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Grain and Again | Businesses

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Grain and Again

Phone: +61 451 117 387


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24.01.2022 in my main day job, I have one client that I do a home visit for, and usually take the train rather than battle peak hour parking... My old favourite bag was on its last legs, so I whipped up a new #bookbag from a #barrettburston sack... Big enough for my notebook, water bottle, purse, keys, and bits and bobs... new addition to the #etsy shop ? .... . . #onelessbaginlandfill #malt #upcycle #upcycledbags #repurposed #sustainableliving See more

24.01.2022 hmmmm... I'd been meaning to post about bags and upcycling stuff, but between an unhappy back and a very unhappy old sewing machine, life kinda ground to a halt for a bit... but a new #heavyduty sewing machine got delivered (and my back is feeling better) - so, watch out ! the new #singer runs so much better than than old machine ever did... lots of fun ahead !! . .... . #onelessbaginlandfill #grainandagain #beer #craftbeer #beerstagram #craftbeerlover #innerwest #marrickville #homebrew #beerlover #repurposed #upcycle #recycle #waronwaste #ecowarrior #zerowaste #sustainabledesign See more

23.01.2022 as covid unfortunately ramps up, my day job gets quieter... but that gives me an opportunity for some quality time with a sewing machine and some #weyermann_specialty_malt sacks

23.01.2022 one of our regulars came back into the shop today for his next grain bill... I love that he brought his roll-top grain bag back in with him... and he loves using this bag instead of plastic ! oh, and it’s #plasticfreejuly !!!. . . . #goldenpromise #fawcettmaltsters #homebrew #allgrain #allgrainbrewing #realbeer #onelessbaginlandfill

16.01.2022 I used to have a bit of fun doing origami as a kid... so step 7 of making a bag, involves some basic origami ! It's a bit like making that origami crane... the fold gets opened out, and the fold mark goes along another fold, and... oh, how do I describe that ?! Anyway... rulers and markers help, to ensure that the corners of the bag match the gusset lines of the existing bag... Without this step, the bag would have a sharp edge on the bottom and fall over a lot... having this corner built in gives the bag a square base - it can stand up on it's own !

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