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Grandma Rosie's Childcare Centres | Childcare service

to load big map

Grandma Rosie's Childcare Centres

Phone: +61 2 4256 6586


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to load big map

25.01.2022 The Early Learners at Haywards Bay have been extending on their interest in spring inspired experiences by creating their very own flower paint brushes. . #grosiecc #spring #springinspired #paintingwithflowers #earlychildhoodeducation #creativeart

24.01.2022 Fresh lavender was popular in the mud kitchen at Dapto. . #grosiecc #mudkitchen #freshlavender #play #outdoorplay #earlychildhoodeducation

24.01.2022 Grandma Rosie’s is dedicated to taking an active role in caring for our environment and contributing to a sustainable future. A commitment reflected in our Quality Improvement Plan. Grandma Rosie’s services are very excited to announce that we have just installed Solar PV systems on all services - amassing 99.2kw in total. A big thank you to Rana Environmental for your professional work. @rana_environmental . . #grosiecc #solar #sustainability #pvsolar #solarenergy #sustainablechildcare #sustainable #qualitychildcare #renewableenergy

24.01.2022 The Dapto centre had an Aboriginal Art workshop with a member of the local community. She helped the children paint rocks and create memory and counting games. These games are going to be valuable resources for the centre for years to come. . #grosiecc #aboriginalart #aboriginalartworkshop #aboriginalcountinggames #memorygames #painting #aboriginal

23.01.2022 The children at Dapto are continuing to explore technology through time. . . #grosiecc #exploringtechnology #recordplayer #musicinearlychildhood #musicinearlychildhood

23.01.2022 Our Dapto service has just purchased their first batch of homemade Lilli Pilli jam. This was purchased from a cafe in the local community which sells Indigenous bush tucker delights. The preschoolers were excited to make damper to have with this delicious jam. . #grosiecc #bushtucker #lillipilli #indigenousbushfoods #localcommunity #bushtuckerfoods

23.01.2022 Dapto’s Mud Kitchen has had a revamp!! . . #grosiecc #mudkitchen #mudcafe #earlychildhoodeducation #mudplay #outdoorkitchen

23.01.2022 Our resources and environments celebrate, explore and promote respect for diversity. . #grosiecc #culture #diversity #diversityandinclusion #earlychildhoodeducation #culturalresources

22.01.2022 The children at Haywards Bay and Dapto engaged in an Aboriginal Art Workshop. The children engaged in group canvas painting with the assistance of Rheanna - a talented Aboriginal artist and proud Yuin woman. . #grosiecc #ngandabaa #ngandabaaart #aboriginalart #dharawal #yuin #earlychildhoodeducation

22.01.2022 The Wollongong children are enjoying their zoo small world area. This was created because the children have been sharing photos and videos from their trips to the zoo. . #grosiecc #smallworld #smallworldplay #zoo #explore #play #imagination #earlychildhoodeducation

21.01.2022 The Basin Tea Tree Project- The Adventurers at Wollongong recreated their memories of the trees and Belmore Basin using various art mediums. These pictures will be provided to Wollongong Council to contribute to the Mural Project. . #grosiecc #belmorebasinwollongong #belmorebasin #thebasinteatreeproject #wollongong #wollongongmural #explore #community

21.01.2022 The preschoolers at Haywards Bay have been exploring technology. They made their own phones, keyboards and cameras using recycled materials. . #grosiecc #recycledmaterials #play #technology #exploringtechnology

20.01.2022 The Early Learners at Haywards Bay have enjoyed the spring inspired sensory trays. . #grosiecc #springinspired #spring #naturesensory #naturesensoryplay #earlychildhoodeducation #goop

19.01.2022 The children at Dapto have made their own sign and menu for their outdoor cafe. They have been busy making tarts, cupcakes and coffees this week. . #grosiecc #popupshop #outdoorcafe #earlychildhoodeducation #play #roleplay #imagination

18.01.2022 Loose parts play at Wollongong . #grosiecc #looseparts #loosepartsplay #earlychildhoideducation #play

18.01.2022 The children at Haywards Bay have taken inspiration from the dreaming story books, ‘Cunning Crow’ and ‘Clever Crow.’ The children made illustrations which have been transformed into an interactive puppet and felt story. . #grosiecc #clevercrow #cunningcrow #dreamingstory #literacy #inspirationfrombooks

18.01.2022 The children at Primbee have been creating salt dough fossils. . #grosiecc #saltdough #fossils #saltdoughfossils #explore #earlychildhoodeducation #earlychildhoodteacher

17.01.2022 Muddy cocoa powder sensory play. Centre: Haywards Bay . #grosie #cocoapowder #cocoapowderplay #sensoryplay #sensoryplayideas #play #earlychildlearning #earlychildhoodeducation

17.01.2022 A sensory box using chickpeas- This was created for science week at Dapto. . #grosiecc #chickpeas #sensorybox #earlychildhoodeducation #play

17.01.2022 The children in the Infant Room at Haywards Bay are continuing to enjoy sensory experiences while exploring colours and shapes. . #grosiecc #sensoryplay #colourrecognition #shaperecognition #ricesensoryplay #play #explore

16.01.2022 Some of our beautiful baby room environments at Haywards Bay. . #grosiecc #infantroom #earlychildhoodeducation #play

16.01.2022 The Infant Room at Haywards Bay extended on the story, ‘What can you smell?’ by adding the herbs lemongrass and sage to our sensory experience. . #grosiecc #lemongrass #sage #sensoryplay #sensory #whatcanyousmell #earlychildhoodeducation

16.01.2022 The children at Primbee had so much fun with this loose parts pirate treasure hunt. . #grosiecc #loosepartsplay #pirateplay #earlychildhoodeducation #playislearning #playbasedlearning

15.01.2022 Sensory and nature play. The infant children at Haywards Bay had a wonderful morning making their own bouquets in the florist workshop. . #grosiecc #nature #sensoryplay #floristworkshop #makingbouquets #explore #play

15.01.2022 Welcome to Wollongong’s Minecraft land - exploring mathematical concepts, construction design, building and engineering skills as they engage in small world play. . #grosiecc #minecraft #minecraftplay #smallworldplay #earlychildhoodeducation #play

12.01.2022 The preschoolers at Haywards Bay are celebrating the change of season. The children used clay tools to dig and explore a frozen ice cube filled with real flowers. . #grosiecc #spring #sensoryplay #celebratingspring #springhassprung #earlychildhoodeducation #learningaboutspring

11.01.2022 The children at Dapto enjoyed the book- ‘The mess that we made’. This book explores the environmental impact of rubbish and plastic on the ocean and marine life and it inspires children to do their part to combat pollution. He children enjoyed expressing their ideas about this book via creative arts. . #grosiecc #themessthatwemade #sustainability #environmentalimpact #sustsinabilitymatters #earlychildhoodeducation

11.01.2022 The preschoolers at Haywards Bay had so much fun creating their spring self- portraits! . #grosiecc #spring #selfie #selfportrait #natureinspired #earlychildhoodeducation #earlychildlearning

11.01.2022 Fairy small world play- Preschool Room Wollongong. . #grosiecc #fairy #smallworldplay #fairyplay #earlychildhoodeducation #play

10.01.2022 The Infant room at Haywards Bay love messy sensory play. . #grosiecc #messyplay #earlylearners #earlylearningideas #play #sensoryplay

10.01.2022 Dinosaur Dig incursion at our Primbee service. The children enjoyed discovering hidden bones and learning all about dinosaurs. . #grosiecc #dinosaurdig #dinosaur #exploringdinosaurs #earlychildhoodaustralia #play #explore

10.01.2022 Messy sensory play allows children to build, explore, create, dream, investigate and use all 5 senses. Centre: Haywards Bay . #grosiecc #messy #messyplay #sensoryplay #5senses #explore #spaghettiplay #earlychildhoodeducation

10.01.2022 The children at Primbee made musical instruments from recycled materials. . #grosiecc #recycledmaterials #music #reuse #sustainable #recycledmusic #recycledmusicalinstruments #explore

09.01.2022 The preschoolers at Dapto enjoyed making their own pirate treasure maps. This activity was inspired by the book ‘Where’s my Creativity?’ Written by Aaron Rosen and Riley Watts. . #grosiecc #treasuremaps #aaronrosen #wheresyourcreativity #inspiredbybooks #earlychildhoodeducation #piratetreasuremap

08.01.2022 The children at Primbee start their day with positive affirmations. These cards help to inspire positive thoughts for children, encourage self love and promote self care. . #grosiecc #affirmations #affirmationsoftheday #affirmationcards #kindness #positiveaffirmations

07.01.2022 The Adventurers at Wollongong have a new transport space extending on their interest on transport- this space has a focus on airports and different aircrafts. . #grosiecc #earlychildhoodeducation #transport #aircrafts #transportplay #transportproject #play

07.01.2022 The children have enjoyed being scientists in the preschool room at Haywards Bay. The science resources provide opportunities for children to explore and predict. The children have engaged in discussions about scientists and what scientists are trying to do around the world in relation to COVID-19. . #grosiecc #science #earlychildhoodeducation #scienceandplay #explore

06.01.2022 The children at Dapto have been exploring technology through time. . #grosiecc #technology #typewriter #earlylearners #earlychildhoodeducation

06.01.2022 New spring environments at our Wollongong centre. The children are learning about what plants need to grow along with how to care for them. . #grosiecc #spring #earlychildhoodeducation #learningaboutplants #flowers

06.01.2022 Spring is in the air- the preschoolers at Wollongong have enjoyed their spring inspired still art painting. . #grosiecc #stillart #spring #springinspiration #earlychildhoodeducation #creativearts #childrenactivities

06.01.2022 The children at Haywards Bay are selling their worm juice. . #grosie #wormjuice #wormjuicefertiliser #earlychildhoodeducation #sellingwormpoop

06.01.2022 The Preschoolers at Wollongong enjoyed working on their big city group project. They made their big city using loose parts and recycled materials. Well done . #grosiecc #projectwork #recycledart #recycledmaterials #reuse #earlychildhoodeducation #childprojects

06.01.2022 Welcome to Ooshie Land - Wollongong Preschool Room. . #grosiecc #ooshie #earlychildhoodeducation #play #earlychildhoodeducation

05.01.2022 The children have continued to make their own paint with the use of sensory materials. Centre: Infant Room Haywards Bay. . #grosiecc #makeownpaint #sensoryplay #sensoryplayideas #explore #earlychildhoodeducation

04.01.2022 Indigenous small world play. Centre: Wollongong . #grosiecc #aboriginal #smallworldplay #imagination #earlychildhoodeducation

04.01.2022 The preschoolers at Haywards Bay have been working collaboratively to create a digital book. . #grosiecc #technologyineducation #technologyinearlychildhood #technologyinearlyyears #digitalbook

04.01.2022 This week is World Nursery Rhyme Week. The children at Haywards Bay have been exploring a variety of nursery rhymes with fun props and puppets. . #grosiecc #worldnurseryrhymeweek2020 #worldnurseryrhymeweek #nurseryrhymes #literacy #earlychildhoodeducation

03.01.2022 The children at Primbee have enjoyed exploring their animal sanctuary. . #grosiecc #animalsanctuary #play #animals #earlychildhoodeducation

03.01.2022 The Tinker Table at Primbee using loose parts. . #grosiecc #tinkertable #loosepartsplay #looseparts #earlychildhoodeducation #play

03.01.2022 The Infant children at Haywards Bay made their own paint with coloured chalk, water and rosemary using a mortar and pestle. . #grosiecc #makingownpaint #rosemarypaint #art #earlychildhoodeducation #explore

02.01.2022 The toddlers at Wollongong have a growing interest in puppy dogs. The children have displayed nurturing and caring personalities in the puppy dog small world play. . . #grosiecc #puppydogsmallworld #petroleplay #earlychildhoodeducation #playbasedlearning #playislearning

02.01.2022 The children at Haywards Bay enjoyed the outdoor play-dough experience with flowers, insect stones and natural materials. Yambil our Wadi Wadi doll also shared the experience with the children. . #grosiecc #outdoorplay #insectstones #playdough #earlychildhoodeducation #earlychildlearning

01.01.2022 The children at Wollongong enjoyed their Munch and Move morning tea platter today. We promote healthy eating and nutrition at all of our services. . #grosiecc #healthyeating #munchandmove #fruitplatter #makinggoodfoodchoices #fruit

01.01.2022 The preschoolers at Wollongong have enjoyed the Kindergarten role-play area. . #grosiecc #kindergartenroleplay #roleplay #preschoolprogram #playbasedlearning

01.01.2022 The cubby house at our Dapto service- a popular home like space for children to role play. . #grosiecc #cubbyhouse #roleplay #hammock #play #earlychildhoodeducation #earlychildlearning

01.01.2022 The Infant Room joined the Preschool Room at Haywards Bay to paint with natural resources. This has been a great opportunity for siblings to enjoy creative art experiences together. . #grosiecc #creativeart #naturalplay #play #earlychildhoodeducation

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