Greater Whitsunday Food Network Inc | Businesses
Greater Whitsunday Food Network Inc
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25.01.2022 Shopping in an outdoor market offers the chance to spend time in the fresh air, but more importantly, we are provided a glimse into the lives of our stallholders, an opportunity to learn why they are able to make such beautiful, delicious produce and products. Every Wednesday from 7 - 11 am the GWFN hosts the Greater Whitsunday Farmers' Market in Mackay at the Blue Water Quay. It is a beaute spot, there's plenty of parking and friends to meet and other you've yet to know. F...resh, clean, safe produce which have been brought to market almost as soon as it is picked, plucked, sifted and baked. Every couple of weeks we have a new stall-holder in our midst and it is exciting to see how quickly word gets out about the added variety you could have in your shopping baskets. See you Wednesday's!
25.01.2022 Mackay-Isaac-Whitsunday region produces more than enough produce to fill the pantries of the region. Understanding how best to support the soil on which these crops grow is essential to maintaining a level of production in line with consumer demand. Soil health is no longer a catch phrase, it is a focus for many farmers looking to support their community while returning health to the soils on which they farm. Working land which has been farmed for over 100 years means Ka...rl and Mars Mau are passionate about the soil, providing it with the nutrients to grow sweet, fresh produce to satisfy their taste and that of their clients. With much of the region’s fresh produce sent to markets in capital cities, a significant percentage is available to locals, and visitors, at regional stores and markets. Sustainability can be seen in many activities, such as caring for the soil, developing farming practices to be passed to future generations, as well as making use of local resources and clients to support the growth of the farms. As a community of farmers, the Greater Whitsunday Food Network offers collaboration and encourages mentor-ship. Sharing information, ideas, skills, and a passion for our region’s food provenance is the backbone of the organisation. Karl and Mars desire to produce consistently delicious produce for Market goers, roadside shoppers and diners in the region is in each mouthful of sweet corn, succulent strawberries and juicy watermelons they bring to us from their land. Jump into our YouTube channel to see Karl & Mars’ full story, and more! While you’re there, hit the subscribe button to catch all videos are they are published! . . #supportlocal #freshcorn #strawberries #freshassweetas See more
24.01.2022 At Mackay’s Blue Water Quay, the Fishbones, as the locals call it, you will find the weekly Farmers’ Market. With Greater Whitsunday Food Network’s national accreditation from the Australian Farmers’ Market Association, stallholders are also required to adhere to these same guidelines. This means our market produce and products is local, fresh, and that value-added products use produce from our regions to create sauces, preserves and other such products. The proof is in t...he flavour. Kevin and Paulette offer shoppers a wonderful variety of herbs and seedlings enabling homebased production and increasing backyard horticulture in our regions. Kevin’s stall is just off Sydney St, easy to find, beautifully presented and has Kevin there, ready with some gentle advice and ideas on what to grow and how to nurture your plants. As a not-for-profit organisation ‘the Network’ has its focus on supporting members, informing the community and offering not only the weekly Farmers’ Market in Mackay, but also food showcase events, information stalls, networking opportunities, training, and marketing, to name a few of our focus activities. Drop by the Farmers’ Market, Wednesdays from 7 11am to meet with Kevin while choosing the best seasonal seedlings to grow in your own garden! Jump into our YouTube channel to see their full story: Massive thanks to Kim Kleidon and Jac Kotzé for their creativity and talent in creating these videos and to the Local Buying Foundation for their support of this project. . . #herbs #seedlings #FarmersMarket #localbuyingfoundation
24.01.2022 Beekeeping is not just about the honey. To maintain healthy hives the beekeeper must follow the flowering times of favoured trees and bushes to ensure sufficient pollen is available to feed their hungry hives. At times Keith will travel up to 500kilometres from home, sometimes knocking on farm-house doors to find a place for his hives. Perhaps it is his affable nature or maybe a farmers honest love for bees, but Keith and his hives have never been refused entry. Although ...Keith and Denise’s hives may be located far from home, they’re returned to their farm at Nindaroo where the goodness they provide is bottled, blended and used in non-toxic products for the home and personal care. Find Denise at the Farmers’ Market, a network of people working together to support, care for and promote each othermuch like a hive of friendly bees. . . #localhoney #supportlocal #naturalhoney #beeswaxproducts Special thanks to the Local Buying Foundation - QLD.
22.01.2022 Our latest Network News has been published. If you are keen to know more of what we are up to, our foodies events, training and networking events, please send us a message so we can be sure to add you to our subscribers list.
19.01.2022 On joining the Greater Whitsunday Food Network, Steve and Shannon Ferraro have found support, community, and feedback from fellow members, all of which has helped to market their produce and connect them with opportunities to increase their local sales. With a love of the farming community, and the region, Steve's desire to provide for consumers locally is a focus of giving back, supporting local and keeping jobs close to home. The more produce sold in our region means g...reater diversity, increase revenue and a community more able to support itself. With the hospitality industry hard hit during the peak of COVID restrictions, the Ferraro's were obliged to leave fruit fall to the ground as the market had all but disappeared. Steve is keen to continue his planned production and to increase his client base through building a small farm-gate stall near their property, local stores and our Wednesday Farmers’ Market where he is supported by Freckle Farm who sell their finger limes at Blue Water Quay. Catch their full story on our YouTube channel, to which you can subscribe to be informed of each publication: GWFN is with Kim Kleidon & Jac Kotzé Special thanks to Local Buying Foundation - QLD . . . #oakycreeklimes #fingerlimes #australiansuperfood #supportlocal #greaterwhitsundayfarmersmarket
19.01.2022 Many may consider our oceans to provide for us all year round in equal measure. Our lands butt against one of the natural wonders of the world where a myriad of sea life abounds in these tropical waters. Even so, professional, and amateur fishers will tell you there is a season for all life, whether on land or in the waters. Understanding the ebb and flow of nature is essential to maintaining a supply of fresh seafood at market. Developing a strong relationship with suppl...iers provides Emma, owner/operator of Shore Fresh Seafood, with the knowledge and intuition needed to source as locally as possible, only stepping away from the region as seasons slow in the tropical north. The Greater Whitsunday Food Network hosts a Farmers’ Market every week where the best of seasonal, local produce is available for households and the restaurant trade alike. Since 2014 the region has welcomed the sighting of Emma’s state of the art Seafood Truck and as a regular to the Market her popularity and that of the catch she offers, grows. With fillets or whole fish available, bugs and oysters, scallops and prawns, her clients have a choice as wonderful and colourful as our reefs. Jump into our YouTube channel to see Emma's full story, and while you're there, please take the time to subscribe to our channel . . #tropicalseafood #Farmersmarket #shorefreshseafood #wholefish
17.01.2022 Greater Whitsunday Food Network started from a simple idea, nurtured, and fertilised by the imagination and drive of its dedicated committee, many of whom have been supporting a passion for fresh seasonal produce since it’s inception in 2015. In 2016, the Farmers’ Market commenced in the Mackay City Heart, promoting the provenance of our region by supporting growers and producers local to Mackay Isaac Whitsunday region. This region produces an incredible variety of d...elicious seasonal produce from the land and sea. When Rob and Rebecca Hold first birthed the idea of purchasing land to farm, they considered carefully, finally opting for a sloping block, thick with lantana which signalled ‘good soil’ to Rob. With dedication and a vision of their future farm they began to build their farm to include not only bananas their first crop but such exotic plants as dragon and jack fruit, kumquats, and chillies and their famous pawpaw. Building back their farm after devastating effects of Cyclone Debbie’s reign and then again after suffering many losses during heavy rains in early 2019 their passion for the farm continues. Now with COVID affecting businesses across the globe they have turned their focus on increasing the nurturing on their farm so they can guarantee their supplies to market in the coming months. Stop by for a chat with them at the Greater Whitsunday Farmers’ Market, Wednesday’s, at Blue Water Quay, Mackay! Jump into our YouTube Channel to catch this and other videos of our members! . . #supportlocal #mackaypride #freshfruit #tropicalfruit GWFN is with Kim Kleidon and Jac Kotzé!
16.01.2022 In late June 2020, the network issued a media release telling the story of how we have recorded dramatic increases in retail sales at the weekly farmers' market with foot traffic more than doubling since the coronavirus pandemic emerged back in March. Four months down the track these new patterns of behaviour seem to have stuck. Even on a rainy Wednesday morning, more than 700 shoppers came through the market and several stallholders sold out of produce. The Mackay Farmers'... Market is such a beautiful showcase of our Members, what they stand for, their values and principles the desire to grow and create products to nourish people with wholesome seasonal goodness. The Network and Members’ love for agriculture, the earth, our heritage and the produce and products created and available in our region is what makes our Greater Whitsunday Food Network so amazing and viable in the long-term. By continuing to collaborate, plan for a more sustainable future, together we will become stronger, sustainable, and resilient. . . . #farmersmarket #agritourism #buylocal #freshproduce #provenance #artisan #homemade
16.01.2022 There is a new catch phrase being heard lately - #supportlocal. With the COVID restrictions creating delays, reducing manufacturing, and making shopping difficult, it is more than reassuring to find quality produce and products available close at hand. With a start to finish production of beeswax products, honey and bee-keeping tools, Pure’n Natural Honey can guarantee what they present to the market. Denise and Keith take enormous pride in their work and that of their b...ees. Whether breeding queens for his hives or simply growing their numbers. Keith maintains a quiet vigil, inspecting each regularly to be sure the hive is in the best possible health. From a keen interest in bees beginning at 17 years of age, to commercial production from their farm in Nindaroo, Keith and Denise have been keeping bees full-time for five years, transporting their hives up to 500 kms from home, as weather, seasons and bio-security alerts permit. Come down to the Farmers’ Market at Blue Water Quay on Wednesdays to talk honey and products with Deniseif you want to talk bees, you will have to speak with Keith Catch the full story on our YouTube Channel:
12.01.2022 Greater Whitsunday Food Network values sustainability. We encourage the preservation of the delicate balance between the need to produce food and to sustain the environment that provides for us all. Mystery Park reflects this desire, as they nurture the health and happiness of their family, animals, and landscape, blending these three important elements through biodynamic, sustainable farming practices. Rob and Ainsley McArthur have inherited with the farm of more than 1...00 years, and four generations of practice, a deep love of the land, know-how, and passion. Rob and Ainsley have a desire for Mystery Park to be in sync with the Network’s value for connection: We work to build connection with our community and with this place; the earth, the sea and all that Mother Nature provides in order that we may develop innovative enterprises and create incredible food. With not only cattle on their land, they have introduced pigs and chickens which are positively contributing to the health and well-being of the grasslands they manage. With the continued impacts of COVID-19 being felt across the world, the McArthur’ family is further reminded of the increased desire to support our local farmers and producers, to source our foods more regionally and to connect with those who bring the food to market, to our tables. When we focus on the benefits of seasonal, regionally produced foods, we are supporting a healthy, more sustainable way to nourish ourselves and our environment. Our YouTube channel is bursting at the seams with the McArthur’s full story and many more for you to enjoy: . . #supportlocal #localproduce #mysterypark #farmersmarket #fromtheverandah GWFN is with Kim Kleidon and Jac Kotzé
12.01.2022 If you or someone you know is looking for a rewarding role in the food and agribusiness sector, then we have exciting news to share. GWFN is looking to fill a newly created, full-time position for a Manager to work with us to provide effective strategic management of the organisation. This person should be a passionate and high achieving individual with skills and/or experience in a range of areas including leadership, business management, stakeholder engagement and public relations. Full details and a link to submit applications can be found on SEEK. Please do not inquire on Facebook - we may not see your message and you risk being missed in the recruitment process.
12.01.2022 If you missed the Greater Whitsunday Farmers' Market this morning, and a chance to collect your copy of the Provenance Magazine, there will be opportunity to grab one in the coming weeks from our Market HQ every Wednesday morning @ Blue Water Quay. Thanks Classic Hits 4MK and Dave Perkins for this vid!
11.01.2022 In a campaign which has spread across the country, people are more inclined to select produce and products that support their local economy. This in turn provides our local farmers with more money in their pocket to spendlocally. Drop into The Grazing Goat for a coffee, sweet treat or meal to taste, and spend the difference yourself! Changing opportunities and how people gather and socialise means there is an opening for the café to look to providing evening meals as we...ll as deliveries keep an eye out for the changes as the team work to offer their clients the best chances to meet, dine and enjoy some of the best produce our region has on offer. Michael’s full video is available on our YouTube channel and we invite you to subscribe to be pinged when new stories are published: GWFN is with Kim Kleidon & Jac Kotzé . . #thegrazinggoatcafe #supportlocal #localproduce #freshproduce #cafe #mackaycafe
10.01.2022 Reef Catchments brings you the return of the Healthy Soil Symposium and Field Day with Graham Sait, Chris Dench and Paul Rogers presenting. Healthy soil is paramount to a productive, prosperous and healthy future in agriculture. Find out more about the tools many farmers are adopting to get the most from the ground up.... This Year’s Healthy Soil Symposium will refresh attendees understanding of the microbial world underneath our feet before we delve deeper into the importance of balancing soil minerals while exploring examples of sustainable land management practices. Please see the flyer for further details! This is a free 2 day event, proudly supported by Reef Catchments, through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program and the Queensland Government - DAF. REGISTER HERE FOR THE SYMPOSIUM REGISTER HERE FOR THE FIELD TRIP TO FRECKLE FARM
09.01.2022 Through diligence, planning and a succession of training and experiences accumulated over 20 years in retail, Emma is discerning in her choice of suppliers to be sure the best seasonal seafood is available to her wholesale and retail customers. With a state-of-the-art vehicle as her outlet, Emma’s investment allows her to showcase what our ocean’s bounty has to offer. At the weekly Farmers’ Market on Blue Water Quay, the variety and quality of the produce flows with the ...seasons and the demands from client. The Market offers a haven for stallholders and shopper alike a place to gather, share experiences, conversation and delicious seasonal produce and products. Jump into our YouTube channel to see Emma’s full story, and more! While you’re there, hit the subscribe button to see all videos are they are published! See more
09.01.2022 The humble finger lime is a valuable food source and even medicine, as used by Aboriginal people for thousands of years. Boasting a classification as a ‘super food’ a small finger lime (the size of your pinkie) is packed full of vitamin C, teeming with Vitamin E and is rich in folate and potassium. The best thing about them is the burst of zesty flavour and the multitude of culinary uses. Steve and Shannon Ferraro make creative use of their product finding ways to incorp...orate their deliciousness and benefits into meals from breakfast to dinner time. Coming from a family and community of farmers in the Atherton Tablelands it is more than natural to see Steve on a tractor...or, perhaps it is the superfood properties of the finger lime which provide Steve with the drive and energy to work two jobs farmer and miner as he cares for the fruit trees on his farm only hours after finishing back to back night shifts. Forced to leave fruit fall to the ground during the peak of COVID restrictions, Steve is keen to continue production and to increase his client base through local stores and our weekly Farmers’ Market @ Blue Water Quay, Wednesday mornings. Their zesty tale can be seen in full on our YouTube channel, to which you can subscribe to be informed of each new publication: GWFN is with Kim Kleidon & Jac Kotzé Special thanks to Local Buying Foundation - QLD . . #oakycreeklimes #fingerlimes #australiansuperfood #supportlocal #greaterwhitsundayfarmersmarket
07.01.2022 Turning the farm practice around 10 years ago, the McArthur’s understand the benefits in moving from being cattle producers to being grass & pork farmers, who are able to feed their beef herd primarily on grass. Focusing on bio-dynamic practices which provide the soil with a healthy hummus layer, enhanced by the pigs and chickens on the property, Rob and Ainsley are able to provide healthier grasslands to feed their cattle. In sharing the benefits of local produce and p...roducts, they are passionate about the region and the food it produces. Supporting the Greater Whitsunday Food Network and seeing the impacts of COVID-19 they are even more reassured of the growth in awareness of the benefits of seasonal, regionally produced food. To see more stories such as this one from Mystery Park, jump into our YouTube Channel to see them all. . . #supportlocal #fromtheverandah #grassfedbeef #Mysterypark GWFN is with Kim Kleidon and Jack Kotze
06.01.2022 Good Morning All! We hold out Annual General Meeting this morning and look forward to seeing you there from 10 am. The meeting will commence at 10:30 am, and finish at 11:30. Kim Kleidon will present for half an hour before we break for lunch at 12:00. Looking forward to seeing you lovely faces there!... Please note that due to COVID restrictions, ticketing for this event has closed.
05.01.2022 The inception of Greater Whitsunday Food Network came at an opportune moment in the expansion of Karl and Mars’ farm at Sandiford, providing them with opportunities to meet with and learn from fellow Members and stall holders. Cementing these friendships through a shared love of farming is what makes the Network a strong community, a ‘Farming Family’. Sharing the love for our regional produce comes second nature to many of our local hospitality retailers, such as The Gr...azing Goat, who use fresh corn and tomatoes from Fresh As Sweet As. Working together to grow the provenance of our region by indulging locals and visitors to delicious meals made possible through the dedication of our local farmers and producers. Sharing the story of the farm, the production, the reasons behind farming practices come together to create unforgettable dining experiences, at home and in the restaurant. Flavour is top of the list for people such as Karl and Mars. If you’re hooked on delicious food, then come along and appreciate the flavours, smells, and shared love at the Wednesday Farmers’ Market at Blue Water Quay from 7 11 am. We have many more stories to share on our YouTube channel. Jump in, take stroll across farms in our region and while you’re there, please subscribe to see the next editions as they are published. . . #supportlocal #farmfresh #freshassweetas #Mackayregion #farmersmarket GWFN is with Kim Kleidon and Jac Kotzé
04.01.2022 Our wide brown land keeps us on our toes with seasonal and unexpected variations to our weather and the climate in general. Mandy and Kell were deeply affected by the bushfires that ravaged the Upper Pioneer Valley in the final months of 2018. Even though the devastation of the fires was a long felt pain, giving back to their community by joining the rural fire brigade has provided resilience and extra drive to continue. Cloudbreak Lowlines can identify their heritage from... cattle brought from Scotland, yet these cattle are equally at home on the Eungella Range. Check out the full video on our YouTube channel and while you're there, subscribe to be the first to see other footage as it lands! . . #buylocal #cloudbreak #eungellabeef #grassfedcattle See more
04.01.2022 The Mackay Isaac Whitsundays region covers more than 93,000 sq. kilometres. Within this boundary an abundance of agriculture and horticulture is taking place, providing an incredible variety of fresh produce and products to the local communities and wholesale markets. Preferring to work closely with their local communities, Kevin and Paulette nurtured their green thumbs after retiring from working in the cattle industry, settling in the Whitsundays hinterland, in Pros...erpine. As regulars to the local markets they were quick to identify a niche a need for herb and vegetable seedlings to support community desire to grow their own produce and to have access to fresh herbs, from their own garden soils. Since then and with the experiences of the COVID pandemic, growth in sales for their seedlings excites the couple whose clients share their experiences, photos and endeavours with them while visiting their market stalls. Kevin offers seasonal varieties to be sure each seedling has the best chance to grow, prosper and offer its bounty of edible goodness. Suppling seedlings to market goers in Mackay, Moranbah and Airlie Beach, they have regulars ready and waiting for the opening of the weekly Greater Whitsunday Farmers’ Market, at Blue Water Quay, Mackay. Come on down to the market, held Wednesdays from 7 11am to take home not only your seedlings, but some wholesome advice from Kevin. Enjoy their full story on our YouTube channel: While you’re there, please subscribe so you’ll be one of the first to see our future instalments . . #seedlings #herbs #seasonalproduce GWFN would like to thank Kim Kleidon and Jac Kotzé for their brilliance and Local Buying Foundation for their support with this project!
03.01.2022 We rave about regional produce, fresh produce, and support our farmers, value-adders, and hospitality traders as they too share this love of our regions’ food provenance. By sharing stories from our Members, we offer an experience of the farming life first-hand. Greater Whitsunday Food Network is grateful for the support we have received from Local Buying Foundation - Qld enabling all a chance for a deeper appreciation for the labour of love which goes into bringing beaut...iful, nutritious and delicious foods from our local farms to your plates. Naomi Rays has only a hint of her New Zealand accent, but her roots come from deep within the soil, which have built a connection to the land, its foods, and producers. Naomi’s microgreens are grown from her home in suburban Mackay, nurtured carefully, tended with love. Starting her venture to feed her growing family, her passion to offer the best of nutritional value to them lead her to discover a niche in our region and she now brings a magnificent array of freshly cut microgreens and edible flowers to the Farmers’ Market and local hospitality businesses. Drop into our Farmers’ Market at Blue Water Quay, Wednesdays from 7 11 am. Naomi’s full story can be enjoyed on our YouTube channel by following this link: . . #microgreens #supportlocal #bluerivermicrogreens GWFN thanks the creative genius of Jac Kotzé and Kim Kleidon
01.01.2022 With a background in health and fitness it was a logical step to create The Grazing Goat Café, a relaxing venue where clients can enjoy a meal to suit their taste and dietary needs. Boasting in-house sauces and meals from fresh local ingredients, clients are treated to great flavours and added nutritional value from the local, seasonal produce sourced from the Greater Whitsundays. As produce is picked on average 36 hours before delivery, there is no comparison to that of... produce sent to wholesale markets which can travel thousands of kilometres to reach our doors. It is a priority to staying true to the region, especially during the uncertainties of the COVID pandemic, and Michael Harris is passionate about keeping food local and true to source. Not only is he a strong advocate for the produce arriving from our regions’ soils, he also driven to see the menu options using these ingredients to create delicious and nutritious meals made from start to finish, in the Cafe's kitchen. Michael’s full video is available on our YouTube channel and we invite you to subscribe to be pinged when new stories are published: GWFN is with Kim Kleidon & Jac Kotzé . . . #thegrazinggoatcafe #supportlocal #localproduce #freshproduce #cafe #mackaycafe
01.01.2022 While 2020 will go down in history as a time that changed everything, it has not all been negative. While many businesses suspended trading or closed during the global pandemic others are thriving. In Mackay, members of the Greater Whitsunday Food Network Inc. (GWFN) have noticed positive changes. Over the past four months, farmers and suppliers are reporting record increases in retail sales, with the weekly Greater Whitsunday Farmers’ Market more than doubling foot traffi...c. Having commenced in Wood Street in 2016, the Farmers’ Market expanded in 2017, moving to a larger venue to Blue Water Quay at the Sydney St entrance to the Mackay City Heart. Continued growth, supported by consistent increase in the variety of produce and products available, the new great place to shop for fresh seasonal produce is at the ‘Fishbones’ on River St. The Greater Whitsunday Farmers’ Market runs from late January to late December and is held Wednesday’s from 7 11 am. Come find us all this Wednesday at Blue Water Quay, River St, Mackay. While you enjoy our wee video, please take the time to subscribe to our channel so you can be with the first to see future footage when it lands!
01.01.2022 Tonight, live from MECC in Mackay, we are proud to have Naomi Rays from Blue River Microgreens and Sonya Oliver-Scoble from MAD Cow Coffee Mackay as guests in tonight's line up at the Mackay Festival Sessions. Seating has been limited due to COVID restrictions, but here's the great can stay home, have some friends over, kick back on your couch and enjoy the show! Starts in just over an hour, @ 6 pm.... Jump in here: See more
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