationship with God, who chooses whom? It’s all a matter of grace! So, is it a decision or a response? Neither. Salvation is an event; a God event. Our wills are crucified with Christ. Now we live as simultaneously sinner and saint. The cross makes that painfully clear. It’s not a continuum. It’s both/and. We live because Christ died, was resurrected, and now chooses us. Forget understanding it your will won’t allow it! We are justified by grace through faith. It’s that simple. This is Reformation Sunday, a time when we celebrate and remember the work of Martin Luther and other reformers who dedicated themselves to realigning the church to its original ideals. The cornerstone of the Reformation is the clear proclamation of salvation by grace through faith. What a great day to proclaim that good news again, for broken sinners like us! God is constantly calling us to ‘more grace and less choice’. For Worship@Home resources, please visit
10.01.2022 #Lent is a time of preparation for #Easter. For some this means a time for fasting or doing without, a time of prayer & looking beyond our own needs. It begins on #AshWednesday and goes for 40 days revisiting Jesus' life & his road to the cross.
07.01.2022 Sunday July 17, 2020 Isaiah...Leaning into the future Do not tremble, do not be afraid. Isaiah 44:8... Its eight centuries before Christ would be born, and into the darkness of the Israelites Assyrian exile comes a prophet named Isaiah. He warns the people to turn back to Yahweh, and be the people of God who care for the poor and broken in their society. His difficult task is to speak the light of Gods word into the darkness of their circumstances, to speak of life from death. Dont we all need to be reminded on a regular basis that no matter how deep the darkness, no matter how abandoned we feel, we are never alone? That is the good news that God is proclaiming into our lives through Jesus. That the good news we need to hear over and over again when we feel lost, defeated, confused, hopeless and at the end of our rope. There is no darkness so deep that the light of Gods love in Jesus Christ cannot penetrate and dispel it. We all need an Isaiah in our lives who will remind us of the truth of Gods enduring presence and steadfast love. We all need an Isaiah in our lives who will remind us that nothing is beyond Gods redemption and restoration. For Worship @ Home resources, please visit
06.01.2022 Sunday July 5, 2020 PRISONERS OF HOPE As for you, because of the blood of my covenant with you, I will free your prisoners from the waterless pit. Return to your fortress, O prisoners of hope. Zechariah 9:11-12... Words of warning. Words of encouragement. That is Zechariahs message at a critical time in Israels history. Today we continue to meet great people in Gods story. Each week we will explore the faith life of people who have shaped the story of God and continue to shape our story. There are 27 Zechariahs in the Bible. The one we meet today is one of the prophets of restoration, because his writing focuses on the restoration of Israel. Zechariah is both a prophet and priest who not only focuses Gods people on rebuilding the temple, but proclaiming the message that God is at work and plans to live again with them in Jerusalem. God is going to save them from their enemies and cleanse them from sin, and this oracle gives us a hint as to how this will happen. We, like Zechariah, are called to be lovingly bold in speaking the truth into our culture, and to be purveyors of hope in what might seem to be a hopeless time. The hope we bear to the world is the good news of the Kingdom of God that brings abundant life and victory over sin and death. Not only are we free people in Christ, but we are also prisoners of hope. For Worship @ Home resources, please visit
06.01.2022 Sunday July 12, 2020 Matthew...Sowing in the Kingdom "As Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax collectors booth. Follow me, he told him, and Matthew got up and followed him". Matthew 9:9... Matthew is another great person in Gods story. Matthew is a living example of the parable of the sower and the seed. He receives the Word and then casts it out to everyone he encounters. Can you imagine the impact of Jesus invitation on Matthew? Suddenly the outcast is an insider. Suddenly the one who belongs nowhere belongs to Jesus. Suddenly the unlovable one is loved. Rubbing shoulders with Jesus and the other disciples, Matthew becomes a believer. Matthew catches the faith. Its human nature to want to share the most powerful experiences of our lives. For Matthew, that means wanting to share his new-found faith with the only friends he has, his fellow tax collectors. But Matthew seems to know that faith is caught, not taught. And so Matthew throws a party, and invites Jesus, the other disciples, and his tax collector friends. What is Matthew up to? Simple. Matthew wants his friends to rub shoulders with Jesus and the disciples in the hopes that they, too, will experience what he has experienced, and catch the faith. As followers of Jesus, we are called to sow seeds of faith. For Worship@Home resources, please visit
05.01.2022 Watch LCA/NZ Bishop John Hendersons video message for members and friends of the LCA/NZ in response to the unfolding COVID-19 crisis, in which he reminds us nothing can separate us from the love of God. You can also access resources and advice on the LCA/NZ COVID-19 Response page at See more
05.01.2022 Worship @ Home Maundy Thursday. May the Lord be with you as you worship and follow Jesus from the supper to the garden, and the cross to the empty tomb.
05.01.2022 Sunday November 1, 2020 ALL SAINTS DAY 'The custom of commemorating the saints of the church on a single day goes back at least to the third century. In modern practice, All Saints' Day commemorates not only all the departed but all the people of God, living and dead, who form the mystical body of Christ. What makes a Saint? Faith and baptism makes a saint. By washing our sins away in Baptism, we are made holy. The word saint comes from the Latin "sanctus", which means "holy...." Therefore, through our baptism, we are made holy, we are made saints in the eyes of our Heavenly Father. Why do we remember saints? We are a remembering people. It’s in our nature to remember and mark our remembering in special ways. When significant people touch and impact our lives, we want to remember them. Keeping memory alive keeps us alive. Each memory is a story, and we are part of that story. Remembering is being linked to something bigger than ourselves. For Worship@Home resources, please visit
04.01.2022 Sunday, October 4, 2020 How is the Bible the Word of God? "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God". John 1:1... Jesus is the Word of God, spoken for the salvation of all creation. The Gospel is the Word of God, the good news of God’s work through Jesus. The Bible is the Word of God, bearing witness to God’s being and work in the world. If we read the Bible like an encyclopaedia that can be intellectually grasped, then we’ll read it for little more than information. We’ll study it, memorize it, be confused and bored by it, and remain largely unchanged. But when we begin to understand that this book is the inspired Word of God, filled with the power of the Holy Spirit to not only point us to Jesus but invite us into the ongoing story of God’s saving work in the world, then this becomes more than a book. It becomes a means by which God speaks into our lives. It becomes a means of a living conversation between us and God. It becomes a means through which God confronts us, changes us, empowers us, inspires us and includes us in God’s ongoing work in the world. We don’t worship a book; we worship the One who meets us in its pages. This is what we will explore today as we worship. For Worship@Home resources, please visit:
03.01.2022 ATTENTION: Due to the COVID-19 guidelines from the Australian Government, LCA and LCAQLD; Good Shepherd Leadership has made the decision to cancel all worship, events and gatherings until further notice. This includes Worship this Sunday, March 23 2020. More information will be sent. Remember Joshuas words to the Israelite's as they embarked on uncharted territory: Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9
02.01.2022 Sunday August 2, 2020 David...Witness to all Nations "Give ear and come to me; listen, that you may live. I will make an everlasting covenant with you,... my faithful love promised to David. See, I have made him a witness to the peoples, a ruler and commander of the peoples." Isaiah 55:3-4 Last week we met his son, Solomon. Today we meet King David, another great person in Gods story who lives in the promise of God; not perfection. Isaiah tells us that King David is a witness to the people and a great leader of the people of Israel. Once again we hear the call to covenant community, and to live as witnesses to the things of God. Centuries later, the one who is the King of Kings comes from the bloodline of this earthly king. As followers of Jesus, we can learn from the witness of King David. God has established the house of David forever, and now we are Gods chosen-by-faith community, extending Gods promises to the world around us. Today well explore what we can learn from King David, who is a witness to all nations. For Worship @ Home resources, please visit:
02.01.2022 Cant make it to worship on Sunday? Get in touch with the church office so you can join in live from home, the car or even afterwards by watching the recording.
01.01.2022 Sunday, October 11, 2020 Where Did the Bible Come From? All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3: 16-17... Today we continue our worship series called Making Sense of Scripture. Today we are looking at Where did the Bible come from? So, how do you think the Bible came to us? Is this book of divine origin or human origin? The Bible is God’s book, through which God accomplishes divine purposes. At the same time, the Bible is a very human book, written by inspired witnesses in a particular time, to a particular people and for a particular purpose. This is what we’ll explore today as we worship together. For Worship@Home resources, please visit:
01.01.2022 Come join us for Mid-week Lenten Bible Study Series: EYES ON JESUS. Each Wednesday @ 7pm starting Ash Wednesday, February 26, 2020.
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