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Goonellabah Little Lions Karate

Phone: +61 412 771 487


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23.01.2022 Well we are a GO for the xmas party tomorrow. 8 am Chinamens beach Evans Head. You need; Gi's dry clothes sunscreen hat something to eat drink and sit on

22.01.2022 At KIMAA dojos it is still training as usual. Your instructors have been briefed and will employ the highest sanitary standards to keep your dojos clean. We do request however you take the following precautions prior to entering our dojos:... Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Bring your own towels to dry your hands. Adhere to minimum separation distances of 1.5m as recommended by the WHO as much as possible. Avoid unnecessary contact with others. Keep your Gi, gloves and guards washed and clean. Respect your fellow Kareteka and do not train if you feel unwell. If you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to discuss with your instructor. Osu.

22.01.2022 Get your kids into Little Lions Karate. Goonellabah, Monday and Wednesday at 5.30pm . Its good for them but dont tell them that. reply interested below and I'll get back to you. Or just turn up for a free no hassle trial.

20.01.2022 5 Ways to Arm your Kids Against Grooming.- As we now know, none of us should be complacent when it comes to teaching our children about body safety and grooming.... These days, particularly due to the internet, predators have many more opportunities to come in contact with our children, and therefore many more opportunities to groom our children into believing their lies. Long gone are the days where we believed the trenchcoated stranger was whom we had to teach our children to avoid. Now we know they are more likely to be abused by someone they know, a friend of the family, a relative, or even an online acquaintance. This information is based on research regarding effective conversations that can be had with children to educate them and make them aware of grooming techniques used by predators. The conversations can be used in a way that children can understand and relate to. So please sit down and have a talk with your children, give them the information that may just protect them from being groomed. 1. Talk to them about body parts and teach them about private parts and areas. It is vitally important our kids understand that there are private parts and private areas of their bodies. Make sure you always use the correct names for those body parts. A good way to explain it to them is by saying If it is covered up by their swimsuit then no one else should see it, no one else should ever touch it and if anyone ever does, or tries to, the children need to tell you as their parent, or caregiver immediately. 2. Teach them that they have boundaries and empower them to keep those boundaries. Teaching your children about boundaries is incredibly important. This is not just teaching them about body boundaries; that no one ever goes near or sees their private areas or swimsuit regions. This is about empowering our kids to know they should have boundaries and they deserve to have those boundaries respected. Whether it be that someone should ask before taking a photo of them, or the very basic, no means NO ! Talk to them about what boundaries are important to them... they may not like to be kissed in front of school friends, or hugged by relatives. They have to know that no matter who is trying to cross their boundary, that you as their parent, or carer, will always have their back and you will always believe them and stand up for them ! 3. Tell your kids that body secrets are not ok. One of the main weapons used by child groomers is secrets. Children need to know that keeping secrets from their parents/carers is not ok. If we can teach our kids that they should never keep secrets, especially when it comes to their bodies, or in particular their private regions, it would go a long way in preventing the grooming by predators. NO ONE SHOULD EVER TELL A CHILD TO KEEP SECRETS FROM THEIR PARENTS/CARERS. The fact is, if an adult ever asks a child to keep a secret from their parent/carer then questions need to be asked. There is never a reason for an adult and child to have a secret from that child’s parent or care giver, and your child needs to know that they should not keep secrets from you. There is a difference between a surprise and a secret, a surprise is something that is eventually shared with the person you are keeping it from and it's joyful, something you are doing to make that person happy, like a birthday surprise. Someone who tells a child to keep a secret from their parent or carer does not want the child to ever tell, it is usually something that is bad, something that will get the other person in trouble because it is wrong or dangerous. Teaching kids this very important difference will take away an essential child grooming tactic. 4. Teach your kids that no one should take naked photos of them, or photos of their private regions, ever. No one ever needs to have photos of your children without your consent, and in particular no one should ever take pictures of their private regions. Your kids need to know this and know that it is unquestionable. They also need to know that if ANYONE asks for pictures of them, someone that they don’t know, or anyone at all asks for pictures of their private regions then they need to tell you immediately ! No matter who the person is, no ifs, buts, or maybes about it, you need to know this information fast ! 5. Teach your kids that these rules apply to other children, as well as adults. Sadly we are seeing more and more children being abusers, so you must tell your children that this information is not just applicable to adults, but also to other children. Sometimes children are not abusers themselves, but are instead being used as pawns by adult predators. They are manipulated into getting naked photos of other kids for their abusers, and they have been known to even groom other children for their abusers. So with that in mind we must always tell kids that these rules apply to not only adults, but also to children. We need to stress to them that any adult or child who is breaking these rules is not their friend and does not have their best interests at heart. No matter who they are, or how much they say they care about you or love you, if they are trying to force you to break these rules they are not a friend, but someone you need to tell your parents or carers about immediately. If it is another child, they may be in a situation where they need help and the best thing you can do is to tell your parent or carer, or an adult you trust. If your child is asked to do something and their gut tells them it's wrong, they should leave and tell you or someone they trust immediately. Children are often told at home and at school, to listen to adults, to do as they're told, to not talk back, don't disrespect, etc, so it's difficult for a child to judge when they can say no to an adult without the fear of getting in trouble and when they can't. Teaching your child to listen to their gut, their inbuilt warning system, is one of the best gifts you can give your child. And letting them know you will always believe them and have their back is crucial. They need to know that if they feel in danger and they refuse to do what's asked of them, that you will back them 100%. Many predators threaten children with getting in trouble from their parents, or threaten to hurt their parents, if they don't comply. Having these conversations isn't always a guarantee against abuse, but it can help to defeat predators lies, and stop them in their tracks long enough for you to get involved. Please share this post with as many people as you can, you just never know who needs to hear this information, right now. Remember 1 in 3 girls and 1 in 6 boys will be sexually abused before their 18th birthday, so please get this information to as many parents and carers as you can. #FACAA #ProudFACAA #Info #Information #Share #ProtectYourKids #ArmKidsWithInformation #StopChildAbusers #InfoKidsNeed #EndingChildAbuse #RaisingAwareness #ChangingLaws #HealingSurvivors #ChangingLives #Legal #Law #LegalReform #StepUp #EnoughIsEnough #NoMoreTaxExemptStatus #WeWillFight #NeverGonnaStop #GuardiansOfTheInnocent #VoiceForTheVoiceless #HopeForTheHopeless #ChildrensChampions #SaveTheKids #FromHellWeRise

18.01.2022 Our Covid19 safety plan, we encourage hand cleansing before and after class, during breaks. One family per sofa when watching. Use contact less attendance app Use contact less payment option.


17.01.2022 North Coast kyokushin xmas party is on at Chinamans Beach Evans Head. Sunday 20 December starting at 8.00am. Bring Gi. dry clothes... sun burn cream water following training we will have a meal/ picnic together, Please Bring food and drink to share, " bring a plate"

15.01.2022 something to sing along with.

15.01.2022 kobudo is on at Lismore Dojo this Sunday at 9.00am

15.01.2022 hello. with the flooding and heavy rain at the moment we will cancel little lions karate tonight. will contact you on Saturday night if xmas party is off.

13.01.2022 There is no training tomorrow (Monday) due to the public holiday. Normal classes resume on Tuesday for Adults, Wednesday for Little Lions.

13.01.2022 Ninjas!!! Sempai Trish taught Origami at training, with the kids making paper ninja stars.

12.01.2022 by Victoria Prooday, a registered Occupational Therapist, Psychotherapist, founder and clinical director of a multidisciplinary clinic for chi...ldren and parents. Victoria is an internationally-known educator, motivational speaker and a popular blogger on modern-day parenting and high-tech lifestyle’s impact on a child nervous system. There is a silent tragedy that is unfolding today in our homes, and concerns our most precious jewels: our children. Our children are in a devastating emotional state! In the last 15 years, researchers have given us increasingly alarming statistics on a sharp and steady increase in childhood mental illness that is now reaching epidemic proportions: Statistics do not lie: - 1 in 5 children have mental health problems - A 43% increase in ADHD has been noted - A 37% increase in adolescent depression has been noted - There has been a 200% increase in the suicide rate in children aged 10 to 14 ? Today's children are being over-stimulated, over indulged and over-gifted with material objects, but they are deprived of the fundamentals of a healthy childhood, such as: - Emotionally available parents - Clearly defined limits - Responsibilities - Balanced nutrition and adequate sleep - Movement in general but especially OUTDOORS - Creative play, social interaction, unstructured game opportunities and boredom spaces Instead, in recent years, children have been filled with: - Digitally distracted parents - Indulgent and permissive parents who let children "rule the world" and whoever sets the rules - A sense of right, of deserving everything without earning it or being responsible for obtaining it - Inadequate sleep and unbalanced nutrition - A sedentary lifestyle - Endless stimulation, technological nannies, instant gratification and absence of boring moments. ? If we want our children to be happy and healthy individuals, we have to wake up and get back to basics. It is still possible! Many families see immediate improvements after weeks of implementing the following recommendations: - Set limits and remember that you are the captain of the ship. Your children will feel more confident knowing that you have control of the helm. - Offer children a balanced lifestyle full of what children NEED, not just what they WANT. Don't be afraid to say "no" to your children if what they want is not what they need. - Provide nutritious food and limit junk food. - Spend at least one hour a day outdoors doing activities such as: cycling, walking, fishing, bird / insect watching - Enjoy a daily family dinner without smartphones or distracting technology. - Play board games as a family or if children are very small for board games, get carried away by their interests and allow them to rule in the game - Involve your children in some homework or household chores according to their age (folding clothes, ordering toys, hanging clothes, unpacking food, setting the table, feeding the dog etc.) - Implement a consistent sleep routine to ensure your child gets enough sleep. The schedules will be even more important for school-age children. - Teach responsibility and independence. Do not overprotect them against all frustration or mistakes. Misunderstanding will help them build resilience and learn to overcome life's challenges, - Do not carry your children's backpack, do not carry their backpacks, do not carry the homework they forgot, do not peel bananas or peel oranges if they can do it on their own (4-5 years). Instead of giving them the fish, teach them to fish. - Teach them to wait and delay gratification. - Provide opportunities for "boredom", since boredom is the moment when creativity awakens. Do not feel responsible for always keeping children entertained. - Do not use technology as a cure for boredom, nor offer it at the first second of inactivity. - Avoid using technology during meals, in cars, restaurants, shopping centers. Use these moments as opportunities to socialize by training the brains to know how to work when they are in mode: "boredom" - Help them create a "bottle of boredom" with activity ideas for when they are bored. - Be emotionally available to connect with children and teach them self-regulation and social skills: - Turn off the phones at night when children have to go to bed to avoid digital distraction. - Become a regulator or emotional trainer for your children. Teach them to recognize and manage their own frustrations and anger. - Teach them to greet, to take turns, to share without running out of anything, to say thank you and please, to acknowledge the error and apologize (do not force them), be a model of all those values you instill. - Connect emotionally - smile, hug, kiss, tickle, read, dance, jump, play or crawl with them. ’ ! , -

12.01.2022 Our ten year demonstration this Saturday has been postponed due to issues with Covid. If you are interested in finding out more about our Karate, just send a message. You are always welcome to come along and try it out.

08.01.2022 In consideration of the government shutdown of gyms, training at Lismore/ Goonellabah Dojo will be cancelled from tonight until Monday April the 6th. I will reassess the situation and provide an update on a training commencement date closer to April 6. Until then stay safe and healthy. Little Lions can do pushups etc at home and practice your kata.... Regards Sensei Mark

08.01.2022 Disciplined young Little Lions. They have the posture of Lions and Tigers, not slouching pigs.

08.01.2022 We see this, first hand day in and day out. We DO NOT TOLERATE VIOLENCE.......We also do not tolerate bullying.

07.01.2022 Worth reading.

06.01.2022 Can I ask that you contact our local member Janelle Saffin on [email protected] put your name and address and telephone number in the email.... Tell her, You and or your child trains at our Karate School. That the school is of importance to your and or child. As an adult please tell her how karate training impacts on your life, fitness self defence, self confidence and the friendly atmosphere. For your kids you might like to mention in addition to the above, discipline, respect, confidence, courtesy and manners. What you want her to do is open karate schools. We have schools back, why not karate schools? We have pubs back, why not an activity that increases health and fitness instead of one that increases alcohol consumption? Ask her to raise this with the premier. please share this and ask your friends to do it as well. thanks


04.01.2022 Our Classes resume as per normal on Monday 15 June at 5.30pm for little lions (kids) Tuesaday 6.30 for Adults Wednesday 5.30 Little Lions Thursday 6.30 -Adults ... See you all there

04.01.2022 Congratulations to Trish Tan on her promotion to second dan today and to Isaac McAlpine on his promotion to 3rd kyu.

03.01.2022 Build strong children, send then to Little Lions Kyokushin

03.01.2022 important Dates for Lismore Dojo


01.01.2022 Talk to your kids about these simple safety tips to help prevent being kidnapped ! Everyone should be having these conversations with your children. These easy... to learn and very easy to utilize steps will help arm your child with the information they need to help them avoid the horrors of being kidnapped. Yes, we are WELL aware that statistically speaking only 1 in 10 children who are abused suffer that abuse at the hands of someone they do not know. However, we never want to forget about anyone who we can help prevent being abused. With that in mind we have assembled these easy tips from a post CrimeStoppers ran and a couple of our own, that you can talk to your kids about to help them avoid a situation where they are approached and the worst occurs. KEEPING OUR CHILDREN SAFE Talk to your children about these simple but important safety tips below: - Make sure your parents or another adult you know knows where you are at all times. - Always walk straight home or to the place you are walking to. Walk near busier roads and streets, or use paths where there are lots of other people. - Know where safe places are a shop, service station, police station, library or school. If you are ever frightened, you should go to one of these places and ask them to call the police. - Learn about safe adults you can look for and talk to if you need help police officers, teachers at school, adults you know and trust. - Don’t talk to people you don’t know and never get into a car with someone you don’t know. If a car stops on the side of the road and you don’t know the person inside, do not stop. - If you are scared and can use a phone, call 000 and tell them you are scared. - If someone tries to grab you, yell out, ‘Go away, I don’t know you’. This lets other people know you have been approached by someone you don’t know. - Mum or dad will NEVER send anyone that you do not know to pick you up from school, if it helps you could get a family code word so if they are being picked up the person must know the safe code word in order to gain the child’s trust. -Remember kidnappers lie ! they do not have a puppy, their food is not worth eating and mum or dad did not send anyone that the child does not know. - Teach your kids that just because someone knows their names does not mean they know them. Names can be learnt through social media or even on their school bags. -Do not post any information about your children on public forums. IE which school they go to, where you live ect ect. Be conscious about posting photos in school logos or photos in front of houses. - A child’s BEST self defence weapon is their voice ! teach them to scream LOUD scream confidently and scream if they even think they are in danger. **ALWAYS RING TRIPLE ZERO (000) IF YOUR CHILD HAS BEEN APPROACHED** #FACAA #ProudFacaa #Kidnapping #Kidnap #SurvivingKidnap #CrimeStoppers #Police #Tips #TalkToYourKids #Survivor #Warrior #justice #courtsupport #advocacy #legaljungle #GuardiansOfTheInnocent #VoiceForTheVoiceless #HopeForTheHopeless #ChildrensChampions #WeWilLFight #StandUp #NeverGonnaStop #EndingChildAbuse #RaisingAwareness #SaveTheKids #FromHellWeRise #ChangingLives #HealingSurvivors #ChangingLaws #Legal #Law #LegalReform #CourtRoom #SeekingJustice #Justice

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