GO YOGA in Adelaide, South Australia | Sport & recreation
Locality: Adelaide, South Australia
Phone: +61 448 219 419
Address: 35 Sturt Rd 5048 Adelaide, SA, Australia
Website: http://www.goyogaadelaide.com/
Likes: 1360
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23.01.2022 Go yoga studio and livestream classes continue over the long weekend - so if you’re staying home or going away there’s no reason not to keep up your practice with us! #practiceyogachangeyourworld #yogaeverydamnday #adelaideyoga #yogaadelaide #livestreamyoga #ilovemystudents #livestream #fbliveyoga #imstillhereforyou #yogalove#yogaeverywhere #yogalife #igyoga #yogapractice #instayoga #practicejivamukti #restorativeyoga #vinyasa #adelaidefitness #adelaideyogaflow #adelaideyogacommunity #adelaideyogateacher
22.01.2022 AN OPPORTUNITY TO BEGIN YOUR YOGA TEACHER TRAINING Complete your first 200hr yoga teacher training in your own home and in your own time! This is so perfect for busy yogins who keep telling me one day.... With full online and face to face support, @ambikachadwick and yours truly will be there guiding you every step of the way. Now honestly, there’s no excuse now. All training details are located at www.theyogasocial.com/our-trainings.html #whatareyouwaitingfor #yogateachertrainingaustralia #200hrytt #200hryogateachertraining #200hryogateachertrainingaustralia #adelaideyoga #yogaadelaide #adelaideyogacommunity #adelaideyogaflow #adelaideyogateacher #adelaideyogateachertraining
21.01.2022 Are you like Karina and Lauren and going to birth your baby/ies in 2021? Karina and Lauren and John are the same age, live close to each other, are expecting to birth their babies around the same time and in the same place! I’m sure their bubbas will become besties too.. Why do these two couples look so happy? Because they’re fearlessly excited about their upcoming positive birth and finally meeting their little ones! Their partners, Alex and John, are equally enthusiastic to... be supportive caregivers, ready to provide comfort to mum in a variety of ways and be her advocate in birth. They all completed Australia’s leading childbirth education classes with me, where they learned about birth physiology, mindset, and empowering techniques and tools for beautiful birth, no matter how/when or where baby decides to enter the world. Book now for you 2021 birth - face to face private and group classes are available, as well as online learning and zoom. I’d love to share this method for your memorable, blissful birth. #antenatalyoga #prenatalyoga#positivebirth#hypnobirthing #childbirtheducator#positivemindset #homebirth#hospitalbirth #naturalbirth#waterbirth #caesareanbirth#childbirthwithoutfear #pregnancyadelaide #adelaidebirth #adelaidepregnancy #hypnobirthingclasses #onlinechildbirtheducation #informedbirth #consciousbirth #naturalchildbirth #childbirtheducation
20.01.2022 Go Yoga News Oct 7: A post-COVID life teaching all-levels Yoga and childbirth education for Hypnobirthing Australia - https://mailchi.mp//a-post-covid-life-teaching-all-levels-
19.01.2022 It is the job of the mind to think, but if we are consumed by our thoughts, we fail to see the big picture, we lose awareness. This is why instead of creating more busyness and always doing or distracting our mind, we need to learn how to just be. If we don’t, our thoughts then compete with other more productive behaviours and lead us to feeling empty and unfulfilled, as no amount of doing or distracting can satisfy us. The key to nirodhaha (cessation) is awarenes...s; a shift in identification. You become aware of your thoughts, an observer (AKA the sakshi/witness). You don’t identify with your thoughts, instead, you just sit and be with them. With a little distance you can see any situation more clearly, become more tolerant and receptive to the bigger picture. Then, in not being consumed by our thoughts we become more aware, we gain true wisdom and peace. #practicejivamukti #jivamuktiyoga #jivamuktiyogaFOTM #jivamuktiyogaadelaide #adelaideyoga #yogaadelaide #adelaidefitness #adelaideyogaflow #adelaideyogacommunity #adelaideyogateacher#practiceyogachangeyourworld #yogaeverydamnday #livestreamyoga #livestream #yogaathome #fitnessathome #fbliveyoga #yoga #yogalove #yogaeverywhere #yogalife #igyoga #yogapractice #instayoga #yogaaddict
18.01.2022 If you practice yoga, especially Vinyasa styles of Yoga such as Jivamukti Yoga, you’ve no doubt practiced a form of pranayama (breath control) called Ujjayi. But do you really understand why it’s used? It’s not just a means of linking movement to the breath. The benefits are more numerous: 1. improved focus, self-awareness and groundedness in the physical practice 2. Consequently it diminishes your reaction to distractions 3. Improves endurance by creating a fluid rhythm to t...he practice, like a moving meditation 4. Steadily increases body temperature to make stretching safer during asana practice 5. Aids in releasing tension and tightness in the body caused by mental/emotional affliction 6. Strengthens the nervous, respiratory and digestive systems 7. As the breath rate and depth remains steady and even, ujjayi allows us to embark on challenges on the mat while remaining honest with what our capabilities are in any given moment 8. So we experience equanimity of mind, steady and joyful, in times of challenge and times of surrender - 9. this is so important as it teaches us to stay just as balanced when faced with challenges off the mat. 10. When you are truly aware of it, your breath can be your great guide, teaching you more about yourself, your reactions, your likes and aversions, your habitual patterns, your relationships and more. To learn this intimate connection of your mind, body and breath, and to learn the powerful technique of ujjayi, come along to a Jivamukti Yoga or Vinyasa Yoga class! #practiceyogachangeyourworld #yogaeverydamnday #adelaideyoga #yogaadelaide #livestreamyoga #livestream #fbliveyoga #yogalove#yogaeverywhere #yogalife #igyoga #yogapractice #instayoga #practicejivamukti #vinyasa #adelaidefitness #adelaideyogaflow #adelaideyogacommunity #adelaideyogateacher #jivamuktiyoga #vinyasayoga See more
16.01.2022 Adelaide in April Sunset over Glenelg Beach #beachlife #lifebythesea #perfectsunset #radelaide #adelaideautumn #anzacday2021
15.01.2022 This is a question us HPCE’s get asked often. I researched a few different courses out there before deciding to train as a Hypnobirthing Australia practitioner. What hooked me is that it’s an Australian course that prepares parents for the Australian health care system and is constantly updated to reflect our society’s changing circumstances. It specialises in both hypnotherapy for pregnancy and birth, as well as equipping parents with comprehensive tools to use if special ...circumstances occur. Being an ex-scientist and yoga teacher, it really offered education on everything my geeky and spiritual brain was looking for: the science of childbirth, the Australian hospital system, the science behind interventions/inductions, the psychology of birthing without fear, the breathing/massage/acupressure/birth positions, the visualisations/affirmations/hypnosis. Not to mention the important hands-on role of mum’s birth partner (my favourite part of teaching). Now I’m sure all of the positive birth courses help parents birth without fear and provide tools and education to remind women that birthing is a primal instinct, something that as mammals they are wired to do. The Hypnobirthing Australia course also gives anxious mums tools to let go of negative thoughts and focus on tuning in to their bodies, so birth can be both a sacred and empowering experience - no matter the circumstance. There are a few articles published that specifically compare different childbirth programs - please message me for more links or info. Registration is open now for my next program beginning November 1 2020 -contact me if you or someone you know is keen for a positive, beautiful birth! #hypnobirthing #positivebirth #adelaidebirth #pregnancyadelaide #adelaidepregnancy #hypnobirthingaustralia #hypnobirthingaustralia #hypnobirthingaustraliapractitioner #adelaidebaby #prenataladelaide #adelaideprenatal #antenataleducation See more
15.01.2022 To be honest, my classes can sometimes be a blend of the two, depending on my student’s needs. Both Restorative and Yin Yoga are passive in nature and work by slowing, calming and cooling the body by shifting the parasympathetic nervous system into dominance (our rest/digest response). In both class styles, we practice less poses than a general yoga class within the same time-frame, but there are differences between these two styles. Restorative poses are designed to be very ...subtle, with no deep stretching sensations. Many props are offered in each asana to support the student into a deep state of relaxation, encouraging passive healing. The poses gently open the body to allow for the release of tension and deeper breathing. Restorative poses are typically held from 5 to 20 minutes. As opposed to the deep rest facilitated by Restorative Yoga, props are optional inYin Yoga, soit can be quite challenging. Yin yoga places a small, healthy amount of stress (eustress) to our joints and connective tissue (fascia, tendons and ligaments). This helps to hydrate the fascia keeping it supple, improving mobility and relieving strain in the body. Yin Yoga is also based on ancient principles of traditional Chinese medicine - to shift blocked ‘Chi’ or ‘Qi’through the body (also known as ‘prana’ in Hatha Yoga or the English translation ‘life force’) and nourish the meridians (energy channels, also known as ‘nadis’ in Hatha Yoga), assisting with emotional, mental and physical health. How? Once established in a given asana, the student may stay still in this position and connect with their breath (and hence, life force) anywhere between 2 to 10 minutes. It’s the length of time in the poses, combined with the intensity of sensations, that makes Yin yoga deceptively powerful. Here then, the body’s fascia begins to release and the poses further work not just on the physical/physiological level but also on the mental/emotional level. This facilitates a very real sense of letting go. #howyogaheals #practiceyogachangeyourworld #adelaideyoga #yogaadelaide #isolationyoga #livestreamyoga #yogaathome #fbliveyoga #restorativeyoga #yinyoga #adelaidefitness #adelaideyogacommunity
12.01.2022 We are all guilty of labelling ourselves and others. We give ourselves roles in life. Do these roles really reflect our true nature? I’ve thought about this a lot over the last week. I often think I don’t know who I’d be if I couldn’t be a Yoga teacher. This is because I sincerely believe, along with being the best mum to Addison and Makala and partner to Drugs, that this is my purpose in life, my dharma. But if all that were different I’d still be me, the same Jackie I’ve ...always been. I remember always having that awareness of being even as a little girl, perhaps that’s why I was so pulled to study spirituality and specifically Yoga. Would others see me as the same Jackie? A human form with the same Jackie essence? These labels and roles continuously arise out of our mindset, and our mindset rules our habits, experiences, beliefs and expectations. So don’t think your thoughts don’t matter. They matter heaps, because our thoughts governs every word we speak and action we take. Are you identifying with your thoughts? This is what Patanjali speaks of as mis-knowing (Avidy) in the Yoga sutras. It’s a crazy thing to do really, as our thoughts are constantly changing and shifting. Rather than identifying with your constantly moving thoughts, he explains that, in contrast, when the mind is quiet we will know our true nature. We remember who we really are, which is beyond any role or label. The awareness in you is the same awareness that has always been with you. Patanjali informs that when we accept this true nature of our self, we live with more peace and more ease. It doesn’t happen instantaneously, but this peace and knowing comes through deep study of our Self. With Self-study, we find our purpose given the unique qualities and specific life skills we have. Then life becomes more fulfilling as we live out our full potential. It’s a persistent work in progress, luckily we’ve been gifted this human body to see it through. #nolables #nojudgements #noexpectations #awareness #liveyourlifenotsomeoneelses #patanjaliyogasutras #dharma #practicejivamukti #jivamuktiyoga #jivamuktiyogaFOTM #adelaideyogaflow #adelaideyoga #yogaadelaide
11.01.2022 Aunty Di is as special and deeply loved as her Christmas traditions #christmastradition #stillakidatheart #daughterschristmas #loveguardian #christmasisfunnomatterwhatage
09.01.2022 Here’s to this being the last time I teach alone in my studio! #hathayoga last Wednesday in lockdown. I’m so looking forward to seeing my regulars and meeting newbies in person again. If you’re a beginner to Yoga, this class is a great place to start. Mondays and Wednesday’s 5:10pm, Friday’s 11:45am. Message or email me to begin your #yogapractice . #practiceyogachangeyourworld #yogaeverydamnday #adelaideyoga #yogaadelaide #ilovemystudents #yogaforlife #yoga #yogalove#yogaeverywhere #yogalife #igyoga #instayoga #yogaaddict#yogisofinstagram #adelaidefitness #adelaideyogaflow #adelaideyogacommunity
09.01.2022 I couldn’t think of a better way to spend lockdown than with my fellow childbirth comrades at the Hypnobirthing Australia conference. Inspiring childbirth research, what I love about this program is that it’s backed by ongoing evidence-based science. Inspiring educators, what I also love is that we learn together by sharing our life paths and stories. So much thanks to @hypnobirthingaustralia for organising and to just a few of the amazing speakers: @belly2birth, @kaseybiggar , @the.birth.space , @midwifethinking #hypnobirthing#antenatalyoga#prenatalyoga#consciousbirth#naturalchildbirth#childbirtheducation #positivebirth#hypnobirthing#childbirtheducator#positivemindset#homebirth#hospitalbirth#naturalbirth#waterbirth#caesareanbirth#childbirthwithoutfear #adelaidebirth #adelaidepregnancy #adelaidebirthnetwork
08.01.2022 So these two tricksters turned 14 yesterday. Like typical teens they spent most of the day in bed having been up most of the night before partying. #appledoesntfallfarfromthetree #proudmum #thekidsarealright
07.01.2022 Cooper’s Spirit. Addison drew this for me.
07.01.2022 Makala made me this for Mother’s Day
06.01.2022 #lestweforget #anzacday2021 #diggerdad
05.01.2022 New business banner thanks to my big little bother-in-law #Hypnobirthing #hypnobirthingaustralia #positivebirth #pregnancyadelaide #childbirtheducationclass #childbirtheducation #practiceyogachangeyourworld #yogaeverydamnday #adelaideyoga #yogaadelaide #livestreamyoga #yogalove#yogaeverywhere #yogapractice #practicejivamukti #restorativeyoga #vinyasa #adelaidefitness #adelaideyogaflow #adelaideyogacommunity #adelaideyogateacher
03.01.2022 Woohoo! Although we were only closed for 5 days, I wish to thank you all for your support as we work together to keep each other safe and healthy. In line with the SA guidelines, we will continue to follow the relevant safety measures to ensure the safest possible environment for all students. I can’t wait to see all my eager-beaver yogis as of tomorrow morning in the studio! #happyagain #wearedoinggreat #practiceyogachangeyourworld #yogaeverydamnday #adelaideyoga #yogaadelaide #ilovemystudents #imstillhereforyou #yogaforlife #yoga #yogalove#yogaeverywhere #yogalife #yogapractice #practicejivamukti #restorativeyoga #yinyoga #adelaidefitness #adelaideyogaflow #adelaideyogacommunity #adelaideyogateacher
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