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25.01.2022 Another Hurdle Down for New Ackland Mine The final federal environmental hurdle for the proposed $900 mil. expansion of the New Ackland Coal mine has been cleared with the Federal Environment Department approving its groundwater management plan. Delays to the expansion plans, now 13 years old, has seen stand downs of hundreds of staff as the company,New Hope, awaits final approval for the project to proceed.... The Queensland government says it has been stalled in its approvals as it awaits a decision from a High Court appeal which resulted from an earlier Land Court ruling. Federal Resources Minister Keith Pitt wants the see State action now. He says the Queensland Government could provide certainty to New Acland workers right now and does not have to wait for the High Court decision, a move he says that will save 125 existing jobs and create almost 500 new ones and deliver a multimillion dollar boost to the ailing Queensland economy. Queensland Resources Minister Scott Stewart has however confirmed the state will await the outcome of the high court hearing before advancing the state approvals process.
25.01.2022 Border Opens to NSW-Except Sydney. The Queensland will, from November 3 swing open to regional NSW but remains closed shut to Greater Sydney and Victoria. From 1am on November 3, regional NSW residents will eb allowed to travel into Queensland and they will be able to travel into Queensland via Sydney Airport, but they will need to travel through Sydney without stopping.... Sydney aeras included in the ban are: Bayside, Blacktown, Burwood, Camden, Campbelltown, Canada Bay, Canterbury-Bankstown, Cumberland, Fairfield, Georges River, Hornsby, Hunters Hill, Inner West, Ku-Ring-Gai, Lane Cove, Liverpool, Mosman, Nth Sydney, Northern Beaches, Parramatta, Penrith, Randwick, Ryde, Strathfield, Sutherland Shire, Sydney, The Hills Shire, Waverley, Willoughby, Wollondilly, Woolhara, Sydney Harbour. Queensland Chief Health Officer Jeannette Young says people in those Greater Sydney areas will only be allowed into Queensland if they spend at least 14 days out of the NSW hotspots without testing positive. Dr Young says Queensland is now waiting to see what happens in Victoria when its lockdown ends before any decision on travel from that state will be made. Dr Young has also warned that should there be one unlinked case in regional NSW, she may look to closing off that local government area. Queensland recorded one new case of COVID-19 overnight: a man in his 50s who returned from Stockholm who is in hotel quarantine and concern grows about COVID-19 fragments that have been detected in Wynnum and Ipswich. Dr Young says for anyone who lives in that Ipswich area or who lives in Wynnum who shows even slight symptoms to come forward and get tests.
25.01.2022 Casa Mia shuts with three weeks’ notice The Churches of Christ in Queensland today notified residents, families and staff that they will be permanently closing the Inglewood Aged Care Service. Families have been given just three weeks [until 28 October] to permanently relocate their loved ones. Mayor of the Goondiwindi region the Honourable Cr Lawrence Springborg AM says the closure was a huge loss to the community and he is appalled by the treatment of the residents, their ...families and staff. For months, locals and Council have been calling for Churches of Christ to be upfront and honest about their intentions. Churches of Christ repeatedly told us that the facility will stay open. To have this announcement today, coupled with only three weeks’ notice, it reflects an organisation with an absence of respect for its clients and staff. From the outset I’ve been understanding of the need for businesses to be viable to operate. However the lack of compassion and transparency from Churches of Christ throughout this process is absolutely deplorable. If Churches of Christ had been honest when we made contact over three months ago, Council and locals could have worked towards finding alternate solutions that allowed the Inglewood facility to continue to operate in some capacity. I genuinely feel for the local staff, residents and their families who have endured months of anxiety from Churches of Christ’s misrepresentations. They deserve better than the way they have been treated. The Inglewood Aged Care Service managed by Churches of Christ in Queensland, locally known as Casa Mia, is an 11-bed facility. The facility offered a range of personal care, therapies and accommodation and employed a qualified Registered Nurse along with other key personnel.
24.01.2022 Here's the Mayor's Final Column for 2020. "With the end of the year fast approaching, I’d like to begin my final column of 2020 by wishing each and every resident in the Goondiwindi region a very merry and safe Christmas, and a happy - and healthy - new year. ‘Unprecedented’ would have to be one of the most overused words in the English language and it was certainly used a lot this year. ...Continue reading
24.01.2022 Border restrictions eased This Week What you need to know Queensland border restrictions have now eased, allowing all Queensland residents to travel to the defined New South Wales border zone and return into Queensland. Police want to remind everyone of what the new restrictions now mean.... From 1am, yesterday,(Thursday, October 1), the defined New South Wales border zone has been extended to include further New South Wales Local Government Areas (LGAs): The New South Wales border zone (PDF) has been extended The Queensland border zone no longer exists Queensland residents can travel anywhere in the New South Wales border zone for any purpose New South Wales border zone residents can travel anywhere in Queensland for any purpose. Click Here: The remainder of New South Wales and the state of Victoria remain declared COVID-19 hotspots and are closed to people travelling via road, unless an exception applies, or the individual has been granted an exemption by the Chief Health Officer (CHO). Queensland residents intending on travelling within the New South Wales border zone and re-entering Queensland, will need to apply for the updated ‘X’ pass, also known as ‘Border Zone Resident Declaration Pass’. The eased border restrictions also include, New South Wales border zone residents who have not travelled to a declared COVID-19 hotspot in the last 14 days, to travel anywhere in Queensland for any purpose. Providing false information on the declaration or entering Queensland unlawfully could result in a $4,003 fine or a notice to appear in court. Anyone with information about potential breaches of the Queensland COVID-19 Border Direction should report the matter online or call Policelink on 131 444 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000. For more information including questions and answers about the new restrictions click here
23.01.2022 Clock is Ticking for Express Post Last minute gift givers have still got four days left to send presents to their loved ones in time for Christmas Day, with Saturday 19 December being the recommended last posting date for parcels sent within Australia Post’s Express Post network. In the week leading up to Christmas Australia Post is expecting to deliver over 12 million parcels.... Australia Post Executive General Manager Deliveries Rod Barnes says Express Post is now the best way to secure a Christmas delivery. The recommended posting date for Parcel Post was last Saturday 12 December so, for anyone still looking for that perfect gift, posting it by Express Post no later than this Saturday, 19 December will give it the best chance of it being under the tree on Christmas Day just check that your delivery address is covered first. It’s important customers know that parcels sent after Saturday will still be delivered as quickly as possible, but they may not arrive until after Christmas. Australia Post however does say customers need to check the parcel’s origin and destination are within the Express Post network before sending. Cut off times are displayed locally at each Post Office or yellow Posting Box within the Express Post network.
23.01.2022 Here's the Latest from the Mayor's Desk. 13 October 2020 Two weeks ago, my fellow councillors and I drove to Inglewood for Council’s September Ordinary Meeting. That may seem to be a statement of little significance, except for the fact that it marked the first time an Ordinary Meeting of Goondiwindi Regional Council was held outside of Goondiwindi itself since 2009. ...Continue reading
23.01.2022 Groom Stays With LNP The LNP’s Garth Hamilton will now be the Federal Member for the Darling seat of Groom following this weekend’s by-election which followed the sudden resignation of John McVeigh in September. Mr Hamilton holds 61.11% of the first-preference vote, ahead of Labor candidate Chris Meibusch.... Mr Hamilton campaign heavily on local jobs and water security. The LNP or National party has held the seat since its inception in 1984. Mr McVeigh since 2016. His father, Tom, also held the seat when it was known as Darling Downs from 1972.
22.01.2022 First Inglewood meeting since 2009 represents Council’s regional values Goondiwindi Regional Council held its Ordinary Meeting in Inglewood for the first time in 11 years last week. The last time an Ordinary Meeting of Council was held in a town other than Goondiwindi was in November 2009.... Around 20 members of the community attended the meeting and then joined the Mayor and councillors for morning tea at the Inglewood Council Chambers. Mayor of the Goondiwindi region the Honourable Cr Lawrence Springborg AM says the meeting was demonstrative of Council’s commitment to the region as a whole not just Goondiwindi. I hope I have made it clear that this Council represents the entire 19,284 square kilometres that make up the Goondiwindi Regional Council area. I’m extremely glad that we had the opportunity to meet face-to-face with so many members of the community today, and hear first-hand the views of our Inglewood residents. Council will hold an Ordinary Meeting in Inglewood and Texas every six months on rotation from now on, and I strongly encourage all residents to attend if they can-It’s so important to have the views of our smaller towns represented. The next Ordinary Meeting of Council to be held outside of Goondiwindi is scheduled for March 2021 in Texas. Council will advertise the exact date closer to the time and all residents will be invited to attend. The Mayor and other councillors also work from the Inglewood Civic Centre and Texas Cultural Centre on a regular basis. Cr Springborg is usually available in Goondiwindi on Tuesdays, and appointments are also available in Talwood. Residents are encouraged to call 07 4671 7437 if they wish to make an appointment to meet with the Mayor. Cr Springborg says he and his fellow councillors have committed to visit all of the region’s towns and regional centres during frequent road trips scheduled throughout the year. My fellow councillors and I are proud to represent all residents of the Goondiwindi Regional Council area and I’d like to emphasise the ‘Regional’ aspect of that.
22.01.2022 LA NIÑA LIKELY TO BRING MORE RAINFALL AND CYCLONES The Bureau of Meteorology has released its Severe Weather Outlook for October to April, showing an increased risk of flooding for eastern Australia and tropical cyclones in the north, with roughly average potential for heatwaves and severe thunderstorms. The Bureau says the current La Niña is likely to bring more rain to eastern and northern Australia, with some drought affected areas already seeing rainfall deficienc...ies ease and water storage levels increase. La Niña also suggests an earlier than normal arrival for the first rains of this year's northern wet season and an earlier monsoon onset for Darwin. While recent decades have seen a decline in the number of tropical cyclones in our region, Bureau climatologist, Greg Browning, says this summer is likely to buck that trend. "On average Australia sees 9 to 11 tropical cyclones each year, with 4 crossing the coast. With La Niña this year we are expecting to see slightly more tropical cyclones than average, and the first one may arrive earlier than normal." "Every northern wet season has had at least one tropical cyclone cross the Australian coast, so we can never be complacent. We know that cyclones can develop at any time throughout the tropical cyclone season, which runs from November to April." "This means that communities right across northern Australia need to stay be prepared now, and stay informed from the very start of the tropical cyclone season in October, right though until April." After the catastrophic fires of last summer, it's a very different bushfire outlook this season, with average fire potential for most parts. "This fire season we're expecting wetter than average conditions in eastern and northern Australia, so long running large bushfires are less likely, however a wetter spring can lead to abundant grass growth, which could increase fire danger as it naturally dries during summer." "Meanwhile, if dry conditions continue in southwest Western Australia as forecast, the potential for more fire weather days there could increase." The Bureau's General Manager of Decision Support Services, Sandy Whight, sys the lower fire risk across much of Australia is no reason for complacency. "La Niña also brings more rain and increased humidity, which can mean fewer extreme heat days. But while heatwaves may not be as severe, the Bureau's advice is that in southern areas they may last longer and be more humid both of which can increase the risk to human health. Be sure to monitor the Bureau's heatwave service, which provides information about the location and severity of heatwaves." REGIONAL SNAPSHOTS QUEENSLAND La Niña is likely to bring more rain than usual, with an increased risk of widespread flooding Likely to see more tropical lows and cyclones than normal Earlier start to the wet season across the north Average numbers of severe thunderstorms
22.01.2022 Health Minister celebrates Queensland’s Midwives on International Day of the Midwife Midwives across Queensland are being recognised for their commitment and efforts in celebration of International Day of the Midwife today. Visiting Longreach Hospital in Central West Queensland, Minister for Health and Ambulance Services Yvette D'Ath commended midwives for their professionalism and care during challenging times.... Queensland’s midwives play an important role in caring for us and our communities every single day. What this pandemic has shown us is that midwives and our entire health workforce will continue to play a pivotal role in shaping our future and healthcare needs of Queenslanders. Minister D’Ath says the Palaszczuk Government had committed close to $50 million between 2017-18 and 2020 and 2021 towards the 100 Midwives Initiative across 15 Hospital and Health Services. The midwifery workforce represents 2.4% of the total Queensland Hospital and Health Service workforce. The 100 Midwives Initiative is key in ensuring Queenslanders continues to receive high standard of care as well as enhancing and sustaining the midwifery workforce. Longreach Hospital registered midwife Rachael Bryant was recruited as part of the 100 Midwives Initiative. She joined Longreach Hospital in August 2020 and delivered her first baby the following month. Since then she has gone on to deliver 10 babies and has been present at 18 births. Ms Bryant says the midwifery role was a truly rewarding experience. Delivering a baby is such a beautiful experience but equally special is being able to provide that continuity of care for mum, baby and family. As a midwife you have the experience of going on a journey with the women to make a real impact on the lives of them and their families in a compassionate and caring way. It’s really rewarding to be able to carry out my role in a tight knit community within a great midwifery unit in Central West Queensland.
22.01.2022 Severe Thunderstorm Warning for DAMAGING WINDS, LARGE HAILSTONES and HEAVY RAINFALL For people in parts of Maranoa and Warrego and Darling Downs and Granite Belt Forecast Districts.... The Weather Bureau says that the threat of severe thunderstorms exists about the QLD/NSW border. They say severe thunderstorms with damaging winds, large hailstones and heavy rainfall that may lead to flash flooding are possible in the warning area over the next several hours. Locations which may be affected include Hebel, Mungindi, Dirranbandi and Barringun.
21.01.2022 New footpath will connect Texas campground to CBD A new footpath will soon connect the popular Dumaresq free campground to the Texas CBD. The walkway will join the existing town footpath at the Texas Historical Museum and run down Flemming Street, towards the Dumaresq River rest area. ... The pathway will primarily be gravel and Goondiwindi Regional Council says it’ll be working with local community groups to finalise the construction details. Peter Worthy, President of Texas Queensland, Inc. (TQI). says the group had strongly supported the construction of the new footpath and that it would encourage visitors to walk into town and support local tourism operators and other businesses. TQI has lobbied for some time for this project and I think it will be a real benefit to the town. Camping has already proved so popular at the Dumaresq site, and it’s such a pleasant walk into town from there. We really hope that the new walkway will encourage those campers to stroll into town and explore some of the wonderful local shops and businesses we have here in Texas. Texas is recognised as an ‘RV Friendly Town’ by the Campervan and Motorhome Club of Australia (CMCA). Towns must meet a list of strict criteria to gain and keep their accreditation, including the provision of shortterm lowcost overnight parking for self-contained recreational vehicles within a reasonable distance to the CBD. The Dumaresq River rest area is a free overnight campground with plenty of riverfront grassy sites. The site is a popular local fishing spot. Mayor The Honourable Cr Lawrence Springborg AM says the plan is being funded with in part with a $100,000 grant from the Australian Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure (LRCI) Program Grant. The LCRI grant is providing a tremendous opportunity to invest in a vital piece of community infrastructure that will hopefully support the tourism sector in Texas for decades to come. Council says it'll be engaging local contractors during the work and use a local supplier for the concrete.
21.01.2022 CULTURAL BURNING TO HELP COMBAT WEEDS IN THE BALONNE SHIRE Maranoa MP David Littleproud says Balonne Shire Council will introduce cultural burning techniques to diversify weed management with the help of a $744,746 grant from the Australian Government. Balonne Shire Council, in collaboration with project partners the Queensland Murray Darling Catchment Limited and the University of Southern Queensland have been awarded $744,746.31 through the Federal Government’s $13 million ...Advancing Pest Animal and Weed Control Solutions Competitive Grant Round. Minister for Agriculture, Drought and Emergency Management, and Federal Member for Maranoa David Littleproud congratulated the Balonne Shire Council on their successful grant application. It’s great to see Balonne Shire Council showing true initiative in working with the Queensland Murray Darling Catchment Limited and the University of Southern Queensland to help combat weed species in the region, This project will trial indigenous cultural burning and cool burning practices to manage weed species and utilise traditional knowledge to target herbicide resistance. I look forward to positive outcomes from this project for land holders and the environment. The project is one of 19 funded nationwide through the $13 million Advancing Pest Animal and Weed Control Solutions Competitive Grant Round, to research and advance breakthrough solutions to control of some of Australia’s worst established pest animals and weeds. Grant round projects will deliver a range of control solutions leading to more cost effective and safer alternatives to manage pest animals and weeds, targeting over 30 weed species and 15 pest animals/invertebrates. Successful projects will shift away from traditional pest animal and weed management approaches to develop new and emerging technologies. The grant round projects will assist in overcoming emerging issues such as herbicide resistance and provide more effective alternatives for controlling pests. Successful projects will share $13 million over the next three years which will be supported by close to $12 million in other cash and in-kind support to add value to the program.
21.01.2022 Additional funding to complete Council’s refurbishment of Cement Mills Hall An additional $10,000 in external funding will complement a suite of recently completed refurbishments at Cement Mills Hall by Goondiwindi Regional Council. Mayor of the Goondiwindi region the Honourable Cr Lawrence Springborg AM says Council had recently completed $50,000 of upgrades and maintenance at the hall but will now use $ 10,000 from the Australian Government’s Local Roads and Community Infr...astructure (LRCI) Program Grant that will go towards a total re-paint of the exterior of Cement Mills Hall. Our community halls play an often-underestimated yet central role in our community, especially in smaller rural localities such as Cement Mills, where they serve as an important meeting place for community gatherings and events. Council’s extensive recent refurbishment works at the hall include replacing the entire roof of the building. The fascia and front and rear steps were also replaced, as well as some windows and floorboards. Council also re-levelled the building, refurbished the disability access ramp, and installed new downpipes for the replacement roof. The hall owned by Council and is operated by the Cement Mills Community Centre Maintenance Committee Inc. through a memorandum of understanding. Secretary and Treasurer of the Committee Helena Sissman says Council’s recent works and the new funding would give a new lease of life to the popular community hall. We also want to say a big thank-you to all the tradesmen involved. Council says it’ll be engaging a local contractor to paint the hall. The project is expected to be completed before the end of this financial year.
21.01.2022 Time to clean up the Yard-But. With the pre-storm season yard clean up now upon us here’s a timely warning from Ergon Energy. They’re reminding tree trimmers to be aware of overhead powerlines.... Community Safety Manager Aaron Smith says 77 electrical safety incidents involving vegetation management last financial year should serve as a powerful warning. We’ve seen potentially deadly incidents where tree branches and bamboo have contacted powerlines while being pruned, creating an electrical hazard and cutting power to the neighbourhood. "Don’t put your life or someone else’s at risk if there is overgrown vegetation near the service wire that runs to your home or on the footpath near overhead powerlines, consult a professional tree trimmer. Similarly, we’re urging home gardeners not to take shortcuts where powerlines are involved call a professional for your own safety.
20.01.2022 Mobile women’s health clinics November schedule now available Darling Downs Health mobile women’s health nurses are on the road, travelling to our rural locations to provide free and confidential health clinics. Mobile women’s health nurses, Barbara Milne, Kathy Anning and Marcia Hunt, offer a range of services include cervical screening tests, breast awareness, sexual health testing and advice for issues such as continence, menopause, family planning, contraception and gene...ral wellbeing. Ms Barbara Milne, who travels west from Dalby, to Taroom in the north, and to Texas in the south, says women are often prioritising the health of others resulting in their own health being sidelined. It’s really important for the women in our communities to prioritise their health and wellbeing, and make time for regular check-ups and tests. In 2017 changes were made to the cervical screening program, with women now needing a cervical screening test every five years instead of a pap test every two years. Upcoming clinics will be held at the following locations: Proston Community Health, 02 November. Phone 4168 9288 Tara Hospital, 02 November. Phone 4678 7900 Clifton Medical Centre, 03 November. Phone 4697 3097 Goondiwindi Hospital, 04 November. Phone 4578 2400 Warwick Hospital, 04 November. Phone 4660 3900 Jandowae Hospital, 05 November. Phone 4668 4555 Toowoomba BreastScreen Clinic (661 Ruthven Street), 06 November. Phone 4616 6809 Millmerran Hospital, 09 November. Phone 4695 3111 Dalby Hospital, 12 November. Phone 4669 0517 Miles Hospital, 18 November. Phone 4628 5600 Texas Health Service, 23 November. Phone 4653 3203 Wandoan Primary Health Centre, 25 November. Phone 4627 4444 Chinchilla Hospital, 27 November, 30 November. Phone 4662 888 Wondai Hospital, 30 November. Phone 4169 8203
19.01.2022 AgForce Thanks Farmers for Stepping Up. As the State election campaign draws to a close, AgForce is thanking members for their effort in creating and supporting the Stand With Regional Queensland. The organisation says it has made a real impact.... We have watched over the course of the eight-week campaign all the parties respond to the issues AgForce has highlighted. The organisation says there’s already been significant wins, including: Labor’s commitment to an inland alternative to the Bruce Highway LNP’s comprehensive adoption of AgForce’s vegetation management framework Both major parties announcing water pricing reductions LNP’s commitment to additional biosecurity officers AgForce’s ‘scorecard’ that rates each of the five major parties according to how their policies will assist agriculture and regional Queensland has generated many conversations in the community, significant media interest, and election commitments for all parties. It’s the culmination of years of work developing and advocating for government policy that enables agriculture to be profitable, to be sustainable, and to underpin the State’s economy and the many communities it supports. Stand With Regional Queensland is the first campaign of its type conducted by AgForce aimed at providing members and the community with a strong voice and platform to influence government policy.
19.01.2022 STATEMENT FROM THE MAYOR "In January, I wrote to the Minister for Police and Corrective Services to request confirmation that local police had the resources they needed to protect the community while also attending to duties on the Queensland border. At the time, I was assured that our local Queensland police have all the resources they need. Council has continued to keep in contact with Queensland MP James Lister and other state authorities on this matter, and I have been in...Continue reading
19.01.2022 Better access for Silver Spur Rural Fire Brigade Access to the Silver Spur Rural Fire Brigade will soon be improved with the construction of a new crossover from the Rural Fire Service (RFS) property to Stanthorpe-Texas Road. Goondiwindi Regional Council say the works will improve current access to the property, complementing a new shed that was added earlier in the year.... Mayor of the Goondiwindi region the Honourable Cr Lawrence Springborg AM says improving the accessibility of services and facilities for the region’s rural residents was a priority of Council’s 2020-21 Budget. As we know all too well from last year, the Rural Fire Service is the backbone of firefighting in regional areas such as ours, Council is very proud to be able to support our local brigades with infrastructure upgrades where it can, especially in more rural areas such as Silver Spur. Superintendent Wayne Waltisbuhl, RFS Regional Manager for the Southwest Region says the news works are a bonus. We have 29 brigades in the Goondiwindi Regional Council area 24 of those are our primary producer brigades like at Silver Spur, who do a fantastic job. The RFS has helped fight some big wheat fires recently, including unfortunately four fairly big burns in the Goondiwindi region, which has included getting the water bombers out to help tackle those flames from the air. All up, we have more than 500 volunteers who serve the Goondiwindi region as part of the Rural Fire Service which I think is tremendous for a region of our size and I think I can speak for all when I say we are extremely grateful for everything they do. Cr Springborg says the best thing that residents can do to support local firies was to make sure they were prepared for the bushfire season each year. If you haven’t already, I strongly urge all residents to prepare their properties and ensure they have a survival plan and emergency kit in place. Now is absolutely the time to be making sure your gutters are clear and cutting back any excess shrubs or overhanging branches. The $12,000 upgrade is planned as part of Council’s 2020-21 Operational Budget. The work is scheduled to take place over the Christmas break and take around two days to complete
19.01.2022 Regional airports face demise due to new security laws Local airports are being forced to adhere to strict and expensive security upgrades to remain compliant as part of a Federal Government initiative to enhance security at commercial airports around Australia. Kennedy MP, Bob Katter says the changes spell the end for carriers such as Rex Airlines and countless regional airports across Queensland as the majority of the owners are local councils who will have no means to f...oot the diabolical bill estimated to be up to $760,000 a year. Mr Katter said the measurements fall into the Government’s typical once size fits all approach to governing and only imposes further restrictions in the name of national security with the collateral damage being regional towns. If these airports close, it will make life utterly intolerable. They have put in requirements stipulating airports that don’t meet a certain quota in passengers a year will not get the security clearance, so it cannot be used as a commercial airport. This decision closes every small-town airport in Australia. Rex Airline has received $54 million in Federal subsidies since August as part of the Government’s coronavirus recovery funding and has been able to remain operating with a reduced number of flights in some areas. The Federal Government’s proposition to provide financial support in July next year is too little, too late the airports will be gone by then. What they have done is taken the mantle of safety put there by so many people over generations and ripped it away. Mr Katter is now calling on the State Government to override the feds and regulate the remote market routes to ensure continuity, to save our small towns, keep the airports open and the planes in the sky. So all I can say is that we are going to fight this all the way down to Canberra and I think we might have the numbers on this one. The Government thinks they are going to finance it in July next year. No way Hosay, the airlines and airports will have closed by then gone forever but I will fight like a tiger to keep them open. PIC: Thanks to Kate Downie.
18.01.2022 Fatal traffic crash, Brigalow A woman has died following a traffic crash in Brigalow this morning. Around 10.50am, a van travelling east on the Warrego Highway near Wolkis Road collided with a truck travelling west.... The driver, a 62-year-old Dalby woman, and sole occupant of the van was declared deceased at the scene. The truck driver, a 27-year-old man, and passenger, a 25-year-old woman both from Marsden, were not physically injured. Anyone travelling in the vicinity of the Warrego Highway between 10am-10.50am and has dashcam footage is urged to contact police. Forensic Crash Unit is investigating.
18.01.2022 Footpath and crossing upgrades to improve road safety of Goondiwindi schools The new school year will see improved road safety for two Goondiwindi primary schools thanks to $165,000 in footpath and pedestrian crossing upgrades planned for the school holidays. The work will improve the safety of pedestrians and cyclists by widening the existing concrete footpaths in Herbert and Callandoon Street. ... The existing pedestrian crossing on Callandoon Street will also be moved further east away from the Herbert Street roundabout, with new island crossings installed to make it safer for both cyclists and pedestrians to cross. Mayor of the Goondiwindi region the Honourable Councillor Lawrence Springborg AM says the funding would mean safer travel for students, parents and teachers at St Mary’s Parish School, as well as the Goondiwindi State Primary School around the corner. The footpath upgrades will see the width of the existing Herbert Street footpath doubled to three metres, and the Callandoon Street path will be widened to 2.5 metres. Once replaced, the upgraded Callandoon Street crossing will distance pedestrians from the roundabout and allow more space for vehicles to queue, after exiting the roundabout. Goondiwindi Regional Council’s concrete crew will complete the road safety upgrades, which are scheduled during the school holidays to minimise disruption. The work is expected to take four weeks to complete. Cr Springborg says the project will also allow for cyclists and pedestrians to share the footpath and cross the road safely at the new island crossing.
18.01.2022 Environmental activism no place for ‘hypocritical’ banks AgForce has lashed out at what they say is a hypocritical and discriminatory decision by ANZ to make emissions reductions targets a condition of loans to farmers. AgForce CEO (and former banker with ANZ) Michael Guerin says there is no doubt that banks had a vital role in agriculture but managing climate change wasn’t one of them.... This completely hypocritical and counter-productive move exemplifies a sort of ‘creeping social activism’ we are seeing in the banking industry that is stifling growth and genuine practice improvement. Banks are the last people who should be lecturing the community about right and wrong.
18.01.2022 Balonne Shire to Connect with New South Wales Neighbours in Latest Digital Connectivity Milestone Balonne Shire Council is celebrating another milestone in its innovative Digital Connectivity Project, as construction officially begins on the cross-border phase at Mungindi. Funded by a cross-border grant from the New South Wales Government, Balonne Shire Council and Moree Plains Shire Council have collaborated to build three fixed wireless internet towers in the Mungindi dis...trict, to connect the community to both Shires’ new internet networks. In addition to providing both sides of the Mungindi community with a strong and reliable internet connection, the local towers will also add to reliability of the internet service in both Shires by providing redundancy and backhaul upgrades. Balonne Shire Mayor Samantha O’Toole says the program would address a fundamental need for better data connectivity across both Shires. The partnership between our Shires, along with the assistance from New South Wales’ Minister for Agriculture and Western New South Wales Adam Marshall has provided a turning point for connectivity in our region, This program gives our Shires the best opportunity to access significantly improved coverage and connectivity, which will provide opportunities for business retention and expansion and enable innovation, as well as improving access to education and health, disaster management capabilities and overall liveability. We would like to acknowledge and commend the NSW Government for the important contribution it is making towards solving cross-border challenges through the introduction of the Cross-Border Commissioner’s Infrastructure Fund and their commitment to support infrastructure projects with social, economic, environmental or cultural benefits, The New South Wales Cross-Border Commissioner’s Infrastructure Fund (CBCIF) has directed more than $860,000 of grant funding to this cross-border connectivity project.
18.01.2022 Storms Likely. Thunderstorms and possible of wind gusts have been forecast for the west today, with severe storms possible in the south west. The Weather Bureau says the severe storms cold produce damaging winds and heavy rain with large hail.
18.01.2022 Another $25 million in grants for small business The State Government has launched Queensland Small Business Month with three new grants programs worth $25 million over two years. Minister for Employment and Small Business Di Farmer says this year’s theme for Small Business Month is bounce back better. ... For further information about Queensland Small Business Month events visit or call 1300 654 687. Key dates for grants Business Basics Guidelines/FAQs available 17 May 2021 Applications open 31 May Business Boost Guidelines FAQs/available mid July 2021 Applications open late July 2021 Business Growth Fund Guidelines/FAQs available 1 May 2021 Eligibility tool available 5 May 2021 Applications open 11 May 2021
18.01.2022 Talwood to benefit from greater drinking water security A grant of $369,000 from the Local Government Grants and Subsidies Program means there’s an increased supply of drinking water and greater water security for Talwood residents. Work begins this month to construct two new storage reservoirs in the town with the concrete reservoirs to be constructed at the Council water treatment plant.... Mayor of the Goondiwindi region the Honourable Cr Lawrence Springborg AM says the reservoir project would complement over $6.5 million allocated by Council to upgrade the region’s water security infrastructure this financial year. This Council is committed to improving the delivery and accessibility of its services to residents, especially in our more rural communities. Council unveiled an $8 million plan in February this year aimed to secure the Goondiwindi region’s water supply. The Talwood project will be in addition to several short- and long-term projects that Council has already delivered across the region, including the installation of new bores in Goondiwindi and Yelarbon, the replacement of the Texas bore, the introduction of water restrictions across the region, and upgrades to water treatment plants to improve water quality. External grants such as the LGGSP are such a benefit, as it means the ratepayer dollar can be put towards additional projects across the region. The work will not affect the water currently provided to connected residents and Council says there should not be any noticeable differences in the pressure or supply. The construction will be completed in stages over an expected period of six months.
17.01.2022 Make it A Queensland Christmas. Minister for Agricultural Industry Development Mark Furner is calling on all Queenslanders today to make sure the Christmas table this year is chock full of great-tasting Queensland produce. He says we need to spread the message that Queensland’s farmers, despite the drought and COVID 19 challenges, are still producing delicious, world class fresh food.... The pandemic has placed pressure on our hard-working producers so, when planning your Christmas menu, make sure it features the best fresh food that money can buy. From beef to lamb to pork, chicken to seafood, to dairy, to veggies and fruit to wine and craft beer, spirits, soft drink and then someQueensland is, as usual, turning on and churning out the very best. We have an abundance of tasty, locally produced food options from right across Queensland to make everyone’s festive season a truly great occasion. Mr Furner says we must all remember this year especially that supporting farmers by buying their produce was an investment in the future of Queensland. Every time you buy Queensland produce you are keeping money in the Queensland economy and you are supporting Queensland jobs. And Queenslanders can become farmers’ little helpers to ensure our favourite Queensland produce is available this festive season. Don’t forget to share the magic of a home-grown Christmas feast on social media with #eatqld.
17.01.2022 Protecting jobseekers from bait advertising The State Government will introduce tough new measures to protect job seekers from scammers tricking them into training programs. There’s been a surge in ‘bait advertising’ as revealed by the Queensland Training Ombudsman. ... The government has accepted five of the report’s recommendations in full and accepted a sixth recommendation in principle. Minister for Training and Skills Development Di Farmer says this is all about cracking down on those doing the wrong thing so people can feel confident that when they apply for a job that the position exists. We’ll communicate better with apprentices, trainees, students, employers and training providers, review penalties for non-compliance and act quickly to prevent people being misled. We will also support a new Queensland VET Quality Forum, with representatives from the Australian Skills Quality Authority, Office of Fair Trading, Office of Industrial Relations, Department of Employment, Small Business and Training, and the Queensland Training Ombudsman. " The forum’s first task will be to improve the way student complaints are handled between the regulatory bodies. The government called for the investigation in August and welcomes and supports its findings. Complaints can be lodged with the Training Scammer hotline on 1800 773 048 or online: The State Government response and the Queensland Training Ombudsman's report: Review of Training Delivery linked to Advertising of Vacant Positions in Queensland is available at
17.01.2022 TRICKYThis Gift Giving With the end of school looming and the rush on for buying that thank you ’gift’ to give teachers there’s a few tricks you need to know. Be warnedQueensland teachers are not allowed to accept lotto tickets or scratchies as gifts.... In fact, such things and cash, or items which can be readily converted to cash are off limits. Also, if you feel generous and want to go all out, remember that if the gift costs more than $150 the recipient teacher would have to spend a fair chunk of time filling out paperwork to declare it Oh, and it can’t be historically or culturally significant. UMSo where does that leave these historical Australian ICONS-Soap on a Rope??? Tim Tams???A Bunch of Gladys???...Cadbury's Roses???... Who says teachers don't get it tough???
16.01.2022 Yelarbon set for better water security, pressure and quality Yelarbon residents can soon expect to benefit from better quality drinking water and improved town water pressure. Work by Goondiwindi Regional Council is now underway to construct a new concrete reservoir that will almost triple the town’s supply of drinking water from 144 kL to 400 kL. ... The increased storage capacity at the town’s water treatment plant will ensure sufficient residential supply during dry periods. Council will also install a booster pump system that will assure standardised water quality and increased flow rates at connected properties. The project is being funded with assistance from a grant of $738,000 from the Queensland Government’s Local Government Grants and Subsidies Program, with the funds divided between the Yelarbon project and the Talwood reservoir upgrade. Mayor of the Goondiwindi region the Honourable Cr Lawrence Springborg AM says the infrastructure upgrades would greatly improve the long-term security of the town’s drinking water. As I’m sure we’re all well aware, the Goondiwindi region has been drought-declared since 2014. The increased water storage here at Yelarbon will better secure the town’s supply and reduce the risk of disruption during periods of high demand or prolonged drought. The new 400 kL water storage reservoir will be built near the existing high-level reservoir in Burrel Street. The work will be in addition to Council’s construction of a new bore in Yelarbon in September 2019 to address immediate water supply risks and provide a long-term solution for the town. The new storage and booster pump system will also significantly improve the town’s firefighting capability by increasing capacity and flow. Cr Springborg says the other upside is that Council’s success in securing an external grant for the work would increase the scope of its ratepayer-funded Budget for additional projects across the region. Opportunities such as the LGGSP are a great chance for Council to invest in vital infrastructure projects that will have a lasting impact on our region’s water supply and long-term security. Improving Council’s infrastructure assets in our small towns will also improve liveability which, in turn, has flow-on effects for economic growth and employment opportunities. The work will not affect the water quality currently provided to connected properties, but residents can expect higher water pressures and flow rates. Construction is expected to take around six months to complete.
16.01.2022 Service providers working together to improve Goondiwindi region services Local and visiting service providers have formed a new interagency group to improve and streamline the care provided to Goondiwindi region residents. The group will meet each month to plan how the different available services can complement each other and identify potential opportunities for providers to work collaboratively. ... Kirsty Dowling of Care Goondiwindi is the facilitator of the new group. She is encouraging any organisations who deliver services to the Goondiwindi region to get involved and take part in their next monthly meeting on Thursday 12th November. We are encouraging service providers to join in and discuss how we can work together to benefit our region. We want to create better awareness of the services already on offer locally, and hopefully the meetings will have some great collaborative outcomes in the future too. Ms Dowling is also asking local service providers to get in touch prior to the meetings to add any specific topics to the agenda that they would like discussed. Each meeting will be an information sharing session for providers to discuss their service, what’s been happening in the past month, any upcoming training on offer, any changes in available services and so on, Ms Dowling said. Cr Phil O’Shea holds Goondiwindi Regional Council’s Health, Ageing, Arts and Culture portfolio and will chair the monthly meetings This is an opportunity to smooth out and encourage communication between these agencies for even better care and access to services. Better awareness in the community and among providers themselves means that healthcare professionals and other associated agencies will be able to refer clients to services they may not have known they could access before. Meetings will take place on the second Thursday of each month, with the next meeting to take place at 10am on Thursday 12th November (venue TBC). Meetings will run for no more than one hour and you can attend in-person or online via Microsoft Teams. For more information, please contact the group’s meeting facilitator Kirsty Dowling on 46700700 or [email protected].
16.01.2022 : Charges following fatal traffic crash at Warwick Warwick detectives today arrested and charged a local man following investigations into a fatal traffic crash which claimed the life of a 76-year-old man in Warwick on September 14. A 22-year-old man is due to appear in the Warwick Magistrates Court this afternoon charged with dangerous operation of a motor vehicle causing death and leaving scene without obtaining help, and dangerous operation of a motor vehicle causing grie...vous bodily harm and leaving scene without obtaining help. The joint investigation between the Darling Downs District Forensic Crash Unit and Warwick detectives is ongoing with police continuing to appeal for information or motorists with relevant dashcam vision to contact them.
16.01.2022 It’s Time for A Referendum-The Nth Qld State Debate LONG-TIME advocate of a separate north Queensland state, Kennedy MP, Bob Katter has welcomed the support of Jenny Hill, the Mayor of north Queensland’s biggest city Townsville, for the cause. Mr Katter is now issuing a fresh call for a referendum for a separate territory of north Queensland and he wants it to take place to coincide with the 2024 Local Government elections. ... He says separate state recognition for the region is long overdue. If north Queensland was a separate country it would be the richest country on earth, with all its coal, the bulk of Australia’s copper and silver-lead-zinc deposits, almost all of our bauxite, and it would be the wettest country on earth. And yet the governments in Canberra and Brisbane have failed to recognise this. They haven’t built the Galilee rail line, Hells Gates Dam or the superhighways that we require. The political momentum is building, now is the time for us to break free and flourish. Mr Katter says it’s patently obvious to anyone with a pair of eyes that the northern region missed out when compared to Brisbane. They have a $1 billion building, the tower of power, just to house their government workers and bureaucrats. They are building a second motorway to the Gold Coast, whereas we have a one-lane, goat-track called the Bruce Highway, and the Flinders Highway is falling apart. We are the only area on earth where nearly one-million people are governed by a government 1,500 kilometres away. This can’t continue. I believe this will easily get a majority of votes, and most importantly we will still be able to play State of Origin with Queensland.
16.01.2022 Goondiwindi shows strong support for new golden age of River Precinct Community feedback about the future of the Macintyre River Precinct has shown overwhelming support for new community projects and commercial ventures in the area. The results of community consultation have been presented to Councillors and show an overwhelming 96% of local residents support change in the River Precinct area, which is the broader area including the Golden Age Centre, the Goondiwindi boat, the river walk and the Goondiwindi Bowls Club. There’s very strong community support for leasing the Golden Age Centre (also known as the PCYC Riverview Function Centre) as a commercially operated space such as a restaurant. Other suggestions with strong support include the creation of an art and sculpture trail in collaboration with local community group Lanescape Inc to link the river precinct to the town’s CBD, as well as increased public access to the riverbank and improved lighting and security along the river walk. Mayor of the Goondiwindi region the Honourable Lawrence Springborg AM says the development of the River Precinct had significant potential to boost the region’s lifestyle and held particularly strong tourism opportunities. The key themes reflected in the feedback were that people would like to see the space used to grow the region’s tourism as well as boosting local liveability, while using our existing spaces and assets to their full potential. Of the completed surveys, more than 70% of respondents say they currently use the area to exercise along the river and another 15% say they mainly used the area for fishing or other water activities. When asked what would encourage them to use the space more often, nearly 70% say greater dining options such as a coffee shop, restaurant or bistro, 13% say a tourism hub and 12.5% say the availability of more recreational activities. When asked about the Golden Age Centre in particular, 65% of people wanted to see the centre operated differently, and the remaining 35% of people thought it should continue in its current model, albeit with upgrades required. Cr Springborg says that Council has finalised its contract negotiations with the new lessee for the management of the facility after the Police Citizens Youth Club (PCYC) told Council it would not extend its previous lease of the facility past 30 September 2020. Council’s role is to work in the interest of the region to achieve the best outcome and, following a formal expression of interest process, I’m confident that the new lessee’s business will very much align with the vision for the precinct expressed in the community feedback.
15.01.2022 Balonne on board with natural disaster preparedness Balonne Shire Council will develop a digital dashboard to provide critical real-time disaster information to the community, backed by the 2020-21 Get Ready Queensland program. Balonne Mayor Samantha O’Toole says the Balonne Shire Disaster Dashboard would provide a one-stop-shop for residents to make informed decisions before, during and after a disaster.... The disaster dashboard will be linked to council’s website so that residents can easily access emergency warnings and information about incidents in real-time. It will host information from a variety of sources and will provide updates on weather warnings, road closures, power outages, school closures and evacuation centre locations.
15.01.2022 Severe Thunderstorm Warning for DAMAGING WINDS, LARGE HAILSTONES and HEAVY RAINFALL For people in Darling Downs and Granite Belt , Wide Bay and Burnett and parts of Central Highlands and Coalfields, Capricornia, and Southeast Coast Forecast Districts.... The Weather Bureau says thunderstorms are rapidly developing across eastern and southeastern Queensland. They warn that severe thunderstorms are likely to produce damaging winds, large hailstones and heavy rainfall that may lead to flash flooding in the warning area over the next several hours. Locations which may be affected include Warwick, Toowoomba, Gympie, Kingaroy, Biloela, Calliope, Esk, Gatton, Gin Gin, Laidley, Mount Morgan and Nanango.
15.01.2022 New sprinkler system will make Inglewood Memorial Park more water-efficient Goondiwindi Regional Council will install a new pop-up sprinkler system at the Inglewood Memorial Park to improve the park’s water efficiency, Mayor of the Goondiwindi region the Honourable Cr Lawrence Springborg AM announced today. Speaking during his visit to Inglewood this morning, Cr Springborg said the $30,000 project would complement a suite of ongoing irrigation upgrades at Council-managed park...s, garden beds and traffic islands. The new sprinkler system will operate on an automatic timer and will solely water targeted garden beds and grassed areas. While Council staff currently water the Memorial Park by hand, the new system will allow for watering to be done remotely. The amount of water used by the sprinklers can also be precisely tailored per the relevant water restriction level. Water restrictions are not currently in place in Inglewood. Cr Springborg says upgrades to the region’s parks and gardens were a key aspect of Council’s Budget for this financial year. Council has committed $2 million to maintaining and upgrading parks and gardens across the region for 2020-21. This includes funding to upgrade park equipment and facilities, along with infrastructure projects such as here at the Memorial Park. The new sprinkler system will not only allow for greater water-efficiency going forward, but it will also reduce ongoing operational costs to the ratepayer. Work to configure the system’s water supply will be completed by the end of this year, with installation to take place in early 2021. The project will complement recent Council works at the Inglewood Memorial Park to renew fencing and upgrade picnic tables and chairs. Council manages 25 parks and gardens across the Goondiwindi region they’re extremely important assets for our community and part of what makes our region such a great place to raise a family, The park will remain open to the public while the work takes place, although some localised areas may be restricted.
15.01.2022 1.9 BILLION INVESTMENT IN NEW ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES Maranoa MP David Littleproud has welcomed the Australian Government’s $1.9 billion investment into future energy technologies for its potential to extend the lifespan of the four coal-fired power stations in Maranoa and support local jobs in the energy sector. The Australian Government is committed to backing new and emerging technologies by funding a wider range of energy sources, which could also extend the life of coal-f...ired power plants This is great news Maranoa’s energy sector. We are supporting our coal-fired power stations by investing in technologies that will reduce emissions and secure their future viability This means more jobs for Maranoa and keeping lights on at an affordable price for Australian families and businesses. The new package invests in a range of promising low-emissions new technology advancements including carbon capture projects that will dramatically help cut emissions and support the continued operation of coal-fired power stations with a $50 million investment in the Carbon Capture Use and Storage Development Fund. Millmerran Power Station is already leading the way in carbon capture and storage technology as the site of a commercial scale carbon capture hub which will capture Over 100,000 tonnes of CO2 a year." This investment by the Federal Government will support Millmerran to expand on their good work to date, while also giving other coal-fired power stations in Maranoa the resources they need to experiment with new technologies that will keep people in jobs, while also reducing emissions.
13.01.2022 Drought plan fails Warrego region Bob Katter and KAP Warrego Candidate, Rick Gurnett have started a three-day drought tour through the Warrego region visiting and speaking to locals and they’re firing shots at the Feds. KAP is advocating for a Regional Development Bank with KAP Candidate and cattle producer, Rick Gurnett saying the the Federal Government’s Regional Investment Corporation (RIC) loans scheme is failing in what it was set up to do.... He says producers are reporting that processing times are exceeding twelve months which is hanging them out to dry. Andrew Weidemann from Grain Producers Australia told Ben Dobbin that one case took over six hundred days to process. That is simply just not good enough and a heartbreaking reality for many producers. Bob Katter says KAP is happy to work with the Federal Government to fix the RIC loans. But should co-operation not be forthcoming the KAP will be demanding a Regional Development Bank. It’s just over twelve months since I went on my drought tour with Pauline Hanson through this same region, and everyone said loudly and clearly that they believed they did not have an effective drought policy. They still don’t. The burden of Government imposts such as electricity, rates, land rents, SunWater charges, insurance and stamp duty, must be taken off producers who are struggling due to the prolonged drought.
13.01.2022 Assault and weapons charges, Leslie Dam Detectives have charged a man with assault and weapons charges following an incident at a Leslie Dam address yesterday. Police will allege a 24-year-old Warwick man went to the Saddledam Road address to speak with a 35-year-old man when a conversation developed into a physical altercation.... The Warwick man is alleged to have returned to his car and grabbed a firearm, shooting the other man in the leg. A physical altercation between the two men continued before the younger man fled the scene. He was apprehended a short time later by police and charged with one count each of acts intended to cause grievous bodily harm, dangerous conduct with a weapon and possess shortened firearm. He is scheduled to appear in the Toowoomba Magistrates Court later today.
13.01.2022 Power in Opinion. The Queensland Government-owned electricity companies are calling on the community to help shape the future of the state’s energy industry. Ergon Energy and Energex, as part of Energy Queensland, along with Powerlink are seeking participants in the Queensland Household Energy Survey, which is the largest of its kind in Australia, to gain an in-depth insight into Queenslanders’ changing electricity needs.... The input will help Queensland’s electricity distribution and transmission companies plan for the industry’s rapidly evolving future. CEO of Energy Queensland, Rod Duke says in the past, the annual survey had provided valuable information that is now being used to plan for the next generation power network. Previous survey respondents have clearly shown that Queenslanders are very keen to adopt new technology, such as home energy management systems, smart home assistants, electric vehicles and solar PV just to name a few. This includes developing new power tariffs, building a network that accommodates their needs and ensuring we’re providing services that remain relevant to everyone’s requirements. The companies say the survey’s annual insights on emerging technologies, particularly in storage and energy management systems, help to deliver better solutions for the future. Queenslanders keen on having their say on the future of the state’s electricity industry can participate in the survey and have the chance to win one of ten $100 gift cards by logging onto : .
13.01.2022 One to Watch for at Christmas. Queenslanders are being encouraged to recognise the signs of elder abuse and seek help over the Christmas period. Elder abuse which is most commonly psychological or financial in nature - is sadly more prevalent with families coming together over the Christmas break with statistics from the Elder Abuse Prevention Unit showing that cases can involve sons, daughters, spouses, partners or grandchildren of victims.... Minister for seniors Craig Crawford encourages seniors, their families, friends, neighbours or community members to call the Elder Abuse Helpline on 1300 651 192 if they had any concerns. The most common types of elder abuse include psychological abuse such as controlling or coercion, and financial abuse such as stealing or controlling money. Seniors experiencing abuse may appear withdrawn, worried or anxious, or uninterested in their usual interests. If you suspect someone you know is experiencing elder abuse, reach out to them and invite them to talk in a place where they are alone and safe and listen to them. In the event of an emergency or life-threatening situation, Queenslanders should always call Triple Zero (000).
13.01.2022 Solar PV systems Dangers Power suppliers are reminding customers with rooftop solar to shut down their systems ahead of severe storms and extreme weather events. Ergon Energy Area Manager Craig Burchill says there’s a danger to repair crews working after storm damage if the systems are left running.... Even though grid-connected solar PV systems cannot supply the home when the network is not operational, they can continue to generate direct current (DC) power that goes back out into the network where we have crews doing repairs. It is important to always follow the manufacturer's or installer's shutdown procedures. Shutdown procedures should be located at the inverter or on the main switchboard. Craig said safety should always be the number one priority and under no circumstances should people get onto their roof without having the system checked first. Solar panels and their cables should always be treated as if they are live and customers should not attempt to reconnect solar PV systems after severe storms or roof damage, as their roof may be electrified. Craig also warned solar PV systems should be turned off whenever there’s a risk of flooding. They have to be turned off before flood waters arrive. Electricity and water don’t mix and even if Ergon have disconnected power ahead of the flood Solar PV systems do not require mains power to generate a DC supply and that’s why we treat all solar PV installations as energised. Do not reconnect any solar PV systems unless a licensed electrical contractor has certified the installation is safe. More information about solar PV safety can be found on the Ergon Energy website.
13.01.2022 Police issue warning following QPS phone numbers used in scams Detectives from the Financial and Cyber Crime Group have issued a warning to Queensland residents about a scam using Queensland Police Service phone numbers to legitimise government or bank impersonation scams. Recent reports indicate the scammers are using a practice known as caller ID spoofing, where they inappropriately manipulate the telephone network to indicate the incoming call is from a different ... number (in these cases a QPS number). This scam involves you receiving a call from what appears to be a trusted or well-known government phone number and the caller impersonating an employee from the organisation (in this case a police officer) to legitimise the scam. The scammer threatens you in relation to an outstanding fine or fee, for example, a debt with the Australian Taxation Office or a warrant for your arrest or deportation. The scammer then demands a form of payment to prevent action against you. While this type of scam has been doing the rounds for some time, police are concerned this version of the scam using a QPS spoofed phone number has an additional layer which may result in more members of the community falling victim. Detective Acting Superintendent Vince Byrnes from the Financial and Cyber Crime Group urged Queensland residents to always be vigilant when receiving phone calls from people asking for money or personal details. Police, or any other legitimate government department or financial institution, will never call you and ask for your personal banking information or payments in gift cards, cryptocurrency or money transfers. It is important to take independent steps to verify a caller’s identity before providing any personal information or payments of any sort, irrespective of the phone number displayed, or who a caller claims to work for." Please make your own enquiries if you do receive a phone call from what appears to be a police station, take down the callers details, find a number yourself and dial it in, rather than returning a call you may have missed or were directed to. If you have received such a call and made a payment to a scammer, contact your financial institution immediately and report the matter to the Australian Cyber Security Centre ReportCyber. "If you did not lose any funds you can still report the incident to Scamwatch."
12.01.2022 Council enters into contract to purchase former Co-Op car park Goondiwindi Regional Council has entered into a contract to buy what was formerly known as the Co-Op car park on Bowen Street in Goondiwindi. The purchase, which includes the house, shed, and toilet block, will mean the site can be used to provide public car parking within the town’s CBD. Mayor of the Goondiwindi region the Honourable Cr Lawrence Springborg AM says the acquisition was a good opportunity for Counci...l to buy land in a strategic location. Council’s investment of $580,000. The block also includes the existing on-site house and shed, and Council will now explore what options are available for these assets. The Mayor says that further down the track, we may also be able to look at improvements to the site such as shade sails or similar. The Goondiwindi Co-Op went into liquidation in April 2020 and was sold in August 2020. The adjacent car park was not included in that sale and has been on the market for some time. The purchase will complement ongoing community consultation about the future development of the Goondiwindi CBD and River Precinct area. There are currently three free all-day car parks within the Goondiwindi CBD, located at McLean Street, Bowen Street and Callandoon Street. There are more than 140 unrestricted parking places in these car parks, and many streets adjoining Marshall and Herbert Street have unrestricted parking suitable for large vehicles. The contract is expected to be settled in the coming weeks.
12.01.2022 New footpath improves Yelarbon safety and connection Work will begin on Friday to construct a new footpath in Yelarbon that will improve pedestrian safety and create a better connection from the town to the popular lagoon. The concrete walkway will run 250m along Eena Street to complete the ‘missing link’ from the Yelarbon State School on Burrel Street to Lagoon Street, where it will join the walking track along the lagoon.... Goondiwindi Regional Council has allocated $70,000 towards the project from its Australian Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure (LRCI) Program Grant. Mayor of the Goondiwindi region the Honourable Cr Lawrence Springborg AM says the work would improve the overall amenity of the town, as well as support the growing tourism attraction of Yelarbon. The new section of pathway will mean safe pedestrian access along the entirety of Eena Street. This is an especially important link in Yelarbon as it connects the State School to the southern end of town and on to the lagoon. Not only will this improve pedestrian safety and boost town pride, but it’s a vital link for visitors as it connects the walkway from the main street to the lagoon. We have some really unique assets in Yelarbon in both the GrainCorp Silos and the lagoon itself ensuring that those sites are easily accessible and encouraging visitors to pull up, explore the town and support local businesses is so important. The footpath project complements current works to install new signage at the silo viewing area that directs visitors to local businesses and places of interest. Visitors can camp at the Yelarbon recreation grounds for a low cost, with powered sites available for caravans and motorhomes. Public toilets and showers are open to visitors in the restored Railway Station building. This project ensures that visitors, as well as residents, can easily walk back and forth between the Yelarbon lagoon and the main street. It means that when visitors pull up for a feed or a drink at the pub, they can now safely walk down to explore the lagoon and the facilities at the recreation grounds. Council says it will engage a local contractor to carry out the work and will also use a local concrete supplier.
12.01.2022 A Big Day for Our Mayor. The Honourable Lawrence Springborg received his Member of the Order of Australia this week. The Mayor receives the Award in the General Division for his significant service to the Parliament of Queensland and to the community of the Southern Downs, as a Member of Parliament, Minister for Natural Resources and Minister for Health, Leader of the National Party (Queensland Branch), Deputy Leader and Leader of the Liberal/National Party of Queensland, and as member and chair of parliamentary committees.
12.01.2022 Natural disaster guides to help producers get ready for the season Now is the time for primary producers to prepare for natural disasters-That’s the warning from Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries Mark Furner. With a La Niña underway and likely to last through to at least the end of summer, there is an increased chance of above average rainfall across most of Queensland for both spring and summer.... We’ve already been hit with hailstorms and heavy rainfall this spring and conditions have the potential for more tropical lows leading to the increased possibility of significant rainfall in areas of the state. According to the Bureau of Meteorology, there is a potential for an above-average number of tropical cyclones expected this season and typically, in La Niña years, the first cyclone occurs earlier than normal around mid-December. The Minister is encouraging everyone to check the specially tailored natural disaster guides the Department has prepared to help producers protect their property, business, livestock and crops. Tips include photographing assets in their pre-disaster condition and ensuring everyone on the property are familiar with a plan to get to safety in the event of a flood and to ensure livestock have access to higher ground. To view the guides, visit and search for ‘natural disasters’ and ‘preparing animals for natural disasters’. Mr Furner is also advising pet owners not to forget about family pets in household or farm emergency plans. Keep emergency phone numbers handy for your local council, veterinarian, animal welfare agency and pet and advisory services and make sure your pets can be properly identified if they escape. If moving pets to safety, make sure you take plenty of food, bowls, a leash and toilet litter or old newspapers. If they are to be left at home, secure them in a confined space, preferably inside and under cover, and provide access to water. For more information about how to prepare your property or business, visit: For information on animal welfare during a disaster contact, the RSPCA, your local council or your veterinarian.
12.01.2022 Contract negotiations underway for Golden Age Centre lease The Golden Age Centre (aka the PCYC Riverview Function Centre) in Goondiwindi is currently under contract negotiations with a potential new lessee for the management of the facility. The move follows approaches to council from numerous interested parties, after the Police Citizens Youth Club (PCYC) decision not to extend its lease of the facility past 30 September 2020. ... The PCYC originally took on the lease in September 2017 as a one-year contract with the option to extend. Mayor of the Goondiwindi region the Honourable Cr Lawrence Springborg AM says there were a number of factors still to work through in relation to the contract, and Council would be working in the interest of the region to achieve the best outcome. We know what a valued asset the Golden Age Centre is to our community, and so Council has undertaken an expression of interest process based on merit to ensure we get the best, open and transparent results for our region and community members. Council is currently taking limited bookings for the hire of the Centre until the end of the year. All bookings must align with COVID-19 guidelines and residents wishing to hire the facility should contact Council directly on either 07 4671 7400 or [email protected]. In June, Council also began community consultation regarding the future of the Macintyre River Precinct, the broader area that includes the Golden Age Centre, the Goondiwindi boat ramp, the River Walk and the Goondiwindi Bowls Club. The development of the precinct was identified in Council's Visitor Strategy as an area with significant potential to boost the region's tourism opportunities. Council has long outsourced the management of the Golden Age Centre, so this is not something new from that perspective and I’m confident that, if successful, the new management will align with the preferred vision for the precinct that the community feedback has expressed so far. While we are still only in the negotiations stage with a potential lessee, we hope to have a further announcement before the end of the year.
12.01.2022 KAP to Blitz West. Bob Katter and KAP Warrego Candidate, Rick Gurnett will today begin a three-day drought tour through the Warrego region visiting and speaking to locals in Roma, Charleville, St George and Dalby. Mr Katter says KAP is advocating for a Regional Development Bank as the federal Regional Investment Corporation (RIC) loans are failing in what they were set up to do.... Producers are reporting that processing times are exceeding twelve months which is hanging them out to dry. Andrew Weidemann from Grain Producers Australia says one case took over six hundred days to process. "The KAP is happy to work with the Federal Government to fix the RIC loans, but should co-operation not be forthcoming KAP will be demanding a Regional Development Bank. The burden of Government imposts such as electricity, rates, land rents, SunWater charges, insurance and stamp duty, must be taken off producers who are not turning a profit due to the prolonged drought.
11.01.2022 First stage quad bike safety measures now mandatory All new and imported second hand quad bikes sold in Australia must now meet the first stage of the government’s mandatory safety standard after it came into effect on from yesterday. Now, all new and imported second hand quad bikes sold in Australia must be tested for lateral static stability, display the angle at which the quad bike tips onto two wheels on a hang tag at the point of sale, and carry a roll over warning labe...l on the quad bike. The owner’s manual must also include roll over safety information. Additionally, the quad bikes must be fitted with a spark arrester that conforms to the Australian or United States standard and meet certain requirements of the United States or European quad bike safety standards. These relate to equipment such as brakes, clutch, throttle, tyres, drive train, handlebars and foot wells, maximum speed capabilities and the provision of safety information through warning labels and hang tags. ACCC Deputy Chair Mick Keogh says this first stage of the standard is a significant step in improving the safety of quad bikes in Australia. Consumers will now be able to have confidence that quad bikes they buy will meet a certain level of quality and safety. Safework Australia data shows 152 people have died from incidents involving quad bikes since 2011, including 23 children. It is estimated that hundreds of people also present to hospital emergency departments each year as a result of quad bike related injuries. There have already been 16 fatalities this year, double last year’s toll. Additional requirements for new and second hand imported general use quad bikes will become mandatory in one year’s time, which include the fitting or integration of operator protection devices and minimum stability requirements.
11.01.2022 Council’s new database will connect local Goondiwindi region businesses to major projects like Inland Rail Businesses in the Goondiwindi region will have improved opportunities to supply products and services to major projects such as Inland Rail thanks to a new online database by Goondiwindi Regional Council. The database will promote local business capability to external investors and developers. Local businesses within the Goondiwindi region are encouraged to sign up now t...Continue reading
11.01.2022 Here's the latest update from the Mayor. "As we approach the one-year mark since one of the worst Australian bushfire seasons in living memory, it is timely to discuss bushfire risk and mitigation strategies for the Goondiwindi region. This year, our region faces a significantly increased risk of fire - particularly fast-moving grass fires in the eastern area around Inglewood and Texas. This increased risk is due to several factors: firstly, the ongoing drought has caused a... reduction in stocking numbers for many graziers, and therefore a reduction in cattle grazing. In addition, we also face the growing issue of vegetation thickening across our region’s State stock route reserves. Unfortunately, many reserves on secondary or minor routes are now so overcome by invasive species that they are not currently suitable for stock and will require significant investment to restore their productivity. Without proper management, this increased vegetation could pose a real liability during the summer fire season. Minimising the risk of bushfire to people, property and the environment is a priority for Council. As trustee of the State reserve land, Council is currently actively exploring various management options to address the increase in vegetation while improving the long-term health and productivity of these reserves. At the end of last month, several Council representatives and I met with Victor Steffensen at Iminbah reserve. Mr Steffensen is the co-founder of the National Indigenous Fire Workshops and has 27 years’ experience of reviving traditional knowledge values - particularly around Indigenous cultural burning practices. In cooperation with Southern Queensland Landscapes, Council staff have also met with Victor over the past few months to inspect several reserves across the region and learn from his knowledge and teachings. Mr Steffensen’s holistic approach to land management includes the use of fire itself: regular ‘cool burns’ when practised in a careful, considered manner can protect the larger trees and encourage native grasses to germinate, ensuring proper land care and healing. The principle of cool burning is different to hazard reduction burns instead, cool burns promote the right vegetation and help to keep native species in balance in their right ecosystem. For example, in our region’s box country, cool burns can stop the pine thickening and allow the smaller box trees to geminate and replace the parent trees while still keeping the open box country structure. Council is committed to its close working relationship with the Queensland Fire and Emergency Services and other key organisations to manage our region’s immediate fire risks. But it will also approach the knowledge and teachings of cultural burning practitioners with an open mind we must do all we can to work together to reduce our risks of bushfire and best manage our natural resources. " Hon. Lawrence Springborg AM Mayor Goondiwindi Regional Council
11.01.2022 Mail it Early for Christmas. With the COVID 19 virus impacting on Australia Post staff numbers and creating a surge in online shopping the warning for would be Christmas gift givers is out- Post early to ensure delivery by Christmas. Australia Post has set December 12 postage as its deadline to guarantee parcel delivery and December 19 for express post deliveries.... It says shoppers should aim to have completed their online shopping by the end of November to ensure delivery to them in enough time to allow dispatch and post to gift recipients. The delays being faced by Australia Post have come about because of COVID related shutdowns, staff shortages and huge delivery and sorting demands as a result of a surge in online purchases. The organisation says it handled more than 600,000 additional parcels in August compared to 2019. The border closures are also expected to see more people spend Christmas away from family and friends and instead, turn to Australia Post as a means of spreading Christmas cheer, gifts and well wishes.
11.01.2022 KAP & ONE NATION PREFERENCE DEAL. The Katter’s Australian Party and One Nation have announced they will place each other as the number two position on their how to vote cards. KAP Leader Ribbie Katter says the alliance has been sealed to reflect the major party neglect of Queensland. ... The Liberal and Labor major party dominance had clearly failed regional Queenslanders and that the time was now for much needed change. For far two long the major parties have continued to sell off our assets, pushed green ideology and failed to invest in regional job creating mega-infrastructure projects. Queensland can’t afford another four years of major party dominance, we know it doesn’t work, enough is enough, times up. Mr Katter says the KAP would put the Greens last in all seats.
10.01.2022 More Border Restriction Relaxation Five additional NSW shires will now be included in open borders with Queensland. From next week the shires of Glen Innes, Byron, Ballina, the City of Lismore, Richmond Valley, (inclusive of Casino and Evans Head) will be added to the border zone from 1am on October 1.... Residents in those council areas will also be allowed to travel anywhere in the state without going into quarantine but will have to fill out a border declaration pass. Queenslanders coming back to their home state still need a border pass to return declaring they have not visited a hotspot, but they will not need to quarantine. The new border arrangement will apply to all Queenslanders and those in the specific NSW council areas.
10.01.2022 New signs to promote driver reviver stops in Goondiwindi and Inglewood Two new electronic signs will encourage drivers to stop and take a break at the driver reviver sites in Goondiwindi and Inglewood during the school holidays. Goondiwindi Regional Council successfully received a $40,000 grant from the Australian Government’s Driver Reviver Site Upgrades Program (round one) to purchase the signs, which will direct visitors to the driver reviver stops at Redmond Park in Goon...diwindi and Lions Park in Inglewood. Mayor of the Goondiwindi region the Honourable Cr Lawrence Springborg AM says the goal was to encourage more drivers to pull up to refresh and beat fatigue on long trips. The Goondiwindi region in particular is a key gateway to many popular domestic tourism spots, so the aim is to get those drivers to stop and take a break to refresh before getting back on the road. The driver reviver sites in both towns operate during the school holidays only. The new electronic signs are mobile with the ability to customise the displayed messaging. This means they can also be used for other purposes, such as upcoming road closures or traffic changes, outside of the driver reviver site period. Both the Redmond Park and Lions Park driver reviver sites have universal access toilets, water, picnic tables and play areas. Cr Springborg says the signage and driver reviver sites were also a good opportunity to get visitors to stop in the region and get a taste of what it had to offer. The driver reviver sites in both Goondiwindi and Inglewood are run by local volunteers who not only make sure that travellers are well looked after, but they do a fantastic job of promoting the region to those visitors as well, With the recent easing of Queensland border restrictions, Goondiwindi in particular will be the natural entryway for many travellers heading north, Inglewood, too, provides a great stopping point to those travelling west from the coast. We want to make sure those visitors know our region’s facilities are available, and encourage them to choose our towns as a place to stop for a coffee or to stretch their legs and explore. The Redmond Park site is situated just meters from the Newell Highway, Goondiwindi roundabout. Signage directs visitors from the rest area to attractions throughout the town. The Lions Park in Inglewood is home to the two-kilometre Olive Walk, which guides visitors on a circuit along the Macintyre Brook dotted with plaques outlining the interesting historical events in the area. The long-term aim of the Driver Reviver Site Upgrades Program is to reduce the number of road fatalities and serious injuries resulting from driver fatigue on the nation’s roads.
09.01.2022 Fire Weather Warning The Bureau of Meteorology has issued a warning of a severe fire danger across the region. They say an approaching trough will produce dry, hot and windy conditions over southern and eastern interior parts of Queensland today. ... This will result in SEVERE fire dangers over the Maranoa and Warrego and Darling Downs and Granite Belt, and Central Highland and Coalfields districts. They say the risk will be EXTREME in the afternoon.
09.01.2022 A HEADS UP Barriers Come down. Goondiwindi Regional Council is reminding drivers that from tomorrow [Tuesday], Council is working with the Queensland Government to remove the interstate road closures across our region.... Council staff will be starting early to commence the works, but they ask that all motorists please be aware that the works will progressively be completed throughout the day [Tuesday] and you may need alternate plans until such time as they are open.
09.01.2022 The 12 scams of Christmas: Fake websites With the festive season nearly upon us, ‘tis the season for online scams according to the wollopers. Detective Inspector Vince Byrnes from the Financial and Cyber Crime Group is reminding Queenslanders to be aware of Grinch-like scammers and be sure to stay alert to scams such as fake websites.... Scammers often set up fake online stores and social media pages, claiming to sell popular items at incredibly low prices. If a product’s advertised price seems too good to be true, there’s a very good chance it is. Other tell-tale signs of an online scam, he says, include a website with minimal information about delivery, returns or contact details, and requests to pay via unsecure and unusual methods. Scammers often set up a fake online store with products at ‘too-good-to-be-true’ prices to attempt to trick shoppers into buying stock they don’t have. It is best to use online retailers or brands that you are aware of, trust and that offer buyer protections. We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again and again: be very wary of shopping websites that don’t use secure payment methods and offer big discounts for direct payment into accounts and please, never pay anything via cryptocurrency. To learn more about scams, visit or the Queensland Police Service’s R U in Control campaign at For more information from Detective Inspector Byrnes about online scams, click on the link below. If you have information for police, contact Policelink by providing information using the online suspicious activity form 24hrs per day at
09.01.2022 Not All Debt is Bad Debt. Treasurer Cameron Dick has today released the Queensland Budget, delayed because of the COVID 19 Crisis and in so doing the treasurer says he aims to destroy the myth that all debt is bad. For nearly a decade, Queensland politics has been haunted by the false argument that debt in Queensland was somehow inherently more dangerous and damaging than debt borrowed anywhere else, or borrowed by anyone else.... That somehow, Labor borrowing to build schools, hospitals or prisons was somehow more harmful to the economy than the LNP borrowing to pay." today is the day that myth is finally and conclusively dispelled. And as a result, Queensland now has a budget that will see debt levels climb to $130 billion within four years which the treasurer says is necessary after the COVID-19 crisis smashed a $12.3 billion hole in revenues. The budget forecasts unemployment will improve in the next 12 months, there will be improved economic growth and an expected economic shot in the arm from interstate migrants over the next four years. The Treasurer says the COVID-19’s budgetary impact on Queensland is far worse than the Global Financial Crisis but in line with the ALP election promise there are no new state taxes. Queensland finishes 2019-20 with a $5.734 billion deficit that rises to $8.633 billion next year, before falling deficits reach $1.389 billion in 2023-24. I make it clear today that the budget will only return to balance when the economy returns to normal, Budget snapshot: hiring 2,025 extra police personnel by 2025. Unemployment rate is forecast 7.5% for 2020-21. 74 million to fast-track tourism recovery, including $15 million marketing blitz. $14.8 billion capital program for 2020-21, with 58% to be spent outside of Greater Brisbane. A record $21.8 billion spent on health in 2020-21. Hiring of 5,800 nurses, 1,500 doctors, and 1,700 allied health professionals to 2024. $55.8 million in 2020-21 for improvements to or for new ambulance stations and operations centres. $1.62 billion on health infrastructure projects in 2020-21. $140 million for a Big Plans for Small Business Strategy $394 million for new classrooms and administration buildings over the next four years $235 million for new or upgraded school halls over the next four years $45 million to build and upgrade training facilities at schools. Hiring of 6,190 new teachers and 1,139 teacher aides. 375 extra firefighters. $45.8 million to domestic and family violence. $449.7 million in 2020-21 for energy, rates, water concessions and rebates for seniors and eligible Queenslanders.
08.01.2022 More space for equipment and activities at Goondiwindi PCYC The Goondiwindi PCYC will soon have more onsite storage and space for activities with work is currently underway to enclose the existing garage area on the site. There’s also some internal works underway with the new space to cover around 70 square metres and will have the option to be divided into two separate rooms. ... Goondiwindi Regional Council is allocating $45,000 from the Australian Government's Local Roads and Community Infrastructure (LRCI) Program Grant towards the project. Council says it will engage local contractors for the building, painting and electrical work, and will also use local suppliers for the new floor coverings. Mayor of the Goondiwindi region the Honourable Cr Lawrence Springborg AM says the project would not only create more room for PCYC programs and activities, but that it could also potentially accommodate local community groups who needed space for meetings. PCYC Member Services Team Leader Kylie Cook says the project will be a big help to the club. We’ve previously had to work with limited storage space and Council’s funding helps the PCYC to operate a packed schedule of programs, classes and other initiatives. On an average month, the PCYC sees 3,500 attendees across all our activities, from basketball to boxing, Ms Cook said. The annual funding we receive from Council goes towards covering our ongoing operational costs as well as purchasing equipment to aid us in running all those activities and programs. - and it’s also an exciting opportunity for local community groups to work with the PCYC and make use of the new rooms for their own purposes. The new rooms are expected to be completed in the new year and Council understands that the PCYC has already fielded a number of inquiries in regards to utilising this new space. Interested community groups should contact the PCYC directly for more information about how to hire. Cr Springborg has praised the PCYC saying it provides invaluable support and opportunities to residents in the Goondiwindi region. They provide vital support and mentorship to community members and young people, from Braking the Cycle [a learner driving program] to the State Youth Leadership Program, and this Council is very proud to support them in their work.
08.01.2022 Community events to mark Mental Health Week The South West Hospital and Health Service will support a series of events to help observe Queensland Mental Health Week, which this year runs from 1018 October. These include events at St George on 14 October and Dirranbandi on 24 October, as well as at Mungallala on 13 October and Wyandra on 27 October and South West Hospital and Health Service Regional Adversity Coordinator Gavin Johannesen said the St George and Dirranbandi e...vents had been organised in partnership with Care Balonne to shine a light on mental health. The Mungallala and Wyandra events are being delivered in partnership with Anglicare,’’ he said. Queensland Mental Health Week is an opportunity to raise awareness of mental health and the importance of reducing the stigma which surrounds it. Even the phrase mental health can turn people off, so we really need to ensure the community are engaged and able to have conversations about it. Our emotional health is just as important as our physical health and it’s vital we strive to care for ourselves both mentally and physically, especially during this time of the coronavirus pandemic that is adding to the daily pressures of life. This year’s Mental Health Week theme is Take Time for Mental Health’’. The events at St George, Dirranbandi, Mungallala, Wyandra and elsewhere are all designed to help people begin conversations with relatives, friends and neighbours about mental health.’’ Dirranbandi Multipurpose Health Service Director of Nursing Jane O’Shannessy says the Unwind with Wire workshop would be hosted by the Dirranbandi Arts Council and delivered by artist Kylee Gidgee’’ Smith from Morven. Workshop participants will have the opportunity explore their creative side with some great mindfulness activities.’’ They will be able to use old and recycled material to produce an artwork that will help them develop a greater understanding of themselves.’ Event details: Mungallala: 13 October: 10.30 am to 2 pm: Free Community Day at Mungallala Shire Hall. RSVP to 1300 114 397 or email: [email protected] St George: 14 October: 10 am to 1 pm: Men’s Health Pit Stop check-ups and workshop at the St George Community Men’s Shed. Morning Tea and BBQ lunch provided, and guest speaker will be Mary O’Brien from Are You Bogged Mate. For lunch catering purposes, RSVP to Sarah Southern, Care Balonne, 4625 5450. Dirranbandi: 24 October: from 8.30 am: Unwind with Wire full-day workshop at Dirranbandi Rail to River Goods Shed. 15 places only available. A $50 deposit is required to book a place but is fully refundable on the day. RSVP to Jane O’Shannessy on 0427 755 904 by 16 October. Wyandra: 27 October: 10.30 am to 2 pm: Free Community Day at Wyandra Community Hall. RSVP to 1300 114 397 or email: [email protected]
08.01.2022 Well done! Beef Australia Chairman Bryce Camm named #eatqld Champion The Queensland Government has named Beef Australia Chairman Bryce Camm the state’s 20th #eatqld Champion. Minister for Agricultural Industry Development Mark Furner says Mr Camm was truly a steering force for the beef industry.... Bryce is a dynamic fourth-generation cattleman who is the Chief Executive Officer of his family’s Camm Agricultural Group, Chairman of the Australian Beef Sustainability Steering Group, Chairman of the Australian Lot Feeders Association and Chairman of Beef Australia. At just 36 years old Bryce represents the future of the beef industry and with his vision and drive there is no doubt it is in very good and capable hands and looking very bullish indeed.Bryce’s example is truly inspirational and he will be a fine ambassador promoting Queensland’s world of flavour from the state of delicious. Mr Furner said there was no better time to acknowledge Mr Camm’s devotion to Queensland’s beef industry than during Beef Australia 2021 in Rockhampton. I am sure Queensland’s beef industry, and all Queenslanders, will join me in saying well done to Bryce for both his tireless efforts and being named our latest #eatqld Champion. Agriculture is going to play a vital part as we implement Queensland’s Economic Recovery Plan, and with Queensland beef we are working with the world’s best,. Previous #eatqld Champions include Creek to Coast host Scott Hillier, Walkamin entrepreneur Krista Watkins, Bowen horticulturalist Carl Walker, leading chef Dominique Rizzo, Aussie Seafood House owner Ian Hamilton, and Scenic Rim dairy farmer and agritourism advocate Kay Tommerup. To nominate someone as an #eatqld Champion, email [email protected]
07.01.2022 Cluster fencing grants The State Government is providing another $5 million dollars in Cluster Fencing grants to drought-declared local government areas. The funds are available through Round 5 of the Queensland Feral Pest Initiative.... Minister for Agricultural Industry Development Mark Furner says landholders wanting to discuss inclusion in Round 5 projects should contact their local government, industry group or regional NRM group. The success of our agriculture sector is a vital part of Queensland’s $8 billion plan for economic recovery from COVID-19, and funding like this will help them build on that success, The closing date for applications is 5PM Wednesday 11 November, to be submitted to [email protected] Further information about the latest round of Queensland Feral Pest Initiative grants, call the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries on 13 25 23 or visit
07.01.2022 MARANOA AND BALONNE CLUSTER FENCE CLOSES THE GAP Maranoa Regional Council and Balonne Shire Council, in partnership with Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) and landholders have successfully completed the ‘Barrier Fence to the Border’ Collaborative Area Management Project. The project enhances strategic fence linkages between the NSW Wild Dog Fence Extension project, and the Balonne Shire Wild Dog Exclusion fence scheme, Murweh and Paroo shires, as well as large p...arts of Bulloo, Quilpie and Blackall-Tambo shires where cluster fences have been built. The project aimed to fund the construction of exclusion fencing that would connect previously erected cluster fences (funded through DAF and landholders) to create a connection of fences which would extend from the Wild Dog Barrier Fence in the north of the Maranoa local government area to the Queensland border, providing further protection from predator animals on small stock. Maranoa Mayor Tyson Golder has thanked each Council’s Rural Land Team member for all their vision, work and dedication in providing a mechanism for building a better future for landholders and businesses within the region. This project highlights what can be achieved when local governments work collaboratively with the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries towards a common goal of developing stages that create economic sustainability for our communities. The project took some sharp planning. At the completion of Round 1 of the Queensland Feral Pest Initiative (QFPI), councils noticed how little additional fencing was required to construct an unbroken line of cluster fences from the Wild Dog Barrier Fence to the Queensland border. Discussions with Balonne Shire Council revealed that they shared this vision, and a joint application for funding was submitted to DAF under the QFPI Program. The successful application assisted three landholder groups, for the construction of 235kms of exclusion fencing. The successful Collaborative Area Management Groups were north Bollon, Culgoa, as well as the Woolerina Yendon cluster, which was jointly funded under Balonne Shire Council’s Regional Economic Diversification Program. Cr Golder says local Governments working with funding provided by the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries has enabled the construction of one of the most strategic fences erected as part of any publically funded exclusion fencing program. This project provides benefits, not only to the rural producers in the Maranoa and Balonne local government area, but also for those located in the five local government areas further to the west. The 3 cluster groups comprise 14 landholders an area of 255,327 hectares, constructing 281.15kms of fence. This project is funded by the Queensland and Australian Governments as part of the Queensland Feral Pest Initiative.
07.01.2022 The Heat Is On. Queensland will continue to see building temps for the next few days possibly reaching records next week and that will, potentially, trigger a series of severe storms the Bureau of Meteorology is warning. They say temperatures will continue to brew to heatwave conditions until mid-next week in some cases as much as 12 degrees above average.... The most extreme temperatures are expected to be confined to the southwest of the state with Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday to be the peak of the heat bringing temps to the mid to high 40’s across the regions while Brisbane will reach a high of 34C . The Bureau says we can expect a cool change by next Thursday, but it could bring storms.
07.01.2022 New fencing to improve sporting safety at Barry McGregor Oval The safety of players, spectators and their families at the Barry McGregor Oval in Goondiwindi will soon be improved with the installation of new fencing early in the new year. The Oval is part of the larger Gilbert Oval complex in Goondiwindi, and the new fencing will complete an existing fence that separates the Gilbert Oval from the Newell Highway on its eastern side. ... The new fence will also run along the site’s southern boundary to separate the Barry McGregor Oval from the Macintyre River. Goondiwindi Regional Council will allocate $15,000 from the Australian Government's Local Roads and Community Infrastructure (LRCI) Program Grant towards the project. Mayor of the Goondiwindi region the Honourable Cr Lawrence Springborg AM said the project was prioritised to ensure the safety of all who use the facilities. Peter Sullivan, President of the Gilbert Recreation Association Inc. says the new fencing would mean sports would be safer for all those who used the grounds. Council’s ongoing funding empowers the Association to get on with all the general maintenance and repairs that come with managing a sporting complex - everything from pest control to the plumbing. It also means we can steadily tick off our own wish list of upgrades and projects to improve the grounds. The work will complement a suite of recent safety upgrades at numerous parks in the region, including several projects at the popular Sandhurst Street Park in Goondiwindi and the replacement of old timber posts with new long-lasting bollards at a number of other parks. Cr Springborg says that external funding sources such as the LRCI Program Grant were an opportunity to invest in the region’s community infrastructure. The renewal and development of the region’s community infrastructure is a priority for this Council, especially where safety is concerned. Work is anticipated to commence in January and installation is expected to take one week. Council will engage a local contractor to install the fencing.
07.01.2022 AgForce Urges Support AgForce CEO Mike Guerin is urging all Queenslanders to join Ag Force in its Stand With Queensland campaign as we run up the state election. Mr Guerin says farming has always been at the forefront of Australia’s development, feeding and clothing our growing population while providing an underlying economic lynchpin vital to our prosperity.... Agricultural businesses not only provide for our population but are a significant exporter and contributor to our economy. In 201718, the value of Queensland rural exports alone exceeded $9.5 billion a whopping 12.8 per cent of the State’s total goods exports. He says Governments can, and should, continue to champion Australia’s robust food safety standards and high-quality beef, sheep and goat meats, as well as grains and cane products, over and above all other world supplies. This is more important than ever if, as has been publicly stated, agriculture is to play a significant role in helping lead Queensland, and the rest of Australia, out of its COVID-induced economic gloom and onto the path towards full recovery. COVID has understandably dealt a massive blow to our ability to reach our traditional markets, with many borders around the world still closed and the pandemic far from over. Of course, integral to this are the strong biosecurity systems that protect our planet and ensure agricultural production and ongoing trade. He says agriculture is embedded in our daily life, it is a major contributor to our economy, and it will help sustain our population and those of our export partners in the years to come. It helps connect all Queenslanders urban and rural and is why with the State election approaching you need to join AgForce in its Stand With Regional Queensland campaign. Jump onto our Facebook page to see how you can make sure Government hears you.
07.01.2022 Katter pleads with Govt: ‘The world is bigger than China’ Bob Katter, Federal Member for Kennedy is hitting hard this week over trade and China. He says he’s had a gut-full of China’s trade terror tactics on Australian producers and has slammed the Federal Government for failing to aggressively market our produce to other countries.... It comes as China began its investigation into anti-dumping allegations, slapping Aussie wine makers with a 200% duty from midnight. We wouldn’t be in this position if the lazy, useless b.a.s.t.a.r.d.s, who occupy with their big fat backsides the parliamentary benches in Brisbane and Canberra, got out there like Jack McEwen did when Britain went into the Common Market and we lost 30% of our exports. McEwen drew up an agreement on the supply of beef, grain and coal into Japan all of which made us extremely unpopular because it was only 20 years after the war but it was successful. Mr Katter says the Government has done absolutely nothing to develop alternative markets. "Clearly the VIP countries, Vietnam, Indonesia and the Philippines, our bloody neighbours who have 700m people living there should be the priority? China may think they are tough and big and throw their weight around, but it was stupid that they picked a fight with the Muslim provinces, the Mongolian provinces, they have picked a fight with India and they have picked a fight with the United States, and that’s not a smart thing to do. They have managed to pick a fight with everyone and well, I don’t know of any fights they have ever even won against Japan but I certainly wouldn’t be provoking that little tiger either. It sure would be nice if we had 300 patrol boats with 60 cruise missiles on the back of them so we can defend our country. And yes, it may cost 2% of the federal budget, but quite frankly it’s not going to break the bank. We must remember that we live on an island, with vast coastline, and are extremely vulnerable. We are overwhelmingly a European country in the middle of Asia with a landmass that is completely empty. You take out the coastal strip from Cairns through to Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide, and take out a little dot around Perth, well you have less than one million people living there. And in that wasteland is all of our oil, all of our gas, all of our bauxite, and all of our coal and all of the nation’s water. ’A land without people will be taken by a people without land’. That is the truism of history. So get off your backside and go chase up the VIP countries, get off your backside and do something about protecting us."
06.01.2022 Fire Ban. A fire ban has been imposed for the Regions effective from today. LOCAL FIRE BAN South West Region Due to heightened fire conditions, a local fire ban has been imposed for the following Local Government Areas from 0001 hours Thursday (24/09). ... Toowoomba Southern Downs Goondiwindi Western Downs Maranoa Murweh Quilpie Bulloo Paroo Balonne The ban will remain in place until 2359 hours on Monday (28/09). Under a local fire ban, open fires are prohibited and all Permits to Light Fire which have been issued in the designated areas have been cancelled. See more
06.01.2022 Improved facilities mean Inglewood is better prepared for future floods Upgrades to the flood evacuation assembly point in Inglewood have been completed. The $83,000 upgrades to the Cemetery Road site include the installation of new infrastructure for use during an evacuation scenario, including the construction of a designated helicopter-landing pad, a new 5,000-gallon poly water tank and new undercover area.... The project also included the purchase of a mobile generator, mobile toilets, and a mobile catering trailer to better prepare the area for use as a temporary place of refuge during a flood. Chair of the Local Disaster Management Group (LDMG) Councillor Rick Kearney says Goondiwindi Regional Council would hold a community information day in Inglewood later in the year to familiarise the community with the Evacuation Assembly Point set-up and facilities. COVID-19 restrictions permitting, we are looking to host an information session later on in the year so the community knows what to expect, how they can prepare, and how they should respond to a future flooding scenario. The Cemetery Road assembly point now has the infrastructure and equipment ready to operate effectively during a flooding scenario, for a period of up to 48 hours. While we all hope to be able to avoid the need to evacuate due to a flooding event, it should certainly be a reassurance that this site is equipped and ready should the worst happen. Council will release more details about the Inglewood information day closer to the time. The project was jointly funded by Council and the Commonwealth and Queensland Governments under the Natural Disaster Resilience Program (NDRP). Mayor, the Honourable Cr Lawrence Springborg AM says Council plans to hunt for more. Council will continue to seek funding opportunities to improve our region’s ability to prepare for, respond to, and recover from a natural disaster such as a flood. This will include improvements to existing evacuation sites, and we will also review the feasibility of a purpose-built facility. Flood records for Inglewood are available from as far back as 1956. The largest recorded floods to date occurred in 1956 and 1976, when the river height reached 12.50m and 11.73m respectively on the Inglewood Bridge flood gauge.
06.01.2022 Fatal traffic crash, Cecil Plains A 31-year-old St George man has died in a single vehicle traffic crash near Cecil Plains overnight. Police say that at around 11pm a 4WD was travelling on Cecil Plains Moonie Road approximately 7km from Cecil Plains when the vehicle has left the road and rolled.... The man, the driver and sole occupant of the vehicle, died at the scene. Forensic Crash Unit is investigating.
05.01.2022 FUNDING FLOWS FOR VITAL ROAD SAFETY UPGRADES IN BALONNE A total of $4.50 million in joint funding has been allocated for upgrades to the Carnarvon Highway to widen priority sections between Mungindi and St George, supporting 15 jobs in our region during construction. Federal Member for Maranoa David Littleproud says the timing could not be better to see funding flow to deliver vital road safety upgrades in Maranoa.... Unlocking this funding means we can get these projects underway, providing a much-needed boost to local jobs and the economy at a time when it couldn’t be needed more. The project is due for completion by May 2021, weather permitting. The $4.50 million Carnarvon Highway project is jointly funded, with the Australian Government committing $3.6 million and the Queensland Government $900,000.
05.01.2022 Christmas Warning Parents and gift givers are being warned to be on alert when shopping for Christmas gifts this year, with a number of toys landing on Santa’s unsafe list during the Office of Fair Trading’s (OFT) Operation Safe Christmas campaign. Following inspections of over 5,600 toy lines across 266 retailers there have been six toys identified as unsafe.... Two plush toys, a wooden alphabet puzzle, a wooden number puzzle, a magnetic number puzzle and a rainbow circle stacker have been removed from shelves after they were deemed to be a choking hazard for young children. OFT says when choosing toys and gifts for children this Christmas, there are a few simple rules to remember: Toys with small parts are a choking hazard o A good rule is the smaller the child the bigger the toy Beware of button batteries, not just in toys but a range of products, they can cause serious injuries or death if swallowed o They need to be in secure child resistant battery compartments o Avoid poor quality products which may release the batteries if broken or dropped Avoid small high-powered magnets - these are banned from sale in Australia as they pose serious health risks if swallowed. Consumers should exercise extreme caution when buying magnetic balls commonly supplied as a toy, game or puzzle. If in doubt, always ask the seller to verify the product supplied is not subject to the permanent ban. Consumers are advised to stick to reputable brands or retailers and if you are buying online, check information about the seller and always ensure the toy has not been banned or recalled. For information on safety standards and product bans, visit or Any concerns about unsafe toys should be reported to the OFT at or by calling 13 QGOV (13 74 68). If you suspect your child has swallowed or inserted a button battery, call the Poisons Information Centre immediately on 13 11 26 for 24/7 fast, expert advice.
04.01.2022 Be Bright About Christmas Lights Nothing says Christmas like a sparkly strand of decorative lights and Ergon Energy is encouraging everyone to remain electrically safe when stringing them in the coming weeks. Area Manager Graham Burke says dangers ranging from electric shocks to house fires are a real risk, which can easily be avoided by following a few safety procedures when you’re installing powered Christmas decorations.... Ultimately Christmas lights and powered decorations are electrical appliances and, like any appliance, if they’re used incorrectly or they’re faulty, they can be dangerous, So before plugging them in check for signs of obvious damage, such as frayed cords and exposed wires. If you’re satisfied they’re in good condition, plug them in and stay with them for five or more minutes to check that concealed or less obvious faults aren’t at play and there’s no burning smell or damage occurring, such as melting insulation. Mr Burke also says we need to make sure any powered decorations you’re using on the outside of your property have been manufactured to withstand the elements. Quality decorations should always specify if they’re built for indoor or outdoor use. Of course, using outdoor lights inside the home is perfectly fine, but never use lights built for indoor use outdoors because they are not water-resistant and can deteriorate, quickly becoming a hazard. Christmas is about spending quality time with loved ones and you want to keep them safe by following a few simple precautions. v
03.01.2022 Goondiwindi Pool to close on Sunday as $3.2 million upgrades get under way Pool Closes. The Goondiwindi Memorial Swimming Pool will close from Sunday [28 February] as $3.2 million worth of upgrades get under way.... Work will begin next week and continue during the off-season. Weather permitting, the upgrades are expected to be completed in time for the start of the summer swim season in September. Goondiwindi Regional Council has allocated $1,350,000 from the State Government’s 2019-20 COVID Works for Queensland (W4Q) program towards the project and $1,043,240 from the Australian Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure (LRCI) Program Grant. Council is contributing an additional $768,547 towards the upgrades. Mayor of the Goondiwindi region the Honourable Cr Lawrence Springborg AM says the scheduled upgrades are essential to the longevity of the pool. While the Goondiwindi pool has faithfully served our community for about 60 years, it’s now at the stage where it requires some major work so that it can continue to be a great viable asset for our region, the Mayor said. For example, the current filtration system will be replaced to ensure that water quality continues to exceed the required health guidelines. The upgrades will include refurbishing the aged shell and re-lining the pool in stainless steel and vinyl polymer. A wet deck area and access ramp will also be installed to ensure that all members of our community can enjoy the pool. Further upgrades include the construction of a new larger filtration room and the installation of a new state-of-the-art filtration system with more efficient pumps. The existing inlet and outlet pipes will also be replaced. The length and number of the pool's lanes will not be affected by the works. Cr Springborg said the work would complement Council’s various upgrades to the Inglewood and Texas pools over the past few years. Over the last decade, Council has prioritised the new pool and amenities at Inglewood and significant refurbishment of the Texas pool, and Council certainly recognises the importance of our local pools to our communities, "The Goondiwindi pool supports 13 schools from across the region with their swimming programs and is a hugely valuable asset not only to Goondiwindi, but to many communities from outside the town as well." "Council's success in securing external funding for this project means we were able to vastly increase the scope of upgrades for the Goondiwindi pool while keeping ratepayer costs minimal Discounted season ticket holders were made aware at the start of the season that the pool would close to the public from 28 February. Scheduled lessons will continue at the heated 'Learn to Swim' pool until 28 March 2021.
03.01.2022 Police urge Queenslanders to get ready now for disaster season With the Bureau of Meteorology indicating that Australia is expected to experience an ‘average to above average’ number of cyclones this summer, now is the time to get prepared for extreme weather events. As such the Queensland Police Service is partnering with the Queensland Fire and Emergency Services and Get Ready Queensland to ask everyone to prepare now for the upcoming disaster season.... In a State that wears the Badge of the most disaster-impacted state in Australia Police and Emergency Services say we all need to play a part in protection. Melissa Dixon from Get Ready Queensland says that there is plenty Queenslanders can do to prepare for natural disasters including floods, storms and bushfires. This year, we want all Queenslanders to take three simple steps to get ready; prepare a household emergency plan, pack an emergency kit and check your insurance. Get Ready Queensland research shows almost half of Queenslanders say they will wait for an actual or impending disaster to get prepared. QFES Deputy Commissioner Mike Wassing says be sure to clear out backyards and gutters, prepare an emergency plan and educate your children on storm and floodwater safety. You may be isolated by a severe storm, flood or cyclone for several days without electricity, food or water make sure you have an Emergency Kit prepared. Deputy Commissioner Wassing adds that QFES is now ready for storm and cyclone season, with dedicated specialist swift water rescue firefighters and SES personnel ready to assist. State Disaster Coordinator and Deputy Commissioner Steve Gollschewski said police were also ready to support Queensland communities in the event of a natural disaster, while navigating a COVID-conscious environment. Learn more about how you can prepare for disaster season by visiting the Get Ready Queensland website: Call 132 500 if you require the assistance of the State Emergency Service (SES) with storm damage, rising flood water, fallen trees on buildings and damage to your roof. For life threatening emergencies always call Triple Zero (000). Download the Emergency+ app to tell emergency services exactly where you are when help is needed.
03.01.2022 Gas companies step out for future gas projects, jobs The hunt is on for more gas to fuel jobs, with four companies to explore more than 3000 square kilometres of central and south-west Queensland. Senex Energy, Comet Ridge, State Gas and Denison Gas had won tenders to explore areas close to their existing infrastructure to get more gas to market quickly. ... Manufacturing Minister Glenn Butcher says any gas from more than 450 km2 of this land is guaranteed for the Australian market. The four companies that have won tenders are: Comet Ridge, who will explore two areas totalling 435 km2 for domestic market gas. The areas are to the east and north-east of Comet Ridges’ Mahalo North Project. Senex Energy, who will explore 18 km2 for domestic market gas near their existing Project Atlas near Wandoan, as well as 486 km2 south east of Theodore. State Gas, who will explore 1414 km2 located south-west of Rolleston near their existing Reid’s Dome gas project. Denison Gas, who will explore 668 km2 located north of Injune, near their existing Denison South project. Since 2015 more than 80,000 square kilometres of land has been released for gas exploration, over a quarter of it is guaranteed for Australian consumers. The Government is also investing $5 million to investigate the feasibility of a physical 500km gas transmission pipeline, to connect the Bowen Basin to the domestic and export markets.
02.01.2022 A HEADS UP. Do you have unwanted or obsolete agvet chemicals you need to dispose of? ChemClear are holding a collection in Queensland in July-August 2021. Simply register your chemicals by 13 June for your chemicals to be safely collected and disposed of. ... Agvet chemicals that display the drumMUSTER logo are collected free of charge. Click the following link to register your chemicals: #AgVet #Farming #ChemClear Agsafe drumMUSTER & ChemClear Queensland Farmers' Federation Growcom Australia
02.01.2022 Advanced medical equipment users should plan Now. Ergon Energy is urging customers who rely on advanced medical equipment to have a plan in for unexpected power outages, especially with severe storm season upon us. This includes ensuring their electricity retailer has up-to-date contact details and having a Plan B in place.... Manager Customer Operations Cloe Kernick says at this time of year everyone should be prepared for the disruptions wild weather can cause, particularly anyone whose health is reliant on electricity supply. This should include calling their electricity retailer or Ergon on 13 74 66 to ensure their latest contact details are up to date. This way we have the right details should we need to contact them. It’s also ideal these customers speak to their GP to put a plan in place should their home be without power for an extended period such as knowing where their closest hospital or medical facility is or going to a friend or family member’s house that still has power.
01.01.2022 New fair-trading law to enhance Australia's perishable agricultural markets Australia’s perishable agricultural goods markets need a new fair-trading law to address harmful practices arising from bargaining power imbalances that are not covered by current laws, the ACCC has found. The ACCC’s Perishable Agricultural Goods Inquiry Report, released today, recommends the introduction of an unfair trading practices prohibition, and the strengthening of the small business unfair co...ntract term protections and the Food and Grocery Code of Conduct. The inquiry examined markets for perishable agricultural goods, including meat products, eggs, seafood, dairy products and horticultural goods. ACCC Deputy Chair Mick Keogh says the inquiry found that a number of features of perishable agricultural goods supply chains have the potential to cause harm to suppliers. In most perishable agricultural goods markets, there are many farmers, but few processors or wholesalers, and even fewer major retailers. This makes farmers particularly vulnerable to issues stemming from limited competition at the wholesale or retail level. In addition, the more perishable a product is, the weaker the farmer’s bargaining power often is. The ACCC heard a range of allegations about conduct by parties with strong bargaining power relative to their suppliers and the ACCC says while submissions included allegations of harmful conduct across all perishable agricultural industries, the most serious allegations arose in the chicken meat and horticultural industries. The report says that certain reforms already being considered would address some of the issues identified through the inquiry. These include proposals to strengthen Australia’s small business unfair contract terms law, and the ACCC’s new small business collective bargaining class exemption, due to come into effect in early 2021. However, the ACCC says it considers that these upcoming changes will not be enough to address all the significantly harmful practices identified in the inquiry. The ACCC has therefore recommended the introduction of an economy-wide unfair trading practices prohibition to address conduct that causes significant harm to businesses. The ACCC has recommended that the Food and Grocery Code, which governs certain conduct by grocery retailers and wholesalers in their dealings with suppliers, be made mandatory and include penalties for contraventions. The ACCC also recommended that governments and industries should explore measures to increase price transparency in perishable agricultural goods industries, in order to increase competition. The full report is available at Perishable Agricultural Goods Inquiry Report.
01.01.2022 Calling Worthy Residents. Do you know a resident of the Goondiwindi Regional Council area that has made a noteworthy contribution to the local community? Council wants to hear from you.... They ask that you nominate someone that has, through outstanding service, undertaken activities that benefit and promote the welfare and wellbeing of the community. Nominate them for our Citizen of the Year award (for 27 years and above), click the link below to fill out an online form today
01.01.2022 New fencing to improve safety of Sandhurst Street Park The popular Sandhurst Street Park in Goondiwindi will soon be fully fenced to provide a large, safe and enclosed area. Goondiwindi Regional Council will install new steel pool fencing to enclose the park in its entirety, along with several new gates for access to the park and playground. ... Goondiwindi Regional Council has allocated $55,000 of the State Government’s 2020-21 COVID Works for Queensland (W4Q) program funding to the project. Mayor of the Goondiwindi region the Honourable Cr Lawrence Springborg AM says the work will reduce the need for future maintenance and provide a safer environment for all users of the park. The new fencing will greatly improve the park’s safety, which is a priority for all 25 Council-managed parks and gardens across the region. At just Sandhurst Street Park alone, recent safety improvements include footpath upgrades, the construction of new sealed parking areas for safer access, and the installation of new CCTV cameras in the park for security. Replacing the old timber bollards in the park with a more durable material will not only improve safety but will also require less ongoing maintenance in the future which will reduce Council costs. And this means ratepayer dollars can be put to other projects in the region. The existing timber posts at Sandhurst Street Park will be removed, with the new fencing to replace them and then continue around the northern and western sides to enclose the whole park. The project will complement recent similar works funded by W4Q to replace old timber posts with long-lasting recycled plastic bollards at McGregor Street Park, Redmond Park and the Goondiwindi Natural Heritage and Water Park. This year, Council has committed $2 million of its Budget to maintaining and upgrading parks and gardens across the region. External grants and funding such as the COVID W4Q program mean we can stretch that Budget even further with additional opportunities for outside investment in the region. The project is currently underway and will take up to two weeks to complete. Council has engaged a local contractor to complete the fencing.
01.01.2022 Budget Moves Please Councils. The Western Queensland Alliance of Councils has welcomed the Federal Government’s 2020-21 Budget and says the west has a lot to offer the economic recovery of the nation. The Alliance is urging the Federal Government to look to Western Queensland to deliver for the nation at this critical time. ... Western Queensland stands ready to ensure our communities can play our part in budget restoration and continue to deliver and grow the $9.5 billion we inject into the economy each year - if you ‘invest in the West’ it pays dividends. Led by the 21 Mayors of Western Queensland, the Alliance says it has developed a strategic plan of the State Election and beyond to highlight the common issues across the region. Our plan is not a list of problems, but a realistic framework ready for investment that recognises the critical role Western Queensland and its key industries can play in supporting the entire nation recover from the impacts of COVID-19. Most welcomed by the Mayors in the Federal Budget has been what they call the long overdue investment in critical water infrastructure. This is a very welcome investment for truly the most important ingredient for our regions to thrive and generate wealth for the nation. Items of note in the Budget that align with key priority areas for WQAC and its member organisation of councils in Queensland’s North West (NWQROC), Central West (RAPAD), and South West (SWLGA) include: The investment $1 billion for local governments for the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program. An additional $200 million in grants to extend the successful Building Better Regions Fund for a fifth round. $2 billion in funding for projects through the National Water Infrastructure Development Fund. A $50 million Regional Tourism Recovery initiative to assist businesses in regions heavily reliant on international tourism An additional $30.3 million in funding for the Regional Connectivity Program to improve connectivity in regional and remote Australia. $41.0 million for a Research and Development Program to continue the Government’s regional decentralisation agenda, by funding research and development activities that will benefit regional industries. An additional $28.1 million to extend the Stronger Communities Programme, which provides grants of between $2,500 and $20,000 across the country to community organisations and local governments for small capital projects that deliver social benefits for local communities.
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