Gathering Of The Clans | Non-profit organisation
Gathering Of The Clans
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20.01.2022 I attended the Grand Installation of the MWBro Keith Murray in Melbourne yesterday then attended the Grand Banquet in the evening with my wife Lu and our dear friends RWBro Peter Woods( PJGW FMV) and his wife Sandra from Mildura. It was great to catch up with brethren and their partners from WA - MWGM, MWGM Elect 2018 and JGW(RWBro Grant Cucel who installed me into the chair of KS in 2014), QLD - MWGM & DGM. During the evening I spoke to MWBro Keith Murray who confirmed to me that he and his wife Fiona plus some of his Grand Team and their partners will be attending GOTC 2018.
17.01.2022 The Gathering of the Clans 2018 Introduction Southport Lodge No 62 UGLQ is your host Lodge for the 2018 Gathering of the Clans (GOTC). Funnily enough it will be... 20 years since we last hosted it and we are looking forward to making it a great event. We have chosen the dates of Friday 28th and Saturday 29th September 2018, which is a long weekend for most states and also the start or finish of school holidays for some states. This gives Masonic Families the chance to plan ahead to get away and make a good week of it during GOTC 2018; we all need a break at some stage in our life with a little bit of Masonic entertainment, ceremony and pomp thrown in. We are expecting visiting Lodge members and family from intrastate, interstate and overseas Masonic Lodges. All events are free, apart from the Gala Banquet (See below). Apart from the 'real' First Degree ceremony which is open to Freemasons only, all guests are welcome at the other events, including the demonstration of The Auld Scots Degrees. It’s All Happening at RACV Royal Pines Resort: Friday Night 28/9/2018 Meet and Greet Time TBA Meet and Greet on Level 21 for introductions, drinks and chit chat, then dinner in a restaurant at RACV Royal Pines. Costs to be borne by individual attendees. Saturday Afternoon 29/9/2018 Masonic Ceremonies in the Benowa Ballroom; Time TBA 1st Degree Ceremony using the ritual of Southport Lodge; Demonstration of The Auld Scots Degrees Saturday Afternoon 29/9/2018 Ladies High Tea Time TBA Ladies High Tea on Level 21. Cost $36 per head. Extra refreshments are additional. Online Payment details TBA Saturday Evening 29/9/2018: Gala Banquet in Grand Ballroom. Time TBA. Grace by the GOTC 2018 Chaplain followed by Introductions by the MC of distinguished guests and Grand Lodge Teams. Authentic and Very Serious Address to the Haggiss Entrée of Haggis, Tatties and Neeps, Main course of alternate drop meals followed by desserts, also alternate drop, tea and coffee. Drawing of the Main GOTC 2018 Raffle and Live Auction of Memorabilia. Presentation of Funds raised to our Nominated Local Not for Profit Charitable Organisation, The Sanctuary, a Shelter for Women and Children who have been subjected to domestic violence. Entertainment featuring Scottish Pipers, Scottish Highland Dancers and a Professional DJ. The Banquet Cost is $120 per head with attendees responsible for their own drinks at very reasonable bar prices. Accommodation: While there is no shortage of accommodation on the Gold Coast, the resort has 329 x 5 star suites and rooms at special rates negotiated for us. When booking your accommodation, please quote FREEMASONS promo code to receive the discount. Discounted Tariffs are as follow: Executive Suite $400 P/N (includes admission to executive lounge), Superior Spa Suite $290, Superior Room $230 and Standard Room $200. GOTC 2018 Souvenir Merchandise: 28mm double-sided enamel-covered commemorative coin, price $10-00; and SP 62 GOTC 2018 key ring, price $15-00. SP 62 GOTC 2018 Contact Details: Committee Secretary: (Bro John Spooner PM) Mobile: 0404 473 765 Email: [email protected] Website: Facebook: RACV Royal Pines Resort: o Freecall: 1800 886 880 o Phone: 07-55978700 o Website: I hope the above information helps you make a positive decision to come along, especially with your family or with a masonic friend/friends and enjoy a great Masonic Weekend, the Scottish Way. Fraternal Regards Bro Mick McCluskey PM Chairperson SP 62 GOTC 2018 Committee Inc. IA 57074
17.01.2022 Today I visited Twin Towns Daylight No 981 UGL NSW & ACT for the re-installation of RW Bro Les Hicks and his officers , the installing master was RW Don Dezentje . I spoke about #GOTC2018 at the installation banquet and received a warm reception. I will be visiting Tweed Heads again soon.
13.01.2022 Brethren, There were 3 of us, Bro Doug Reiser PM, Bro Bill Randle and myself, who attended the UGLQ Quarterly Communication and the UGLQ Grand Proclamation this afternoon. I was given the opportunity to address all present during General Business at the Quartery Communication to talk about GOTC 2018, GOTC 2018 Raffle Ticket distribution to Scottish Lodges in attendance and the Southport Lodge No 62 Installation on Saturday 14th July 2018 commencing at 3-00 pm. The opportunit...y to address all present was great, the MWGM, MWBRO Alan Townson, saying to me that we owe him 2 servings of Haggis at the Gala Banquet and others saying I was a bit cheeky promoting an installation at a UGLQ Quarterly Communication. When given an opportunity like I was today we should sieze it with open arms. Hopefully we, Southport Lodge No 62 UGLQ, can recommence our attendance/representation at future UGLQ Quarterly Communications. See more
10.01.2022 The Big Day is nearly Upon us . For all those who haven't got your tickets to the Banquet please purchase ASAP
10.01.2022 I have been up in Hervey Bay spending some quality time with my lovely wife. This has given me the opportunity to visit Scottish and UGLQ Ritual Lodges to spread the word about GOTC 2018. Lodges that I have visited so far are Pialba No 192 and Hervey Bay Daylight No 521 in Hervey Bay, Maryborough No 86 In Maryborough, Douglas No 36 in Rockhampton and Braemar No 89 in Gympie. Other lodges on my visitation list are Athole No 53 in Bundaberg and Rosslyn No 102 in Yandina. It has... been great to be able to speak about GOTC 2018 at each lodge and the Masonic welcomes were very hearty. Hope to see some of the members from these lodges attend GOTC 2018 with their partners to enjoy a great Masonic weekend and raise some money for a great non profit charity, The Sanctuary. Regards Bro Mick McCluskey Chairperson GOTC 2018 Committee
07.01.2022 Brethren, During the MWGM Freemasons Victoria, MWBro Keith Murray, address to all during his installation on Saturday 7/4/2018 the following was said to all present: "I can say that my belief is that our purpose as Freemasons is ... "To make the world a better place, one man at a time " We should be proud of our craft and we can also now say to the community, not only what we are, but why we are Freemasons . Hope we can get the message out there, but also encourage all brethren to act as masons every day." It is my belief that his words are very encouraging in the task for Freemasons to be stronger in our local community and to assist us in bringing our next generation of candidates for Freemasonry through our craft in a spectacular and fulfilling way. They need to be able to enjoy what they do, albeit it will be hard work at times for them, like those of us before them have experienced, but it will make them better people and Freemasonry stronger. Those of us that are currently in the craft need to ensure we do everything possible so we can guarantee what we currently do will see Freemasonry into the next century. Your thoughts?
06.01.2022 Here is the Timetable with wee more detail: Friday Night 28/9/2018 6:30pm Meet and Greet on Level 21 for introductions, drinks and chit chat, then dinner in a restaurant at RACV Royal Pines. Costs to be borne by individual attendees.... Saturday Afternoon 29/9/2018 Masonic Ceremonies in the Benowa Ballroom; 1:30pm 1st Degree Ceremony using the ritual of Southport Lodge; O/C Demonstration of The Auld Scots Degrees Saturday Afternoon 29/9/2018 Ladies High Tea 1:00pm Ladies High Tea on Level 21. Cost $36 per head. Extra refreshments are additional. Online Payment and registration at our website - see link below. Saturday Evening 29/9/2018: Gala Banquet in Grand Ballroom. The Banquet Cost is $120 per head with attendees responsible for their own drinks at very reasonable bar prices. Time: 6:30pm for 7:00pm Program Grace by the Chaplain Introductions by the MC of distinguished guests and Grand Lodge Teams. Authentic and Very Serious Address to the Haggiss Entrée of Haggis, Tatties and Neeps, Main course of alternate drop meals Desserts, also alternate drop Tea and coffee. Drawing of the Main GOTC 2018 Raffle. Presentation of Funds raised to The Sanctuary Refuge, a Shelter for Women and Children who have been subjected to domestic violence. Entertainment featuring Scottish Pipers, Scottish Highland Dancers and a Professional DJ.
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