GPT Photography in Aveley, Western Australia | Photography and videography
GPT Photography
Locality: Aveley, Western Australia
Phone: +61 408 985 796
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23.01.2022 So today I headed South of the river with Kaylene, Sue, Ruth and Archie. Our destination was The Alcoa Wetlands, which we found with relative ease. Surprising as we left at stupid o clock while the sun was still sleeping and Kaylene was both driving and in charge of directions (Thanks Siri) Our reason for travelling over 1 hour and venturing S of the river was to hopefully see and photograph the Sea Eagles. Well, within a few minutes of arriving we saw one of the off in the distance, but later, out of nowhere (AKA we looked up and shouted UP!) there was an adult soaring overhead. MANY clicks later we were all buzzing over the fact it came so close and just soared above us for a few minutes. A great day with great people and a lot of images to go through. I couldn't help myself though, I had to quickly post a couple of our target bird :-)
23.01.2022 Kalbarri Sky Walk by day and by night
22.01.2022 A fun afternoon of photography with my friend Mel started at Lake Joondalup and ended up for the sunset at Hillarys boat harbour. I have a few photos to go through, but heres a couple to start with
22.01.2022 I went for a drive yesterday, the intention to stop at a few areas and see what I could capture. I ended up at Hyde Park, Herdsman Lake, Lake Monger and Metams Pool. It was really great making the most of the options to get out, get some fresh air and capture some images. Thanks @Mel Basler for the company.
22.01.2022 3 more images printed and ready for framing. Now to measure up and make the matte boards so I can confirm the frame size.
21.01.2022 Its amazing what you can find in the midst of the urban jungle. In a large built up apartment area of Perth, on a short track near the river there is a wealth of bird life all busy preparing their nests. The target for Kaylene and I today was the Purple backed fairy wren. A small fast blur of a target that we had glimpsed before. This time we were after better shots and after a long walk and chasing their whistles we finally found them. The Male is so colourful it makes all the chasing worthwhile
21.01.2022 I am often asked about bird photography and how to get a good shot. There is no easy answer, but I think it is safe to say luck plays a part, along with a lot of patience, research and knowing the birds flight patterns and actions. Knowing your equipment inside out so you can make rapid changes on the fly while keeping your subject in the viewfinder is also extremely valuable. Finally, perseverance, you will get more blurred and "Wheres Wally" shots than keepers, but when you do nail it, there is a real sense of achievement.
20.01.2022 So with more of my images being available and often at higher resolution I decided it was time to bite the bullet and get a proper watermark logo that I can use across various formats for branding. I must admit, the results are great and I have now included the logo in my photography email signature as well.
20.01.2022 The other day I was lucky enough to spend some time at Karmic, a nearly local gym. Along with some friends and some of the members we spent some time taking a variety of photos. Heres a sample of what I managed to get in between helping others set up and positioning lights for specific shots.
20.01.2022 Out with a few friends this morning for some Coronavirus responsible social distancing photography. Our plan was to visit Studmaster Park and get a few bird images. The only trouble was, whilst we were social distancing, the birds were still in home isolation. We did however manage to find this young Tawny Frogmouth With Craig Franke, Kaylene Taylor, Catherine Williams and Craig M Williams.
20.01.2022 Today was one of those fun days. Along with Kaylene and Emma I joined some amazing acrobat/dance/jump girls and their Mum's in Perth for what we called a Flippy Dancy Shoot. 3 1/2 hours with people staring at us, pointing and wondering what we were up to while we chased around the CBD and found different places to take images. I came away with over 600 images which is a lot for me and now all I have to do is go through them. Heres the first few teasers of what turned out to be a really great day.
19.01.2022 Yesterday was another day out with friends looking for wildlife. Mainly birds, but we werent too fussy. During a 7+ Km walk round Lake Gwellup, we were hoping to find sacred kingfishers as a nest had been spotted, but alas the nest was empty, plus we were on the lookout for Rainbow Bee Eaters as Gwellup is a popular nesting spot. Still, was meandered our way round the lake and imagine the surprise when we came across not 1, not 2, but 3 different kingfishers just posing for... us. We also saw loads of Bee Eaters, but they were high up and out of range for any quality shots. Add to the list a fledgling Silvereye and Blue Billed Ducks frolicking on the lake, it was a great day out Many thanks to Kaylene, Paul and Gemma for the company, laughs and sore joints
18.01.2022 Ive been on a few local outings recently catching up with friends and doing some wildlife (Bird) photography. Averaging between 6 and 8Km per trip, often with hills, I am pleased with how my poorly hips and knees have coped, especially carrying a fair bit of photography gear with me. Many thanks to Mel, Kaylene, Peter, Catherine and Craig for the company, laughs and coping with me when I have to slow down.
18.01.2022 A few images from a varied weather weekend that I spent in Mandurah with Kaylene Taylor and Catherine Williams. Our plan was to get out and about as much as possible in the various areas of the estuary to capture the wildlife on display. Heres my first batch of images, key of which is the rare Royal Spoonbill that Kaylene and I came across by pure chance.
18.01.2022 So as an aside from working for a living, I volunteer with a bunch of like minded lunatic photographers called ShutterPaws. What we do is head out to the homes of rescue animal foster carers and try to take high quality photos of said foster animals. Sometimes this is not as easy as it sounds as the animals are nervous, timid and in some cases 100% feral, but we do what we can to get the shots so these animals can find a forever home where they will be loved and cared for. ...We have only just started back after the virus impacted normal life and I took on my first shoot since Feb 2020. It seems it was situation normal for me as there were 14 cats of various ages, all scared and all hiding. Heres a sample of my work from the day :-) These are what we call nailed its. Fortunately there are a few more that will help the little gems find a home See more
17.01.2022 Rather than bird on a stick images, heres a couple from the other day of birds not on sticks, well except one, but that is 3 birds on sticks at the same time :-)
17.01.2022 A couple more Milky Way images from the road trip. These are from the Pinnacles and Guilderton Lighthouse.
16.01.2022 The daft things a photographer gets up to. Last night I travelled North of Perth to the Lancelin Sand Dunes, Lake Thetis, then on the way back stopped at the Pinnacles and finally Guilderton. All to capture some images of the milky way. Now of course I have to go through all the shots and see if there is anything worthwhile. Heres a couple that I found that dont look too bad, these were taken at the Lancelin white sand dunes. Many thanks to Max Maujean, Hanneile, Michelle and Catherine for the great company and laughs as we made our way round the various locations.
16.01.2022 Whilst some of the time birds seem to recognise a camera and disappear out of range, I have been lucky enough to capture a few images and here is a sample from Yesterday at Herdsman Lake with Kaylene, one of which is a triptych of the Hobby
15.01.2022 A weekend of dodgy weather, something we dont really do in Perth, but it didnt stop a few of us heading out to Herdsman Lake for some in between shower photography. Many thanks to Kaylene Taylor for organising the trip and to everyone else for the company and laughs.
15.01.2022 Two images from Friday prepared for printing. One on canvas and the other for matting and framing at A2 size. Hopefully I have enough wood and non reflective glass for the frame
13.01.2022 So yesterday consisted of an early morning trip to the Mandurah Estuary about 90 minutes South of home and an opportunity to scout out a few new locations with a friend and some like minded locals as our guides. Paul and Lee did a great job of showing Kaylene and I several hidden gems where we saw quite a few shore birds, but sadly the tide was out so they were 3-400metres away. We did see a number of Ospreys and between us we managed a few images, I also managed to capture a Cattle Egret and at one of the stops we spent time watching a pod of about 10 dolphins including a couple of juveniles. Yep, it goes down as a good day and somewhere to sort out a few return journeys.
12.01.2022 A few photos from a bird chasing outing out in the middle of nowhere on the outskirts of somewhere. A great time with Tess and Kaylene, although I think someone told the birds we were turning up as it was slim pickings and the elusive Emu Wren remains elusive. Still, I did add Banded Lapwing and Pipit to the ever growing list.
12.01.2022 A Rufous Whistler that actually sat on a branch long enough for me to snap off a frame or two showing its lovely plumage.
12.01.2022 I finally got round to printing this image of a Kestrel diving in for lunch. Final size is 65cm wide by 42cm high, so just over A2 size. Now to make a mat board and frame for it before hanging it in the hallway.
11.01.2022 A few images from a quick outing along our lovely coast earlier today. I was looking for a shark that was sighted, but alas, I had to settle for these shots
11.01.2022 A couple of shots of a mum and calf hump backed whales heading South along the hump back highway. More to follow
10.01.2022 Heres a couple of additional shots taken at the Pink Lake just outside Port Gregory. These were taken from the Kalbarri Road side rather than from the official viewpoint. I still had to head out about 1km to get the cross, but I think it was worth it. With @Max, Hannelie and Michelle Sherwin, 3 fellow Photography Nutters.
10.01.2022 Ah, the joy of chasing wildlife. Todays plan was for Kaylene and I to capture a family of Kites and a Kestrel that were known to be nesting around Lake Claremont. Well, the wildlife was just happily playing games with us and spent most of the time on the opposite side of the lake from us, regardless of where we went. Im sure I heard the little buggers laughing at us as we battled through the bush to one vantage point after another. Then, at the end of the circuit and a half of th elake the weather decided to worsen with the wind picking up and the forecast rain starting 4 hours early. Better luck next time :-)
10.01.2022 Whilst the weather was a bit on the dodgy side yesterday, I still headed out with my camera to try and capture some images. Leederille was the first stop where even at lunchtime it was very quiet, so after wandering round and having a coffee with Mel Basler We headed off to Kings Park for a stroll. We watched a few showers roll in across the South and ended up back at the car just before the heavens opened. Good timing.
10.01.2022 Caversham Wildlife Park reopened on 6th June after the lockdown, so on 7th I went there with the camera club and some friends to check it out, support them and get some photos. The team at Caversham have done some great work on the animal pens and exhibits during isolation and the place is looking really good. The staff are friendly, chatty and knowledgeable and to top it all, every member of staff at the events during the day was willing to help us get good shot. Yep, a pretty good day
09.01.2022 So this past weekend some friends and I headed up to Kalbarri for a photography adventure, and an adventure it was. Drive up to Kalbarri on Friday, stopping off a few times for photos on the way. Lots of dawn, dusk and wee small hours photography along with day trips around the coast and into the national park to ensure we made the most of the time we had, then on Monday the return journey to Perth which again included a few strategic stops for yet more photos. Loads of images and videos, but heres a couple to start with.
08.01.2022 So today Kaylene Taylor and I ventured into Walyunga National park. We have been given permission to take photos in there after the fire to show the recovery process and today was an opportunity to seek out some birds (and Roo's). The good news is that the area is recovering well and there is plenty of variety, including several species we havent seen there on previous visits. It was great to hear the bushland alive with bird noise and to actually see some of them and see how healthy they all were. It was still sad to see the damage the fire did and how one tree survived whilst all around it was burnt to a cinder. Suffice to say, the park looks different at the moment, but Mother Nature is doing what she does best and the area is recovering well.
08.01.2022 Still no decent image of comet 2020 F8 (SWAN), but at least I have seen it. Gives me a chance to get a few lunar shots as I set up the gear in preparation. Heres tonights effort.
07.01.2022 Only a brief walk and shoot today as I am not 100%. Started of at Iluka foreshore where it was blowing a gale, so the birds were hiding. Nipped up the road to another site. Nope, still too windy. Final stop was at a park in Mindarie where there was a bit of shelter and we finally caught up with the White Winged Fairy Wrens. At least half a dozen females and juveniles plus a couple of males if full colour. Not the best shots, but it will do for a day when I dont feel great
06.01.2022 Feeling a bit sore in the joints today, but I wanted to get out with my camera, so along with a friend in a similar situation we decided coffee breaks and short walks between were the ideal plan. Between Scarborough beach, Kings Park and Trigg Beach we managed almost 7 hours of wandering and shooting with some varied results. Heres a sample of what I managed to cobble together , I cant say Im too disappointed :-)
05.01.2022 Went out with Max and Hannelie to Yanchep National Park today to help them with setting up and flying their new drones (Not that they needed much help). We had to dodge a few showers, but had a great time flying over Yanchep Lagoon where Max was worried about bird attacks and Hannelie learnt how friendly the home button on the controller is :-) I have some video from the trip to go through, but heres a couple of stills from the lagoon, plus a couple of camera from a stop at the beach in Yanchep where it was too windy to fly.
05.01.2022 Another day, a public holiday and an opportunity to take more photos. This time I was down at Canning River Park with Kaylene and Lyn, wandering the various paths around the river looking for photo opportunities. Definitely a place to go back to and spend some more time
05.01.2022 Out for a wander, looking for things to photograph for an up & coming club competition and I came across this chain in a lake, 20m from a viewing platform. Well, I had my camera, so why not take a shot. A Minimalist Chain
05.01.2022 Of course, whilst out trying to capture non bird on stick photos there are also bird on stick photos and other opportunities
04.01.2022 Another morning out and about making the most of the extra freedom at the moment. This time I was with Kaylene Taylor and we went to a few lesser used areas in the hope of seeing different things. Yep, that bit didnt work, but we still had a fun time walking round and capturing what wasnt hiding.
04.01.2022 today was not so much an early start, but was a long day of shooting. First I met Kaylene at Garvey Park in Belmont to photograph some birds. Pickings were slim and the birds we were after tended to be off in the distance, but we still managed to capture a few shots. Then it was off to the zoo, as I was in the area, to meet Mel, have a coffee and wander round taking some more images for the captive wildlife comp. Still lots of images to go through, but heres a sample
04.01.2022 In amongst a very busy day today I managed a short, but worthwhile trip to Perth Zoo with my friend Catherine Williams. Top of our list today was to get some images of the Orangs and we were not disappointed. Shutters were red hot as we clicked away capturing these amazing animals. Plenty of images to review, but heres a quick sample.
03.01.2022 Decided to set up for the wee small hours if I can drag myself out of bed again to try and capture comet SWAN. While I was at it the moon looked really clear, so I took a few shots of our nearest neighbour. Heres just 1 of them
03.01.2022 And here we have one of my favourite photographic subjects. Such an amazing bird and we got pretty close.
03.01.2022 A couple of images of a local osprey hunting for food and repairing the nest
02.01.2022 A couple of stops today. First off Star Swamp, lots of noise from the wildlife but they were somewhat elusive. Still, I got a few shots to sort through. Stop at Trigg Beach for breakfast which was very tasty and definitely needed, then I saw a message from a friend and headed off to the zoo for another wander. Tomorrow will be image editing day as I am knackered, but I had to put this little gem up. "Give us a kiss"!
02.01.2022 Last night I was invited to Foothills Camera Club in Forrestfield to judge their monthly competition with a set subject "Marinre". Foothills is always interesting as they are a print only club so I have to arrive, judge and critique the images live on the night which is always a challenge. Last night was no different with 32 set subject prints and 20 plus open prints. A busy evening for me but enjoyable as the prints were of a very high standard. Congratulations to the winners and thanks to Foothiils for the opportunity to judge their comp.
01.01.2022 Yesterday morning I joined a couple of friends up at Walyunga National Park for a stroll around one of the medium length trails on a bird hunt. There was certainly plenty of noise, but many of the birds were playing games and keeping just out of reach of our cameras. We did find a red capped robin full of colour and chased him around for a while. I think he was far smarter than us though. I did manage a few shots during the walk, including finding a nest in a tree and the architect beavering away adding additional material. With @Kaylene Taylor And Catherine Williams
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