Greenleaf Consultancy in Mount Barker, South Australia | Medical and health
Greenleaf Consultancy
Locality: Mount Barker, South Australia
Phone: +61 412 947 432
Address: 9/2-4 Cameron Road, Mount Barker 5251 5251 Mount Barker, SA, Australia
Likes: 125
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25.01.2022 Whats today? PIZZA DAY! Cooking in the kitchen with Callum is always a great day. Jane got to luckily hang out with Callum and Elaine and they produced some EXCEPTIONAL home cooked pizzas great stuff! #greenleafconsultancy #inhomesupportservicesadelaide #ndisprovider #ndis #ndisprovideradelaide #supportworker #cooking #callum #disabilitycare #agedcare
24.01.2022 Happy Weekend! Keep it local and check out Strathalbyn this weekend. So much to see and do #greenleafconsultancy #inhomesupportservicesadelaide #supportinthehome #supportworker #ndis #ndisprovideradelaide #ndisprovider #communitynursing #communitycare #disabilitycare #agedcare #adelaide #adelaidehills
23.01.2022 Happy weekend and we hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful sunshine
22.01.2022 Did you know about The National Counselling and Referral Service is available for people with a disability? These services allow you to chat to a counsellor or support advocate can support you to talk about your feelings & emotions in a safe space to work out a problem or issue you may be facing. They can also support and assist you to engage with the Disability Royal Commission You can contact the National Counselling and Referral Service by calling 1800 421 468... Available 9am to 6pm weekdays (9am to 5pm weekends & public holidays) #ndis #greenleafconsultancy #inhomesupport #phonecounselling #phonesupport #mentalhealth #disabilitycare #care #supportworker #supportservices #supportstaff #ndisprovider
21.01.2022 Today is RU OK Day I think this year it has significant credence due to the absolute garbage year that has been 2020. It has been exceptionally rough emotionally and mentally for so many people. If you have an inkling that a friend might not be ok or something doesn't feel quite right, today recognises the importance of asking that one simple question that could make a difference, are you ok? #ruokday2020 #greenleafconsultancy #inhomesupportservicesadelaide #ndis #ndisprovider #disabilitycare #agedcare #supportworker #supportinthehome #communitycare #adelaide #adelaidehills
21.01.2022 We're a locally owned and operated, Adelaide Hills based business looking for dedicated and long term staff to help our growing needs. We are seeking fully qualified, supportive, and enthusiastic in-home support workers who are either located in the Adelaide Hills or are willing to travel. The roles are initially casual with the potential to progress to part time employment. As a support worker, your role it to work with our clients from varied different situations in life. D...uties and service vary from client to client, along with the hours and days of service, the main roles/task you may be asked to undertake but are not limited to: -All types of cleaning including intensive and light -Transportation -Medication support including administration, prescription collection, reminders and assistance to medical appointments -Bathing/Showering/Dressing/Grooming -Cooking and Meal Preparation -Laundry/Bed linen changes -Respite care -Assistance to social events and participation in hobbies and activities -Shopping assistance The potential candidate: -Must hold an industry specific qualification. For example, Certificate III in Aged Care, Home Care or Disability, Certificate III in Individual Support, Certificate IV in Disability, Aged Care / Ageing Support or Community Services -Have a current and unrestricted SA Drivers Licence -Reliable, registered and insured vehicle -Current DCSI Clearance- minimum of 2 -National Police Clearance -Current First Aid and CPR -Working rights in Australia -Great communication, support and interpersonal skills The following will also be seen as desirable: -Hand Hygiene Certification -Medication Administration Certification -NDIS Worker Orientation Certification What we can offer you: Greenleaf Consultancy offers an inclusive, supportive and communicative environment, where we will assist you into the available roles with the clients. We also incorporate: -Travel allowance paid between clients -Free training for all staff relevant for client care needs -Flexible rosters available If this sounds like the role for you or if you have any further questions, please contact 0412 947 432 or forward your resume to [email protected]
20.01.2022 This week is Womens Health Week. Women's Health Week is a nation-wide campaign allcentred on improving women's health and helping you to make healthierchoices. Check out their website for more information on how you can focus on your health and wellbeing. This week, we'll be focusing on important womens health services that statistics have shown, women neglect and lose their focus on, especially during COVID times #womenshealthweek #greenleafconsultancy #inhomesupportservicesadelaide #ndisprovider #ndis #adelaide #adelaidehills #disabilitycare #agedcare #supportworker
20.01.2022 We'd love to extend a huge thank you to all the beautiful applicants that put their resumes through yesterday for our job advertisement. The response was amazing and we've been blessed to have some incredible people apply #greenleafconsultancy #supportinthehome #supportworker #adelaidehills #adelaide #disabilitycare #agedcare #inhomesupportservicesadelaide
18.01.2022 #greenleafconsultancy #inhomesupportservicesadelaide #supportworker #adelaide #adelaidehills... #disabilitycare #agedcare #inhomesupport #family #support #ndis #ndisprovider #ndisaustralia See more
18.01.2022 Our new brochures are updated, created and they're in! It's just not a Greenleaf brochure without featuring Callum cooking with Jane. He's an awesome young fella who we dearly love hanging out with #greenleafconsultancy #callum #welovehangingwithcallum #inhomesupportservicesadelaide #supportinthehome #supportworkersadelaide #supportworker #disabilitycare #agedcare #privatecare #careservices #adelaide #adelaidehills
18.01.2022 Incontinence issues have no boundaries and do not discriminate- men, women and children of ALL ages, approximately 5 million Aussies suffer. Looking for the facts and figures? Check out au Need assistance and don't know where to start? Either start with a phone call 0412 947 432 or head to and fill out the referral form and our continence nurse specialist will be in contact... Easy! #greenleafconsultancy #adelaidehills #adelaide #inhomesupportservicesadelaide #inhomesupportservices #supportinthehome #disabilitycare #agedcare #supportworker #ndis #ndisprovideradelaide #ndisprovider #incontinence #continencefoundationofaustralia
18.01.2022 L A D I E S W H O L U N C H Sadly we had to cancel our staff party this year due to restrictions but 3 of our beautiful staffers, Tina, Catherine and Lisa, got together and had a lovely Christmas lunch in lieu. We'll make it up to you guys next year, WE PROMISE! #greenleafconsultancy #inhomesupportservicesadelaide #inhomesupportservices #adelaidehills #adelaide #ndisaustralia #ndis #disabilitycare #agedcare #supportservices #supportworkersadelaide #supportworker
17.01.2022 Did you know that about 84% of people over 60, prefer to continue living at home into their retirement years? This is where in home support becomes such a vital and important tool for your loved ones and supporting their choices to stay at home #greenleafconsultancy #ndisaustralia #ndisprovideradelaide #ndisprovider #ndis #inhomesupportservicesadelaide #inhomesupport #supportworker #agedcare #disabilitycare #communityassistance #communitycare
17.01.2022 M E E T O U R S T A F F Meet Catherine! Catherine has been with us for over a year as a dedicated and much loved support worker. She has her Certificate 3 in Individual Aged Care as well as a wealth of knowledge in bowel care, enteral feeding, medication support, first aid and then some! She always brings a happy face and a bubbly attitude with her every day. Her clients enjoy her caring and considerate personality as well as her depth of compassion and understanding. She... thoroughly enjoys giving back to her participants and providing them with the care and support they need and deserve. Catherine is a true star. We are exceptionally lucky to have her on our team #greenleafconsultancy #ndis #ndisprovider #disabilitycare #agedcare #supportworker #communitycare #adelaide #adelaidehills #nursingservices #inhomesupportservicesadelaide #inhomesupport
16.01.2022 Meet Our Staff If you've been a participant of ours then you've definitely met one of our tried and true favourites, Tina Tina is one of our long term staffers who we are exceptionally lucky to have on board Shes an adoring and proud mama of 2 awesome kids and wouldn't trade them for anything.... Tina became a carer as she wanted to give back to the community. She quotes" the thought that there were people in the community that can't do things, that most of us take for granted, daily, I wanted to help. I have had family members that have had to ask for help for basic daily living and that has stayed with me" When she had the opportunity to give back to the community through working with the aged and disabled, so she went for it. What a champion! Here she is pictured with her son at one of his marathon events #meetourstaff #staffappreciation #greenleafconsultancy #supportworker #inhomesupportservices #ndis #ndisprovider #ndisadelaide #supportservices #agedcare #disabilitycare #adelaide #adelaidehills
16.01.2022 Who doesn't love a bit of Christmas craft? Elaine and Callum spent some time with the darling Jane and Tina, getting into the festive spirit and creating some amazing pieces. Beautiful! Cheers for the pictures Tina!... #greenleafconsultancy #inhomesupportservices #adelaide #adelaidehills #supportservices #supportworker #supportworkersadelaide #ndis #ndisprovideradelaide #ndisprovider #christmas
16.01.2022 With the new year, comes big changes for us including an exciting new headquarters. We've expanded our team and welcomed on board some incredible staff members who have settled into Greenleaf wonderfully Cannot believe that only a year ago, we were in a single room office and now we've not only moved once, but TWICE! 2021 is going to be an amazing year filled with even more expansion and exciting changes We hope everyone had an amazing Christmas with their loved ones and we... wish you a safe new year #greenleafconsultancy #supportworker #inhomesupportservices #ndis #ndisprovider #adelaide #adelaidehills #inhomesupport #disabilitycare #agedcare #support #communitycare #supportservices
15.01.2022 Safe Environments Training spots available in the Adelaide Hills! $75 per person, 3 spaces available! Email [email protected]
14.01.2022 Until further notice and to assist with social distancing, The Greenleaf Consultancy office at 29 Old Princes Highway, has been temporarily closed and office staff required to work from home unless essential. In-home support services will continue as normal with hygiene being at our upmost priority Cheers for understanding Any enquiries please contact 0412 947 432... #covid19response #greenleafconsultancy #adelaide #adelaidehills #supportworker
12.01.2022 Continuing on with Women’s Health Week, this year has seen a huge decrease in women’s health checks due to COVID-19. It is absolutely vital to focus on our most important asset and this week highlights the importance of taking care of our health. Have you had a pap smear in the last 5 years? Have you had your bi-annual skin check? Are you due for a mammogram? Have you discussed any recent health issues with your doctor? Have you had your pelvic floor checked? Discussed any continence issues? Are you feeling 110% happy and healthy? These are all basic yet essential questions to ask ourselves to keep our body in top notch health #greenleafconsultancy #womenshealthweek2020 #supportworker #adelaide #adelaidehills #disabilitycare #agedcare #ndis #ndisprovider #ndisprovideradelaide #womenshealth #women
12.01.2022 MEET LISA Lisa decided to become a support worker to be able to make a difference to people's daily life. Lisa has a very caring and nurturing background previously working with children and in massage therapy.... She loves the diversity of support work from taking clients shopping, cleaning the shower screen, cooking, driving clients to the beach, having a cuppa and chatting about everyday life, helping clients with their medication. In her spare time she loves reading, knitting, gardening, visiting friends & family & beach walks. She has two loving daughters, Celeste and Alana, and two grand furbabies. But the thing that runs her life is her cat, Minou Lisa came aboard on placement and its been a miracle ever since having her. Every participant has had nothing but the most wonderful things about our darling Lisa and how much of an incredible support she is we're truly appreciative of the effort and time Lisa gives Greenleaf Consultancy #greenleafconsultancy #ndisprovider #inhomesupportservices #supportinthehome #supportworker #ndis #adelaide #adelaidehills #staffappreciation #meetourstaff
11.01.2022 With a brief swap over of yard maintenance men, we're back and just in time for spring too! Eden is busy booking James up but if you're in need of gardening services, we're only a phone call away 0412 947 432 #greenleafconsultancy #inhomesupportservicesadelaide #supportworker #ndis #ndisprovider #ndisprovideradelaide #ndisaustralia #inhomesupport #communitysupport #disabilitycare #agedcare #yardmaintenance #gardens #adelaide #adelaidehills
11.01.2022 Do you know of anyone who worked with Integrity Care SA? Police are desperately trying to piece together the story of Ann Marie. If you have ever worked for Integrity Care SA or know if anyone, please assist them in coming forward with any information to assist with Ann Maries story. Thankyou #greenleafconsultancy #supportworker #integritycaresa #repostthegrowingspace #thegrowingspace #adelaide #inhomesupportservices #inhomesupport #adelaidehills #disabilitycare #agedcare #ndis #ndisprovider
10.01.2022 MEET LYN Lovely Lyn joined us this year as a dedicated, fresh and nurturing support worker. Her bright personality and happy face always bring a spark of positivity to the day. We're beyond lucky to have Lyn as part of our team of carers due to her next level support and care she gives to her participant's She started as a Youth Worker and has been a carer in some shape or form for years. She chose this path because she could see a need for assistance in so many differe...nt areas of the disability and aged care sector She's a loving mum of 4 and a Mimi of 4 beautiful grandbabies. In her spare time, Lyn helps run the farm and her local football club. She also loves photography and desperately wants to travel more to include that love of photography Hello Lyn! #greenleafconsultancy #inhomesupportservices #ndis #ndisprovider #adelaide #adelaidehills #disabilitycare #agedcare #supportworker #community #meetourstaff #staffappreciation
10.01.2022 Are you new to us and needing services? It's so easy to get started! Simply head to and click on the "Needing Services?" tab. Fill out the form and this gets sent to our lovely Michelle who'll get the process rolling for you Any further questions though, we're always here to assist and happy to help... #greenleafconsultancy #inhomesupportservicesadelaide #ndis #ndisaustralia #supportworker #inhomesupportservices #communitycare #agedcare #disabilitycare #support #respitecare #palliativecare #nursingcare #woundcare #ostomycare #adelaide #adelaidehills
09.01.2022 When we take the care of duty on, a part of ourselves is always passed on. Its just what carers do. Its a very mentally, emotionally and physically draining job. If you know someone who's a carer, if you have a carer yourself or your significant other is a carer, maybe ask them how their feeling today I guarantee that even if they tell you they're tired or its been a hard week, they wouldn't change it for anything #greenleafconsultancy #inhomesupportservicesadelaide #supportworker #ndis #ndisprovider #ndisprovideradelaide #disabilitycare #agedcare #support #carer #adelaide #adelaidehills
08.01.2022 Hope everyone enjoyed the show last night Just a quick update of our office hours. The phone is monitored by Eden during these times however if you need us outside of these times, you can contact our out of hours line:0478 799 407 #greenleafconsultancy #ndis #supportworker #ndisprovider #inhomesupport #disabilitycare #agedcare #adelaide #adelaidehills
07.01.2022 Whether you need a small amount of support with your cleaning or whether you need it all done, we can assist with everything! 0412 947 432 [email protected]... #inhomesupportservicesadelaide #inhomesupportservices #supportinthehome #supportworkersadelaide #supportworker #greenleafconsultancy #ndis #ndisprovideradelaide #ndisaustralia #disabilitycare #disabilitysupport #agedcare #nursingcare #cleaningservicesadelaide #cleaning
07.01.2022 From all the staff at Greenleaf Consultancy, we wish you all a very Merry Christmas and an amazing new year #greenleafconsultancy #ndis #christmas #inhomesupportservicesadelaide #inhomesupportservices #supportservices #supportworkersadelaide #supportworker #disabilitycare #agedcare #adelaidehills #adelaide #ndisprovider
06.01.2022 Have a fabulous weekend everyone! #greenleafconsultancy #supportinthehome #ndis #ndisprovider #ndisprovideradelaide #disabilitycare #agedcare #supportworker #supportworkersadelaide
05.01.2022 COVID-19 Update- Greenleaf Consultancy We just want to take a moment to let our participants, their families and followers know that we have and will continue to undertake strict hygiene, health and safety measures in accordance with government regulations and restrictions. All staff have been notified of the current affected areas and we aren't aware of any current contact. They have been notified of keeping appropriately socially distanced and following guidelines during t...heir off schedules to keep themselves, their families and anyone they come into contact with, safe. We'd like to take a moment as well to say a huge thankyou to SA Health and to everyone involved in making all those tough decisons today. None of us envy the position this year has put you in. Your dilligence and leadership has been exceptional Any further questions, please feel free to contact us on 0412 947 432. Won't be long Adelaide and we'll get through this again #greenleafconsultancy #sahealth #supportworker #inhomesupportservices #ndisprovider #ndis #disabilitycare #agedcare #support #covid19update
05.01.2022 Happy weekend! #greenleafconsultancy #inhomesupportservicesadelaide #supportworker #adelaide #adelaidehills #ndis #ndisprovider #ndisprovideradelaide #supportworkersadelaide #disabilitycare #communitynursing #communityassistance #agedcare
04.01.2022 Just a friendly reminder, to not just all of our loving participants, but anyone else needing support and care especially during the festive season, if you feel as though you need extra assistance, we're always here to help if you need [email protected] 0412 947 432... #greenleafconsultancy #inhomesupportservices #ndisaustralia #ndissupport #ndisprovideradelaide #adelaide #adelaidehills #disabilitycare #agedcare #communityassistance #ndis #supportworker #supportservices
04.01.2022 WE ARE HIRING: REGISTERED NURSE This exciting role will work with all our current and new clients to provide a clinical and health support service. We are looking for someone who has the clinical experience to work amazingly unassisted yet works well with others in a team environment. This role does require travelling and would suit someone with fantastic organisational skills. We are looking for long term staff to grow with our family and locally owned business #registerednurseemployment #positionsvacant #greenleafconsultancy #adelaide #adelaidehills #nursing #communitynursing #inhomesupport #disabilitycare #agedcare #hiring #jobs #nowhiring #registerednurse #ndis #ndisprovider #supportworker
04.01.2022 Bored while in lockdown Adelaide? Take this golden opportunity to get ahead and earn some certificates and The Healthcare Learning Centre is going to reward you with 20% off ALL their online training courses! Head to:... Offer ends Wednesday the 25th November 2020. Coupon code: lockdown20. Offer applies to all online training courses. No refunds for change of mind purchases, you've got 6 days to think about it so choose wisely. Courses do not need to be completed by the end of the lockdown period, they can be done in your time and at your own pace #onlinetraining #adelaidelockdown #thehealthcarelearningcentre #supportworker #adelaide #healthcareeducation #healthcarecourses #education #training #greenleafconsultancy
04.01.2022 Lest We Forget #rememberanceday2020
03.01.2022 Its amazing what we can achieve, when we feel supported. We can reach our goals and live our lives, happy and healthier individuals. Because what is life, its its not a joy supported by those we love? #greenleafconsultancy #inhomesupportservicesadelaide #inhomesupportservices #supportinthehome #supportworker #adelaide #adelaidehills #supportworkersadelaide
03.01.2022 Looking for ideas for a hot day? Take a leaf out of Elaine and Callum's book and knock up a fruit salad platter Delicious! credit to our awesome carer, Jane, for the snap... #greenleafconsultancy #inhomesupportservicesadelaide #adelaide #adelaidehills #ndis #ndisprovider #ndisaustralia #supportworker #callumskitchen #hotdayideas #disabilitycare #agedcare #disabilitysupport #communitysupport #communityinteraction
03.01.2022 Shared from Autism Awareness Australia Such an insightful and interesting short documentary following the often untold stories of fathers with children on the spectrum, DAD shares the experiences of twelve Aussie dads as they navigate the world of parenting and autism. Highly recommend taking the time out to have a watch... #greenleafconsultancy #autismdads #dad #autismawarenessaustralia #disabilitysupport #NDISprovider #inhomesupport #NDIS #autismawareness #agedcare #supportcare #communitycare #adelaide #adelaidehills
02.01.2022 We're here to help #supportworker #inhomesupportservicesadelaide #ndis #ndisprovideradelaide #greenleafconsultancy #disabilitysupport #agedcare #disabilitycare #privatecare
02.01.2022 Good morning! Whilst we are returning from lockdown restrictions, just a friendly reminder that our office at Littlehampton is still closed to walk in's and only kept to necessary staff as per government guidelines. Please always feel free to contact us by phone or email or social media if you have any queries. Thankyou for your cooperation during a difficult and confusing time ... #greenleafconsultancy #covid19 #supportworker #inhomesupportservices #adelaidehills #adelaide
01.01.2022 We're a family owned and operated, locally grown and brand new business looking for dedicated and long term staff to help our growing needs. Opportunities exist for massive growth and development. These roles suit people who can work wonderfully independently and are looking for a fast paced and dynamic work environment #greenleafconsultancy #supportworkers #registerednurses #staff #adelaide #recruitment #adelaidehills #staffneeded
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