Grace Kenyon Personal Training | Businesses
Grace Kenyon Personal Training
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24.01.2022 Functional exercises: a guide . Over the next 6 days I'm going to provide a bit of information on the 6 functional movement patterns: . What are functional movement patterns ?... Why practice functional exercises ? What exercises use functional movement patterns and how do you do them ? . Swipe through for Part 1 . @ Launceston, Tasmania See more
24.01.2022 I use a Cat/Cow mobility flow A LOT in my own training sessions, yoga flows and general life, as well as with my clients . BOTH POSES can help ease back pain can help improve posture ... . SWIPE for the individual aspects each of the poses can help with. Feel free to just stick with one or move through both in a full breath cycle . INHALE WITH COW - think OPENNNN . EXHALE WITH CAT - think LENGTHENNN . Move through the poses as you move with your breath. Great tool to activate your deep core muscles & match movement with breath - super important for strength training ! @ Launceston, Tasmania See more
22.01.2022 Strong women Lift each other Up
22.01.2022 Half of the GKPT gang fitted very nearly in to this booth. As much as I love the other 10 who weren't there I'm not sure we could have squished many more in . Bunch of absolute bloody legends. I see these guys more than I see many of my friends & it's these people who make my job so beautiful & rewarding & full of fun . @3littlebirbs @egglotte @kym1994 @thekell83 @e_brazzy PLUS @caitlin.mclachlan @missmcnally @rosemary.fleming @sophie.kaye.10 @_jasminluke @delia.breen @classiic_josh PLUS Clayton, Veronica, Emma, Rod, Roie, Emily, Janette (aka mum lol)
21.01.2022 Happy Saturday . In case you have just started following me or want to know a little bit more about my business, these are some specific groups of people that I love working with: . People who have goals other than, or as well as, aesthetics... . Pre and post natal people . Anyone with musculoskeletal conditions/injuries that can be helped with rehabilitative and strengthening exercise . NDIS participants . People who are particularly anxious/nervous/feel vulnerable about exercise & gyms . Beginners, people who haven't exercised in... Maybe ever . People who want to get more out of a personal trainer than rep-counting & calorie goals - anyone who wants to work holistically, taking in to account alllll aspects of health including sleep, stress, self-esteem, body confidence, sustainable nutrition & hydration. Setting and tracking achieveable, realistic goals, guided towards long-term healthy behaviours and routines See more
20.01.2022 Recent lessons: Stop saying sorry so much Feelings come and go in waves The challenge is worth the change Anger takes a lot to work through (and that is ok)... If you don't give yourself rest your body will force it on you See more
19.01.2022 You know what's hot ? Eating food, maintaining a healthy weight & destroying diet culture #thanksbody #recovered
18.01.2022 LUNGE TECHNIQUE . Main 2 points swipe to see! . Keep shoulders over hips... . Maintain flatness between your torso and your back thigh . Why ? . The BETTER your form with an exercise, the more EFFICIENT it will be for you. Doing an exercise with correct technique means your muscles are ACTIVATING far better & this is going to make the exercise WORK BETTER OVERALL @ Launceston, Tasmania See more
18.01.2022 if you know anything about me you know I'm going to make a long post on INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY so here we go 5 things my mum taught me: 1. Stand up for what you believe in, even if it means you're standing on your own... 2. Everything happens for a reason 3. Seek to understand 4. Don't leave a job unless you have a job to go to 5. DONT SQUASH THE BREAD (u must scan it last so it's on the top of the bag) The bold & outspoken & no-fucks-given Gracie that I am becoming is a direct result of the incredible women I have been raised by and who I now choose to have around me SO much love for the beautiful women that I get to spend my life working with/being best mates with (sometimes both) @kym1994 @missmcnally @egglotte @thekell83 @ferncreature @eclectic_ebony @elizarosalind @e_brazzy @melgrenda & there are oh so many more, plus the women who have taught me (and shown me perhaps without knowing) over the years of my own potential @cmack26 @rachaelkedey @littleladylifts plus the cousins @zallen_xoxo @steph.forrester And the stunner who has me through thick & thin, through supermarket shouting matches & shared bottles of wine & ugly crying in bed & late night Maccas runs ... @livkenyon_ love ya Surround yourself with strong women who will lift you up & watch the magic happen. And remember... you actually *can* have it all
18.01.2022 Did you move today ? . If not, I challenge you to 10 minutes of movement by the end of today ! . Options:... Bodyweight strength circuit High/low intensity interval training Yoga flow Run/walk round the block Full body stretching sequence Pilates flow . Go go go ! See more
18.01.2022 All of you changes when you believe yourself to be beautiful & powerful. There is so much potential in a growth mindset; in a mindset that questions and challenges and seeks to understand and constantly encourages self awareness. The language we use to talk to and think about ourselves is so important. Be kind, be powerful, use words of affirmation. Trust your intuition. Grind. Read & absorb. Lift your eyes up
16.01.2022 Haven't worn my business tank top or makeup in 2 months... The top came back on today but I do love being able to rub my eyes
16.01.2022 Rambly self-reflective post . Writing my personal statement today for my uni application required me to think about the 3 years since I finished school, which was a fairly intense experience because the last 3 years have been fairly eventful . I don't have a bunch of followers by any means so this is of limited importance, but I've now been a certified personal trainer for 2 years, and have run my very own business doing that in Australia for over 1 of those years... . That business is my full time income; it's my life, my love, my passion, my hobby, my baby. I have always been a very quiet achiever & done my thing over to the side but actually upon reflection I realise that some of the stuff I've achieved as a business owner at 21 (!!) is kind of cool . The ethos of GKPT, which started in the UK 2 years ago as Uplifted Coaching, has always been to create a safe space for people, especially women, to enjoy exercise as a celebration of ability. I am and always will be fully committed to a fitness philosophy in which ALL body shapes, sizes and abilities are respected. My own experience with using exercise as a tool to appreciate my body for what it can do means that I bring my focus far away from the over-saturated weight/fat loss/12 week fix/low carb/burn/blast/obliterate/ultra appearance-focused market and towards those who for any reason feel extra vulnerable in the gym space. There's enough people in the world telling you how much better you could look if, if, if ... my attitude leans more towards encouraging you to embrace what you already have . I will never be a fitness mogul because my values simply don't align with the current fitness landscape. In saying that, Ive worked with 70+ individual clients literally across the world in the last 2 years and currently maintain a full-time schedule of 20 individual clients (not sessions) each week. It proves to me that my dream of a fitness industry in which all people can feel confident about being part of, might one day actually be realized . The second pic is when Alex and I were back on Aussie land for the first time in an year and a half, back in August 2019. Not a bad year by any means See more
15.01.2022 Spinal flexion & extension - aka Cat Cow . What it's great for: Warmup exercise ~3 each way Spine mobility... Lower back pain Syncing movement with your breath: important for if you're doing a lot of heavy lifting! . Inhale as you drop belly towards floor . Exhale as you round spine towards ceiling . Aim to get to the end of your range of movement by your last reps aka as far as you can go See more
15.01.2022 FUNCTIONAL EXERCISE: a guide . Part 2: the HINGE/bend . Gym exercise = kettlebell deadlift... . Real life movement = picking up heavy box . Use the following cues: Flat back Soft knees Hips pushed back ... For practicing the exercise at the gym AND doing the real life movement at home . Tomorrow's focus: the SQUAT (think standing up from the couch) @ Launceston, Tasmania See more
15.01.2022 Functional movement: a guide (part 3) . The SQUAT . Gym exercise example: bodyweight squat (progression would be to a barbell squat, front squat, goblet squat etc)... . Real life movement example: standing up from a chair . Cues: Bend at the knees, push hips back Chest up Drive through heels to stand Squeeze glutes as you stand up . I like to think about "pushing the floor away" to get some more power! . Switching on your abs is going to keep your back safe & injury-free. Press your whole foot in to the floor, no raising your heels! . Tomorrow's focus: the "pull" @ Launceston, Tasmania See more
13.01.2022 Repeat: . I get to choose how I feel No one can make decisions for me I am in control of my wellbeing... . #sundaythoughts See more
13.01.2022 Functional movement: a guide (part 7 - last one) . The "carry" . This post refers to a unilateral carry - when you're carrying something only with one arm... . Gym exercise: single arm kettbell "suitcase" carry: walk for 30-60 seconds . Real life movement: carrying one heavy shopping back in from the car . Why practice? MAIN REASON: Being able to hold an upright position when under strain from one side is going to strengthen your core! . CUES: Maintain upright position without leaning to one side Brace your core to keep shoulders level use your free arm to stabilize you Keep your knees soft as you walk . All 6 of the basic movement patterns have been covered in the last few of my posts @ Launceston, Tasmania See more
12.01.2022 "here's to strong women. may we know them, may we be them, may we raise them."
11.01.2022 Feeling like I need a lotta this lately... Back to 6am starts, teaching classes, participating in dance again & days full of wonderful clients means running round like a mad thing & not so much time to chill #loveit . I'm sure the world going back to normal means the same for many of you too! So make sure to prioritize your recovery, rest & sleep and hold on to the lessons that we learned during lockdown
11.01.2022 Functional movement: a guide (Part 4) . Focus: the "pull" . Gym exercise: wide dumbbell row (barbell alternative more ideal)... . Real life movement: lifting & placing an object (bag/box/bucket) on to a higher surface . When pulling something upwards, horizontally or downwards: Brace your core muscles Soften your knees Squeeze your shoulder blades together . There are so many variations of pulling movements and tips for form can vary depending on the exercise: think difference between lat pull down & barbell row ! . Tomorrow's focus: lunge. *Climbing stairs* @ Launceston, Tasmania See more
11.01.2022 A paragraph I'm digging: "girls and women can choose when to be girly and when to be powerful; when to be mother and when to be professional; when to be sexy for male pleasure and sexy for their own pleasure. These states are both stable and liminal; one is always powerful as a girl" - Emilie Zaslow
10.01.2022 It's all mindset: yes I can, yes I will, yes I am The way you speak to yourself is SO IMPORTANT. You're stuck with yourself every second of the day... Make your mind a nice place to be in. Be powerful, be assertive, be kind. Talk to yourself like you already know you're killing it. You are (throwback to the joy of crossing a finish line note to self: don't bang on about never getting injured. you will, actually, get injured)
09.01.2022 I have been so good at curating a circle of people around me who bring light that sometimes I forget how the normal world lives I was reminded yesterday of how incessantly the world teaches us who to be and how to be and that we must fit in to boxes... and how many people believe still adhere to it YOU DON'T HAVE TO... There is SO MUCH JOY when you live authentically Say no Commit to your own boundaries Value your own opinion Cut toxic energy Wear what you want BE WHO YOU WANT TO BE, even if that person changes every day, or contradicts herself, or doesn't fit in to any of those boxes FIND JOY IN HONOURING YOUR TRUE SELF... You might need to dig deep to find her first
09.01.2022 For all my clients who ask in agony "WHAT IS THE POINT OF THIS" every time I get them doing the single-leg leg press ;)
09.01.2022 Guess who's a fully certified pre- and post-natal coach now ?! . The whole course was massive and I've covered all of the following including wayyy more: anatomy & physiology, changes during pregnancy prenatal psychology, nutrition & mindset... prenatal program design (1st, 2nd & 3rd trimesters) postpartum psychology & mindset postpartum rest & nutrition postpartum assessment, exercise, rehab, training & program design . Amazing course and certification, thank you @thegirlsgonestrong and @themollygalbraith See more
07.01.2022 Functional Movement: a guide (part 5) . The LUNGE . Gym exercise: static lunge or split squat... . Real life movement: climbing stairs or a ladder . Cues: Chest held upright Driving through front heel to stand up Feet parallel and hip width apart on "train tracks" . Lunging is all about developing single (unilateral) leg strength. Every step we take is a unilateral movement so practicing exercises on only one side at a time is a surefire way to develop functional strength . Tomorrow's focus: the "push" @ Launceston, Tasmania See more
06.01.2022 This pigeon-inspired glute stretch is my go-to at the minute for Stretching/recovery of tight muscles Opening chest & Relaxing .... Give it a go: if your hips are really tight, decrease the angle of the bottom leg until the intensity feels right, & keep your chest lifted by straightening through your arms See more
04.01.2022 FUNCTIONAL EXERCISE: a guide . Today's focus: the hinge (/bend) . Gym exercise : kettlebell deadlift... . Home movement : lifting heavy box . Use the cues of: Flat back Soft knees Hips pushed back For when you're practicing the exercise in the gym AND when you're using the movement at home . Tomorrow we're looking at the SQUAT @ Launceston, Tasmania See more
04.01.2022 3 things 1. Can't choose where you lose fat from. Can create tone by strengthening the muscles in the desired area & eating in a calorie deficit 2. The best way to have abdominal tone is not 100s of sit ups, but to do big old compound lifts, get your steps up and burn energy overall... 3. Do squats and deadlifts either in socks or in flat canvas shoes (or lifting shoes if u wanna be fancy and unlike me can afford it lol)
04.01.2022 Functional movement : a guide (part 6) . The PUSH . Pushing, like pulling, movements can be either horizontal or vertical... . Gym exercise: push up = horizontal . Real life movement : lifting something overhead = vertical . Pushing uses the chest, shoulders and/or triceps . Cues: exhale on the push itself brace your core muscles maintain a neutral spine - no arching or rounding . Tomorrow's focus: the "carry" (also related to gait) @ Launceston, Tasmania See more
04.01.2022 "we should consult not what's in front of us, but what's inside us" - Glennon Doyle, Untamed
03.01.2022 I have been training a changing group of some amazing beautiful wonderful strong fit people twice a week over the last little while ... Nothing official, nothing fancy, just good plain old strength & cardio training in a bootcamp style ;) the girls (and boys!) are so welcoming so if you EVER want to come along & make some friends, DO !! Doesn't matter if you're an athlete or you've never exercised before. The one thing I strive to put out there with my business is that ALL bo...dies, shapes, sizes, injuries, disabilities or WHATEVER are totally welcome with me Shoot me a message if you'd like to join in sometime. You are welcome to bring your kids - see the super mum Chelsea Kaczmarsky below, getting it done with baby literally attached Disclaimer: in a group setting it is more difficult to tailor the exercise specifically to your needs & potential injuries. For this reason I ask that you let me know beforehand if you'll need any modifications rather than on the day.
02.01.2022 A woman should be two things in this world: whoever and whatever she wants
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