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Go-to-Gilly.Inika Organic in Perth, Western Australia | Hair salon

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Go-to-Gilly.Inika Organic

Locality: Perth, Western Australia

Phone: +61 404 122 042


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23.01.2022 First day back at work!

22.01.2022 Everything that’s old is new again! Here’s me #circa1993. Still wearing scrunchies. Still drinking @victoriabitter. Happy Friday ya all! #fridayvibes #fridayfeels #fridayfun #fridayfrowback #fridaythrowback #fridaythrowbacks #friday #fridaymood #fridaynight #fridayfeeling #fridaymotivation #fridaynightvibes #fridayfunday #fridayfunny #blackfriday #friday13 #fridayselfie #fridaythe13th #fridaysinperth #tgifridays #fridaymorning #happyfriday #fridayiminlove #freestylefriday

22.01.2022 Back in my car! Back on the road! Back in my happy place! Kicking my day off in Freo and finishing up in Karnup! Looking forward to all my meetings too! So many great opportunities for growth?! ... It’s really feeling more like a Monday today even though it’s Wednesday hey?! Hope you have a good one! PS: After all my blue make up posts today I am actually wearing blue eyeliner and mascara by @rawwcosmetics. #nevergetsold

18.01.2022 I’m always down for a new palette! This cutie has just been added to my personal @gotogilly.inikaorganic make up kit! The lippys have been on my lips on repeat for days now! Heres few little application tips below from the @inikaorganic crew below #Repost @inikaorganic with @make_repost ... Achieve a sultry summer glow with our Sahara Sand Dunes limited-edition colour set featuring a blendable eyeshadow quad & two shades of creamy matte finish lipsticks. HINT: Simply apply the dark matte shade from our INIKA Eyeshadow quad to the outer base of the lid. Then, blend in your choice of two transition shades to the centre of the lid with the darker shade. Use the light shimmer shade as an inner corner highlight to open up the eyes. Pair it back with our INIKA Organic Vegan Matte Lipstick and you’re party-ready! @ Perth, Western Australia

18.01.2022 Anyone else got a muse!?! You know the client you love like your long lost mate... The one that makes you laugh at the funniest stuff ever and has the best sense of humour The one that’s so gorgeous - no matter what you do she looks like a million bucks! Yeah... I got one of them...Thanks @emmalcarcher for the privilege of being your glam AGAIN! Looking dang HAWT as usual!!

16.01.2022 ‘Twas the night before Christmas.... And time for a well earned rest for all of us! I really feel like I need to take a break to rest and recharge and enjoy the end of one year then shift focus and vision for bringing in the new one! I’ll be absent from here for the next little while... ... Before I go though... I want to express my gratitude! One thing I’ve realised during this trying year is that humans are actually amazing and that we can literally do anything we put our minds to! Thank you to my wonderful clients ( Inika , Raww and #gotogillymakeuphair ) You all make building a brand so fun and enjoyable! I hardly feel like I’m working most days... Can’t wait to see you all in the New Year and may you have a blessed Christmas! Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. #merrychristmas #merryxmas #merryandbright #beholdibringyougoodtidingsofgreatjoy #jesusisthereasonfortheseason #christmas #christmastree #christmasiscoming #perthchristmas #christmasinperth #perth #perthisok #perthaustralia #perthtodo #perthlifestyle #perthmakeupartist #perthhairstylist #perthhairandmakeup #perthhairandmakeupartist #perthbeauty #perthbeautysalon #perthcleanbeauty #perthinikastockist #perthrawwstockist @stefspillsink

14.01.2022 One of my fav looks to do! I probably wear this most days... Love love love my blue eyeliner and mascara... Still... After all these years! I couldn’t capture the light this well if I used my own face though... How amazing does this look?! ... Now if I could just get @rawwcosmetics to punch out a purple and a green mascara my life would be complete! Have a great Sunday everyone! #Repost @rawwcosmetics with @make_repost ''Did you hear that BLUE is the new BLACK? I feel like blue is the colour of the season and gives such a fresh and easy pop to the eyes. I used the @rawwcosmetics Loaded Lash Volumising Mascara in Blueberry Pop and Babassu Oil Eye Pencil in Berry Blue. OBSESSED with this mascara as it is formulated to hydrate, stimulate new lash growth AND strengthen!'' #rawwcosmetics #blueisthenewblack Repost @lianatriesmakeup

13.01.2022 She believed she could... #monday #mondaymotivation #mondaymood #mondayvibes #mondays #mondaymorning #mondayfunday #motivationmonday #mondayinspiration #mondaymindset #mondaythoughts #mondaysinperth #perthmondays #perthmonday #perthmondayspecials #perth #perthisok #perthpoodles #poodlesofperth #poodlesofinstagram #poodlesofinsta #poodles #poodlesforlife #poodlesinperth #perthpups #perthpuppers #perthdogs #perthdogsofinstagram #perthdogslife @ Perth, Western Australia

12.01.2022 HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!! This is my funny valentine! My Johno! We drive each other crazy in both the best and worst of ways but we could not live with out each other... And quite frankly without any cliche AT ALL he is my rock! The only one who can handle me for me! #happyvalentinesday #happyvalentine #happyvalentines #happyvalentineday #valentines #valentinesdaygift #valentinesgifts #valentinesgift #perthvalentine #perthvalentinesday #perthvalentine #perthsunday #sundaysinperth @ Perth, Western Australia

12.01.2022 Lockdown long weekend got you all whackity whack!?! I’m defineately feeling the ole meme that says ....Today is the Mondayest Tuesday ever... Masks on, ready to rumble! ... #perthhairstylist #perthhairdresser #perthmobilehairstylist #perthlife #perthhealthybeauty #perthhair #perthhairandmakeupartist #perthglamprep #perthglam #perthmakeupartist #perthmakeup #perth #perthorganic #perthvegan #perthcrueltyfree #perthwellnessguide #perthwellnesstribe #perthwellness #perthwellnesscommunity #perthclean #perthcleanbeauty #perthhealth #perthhealthyliving #perthhealthylifestyle #perthhealthylife #veganbeautyperth #organicbeautyperth #loveorganic Stef Spills Ink

10.01.2022 Call me if you’re keen to try this!!

10.01.2022 What can happen in a week? Well... A LOT!! First photo is me in my car last Tuesday morning so keen to be back at work after a 2 week holiday! I was pumped - happy to get out and about to see all my clients and I even took to wearing a bright red lippy to boot! ... Fast forward to Friday - the morning that saw me being taken to hospital by ambulance... Second photo shows me hooked up to a heart monitor where I spent the next 30 exhausting scary hours! Turns out I have a thing- a heart thing... It’s called Atrial Fibrillation and I’m now on an education mission to find out all I can... Of course hindsight is 20/20 and TBH I’ve probably been struggling with this for a couple of years but had put the symptoms down to other ailments... Im ok for the time being but would LOVE to hear from anyone who has this condition or knows anyone who has it?! I want to learn all I can.... #atrialfibrillation #atrial #atrialflutter #atrialfibrillationawareness #atrialfibrilation #perth #perthhospital #perthambulance #perthcare #perthisok #perthlife #perthtodoadventures #perthhealthandwellbeing #perthwellnesstribe #perthwellnesscoach #perthfit #perthfitfam #perthfitness #perthwellnessbiz #perthhealth #perthhealthyliving #perthorganic #perthvegan #perthcrueltyfree #perthhealthblog #perthbusinesschick #perthreps @ Armadale Hospital

07.01.2022 What heaven looks like tho!! Over at @inikaorganic they are doing a full month on the whole #crueltyfreebeauty thing... Go check it out!! Lots of great giveaways with like minded brands... #Repost @inikaorganic with @make_repost INIKA is ‘wild’ about nature.... We truly care about mother nature’s wellbeing, including all creatures big and small. All of our practices are well thought out, considering the impact we have on our fury little friends This is why we are celebrating our very own CRUELTY FREE month. Over the coming weeks we will be focussing on all things cruelty-free and vegan. We are even hooking up with some like-minded brands for some exciting giveaways and comps. STAY TUNED! #perthorganic #perthorganics #perthvegan #perthvegans #perthveganoptions #perthveganbeauty #perthorganicbeauty #perthcleanbeauty #perthorganicsalon #perthorganicstore #perthveganmakeupartist #perthorganicmakeupartist #perthbeauty #perthbeautysalon #perthbeautyclinic #perthwellnesstribe #perthwellnessguide #perthsalon #perthsalonandspa #perthdayspa #perthmakeupartistry #perthmakeuptutorial #perthsmallbusiness #perthclients

06.01.2022 Best catch up today with @vikkiharveyinikaorganic We have some big plans for our #perthinikastockist (s) in the next few months! You’ll also find us at @perthhairbeautyexpo again in 2021 - exciting times ahead! This is #teamwa for the win Big loves! #perthhairstylist #perthhairdresser #perthmobilehairstylist #perthlife #perthhealthybeauty #perthhair #perthhairandmakeupartist #perthglamprep #perthglam #perthmakeupartist #perthmakeup #perth #perthorganic #perthvegan #perthcrueltyfree #perthwellnessguide #perthwellnesstribe #perthwellness #perthwellnesscommunity #perthclean #perthcleanbeauty #perthhealth #perthhealthyliving #perthhealthylifestyle #perthhealthylife #veganbeautyperth #organicbeautyperth

06.01.2022 Miracles are real. They happen. What miracles are you believing for? My list is long... #miracles #miracleshappen #miraclesdohappen #miraclesofchristmas #miraclesarereal #miraclesstillhappen #miraclesindecember #miraclesinmotion #miraclesnow #miraclesofnature #miracleshappeneveryday #perth #perthlife #perthisok #perthmiraclehealingcrusade #perthvegan #perthorganic #perthcrueltyfree #perthhealth #perthclean #perthwellnesstribe #perthwellnessguide #perthskin #perthskincare #perthcosmeticclinic

02.01.2022 Gosh, this year so far has been a tricky one for me! Anyone else found 2021 a tad harder than 2020!? Yesterday I was in a conversation with someone who’s in a leadership role over me- I was saying that last year I felt like I was unstoppable! I felt limitless and that nothing could hold me back - despite all the setbacks that were affecting us all globally - I could do anything... This year though has actually held some roadblocks (mentally and physically) ...for me and I’m yet to gain the momentum I’m used too... I’ve felt a bit frustrated and just slightly off kilter... This week though - It’s FINALLY dawned on me (AGAIN) that I am exactly where I’m meant to be!!!! Soooooo I’ll just take a minute to remember- ALL IS WELL - #tuesday #tuesdayvibes #tuesdayfeels #tuesdaymotivation #tuesdaythoughts #tuesdays #tuesdaytreat #transformationtuesday #chooseday #choosedaytuesday #tuesdayquotes #choosethisday #tuesdayinperth #perthtuesdays #perth #perthlife #perthisok #perthspirituality #perthbeautysalons #perthhairsalons #perthwellnessguide #perthvegan #perthorganic #perthcrueltyfree #perthcrueltyfreebeauty #perthcleanbeauty

01.01.2022 Hey hey... Soooo have you wanted to make the switch to #cleanbeauty but are concerned about dishing out loads of cash to switch over all your products?! Why not start in increments and build up a new kit slowly... Here’s some awesome products to set you on your way - all with a price point below $40... #crueltyfree #aussiemade and #aussieowned @rawwcosmetics ... Hit me up with a DM if you’re keen to know more... #perthrawwstockist #Repost @rawwcosmetics with @make_repost stepping up that glow game! Using a few of her favourite Raww products to create ultimate skin goals

01.01.2022 While I’m on a blue eyeliner tangent I might as well take the opportunity to do a @taylorswift post as well?!! It’s defo been a couple weeks since I’ve put my guuurl on the feed! And see... Blue eyeliner and mascara is still a thing! Promise! ... #bluemascara #blueeyeliner #bluemakeup #bluemakeuplook #bluemakeuplooks #blueeyeshadow #blueeyes #fourblueeyes #perthmakeupinspo #perthmakeupjunkies #perthmakeupartistry #perthglam #perthfashion #perthfashionstylist #perth #perthswifties #perthswiftie #perthswiftiesmeetup #perthswifty #oldestswiftie #oldestswiftieever #oldestswiftiefan

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