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GreenCaffeen in Kiama Downs | Environmental service

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Locality: Kiama Downs


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25.01.2022 Do something Cool this Sunday ( @glennfen ) . (No marine life was harmed in the filming of this clip, in fact, this cup was cleaned and returned to one of our legendary cafes ready to be reused over & over again)

25.01.2022 Happy International Coffee Day! Here’s something we can all take away... ... ( @popcoffeecomics ) #greencaffeenteam #internationalcoffeeday2020 See more

25.01.2022 Maybe not the World... but we can sure help save the Planet! What Super Power does your take away coffee have? ... #greencaffeenteam #reuse See more

23.01.2022 Green Caffeen's Investment opportunity is closing soon... -

23.01.2022 Be Seen... Go Green... Proudly stand out from the crowd, over & over again! ... #greencaffeenteam #reuse See more

23.01.2022 Who’s visiting your home town this weekend? . Let’s Keep Our Oceans free from single use plastics.... By choosing to go Green with your Caffeen you’re ensuring that your next take away cup won’t end up in the big deep blue! . @kiamansw ... #greencaffeenteam #reuse See more

23.01.2022 Are you keen to get involved and make a positive difference in the Snowies? Check out these great local groups and their upcoming events... Keep It Cool - plan...ting day Upper Snowy Landcare Network - litter cleanup & tree guard assembly Jindabyne Community Garden - community garden working bee See more

22.01.2022 Coffee that cares Over & Over & Over & Over get the idea #greencaffeenteam #coffee

21.01.2022 Western Sydney councils continue to #choosetoreuse. The 'Refill Don't Landfill' swap & go reusable coffee cup system is running in participating cafes across th...e region - get the GreenCaffeen app to find your nearest and become a #nosingleuse ambassador, reducing disposable plastic use in your community. Brought to you by WSROC and Green Caffeen. #reuse #WarOnWaste #recyclingweek #WesternSydney See more

21.01.2022 It’s The Final Countdown! Our EOI Investment Campaign must close tonight at 10pm! Register your Interest now so you don’t miss out! We can’t wait to Welcome you to The Team! #greencaffeenteam #crowdfunding

20.01.2022 - This is Awesome!! - 211 Individual investors in GreenCaffeen and we're well on our way to hitting our Maximum target, of which the offer must close. If you are interested in joining with us in our Crowdfunding campaign with Birchal then please click on the link below... If we could ask you all a massive favor to simple click the SHARE button, and let your friends / family etc know .. A couple of big Green Hi-Fives are coming your way! We're committed to changing the take a...way culture from Single Use to Reuse and we're looking forward to having you on our Team!

19.01.2022 It’s .... Whatcha Got? Refill or Landfill ? ... #greencaffeenteam #chooseday See more

19.01.2022 We’re almost there!!! There’s only a small window of opportunity left to Invest in our Crowdfunding campaign with Birchal... ... Come join over 225 people who have already invested in the future of Reuse with us. The link to our offer can be found below Let’s keep the Planet Clean.. Join us at Green Caffeen #greencaffeenteam #crowdfund #teamwork #reuse

19.01.2022 This is Ben.. He Just Did It He just Saved 1000 single use cups by choosing to reuse with us... His @greencaffeen App told him about his excellent work & now he’s on a lifetime waste saving journey with huge global impacts ... We’d encourage you all to Just Do It & Be Like Ben! Well done Ben! #belikeben #greencaffeenteam #justdoit See more

18.01.2022 Western Sydney ... It’s Time! As we all know 2020 has been a rough time for us all... so to give you all something to smile about (see pic) @greencaffeen will be Relaunching our Refill don’t Landfill campaign with FREE COFFEE, GIVEAWAYS at a number of Western Sydney Cafes over the next few weeks! So Keep your eyes open and get ready to go Green with Your Caffeen again! ... Cafe registrations for Western Sydney have just reopened, so if you have a favorite Cafe that you’d like to see on The Green Caffeen Team... Tag them below and we’ll do the rest! #greencaffeenteam #refilldontlandfill #westernsydney

18.01.2022 Just Say sNOw! . Winter 2020 just keeps on delivering and with 20 Cafes across the Snowy Mountains working together to bring you @greencaffeen ... It’s never been easier to Choose a Reusable option with every take away ! . #greencaffeenteam #snowymountains ... @snowymonaroregionalcouncil See more

18.01.2022 This is our why! Never forget that the Ocean is downhill from everywhere.... Crank the volume and enjoy your waste free Friday... ... #greencaffeenteam #kiama @kiamansw ( @pearljam - Evenflow ) See more

18.01.2022 One Cup at a Time.... #greencaffeenteam #saynotosingleuse

18.01.2022 Hey Canberra... that’s over of single use coffee cups that you’ve saved from local landfill sites or pollution since December 2019! Go you good thing!!! ... But the best bit is... there’s bigger savings to come with more and more cafes getting back to normal and more people everyday choosing to reuse with us! #greencaffeenteam #canberra See more

17.01.2022 Did you know you can still Choose to Re-use? Health and safety measures are now in place for Western Sydney Refill Don’t Landfill reusable coffee cup program. G...reenCaffeen and WSROC are cheering for our region’s cafes and encourage your continuing support. @Blacktown City Council CEO Kerry Robinson pictured with WSROC Project Coordinator Judith Bruinsma. #WesternSydney #cafes #coffee #sanity #survival See more

17.01.2022 Rockstar Baristas 8000 Cups Eliminated! 120kg of Single Use Plastic avoided $2,500 Pocketed! ... 100’s of Happy Life Long Customers! Rock n Roll Team Coffee Beats Drinks CBD What type of culture is your Cafe Brewing up ? #greencaffeenteam #Jindabyne #sustainablesnowies #zerowaste Snowy Monaro Regional Council NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service

16.01.2022 Happy !! It’s that exciting day of the week where you get to make a conscious decision on either REFILL or LANDFILL! ... We’ve made it super simple for you to Choose to Reuse everyday of the week... But if you haven’t started yet... Why not give it a crack today! Download the @greencaffeen App and start your Waste Free journey with us! Tag us in your Waste Free so we can share it with the world! #chooseday #greencaffeenteam #choosetoreuse See more

15.01.2022 Tomorrow is ... World Kindness Day! Have a listen to our great mate @kathkoschel founder of @kindnessfactory and a bloody awesome human being! ... We’ll be doing our best to Spread a little extra Kindness Tomorrow and will be logging our acts as we go... we invite you to get involved! Let’s show the LOVE! #onesmallact #20kin2020 #kindness #greencaffeenteam

15.01.2022 SO Great to see Plastic Free Cairns Cafe Members signing up to Covid-safe and CONFIRMED Qld Health approved reusable coffee swap systems - the GreenCaffeen netw...ork in particular is rapidly expanding across Cairns and FNQ (download the app to check out participating cafes and use for free) Congrats The Healthy Hub Cafe Going Plastic Free means AVOIDING packaging as much as possible and REDUCING/REFUSING PACKAGING WASTE. (and therefore SAVING MONEY relying less on disposables made of plastic) If you're a food retailer and interested in signing up to any of the fantastic reusable swap systems (including REUSABLE TAKEAWAY CONTAINERS) check out our Guide on these systems via the link below approved in Stage 4 so long as they're treated like dine in reusable crockery, washed by a commercial dishwasher and customers are provided with a new clean cup each time #goplasticfree #reusableswaps #plasticfreecairns #cairnscafes #greencaffeen #welovecairns #supportlocalcairns #keepingQLDsafe #welovewherewelivecairns #greatbarrierreef @repost @greencaffeen

14.01.2022 Two Aussie Mates on a Mission to change the take away culture from one use to reuse & reduce the long lasting impacts of single use plastics across this wide brown land! ... Let’s make Australia Green with its Caffeen! ... #greencaffeenteam #green See more

14.01.2022 You all know what to do this Public Holiday Monday... Swim between the & whilst keeping it ! ... Don’t be the person that doesn’t swim between the flags.., and whilst you’re there.. keep single use cups off the sand! Surf Life Saving Australia Keep it Green with Your Caffeen! #greencaffeenteam #beach See more

14.01.2022 Sydneys Northern Beaches cafe scene is turning Greener everyday... Did you know that you can now Grab, Swap & Go with @greencaffeen at the following legendary cafes, with more to come soon.... ( @caferelishnorthavalon ) @avalonorganics @bookoccino @soulsurfaus @nourishedcafeandlounge @caferacerco_espresso @chillbaravalon @thesneakygrind @relishnorthavalon @brezelbarmanly @girdlers_cafe (Avalon, Dee Why, Manly, Warringah Mall) @oddmugcafe @coccoroccodeli @twosiistersp...antry @themanlycoffeeguild @lighthouse_specialtycoffee Download the Green Caffeen App and head into any of these legendary Cafes to change the way you take away, and give up the single use cup for good! #greencaffeenteam #northernbeaches

14.01.2022 Happy Monday... Where have you Bin all Weekend! Did you know that the average Australian Seagull will go a whole lifetime without using any Single Use Coffee Cups & producing waste to landfill..? Impressive Hey! ... (No hot chips were hurt in the taking of this photo ) ( @glennfen ) #greencaffeenteam #monday

13.01.2022 TEAMWORK ! . @shortblackcoffeecafe #greencaffeenteam #kiama

12.01.2022 When was the last time you stumbled across a Reusable Cup in a picturesque location...? Hmmm . Happy CHOOSEDAY.. the day of the week that allows you to make a conscious Decision on Pollution or Solution... you know what to do.. Choose to Reuse! . #greencaffeenteam #chooseday

10.01.2022 We’ve just hit 500 people who have pledged their support to Invest in the Future of Reusables with us @greencaffeen & our Crowdfunding campaign with @birchalco The good news is.. that you haven’t missed your chance to get excited and jump with us... but be quick... as the Expressions of Interest will be closing on Monday! #greencaffeenteam #crowdfunding #reuse #reuserevolution

07.01.2022 It's been awesome to see the guys at GreenCaffeen go from strength to STRENGTH since they kicked off in 2018. From humble beginnings, they're now installed in o...ver 700 cafes around Australia and saved over 500,000 coffee cups. EPIC! Read their grass roots in ABC Australia here. Keen to get involved? Either download the app or better yet express your interest to invest in their upcoming Birchal round via Always consider the general CSF risk warning and offer document before investing.

05.01.2022 Global transformation from One Use to Reuse is a Team Effort! . Cheers to all our Partners who are leading the change! . @explorebarringtoncoast @plungeforster ... Cheers to making the world a better place with a reusable cup that you can drink, sip and drop off dirty to 25 cafes all over the Barrington Coast. Yes, you heard right, it is a keep cup that is free for you, saves the earth and can not only be used here but all over Australia. Jump onto @greencaffeen and check them out, ask us when you pop in or at your fav local cafe in our region. VISITING? no worries, check the cafe finder when you download the app and see what cafes in your home town are using them and take one home x #greencaffeen #barringtoncoast #plungeforster #waronwaste #greencaffeenteam See more

05.01.2022 -Designing Out Waste -Reducing Pollution -Building high quality, long lasting Reusable Products with recycled content -Keeping these products and materials in use -Helping you to reduce your daily Impact ... Over & Over again... it’s just how we roll! #greencaffeenteam #circulareconomy

04.01.2022 Cup Tasting Smackdown! Congratulations to the Champion cup taster @chisasasaki621 who took out the Innaguaral event earlier this week! Pictured with Australia’s best @charlie_chuvely we were stoked to be able to work with the team to create a sustainable, waste free event with a stack of @greencaffeen cups! ... The coffee always tastes better when you’re not making litter! Thanks for working with us #greencaffeenteam #melbournecoffee #onacoffee #giveupthecup

03.01.2022 Killer Hat + Ripper Smile + Green Cup = Legend! Say G’day to Clarry.. Clarry had the absolute pleasure of being the first @greencaffeen customer at one of our newest member cafes today @megskitchen.dungog ... You too could #belikeclarry Simply Download the Green Caffeen App , Grab yourself your first @greencaffeen Cup and start saving the planet One cup at a time.... (Killer hat not included! ) Can we get a GO CLARRY! #greencaffeenteam #reuserevolution

03.01.2022 The Green Caffeen Team (Sarah actually, we missed out on the fun!) Got down and Dirty with Scrapboy & the team from @dirtgirlworldofficial talking all things Waste! We all know that single use cups are Rubbish and we’re super excited to see the final product of the Let’s Talk Rubbish Series! Hands up all those @dirtgirlworldofficial Fans!! ... #greencaffeenteam #letstalkrubbish

02.01.2022 It’s a Happy CHOOSEDAY here @greencaffeen . Thank you to everyone who is Choosing to Support the future of Reuse with us! But if you’ve not jumped onboard yet.. it’s not too late for you to CHOOSE to join with us.. (link to our @birchalco crowdfund is in our bio) We’re on a mission to eliminate single use packaging... are you? ... #greencaffeenteam #choosetoreuse

02.01.2022 We’ve just Welcomed our 250th Investor to Green Caffeen!!! With our Crowdfunding campaign ending in just 9 days... we’d love to welcome more of you to The Green Caffeen Team & and join with us in the Future of Reuse ! ... If you haven’t had a chance to check out what it’s all about, feel free to click the link Below & become a shareholder in Green Caffeen for as little as $50 #greencaffeenteam #reuse

02.01.2022 This is worth the watch!

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