Good Vibes Dance Studio in Glenroy, Victoria | Dance school
Good Vibes Dance Studio
Locality: Glenroy, Victoria
Phone: +61 413 402 912
Address: Bellevue Park Primary School, Morell St 3046 Glenroy, Victoria
Likes: 374
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25.01.2022 We have many nurses and other health workers in our GVDS family and we just want to take a moment to say thank you for everything that you do. Living a career that is entirely based around caring for others, even when it puts your own health at risk is truly amazing. You are our heroes every day!! Xxx Happy International Nurses Day! Xxx
24.01.2022 HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY @kallipapadopoulos The entire Good Vibes family would like to wish our beautiful senior student Kalli the most amazing 18th birthday. Kal you’ve been with us since day one and it has been an honour to watch you grow in to the beautiful young woman you are today. You are a joy to teach and you always have the best stories!! Thank you for being a caring and compassionate student as well as an amazing role model to our younger students, who have always looked up to you. We are so proud of you sweetheart and wish you all the best xxx Love you!!!!
23.01.2022 Some of our little Good Vibes clan have come together to give you a very important message! From toddlers to adults (and everyone in between) we are missing you all and can not wait to see you again when its safe to do so. Enjoy this lovely video- were all in this together xxx #goodvibesdance #gvdsglenroy #allinthistogether #virtualgvds #missingyou #thankyou
23.01.2022 HAPPY BIRTHDAY MISS ERIN!!! We hope you’ve had an amazing day full of celebration and love! Your GVDS family @erin_b83 @erin_bdance
22.01.2022 EXCITING NEWS!!!! With the new government and school guidelines we have just found out that we will be allowed back as of next week We don’t have all the details as yet but please keep an eye on your emails later in the week while we explore an amended timetable and a varying class offering. We are BEYOND excited and know you will be too! We ask for just a little more patience while we prepare the answers to the questions we know you’ll want to ask.... We cannot wait to see you all again See more
22.01.2022 Hi everyone!! After some good news from our Premier we have been given the go ahead to re-open. We have decided as a team to remain closed tomorrow for the pur...pose of getting in to the space and giving all of our equipment a good clean. Classes will return on SATURDAY with our toddlers. An IMPORTANT notice and reminder to parents that our drop off area is the front gate. The foyer is too small for us to allow parents to gather safely. If you need to speak with us please send us an email. The ONLY exclusion to this are our toddlers (who are permitted an adult in the dance space who will be required to check in, wear a mask and sanitise while socially distancing), and one parent of a child who is trialling a class (again, the same guidelines). Students will be escorted out at the conclusion of their class. Please only arrive 5 minutes before class to minimise your wait time, and ensure that you maintain the required social distance. All students 12 and over are required to wear a mask to dance, and will be permitted to take it off during class. If any symptoms of Covid 19 are present attendance will unfortunately not be permitted. As always, the safety of our students, staff and families is our main focus. We have done this before, and will do it again- we are just so grateful to be able to kick it back off! See you Saturday!! Dannii, Kate and Cat xxx
21.01.2022 Wishing our amazing Miss Kate the happiest birthday EVER Thank you for being a wonderful principal, teacher, role model and friend. We love you lots and we hope you have the BEST DAY EVER!!! SEE YOU SOON!!!!! Your GVDS family ... #gvdsglenroy #goodvibesdance #happybirthdaymisskate See more
21.01.2022 We know that in these tricky times it can be hard to reach out, but we want you to know that you are so important to us and we are so grateful to have you in our lives. On more than just a business level. You are our people. We are so lucky to have such a caring and supportive community around us even if we can’t be together at this time. We want to take today to ask... are you okay? And we want to remind you that we are always here. You are always welcome to reach out to us... if you need. You are on our minds and in our hearts and we are sending you big, socially distanced hugs!!!! Missing you! Dannii, Kate and Cat xxx #ruokday #ruok #changealife #gvdsglenroy #goodvibesdance #distantbutnotapart See more
21.01.2022 Our loves, here we are again. We were absolutely devastated to realise that we wouldn't be opening up again next week as planned. However as we've said since the day we closed nearly 4 months ago- the health and safety of our GVDS family must (and always will) come first. It will be difficult once again to say goodbye to the freedoms we had briefly been allowed, but we want to come through this as best we can as soon as we can. So for now we are simply hibernating. We are u...nable to film any new videos of our own, however some amazing colleagues from different dance schools have provided us some content that we are so very excited to share with you all.. We know that these times can be quite scary and we just want to send our endless love to you all. We are here for you and we want to assure you that we are not going anywhere. The day we are allowed to safely open our doors once again, we will be ready for you. Please take care of yourselves both physically and mentally over these next few weeks. Reach out if there is anything you need or just to chat. We are here and we have loved chatting to many of you already over this period. We will soon be back behind closed doors, then 6 weeks will fly by. We are very excited that we will be able to exercise some creative flair with our concert and our end of year celebrations!!! We can't wait to be together again! Keep an eye on your emails for some great new dance lessons, keep sanitising and please stay safe! Lots and lots and lots of love, Dannii, Kate and Cat xxx See more
21.01.2022 A reminder to our Saturday dancers (Toddlers, Tinies and Subbies) that this week is our last for the year. Since Christmas has been our theme please come dressed in your Festive best!!! Along with having a lovely last class together we will record the dances that we’ve been working on to share with your families Thank you once again and we can’t wait to see you one last time for 2020! #gvdsglenroy #goodvibesdance
21.01.2022 How wonderful is this collaboration of dancers doing it just like we are- dancing at home- from all over the world! A lovely, uplifting watch! Enjoy xxx
21.01.2022 IMPORTANT!!!! With COVID-19 restrictions being reinforced around the state we wanted to remind you of some main points from our Covid Policy for Reopening. Masks must be worn by all individuals over 12 years of age unless dancing. ALL CLASSES are CLOSED with the exception of our toddler class, who are will be permitted one adult per dancer, with social distancing maintained. An exception to this is a trial class which may be observed from a distance. Parents who are must check in via our QR system and sanitise upon entry, and will be required to wear a fitted mask at all times. Check in- all 18+ students and visiting parents are required to check in through our QR code located in the foyer. If for some reason you cannot check in you are required to leave your contact tracing information with a member of staff. Sanitise, sanitise, sanitise! Upon entry and whenever the thought crosses your mind. There will be plenty of sanitiser around the foyer and hall to ensure that we are as safe as possible, as well as reminders to sanitise. Most importantly- if your dancer is showing ANY symptoms they will not be permitted to attend. This is for the safety and well being of all students, staff and families. By following these guidelines we are all contributing to the safety and wellbeing of the GVDS clan. We are so glad to be open once again and we would love to remain that way!!! #gvdsglenroy #goodvibesdance #gvds2021 #staysafe
21.01.2022 SEND US YOUR FAVOURITE MASK PHOTO!!! How adorable are these masks which were designed by our very own former student Sascha and sent out to us as a gift. What an amazing way for us to keep ourselves safe, and such a lovely gesture of care and compassion- which is not unusual in our GVDS clan xxx We would love for you to send us your favourite mask photos (dancers, mums, dads, grandparents, siblings, kids) and well create a little collage to spread the love. We miss you all ...and hope that you are staying safe and taking care of yourselves and each other in these tricky times! Fingers crossed that we can be together again soon! XXX #gvdsglenroy #goodvibesdance #pusheen #facemask #adorable #gratitude #wemissyou #togetheragainsoon See more
21.01.2022 Have you enrolled for our 4 week bridge program??? Some classes are nearly full, and we would hate for anyone to miss out. If you haven’t received an email from us CONFIRMING that you/your child has a spot then you aren’t on our list. If you’re unsure please contact us. If you or your child are not on our list you/they will unfortunately not be permitted entry to class. Absolutely can’t wait to see you all soon!!! #gvdsglenroy #goodvibesdance
21.01.2022 Wow! What a wonderful surprise today had in store! This is a video from Miss Cats house. How magical. Did it snow at your place today?? What a lovely thing to happen in a time that is a little bit stressful. #gvdsglenroy #goodvibesdance #snow #sobeautiful
21.01.2022 Were so proud to see our students taking part in their virtual classes already! Amazing job guys and thank you so much for sharing this photo. It warms our hearts! If you have made your payment in the last 24 hours your links have now been sent by email. Sending big hugs!!! Missing you xxx #gvdsglenroy #goodvibesdance #virtualgvds #dedication
20.01.2022 Found this piece and LOVED it- ‘When you really think about it.... The Dance Studio, has provided so many opportunities! #dance teachers... #dance choreographers #dance competition directors #dance adjudicators #professional dancers #training dancers #dance critics #dance company managers #dance company owners #dance medicine specialists #dance marketing advisors #dance lighting designers #dance sound editors #dance stage managers #dance arts administrators #dance writers #dance physical therapists #dance costume designers #dance photographers #dance videographers #dance fitness instructors #dance educators #dance graphic designers #dance creative directors #dance personal trainers #dance patrons #dance festivals #dance associations #thedancestudiohascreatedsomuch It was just a dance class/studio..... Mirrors on wheels, a floor with a roof, Music and beat, Ballet shoes, jazz shoes. Tap shoes, canvas, eclipse, pointe shoes, hard shoes and soft. Moving to the music! But It's just a dance lesson Things happen here Flexible bodies, Building Strength and Confidence soaring.... Things may get broken here Silence... Shyness... Shoes..... .....but it's just a dance lesson..... Friendships are made .... Teamwork is created.... We commiserate the sad times But boy do we celebrate the good ones. .....but it's just a dance lesson ... We conquer our fear, We stretch our bodies and minds, We listen to our teachers, We feel at home here in our hall. We laugh , we may cry but we laugh some more... .....but it's just a dance lesson ... The important dates are recorded. Festivals are entered, Concerts are in the calendar ... There is a time to care and A time to be carefree A place to be our absolute selves ... It's part of our life... It's just a dance studio But..... We not only dance there . We eat there, We do our homework there, We tiktok there, We have birthdays there and eat donuts .... Its the place we learn about life And that you are important Whether you dance in the back row Or the front... It's NOT just a dance lesson Its NOT just a dance studio... It's our second home.. Our safe place ...’ Good Vibes Dance Studio we can’t wait to be with you all again soon xxx
19.01.2022 We wanted to take a minute to thank you, our families. We have received some beautiful messages of support and encouragement after announcing our virtual learning method for Term 2 and we cannot tell you how much your words mean to us. It is a new and pretty scary time for us all but we should be able to come out of this together and on top thanks to the families we have behind us and the support youve all shown us. We are learning LOTS about IT and the best way to get things done, and were sad that we wont be face to face again for a while. But soon we will be together and reflecting on this time, and remembering how we adapted and got through it. Thank you. We will see you again very soon! Dannii, Kate & Cat, along with Erin and Elisha
19.01.2022 DID YOU KNOW that in 2019 our senior/adult Hip Hop class had an average age of 26-27 years with more than a decades reach on either side?? How special is it to have such a huge age range in class- a class that is always full of laughter, sweat, and just a few groans from those of us on the north side of average . Not to mention how well they all dance together as a team even though the experience levels are exceptionally varied- some in this video are in the first ever year of hip hop, some are more than 10 years! Just a shoutout to our senior hip hop group for always showing enthusiasm, teamwork, and bucketloads of care and compassion. We are missing you all very much!! #goodvibesdance #gvdsglenroy #senioradulthiphop #absolutestars #teamworkmakesthedreamwork #team #cohesive #20yearagegap #throwback #missyou #danceitout
18.01.2022 Hi everyone. Please note that invoices are now overdue. Friendly reminders will be sent out tomorrow afternoon to all unpaid accounts. Please attend to these ASAP to avoid an arrears fee. Many thanks, the GVDS team xx
18.01.2022 Good evening everyone. We have emailed out the invoices for the virtual classes that are now being filmed and edited. Links to these classes are expected to be emailed out this coming weekend. If you did not receive this invoice please get in touch ASAP Many thanks, The GVDS team.
18.01.2022 Our loves, here we are again. We were absolutely devastated to realise that we wouldnt be opening up again next week as planned. However as weve said since the day we closed nearly 4 months ago- the health and safety of our GVDS family must (and always will) come first. It will be difficult once again to say goodbye to the freedoms we had briefly been allowed, but we want to come through this as best we can as soon as we can. So for now we are simply hibernating. We are u...nable to film any new videos of our own, however some amazing colleagues from different dance schools have provided us some content that we are so very excited to share with you all.. We know that these times can be quite scary and we just want to send our endless love to you all. We are here for you and we want to assure you that we are not going anywhere. The day we are allowed to safely open our doors once again, we will be ready for you. Please take care of yourselves both physically and mentally over these next few weeks. Reach out if there is anything you need or just to chat. We are here and we have loved chatting to many of you already over this period. We will soon be back behind closed doors, then 6 weeks will fly by. We are very excited that we will be able to exercise some creative flair with our concert and our end of year celebrations!!! We cant wait to be together again! Keep an eye on your emails for some great new dance lessons, keep sanitising and please stay safe! Lots and lots and lots of love, Dannii, Kate and Cat xxx See more
17.01.2022 And we thank you for it. You lift us up, even though we know how tricky it is xxx #goodvibesdance #gvdsglenroy #virtualgvds
17.01.2022 Sunday night business meetings be like ..... #1.5meters #gvdsglenroy #goodvibesdance #nottodaycorona #werebackbaby
17.01.2022 Someone is missing dance! Absolutely love the freedom and fire in Miss Stellas amazing moves! Not to mention Mr Luca Keep dancing guys! Were missing you so much xxxx
16.01.2022 Our munchkins LOVE coming and dancing with Miss Dannii every Saturday. If you have or know a little one who would like to join us for a boogie on a Saturday morning while developing fine and gross motor skills, building relationships and having a ball then get in touch
15.01.2022 SEND US YOUR FAVOURITE MASK PHOTO!!! How adorable are these masks which were designed by our very own former student Sascha and sent out to us as a gift. What an amazing way for us to keep ourselves safe, and such a lovely gesture of care and compassion- which is not unusual in our GVDS clan xxx We would love for you to send us your favourite mask photos (dancers, mums, dads, grandparents, siblings, kids) and we’ll create a little collage to spread the love. We miss you all ...and hope that you are staying safe and taking care of yourselves and each other in these tricky times! Fingers crossed that we can be together again soon! XXX #gvdsglenroy #goodvibesdance #pusheen #facemask #adorable #gratitude #wemissyou #togetheragainsoon See more
15.01.2022 4 simple steps to make sure you never miss an email from us. 1: open en email we have sent 2: click on our name to open our contact card 3: select Add to VIP 4: all VIP emails arrive with a special notification and will even be separated in to a VIP folder on some devices !!... Never miss another email!!! #gvdsglenroy #goodvibesdance See more
13.01.2022 All are welcome to join us at GVDS as we enter our 5th year. We are a family friendly, recreational dance studio promoting pride, determination and passion in our studio. Please contact us for more information, or visit our website
12.01.2022 Please check your emails x
12.01.2022 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR WONDERFUL MISS CAT We are sending you all our love and good vibes today, although we are apart we are always by your side! Missing you so much, we cant wait til we can all dance together again. Enjoy this special day, we are so lucky to have you xxxx #gvds #gvdsglenroy #isobirthday
11.01.2022 This is the best news! Theatre is back to 100% capacity as of today!!!! We’re so happy for all of our friends and associates at Clocktower, as well as those at the many amazing theatres around Victoria! We can’t wait to be back at the Clocktower Centre in November to celebrate 5 years of GVDS
11.01.2022 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR WONDERFUL MISS CAT We are sending you all our love and good vibes today, although we are apart we are always by your side! Missing you so much, we can’t wait til we can all dance together again. Enjoy this special day, we are so lucky to have you xxxx #gvds #gvdsglenroy #isobirthday
11.01.2022 Wow! What a wonderful surprise today had in store! This is a video from Miss Cat’s house. How magical. Did it snow at your place today?? What a lovely thing to happen in a time that is a little bit stressful. #gvdsglenroy #goodvibesdance #snow #sobeautiful
11.01.2022 EXCITING NEWS!!! Our first round of links to virtual classes have been emailed out to all who have paid their Term 2 invoice If you were still wishing for your dancer to participate please just make your payment and we will email the links to you. Happy Dancing everyone
11.01.2022 Lots of current and new customers have been contacting us in regard to enrolments- information will be out by the end of the day so keep an eye out Can’t wait to get back to it with you all!!! #gvds #goodvibesdance #year5
10.01.2022 Heres a shoutout to our seniors who are one of our smaller groups but in the days since we launched our virtual classes have been the most active, with a 600% participation rate! That means that each dancer has watched the class multiple times! What a wonderful result. We cant wait to see how your hard work in virtual classes pays off when we return! xxx #gvdsglenroy #goodvibesdance #virtualgvds
10.01.2022 We want to wish our amazing Miss Helena the most wonderful 18th birthday. You came to GVDS late in our first year to help us out and you never left. You became a student, a friend, a leader- an amazing role model for all of our students, and a very well loved member of the Good Vibes family. Thank you for all of your love and your endless support- You are amazing and we hope you have the most special day xxxx We LOVE you!! Miss Dannii, Miss Kate, Miss Cat and your entire GVDS family xxx @h3lenaporterr
09.01.2022 Found this piece and LOVED it- When you really think about it.... The Dance Studio, has provided so many opportunities! #dance teachers... #dance choreographers #dance competition directors #dance adjudicators #professional dancers #training dancers #dance critics #dance company managers #dance company owners #dance medicine specialists #dance marketing advisors #dance lighting designers #dance sound editors #dance stage managers #dance arts administrators #dance writers #dance physical therapists #dance costume designers #dance photographers #dance videographers #dance fitness instructors #dance educators #dance graphic designers #dance creative directors #dance personal trainers #dance patrons #dance festivals #dance associations #thedancestudiohascreatedsomuch It was just a dance class/studio..... Mirrors on wheels, a floor with a roof, Music and beat, Ballet shoes, jazz shoes. Tap shoes, canvas, eclipse, pointe shoes, hard shoes and soft. Moving to the music! But Its just a dance lesson Things happen here Flexible bodies, Building Strength and Confidence soaring.... Things may get broken here Silence... Shyness... Shoes..... .....but its just a dance lesson..... Friendships are made .... Teamwork is created.... We commiserate the sad times But boy do we celebrate the good ones. .....but its just a dance lesson ... We conquer our fear, We stretch our bodies and minds, We listen to our teachers, We feel at home here in our hall. We laugh , we may cry but we laugh some more... .....but its just a dance lesson ... The important dates are recorded. Festivals are entered, Concerts are in the calendar ... There is a time to care and A time to be carefree A place to be our absolute selves ... Its part of our life... Its just a dance studio But..... We not only dance there . We eat there, We do our homework there, We tiktok there, We have birthdays there and eat donuts .... Its the place we learn about life And that you are important Whether you dance in the back row Or the front... Its NOT just a dance lesson Its NOT just a dance studio... Its our second home.. Our safe place ... Good Vibes Dance Studio we cant wait to be with you all again soon xxx
09.01.2022 Im dancing Yes you are angel and youre doing an AMAZING job! How perfect is 2 year old Savannah practicing her special dance, counting and following along with Miss Dannii on video. We love this! Thank you so much for sharing @simonelas12 #goodvibesdance #gvdsglenroy #toddlerdance #isolationlearning #danceinyourloungeroom #wemissyou
08.01.2022 Sunday night business meetings be like ..... #1.5meters #gvdsglenroy #goodvibesdance #nottodaycorona #werebackbaby
08.01.2022 When your little brother joins in to your virtual subbies class! Sooooo cute little Aussie! Amazing work Billie and Harry on your warm up! Arlo next?? Maybe once he can hold his head up @dani5311 and @jock_31 #goodvibesdance #gvdsglenroy #virtualgvds #itsafamilyaffair #practice #danceitout !!
08.01.2022 Good afternoon everyone. We know that fear spreads faster than the flu so we just want to reassure you that we are keeping up to date with all advice from the DHS in regard to the current risks. However there are things that we can do to keep each other safe too. Please be extremely vigilant about hand washing. Wash, wash and wash again. Good old fashioned soap and water will do the trick and if you hum a couple of verses of Happy Birthday while youre doing it you should... be all set! In addition if your dancer is exhibiting flu-like symptoms (cough, fever etc) please keep them at home. (This includes parents and siblings as well as teachers- give it the gastro treatment) So apart from that it is business as usual :) If anything changes we will let you know! Wishing you a lovely day and if you run out of toilet paper theres plenty at the hall #gvdsglenroy #goodvibesdance #washyourhands See more
08.01.2022 It's never too late to start- or to start again! GVDS has a range of adult classes to keep everybody dancing! Whether it's Hip Hop, Jazz, Tap or Lyrical/Contemporary we have something for you. Contact us for a free trial today.
07.01.2022 We know that there is a lot of stress and anxiety moving through the world but we just wanted to take a moment to wish you a HAPPY HARMONY WEEK! Harmony Week celebrates inclusiveness, respect and belonging for all. Theres no place for discrimination in our world (or our dance school). We want to thank you all for bringing so much harmony to GVDS! We know that its hard to miss out on our regular classes but please believe this closure is only temporary and when t...he government gives extra curricular groups the green light we will be right back to it. Please take care of yourselves and each other and share those pictures of your home stretching and practice! We cant wait to see you again soon! We miss you! Lots of love, Miss Dannii, Miss Kate and Miss Cat xxx #gvdsglenroy #goodvibesdance #harmonyday #love #saynotodiscrimination See more
07.01.2022 The entire GVDS team would like to wish our amazing Miss Dannii the happiest of birthdays!!! We hope your day is as special as can be and we cant wait to be able to give you big hugs once again!! Thank you for everything you do for every single one of us. You are just amazing!!! WE LOVE YOU!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
06.01.2022 Happy, Happy, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our wonderful Miss Erin! We hope you have the loveliest day and we cant wait to be able to celebrate together! With love, Your GVDS family
05.01.2022 If youve made payment in the last 24 hours your virtual class links have now been emailed. We now have over 50 dances joining us in the virtual world of digital dancing and we are overjoyed! Keep up the amazing work!! #gvdsglenroy #goodvibesdance #virtualgvds
05.01.2022 Hi Families!! Have you moved house? Updated your contact information? Had a change in your medical situation? Please register for our online portal today to ensure your information is up to date. This is also a great way to keep track of your invoices! View current and past invoices to ensure your payments are up to date and avoid overdue account fees!... Find the customer portal here: The company code for GVDS is WSURH77T :)
04.01.2022 Hi everyone, just a reminder that invoices are well overdue. We will be sending out reminders this weekend with a late fee attached. Please note that the credit for classes missed due to our 7 day lockdown will be applied to Term 2 invoices Many thanks, the GVDS team.
04.01.2022 Good morning to all of our amazing GVDS families. Usually on Good Friday we would be waving down those amazing individuals standing by the traffic lights, shaking tins to raise money for the Royal Childrens Hospital Good Friday Appeal. With the current situation thats not possible this year but we are doing our best to keep the tradition alive by creating a Virtual Tin Shake on behalf of Good Vibes. If you would like to make a donation to the Good Friday Appeal please click... on the link below and give that they may grow xxx #royalchildrenshospital #goodfridayappeal #givethattheymaygrow
03.01.2022 Soon Loves, soon! Let’s just watch this over and over because they are too darn sweet! #gvdsglenroy #goodnewsday #goodvibesdance #soon
03.01.2022 Happy Easter Loves!! We hope you have a lovely and safe day with your dearest ones and you eat LOTS of chocolate!!! Missing you!! Miss Dannii, Miss Kate and Miss Cat xxxxx
03.01.2022 Good morning everyone! Just a reminder that we will be sending out one-drive links to your first virtual classes this weekend coming (invoices will come today or tomorrow). Were currently filming and editing and its been lots of fun, although its a little too quiet in the hall if you ask us! Missing you all and cant wait to see lots of photos and videos of your progress xxx
03.01.2022 IMPORTANT: Good evening everyone. As the risk and concern are both increasing regarding the current pandemic we have decided as a team to cease classes for Term 1 effective immediately. While we have had no diagnosis or (known) exposure we agree that the current risk is too great at this time, especially as our dancers are coming from lots of different towns and schools and some have pre-existing medical conditions which put them at greater risk if they are diagnosed. While w...e know some will be disappointed the ultimate goal is to have everyone healthy and happy and ready for term two. At this stage we are hoping to return in week one, however please keep an eye out for any communications. We will keep you updated! Your health and safety have been our most important considerations in making this decision. We will credit any remaining classes to your Term 2 invoice. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Good Vibes directly. Thank you and stay safe Miss Dannii, Miss Kate and Miss Cat xxx #gvdsglenroy #goodvibesdance #safetyfirst #keepstretching #misscatmaynotsurvivesocialdistancing See more
03.01.2022 Wishing our amazing Miss Kate the happiest birthday EVER Thank you for being a wonderful principal, teacher, role model and friend. We love you lots and we hope you have the BEST DAY EVER!!! SEE YOU SOON!!!!! Your GVDS family ... #gvdsglenroy #goodvibesdance #happybirthdaymisskate See more
02.01.2022 To all of our amazing dance mamas, dance grandmas and nannies, dance aunties and sisters, dance teachers and friends. To our dance dads who take on more than the papa next door. To anybody who loves our dancers with that little drop of unconditional and supports them through lifes journey.... We wish you the happiest Mothers Day. Sending lots of love and Good Vibes. Youre amazing!!! XXX
02.01.2022 We are just so excited to see you all tomorrow !!! We have all been waiting a long time for this, the hall is prepped and now all we need are the dancers ! We would just like to ask a few simple favours of our dancers to make our return to dance as smooth as possible!... We ask that each dancer brings a full water bottle with them to class, and if possible to use the bathroom at home before arriving at class. Thorough cleaning will be done between each class by staff members for the safety of all students. Also please keep an eye on your email this evening as we will be emailing out our Covid-19 safe plan. Please have a read through of the details and if you have any questions please call or email us. We cannot wait to see our first lot of dancers tomorrow night... it’s been a long time coming!
02.01.2022 GUESS WHO’S BACK!!??!! Check your emails GVDS clan!! XxxxxxX #goodvibesdance #gvdsglenroy #guesswhosback
02.01.2022 And we thank you for it. You lift us up, even though we know how tricky it is xxx #goodvibesdance #gvdsglenroy #virtualgvds
01.01.2022 Our lovely Jasmine is raising money for Camp Quality, a charity which helps to bring the joy of childhood back to kids who are facing cancer. If you would like to make a contribution simply click the link below. We are sending love and big hugs to you all and we miss you very much xxx
01.01.2022 Happy international ballet day to all of our beautiful GVDS ballerinas! When life doesn’t go as planned just fluff your tutu and keep dancing xx We will see you soon!!! #gvdsglenroy #goodvibesdance #balletday
01.01.2022 Someone is missing dance! Absolutely love the freedom and fire in Miss Stella’s amazing moves! Not to mention Mr Luca Keep dancing guys! We’re missing you so much xxxx
01.01.2022 We can’t wait to see all of our dancers over the coming week as we dive right in to Term 2!! #gvdsglenroy #goodvibesdance
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3/103 Auburn St 2500 Wollongong, NSW, Australia
- A1ST Aussie Driving School
Specialty School Driving school
+61 409 116 152
Fitzpatric Way 6054 Perth, WA, Australia
- Miss Zoe's School of Dance
Dance studio Dance school Specialty School Performing arts school
+61 407 921 054
90 Swan Street 2500 Wollongong, NSW, Australia