Goulburn Rail Heritage Centre in Goulburn, New South Wales | Non-profit organisation
Goulburn Rail Heritage Centre
Locality: Goulburn, New South Wales
Phone: +61 2 4822 1210
Address: 12 Braidwood Road 2580 Goulburn, NSW, Australia
Website: http://www.roundhouse.org.au
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25.01.2022 Public Access to the Goulburn Rail Heritage Centre. Public access to the GRHC is currently generally only by way of pre-booked tours. Bookings will be accepted on mobile number 0427 152 100. Initially we will welcome visitors on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.... The Centre at 12 Braidwood Road Goulburn will conduct three tours per day commencing at 10:00am, 12:00 Noon and 2:00 pm of a duration of approx. 1 hour. A maximum of 10 people per tour will be inducted into our Government approved COVIDSAFE Plan, including a mandatory temperature check, use of hand sanitizer, register their details and then be offered gloves and masks should they choose to use them. Entry to any vehicle will require mandatory wearing of gloves. Payment is to be contactless by EFTPOS at $12 per adult and $8 per Senior/Pensioner and $5 per child. See more
25.01.2022 Getting close....... 1076 and B390 have been tucked away inside the Wellington Shed (workshop) as the GRHC is transformed into the stage for Streamliners 2016, this weekend 1st - 3rd inclusive.
24.01.2022 See the Streamliners 2016 facebook page for a preview of B61 in its new orange black and silver paint scheme. https://www.facebook.com/streamliners2016/?hc_ref=PAGES_TIMELINE&fref=nf
24.01.2022 Hello all of you. The Goulburn Rail Heritage Centre hosted a book launch yesterday (Monday 23/05/16) to announce the release of the "Rail Heritage of Goulburn". This book is in softcover format and is based on a series of notes prepared by Dr Stuart Sharp for an ARHS(NSW) tour of Goulburn in September 2011.The text has been edited and many photographs (some in colour) have been included. RRP is $46.50 (plus $5.00 postage if applicable from the GRHC) and is available from some bookshops and hobby shops or direct from the GRHC (GLRPS) on the contact details adjacent or at [email protected]. Unfortunately we do not have any direct debit or credit facilities, purchase must be arranged by way of cash/cheque or money order. Alternatively you can visit the GRHC and purchase your book in person. Happy reading, GRHC
23.01.2022 Thankyou to our members and visitors on Saturday 05/08/17. We all had a great day. We estimate about 250 people through the gate. The 1917 Strike display was relocated to the high road area at the last minute (Roads 37-39). Many people commented positively on the display. 1076 was in steam and much whistling heralded its first official public outing, More work needs to be undertaken to resolve a few niggling problems and some more painting will be completed (red lining). There maybe another steaming prior to Christmas. Stay tuned!
22.01.2022 Another update. We are now open for tours on a limited basis. Visitation is picking up. We have many behind the scenes activities occurring, including the reactivation of CLF2 and CLF4 for RailPower, 42105 for a private owner, reactivation of Southern Aurora carriages for Vintage Rail Journeys, carriage restoration for East Coast Heritage Rail and other owner activities.
21.01.2022 Long time no post ...... sorry. Latest news is that LVR's 3237 is on shed for some maintenance. It is located in 20 Road currently sans tender. All connecting and coupling rods were removed over the weekend. Other news is that the Streamliners event is booked for the long weekend in October (1st - 3rd). See the website http://www.streamliners2016.com/... and facebook on https://www.facebook.com/streamliners2016 Please note that this event is not organised by the GLRPS, so we cannot give out details. Should be a top weekend!
21.01.2022 Latest advice regarding the GRHC. Recent changes in restrictions have precipitated a review of our position. The GLRPS has decided that given our current practices of operating tours and visitors that there is still a significant risk to our operations. The GRHC will remain closed until we can be more certain that risks are acceptably controlled. Please bear with us as we try to work through these issues.
21.01.2022 Here is the official reopening announcement. Please note the mobile phone booking number, it is not the general phone number. GOULBURN RAIL HERITAGE CENTRE ... Re-opening Announcement The Goulburn Rail Heritage Centre will re-open to pre-booked visitors on 1 December 2020. Bookings will be accepted on mobile number 0427 152 100. Initially we will welcome visitors on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. The Centre at 12 Braidwood Road Goulburn will conduct three tours per day commencing at 10am 12 Noon and 2 pm of a duration of approx. 1 hour. A maximum of 10 people per tour will be inducted into our Government approved COVIDSAFE Plan, including a mandatory temperature check, use of hand sanitizer, register their details and then be offered gloves and masks should they choose to use them. Entry to any vehicle will require mandatory wearing of gloves. Payment is to be contactless by EFTPOS at $12 per adult and $8 per Senior/Pensioner and $5 per child. The Goulburn Loco Roundhouse Preservation Society Inc. operates the Centre that is entirely staffed by volunteers. It was the major steam and diesel locomotive depot between Sydney and Junee on the Main South Railway Line. Kerry Dwyer GLRPS Secretary Tuesday 17/11/20
21.01.2022 Two weeks to go to our Grat 1917 Strike Open Day (Sat 05/08/17). Make sure this is in your diary.
21.01.2022 Hello again. Now two weeks to the next steamup. After some enquiries to the GRHC I wish to advise that this event will not be an open day, just a regular museum Saturday. Therefore normal admission charges will apply, viz $10 for adults, $6 concession, $5 students/children. Open times are 10:00am to 3:30pm. It is anticipated that 1076 will be in steam and on display from 11:00 onwards. All welcome.
20.01.2022 Another successful Steamup with 1076 on Saturday 27/04/19. Ably assisted by 4821 to do some exercising on the Departure Road. Apologies to those that turned up at 2:00pm as because it was quiet the loco staff decided to do the exercises early and put 1076 back in the shed. 4821 kindly helped out with the task of moving 1076 back and forth as necessary. Preparations are well underway for the Goulburn Railway 150 Event next month. The GRHC will be open both days of this weekend (Sat-Sun 25-26/05/19). 1076 will (hopefully) be in steam both days (Sunday subject to confirmation). There is likely to be a special visitor on the Saturday, 3526 is expected to visit the GRHC for turning and servicing. Stay tuned for details.
20.01.2022 Another update. We are now open for tours on a limited basis. Visitation is picking up. We have many behind the scenes activities occurring, including the reactivation of CLF2 and CLF4 for RailPower, 42105 for a private owner, reactivation of Southern Aurora carriages for Vintage Rail Journeys, carriage restoration for East Coast Heritage Rail and other owner activities. You may be able to view some of these activities during a guided tour. For example 42105 is currently in 37 Road within the Roundhouse.
19.01.2022 1076 and CHG 17063 on the turntable. 29-30/09/18.
19.01.2022 More news - ARHS(ACT) will be running shuttles with 6029 this weekend between Goulburn and Lynwood (near Marulan). Ride behind the Garratt and also pay a visit to the GRHC. See http://canberrarailwaymuseum.org/goulburnshuttles
17.01.2022 Just a quick update/reminder for this weekend. Goulburn Railway 150th celebrations. Most of the formal activities are planned for the station precinct, Belmore Park and Montague Street. In addition the Goulburn Rail Heritage Centre will be open both Saturday and Sunday from 10:00am until 4:00pm. Free Entry is available. Arrangements are in hand for 1076 to be in steam both days. Steam loco 3526 will visit the GRHC for turning on Saturday afternoon. This is expected to occur some time between 1:00pm and 2:30 pm. Also in attendance, but not planned to be in steam is LVR's 3237. This will be the first time in many years that there will be 3 operational steam engines on site at Goulburn Loco. Hopefully this is a portent of things to come.
17.01.2022 Coronavirus Update Due to the restrictions being imposed because of the Covid 19 pandemic the GLRPS has made the decision to close the GRHC for the safety of visitors and tour guides. The GRHC will remain closed until the situation changes and until further notice. We apologise for the disappointment this may cause but the safety of our members and the public are paramount. Hopefully you can understand our position on this matter.
16.01.2022 THNSW has posted a a summary of the 3801 trials from last week that makes some interesting reading. LOCOMOTIVE 3801 TRIALS & CREW TRAINING A SUCCESS Legend of steam locomotive 3801 was put through its paces last week, with six days of continuous operations through the Southern Highlands. The operation was undertaken for the dual purposes of further mechanical trials, as well as locomotive crew training and competency management.... We’re pleased to report the training and operation went successfully. Facts & Figures: Operation covered six days on a 24-hour roster Total distance travelled: 1,440km First time 3801 has travelled south of Moss Vale to Goulburn in 13 years Hundreds of lineside spectators each day, building renewed interest in 3801 No significant network / operational incidents or delays The workers: Total rostered shifts: 93 Train Crew / Safeworking: 54 shifts Operational Fleet Support: 39 shifts Individual rostered workers involved: 42 Total rostered hours: 749, most of which were volunteered Train Crew / Safeworking: 398 hours Operational Fleet Support: 351 hours Competency outcomes: Re-familiarised drivers: 6 Steam drivers assessed: 3 Re-familiarised fireman: 3 Steam firemen assessed: 2 Steam firemen in training: 3 Diesel crews assessed: 3 Congratulations to our team of staff and volunteers for a very successful operation. Special thanks to ARTC, CF Asia Pacific Goulburn, the Goulburn Roundhouse Preservation Society and NSW TrainLink for their support, as well as the local community who turned out to see 3801 in action. We look forward to being able to operate the locomotive on passenger services in the future when COVID-19 restrictions ease. The GLRPS was happy to assist with the provision of our facilities to help out with the trials.
14.01.2022 Beautifully restored mainline diesel-electric loco 42101 has returned to it's home from 1989 to 2012 at GRHC. It is stabled in 38 Road inside the Roundhouse. Will be here for a few weeks to undergo some routine maintenance. Ensure you visit GRHC to inspect the loco up close and personal before it returns to Sydney.
14.01.2022 Timetable for Wednesdays run follows - WEDNESDAY 23 SEPTEMBER TIMETABLE: The below times are indicative only and subject to change without notice:... Thirlmere 0540 Picton 0605-0620 Moss Vale 0728-0806 Goulburn 0915-1215 Moss Vale 1323-1345 Picton 1438-1449 Thirlmere 1513
13.01.2022 Hello again. Only one week to go to our open day (Sat 05/08/17). Gates open at 10:00am, and close at 3:30pm. Come along and see 1076 in steam and have a viewing of the Great 1917 Strike display in the Wellington Shed.
13.01.2022 Easter Opening Hours - - Friday 19/04/19 - Closed, - Saturday 20/04/19 - Open Normal Hours, - Sunday 21/04/19 - Open Normal Hours, - Monday 22/04/19 - Closed,... - Tuesday 23/04/19 - Open Normal Hours, - Wednesday 24/04/19 - Open Normal Hours - Thursday 25/04/19 (Anzac Day) - Open 11:00am to 3:00pm, Thence as normal. See more
12.01.2022 1076 had it's final steaming for 2018 on Saturday 15th December. This was not advertised as we were uncertain of the likelihood of a total fire ban and whether sufficient crew were available. In hindsight we had three crew and the weather was very obliging with a lot of rain and cooler weather òn the preceeding days and the Saturday itself. 1076 performed well and 4821 helped her stretch her legs for a couple of runs on the departure road. ... Look forward to some more steamups in preparation for Goulburn Rail 150 in May 2019.
12.01.2022 1076 is now back in steam after undergoing a ten year long restoration. This is now the oldest operating NSWGR locomotive, being put into service in 1884, 133 years ago. Come and see (and hear) 1076 in steam on our next open day on Saturday 05/08/17. At this stage we do not have permission to move 1076 under it's own power, but it will be in steam for the open day.
11.01.2022 3801 Trials Update (from THNSW advice) Saturday to Goulburn, Sunday to Moss Vale only. Last chance on Saturday to see 3801 south of Moss Vale until regular operations resume. LOCOMOTIVE 3801 UPDATE ... Following a successful fourth day of operations, 3801 is planned to operate the final two days of its testing and crew training program this weekend. TIMETABLE The below times are indicative only and subject to change without notice. ---------------------------- Saturday 26 September: ---------------------------- Thirlmere 0640 Picton 0705-0720 Moss Vale 0828-0907 Goulburn 1016-1405 Moss Vale 1513-1522 Picton 1615-1625 Thirlmere 1650 ---------------------------- Sunday 27 September: ---------------------------- Thirlmere 0640 Picton 0705-0720 Moss Vale 0828-1045 Picton 1138-1153 Thirlmere 1230 SAFETY FIRST If you intend on catching a glimpse of 3801, please remember to maintain social distancing, stand behind the yellow line at stations and remain only in publicly accessible areas, clear of the rail corridor. See more
10.01.2022 Hello all. Another update on our situation during the pandemic. Our review during July determined that we are still unable to provide a safe procedure for reopening of the GRHC to the public. This is being regularly reviewed with an aim to reopen once we consider we can safely provide for our tour guides and visitors. We appreciate your patience as we work through these troubling times. Please keep safe.
10.01.2022 1076 and B390 (2419) in the process of being moved by Smokey on Tuesday 27/09/16.
09.01.2022 September Update. Hello all. The situation regarding reopening is unchanged. The committee has determined that we cannot provide a safe environment for our guides and the public. As such any reopening will still be some time off. Our committee meets monthly and each month this status is reviewed. On another note THNSW's 3801 steam engine is undergoing trials between Picton and Goulburn this week. Although the GRHC remains closed to the public the turntable is being used ...to turn the locomotive. You can observe the train as it passes from many locations. Nominal train times are: - 3801 Training Runs 22-25/09/20 Transport Heritage NSW TIMETABLE FOR TUESDAY 22 SEPTEMBER The below times are indicative only and subject to change without notice: Thirlmere 0855 Picton 0920-0935 Moss Vale 1051-1111 Goulburn 1220-1500 Moss Vale 1607-1642 Picton 1735-1754 Thirlmere 1819 Happy steaming.
09.01.2022 I will try and post a link to a video of 1076 in steam from last year. This video was taken by Phil Harrison on Tuesday 15 May 2018 on the occasion of Goulburn Roundhouse's 100th Anniversary. Thanks to Phil for posting this video on Youtube. https://youtu.be/Gy-ZkBV8l5s
09.01.2022 Hello all. We have some good news regarding reopening for tours. As you may be aware we have been working through the details of the Coronavirus Pandemic implications regarding hosting public tours.... We can now advise that we have done a lot of work and are now classified as Covid Safe. We have also developed and have had approved a safe system for public tour operations. Plans are in place for a reopening to the public on Tuesday 01/12/20. Initial operations will be scheduled as follows - - Tours on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, - Tours at 10:00, 12:00 and 14:00 only, - Maximum tour size of 10 persons, - All tours will have a tour guide and all persons must stay with the group, - Tours must be prebooked (details to follow), - Covid safety PPE equipment must be applied to allow internal rollingstock access. - Payment by EFTPOS/Credit card only (no cash). Further details will be provided as they become available.
09.01.2022 Hello all. It is time to get back to promoting the next 1076 Steamup, scheduled for Saturday 9th December 2017. Only one month (31 days) to go. This will be our last steamup for 2017. There will be more 1076 events next year and hopefully next year will see our accreditation varied to allow movement of 1076 under her own power. There have been other anciliary works undertaken on 1076 with a view to improving it's versatility and comfort when lighting up, and other works ...at the GRHC to assist watering and stabling/dropping the fire after a steamup. 1076 has received red lining in recognition of its use as our Loco donkey. Also (keeping fingers crossed) she will be fully numbered by the 09/12/17. Unfortunately I must advise that if there is a total fire ban on the day 1076 will not be in steam. We are sure that you will understand the reasoning behind this. We must not take any risks of starting bushfires, even though the GRHC is mostly vegetation free where 1076 will be located.
08.01.2022 Fridays run for 3801, back to Goulburn again. LOCOMOTIVE 3801 UPDATE We're heading back to Goulburn! Following a successful third day of crew training and testing, 3801 will operate a fourth trip tomorrow, from Picton to Goulburn and return.... At this stage, testing will continue into the weekend with times to be confirmed. FRIDAY 25 SEPTEMBER TIMETABLE The below times are indicative only and subject to change without notice: Thirlmere 0540 Picton 0605-0620 Moss Vale 0728-0807 Goulburn 0916-1150 Moss Vale 1258-1333 Picton 1426-1436 Thirlmere 1501 SAFETY FIRST If you intend on catching a glimpse of 3801, please remember to maintain social distancing, stand behind the yellow line at stations and remain only in publicly accessible areas, clear of the rail corridor. Happy Watching.
08.01.2022 3801's Timetable for Tomorrow (Thursday) - Thirlmere to Moss Vale only THURSDAY 24 SEPTEMBER TIMETABLE The below times are indicative only and subject to change without notice: Thirlmere 0540... Picton 0605-0620 Moss Vale 0737-0930 Picton 1020-1030 Thirlmere 1055 Happy training.
08.01.2022 3237 on Goulburn Turntable Thursday 04/04/19.
07.01.2022 Morning all, this event is steaming towards us and it is on track. We are looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible at this significant event.
07.01.2022 FYI - Please share this event far and wide and come along to the event and be part of this milestone.
07.01.2022 Three days to go. Preparation of 1076 is underway. She is coaled, boiler has been filled and kindling prepared. Ready to place a fire on Friday so she is up to pressure by 10:00 Saturday.
06.01.2022 A bit of good news #2. 5917 is scheduled to run some tours in the southern areas this autumn. It will be based in Goulburn for a few weeks at the GRHC. It will arrive in the company of 42103 and associated carriages on Monday 09/03/20. Why not call in to see this loco up close and personal whilst it is here. This could be a good opportunity to combine a GRHC tour with the ability to get "hands on" so to speak with 5917.... More details will be posted as they become available.
06.01.2022 Less than a week to the next Steamup. All welcome, Saturday 09/12/17 from 10:00 onwards.
06.01.2022 The first link appears to be successful. Here is the link to the second part of Phil's video from May last year. https://youtu.be/wGZHOBIiZiI This one shows the anniversary cake, 1076's plaques and includes some speeches.
06.01.2022 A belated Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of our followers. Please kèep safe during the holidays and we wish all the people and places devastated by fire and drought to have a wet and prosperous 2020.
06.01.2022 The 1076 Steamup was successful. A fire was put in 1076 at 08:00 and by 11:30 we had eough steam to operate the compressor and injector. 4821 moved 1076 onto the turntable about 14:30 and those present were given an opportunity to record the historic event. After a display period 1076 was returned to 19 Road by 4821, blown down and the fire dropped about 15:30. This little loco continues to operate in a satisfactory manner. Each time she is steamed we can check the little adjustments made between steamings are satisfactory. Still a few more minor adjustments are required. Ther work to alter our SMS, get 1076 certified and to undertake crew training is progressing slowly. Anyone with some photos of 1076 please post them to this page. Stay tuned for our next steamup on 9th December. A similar timetable will probably apply.
05.01.2022 A bit of good news (#1) to brighten your day after "the summer we had to have". 1076 has passed it's boiler inspection after a few hiccups this last year. Nothing to do with the loco's condition, just some minor works and delays which seemed to go on forever. As a result the first scheduled Steamup is planned for this Saturday. This will be a trial and may not happen if we cannot finalise a few issues. However if all matters fall into place as hoped she should be in steam ...between 12:00 and 15:00 on Saturday 07/03/20. Future dates will be resolved soon and a schedule for 2020 will be released.
05.01.2022 Bloor Rail work will continue tomorrow, 05/02/16. There have been some issues with adjacent utilities (power and water). For safety reasons we must remain closed again. It is expected that we will be open Saturday 06/02 and Sunday 07/02/16. However please ring ahead 02 4822 1210 to check our status. Once again, our sincere apologies, but the timing of this work is outside of our control.
05.01.2022 Hello Everybody. Our Reopening for tours will be next week Tuesday 01/12/20. Tours on Tue, Thu, Sat at 10:00, 12:00 and 14:00. Pre-bookings only on 0427 152 100. Hope to see you soon.
05.01.2022 Here is a photo of 1076, possibly in storage at Enfield, along with 2 x C36's. This was taken in March 1967 and has been posted with the kind permission of Ken Pullen. Thanks Ken.
04.01.2022 GOULBURN RAILWAY SESQUICENTENARY BALL Presented by the Goulburn Rail 150th Anniversary, Goulburn Rail Heritage Centre and Bush Music Club Inc Put on your glad r...ags and come along to a great night out to celebrate the arrival of the railway in Goulburn 150 years ago. A colonial style ball with dances from the period and up to the present. All dances will be called by experienced dance callers and the music will be provided by the 20+ musicians of the Heritage Ensemble. Tickets are available for individuals, concession holders and groups. Please note there is an automatic generous discount for tickets purchased before the 1st of May. 25th MAY 2019 from 7.30pm to 11.30pm at St Saviours Hall (cnr Bourke St and Church St, Goulburn). Book here: https://www.trybooking.com/book/event?eid=469110&
04.01.2022 Next 1076 Steamup is Saturday 27/04/19, not 20/04/19 as previously notified. Generally 1076 will be in steam and expected to be on display on the turntable from 11:00 to 2:00pm.
03.01.2022 Late Advice. The GLRPS will be steaming 1076 on Saturday 30th September 10:00am to 3:00pm, and again on Saturday 9th December 10:00am to 3:00pm. Come along and see, hear and smell the oldest operational NSWGR locomotive in service. We still do not have approval to operate 1076 under its own power, so any movement will be done as a double header with 4821.
03.01.2022 Hello everyone. We hope that you have had a very happy festive season and a warm welcome to 2018. The last Steamup for 1076 (9th Dec 2017) was quite successful. Big things are happening at the GRHC this year.... A quick summary (more to follow):- - First two Steamups for 1076 in 2018 are planned for Saturday 31st March (Easter Saturday and Tuesday 15th May (the Roundhouses 100th birthday) - The completion of LVR's P Class 3237's extensive overhaul in March with a possible public trip planned. 3237 is the oldest operatonal main line engine in NSW (not to be confused with 1076 being the oldest operational NSWGR steam engine) - A big celebration for the Roundhouses 100th birthday on the October long weekend 29th Sept to 1st October ........ and more being planned. Please stay tuned in.
03.01.2022 1076 has passed it's annual boiler inspection with flying colours. A test steam on 8th September was successful. It is now being made ready to be in steam for the Goulburn Roundhouse 100 event on 29-30/09/18.
03.01.2022 Goulburn Roundhouse - aerial view, early 2018
02.01.2022 After a prolonged stay at Goulburn 3237 has finally been completed to the extent that she was transferred to Thirlmere today for final fine tuning at Thirlmere. Got so used to see her sitting quietly in 20 Road as the maintenance work progressed. Hopefully LVR can return to Goulburn in the future to undertake more work on the P or some of their other engines. Good work guys.
02.01.2022 We are always pleased to see and hear what a great time all our visitors have while exploring our venue. the Feel Good Family certainly had a wonderful time. Thanks for the video guys! https://www.facebook.com/412082552303372/posts/1141004609411159/
02.01.2022 Our access times and arrangements have been altered. Opening times are now 10:00am to 2:00pm, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. There are no fixed tour times, and pre-bookings are no longer required, but all entries will be escorted to a tour, which will continue whilst public are on site. Our CovidSafe requirements are still in place, apart from temperature checks. General enquiries to our office on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 10:00am to 3:00pm, phone 02 4822 1210.
01.01.2022 Picnic Train - 5917 As a result of the Coronavirus outbreak the Picnic Train link referred to previously has been postponed until the situation changes for the better. 5917 will remain at the GRHC for some maintenance work.
01.01.2022 Latest news, hot off the boiler. LVR's 3237 passed its boiler tests today and an initial trial steaming was performed on the Departure Road this evening. Pending completion of outstanding details 3237 should be available for main line operations in the next month or so.
01.01.2022 Had an unpublicised steamup with 1076 on Saturday 23/03/19. First time 1076 was in steam for this year. The engine performed satisfactorily after it's summer hibernation. 1076 got to stretch her legs on the Departure Road with the capable assistance of 4821. More steamups to follow, dates will be advised shortly.
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