Great Australians Gala Dinner | Other
Great Australians Gala Dinner
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23.01.2022 Our amazing group of #GreatAustralians honoured at this years #GreatAustraliansGalaDinner ! #greataustraliansgaladinner #october #2016 #greataustralians #melbourne #gagd2016 #grandhyatt #jss #growinghope #incognitus #supportthecause #supportaftersuicide
22.01.2022 We would like to announce BMW Melbourne as an Artful Dodger Sponsor for this year's #greataustraliansgaladinner They have donated a very special item for this years event and we would like to thank them for their support of this amazing event and wonderful cause #supportthecause #growinghope #greataustraliansgala #bmwmelbourne #galadinner #greataustralians #grandhyatt #jss #gagd2016 #sponorship #events #melbourne #bmw #bmwaustralia
21.01.2022 Save the Date for 2017s Great Australians Gala Dinner! #greataustraliansgaladinner #october #2017 #greataustralians #melbourne #gagd2017 #grandhyatt #jss #growinghope #incognitus #supportthecause #supportaftersuicide
21.01.2022 This once in a lifetime experience will take you around the world to London, England to see the Wimbledon Tennis Open! In addition you will receive first class service as you tour Windsor Castle, Royal Ascot, London Olympic Stadium and the Cotswolds. The trip is a must on everyone's 'bucket list'. Join #GAGD2016 to bid on this fabulous prize. Proceeds going to Growing Hope. #GAGD #greataustraliangala #wimbeldon2016 #greataustraliansgaladinner #october #2016 #greataustralians #melbourne #gagd2016 #grandhyatt #jss #growinghope #incognitus #auctionprize #wimbledon #auction #england #cotswolds #royalascot #londonolympicstadium #windsorcastle
21.01.2022 All set and ready to go for the main event. Special guests are arriving for what promises to be a magical evening! #greataustraliansgaladinner #grandhyattmelbourne #gagd2016 #supportthecause
20.01.2022 The Great Australians Gala Dinner 2016 Sizzle Reel is here!!! Thank you again to all our guests, entertainment and Great Australians for making this night so incredible! #greataustraliansgaladinner #greataustralians #jss #supportaftersuicide #kateceberano #angryanderson #briancadd #wilburwilde #jamesmorrison #wendymatthews #normierowe #bobbyvalentine #shanehoward #ninaferro #music #entertainment
20.01.2022 A big thank you to Eddie McGuire for being a great supporter of our cause Growing Hope #supportaftersuicide The single biggest killer of men under 45 is suicide. In 2014, 4623 people took their own life. That's 12 men everyday, 1 man every 2 hours, 41% of men who contemplated suicide felt they could not talk about their feelings. Only 20% of people know that suicide is the most likely cause of death for men under 45. Let's show men across the world that #ITSOKAYTOTALK take a selfie and let's get the message across. #askforhelp #suicideawareness #support #supportaftersuicide #jss #growinghope #supportthecause #greataustraliansgaladinner #eddiemcguire #triplem #thankyou #mcguiremedia Jam TV Australia - McGuire Media
20.01.2022 Thanks Duncan!!! You were amazing!!! #greataustralians #greataustraliansgaladinner #thanksforthesupport #supportaftersuicide #riothouse #jss #growinghope #supportthecause #duncanarmstrong #seven #channelseven
20.01.2022 Our Chairman and Event Director invite you to help raise awareness. The single biggest killer of men under 45 is suicide. In 2014, 4623 people took their own life. That's 12 men everyday, 1 man every 2 hours, 41% of men who contemplated suicide felt they could not talk about their feelings. Only 20% of people know that suicide is the most likely cause of death for men under 45. Let's show men across the world that #ITSOKAYTOTALK take a selfie and tag 2 friends and let's get the message across. Amadio Wines Elikon Printers Allan Sparkes CV,VA Eddie McGuire Peter Larkins Incognitus Evan Evans
19.01.2022 Lest We Forget.
18.01.2022 Tonight is the night! Our great Australians come together this evening for the Great Australians Gala Dinner, raising awareness for Growing Hope! #growinghope #jss #greataustraliansgaladinner #grandhyattmelbourne #gagd2016 #supportthecause #supportaftersuicide
18.01.2022 ONLY ONE MONTH TO GO UNTIL THE GREAT AUSTRALIANS GALA DINNER 2016! #greataustraliansgaladinner #october #2016 #greataustralians #melbourne #gagd2016 #grandhyatt #jss #growinghope #incognitus #onemonth #30days #excited #throwback #tbt #throwbackthursday
17.01.2022 Throwback to two of our Favourites who will be joining us again this year!!! @sportdoc2 and #BobbyValentine ! #greataustraliansgaladinner #october #2016 #greataustralians #melbourne #gagd2016 #grandhyatt #jss #growinghope #gala #dinner #incognitus #events #music #entertainment #bobbyV #peterlarkins #melbourneevents #tbt #throwbackthursdays #throwback
16.01.2022 A big thank you to the team at Beyond The Valley they are great supporters of our cause #GrowingHope #SupportAfterSuicide . . . The single biggest killer of men under 45 is suicide. In 2014, 4623 people took their own life. That's 12 men everyday, 1 man every 2 hours, 41% of men who contemplated suicide felt they could not talk about their feelings. Only 20% of people know that suicide is the most likely cause of death for men under 45. Let's show men across the world that #ITSOKAYTOTALK take a selfie and let's get the message across. #askforhelp #suicideawareness #support #supportaftersuicide #jss #growinghope #supportthecause #greataustraliansgaladinner #beyondthevalley #btv #thankyou
16.01.2022 Great Australians Gala Dinner Returns For 2017! After a hugely successful event in 2016, The Great Australians Gala Dinner returns this year to continue the challenge in raising awareness for the victims left behind by the tragedy of suicide. Each year The Great Australians Gala Dinner brings together some of this countrys most remarkable personalities from the worlds of sport, entertainment, business and human endeavour to donate their time for what is a fun night, for a ve...Continue reading
15.01.2022 The Great Australians Gala Dinner at the Grand Hyatt, Melbourne is only two weeks away! @grandhyattmelbourne #greataustraliansgaladinner #october #2016 #greataustralians #melbourne #gagd2016 #grandhyatt #jss #growinghope #incognitus #supportthecause #supportaftersuicide
15.01.2022 Bobby Valentine and #AndyDonaldson our entertainment guru and patron thank you for your support of our cause #GrowingHope #SupportAfterSuicide The single biggest killer of men under 45 is suicide. In 2014, 4623 people took their own life. That's 12 men everyday, 1 man every 2 hours, 41% of men who contemplated suicide felt they could not talk about their feelings. Only 20% of people know that suicide is the most likely cause of death for men under 45. Let's show men across the world that #ITSOKAYTOTALK take a selfie and let's get the message across. #askforhelp #suicideawareness #support #supportaftersuicide #jss #growinghope #supportthecause #greataustraliansgaladinner #bobbyv #bobbyvalentine #andydonaldson
14.01.2022 At @etihadstadiumau tonight courtesy of @channel7 to see #duncanarmstrong one of our Great Australians talk about the event at half time... Make sure you tune in to the Gold Coast v Collingwood game to see Duncan!!!! #greataustralians #suppotthecause #growinghope #jss #starstruck #greataustraliansgaladinner #riothouse #thanksforthesupport #supportaftersuicide
14.01.2022 At the 2016 Great Australians Gala Dinner we honoured Keith Payne VC AM. Keith has an impressive 23 Service Medals (the largest amount Awarded to an Australian) and is the last living Australian recipient of the Original "Imperial" Victoria Cross.
14.01.2022 Congratulations to Julian McMahon one of our Great Australians from 2016, who yesterday was announced as a Companion (AC) in the general division of the Order of Australia. Julian received his AC for eminent service to the law and the legal profession, through pro-bono representation of defendants in capital punishment cases overseas, as an advocate for the abolition of the death penalty, and to human rights and social justice reform.
13.01.2022 A big thank you to #CraigStevenson one of our private corporate sponsors of the cause #GrowingHope #SupportAfterSuicide . . . The single biggest killer of men under 45 is suicide. In 2014, 4623 people took their own life. That's 12 men everyday, 1 man every 2 hours, 41% of men who contemplated suicide felt they could not talk about their feelings. Only 20% of people know that suicide is the most likely cause of death for men under 45. Let's show men across the world that #ITSOKAYTOTALK take a selfie and let's get the message across. #askforhelp #suicideawareness #support #supportaftersuicide #jss #growinghope #supportthe cause #greataustraliansgaladinner #urchin #craigstevenson
12.01.2022 Did you know? #growinghope #jss #supportthecause #recoveryispossible #greataustraliansgaladinner #support #suicideawareness #helpthoseinneed #askforhelp
12.01.2022 Aunty Pam Pedersen gave a moving introductory speech and welcome to country tonight. #greataustraliansgaladinner #gagd2016 #growinghope #jss #supportaftersuicide #supportthecause
12.01.2022 In a night of magic moments this could just about take the cake! The Great Australians Gala Dinner superband perform an amazing rendition of 'Let It Be' and bring the house down #greataustraliansgaladinner #gagd2016 #supportthecause #supportaftersuicide #growinghope
10.01.2022 The Great Australians Gala Dinner is only a week away!!! We have decided to go LIVE early this year with the Silent Auction. The link to the Auction website is Jump on this week and have a look at what is available, what you want to buy and start bidding now!!! #greataustraliansgaladinner #october #2016 #greataustralians #melbourne #gagd2016 #grandhyatt #jss #growinghope #incognitus #supportthecause #supportaftersuicide
09.01.2022 Thank you Duncan! A 2016 Great Australian and a great supporter of our cause #GrowingHope #SupportAfterSuicide . . . The single biggest killer of men under 45 is suicide. In 2014, 4623 people took their own life. That's 12 men everyday, 1 man every 2 hours, 41% of men who contemplated suicide felt they could not talk about their feelings. Only 20% of people know that suicide is the most likely cause of death for men under 45. Let's show men across the world that #ITSOKAYTOTALK take a selfie and let's get the message across. #askforhelp #suicideawareness #support #supportaftersuicide #jss #growinghope #supportthecause #greataustraliansgaladinner #duncanarmstrong #thankyou
08.01.2022 A big thank you to #RalphCarr for being an advocate for the cause #GrowingHope #SupportAfterSuicide The single biggest killer of men under 45 is suicide. In 2014, 4623 people took their own life. That's 12 men everyday, 1 man every 2 hours, 41% of men who contemplated suicide felt they could not talk about their feelings. Only 20% of people know that suicide is the most likely cause of death for men under 45. Let's show men across the world that #ITSOKAYTOTALK take a selfie and let's get the message across. #askforhelp #suicideawareness #support #supportaftersuicide #jss #growinghope #supportthe cause #greataustraliansgaladinner #ralphcarrmanagement #ralphcarr @ralphcarrmanagement
06.01.2022 Happy Australia Day from the team at the Great Australians Gala Dinner! We can't wait to honour and celebrate the achievements of another incredible group of Aussies this year #greataustralians #greataustraliansgaladinner #australia #australiaday #2017 #supportaftersuicide #jss #wilburwilde #peace #funnightout #photography #photooftheday #photo #talent #musician
04.01.2022 It's the exciting part of the evening with the main auction taking place in the ballroom. Can't get any better than a guitar signed by Prince! Raising funds for such an important cause tonight. #growinghope #supportaftersuicide #supportthecause #gagd2016 #greataustraliansgaladinner
04.01.2022 Merry Christmas all. The team @great_australians_gala_dinner wishes you only the best at this very special time of year! #amazing #colourful #glitter #christmas #merrychristmas #jss #supportaftersuicide #greataustraliansgaladinner
03.01.2022 At this time tomorrow night the Savoy Ballroom at the Grand Hyatt Melbourne will be rocking with sensational entertainment and inspiring Great Australians. We hope you guys are all as excited as we are for the amazing evening to come! #gagd #gagd2016 #greataustraliansgala #greataustraliansgaladinner #supportthecause #growinghope #jss #supportaftersuicide
01.01.2022 Gary 'Angry' Anderson - Official on Studio 10 talking about the Great Australians Gala Dinner! Outstanding job Angry! Thank you for your support! #GreatAustralians #gagd2016 #JSS #GrowingHope #grandhyatt #october #supportaftersucicide #studio10 #GreatAustraliansGalaDinner #ITSOKTOTALK #support #gala #dinner #angryanderson
01.01.2022 Behind the scenes at the 2016 @great_australians_gala_dinner in the band room with all our incredible entertainment learning Solid Rock with @goannafella #shanehoward for what turned out to be the best Encore we have ever had!!! What a team!!! @therealkateceberano @officialninaferro @bobbyvster @gary_angry_anderson @wendy_j_matthews @brian_cadd #normierowe #wilburwilde #jamesmorrison #theband #entertainment #greataustraliansgaladinner #growinghope #jss #amazing #solidrock #photography #musicphotography #blackandwhitephotography
01.01.2022 We would like to announce Hali Rugs as an Artful Dodger Sponsor for this year's #greataustraliansgaladinner They have donated a very special item for this years event and we would like to thank them for their support of this amazing event and wonderful cause #supportthecause #growinghope #greataustraliansgala #bmwmelbourne #galadinner #greataustralians #grandhyatt #jss #gagd2016 #sponorship #events #melbourne #hali #halirugs #rugs
01.01.2022 One of our 2016 Great Australians #DuncanArmstrong ! Talking about the Great Australians Gala Dinner at the Gold Coast Suns VS Collingwood at Etihad Stadium. Such a great interview, thanks for your time Duncan! #greataustralians #greataustraliansgaladinner #grandhyatt #melbourne #etihad #etihadstadium #goldcoastsuns #collingwood #sunsVSpies #jss #growinghope #supportaftersuicide #ITSOKTOTALK #duncanarmstrong #olympian #gagd #cameronling #galadinner...
01.01.2022 Oh what a night!!! Thank you to all our Great Australians and Guests for your support of the Growing Hope initiative of Jesuit Social Services!
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