Gorrinn Village in Ararat, Victoria | Medical and health
Gorrinn Village
Locality: Ararat, Victoria
Phone: +61 3 5352 2654
Address: 27 Albert street 3377 Ararat, VIC, Australia
Website: http://www.gorrinnvillage.weebly.com/
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25.01.2022 We're always adding something new to our website - check out our latest pictures of Life at Gorrinn Village! https://gorrinnvillage.weebly.com/life--gorrinn-village.html
24.01.2022 Last Updated: 10/07/2020 In light of today's increase of 288 cases in Victoria overnight, please be advised that anyone visiting residents who is from Melbourne will prohibited from entering the facility. Any local visitors who have been to Melbourne within the last 14 days will also be restricted from entering the facility at the current time.... You must tell us if you have recently visited Melbourne. Arrangements can be made for visits in exceptional circumstances. Please ring RN on duty. Thank you for your continued patience. - Robyn Woods-Gebler, CEO/RN https://gorrinnvillage.weebly.com/covid-19---latest-informa
24.01.2022 Last updated: 31/07/2020 It seems my update from earlier in the week was out of date pretty quickly. Firstly, I would like to thank the people who have contacted me to say how much they appreciate these updates. It is good to know that you find them useful. If anyone has anything specific they would like included - whether it be related to the facility specifically or on aged care generally just let me know.... There have been a number of changes over the last couple of days. All staff in all residential aged care facilities and home care are now wearing masks at work and at 11.59pm Sunday August 1st, the rest of Victoria will join us when out of their homes. There has been a change to the visiting rules for aged care. We noticed last week that the requirement for visitors to have had an influenza vaccination had disappeared from the latest Care Facilities Direction. Clarification was sought and initially we were told it still applied. Yesterday however, another bulletin has definitively stated that while it is to be encouraged it is no longer mandatory. All the other restrictions both at state and local level are still in place though. That means state based - no one under 16 except during end of life care, the visitor must be either a guardian, spouse, carer or support person, each resident can have 1 visitor per day for a maximum of 1 hour and people residing in the Stage 3 restricted areas of metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire only in exceptional circumstances. All visitors must wear a mask - the exception rules for Victorians generally do not apply when visiting aged care and all screening and facility requirements must be adhered to. That means at Gorrinn Village - we are in general limiting visitors to those from local areas only. Obviously end of life care would be an exception and we are happy to consider visitors from other regional areas on a case by case basis. The residents have been reassured that there is no need for them to worry because staff are wearing masks and it is not because of a problem at the facility or indeed in the area. - Robyn Woods-Gebler, CEO/RN https://gorrinnvillage.weebly.com/covid-19---latest-informa
22.01.2022 Last Updated: 4th May 2020. Firstly, thanks to our exceptional staff at Gorrinn Village for the great job they are all doing to assist and care for our wonderful residents during these times. Thank you to the relatives and friendly visitors for your patience and assistance with our visiting program, with this in place it is enabling residents to have a visit from another friendly face and they don’t feel too isolated from loved ones and friends.... Children under 16 wishing to visit their relative will be assessed case by case, example where a resident is in palliative care, but they must have evidence of having received a flu vaccination. There may be changes from the visiting program in the way of re-scheduling of appointments, when we may have a resident that meets the criteria for mandatory testing. When this takes place a resident may need to be isolated until test results are clear, usually 24 48 hours. We have direct care staff that only care for those resident’s needs while in isolation, a bit like a personal ‘butler’. As of 1st May when all scheduled visits are made, people will be asked if they have had this years flu vaccination and to provide evidence of such. This is a mandatory requirement for all Aged Care facilities. For families wishing further information a fact sheet is available (below) for COVID 19 visiting restrictions on the Australian Government Department of Health website. Barb. Jardine Acting CEO https://gorrinnvillage.weebly.com/covid-19---latest-informa
22.01.2022 Last Updated: 25 May 2020. Scheduled visiting has commenced again, after being postponed since last Thursday night. Thank you for your patience. Family members can now ring in again and book a time to have a catch up with their loved ones. It is worth mentioning that when the facility must cancel physical visits, we now have the option of video calls on our new iPad to keep you in touch with your resident.... Residents who have had iPad video calls already with their family or friends have been very positive and we have found they often respond better to seeing their caller, than on the telephone. Residents say the volume is loud enough and staff are able to assist where necessary in operating the device for the resident. We have bookings available through Reception during business hours. It has been our practice to postponed visits, when we have a resident meeting the criteria for testing until results are cleared. All good now. Following advice from Department of Health and the Victorian State Government pushing ahead with the reopening of the state, we will be implementing temperature testing of visitors ongoing, as an additional precaution. This includes where you have visits in the Airlock with the screen. This will begin from today. We have a contactless thermometer for this purpose. Staff temperature testing continues to happen every shift, with residents temperature tested daily if we have a resident in isolation with Covid-type symptoms. We continue to discourage visitors from attending if they are unwell. During the last week, residents have enjoyed a visit from the Ice-Cream Cart, which is a firm monthly favourite! Please see our Lifestyle page for more photos! We are updating these all the time with new Activities our residents have been up to. Barb. Jardine - Acting CEO https://gorrinnvillage.weebly.com/covid-19---latest-informa
22.01.2022 Last Updated: 16/11/2020 While we are still on Care Facilities Direction Number 16, there was an update issued over the weekend that relates to residents leaving the facility. Residents may now leave the facility for any reason including social - provided they comply with the same restrictions which are applicable to all Victorians. This means they must wear a face mask unless they have an exemption....Continue reading
21.01.2022 Last Updated: 03/08/2020 Once again, many things have changed. From midnight on Wednesday the 5th August regional Victoria and therefore Ararat will move to stage 3 restrictions. For visiting in residential care, additional restrictions were put into place on 2/8/20 by the Victorian Premier and the Department of Health and Human Services.... Visiting is only permitted during end of life care OR to provide essential emotional support to a resident that cannot be provided using non-contact means, and only by a spouse, partner, guardian, carer or designated support person. This applies to all facilities and is not based on regions or the transmission situation in a particular place. We will be interpreting the second criteria on a case by case basis but we will review things depending on how the situation in Ararat, or the state in general changes. Where visits do occur on site, the previous requirements still apply with the one additional one. That is that the visits can only occur in the salon we are not to use the GP surgery on a Saturday. Therefore visits cannot take place on a Saturday I’m afraid. Just to reiterate, where visits do occur on site, a mask is mandatory. The lawful reason that is OK in the community is not OK at Gorrinn Village. Visits that have been booked for the next 2 days will go ahead, but after that it will be as stated above. I encourage you all to use the various electronic methods of communication that are available. Staff will assist the resident at this end. Feel free to ring and speak to Jo or myself about your relative we understand that your emotional health is important as well. The residents all remain well and fully occupied. Gorrinn Village continues to focus on prevention as our preferred scenario and I welcome the stage 4 restrictions in Melbourne and stage 3 elsewhere as a positive aid in achieving that. - Robyn Woods-Gebler, CEO/RN https://gorrinnvillage.weebly.com/covid-19---latest-informa
21.01.2022 Are you looking for a career in a fun and rewarding workplace? Please keep an eye on our website's Careers Page, we're updating it all the time when new jobs become available. At the moment we are looking for Personal Care Assistants, Environmental Services Assistants and a Garden/Grounds Assistant. Applications are open until 25th February 2021.... Think you've got what it takes to work in Aged Care? Click the link and send us your resume! https://gorrinnvillage.weebly.com/careers.html
20.01.2022 Last Updated: 28/07/2020 As of today, July 28th, Victoria had another 384 cases of Covid 19. That is a better number than yesterday and if it continues to drop it will indicate that the measures in place in the restricted areas are working. A large number of Aged Care Facilities in Melbourne have terrible outbreaks and I want to reassure you all that while we will do everything possible to ensure we do not have one at all, if it did occur we have detailed plans in place to ma...Continue reading
17.01.2022 Last updated: 22/07/2020 - We are no longer accepting visitors from outside the Ararat area. Other conditions are unchanged. Contact Reception if you have any questions.
17.01.2022 Gorrinn Village had our first AGM held via Zoom today, with both residents and our Board Members in attendance. Residents had the benefit of watching on through our big TV, in order to see the Board members better. It was certainly a very novel experience for everyone! Please click on the link for a copy of this year's Annual Report https://gorrinnvillage.weebly.com/news.html
17.01.2022 Last updated: 16/06/2020 Due to the wintry wet and cold Ararat weather, we have decided to move our visiting area inside, to our Hairdressing Salon, except on Saturdays when the Hairdresser is here, then visits will take place from the Doctor's Surgery. This means that screening is even more important, as visitors will be inside the building, and there will be no screen between you and the resident.... Please do not visit if you are unwell or even slightly unwell. As usual, we have our iPad available for video calls, if anyone wants to utilise this option just ring Reception to book an appointment. - Robyn Woods-Gebler, CEO/RN https://gorrinnvillage.weebly.com/covid-19---latest-informa
16.01.2022 Last Updated: 23/07/2020 Visiting criteria has changed under Care Facilities Directive No. 8. The visitor must be a guardian, partner, carer or support person of the resident, and the visit must be for the purpose of providing emotional and social support to the resident, that cannot be provided by that person via electronic or other non-contact means.... Visitors will be limited to only 1 visitor, once per day, for a maximum of 1 hour. As usual, we will continue to ask screening questions and temperature test prior to visits and we ask those who do visit to refrain from visiting if they are unwell or even slightly unwell. - Robyn Woods-Gebler, CEO/RN https://gorrinnvillage.weebly.com/covid-19---latest-informa
15.01.2022 Last Updated: 09/11/2020 Isn’t Victoria doing well! Ten days of zero cases and Melbourne can come out to play again. We have Care Facilities Direction Number 16 this morning from the Dept of Health and Human Services....Continue reading
14.01.2022 Last Updated: 05/06/2020 Several things happened on the first of June. Winter arrived for one. Also, the relaxing of a number of restrictions for Victorians. What hasn’t changed is the State of Emergency, which has been extended until the 21st June. With that is included the Health Care Directive (number 3) which covers residential aged care....Continue reading
14.01.2022 Last updated: 24/11/2020 As we head for elimination in Victoria we have a number of changes that came into effect at midnight on the 22nd for residents in residential aged care. Care Facility Directions (No 17) and Workplace (Additional Industry Obligations) Directions (No 13) are now in effect. There have also been changes to the Visiting Care Facilities page at the Department which cancels the Care Facilities Directions altogether.... As of today, there are no longer any restrictions on who can visit, how often residents can have visitors or how long visitors can stay. In other words, anyone can visit, residents can have visitors as often as they like and visitors can stay as long as they like. This joins the changes around outings that came into effect last week with residents being able to leave the facility freely as long as they adhere to the same conditions as all Victorians are subject to. Residents still need to wear masks when inside a public building such as a shop etc but not outside when they can socially distance. If they cannot socially distance, such as at a market, then they need to wear a mask as we all do. What has not changed is that visitors need to wear a mask inside the facility especially when encountering a staff member or another resident - however there is some flexibility when alone in the resident’s room with the resident you are visiting. The declaration and screening at the door are still required and the declaration now requires a phone number, arrival time and departure time. There are no density quotients for visits in resident’s rooms now so multiple visitors can be in their room. There are still density quotients for communal areas so visits need to take place either in the resident’s room, the Ivy sun room or the gardens. Appointments no longer need to be made. We have reinstated most of our volunteers now and will add live entertainment this week. The pre-Christmas functions are being looked at and some are already OK to go ahead with others depending on the next change due on the 30th November. At this stage I anticipate Christmas Day lunch will proceed as normal in the Community Centre. Further information on that will come later. I would like to take the opportunity to thank you all for your understanding and patience over the last 9 months. It has made everything we have had to do so much easier. I feel very sorry for businesses and industries who have been given a hard time both by the virus and then by their customers as well. It must have been horrendous. I can honestly say that I wouldn’t have been very tolerant of the badly behaved and would probably have ended up on the nightly news as an awful warning! Please check out the November Newsletter which will be published on this website with a link sent out to Relatives to access soon. - Robyn Woods-Gebler https://gorrinnvillage.weebly.com/covid-19---latest-informa
13.01.2022 Last Updated: 20/07/2020 With the situation changing rapidly in Victoria, it seems that every day brings a new version of what we are supposed to be doing in aged care to protect our residents from Covid 19. Currently we get information from both the State and Federal Government websites, our peak body, and the Premier’s daily update. All of these generate a number of questions and often need clarification in order to ensure that we are getting it right and not doing somethin...Continue reading
13.01.2022 Last Updated: 02/10/2020 Well done Melbourne! Great to see the numbers dropping and the lifting of some of the restrictions. It looks like Melbourne will join the regions at level 3 earlier than anticipated which is excellent. There has been a minor change to the Department’s Care Facilities Direction. We are now up to Number 12, which has increased the duration of visits from 1 hour to 2 hours. All the other requirements remain unchanged....Continue reading
13.01.2022 Last Updated: 17/07/2020 Based on today's recommendation by the Premier, owing to the large increase in infections across the state of Victoria, all visitors to Gorrinn Village will be required to wear face masks when visiting residents. If you have concerns about wearing a mask, please call and ask to speak to the RN.... We will continue to temperature test and ask visitors the screening questions, so please be honest when answering these. If you would prefer to video chat with a resident, please phone Reception to organise a time to have a video call on our iPad. - Robyn Woods-Gebler, CEO/RN https://gorrinnvillage.weebly.com/covid-19---latest-informa
12.01.2022 Last updated 01/09/2020 Welcome to today’s update. Victorians have gritted their teeth, put up with the not inconsiderable ramifications of the restrictions, and done the right thing to protect us all. It is good to know that as a society we have each other’s backs when necessary. As a result, the Covid numbers are falling and Gorrinn Village is able to relax our visiting restrictions somewhat. From Wednesday 2nd September we will be allowing visitors from other regional area...s again. At this point, those of you who live in the Stage 4 restriction areas will have to wait a little longer but people from other places are welcome to phone for an appointment, and of course locals have always been able to visit. As we are still only able to have visits in the salon, appointments remain necessary and in order to accommodate everyone we are still restricting the frequency to I visit per resident per week. We will review that in another 2 weeks and all being well the frequency of visits may increase. Unfortunately, our new area is not ready yet due to supply problems, so Saturdays are still out. All previous conditions still apply and they include: - Accepting all parts of our screening procedure prior to entry including verbally confirming compliance with all of the stage 3 restrictions. - Wearing a mask no exceptions this is part of Care Facilities Direction Number 10. - Adhering to all of the visiting conditions such as no physical contact, staying in the visiting room and being escorted in and out by staff. Please note that Gorrinn Village will do everything we can to prevent the entrance of this virus into the facility. This may include cancellation of a visit is it is deemed a risk to the health and safety of either residents or staff for any reason. We are resuming our resident drives this week even though they don’t get out of the bus it is a welcome change of scene. All our residents are well. One of the advantages of the restrictions is that all the measures that protect against Covid 19 also protect against other viruses so less flu, less gastro and less colds being caught in general by everyone which is great. The staff remain vigilant for the slightest hint of a symptom in themselves and their households and get tested and isolate as necessary. Given the unpleasantness of the test it is a reflection of their determination not to let this virus in. I listened to a facility manager from elsewhere the other day describe her experience. Even though it was a very small outbreak, they lost nearly all their staff to quarantine for a fortnight, including all the kitchen and cleaning staff. Now, I would back my cleaning skills against anyone’s, but if I have to start cooking the meals we are in serious trouble so best avoided at all costs. - Robyn Woods-Gebler, CEO/RN https://gorrinnvillage.weebly.com/covid-19---latest-informa
11.01.2022 It was restaurant day yesterday here at the Village, this month's theme was "The first days of summer" our main course was " Surf and turf ", grilled fillet steak, topped with lobster and prawns and finished with a brandy cream sauce, sides were jacket potato, topped with sour cream and chopped spring onion, and a crisp tossed salad Dessert was individual pavlova's, with fresh fruit salad, and finished with mango and strawberry sauces...
11.01.2022 Last Updated 06/08/2020 Our resident’s test was negative so we are open for very limited business again. As previously said, residents can still have visitors but under specific circumstances only. ...Continue reading
10.01.2022 Last Updated 24/04/2020 Gorrinn Village has not at any time confined residents to their rooms or kept them apart from each other. Unless there was an actual outbreak there is no valid reason to do that. Therefore, the life of our residents within the facility has continued as normal which has greatly reduced the impact of the restrictions for them. The only change has been the absence of excursions and outside entertainers. This has led to some very creative events with the ...Continue reading
09.01.2022 COVID-19 - LATEST INFORMATION Updated 14th May 2020 With recent announcements to ease some restrictions out in the community for people, there will be no change to our current arrangement, not at least until the end of May. We are guided somewhat by the Department of Health’s advice.... Last week for 3 days we postponed our visits, due to a resident placed in isolation, who met the criteria to be tested for COVID-19, results came back Tuesday negative. I apologise to family and friends for the re-scheduling of those visits, and thank you for your patience. All's good now, more so on Sunday when Mother’s were celebrated, with many family and friends slotting in appointments to have a catch up. On Sunday morning, residents were greeted with flowers and chocolates at their breakfast tables to celebrate Mother's Day. A big thanks to our Ladies Auxiliary. I wish I could tell you how long we will be doing this for, but I can’t, and the well being of our residents is our priority. All residents are coping well, thanks to our Leisure and Lifestyle staff, who keep them involved with a variety of activities to attend. There are photos from some of our recent activities here. We encourage families to stay in contact with residents by their personal phone where possible, and as of Monday 18th May 2020, we will have our iPad operating! We only have the one iPad available, so we will need to schedule any video calls, to avoid others being interrupted by your incoming call. Please phone Reception on (03)5352 2654 to book a time for your relative to use the iPad. Please keep in mind we have potentially 60 residents, who may like to take video calls with friends and relatives, so please keep calls to 20 minutes maximum at the moment. This time may be increased as restrictions start to ease more and more in-person visits are allowed in the future. There are a number of apps you can use to contact residents, including: Zoom: Download the app for Android or Apple Facetime: Can only be used by someone with another Apple device such as an iPad or an iPhone, etc. Our email address to Facetime contact is: [email protected] Skype: ARVresidents Also, for residents who don't have a phone, or who cannot use it without assistance, we ask you to call the Village Mobile on 0437 631 417 - not Reception - and the phone will be taken to your resident. The mobile is being carried by the RNs and will also be used by them to take calls regarding a resident's welfare or care, by relatives. After 4.30pm the mobile will be answered by the in-charge person. We also have the Duo app available on this mobile phone for video calls with residents and their relative. Barb. Jardine Acting CEO https://gorrinnvillage.weebly.com/covid-19---latest-informa
06.01.2022 As the low, cold clouds rolled across Ararat this morning, a handful of our residents are rugged up and loaded onto our Wheelchair Bus to get out for a Drive. This is an activity that residents very much enjoy, but had to be cancelled over the last few months. Now that restrictions are beginning to ease somewhat, our Drives program can resume, with everyone getting a chance to go for a little drive out and around the town. In the last picture, residents can be seen waving as they head off on their journey.
06.01.2022 Last updated: 05/03/2021 Restrictions As of 11.59pm Friday 26/2/21 we returned to pre Christmas restrictions. That means there are no restrictions on visiting times, numbers or duration. Visitors still need to be screened prior to entry, wear a mask and have their visit either in the resident’s room or an area that doesn’t have other residents or visitors in it. Outings continue to be unrestricted.... Vaccine Residents of aged care facilities and staff are in the first group for the vaccine. Ballarat Health Services are the primary Health Network responsible for the Grampians region and will contact us at some point with a date. We are not sure if staff are being vaccinated the same day as residents as yet. As a number of facilities have only been given very short notice we are trying to ensure we are ready to go. The doctors have spoken to all their patients both individually and in groups about the vaccine and have given them the opportunity to ask questions. We have also had our own conversations with residents. Unlike the Fluvax a written consent is required. As many as possible will be supported to give their own consent as cognition deficits are not a contraindication unless the person is unable to understand the information. Remembering it the next day is not so important. We have around one third of residents who have needed to have their alternate decision maker sign for them and greatly appreciate the swift response of those of you who have had to do this. The residents will be monitored for the usual vaccine side effects as we always do and the doctors have spoken to them about what to expect in the way of sore arms and aches and pains. We have had a 100% uptake by residents which is fantastic. When we have a date I will send a text to let you know. Staff will not be done on the same day apparently and there is no word as yet on the staff rollout for aged care. - Robyn Woods-Gebler https://gorrinnvillage.weebly.com/covid-19---latest-informa See more
05.01.2022 Last Updated: 03/07/2020 The continuing increase in Covid 19 cases in Victoria has resulted in the lockdown of a number of Melbourne suburbs. Obviously, relatives from those areas will not be visiting Ararat, but we would ask that people from anywhere in Melbourne, or have recently visited Melbourne, to give serious thought to not visiting Gorrinn Village at this time.... Unfortunately, I need to mention that while most visitors have been fabulous at following our instructions, we have had a couple of issues, so please understand that in the event of non-compliance the person involved will be asked to leave. We are acting not only in our resident’s best interest but also in line with all the various Commonwealth and Victorian directives. I have clarified the issue around Influenza vaccination. People who cannot have it for medical reasons can visit on compassionate grounds and during end of life situations. There would need to be some extra precautions. People who choose not to have the Influenza vaccine cannot visit at all. Our residents are all well and fully occupied. Do not hesitate to phone and ask staff to assist you with phone or iPad visits. See previous updates for the visiting process. - Robyn Woods-Gebler, CEO/RN https://gorrinnvillage.weebly.com/covid-19---latest-informa
04.01.2022 Last Updated: 25/06/2020 The rise in Covid 19 cases in Victoria over the last week has resulted in the continuation of the State of Emergency until July 19th. There is also a continuation of the current restrictions for residential aged care facilities based on Health Services Directive number 5. Even though the National Guidelines have changed, Victoria has not.... Therefore at Gorrinn Village, people under 16 years are still not able to visit, the Fluvax is still required, and visits remain restricted to 2 per persons per day for a maximum of 2 hours. Please remember that when it comes to this virus, you are not an island but the sum total of all the people you have contact with, the people they have contact with, and the people THEY have contact with. We obviously want to reduce the possible exposure to staff and residents at the moment, so even though residents can have 2 visitors a day, we would ask that people be mindful of the increase in the virus numbers and consider keeping visits to family or regular supporters. Locally, Ararat remains virus free, but we have added a screening question for local visitors about recent travel to Melbourne. In addition, we are asking all visitors coming from Melbourne to wear a mask while this surge in positive tests is occurring. Currently we are using the Salon, but we are looking at a better solution for the longer term. Using the Salon involves visitors traversing the very public foyer and adjacent corridor, and we are noticing that some have problems maintaining the required distance from other residents and staff. We do have an option for family visitors who are unable to have the Fluvax for medical reasons phone Reception for information. Don’t forget we have the iPad for residents to use for video calls. You do need to phone and book so staff can assist the resident with it. We currently have Skype, Facetime and Zoom available to use, but if there is another program you would like to use to talk with your family member, please contact us and we will try our best to facilitate this. - Robyn Woods-Gebler, CEO/RN https://gorrinnvillage.weebly.com/covid-19---latest-informa
03.01.2022 Today Residents celebrated Christmas In July, with all the usual trimmings! Pork, turkey and roast veggies were accompanied by cauliflower, carrots and greens. This was followed by a delicious freshly made plum pudding with custard, for dessert.... A special thank you to our wonderful Kitchen Staff Amanda, Julie and Sandy for preparing the Christmas meal. And also a big thank you to our Environmental Services Staff for assisting with the Christmas Lunch event. Have a look at the latest photos on our website: https://gorrinnvillage.weebly.com/media-releases.html
03.01.2022 Last Updated 17/08/2020 The state of emergency has been extended in Victoria until the 13th September and a new Care Facilities Direction (number 10) issued which came into effect at midnight last night. It is essentially the same as the previous Direction with no change to persons who are excluded, however we are making some changes to our conditions of entry. The Direction states one visitor per resident per day for 1 hour for either end of life care OR emotional support wh...Continue reading
02.01.2022 Gorrinn Village currently has an opening for a qualified Casual Cook. Trade Qualifications preferred, trade experience essential. This position is initially for covering leave, but may lead to something more permanent in the future. Please supply your resume, including relevant experience to Robyn Woods-Gebler, 27 Albert street, Ararat or email [email protected] (Meal from our most recent "Restaurant Day" - photo by Bruce Thomas)
01.01.2022 We stand with and support EveryAGE Counts in recognising and dismantling Ageism.
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